Month: May 2023

Psychic horoscopes for October and autumn 2019 for the signs of fire, water, air and earth

Read your Sun, Moon and Rising Signs

October for Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, Fire Signs: You are setting things up for the long term and starting to move forward, and perhaps with some speed, on projects that have stalled. You are establishing a safety net in some way. Significant sources of support and inspiration can now come in.

Autumn 2019 for Aries, Leo, Sagittarius – the Secret Life of the Fire Signs: To summarize the following flowery message from the spirits for “the Secret Life of the Fire Signs Autumn 2019”, it is to mind your own business or lose valuable time. “Humble yourself; don’t know anything about anyone else’s life. Or think you do and express it, anyway. Behaving like a monk means being observant and kind, and above all, staying out of other people’s problems, when all the time you could be digging much deeper for your own creative life, and honing what is really worth making flourish Behaving, being humble, means acting like a monk: not talking so much, but reaching for the stars in your thoughts, and not the comings and goings of others.”

October for Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces, Water Signs: You don’t know if they are listening to you and if your plans can work. You are looking to transform something or someone, and it is a great leap. However, it seems that the change is already underway. You may also be wondering about your own ability to change and do things differently… sounds like a good try!

Fall 2019 for Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces: The secret life of the water signs: “Oh, it’s coming, it’s coming, your ship is coming! Wait! Isn’t that what you expected? Was it last year’s wish and “Isn’t this? Get on board anyway. What appears in your life as a vehicle, a vessel, is what takes you in the right direction. Don’t worry at first if it goes sideways.

October for Gemini, Libra, Aquarius, Air Signs: You are looking for money and stability, and it is good that you get inspired, because you will have to work hard to achieve it. You really want to walk into a more mature place with less to worry about. This can happen… life tends to get better!

Autumn 2019 for Gemini, Libra, Aquarius: The secret life of the air signs: Far above you, far above… it’s what you want. It seems out of reach! Then stop concentrating on what you want and what you are separated from. Looking around, there are some valuable resources on the ground… glowing, as if they were still alive. See what comes to life when you start working on it: talking to people, showing off your stuff, being yourself. Be rooted in yourself, not your desires, this fall. Enjoy the sensual side of life and be one with your real, fickle and quixotic self.

October for Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn, Earth Signs: You are aware of what you want and you are not satisfied with where you are. You want to move on and you want to move up. You want to be happy! The easiest type of success to have is creative and commercial success. A casual relationship, “without pressure or expectations,” could also be successful now.

Autumn 2019 for Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn, Earth Signs: Hard work, hard work; walk, walk, walk. Not only is there a lot to do, there is also a lot of mud. Get clean periodically having a great time: two or three days when you are out of line with everything that needs to be done. Let yourself go periodically, it will not stop what you have started.

Important Astrological Aspects for Everyone in Fall 2019

October 27, New Moon in Scorpio: The new moon in Scorpio is all about being a detective and finding new ways of doing things: better designed and thought out. With a new moon in Scorpio, people will become scientific, detailed, and focused. However, people’s feelings become especially intense as does their focus. You may find yourself asking yourself, “Who do you want to pay attention to in your life? What do you want to pay attention to? And who inside of you” do you want to be? It’s time to examine what you’re investing in. and what you are prioritizing New Moons like this are good for making calculated and positive changes.

November 26, New Moon in Sagittarius: Wow! So much is new to so many! Newly emboldened people can take new directions. There is a feeling of “finally!” as people progress. By the 27th, both Mercury and Neptune are direct after going retrograde… life becomes sharper and energy less scattered.

The key to success in fall 2019: being able to find inner peace and being able to be at peace is what helps manifest dreams this fall. “Pushing” in this environment and not going with the flow of synchronicity and cooperation is too hard. Resistances of all kinds cause big waves. Avoid deep water and big waves!

Autumn 2019, the world: the rivers run with blood, with iron ore, with irritants; the anguish for rivers and seas overflows in the minds and hearts of more and more people. Our water! Our life!

What’s in the air: The mountains are talking, religions are being born. Unsung songs fill the airspace, waiting for a receptive ear and a willing heart. Reinvention… the wheels are turning in places big and small, urban and remote, as new thoughts fill the air like dandelion seeds. But much of life is more about fertilizing than flourishing.

Spirit Reminder: Smile! Go see funny movies! Laugh with friends, go to the beach, check out what’s new in your neighborhood. Pet someone’s pet, if not your own!

Spirit’s Fall Rx: First of all, anything heavy… drop it for a minute. Enjoy the lightness of carelessness about what has already happened. You can breathe more oxygen into your lungs. You can call more power into your legs and into your heart and your arms. You can love more fiercely, because letting go of what’s inside of you will only happen with your permission to let everything that happened fall… fall… fall.

If you’re wondering how to get rid of toenail fungus fast, you don’t need to look far. Onychomycosis (the scientific term used to denote toenail fungus) is a common disease that infects a person’s toes. In the United States alone, nearly 40 million men and women suffer from toenail fungus.

Most of the men and women in the United States who suffer from fungus under the toenails are in the age group of 50 to 70 years. This fungal infection begins in the nail bed before spreading to the plate and finally to the matrix.

Toenail fungus in the age group 12-18 years

After the outbreak of covid19 in early 2020, yellow toenail fungus, white toenail fungus, and black toenail fungus started increasing to monstrous proportions.

The pain caused by this condition is the root of the problems among young children between the ages of 12 and 18. Children as young as 6 have also been reported to suffer from toenail fungus infection. However, their cases are few and quite rare.

How to detect nail ringworm?

It is not very difficult to diagnose this infection. When you start to notice small yellow spots visible under your nail, it is a sign of a fungal nail infection.

These can also be white. As time passes, the patches tend to become conspicuous in their color and begin to peel the nail from its bed. As time passes, the toenail will become distorted and may begin to thicken. Another sign of nail fungus problem is pain in the area followed by drops of blood coming from under the toenails.

The fastest way to get rid of toenail fungus?

>>> Topical Agents: The fastest way to get rid of toenail fungus is to opt for topical ointments and creams. The main topical agents used are ciclopirox olamine and efinaconazole. You can also use terbinafine and itraconazole.

>>> Melaleuca: Clinical research studies conducted by small-scale industries have claimed that melaleuca or tea tree oil can have a dramatic impact in containing toenail fungus infection.

You should use tea tree oil that belongs to the ‘green’ grade. The application procedure is quite simple. You need to use a cotton swab and paint your nail with tea tree oil (after dipping it into the cotton swab). The application should not exceed two times in a single day.

>>> Oleiropein: This is an extract that is derived from the leaf of the olive plant. It is a good home remedy to get rid of toenail fungus infection. Olive leaf has antimicrobial properties and can be applied directly to the infected toenail.

The application of painting the nail with Oleiropein should be done twice a day. There is also an offer of consumer capsules. Do not take more than 2 capsules in a day It is suggested that you need to maintain optimal hydration levels while incorporating Oleiropein to treat toenail fungus.

>>> Vinegar: If you are wondering how to get rid of toenail fungus with vinegar, it is not a daunting task. The application is quite simple indeed. Take two small cups of water and then mix one cup of vinegar.

The water should be lukewarm and not cold. You should also take note of the fact that your affected foot should be soaked in this solution. The ideal period for this soaking procedure should not exceed 25 minutes.

>>> Ageratina Pichinchensis: The fastest way to get rid of toenail fungus is the application of Ageratina Pichinchensis. Extracted from the snake root plant (belonging to the sunflower plant category), Ageratina Pichinchensis is an effective way to treat this fungal infection.

The application procedure is maintained at three times a week for the first month. In the next month, you need to apply it only twice a week. It is a traditional treatment method that could prove beneficial in curing the infected nail.

>>> Oil Extracted from Oregano: The thymol content present in oregano oil is responsible for treating the fungus that infects the toenails. The oil extracted from oregano has antibacterial and antifungal properties.

To apply oregano oil, you need to dip a cotton swab into a bottle filled with this oil. Smear this liquid on the affected area and let it dry. Apply twice a day to obtain the desired effect.

>>> Crushed Raw Garlic Cloves: The fastest way to get rid of this infection would be to apply raw garlic cloves on the infected nail. Simply crush a few cloves and apply to the nail. Garlic is known to possess antibacterial and antifungal properties.

Impact of Covid 19 on toenail fungus

Men and women who have been infected with Covid 19 have reported developing Beau’s lines. This condition can be described as grooves and lines appearing at the top of the nail.

According to medical research analysts, it usually takes 6-8 months for Covid 19 patients for their nails to grow back and retain their original shape. It is a good idea to take a natural herbal supplement and plant extracts to get rid of toenail fungus.

We all want an attractive and healthy body. Unfortunately we all store fat, we store fat in various places. The abdomen and hips are the places where it is stored the most. The belly is one of the most problematic areas.

On top of that, it gets in your way and your clothes don’t fit you anymore, it’s also one of the most unhealthy places to accumulate fat.

Belly fat is dangerous because it increases the possibility of contracting diseases such as diabetes and heart and vascular diseases. Do you have abdominal fat and want to burn it? Then read this article so that you know what to do to get rid of it.

How can you burn that belly fat?

One of the problem areas where many people want to lose fat is around the belly. Do you want this too? There are various commercials on TV or on the Internet that promise you a tight stomach. Promises that you don’t always get rid of belly fat. Don’t be fooled by commercials like:

  • Train your abs for 8 minutes a day for a tight stomach

  • Superfoods that help you lose fat

Don’t be fooled by the commercials above. These products or training are not going to help you burn belly fat. It is often nonsense. After reading this article you will know how to lose fat. I’d like to share this information with you, but you’ll have to work through it yourself.

The truth about abs

If an ad appears promising you’ll grow a tight stomach in a week, then you know it’s nonsense. A short workout will not help you change your body drastically.

It takes enough training and hard work to achieve it. It doesn’t happen overnight. You must be willing to work for this.

Some facts about the abdominal muscles:

1. Everyone has abdominal muscles. Maybe you have a stomach and you think you don’t have abdominal muscles.

2. You also have abs, they just aren’t strong, trained and visible. But you can change that.

3. You can’t turn fat into muscle. It’s good to know that you can’t turn fat into muscle. Fat always stays on top of your muscles. If you only train your abs you will not lose the fat from your abs.

4. Abdominal muscles can only be seen with a low percentage of fat. If your fat percentage doesn’t drop, you’ll never build abdominal muscles. To grow a six pack you have to eat healthy, train hard and get enough rest.

Local weight loss doesn’t work.

It is not possible to lose weight only in one place. If you just want to lose stomach fat, it’s good to understand that this doesn’t work. Workouts that are only suitable for a specific body part don’t work.

These exercises are good for training your muscles but they will not help you lose fat in a certain place. Now that you know this, you naturally want to know how you can lose your stomach fat.

This depends on a number of things, such as your age, your gender, your weight, and your genetic predisposition to developing fat. Therefore, these are parts that you cannot influence due to certain workouts. For men, this often means they develop belly fat while women store fat on the hips and abdomen.

Losing this fat is not that easy. Now that you know this, it is necessary to come up with a good plan that will greatly reduce your fat percentage so that you can finally burn that belly fat.

healthy food

To help you even better, we’re sharing a few tips to get you started today. Keep in mind that this won’t change in a day, you’ll have to adjust the way you eat to really get rid of that tummy.

  • Keep a food journal to find out what you eat every day. Counting calories isn’t necessary, but it can make you more aware of what you eat every day.

  • Get in the habit of eating vegetables with every meal. Put cucumber slices on your cheese sandwich, have a tomato in the middle, and refrigerate with carrot or bell pepper.

  • Eat enough protein because it is good for building muscle. Make it a habit to eat an egg as a snack and eat enough fish and meat every day.

  • Fats are important building materials that must be ingested. This refers to healthy fats like nuts, olive oil, and avocado. Keep using your common sense, eating nuts all day is also not healthy due to the many calories.

enough exercise

Healthy nutrition is an important part of developing a tight stomach. The rule of thumb is that a healthy body consists of 80% healthy food combined with 20% exercise. There are some basics to moving in the right way so you lose that belly.

no more abs

Maybe it feels good to do crunches, but this doesn’t work. Crunches won’t help you lose your stomach. Performing crunches is even unhealthy for your posture. Because your muscles are trained in a certain way, your back will suffer.

train large muscle groups

If you want a tight stomach you should stop doing abdominal exercises. With many abdominal exercises, you have the feeling that your abdomen has been trained, but it seems that it has not. The muscles are isolated in most abdominal exercises.

Compound exercises are suitable for training the abdominal muscles. Think exercises like deadlifts, squats, push-ups, pull-ups, and lunges. A long walk also helps you train your abdomen.

good abdominal exercises

Do you enjoy doing abdominal exercises but want them to take effect? Then perform the following exercises to get a firmer abdomen.

  • 1. The farmer walks lifting heavy objects where he trains the whole body.

  • 2. The plank is the best exercise to train the abs.

  • 3. Ab Wheel, an enhancement to the plank exercise, to get even firmer.

Do the following to lose fat:

  • Eat healthy foods, the basis of a toned body lies in a healthy, nutritious and low-fat diet. Take plenty of time to prepare healthy meals.

  • HITT training (High-Intensity Interval Training) is a short period of training in which you exercise intensely. With this training, you strengthen a large group of muscles, which in turn helps to lose the belly.

  • Enough rest, when you lose weight you need to rest. So make sure you get enough sleep and make time to relax.

When do you see results?

Eating healthier and getting enough exercise will make your body stronger and fitter.

You will see results after a short period of four to six weeks. By weighing yourself and checking your fat percentage, you will discover that your body is changing. For men, the fat percentage should be less than 15% to create a six pack, and for women, it should be less than 25%.

Estate planning is not just making a will in the event of an early death. He is preparing for any situation where he is incapacitated and ensures that his affairs are in order in the event of death.

What is included in an estate plan?

1. Will

2.Living Trust

3. Advanced Health Care Guidelines

A. Durable Power of Attorney

b. Living will

against Do Not Resuscitate Order (DNR)

d. Physician Order for Life Sustaining Treatment (POLST)

my. Organ and Tissue Donation

Wills (Prob. §§6100, et seq.)

When people think of estate planning, they usually think of the will. A will is a document in which you can state your final wishes. This document will inform the courts, family, and friends who you want to care for your children, as well as how, asset distribution, pet care, and more. Without a will, it will be up to the probate court to determine where and with whom your children will live, as well as the distribution of assets.

Living Trust (Prob. § 15400)

A living trust is a trust that allows you to transfer your assets or property to a person of your choice (trustee) while you are still alive. Basically, there are two main types of living trusts: revocable and irrevocable. A revocable living trust allows you to place items in a trust while you are still living and the benefactor would receive them after your death, after taxes. It allows the flexibility to modify the trust, remove or add beneficiaries, set or change the terms of the trust, and determine how the assets are managed.

An irrevocable trust does not offer the same flexibility as a revocable trust but it does have its own benefits. Once an irrevocable trust is established, you cannot modify any aspect of the trust (there are certain exceptions, but those exceptions will come with great difficulty). It does offer a benefit to the benefactor in that he will not have to pay taxes on the assets at death, nor will he be liable for any taxes on the income earned from those assets.

While a revocable trust is easier to set up, an irrevocable trust can be more difficult, and you may want to hire an experienced Los Angeles estate planning attorney to help you.

Advance Health Care Directives

Advance health care directives are another great requirement that you can’t do without. Advance Health Care Directives are made up of several documents that will act as your voice if you become medically or mentally incapacitated. The document set may include:

Durable Power of Attorney (Prob. §4650, §4700 et seq.)

A durable power of attorney is a document in which you would name a person (an agent) to act on your behalf (the principal). This would allow the agent to pay your bills, talk to creditors and much more while you are disabled. It is important to choose someone who has your best interests at heart. A durable power of attorney, unlike a general power of attorney, only takes effect after the person becomes incapacitated (if it was created specifically for incapacitation).

Living will (Probate §4600 et seq.)

A living will is direct about how your children and assets will be handled in the event of disability. It is this document in which you can make your last wishes known. Life will only come into effect if you, the principal, are in a persistent vegetative state or irreversible coma.

Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) Order

The DNR order is part of the living will. It is a document in which you express your wishes as to whether you would like to be resuscitated should the need arise.

Physician Order for Life Sustaining Treatment (POLST)

This document allows you to choose a primary and secondary doctor to carry out your end-of-life treatment. The secondary goes into effect if her doctor of first choice is unwilling or unable to comply with her wishes.

Organ and Tissue Donation

Also, as part of your living will, you will be able to express your wishes if you wish to donate any organs or tissues in the event of your death.

That can be a lot to take in and you may be wondering where to start. The best and safest way to structure your estate planning and all that entails is to consult and work with an experienced Los Angeles estate planning attorney for the best outcome.

This article looks at how to reverse type 2 diabetes naturally.

Diabetes is one of the most popular diseases affecting people all over the world. It is a condition that causes your blood sugar levels to be higher than normal. Diabetes can be classified into type 1 and type diabetes, the latter being the most common.

What is type 2 diabetes?

This is a chronic condition that causes your body to not properly use the insulin it produces. Insulin is responsible for regulating the movement of sugar into cells. With type 2 diabetes, instead of the body turning sugar into energy, it stores it in the bloodstream.

The difference between type 2 diabetes and type 1 diabetes is that type 1 diabetes is caused by inadequate insulin in the body because some people’s immune systems destroy the cells that make insulin. Unlike type 2 diabetes, a person’s lifestyle does not contribute to the development of type 1 diabetes, making it difficult to prevent.

Why Type 2 Diabetes Occurs

This type of diabetes occurs because the body’s cells become resistant to insulin when they ignore taking in sugar from the blood. When there is too much sugar in the bloodstream for a long period of time, muscle and fat cells will ignore instructions from insulin to pull sugar out of the blood, so more sugar will build up in the bloodstream. Under normal conditions, your pancreas makes enough insulin to deliver sugar to your cells. However, during the development stage of type 2 diabetes, your cells ignore taking in sugar, so the sugar continues to move freely in your bloodstream. This forces the pancreas to produce more insulin to try to maintain normal sugar levels, but it fails to keep up in the long term. Excess sugar in your body is sometimes converted and stored as cholesterol, which is why most sufferers of this type of diabetes are overweight. Inactive lifestyle, smoking and poor diets are the main factors associated with the development of this diabetic condition. The disease can also be hereditary. Although the disease can affect a person of any age, people in their 40s and 40s are at a higher risk of contracting this condition.

What is life like for people living with type 2 diabetes?

People living with type 2 diabetes are more likely to experience increased hunger, fatigue, numbness in the hands and feet, excessive thirst, and frequent urination. Blurred vision, weight loss and slow healing of infections are other symptoms suffered by people with diabetes. These symptoms develop gradually in such a way that some people will not notice the change in life and may not even know they have this condition. This condition is progressive and can have devastating effects if not controlled in time. Over time, high levels of sugar in the bloodstream can damage the small blood vessels and nerves in the eyes, kidneys, or worse, the heart. Large arteries are at high risk of hardening, which can lead to heart failure and stroke. Frequent urination can lead to excessive loss of water in the body, causing one to become dehydrated. The kidneys are also forced to work harder, which can cause them to fail. In the worst case, type 2 diabetes can lead to organ failure resulting in amputation. Staying on medication is a struggle that people with type 2 diabetes have to endure every day for the rest of their lives.

Treatment for type 2 diabetes

If you, a family member, or a friend is diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, you’ll be glad to know that there are some means of treatment that can control or even reverse the condition.

Diet and exercise treatment approach

The first approach to treating type 2 diabetes is to eat a healthy diet and exercise regularly to keep your body fit. Exercise causes your body to use large amounts of energy, hence the need to process more sugar. If more sugar is processed, there will not be excess sugar in the blood. When it comes to diet, you should avoid high protein and fat intake and instead make complex carbohydrates a large part of your meals. Such carbohydrates include whole grains, potatoes, and pasta. You should also eat regularly in small amounts to ensure the gradual release of sugar into your bloodstream. If one maintains a healthy lifestyle, one can easily fight the disease without using drugs.

Approach to medication and management of type 2 diabetes

Even though the above treatment approach is simple and easy to follow, one may not be sure that it will work, hence the need for medication. Medications are mainly given to make the body respond better to insulin. Below are some of the medications that people need to take to survive when they have type 2 diabetes.

Metformin andquot; This medication works by reducing the amount of sugar released by the liver and by slowing the rate of sugar absorption in the digestive tract. This automatically lowers blood sugar levels, therefore sensitizing cells to insulin. However, this medicine can cause bloating, nausea, abdominal pain, and diarrhea.

Sulfonylureas and quot; This medicine works by increasing the production of insulin. However, they can stop working after a while, cause weight gain, and lower blood sugar levels abnormally.

Biguanides andquot; These drugs work by decreasing the amount of glucose produced in the body. The side effect of this medication includes weight loss.

Megalithinides andquot; These drugs are taken before meals in order to stimulate insulin production. Their impact is short-lived despite the fact that they give immediate effects. They can cause low blood sugar and cause you to gain weight.

Thiazolidinediones: These drugs work by allowing cells in the body to accept insulin. However, they can cause a heart attack. SGLT2 inhibitors: These work by preventing the reabsorption of sugar into the blood by the kidneys and instead eliminating it in the urine. However, they can cause low blood pressure, vaginal yeast infections, diabetic ketoacidosis, and urinary tract infections. Regardless of their side effects, these drugs are good for patients at risk of heart attack or stroke.

DPP-4 inhibitors and quot; They block the functionality of the enzyme dipeptidyl peptidase IV, therefore lowering sugar levels in the bloodstream. Its side effects include joint pain and pancreatitis.

GLP-1 receptor agonists and quot; These are injections that work by slowing down your metabolic rate and therefore lowering your blood sugar. They can cause weight loss, pancreatitis, and nausea.

The decision to use drugs can be influenced by several factors including your blood sugar level and other health problems you may have, among others. Finding the ideal treatment for type 2 diabetes may require seeing a doctor. You may need to combine several medications to control your disease.

Do you have to endure taking the above medications for a lifetime? Is it possible to reverse type 2 diabetes? Well, there are some programs created to help people with type 2 diabetes treat the condition naturally. One such show is The Big Diabetes Lie.

The big lie of diabetes. This is a 456 page book written by Max Sidorov and the International Council for Truth in Medicine (ICTM). Contains strategies on how to reverse type 2 diabetes naturally. If you have diabetes, the book promises to free you from the slavery of medication through a health how-to guide called The 7 Steps to Healthy and the Big Diabetes Lie.

How does it work

The program informs users about everything related to type 2 diabetes, from how it develops to how to fight it. With this program, one learns about lifestyle adjustments you can make to keep yourself safe from not only type 2 diabetes but other diseases as well. The show poses the question to the reader: Are your current dietary choices keeping you diabetic? Some of the lessons one will learn from this book include healthy foods and foods to avoid, choosing vitamins, differentiating healthy from unhealthy fats, and how to reduce food cravings, among others. The book also teaches how to maintain the proper PH level so that your body is not apt for diseases like cancer. Overall, the guide emphasizes healthy eating and lifestyle routines as the key to managing and even reversing type 2 diabetes and preventing an onslaught of other diseases.

The Big Diabetes Lie claims that the pharmaceutical industry seeks to exploit people living with type 2 diabetes. According to the authors’ argument, the industry seeks profit by selling drugs that they know cannot fully treat type 2 diabetes, but insist that they one cannot survive without its use. Big pharmaceutical companies fear that other successful approaches will hurt their bottom line and drive them out of business. According to the authors, the drugs treat the symptoms rather than eliminate the root cause of the disease and even cause more life-threatening side effects compared to the disease itself. This is evident in the above medications as none of them is without side effects.

why is it successful

Unlike medications that only address the symptoms of type 2 diabetes, this program addresses the root cause of the problem to set the patient free for good. Teaches you how to reverse type 2 diabetes naturally. The drugs are only meant to benefit the pharmaceutical industry. The guide also uses natural strategies and will not cause any negative effects to the user. The program has worked for thousands of people around the world and maybe your solution will too.

Conclusion In general, type 2 diabetes is primarily a lifestyle-related disease. Although there are other contributing factors, poor lifestyle is the main culprit. Educating people about this disease is the first step in fighting it. How do we inform victims and prevent others from being diagnosed? Understanding everything about the condition is the key. The above guide describes practically everything about this disease. There must be public awareness about what people should eat, how they should exercise, control their weight and change their lifestyle. Most people lead hectic lives and have little to no time to exercise. To make matters worse, they consume junk food in large quantities, making them easy prey for type 2 diabetes. With the right education on how to lead a healthy lifestyle, type 2 diabetes can become history. This could be the diabetes breakthrough that saves your life.

For those of you with the extra liquid and looking for a worthwhile long-term investment, getting involved in secondary property redevelopment may be the way to go. This type of business may seem high-end, but in reality, it is simply buying houses or residential units, restoring or renovating them, and then selling them at a profit. Sounds like a contrarian business, but if you think about it, with the real estate market still down, there are plenty of houses for sale at bargain prices that you can buy from banks and you can get the best quotes from contractors to renovate the property and fixtures. Here are some of the things you should know before venturing into this business:

– Be very liquid. This means that you may need a lot of cash to do that type of business. This is a business that takes the long view in doing this, especially if you do it full time. You can also do this by leveraging your property as collateral for soft loans from banks, but this should be done conservatively. These days, many banks are wary of lending to leverage homes, so the option is to use conservative estimates, and if you decide to go this route, you have added pressure to sell the home immediately.

– Purchase of properties at low prices. You should be able to buy property prices at a low price. Regardless of what the bank offers to sell, haggle at least 50% off the listed price. From then on, it’s a bargaining game, and be prepared to walk away from the deal, even if it sounds sweet. You should find almost half or around 30% of the asking price.

– Search for materials in case of restoration. You don’t necessarily need the name brands when you renew. For example, go and buy door knobs at a discount door knob store. Also, when shopping for wholesale prices, be sure to get the contractors rate, which should be at least 20% off the listed price. You can also go online and pre-order items from the discount door knobs website. It makes your life easier to do that.

– Negotiate with subcontractors for reforms. You should be able to negotiate with subcontractors to do renovations. You can also provide the necessary materials for the work that needs to be done. Also, be sure to document any changes to the plan and if you are negotiating on the labor side of subcontractors, estimate the work days needed to complete the task and have the final inspection before signing off. Knowing that you are on top of everything will help contractors do their job well.

Thinking of an Android phone?

If you’re thinking about getting a smartphone, and Android phones are on your list, you might want to check out this: 3 Reasons You Might Want to Get an iPhone, Instead of an Android.

Reason #1: screen size and physical quality

Android screens are big. The size of the iPhone was carefully thought out. Lots of Android phones think they could be a tablet. However, if that works for you, it works for you. In fact, if you can work with a big-screen Android without buying a tablet, you win. There are many iPhone users who feel that they also need an iPad.

The overall fit finish and feel of Android phones is good, but not as good as the iPhone. The iPhone is a beautiful and quality device – there is simply nothing (in our opinion, that feels wrong).

Reason #2: Repairs and value retention

You may not care about your phone retaining value, and that’s fair enough. Maybe it’s just a low enough price that you don’t have to worry about it, and we get it.

What about the iPhone? The first iPhone, the 2G, is still worth up to $100 in good condition. We think that’s extraordinary, considering the phone was introduced in 2007. The 3G will still be around $150, and the 3GS (which is still being made as of this writing) can be $200 or more, used.

What about repairs? The iPhone is extremely repairable. Independent repair shops are springing up because people love all Apple devices, and are willing to spend the money to fix them. If you are working to live a green life, then there is no other option in a cell phone. Repairing an iPhone is as green as possible.

Android phones are repairable, and if you’re diligent, you can find a store that will repair your Android, as long as it’s not too old.

Reason #3: Software can be a bit of a challenge with Android phones.

If you’ve heard or read Steve Job’s biography, you know he was crazy to get Google to (in his words) “steal” the iPhone’s operating system. Steve is dead, but Apple is winning in court against Google and it may affect your Android phone in the future.

The Android operating system is a great operating system. However, it lacks the same level of user experience (in our opinion) as the iPhone. iPhone is intuitive—you can use it like a pro within minutes of handling iPhone for the first time.

The latest Android phones no longer have physical buttons. Electronic buttons can be reprogrammed to do different things than originally assigned. Android manufacturers do this to save manufacturing costs. However, most people don’t miss having “real” function buttons.

Android’s efforts to match the color quality of the iPhone screen are getting closer. If you’re not concerned about color noise on the screen, you won’t miss a thing.

Some people think Apple’s SIRI talking assistant on the iPhone 4S isn’t their cup of tea. Different styles for different people. In our opinion, SIRI is the future: we believe that we will all be talking to all of our devices, sooner than we think!


If you’re buying a used iPhone, buy it from a reputable store that gives you a decent warranty. The 2G is still a great phone, but it’s getting a bit long. We recommend that you do not buy a 2G unless you are buying it as a collector’s item. You should at least buy an iPhone 3G because it will do almost everything a new smartphone does and it’s very repairable. Repairing the glass (for example) costs about $45.

What should you do next?

Gravity Real Estate

In the vast realm of real estate, where the market landscape can be as unpredictable as gravity itself, one company has consistently risen above the rest—Gravity Real Estate. With a name that signifies stability, reliability, and the irresistible pull of success, Gravity Real Estate has cemented its position as a leading force in the industry. In this article, we delve into the essence of Gravity Real Estate and explore how they elevate investments to new heights.

Gravity Real Estate success can be attributed to its team of seasoned professionals who possess deep knowledge and experience in the real estate domain. These experts have a comprehensive understanding of market trends, property valuations, and investment strategies, enabling them to provide invaluable guidance to investors. Whether it’s residential, commercial, or industrial properties, Gravity Real Estate’s expertise covers a diverse range of real estate sectors.

Gravity Real Estate has developed a keen eye for identifying untapped potential and hidden gems within the real estate market. Through meticulous research, data analysis, and market insights, they uncover lucrative opportunities that others may overlook. By staying one step ahead of the competition, Gravity Real Estate presents investors with unique investment propositions that offer exceptional returns.

Gravity Real Estate: Elevating Investments to New Heights

Understanding that each investor has unique goals and preferences, Gravity Real Estate is renowned for its personalized approach. They take the time to understand their clients’ investment objectives, risk appetite, and time horizons. Armed with this information, they curate customized investment plans that align with the individual needs of their clients. This tailored approach sets Gravity Real Estate apart, ensuring that every investor’s journey is catered to with precision.

Gravity Real Estate thrives on collaborations and strategic partnerships. By forging strong relationships with industry stakeholders, including developers, financial institutions, and local authorities, they gain access to exclusive opportunities and valuable resources. These alliances bolster their capabilities and enable them to navigate complex transactions, further enhancing their ability to deliver exceptional results to their investors.

Embracing the ever-evolving landscape of technology, Gravity Real Estate harnesses innovative tools and platforms to streamline their operations and enhance investment outcomes. From utilizing advanced data analytics to employing virtual reality for property showcases, they leverage technology to provide investors with immersive experiences and unparalleled insights. By combining the power of data and innovation, Gravity Real Estate remains at the forefront of the industry.

Gravity Real Estate operates with the utmost integrity and professionalism, adhering to strict ethical standards. They prioritize transparency, ensuring that investors have complete visibility into their investment portfolios and the associated risks and returns. With clear communication channels and accurate reporting, Gravity Real Estate builds trust and cultivates long-lasting relationships with their clients.

There are many men who feel that they are a “nice guy” and that women are crazy to pass them up. Well I have some news for you folks.

Nobody cares that you’re “nice.”

See, the problem is that “nice” guys put themselves on some kind of pedestal. Nice guys like to think that they are superior to other men, that they are better in relationships, and that by virtue of their “niceness” they serve a woman’s romantic attentions more.

From experience I can tell you that the “nice” guys are not as good as they like to think. Most “nice guys” are whiny, closed-minded, judgmental, weak, controlling, and weak. Women don’t like weak, whiny and judgmental men. Ergo, women don’t like “nice” guys.

Women want MEN: decisive, action-oriented, determined, aggressive. Sadly, sometimes that comes along with a liar and cheating, which is what the “nice” guys point out and the reason why they say women are crazy.

But who said that every woman SHOULD want a “nice” guy? Who made that a law? Why do “nice” guys condemn women for choosing impulsive, thrill-seeking men with a bad-boy edge? In other words, options that exclude the “good” guys?

Being a “nice guy” doesn’t score you points in the dating game! Never has, never will. You win in dating when you give the opposite sex what they want. Even if a woman is your wife, you still have to have a backbone, stand your ground, and stay in control of yourself like a man should.

The bottom line that you “good guys” need to understand is this: when women are young, they are not interested in settling down and being serious. Why would a girl want a clingy and overly helpful codependent around? Young women want to HAVE FUN. And the best men to have fun with are the impulsive, thrill-seeking ones who have an edge… men who pump testosterone and inspire passion and desire with their games and lies.

That’s why “nice” guys who project neediness, who go out of their way to please women with the expectation of getting something in return, get overlooked.

“I was so nice to her, why doesn’t she love me?

I deserve someone to love me more than those players!”, say the good guys.

No, you don’t. But if you want to get girls, you have to be the type of man who never allows a woman to tell him what to do or control him in any way. Certainly, in a marital partnership trust is established and decisions are made with the input of both parties for the betterment of the family. But here we are talking about dating, not marriage. Just remember, once you allow a woman to have the upper hand in a relationship, she loses respect for you. And when a woman loses respect for a man, she also loses her sexual attraction to him. She sees you as a brother, and normal people aren’t sexually attracted to her brothers. Subsequently, you are placed in the Friend Zone and you will never leave. If the two were dating, she would eventually declare that “he’s too nice” and dump him out of boredom.

However, there is hope for you.

Bad boy types remain exciting for a few years, then most women move on. Once the game is out of their system (just like the guys), people change their perspective on life. Your lifestyle, clothing, and romantic partner choices also change.

As a woman approaches 30, she transitions and begins to search for a husband and father for her children. She will look for slightly different qualities in her partner and will place more emphasis and value on personal qualities such as honesty, work ethic, family values, responsibility, and a similar lifestyle than on arousal and sexual attractiveness.

However, even if a woman is 50, she does NOT want a weak, whiny, judgmental, superior guy! Every woman on this planet wants a guy that she sees as attractive, exciting, and sexy; he just wants him to be committed and dedicated to her and her children at the same time.

Finding the right woman for you is simply a matter of matching whatever a woman is looking for. If you adjust to her needs, you are into her. If you’re not cast as Mr. “Nice” Guy, that simply means you don’t meet his needs. No matter how “nice” you are as a guy, you are not the RIGHT guy for her.

A beautiful island with warm, welcoming breezes and incredible turquoise waters, Jamaica is one of the best vacation destinations in the Caribbean. There are many reasons why this tropical island receives so many tourists each year, including the ease of getting there. The top 3 cities or tourist destination areas are Montego Bay, Ocho Rios, and Negril. All 3 areas are must-sees for all travelers there, so try to put them on your list when you visit. Stay away from the south island areas if you can as they are dirty and crowded in the big cities, especially Kingston. Definitely NOT recommended or on the busy tourist trail.

Montego Bay is located on the north west coast of the island, and is a great place to base camp at one of the area’s popular all-inclusive resorts, such as RIU. Some people will choose to stay at the property for the entire vacation and never leave! There are usually so many things to do when you stay at an all-inclusive resort that it’s quite possible… However, try to leave the property for at least a while to visit some of the many attractions around. Montego Bay is located near the airport, and if you are flying to Jamaica on vacation, this is the airport you will most likely arrive at. I would not suggest renting a car and driving in Jamaica the first time you are there as some areas are very rural and it can be dangerous after dark. As you continue along the road, you will see farmers or locals walking around with donkeys loaded with firewood or other goods, and even some of the goats that are on the island right on or near the roadside. Also, an unfortunate gift from the British is driving on the wrong side of the road, making it more dangerous.

Jamaica is actually a contrast in vacation destinations, although it is definitely a must visit at least once in a lifetime, you have to be careful while you are there. The people may be friendly, but there is also rampant poverty everywhere, so thefts happen quite often, even at the big all-inclusive resorts. Laptops are a big draw for thieves, and you WILL find employees like maids or others at the resort who will steal things from your room if they can, especially laptops left out in the open. NEVER leave one out in plain sight during the day, hoping it’s still there when you return later. Use the safe when possible, which is actually more possible nowadays due to the small size of moras with internet access via email and browser. So if possible, stay safe and leave your laptop at home. Your Blackberry fits nicely inside the room safe.

One of my favorite areas of Jamaica is Negril, on the west end of the island. This is a very popular tourist area, but the journey there is through some poverty-stricken cities, so be prepared for that. Once you get closer to Negril it becomes much nicer and the beaches stretch for miles and miles with sugar white sand and amazing water. As you swim the stingrays will come up to you and you will see many other varieties of fish. There’s good snorkeling, and be sure to enjoy the tourist destinations there, like Jimmy Buffett’s Margaritaville. A must-see destination in Negril is Rick’s Café. This is home to world-famous cliff divers, and you’ll catch a sunset show right on the water’s edge as locals jump or dive from the tallest trees above the grotto below for tips. It’s really amazing, and it just might make you cringe! Anyone can tempt fate and jump or dive from a tower or lower platform at their own risk, and many people do! It’s always a fun time at Rick’s Café.

Further east is the tourist destination of Ocho Ríos, which receives a lot of traffic from the cruise terminal located there. This is a fun town, with some great, must-do things to do, like climbing Dunn’s River Falls (waterfall) and the new zip-lining experience that recently opened there. Anytime you watch a video or picture of Jamaica, you’ll usually see Dunn’s River Falls and all the tourists going up following a tour guide. This is a fantastic experience, and I recommend it to everyone! It was definitely one of the highlights of the vacation, because the water is so cool and refreshing and you can take your time at some points and relax in the pools along the way. However, DO NOT attempt to climb it without a guide as it can be extremely dangerous because not all areas are good climbing routes. There are quite a few exposed falls, and if you get into the wrong area it can be very difficult to get out in the strong currents. You can get dragged off the edge, which would be a bad thing… Having said that, it’s safe enough with the right guide, but make sure you wear shoes of some kind with a good grip for the rocks. Water shoes are the best.

I hope you think about planning a trip to Jamaica soon, you will really enjoy it as long as you go with the right expectations. If you stay entirely at the resort there will be plenty to do and see, but also try to venture out and see some of the sights. It’s safe enough, so have fun!