Category Archive : Lifestyle Fashion

What’s new at the zoo? written by Suzanne Slade, illustrated by Joan Waites and published by Sylvan Dell Publishing, it takes the reader on an adventure of adding animals. It begins: “Two hungry pandas eat a bamboo lunch. A cub joins the meal. How many chew and chew? 2 + 1 = ?” Through delightful rhyming and number texts, Mrs. Slade creates a wonderfully engaging learning experience for children. Each page offers a new addition problem.

Within the rhyming text, Mrs. Slade artfully weaves information about animals and the names of the baby animals depicted. Did you know that a baby mammoth boa is called a hatchling? But that’s not all: the illustrations are amazing: they are vivid, realistic and elaborate. Children will love reading this entertaining and educational picture book, in fact, they may not even realize they’re learning in the process.

An added feature of this book is the “For Creative Minds” and “Animal Matching Activity” educational section in the back. It offers additional math problems and solutions, as well as information on the animals mentioned in the book. It also explains the differences in the classes of animals: mammals, birds, and reptiles, and asks the reader to place each of the animals shown in the book in its correct class.

I read this book to my three year old grandson. He said that his favorite part was the image of the peacocks. Then I had my eight-year-old great-nephew read it to me while he answered the addition questions. They both enjoyed this book as did all children within the intended age group and even those a bit younger. I highly recommend it What’s new at the zoo?

About the Author: Suzanne Slade is the author of more than 60 children’s books. Her works include picture books and biographies, as well as many non-fiction titles on animals, sports, insects, the planets, and various scientific topics. During a previous engineering career, she worked on Delta rockets and designed automotive braking systems. Mrs. Slade lives near Chicago with her husband, two children, and her little dog, Corduroy.

about the illustrator: Joan Waites spent 15 years as a neonatal intensive care nurse before studying illustration and launching her freelance career. Plus What’s New at the Zoo? Joan has illustrated almost 40 books for the educational and commercial market. She is also an adjunct fellow at the Corcoran Museum School of Arts and Design in Washington, DC, where she teaches various classes for children for the university’s Aspiring Artists programs.

Stephanie Meyers’ Twilight series has revived popular interest in stories about forbidden love. All over the world, Twilight readers have been buying copies of books like Jane Eyre, Pride and Prejudice, Wuthering Heights, and The Hair Manual of the Walking Dead.

However, Meyers’ series has been criticized for giving impressionable teens and tweens unrealistic expectations of romance, not to mention the whole womb-eating vampire baby thing.

With Facebook groups like “Why isn’t Edward Cullen real?” and “Twilight Has Ruined Any Chance I Have at a Realistic Relationship” increasingly in fashion, many scruffy and ill-dressed teenage boys fear their chances for romance are diminishing. (To even the playing field, every other media outlet has kept its inverse female beauty/female clothing ratio at an all-time high.)

This barrage of unrealistic expectations is more than many of us can bear. For those who prefer their forbidden love old-school (agonizing, embarrassing, and possibly fatal), here are a few classics that should be a depressing breath of fresh air.

Painful scenario number one: mutual destruction. The forbidden boy meets the forbidden girl, the forbidden boy and girl get married in secret, the forbidden newlyweds are accidentally killed in an elaborate plan to leave town. This is Romeo and Juliet’s strategy for love and it happens…well, not all the time, but it does.

Reasons we like it: You know how fairy tales always end right after the fair maiden and prince charming get married? That’s because no one wants to hear about diaper changes or mortgage payments. A violent ending removes all the boring stuff, as well as tapping into the primitive, reptilian part of our brain that links sex with danger and death. Which, by the way, is not the same as undeath.

Painful scenario number two: silent longing. The boy meets the girl, the boy decides that the girl is out of his league, the boy swallows his feelings and vows to die alone. This is the approach to love from J. Alfred Prufrock’s love song, and according to our investigation of the secret diary, it actually happens all the time.

Why we like it: We were there a lot. Avoiding confrontation is a great way to not only protect your dignity, but also keep the fantasy alive: we bet someone special never burped, farted, or drunk called your mom. Furthermore, the setting also appeals to our depressive fatalism. Not that this self-pity is going to wallow in on itself.

Painful scenario number three: self-destruction. The boy meets an unattainable girl, the boy starts a lucrative life of crime to impress the girl with a luxurious mansion, the boy is totally cheated. Er, shot. Make them both. This is the Great Gatsby courtship strategy, and while appealing in its own right, we don’t recommend trying it out at home.

Why we like it: Dying for a cause can be very noble, and getting incredibly rich along the way has its perks, too. Then, when your love interest turns out to be selfish, entitled, and therefore not worth your time, you can enjoy the special satisfaction that comes with knowing you are a superior being. This feeling will last for several full seconds before that bullet becomes a problem.

FOR ME, EXPLORATION HAS ALWAYS STARTED AT THE END OF CIVILIZATION. In most places, one must retreat from the neon signs and golden arches and step out of the concrete jungle altogether to find nature. Generally, if I have even a bar of reception on my cell phone, I haven’t gotten far enough away. Most of America’s populated places try to integrate wildlife into civilization in the form of “green spaces” – manicured patches of grass and picnic benches that are supposed to convey a sense of nature and openness. In the Deep South, it’s the other way around. Here, small towns carve a sense of civilization into the vast and untamed wilderness. Even the largest suburbs seem to struggle to keep a creeping wilderness at bay.

Slidell is a suburb of New Orleans that sits under a canopy of loblolly pine on the northeast shore of Lake Pontchartrain. It’s an area saturated with rivers and swamps, where little gravel roads lead to neighborhoods of stilt houses deep in the swamps where you wouldn’t think neighborhoods could exist. It’s such low-lying lowland (3 feet, to be exact) that the term “mainland” doesn’t really apply. And unlike most places in the country, here one can be deep in nature and a stone’s throw from a Waffle House at the same time.

Slidell is bordered on the east by the West Pearl River, which flows from its headwaters in the Nanih Waiya Indian Mounds area of ​​central Mississippi and empties into the Rigolets and eventually the Gulf of Mexico. The Pearl is home to the Honey Island Swamp, one of the most beautiful and least disturbed river swamps in the United States. It takes its name from tales of abundant wild honey made by rogue bees that had escaped their beekeepers.


We had not made hotel reservations. There was nothing on the itinerary. We had no other plan than to drive along lonely roads and explore forgotten corners of this subtropical wonderland. We drove slowly down Highway 190, trying to take it all in. I soon realized that graves were not the only objects stolen by Katrina’s flood waters. A large tugboat appeared just off the road, miles from any open sea. I went outside to take some photos and was instantly attacked by swarms of what looked like large flying ants. These little monsters came in mating pairs, and I was surprised that they took time out of their rite of procreation to sink their teeth (or fangs, or pokers, or whatever) into my forearms. My only option was to run until I was close enough to take a couple of photos and then go back to the car. It’s amazing how fast an out-of-shape thirty-year-old can run when he’s chased by hordes of two-headed devilish insects.

A few miles and several more beached boats later, we stopped at a clam lot across from a swamp museum on the shores of the Pearl. A wooden walkway led to the bank where we met two swamp tour captains, both with thick Cajun accents. It was early afternoon and both captains had finished their runs for the day. The swamp tour business was good before Katrina, I was told. Honey Island Swamp guides are now lucky enough to have a full boat a day, and it would have been a waste of gas and time to take just us on a tour after hours. As we turned to walk back to our car, another tour boat floated by and offered to take us aboard.

Oh the swamp. Something I have seen in many movies but never experienced for myself. It was incredibly quiet for an area so rich in wildlife. The setting was taken directly from the boat launch scene on the Pirates of the Caribbean ride at Disneyland, except that particular ride scene was probably taken directly from here. Dilapidated old boathouses lined the shore in front of the launch, and she almost expected to walk past a fisherman playing ‘O Susanna’ on his banjo before plunging down a waterfall into the world of swashbuckling pirates. But this was the real deal. It was obvious that Katrina had been here. Rows of abandoned boathouses floated along the shore. In front of the launch, a medium-sized boathouse rested on a much smaller outhouse. A smaller boathouse floated next to the first, apparently untouched by the storm.


“I’m going to turn on some air conditioning,” said Capt. Neil Benson, owner of Pearl River Eco-tours. Oh good, I thought. “I’m dying here!” Turns out he just meant that he was going to drive the boat real fast. However, he felt fine. After speeding along the main waterway for about a mile, Captain Neil stopped to turn into a narrow channel that led to a swamp he named Dead River. A swamp is a shallow, backwater lake system that parallels the main waterway of the swamp. The Honey Island Swamp is a 70,000-acre maze of these mudflats.

“Watch out for giant grass clippings as we go,” Neil warned as he pointed out the thick patches of tall, broad-leaved grass that brushed the sides of the boat as we drifted by. “That’ll cut your fingers pretty good.”

Neil Benson grew up in the bayou. He started out alone in a dugout canoe for the first time at age 10 and owned his first motorized flatboat at 12. “I know some people here who are pretty weird. Everyone who lives in the swamp is running from something, whether it’s of the law or of the voices”. in their heads.”

This caught my interest. Later I asked him to explain.

“The swamp is a place to lose yourself, sometimes on purpose, sometimes accidentally. If you are running from life, the swamp will easily accommodate your request and take whatever past you have had and hide it in its waters and under its canopy of trees. .”

We had gone a mile into the maze of Dead River when I realized I hadn’t been bitten by a bug since we got out of the car. Not even a mosquito, which surprised me, given that we were in an open boat deep in the swamp. In fact, other than our toddler’s repeated attempts to jump off the boat, this was the most peaceful boat ride I’ve ever been on. The swamp is a hauntingly beautiful place. Gnarled knees of bald cypress trees seem to float on the murky surface. Calm, dark waters combine with impenetrable wildlife and mossy tupelos to cast a haunting yet enchanting spell. Wikipedia defines a swamp as “a wetland that features temporary or permanent inundation of large areas of land by shallow bodies of water.” Neil defines it as an “underwater forest”.


Neil turned off the engine as the quagmire opened up into a billabong-shaped lake, created when a wide bend in the river is cut. I noticed a small green tree frog perched on the handrail by my elbow. Although the swamp is densely populated with wildlife, it takes a trained eye to spot most of it. Once I saw that frog, I started noticing them everywhere. The swamp is like a three-dimensional book of Where’s Wally? The best way to spot wildlife is to think of one type of animal and scan the shoreline until you see it.

We don’t have many critters in Utah. I sleep on the forest floor and dive into lakes and rivers without a second thought. My Texas-raised wife nearly went into cardiac arrest the first time she saw me swim in the Provo River. In Utah there is a noticeable lack of animals that can hurt, maim or kill you compared to the Deep South. The most dangerous creature for hikers in Utah is the rattlesnake, and even they will give you fair warning before they strike.

What makes me uneasy in this swamp is the wildlife you can’t see: the critters that lurk beneath the rusty surface of the water. Neil says that swimming in the swamp is no more dangerous than swimming in any other river. “Yes, we have alligators, snakes and the occasional bull shark in the river. However, like most animals in their natural ecosystem, the animals are more afraid of humans than humans are of them.”

Well I guess if it’s just an occasional bull shark mixed with alligators and snakes. I feel so calm!


Something of a political anomaly, Neil is a serious environmentalist who drives a pickup truck with an NRA bumper sticker. His love of exploration and adventure blossomed into a passion for this delicate ecosystem, and he has been leading tours of the swamps for over a decade. A few days after Hurricane Katrina nearly killed the swamp by ripping off the canopy and flooding it with saltwater, Neil ventured out to survey the damage with reporter Ben Montgomery of the Tampa Tribune.

“This is amazing,” he told Montgomery. “For the life of me, I never would have guessed. He’s gone. Everything.”

“It was the first time I was back in the swamp after the storm,” Neil tells me over the phone two years later, on the second anniversary of Katrina’s arrival. “It was heartbreaking. I’m not an emotional person, but I have to tell you I was crying.” A couple of hours on a boat with Captain Neil reveals his enthusiasm for this place.

Back in open water, we saw our first alligator. Once we saw one, we started seeing them everywhere. As we passed, alligators swam toward the boat in search of the marshmallows Neil tossed at them. He even reached out to pet the one he calls Big Al.

In the swamp, you see a lot of things out of the corner of your eye. A frog or a snake here, an alligator or a boar there. Stories abound about an elusive creature affectionately called “The Thing.” Of the numerous reported sightings, no intelligible photo of the beast has ever been taken. But there are many believers. The Honey Island Swamp Monster is more than a myth to fishermen and swamp dwellers. Over the years, various researchers have made plaster casts of the monster’s supposed footprints. Neil owns one of these molds. He preferred not to talk about it during the tour, “because I would like to have some credibility.” Your official position on him? “I believe in the Honey Island Swamp Monster, and therefore it exists. If God didn’t exist, he would have to be invented.”

We did not witness this mythical creature that day. But then again, maybe we were just taken to the “tourist-friendly” areas of the swamp where the beast is less likely to hide. Looking at a satellite image of the swamp, I am amazed at how little we saw. The next time I’m there I plan to convince Neil to introduce me to the most secret caves in this mysterious and wonderful place.

Neil tells me he takes people on extended private tours, but requires clients to sign a “sign your life” waiver.

“Because when you get that far out in the middle of nowhere, no one can predict what’s going to happen.”

Sign me up, Neil!

How can something be more real than reality?

Well… you can’t. Semantically, that doesn’t make sense.

And yet, people experience that all the time.

Have you ever had a dream that was more vivid and compelling than your waking state? Most dreams are not like that because you can feel your memory scramble from within the dream.

However, if you could remember them all clearly, many of them would have this strange quality. They would seem more real than reality.

I’ve had dreams like that.

You don’t have to be unconscious to experience it.

People facing certain death, at the throats of religious revelation, or simply dealing with a soul-changing epiphany often report feeling this. Suddenly their senses sharpen and they see the world as if it were the first time.

Hallucinations of any kind are like that.

However, it is strange. Why would something that is a product of your brain failing seem more real than reality?

If you ask this to any of the dozens of Facebook groups dedicated to Carl Jung, the mystique or the Secret, they will tell you that it is proof that the real world is made of thoughts. The material world, they say, is the one that is actually ephemeral.

This pretentious antics could be right, who knows, although it sounds unlikely.

But they are wrong when they call this ‘proof’ of anything.

Anything generated in the mind will always seem more real than anything generated by optic nerve signals. Of course it is: his eye is leaky, marked by scars, scratches, and random neural noise.

Vision is awesome because your brain takes some shitty input and uses it to create detailed models of the world.

But imagine generating models with a cleaner input source.

That’s what hallucinations are. You can see much more clearly when you don’t trust your eyes.

(With less precision, perhaps, but clearer…)

Those Facebook losers hate this kind of explanation, but they’ll get over it the next time someone asks “Is God truth, love, or life?” and they can prove to be as deep as the average stoned philosophy student.

But my explanation, in addition to meaning something, is much deeper than theirs.

It points out a truth about your mind that you can’t even see.

When you look around you often feel like your eyes are open doors through which the real world enters. That’s not how you work. It’s closer to taking Morse code signals and translating them into a CGI representation.

It can be helpful, it can even be accurate, but you are never seeing the true reality.

When your thoughts create a clearer picture of nothing, it can seem super real…even when it’s less real than everything else.

Your mind is so funny.

It’s one of the reasons hypnosis can be so powerful. In a trance, you may have impulses that come from somewhere other than your senses. Bubbling up from your unconscious, they can seem more real than anything else.

Some of those thoughts can be dark and primitive.

Many will appear random.

Others will have deep wisdom that you have allowed yourself to forget.

And with a skilled hypnotist, you can take whatever comes up and solve even the most difficult and stubborn problems.

Fly Drive is becoming more and more popular these days, with people wanting to explore more and more places in a short amount of time. An easy way to describe a flight by car is to book a plane ticket somewhere, pick up a car at the airport, and go. Staying in hotels along the way because you can’t drive for a whole week or two without stopping!

There are many different types of fly drives. You can stay in one city and drive to other nearby cities, or you can start in one city and end in another. This would be particularly good if you plan to go to the US, as you get to see so many more cities on your vacation, rather than just staying in one.

A really wonderful fly-drive is the West Coast of the United States. Drive to places that start in San Diego, California and end in Portland, Oregon. Before leaving, reading guides about the different areas of this trip and getting some maps and studying them, I recommend finding the best routes to follow. The guide below is a rough guide, so to get the most out of your trip, do some studying!

Start in San Diego, pick up your rental car and go! I recommend that you watch the sunset over this city, there are not too many huge skyscrapers, but enough to give a wonderful view. There are also many places to stay here, which is where your guides will come in handy, as they provide information on different types of places to stay, from budget to luxury. Some of the attractions in San Diego are the variety of museums such as the San Diego Museum of Art, the Museum of Natural History, and the District of Columbia, which has a variety of historic ship exhibits. There is also SeaWorld, Legoland and the San Diego Zoo to visit.

Your next stop is a wonderful 2-3 hour drive along the coast on Highway No.5 towards Los Angeles. Before heading into town, if you feel like relaxing on Long Beach, there are some wonderful stretches of beach along this strip. This is a must see city. You will definitely want to spend a few days here as there is so much to see. Head to Disneyland and Universal Studios for a fun-filled family park. Or go to Beverly Hills and Hollywood Boulevard and see the star-studded avenues, look inside the Kodak Theater where the famous Oscars are held, and enjoy some luxury shopping. Just make sure you have enough space in your suitcase for your next destination!

Next we’re going to take a slight detour up the coast, 4-5 hours, in fact, to Las Vegas, Nevada. Now you will have to cross states, from California to Nevada, so have all the documents from your car rental company, driver’s license and insurance documents in case you get stopped and searched. It is also advisable to have your passport at hand. Now Las Vegas is a sight to see in itself. The beautiful lights of the city at night are something to see. Also dine and eat in fine restaurants and stay in some very fancy hotels like the Bellagio or Ceaser’s Palace. Take in some of the many stage shows such as the Blue Man Group, or you may have the chance to see performances by the Pussycat Dolls. Las Vegas is a wonderful city and you can even drive to the outskirts and see the Hoover Dam.

Once you’re ready to leave Las Vegas, head down Route 95 for about 2-3 hours, again, cross the border back into sunny California and you’ll find yourself in Death Valley National Park. Here you can enjoy some walking and trekking. Be careful, it can get very hot, so take plenty of water with you! You can also camp at some of the May campsites and enjoy some inspiring views! Definitely worth spending the night, if you can beat the heat.

The next destination is about 5 1/2 hours away in a beautiful city called Fresno. Here are some wonderful things to do. If you go in season, you can enjoy the Fresno Country Blossom Trail, which is home to some of the best peach, nectarine, plum, orange, and almond blossom trees. Also a must see is the Forestiere Underground Gardens which were built over 40 years and have some amazing trees growing underground. There is also a choice of hotels to stay in, after a 5 hour drive I think you will need it!

Now we are going to return towards the coast to San José. It should take about 3 hours or so. In San José there are many parks to relax and have a coffee and there are also many trails around the city to enjoy. You must visit the Cathedral Basilica of Saint Joseph, which is the oldest parish in California and also Raging Waters, the largest water park in Northern California with 23 acres and millions of gallons of water.

Now a nice short drive to San Francisco, should be there in less than an hour traffic permitting, and there’s plenty to do here. Play a round of golf if you’re on the road with the boys, then head to River Rock Casino or check out Fishermans Bay and go to the Aquarium. A must see is the Golden Gate Bridge and a tour of the Jelly Bean Factory! There are many more attractions to see in San Francisco, but I’ll let you find them, it’s part of the fun of a Fly-Drive vacation.

Get back on the roads for an hour or two to Sacramento, the capital of California. There are many things to see and do in Sacramento, some of which include drinking and dining at some fabulous restaurants, visiting the many art galleries and museums, or simply taking a city tour. A must-see is the Sundial Bridge at Turtle Bay, which is a sundial but only 100% accurate on the summer solstice on June 21 or 22. Also Turtle Bay Exploration Park, which has 300 acres of peaceful gardens.

Another 2 hours straight, passing the Oregon border, will stop in the city of Medford. Here’s the time to kick back with Alba Park, Medford’s oldest, and also head over to Vogel Plaza to see if you can catch one of the many events hosted here.

Back on the road, you will drive for another 3 hours or so until you reach the city of Eugene. It is home to a number of cultural organizations so you will have many different shows that you can enjoy here. From dance to concerts and opera, it will cater for everyone. Here you can also meet some outdoor enthusiasts!

Go again! We are getting closer to our destination. Drive just over an hour to Salem. Bush’s Pasture Park, a 90.5-acre urban public park and botanical garden located just south of downtown, or the Enchanted Forest, a land of fairy tales where you visit medieval castles, walk wooden sidewalks in the Wild West, or maybe running into a ghost in the Haunted Mansion. This is a small theme park and has rides for kids and adults with an alpine roller coaster, bumper cars, trains and more. In one of its many restaurants there is a magnificent water show with colored lights that bounce off the water jets. Next door is another attraction, Thrillville.

It’s only an hour from Portland, which is full of wonderful parks and open spaces. Visit Mt Tabor Park which is located on an extinct volcano, Forest Park which is the largest natural park covering over 5000 acres, and also Mill End Park which is the smallest park at 2 feet in diameter. In addition to this, Portland has many cultural attractions. Visit the Portland Art Museum and the Museum of Science and History. Also go see the Opera or the Ballet.

Finally, a wonderful 3 hour drive to Seattle and you have reached your destination. Here is the birthplace of grunge music, mainly famous for Nirvana and Pearl Jam, also for big coffee drinkers, Starbucks was born. Seattle is a regional destination for the performing arts. So it is worth going to 5th Avenue to enjoy one of the musicals. Go see the Jimi Hendrix statue! Here you can lay your head down to rest before you finally fly home after such a wonderful tour of the entire West Coast.

I recommend that you spend a few days in each city if you can so that you can absorb everything and see everything that you can see, if not, you will spend 7-10 days spending a few hours in each city and in a few cities overnight .

It’s also a good idea to have more than one driver so everyone can alternate between cities. In this way, a person does not drive all the way.

Total distance: 1,933 miles (3,111 km)
Total driving distance time without stops: 1 day 9 hours.

I advise you to plan your trip thoroughly, making sure you have enough stops for rest, food and gas (which is very important, otherwise you won’t get anywhere!), and plan your overnight stays in advance. Also, as I said before, learn the routes! Make sure you know exactly where you are going, know the service stops and all border crossing lines.

Auto Europe offers a great car rental service for driving around the US, allowing you to pick up your car at one destination and drop it off at another.

Who surfer? Surfrider is a non-profit organization that was founded in 1984 by a group of environmental surfers, their ultimate goal is to help keep our world safe and clean from ocean to ocean. The roots of this visionary group began in Malibu, California, and have grown into a global movement inspiring more than 50,000 members to preserve the beauty and quality of our beaches and oceans around the world.

This non-discriminatory organization strives to maintain a healthy and open relationship between natural ecosystems and the free and public use of these watercourses and beaches, maintaining a low-impact effect and allowing swimming and surfing to be enjoyed without limitations. Surfrider believes in educating our youth about the effects we have on our environment through research and application of conservation and activism.

The difference between the Surfrider organization and others is that the members are made up of surfers, swimmers, divers, and other people whose lives center around the oceans. These people are immediately affected by the conditions of these natural ecosystems and therefore feel a great passion for their lives. cause. How would you react if someone dumped their trash in your driveway? Or down the sidewalk you run on? Of course, your response to this would be quick and complete, because the problem would be directly affecting your life.

Surfrider is committed to its cause achieving many accomplishments over the years, winning the national Renew America Award for its nationwide efforts to clean up coastlines, passing the federal BEACH Act in 2000 to require uniform national monitoring of water quality, as well as winning the second largest clean water law lawsuit in US history in 1991, against two pulp mills in Humboldt County that were charged with more than 40,000 violations of the law. This group backs up their beliefs and moves on.

Surfrider also supports other ecological organizations, determined to help our earth maintain its natural beauty and ecosystems, Dot Eco is an active group made up of entrepreneurs, scientists, celebrities and others who can use their wide range of influence. to promote the protection and conservation of our planet. They have supported the Dot Eco initiative to establish the .eco top-level domain. This new initiative will donate more than 50% of domain registration revenues to fund scientific initiatives and research on climate change, ocean analysis, economic policy and other areas related to the environment. Surfrider supports each and every one who strongly believes in this and strives to continue their cause, keeping the planet safe. We only have one home. Let’s keep it healthy for generations to come.

The one thing most people have in mind when they join a network marketing company is to become financially independent so they can quit their job. It doesn’t sound like much, but the reality is that most people don’t make money, let alone make enough to quit their job!

I’ll assume you’re aware of that fact. We all know that not many people join an MLM company and make enough money to quit their job. In fact, we all know that most people who get involved in network marketing do not make money.

In fact, most people end up spending more money than they make on their new business venture. However, every year more and more people will become network marketers for a short time and then give it up. They simply accept their losses and quit.

So why do so many people continue to pursue their dream of financial freedom by joining a network marketing company? They do it because it’s just a dream. And we know that dreams don’t come true. At least not unless you do something with those dreams.

So if we do something about our dreams, can we really do something about them? Well, if your dream is to become a successful network marketer, the answer is yes. And to be more exact, you can replace your income with MLM and actually quit your job.

But it requires one thing that most people are not willing to do. WORKS! Yes, it just comes down to working to make your dreams come true. So if it’s that simple, why don’t so many people become successful networkers? Well, I didn’t say it was simple. I said it just comes down to work.

The reason most people fail to succeed in MLM is because of the time it takes to work on building a successful business. It takes more time than most people have. Which means that to be successful you have to give up some activities to have the time you need.

And this is where people fail in network marketing. They don’t make time. We all have the same amount of time available, 24 hours a day. But we all use our time differently. We all have different priorities. For many, building a successful network marketing business is not one of those priorities.

The network marketing industry is one of the best ways to become financially independent. And if that is your dream, then you can make it come true. But to do that you’ll have to do the work. And that takes time. It can be done if you want. You really can replace your current income with network marketing.

Becky Fulford was used to having large breasts in the past. Her perception changed when she started having chronic back and neck pain. She consulted with some friends, dermatologists and plastic surgeons and asked him to lower the wait and the size of her breasts. Despite the workouts and diet plan, she was unable to make a significant change.

He then underwent this procedure and is not in the recovery phase. She is a stylist and has been thinking about reduction treatment since she was 16 years old, but she could not realize this idea in the past. She underwent the surgery at the age of 30. With bra sizes ranging from 30 FF to 34 GG, finding one that would fit was always a challenge.

I couldn’t wear the normal size bra. He had to find the bra in the market that fit him well. You no longer need to do this hard work. You can simply go to the market and buy a bra of your choice. You now have a wide variety of bra and dress options. He found it difficult to exercise in the gym and even walk at times due to pain.

Plastic surgeon helps take off the load

It is not easy for women with large breasts to naturally reduce their body and breast size. Becky also tried to do it using traditional weight loss methods, but to no avail. These concerns are all too familiar to Dr. Joy Cluett, a plastic surgeon at St. John’s.

She says; “Women with overly large breasts suffer from chronic back, neck and shoulder pain and many other problems. People get rashes under their breasts, and over time they can get permanent grooves in their shoulders..”

It is important to note that this procedure is not covered by normal health insurance plans. The procedure is not cheap and a large amount is needed to finance it. Although most women with large breasts can do it, the treatment is not just for all women. The breast tissue must be of a certain weight and the woman must be experiencing health problems.

Big breasts run in families.

Women who are plus size and want to have children should know that this problem can run in families. Your daughter can also become a victim of this problem and you can prevent this from happening if she reduces the size using a reduction technique. You may be fine with an oversized chest, but what if your kids have it too?

Cluett says that having large breasts is common in Newfoundland and Labrador, and appears to run in families, so there is a genetic component. She says the negative attention wasn’t just from the men, but from the women as well. “The girls are only threatened by you. People who feel for some reason that because you’re well endowed you’re going to go after their boyfriend..”

Becky and her husband now have plans to have children. She has been waiting for the right time to start the family. She is still worried about breastfeeding, but her plastic surgeon has assured her that she will be able to breastfeed easily in the future. Dr. Cluett says that most women will be able to breastfeed normally after that. However, there is a possibility of losing the ability to breastfeed normally or completely.

Reduced risk of cancer

Dr. Cluett is of the opinion that breast reduction can spare women the potential risk of breast cancer. So successful breast reduction treatment means a lower risk of breast cancer. There are many reasons behind this fact.

There are several reasons for this according to some research studies.she says. A main reason behind this is having less breast tissue which makes breast exam and mammography easier. Sometimes cancer is found during reduction surgery.

She is of the opinion that; “Sometimes we find cancer in the samples and I found quite a few myself. So the patients are lucky in that sense, it’s a godsend for them.

She is happy with her new chest which is proportional to the rest of her body. Although she is still recovering and will soon be able to resume her routine activities, she has plans to purchase new bras that fit well. She is so exciting and can’t wait for the moment when she will wear her new Victoria’s Secret bra and stand in front of the mirror on her closet door.

Becky is currently 34DD which is less than before and will be 32D in a few months when the swelling is gone. Becky is satisfied with the results of the treatment and believes that she; “Overall I feel more comfortable. It’s already worth it.”

Consider the effort and investment put into events like birthdays, Christmas, Halloween, and weddings – it’s huge, and the ratio of prep time to event time is insane! But people from everywhere seem compelled to come together for special moments. Even on a small scale, the process is strange: why go out for coffee when there is a reasonably good version at home?

Socializing, as it is formally called, produces feelings of happiness, reduces stress, anxiety, and depression, and even improves cognitive function, quality of life, and longevity. Human beings are by nature social creatures: in the past we needed each other to increase the probability of survival and the strength that comes from cooperation. So being with others is a deeply relaxing experience on a primal neurological level, creating a sense of security and trust.

Socializing also gives us the opportunity to learn and reinforce our identity, the idea we have of who we are. When people move to other countries, they often seek the company of people from their homeland. At first glance it seems absurd that English people residing in Spain seek out the company of those with a family accent and who also like sausage for breakfast, having bothered to travel away from home in the first place. However, when considered from a psychological point of view, it makes sense that they may need to reinforce a sense of identity when surrounded by strangeness that confuses and creates uncertainty; we prefer to feel safe and, short of being in a safe environment, we can reinforce that by feeling safer inside: our identity.

While people of all ages, genders, and personalities benefit from interacting with others, there are different needs for social stimulation. Some people, classified as extroverts, need constant social stimulation. Extroverts regularly attend parties and social events. They thrive on interactions with others; The more talk and action, the better. Introverts, on the other hand, need socialization but also require alone time. Extraverts and introverts derive the same benefits from engaging in social interactions, although the volume and frequency of mingling with others varies. Both personality types reap the benefits of happiness and the sense of fulfillment that comes from engaging in conversations and sharing ideas and opinions with others. Introverts don’t spread their social network as wide, but they are more likely to deepen it, which friends and family will appreciate.

Engaging in small talk brings about happy feelings, but deep, meaningful conversations bring more. Research suggests that happier people have twice as many substantive conversations and engage in far less small talk than unhappier people.

Women benefit from social interaction by caring for others and acting as friends. They even enjoy a longer life expectancy thanks to emotional connections and intimate interactions (going to the starting point of calming the mind and body). More social people of all ages see higher levels of mental and physical activity than their less social peers. According to the National Institute on Aging, social stimulation improves health and minimizes cognitive decline among the elderly. Even small doses of human interaction produce results. Activities such as group exercise, board games, and eating with others produce stimulation and social satisfaction.

So the recipe is clear: make socializing part of your health and wellness intentions…calms, reassures, and protects mind and body. Enjoy with your friends knowing that you have a deep value both given and received.

Is it wonderful when your lover knows exactly what you wanted? But in real life, things often don’t turn out the way you dreamed. And when you want romantic intimacy, your spouse turns on his side and sleeps, but when you feel tired, he overwhelmingly wants you.

Why it happens? The answers to this question are probably as many as there are people who would have an answer.

The reason a large number of marriages break up in the first two years of marriage is not because of a difference in character but because of romantic incompatibility. When choosing a partner in life, we take into consideration things like: appearance, education, sense of humor, and financial stability. But we do not always pay attention to romantic compatibility, if our temperament matches the temperament of our future spouse.

Problems in intimate life occur either because the romantic needs of men and women do not match (different romantic temperaments) or because of physical disproportions. But if the second happens very seldom, the first – quite often.

The romantic temperament is defined by the level of hormones, specific nerve activity, and the strength of a tendency. By these different parameters we can divide people into three groups: strong, weak and average romantic cards.

It is obvious that people with high romantic needs are better off finding passionate partners for marriage and those for whom romantic compatibility is not at the top of the list should find a calmer partner.

Those, who are given a strong romantic temperament by nature, mature earlier than their age group. Girls and boys mature at the age of 10-11 years and some of them from 12-13 start to be interested in romantic intimacy. The romantic tendency of this type of person is very strong. Romantic intimacy ranks high for them on a scale of core values. And if the couple does not match them, they will most likely look for another.

Some experts believe that there is a connection between the physical constitution of the person, his body and the type of character. So, according to that theory, hot-tempered women and men are usually not very tall, with a well-developed body.

Regarding character traits, it is known that extroverts are more liberated romantics: sociable, active, impulsive and fun people. They are usually considered the soul of the company.

Most of those people are good leaders. They are strong, aggressive and capable of winning competitive fights. They are usually successful in life (of course, there is always an exception to every rule). Among them there are many politicians and businessmen.