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A Primal Wisdom is a prophetic, engaging, and thought-provoking look at the worlds of politics, religion, and interpersonal relationships that is a very timely read when it comes to current events.

In his book, V. Frank Asaro defines his theory of “co-opetition”, a natural unification of cooperation and competition. Too much of one and too little of the other, says Asaro, causes imbalance. Using the example of an outrigger canoe (represented on the cover of his book), he says: “stacked on the main hull are competitive elements of free enterprise, but fixed at the end of the stringers is the pontoon itself, housing ethics, business law and regulation.” Working together, they balance each other out and keep the boat afloat.

This “sweet spot” is not an exact balance between the two, but the fulcrum exists in a different place for each case. A little wrestling (competition) is a good thing, says Asaro. Likewise, we all need some regulation or we would live in chaos. A stable government, he says, “can be achieved by finding the point of synthesis between the power of the masses and that of an influential elite in society.”

Asaro first developed this coopetition theory in the 1970s and has been writing about it ever since. Now, in his groundbreaking book, he tackles tough topics like illegal immigration, government overspending, gun control, education, and social security.

I found this book interesting and it gave me a better understanding of some political issues and what America is fighting for right now. I especially liked his argument about gun control (he tells us where the sweet spot is and why) and he names pro-gun freedom fighters, including the Dalai Lama, Indira Gandhi, and George Orwell. I also found the section on social engineering fascinating, and how the Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae lending debacle started the downward spiral into the 2008 recession.

If you give people too much, Asaro says, they will forget how to take care of themselves and trust the government more and more. Give an example of the near extinction of a race of wild monkeys in Costa Rica. Tourists and park naturalists had been feeding them, so the mother monkeys had forgotten how to teach their young to forage for themselves in the forest. Young people, without continued external support, began to starve.

Asaro’s book offers solutions for finding this “sweet spot” between competition and cooperation in the areas mentioned above and more. His vast knowledge of social issues and his obvious intellect make him a great read.

I thoroughly enjoyed this book and it has given me food for discussion, and some strong arguments to support some of my beliefs as a conservative, and to see the side of more liberal people in their thinking. Even if you’re not interested in social issues, it allows for a deeper understanding of how human intuition works, given the chance, in natural regulation by the sometimes overreaching arms of other tribes, countries, or governments.

Asaro, an inventor, lawyer, philosopher, musician, composer, and more, uses his knowledge and a lifetime of learning to bring us a book that will be the subject of great debate among his readers for years to come. It’s so rich you’ll want to reference it, and in it you’ll find yourself reading solutions to questions you never thought to ask.

Cute Sweet Love Text

Looking for a way to impress your boyfriend/girlfriend? There are many ways to convey your romantic feelings. A cute love text can revive your old flame’s romance or ignite your current partner’s lust for you. Whether you’re a new couple or have been together for years, these messages are the perfect choice. They’re perfect for quick text messages or thoughtful emails, and they’ll be appreciated no matter the situation.

When it comes to sending your boyfriend or girlfriend a cute sweet love text, there are many ways to show your feelings. You can send a short text message or an entire poem and it will be sure to make her smile. Regardless of the occasion, you’re sure to find the perfect words to express your deepest feelings. You can even include the person’s favorite color or the person’s favorite movie in a text message.

Another way to show your boyfriend or girlfriend how much you care about them is by sending a romantic love poem. This is a great way to convey your feelings in a manner that words can’t. You can also send a cute text on Valentine’s Day or an anniversary. Either way, a lovely poem will add a touch of romance to his or her day. Just remember to use the language of love when writing a sweet message – you can’t go wrong.

How to Impress Your Boyfriend Or Girlfriend With a Cute Sweet Love Text

In addition to sending a text message to your man, you can send a love poem to your significant other on any occasion. A beautiful poem can express your deepest feelings in a way that words can’t. And if you’re not sure how to express your feelings in a text, a quintessential southern love poem can be a perfect addition to your romantic day. It’s always nice to be able to share your feelings with someone.

A cute love text can be sent to anyone. You can send a cute text to your partner on Valentine’s Day or on a special anniversary. It’s an ideal way to express your love and feelings to your significant other. If you’re looking for a romantic message to express your feelings to your boyfriend or girlfriend, you can use a simple yet sweet message that conveys your sentiments in a way that he can understand.

If you’re looking for a romantic message, a sweet love text is a great way to express your love. You can send it to your boyfriend, girlfriend, or wife – any time you want. If you’re worried about what to say or how to say it, try sending a simple and romantic message. It will make your partner feel cherished. And, it will also impress your friends and family. If you’re thinking of sending a sweet text to your boyfriend, then look no further.

Not long ago, in February 2009, Allie T. Mallad founded WowGreen International, a collection of green, enzyme-based household cleaners. Allie T. Mallad and her attorney have a mission statement to rid the world of toxic chemicals, one home at a time. WowGreen International is still in the pre-launch phase, and the one question that has been on everyone’s mind is WowGreen a scam or is wow green an illegal pyramid scheme. Well, let’s review that an illegal pyramid is a company in which no product has been exchanged, they only throw money and the money throw is illegal, so Wowgreen offers products YES, Wowgreen throws money NO. so the company is not a scam, the next question can i make a lot of money with wow green? well, it all depends on you.

WowGreen International is in the direct sales/network marketing industry and many network marketing companies do not teach their reps how to run a successful business from home. So you have to ask yourself if I am willing to do whatever it takes to learn the skills and mindset on how to build a successful, green business. Wow green pays his distributor a lot of money to build his business, but many people are struggling to build a business because they are trying to build a business using the age old network marketing technique that wow green teaches.

So the business side of WowGreen International is a scam in a way that really is a reason. To build a successful home-based business, you need to take advantage of the Internet. Wow Green teaches old school network marketers how to go to meetings, talk to everyone they see in the malls, hand out flyers, etc. If you do this, you have a higher chance of failing in this amazing business. The right way to build your business and have a good sized residual income in a year or less is to use the Internet. Google is the number one website in the world, just think if your content was on Google and how many people are going to see it a day and how many people are going to contact you about what you have to offer, you can blow up any business.

Once you learn how to use the Internet to build your business, you will be paid much more than you are getting now and Wow Green will be very happy to have you as one of their representatives, but first you need to learn how to use the Internet. Because he doesn’t want to spend a ton of money on Google AdWords, etc., he needs proper training. So the big question is do I want to learn how to make a lot of money using the internet or do I want to stick with old school network marketing?

1. Hybrid apps are all the rage

Hybrid apps using technologies like Ionic and HTML5 are gaining ground for the amount of time and cost savings they represent. With Swift 3 and rumors that Android will soon adopt it, opting for JavaScript over Linux, we’re looking for a more integrated platform foundation. Word has spread that Swift 3 will also be available for Windows Phone. For business and consumer applications, HTML 5 remains the preferred platform for application development. Frameworks like Ionic, JQuery Mobile, Mobile Angular UI, and Native Script have mature languages ​​that provide a high-performance user experience. Even Facebook has jumped on the hybrid app development bandwagon with the React Native framework. They are currently experimenting with Linux and Windows platform to provide full service.

2.IoT integration

IoT technologies like GPS, Beacon, and location-based Wi-Fi will be an integral part of many applications. We’re seeing a mature home app in iOS 10 that will allow iPhone and iPad users to operate home appliances with instructions delivered to Siri. Android Wear and Apple Watch will do more than monitor health and fitness, and go a step further to perform more complex functions. Android biometric scanning to unlock the device is the most rudimentary use of IoT technology and its voice recognition technology is quite advanced.

3. Rapid mobile app development technologies

With the increasing demand for app related services, and also tight cost schedules, mobile app development companies are using rapid development technologies like AngularJS and NodeJS with their reusable components. More tools and development frameworks have entered the market to meet customer expectations and the technology has matured so quality is not compromised. For the foreseeable future, rapid development and faster time to market will be a must to capitalize on the early adopter trend. With the number of apps crossing the 1 million mark on prominent platforms like Apple’s iOS and Google’s Android, to gain visibility, app development companies will have to pick up the pace of their new releases.

4. Cloud storage

Cloud technology plays a key role in mobile app development and storage from the device is shifted to a centralized cloud server for apps and devices. As multiple connected devices become commonplace, smartphones, wearables, and other Internet-enabled devices will share data through the cloud. Mobile apps will also need to have cloud storage and data will need to be stored for real-time access across devices. With free storage space up to 10 GB and easy integration through email address authentication, people are easily adopting the technology and immersing themselves in its usefulness, so the next step will be to follow maturity in the use and the new application of cloud storage, going beyond storing and sharing data.

5. Application security

Security continues to be a worrying issue for device manufacturers and even more so for mobile app developers. A 2015 Gartner report predicts that 75% of mobile apps will fail security tests, presenting large holes for hackers to exploit. A uniform security guideline for mobile app developers will need to be established soon to ensure the safety of app data across all devices, platforms, and the cloud.

There are more complex issues that mobile app development companies will face when building an app. However, evolving development platforms and sophisticated programming languages ​​are increasingly consolidating the application development process. With its new Swift Playground, Apple is already making app development possible for the common user.

Chewing is common among dogs. They do not chew to deliberately destroy your belongings because they are angry or spiteful. A dog’s mouth isn’t really just for eating or destroying things. For creatures that don’t have hands like humans, the mouth is the best tool for picking up and checking things and transporting things from one place to another. They also use their mouths to communicate which is very important especially in Jack Russell training. Therefore, chewing is a natural behavior for dogs and you cannot simply train them to stop chewing altogether.

The best thing you can do to handle this situation is to train them on what they can and cannot chew. Keep your belongings out of your pet’s reach. Shoes, socks, books, and other things you don’t want destroyed shouldn’t be left lying around. Even old shoes, clothes, and socks should not be given to dogs to chew on because they cannot tell the difference between old and new.

Since it’s not right to completely restrict a dog’s instinct to chew on things, direct his attention to the things you want him to chew on, such as chew toys. Your dog must have a lot and be attractive to keep him interested. If your dog likes to chew on things that smell like you, he’ll leave the toy in the laundry basket for days before giving it to you. You can also rub on something tasty or stuff the toy with anything your dog finds rewarding. When you feel your dog is up to something, take the object away from him and give him chew toys to draw attention away from him.

When shopping for dog toys, choose toys that are safe for your pet. Toys that break easily or have small parts can be dangerous to your pet, so be careful with these items. There are also washable toys available.

And like other behavior problems, the urge to chew can be minimized with regular exercise. Dogs that are physically and mentally stimulated are less likely to get bored, so they are also less likely to bite and become destructive. Interesting and fun Jack Russell training is the way to go!

If you have never heard of Collembola, you are not alone. Until a few years ago, these soil creatures were thought to be essentially harmless. Even doctors vehemently denied that springtails could infest human hair and skin. People suffering from chronic itching, biting, and tingling sensations were often thought of as delusional, but that mindset is slowly changing. There is increasing evidence to suggest that these tiny micro-pests can be surprisingly invasive.

Thanks to the tenacity of people like Dr. Frans Janssens and his colleague, Dr. Kenneth A. Christiansen, the scientific community is beginning to recognize that springtails can pose a very real threat to human comfort when present in large numbers . The two researchers collected dozens of reports from homeowners, doctors, and pest control operators in multiple countries, including many regions of the United States. Within the gray areas between casual testimony, scientific observation, and concrete medical documentation, an initial picture emerged. Springtails are everywhere, and it is not impossible for them to attach themselves to humans and animals.

As inhabitants of fertile soil, springtails are likely to be found anywhere. The more you water the lawn and apply fertilizer, the happier they will be. They are considered the most abundant arthropods on earth. Since prehistoric times, they have survived frigid winters and very hot summers, but their numbers decline exponentially in dry conditions.

Pet owners are particularly vulnerable to springtail infestation. Dogs and cats that trample on damp ground or wet grass can pick up springtails and carry them into the house; however, springtails are not likely to remain attached to pets like fleas unless the animal’s immune system is compromised (for example, if there is a fungal skin infection). Springtails are easily transferred between humans and animals. Close contact is not necessary. These acrobatic creatures can jump three to four feet. You may not always notice them catapulting through the air. They can be smaller than the head of a pin.

If the thought of a few springtails in the house makes you paranoid, relax. Their ability to divide and conquer will largely depend on environmental factors. Do you like to grow potted plants indoors? Does your foundation tend to flood after a good rain? Can you smell the mold behind the bathroom wall? Still waiting for a plumber to fix that leaky pipe under your kitchen sink? Who was president the last time you cleaned your air ducts? A damp, moldy environment is like Disneyland for a springtail.

Getting rid of an advanced infestation of springtails can be difficult because springtails are not classified as insects. They are defined as hexapods, primitive ancestors of modern insects. According to organic scientist David Glassel, chemical pesticides have no effect on the hexapod. Only natural insecticides will do the trick, and the best remedy is cedarwood oil.

Step by step guide to eliminate springtail infestation:

1.) Treat yourself and your pets with a cedarwood oil topical insecticide approved for use on humans and animals. Avoid cosmetic or aromatherapy grade cedarwood oil. It is not purified and usually comes from certain forms of cypress trees. Cedarwood oil that is formulated for home protection will kill ALL TYPES of parasites on contact, including springtails, lice, and all forms of moths. If you’re tempted to use an over-the-counter kit designed for lice control, don’t bother. It won’t work, it’s not enough to cover large areas, and it’s just not good for you. Such products contain lindane, a chemical banned for use with animals by the Environmental Protection Agency.

2.) Spray diapers, beds, and carpets with a fine mist of cedarwood oil. A suitable homemade formula will be very light and pure. In other words, it won’t stain the fabric.

3.) Use a cedarwood oil mist machine to penetrate unseen cracks and crevices in the home. Fog machines are normally considered optional, but advanced springtail infestations require aggressive measures. If you think your infestation is serious, or if you have actually SEEN large groups of springtails moving about on floors and walls, don’t waste your time.

4.) Use the smoke machine to treat the air ducts or hire a professional air duct cleaning company. Many people are surprised to discover that they have mold in their air ducts. It is not uncommon for mold to grow in your heating and cooling system from condensation from your air conditioner. Springtails feed on mold and thrive in moist conditions. Mold can also aggravate asthma and allergies. Air duct treatment addresses all of these difficulties.

5.) Buy the highest quality furnace filters available at your local store. Filters designed for the removal of allergens and dust mites are best. Change filters frequently.

6.) Look for places where moisture collects. Patch leaky roofs and pipes. Seal cracks around basement windows. Pay special attention to bathroom walls and cabinets under sinks.

7.) Remove houseplants, especially decorative trees that are in large pots filled with soil. Remember that springtails can be transported directly into your home through bags of potting soil.

8.) Take aggressive steps to control animal populations on your property. Double-bag garbage and don’t leave open garbage containers lying around. Animal foods that are stored outdoors should be stored in airtight containers. Use traps or repellants to control rodent, raccoon, and squirrel populations. Resist the urge to pet stray cats and dogs. Report any sightings of feral cats to your local animal control center.

9.) Watch out for ultra-rich potting soil and wooden gardening materials. Based on calls made to our pest control operation from across the country, springtail populations are often introduced into the home when truckloads of new mulch or soil are dumped on properties that previously had minimal landscaping. (Mulch traps moisture and promotes mold growth.) Seal cracks around basement windows before distributing natural landscaping materials around the perimeter of the house. If you are concerned about collembola populations outdoors, there are super-strength cedarwood oil concentrates designed to repel mosquitoes and kill insect populations in lawns and soil. Pet breeders, horse groomers, and ranchers use cedarwood oil concentrates to control all types of parasites in stables, paddocks, and pastures. A generous treatment in early spring or summer will go a long way to destroy the eggs and control multiple insect populations before they explode. Vet bills are EXPENSIVE. Destroy the parasites before they destroy you!

10.) Last but not least, avoid chemical pesticides. In February 2011, USA Today published an article titled “In-Utero Pesticide Exposure Linked to Learning Disabilities.” The study focused on permethrin, a chemical commonly used to combat household pests. As disturbing as it sounds, the topic is nothing new. Dozens of scientific studies have linked chemical pesticides to neurological disorders, breast cancer and birth defects in children living near farms where chemicals are sprayed. In a nationally televised ABC World News investigation, randomly administered flea and tick medications were found to have caused 44,000 serious reactions in a single year, including multiple deaths.

More experienced Golden Retriever owners sometimes need a little advice. Visiting a Golden Retriever forum may be the answer to all of your questions. While there are plenty of online forums you can turn to, other groups get together to talk about their beautiful and personable dogs. Responsible gold owners are always open to suggestions and seek help from other owners. A quick trip on the internet will produce a very helpful Golden Retriever forum that has both experienced and novice owners as well.

While the Golden is one of the easiest dogs to train and even the easiest to love, there are things that can happen that require advice that may not be veterinary in nature. Behavior issues are frequently addressed. Those puppy-chewing days can bring any dog ​​owner to tears when they discover their new shoes are missing a decoration or one side of the shoe. This crosses race lines. All puppies chew, all owners want it to stop. Consulting with experienced dog owners through a Golden Retriever forum can put your mind at ease.

Chances are when you take your dog to the dog park, you’ll run into other golden owners. These dogs are easy to get along with and they are very well socialized which is why they are out there. When you meet another happy owner or owners, you will most likely start a conversation. This, in fact, is a Golden Retriever forum. The joy that is in the owner’s eyes is only overshadowed by the joy in the dog’s eyes. This is a great place to discuss any issues you may have and get an immediate response. Internet forums have a place, but you may not get a quick answer. Talk to other landlords in your area. Your climate can have an effect on your dog that those in other areas don’t have to deal with.

How often do you have to brush your dorado? It may seem trivial and easy to answer, but new dog owners need to know. What about possible allergies to dogs? Is it possible that chronic ear infections or constant itching could be caused by a food allergy? Knowing the symptoms of various irritants can save you a trip to the vet and save a lot of money. All of these answers can be obtained by heading to a Golden Retriever forum. There is no doubt that it is not important; there is no question you should hesitate to ask.

If you visit a dog show, you will find breed owners gathering. They are talking about their dogs. They love to talk about their dogs. Showing dogs is not a hobby; it’s more of an intense job. Owners not only show their dog for the ribbons, but also for the protection of the breed standard. Their mission is to uphold breed standards and not breed strictly for profit. They will also join forums or create one at each and every show. This is how everyone learns the best method to handle problems that may arise. This is a Golden Retriever forum.

In this article, we are going to find out what CBD is and how it can work for you. In June 2018, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) allowed the use of CBD oil for the treatment of 2 types of epilepsy. Therefore, it can be said that CBD works when it comes to treating some specific conditions or diseases. Let’s find out more.

What is CBD oil?

CBD is on the list of several compounds called cannabinoids found in the cannabis plant. Many research studies have been done to discover the different therapeutic uses of this oil.

Basically, CBD oil contains a concentrated form of CBD. However, it is important to note that concentrations and their uses vary. Therefore, you may want to consult an expert before using CBD for your condition.

Is CBD marijuana?

In cannabis, the most well-known compound is delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol, also known as THC, according to most reports. And THC is the most active part of marijuana. In fact, marijuana contains both CBD and THC. And the effects of these two compounds vary.

When smoked or used in cooking, THC imparts a “high” effect. In reality, THC tends to break down with heat or when it enters the body. On the other hand, CBD is non-psychoactive, which means that it does not have any effect on your mood when you consume it.

But CBD can create changes in your body. In fact, according to some research studies, it can also have many medical benefits.

Where does it come from?

CBD is obtained from the cannabis plant. Commonly, the cannabis plant is known as marijuana or hemp depending on the degree of THC. It is important to note that legal hemp plants must not contain more than 0.3% THC, according to the Farm Bill.

Marijuana growers have improved their hemp plants to produce more THC and many other compounds. However, these farmers do not modify the plant in any way. These plants are used to produce CBD oil.

How does it work?

All types of cannabinoids bind to some specific receptors in your body to create a special effect. And the same applies to CBD as well. In fact, your body produces some types of cannabinoids automatically. Additionally, it has two powerful receptors for CBD: the CB 2 receptors and the CB1 receptors.

As far as CB1 receptors are concerned, they are found throughout the body. However, many are also found in your brain. Those found in the brain help with memory, appetite, thinking, mood, emotions, pain, movement, and many other functions. And these are the attached THC receptors. On the other hand, CB2 receptors are quite common in your immune system and have an impact on pain and inflammation.

In the past, researchers believed that CBD2 receptors are the receptors that CBD binds to, but now they know that CBD will not bind to either receptor. In fact, it appears to help your body better utilize its own cannabinoids.

So this is an overview of CBD and how it can help your body.

Buy Shiba Inu Crypto

To buy Shiba Inu crypto, you must first open an account on a cryptocurrency exchange. In order to do so, you need to provide your full name, date of birth, and street address. You will also need to provide a government-issued ID. Once you have verified your identity, you can proceed to the SHIB order book. The next step is to transfer fiat currency into your account, usually USD. Some exchanges accept credit cards and PayPal, while others only accept debit cards. Regardless of the method that you choose, be sure to allow time for funds to clear.

There are many exchanges that allow you to purchase Shiba Inu. Choose an exchange and follow the steps to open an account. Some popular exchanges include Coinbase, Voyager, eToro, Sushi, and Uniswap. In order to open an account on these exchanges, you need to verify your identity. After you’ve verified your identity, you can buy the crypto using your wallet.

AirCash crypto

The first step to buying Shiba Inu crypto is to choose a trustworthy exchange. You’ll want to choose a provider that has a good reputation and good customer support. You can also research exchanges to make sure they accept Shiba Inu. Be sure to check the exchanges’ availability in your area. There are several popular cryptocurrency exchanges that offer SHIB. If you’re unfamiliar with cryptocurrency, please consult a financial advisor or seek professional financial advice before deciding on whether or not to invest in this currency.

How to Buy Shiba Inu Crypto

The easiest way to purchase SHIB tokens is by opening an account on a reputable exchange. Most exchanges offer an instant buy option, which is the same as the market buy option. In addition, many exchanges also offer limit and stop orders, which automatically place orders under certain conditions. You can also create recurring order to take advantage of dollar cost averaging over time. You can transfer SHIB tokens to a third-party wallet once you’ve established an account.

While there are several ways to buy Shiba Inu crypto, you should keep in mind that they’re digital assets. They aren’t like traditional currencies, so it’s important to protect your digital assets. However, Shiba Inu has become popular since it was legitimized by Binance on May 10. Despite the initial hype, the price of the cryptocurrency has risen by over 50%.

You can buy Shiba Inu crypto on a centralized exchange, or a decentralized exchange, which supports Shiba and all Ethereum-based assets. The shiba project was one of the first to adopt this open market distribution model, and it continues to do so today. As with all cryptoassets, there are risks, and the shiba inu is no different.

Last night I had a conversation with a new acquaintance. He told me that he had two cats that were about to “burst” (ie give birth). When I asked him why he hadn’t paid his cats, he said, “It’s too expensive.” This man lives alone in a 6,000-square-foot house, owns other acres and collects cars, and yet he wasn’t willing to spend $100 per cat to prevent unwanted births. He said, “It’s not a problem, I give the kittens at the grocery store.” Unfortunately, his attitude and actions are typical and place a great burden on animal lovers, as well as state and local municipalities that must deal with large populations of unwanted animals. Each year we slaughter between 4 and 10 million domestic companion animals. Most of these are adoptable dogs and cats. In my opinion, overpopulation is preventable. Below are 5 suggestions that could radically change the fate of abandoned and unwanted animals. These “laws” would cost less to implement and be much more humane than our current system of maintaining public and private animal shelters.

1. Require a License. Anyone who wants to breed animals (or is too cheap to spay or neuter a pet) will need to purchase a license. The license would cost at least $1,000. A number would be issued and the license would have to be updated annually at a rate determined by the state municipality. Anyone found unlicensed with new offspring of pet animals will be fined $1,000 per litter and all animals will be immediately confiscated and taken to a shelter where they will be spayed, neutered and placed with a responsible guardian (i.e. , new owners). If the fine was not paid, it would be attached to the property as a mechanic’s lien.

2. Limit how animals can be sold. The sale of all animals would be limited to regulated pet stores. Anyone caught selling an animal on the street, through the newspaper or on the web would be required to do a minimum of 30 days of community service. Pet stores would need to keep an annual record of the number of pets produced by a licensed breeder and submit these records to the state.

3. Breeders would have a specific number of animals that they could produce each year. For example, a breeder may be authorized to sell a total of 50 to 55 dogs to pet stores. Since litter size varies, flexibility would be needed, but the breeder would have a limit. Any breed that did not comply would have its license revoked and all animals would be removed and placed in a shelter for adoption. They couldn’t get a new license. The number of animals available for sale would be based on supply and demand. If the number of animals available were low, breeders and pet store owners could make more money on each pet sold. The people who bought the animal may have to pay more for their pet and are therefore more likely to value and care for it.

4. Cities would be fined by the federal government for failing to capture stray animals. Initially, the federal government would subsidize state and local municipalities so they could add staff to humanely catch stray dogs. Unfortunately, the number of stray animals euthanized during the first two years of this program would be high. The shelters would be very full; however, it would end the cycle and costs of stray and unwanted animals. After the initial apprehension of stray dogs, cities and the state would be responsible for maintaining a no stray dog ​​policy. States that did not comply would be fined by the federal government.

5. Anyone who adopts or purchases an animal will have a 48-hour waiting period. People would go to the pet store, look for a pet, and once they had selected a specific pet, they would fill out an application and pay a nominal fee. The pet store owner would provide a sheet to the prospective buyer on annual pet care costs and provide a list of breed-specific needs. The buyer would walk away without the animal, and the pet store would run a criminal background check to make sure the buyer was not a prosecuted animal abuser. The pet would be put on hold at the time of request. 2 days later the buyer would have the right to acquire the animal. If the buyer did not show up on the pick-up date, the pet would be released from the hold and the pet store would keep the money from the pet application. This would ensure that people buying pets have been informed of what they are getting into.

I realize that these original ideas have many potential problems. Some breeders and people with stray animals would shoot the surplus of any litter or kill animals inhumanely, millions of stray animals would be euthanized and people would break the law. But these tragic events already happen on a daily basis. If we could adopt any of these policies, we could reduce the burden of stray animals on good-hearted people, as well as on federal and state budgets, and put the burden where it belongs: on breeders, pet stores, and the people who care. They refuse to spay or neuter. their farts.