Category Archive : Relationship

If your dog or cat has a fever, you are probably very concerned and have several questions. In this article I will reveal the most common causes of fever in dogs and cats, as well as the signs that you should know. Then I’ll go into the top 5 remedies that you can use right away to help ease your pet’s fever and bring the temperature down quickly.

Fever is defined as a body temperature that is higher than normal in your dog or cat; in veterinary terms, this is called pyrexia. The normal temperature for a dog is 101 F (38.0 C), the normal temperature for a cat is 102 F (38.5 C). Taking your pet’s temperature involves placing a thermometer in his rectum. If your pet has a temperature of 103.5 F (39.5 C) or higher, he has a fever.

Fever is usually caused by a bacterial or viral infection. Having a high temperature makes it more difficult for insects to grow on the body. The problem with fever in pets is that they often stop drinking; dehydration then becomes the main concern. Your pet will usually have a fever in response to something happening in his body. I find that the most common cause is bite wounds. Search your dog or cat well for punctures.

The signs and symptoms of fever in cats and dogs include the main having and above normal body temperature. Your pet may have less appetite and less energy. Your dog or cat’s ears may be hot to the touch and they may pant excessively around the house. Some pets will tremble, others may have an elevated heart rate. All the same symptoms that people with a fever have.

If you suspect that your dog or cat has a fever, what should you do? First, start with the obvious and take your temperature, determining if it is elevated. If the temperature is 103.5 F (39.5 C) or higher, then you have a fever. If the fever persists for more than 24 hours and your pet does not drink, call your veterinarian. If they are still drinking, or in the meantime before going to your vet, here are some additional remedies and supportive care you can consider.

Keep your dog and cat hydrated. Offer plenty of fresh water in different places around the house. If your pet refuses to drink, use an eyedropper or turkey baster to spray water on the side of his mouth. Minerals are depleted when your pet is dehydrated; For an extra boost, add Pedialyte, an electrolyte solution available at the pharmacy. Some pets prefer chicken or beef broth, or tuna juice; Give them whatever works.

A cold compress is a very safe, easy, and inexpensive remedy to consider. If your pet will tolerate it, apply a cool washcloth to its belly. Exposed skin will cool down fairly quickly, making it feel a bit better.

There is a conventional medicine that you can use for your dogs. Aspirin can be used safely in dogs to lower fever; never use it on cats. The dose of aspirin is one 325 mg tablet for every 40 pounds of body weight given every 12 hours.

Echinacea and sage are effective antimicrobial herbs. You can give a combined herbal formula of 1 drop per pound twice daily of tincture. Another option is to use commercially prepared products like echinamide. The dose is 0.1 ml for every 10 pounds every 8 hours.

There are several homeopathic remedies you can consider for fever, the most common being Belladonna 30C and Ferrum Phosphoricum 30C. These can be administered every 1-2 hours with a typical dose of 1 capsule for every 10-20 pounds of body weight.

You should now be much more aware of the signs and symptoms of fever in cats and dogs; Most importantly, you should be comfortable taking your pet’s temperature to see if it is elevated. Fever is a response to illness; common causes include bite wounds and abscesses. If your pet is still drinking, you can use some of the home remedies discussed, such as: cold compresses, the herb Echinacea, and the homeopathic Ferrum phosphoricum.

On the human need for personal goodness and the goodness of others, and what it means for the future of humanity.

Kindness or benevolence is a very important psychological attribute. We are kind to others for various altruistic and sometimes selfish reasons. An individual may be nice to a homeless man and give him a blanket for reasons of sympathy and empathy, or a man may be nice to a woman for ulterior motives. Therefore, kindness is triggered by personal motivations, including the need for fame or reputation, the need for love or companionship, or genuine considerations of empathy and sympathy.

Kindness towards a homeless man is an understanding type. whereas kindness kindness towards a friend is an empathic type.

Kindness to someone in need may come from altruism or a need for a personal reputation. For example, your act of kindness may stem from your need to be seen as a Good Samaritan or a benevolent member of society. Or a man can be kind to others because he needs fame for his donations and gifts to society. A man can be kind to men or women, as it may be necessary to win the affection, love, sexual favors, respect, or the company of other people. Therefore, kindness may be motivated by empathy, sympathy, the need for a reputation, respect, or other ulterior motives.

Some people are kind by nature and cannot refuse if someone asks them for a favor. Goodness is more related to mental strength than to weakness. Developing a theory of kindness in psychology could involve studying the activity of the brain and neural circuits when people suddenly feel this overwhelming emotion of kindness. Therefore, a physiological basis is important in a psychological theory of goodness. There may also be a “kindness gene” and some people may be kinder than others due to hereditary reasons, they may have had a caring father and therefore inherit the trait. Kindness can be learned through social conditioning and some people are kind because they saw and learned from their parents or teachers.

Personally, I believe that kindness is an innate psychological trait and some people are kinder because they are born that way. I will not return to the debates between nature and nurture, but learning the goodness of others can eventually become too superficial if there is no innate natural goodness. So I would suggest that kindness is innate and that kind people are born that way.

Psychologists should definitely study the kindness gene and, if any, what triggers kindness, what kind of emotion or neural activity is related to kindness, and how it can be defined in psychological terms. The social conditioning of goodness is a possible theory, and as I said, social conditioning may not ultimately lead to genuine goodness in individuals, as I believe that goodness is inherent or innate and is not taught or learned.

I wrote in my other essay on altruism that altruism, which is a social or more intentional goodness, could be due to hidden or unconscious recognition motives. Do philanthropists always give away wealth because they are genuinely kind, or do they seek fame, reputation, respect, and recognition for their philanthropic services?

Kindness can be based on sympathy, empathy, a need for personal fame or recognition, or a sense of duty or responsibility towards society or fellow citizens. So some children are kind, they give away their clothes to the homeless, because they are naturally kind and understanding. Some may see a homeless person and feel empathy, as they too may have been homeless at some point. Some men may intentionally develop personal goodness because they need fame and recognition, and others feel a strong responsibility to society and perform acts of kindness. So there are specifically six reasons that suggest six kinds of goodness based on the underlying reason or cause.

1. Empathetic

2. Supporter

3. Altruistic or social

4. Motive-oriented

5. Responsible

6. Based on superstitions

These six different types can be worked out with more examples. You feel sympathy for your dog and you let go of his chain and you empathize with your friend and help him with advice or resources. People may have a genuine altruistic need to give, or they may have ulterior motives such as fame, recognition, or even money and success. Goodness related to social responsibility comes from a genuine need to influence society, and kindness in older people is often accompanied by this overwhelming sense of responsibility towards other human beings, so this is a type of social goodness.

I would suggest that children are more motivated by genuine sympathy and adults are motivated by the need for recognition or social responsibility when engaging in acts of kindness.

Sometimes you will see people leaving large amounts of cash at Church or donating large amounts of money to others because they feel it will bring them good luck. This is based on superstition or may be called “superstition” goodness. Let’s move on to responsibility. Some people are “nice” to a cause because they may feel responsible to society and may want to do something about it. You see an advertisement to donate clothes and money to refugees in a foreign country. He immediately decides to give a large sum quite impulsively. Is this drive due to genuine sympathy, empathy, responsibility, altruism, superstition, or a need for recognition? As I wrote in the essay on the psychology of altruism, there may be ulterior motives for being altruistic and genuine selfless altruism is rare or non-existent. However, kindness or generosity as a result of social responsibility or responsibility towards other less privileged people can be considered a type of altruistic kindness. So, altruism and social responsibility are fundamentally associated.

Now let me talk about the human need for kindness and this means both giving kindness and receiving kindness. Human beings have a genuine need for love, affection, happiness, and also kindness. Kindness comes from love, affection, sympathy, and empathy, so it can be considered a secondary or derived type of emotion rather than a primary emotion such as love or anger. Let’s say that sympathy creates kindness but it is necessary to give and receive kindness because human beings are social beings. Kindness creates a bond between the giver and the recipient and, in cases where you show kindness towards a cause, it is a generic social or altruistic kindness. It also creates your emotional bond with society and its cause. So giving creates social bonds and that is why it exists in the first place. Kindness created social bonds and helped build families and societies. On the other hand, receiving also evokes a sense of gratitude among recipients of kind acts and helps create attachments and generosity. If you are generous to a homeless man, he can learn from you and become generous to others when he is no longer homeless. So kindness develops or creates a cycle of positive interaction in society. These positive interactions are at the center of social change, transformations, and a spirit of genuine concern for others. This is ultimately the goal of humanity.

Hullabawho, hullabadoo, uproar; I’m not sure if the kids laughed more at my funny ways of saying Hullabaloo or at the game itself.

We were on vacation in the family cabin and we wanted some civilization, so we went shopping at Wal Mart. I went looking for something the kids could do and found Hullabaloo and Cadoo, (both Cranium). I finally settled on fussing because it encouraged physical activity and listening skills. I put it in the cart, much to my husband’s dismay and thankfully it was under the $ 25.00 CDN limit he set.

It was an instant hit with everyone in the cabin, 5 little girls. – ages: 2,3,3,4 and 6 and a 6-year-old child. Even my overly cool teenage cousins ​​played with my little girl and of course Grandma had to get in on the dance action too.

The best part, even after playing on very sandy soils, is not worse from wear and tear, just a little dirty. I have a big problem with toys that are not durable. The pieces are large, brightly colored and durable.

The set consists of 16 colorful game pads in various colors and shapes with an image printed on them. The talking audio console is big, it needs 3 AA batteries (not included) and it has a big red button, that’s it. Not small fragile pieces.

The children place the pads around the room, each stepping on a purple skull pad and pressing the big red button. The console tells them what to do, “Crawl to a yellow”, “Rotate to a square”, “Jump to a triangle”. The winner is announced at the end of a sequence, “Is anyone standing on the piano?” The winner is then instructed to “bow” or “do a funky dance.” Then start over. It’s so simple and kids love it. I love that they can set it up and play it without the help of an adult.

At most we had 12 children playing, at least 1 child played. The box says 1-6 players ages 4 and up, but 2-year-olds with parental support love it, and babysitting cousins ​​tolerate it, while grandmothers like to make a fool of themselves. My daughter regularly takes it out to play alone, the console doesn’t bother me. I usually can’t stand talking toys, maybe it’s the console’s volume control, variety, or voice, but it doesn’t bother me at all.

The educational value of any toy is a primary consideration to me. Hullabaloo does not disappoint, it teaches colors, shapes and some word recognition. Promotes activity, following instructions and listening skills. You can’t ask for more than that for preschoolers.

Any preschooler gets this gift from us and it makes a great birthday party game. For some reason, they figure out faster than musical chairs. Maybe because no one is out of the game, in fact, the console tells them to share the pads; so three children can be on the same platform and all can be winners.

We love it so much that we bought the animal version on DVD. DVD is a gimmick and you need the TV / DVD to play it, I found it a bit curious and kids needed to watch TV all the time so it was tight. The original can be played anywhere. We mixed up the pads and had a great game for my daughter’s 5th birthday. Since some of the instructions are shaped and colored, all the pads were usable. They would share those picture pads when asked to find them.

In short, fair price, fun, easy to use, durable, 2-6 years old, as many players as the room can fit, educational, no one is left out, and best of all, there are no small parts. A great addition to your game room.

The three week diet system has gained popularity in a very short time. This program was only developed in 2015. It is actually a weight reduction plan that aims to experience more positive results very quickly. This healthy eating plan is done, this means that you lose weight quickly, between 12 and 20 pounds in just a period of 3 weeks, as long as you follow the diet to the letter.

Most people who start a healthy eating plan are basically unable to achieve their desired goal as they give up before discovering the results they want. Diets that aim to reduce weight by two pounds per week are all thorough, but my motivation, like my willpower, wanes fairly quickly unless you have a compelling chance of hitting your weight loss goals. .

I am not alone. Dieting for weeks with limited results demotivates people and these people tend to stop trying. This was the reason why nutritionist Brian Flatt developed the Three Week Diet; a system that made your body lose body fat quickly and accelerate weight loss.

Eliminating any extra fat and then maintaining the momentum to sustain your weight can be difficult, the three week diet manual doesn’t exclusively tell you what to do for 21 days, it also advises what to do with the three week period. weeks considering the diet to maintain his new weight.

So how does the weekly diet work? The main and overwhelming 3-week holistic diet plan is the Healthiest Eating Plan, which consists of 4 different phases.

Phrase 1 it was the hardest thing for me. It lasted a week and that was the phase where I lost the most weight. I was 9 pounds lighter by the end of the week.

Phase 2 it was almost 1 day however I also lost a pound this time

Phase 3 It was from the 9th to the 11th. This was quite unusual and I lost another 3 pounds.

Phase 4 it was when it comes to the remaining days, that is, 12 to 21. The main goal associated with this 9 day phase would be to continue losing weight and return to a better “normal” diet. I got to lose another four pounds at the end of the phase. So less drastic, but effective nonetheless.

Like many weight loss diet plans, it has been both a diet and an exercise program. The movement plan is made up of a daily walk (not too strenuous!) And an optional fat-boosting workout.

Three Week Healthy Eating Plan Phase 1 in Action

There’s no way to avoid it. Phase 1 was difficult. It is a 3 meals a day product of any crash diet. It is very restrictive in the different types of food and in the cooking methods that you could eat freely. Fortunately, I had included unlimited amounts of some vegetables, so I was able to submit to them beyond the prescribed volumes of meat and fish.

I weighed myself every day and it was really motivating to have access to the needle onto the sliding scale. It was finally a reliable job. I can’t deny that I was hungry and a little grumpy until I started drinking coffee again!

I also implement exercises. Again, it wasn’t easy, but marking the days separately, truly understanding that it was finally only for a short time made a difference.

At the end of phase 1, he was delighted to see that he had broken all previous records and lost a whole 9 pounds. I remember phase 1 of your eating routine, I felt almost impossible emotionally your entire week without cheating, and okay, I cheated few. But after getting through the initial week, I soon felt quite euphoric and much slimmer.

Phase 2

Phase 2 is basically a one-day fast. Following the restriction from a given previous week, it seemed like this was difficult, but honestly, I was surprised to find that this was one of the easiest days of the entire program. In my opinion, following the week before to the letter had opened me up to success. And again I was delighted to become a pound lighter the next morning.

Seriously, I would tell you that every time you buy the three week diet book, don’t skip the fasting phase. There really is a reason for the way a nutritious diet is built and, to my surprise, it certainly works.

Phase 3

This phase lasts 4 days and is actually undoubtedly the most unusual and counterintuitive. So much in fact that we started investigating it myself so you can be sure I was doing the right thing. Fortunately, I found that it wasn’t that crazy when I was thinking, either, and indeed there was some solid science behind this phase considering the plan.

I went to the trouble to find this phase quite challenging, as it was the first one where I was asked to calculate the calories I was eating. I’ve found it’s pretty easy to get calorie values ​​off the internet for just about any food you can think of and then it’s just a concern to use scales (more accurate than cup measurements) to make sure your portion sizes are correct.

In particular, I didn’t lose as much weight when I was expecting in this phase, but I think it was considering that I didn’t start weighing things for the third day that I discovered that my previous estimates of exactly how much I should eat were far from base.

Still another phase, another 1.5 pounds and also surely would have been more if I had planned it correctly.

Phase 4 – The last countdown. Phase 4 is the longest and lasts 9 days. It involves a gradual return to a healthier nutritional diet than normal. Specifically, the number of calories you consume daily during this phase is based on your whole body body mass index or BMI. There is a section in the manual that explains how to calculate this from body fat and height and then how you can work well what you need to consume according to the result.

I continued to take myself into consideration each day and the pounds continued to drop, albeit at a slightly slower rate. However, I was pleased to return to a highly competent normally balanced diet in which food resources were not expressly prohibited (unless I had skipped a manual page.

I noticed that my belly fat was gradually disappearing and my jeans were less tight, even after washing them! My waist had shrunk 2 inches and I had the ability to tighten my belt with 3 additional holes.

Until the end of the phase, he was only four pounds heavier.

Is that rapid weight loss program successful?

Absolutely. I followed the nutritional routine for 3 weeks and, aside from a few cheating, I lost a total of 14.5 pounds. I went to the trouble of doing most of the mandatory exercise but not much of the optional workouts. I found the workouts to be quite difficult, but again I’m not in shape to begin with. Despite being difficult, the level of weight that I lost in its normal relatively short period of time made it a good idea. Surely I could have lost more if I had planned better, exercised countless, and not cheated.

I would have the opportunity to go a couple of weeks without regaining some or all of this weight !! Then re-implement the full diet. The other time, phase 1 was much less complicated: I think my forms were implemented and I did not deliver the coffee now. I didn’t lose as much weight, but I am now 30 pounds lighter than 8 months ago and for the first time I can honestly say that I am satisfied with my appearance.

The double benefit is that I currently know how to maintain my weight and also if I go crazy on vacation and put myself between the few kilos, I am sure that I will be able to lose them again without much effort.

If you have a school-age child who exhibits behavior problems, you have learned what “frustrating” and “exhausted” are all about.

Sometimes it can be hard to tell if your child has a small problem or a bigger one. As a parent, you want there to be no problems and it can be easy to escalate any situation quickly. Your home life can go from serene to chaotic in no time, and it’s easy to start to feel like things are getting out of hand.

Let’s face it, all children have problems, just like adults. The real question is how bad the problem is and what can we do to improve it.

Now, I am not a therapist or a doctor. I am a mother with more than 27 years of experience as a mother and based on that experience, here are my thoughts for recognizing behavior problems in children.

Mild behavior problems.

In this category we have the variety of gardens that school-age children face.

= Not doing household chores.

= Laziness.

= Not doing things the first time they are told (or the third or fifth).

= Procrastination.

= Occasional speech bordering on disrespect. My mother used to call him “cheeky.”

Mild behavior problems in school-age children have a lot to do with a child’s individual temperament. If you have a strong-willed child, you left mild behavior problems a long time ago! Generally, these types of problems can be solved mainly with clear limits and firm reminders. Task charts can be helpful and fun in this process.

== Moderate behavior problems.

All children visit this section at least once in a while. Here you can expect to find:

= More regular problems with homework.

= Occasional problems at school.

= Possible harassment.

= Speaking again.

= A LOT of feet shuffling when doing housework.

These types of behaviors require stricter limits, more serious consequences, and a 100 percent compliance rate. Obviously, getting your child to see the error of his ways at this stage will be better than if he moves on to the next stage.

== Severe behavior problems.

These are the kinds of problems that completely upset a family. (Remember, these are for school-age children, ages approximately 5 to 13 years.)

= Often disruptive at school.

= Drug / alcohol use.

= Vulgar speech used against others.

= Running away.

= Violence.

These are not easy problems to fix. They are usually deeply ingrained and can be aggravated by early drug or alcohol use. They often require professional help, as well as a committed family effort.

In all these categories, I just gave a sample of behavior problems. Real life is much more complex. And all children display signs of more than one category from time to time.

As a parent, you know your own child better than anyone. If you can see that your school-age child’s behavior problems are getting worse, take steps to help sooner rather than later. Research the child’s behavior, read books, ask questions, and, if necessary, seek professional help.

Everyone has difficulties, but steps can be taken to minimize those problems. Behavior problems in school-age children can be mild, moderate, or severe. Whatever level your child copes with, he can learn to handle his challenges and become the responsible adult that you know he can be.

Potty training is one of the important milestones in a toddler’s life, and ours as well. It takes a long time for a child to be well trained and requires a lot of patience and creativity on our part to help them stay motivated to use the seat and stop getting wet.

The ideal age to start training is 2 years old, by then the child’s bladder and bowel movements are well developed, his motor skills are improved, and his cognitive skills are well established.

But some parents choose to start training early and others choose to go for late training, which is generally not recommended and is linked to many health side effects.

In order to provide you with a reliable article, I have reviewed several books, studies, and interviews conducted with physicians in this field.

You all must be wondering when late potty training is considered. A late learning to go to the bathroom is from 3 years, since most pediatricians and specialists consider that the perfect age is 2 years. But as in any subject we find people who encourage late training and others who claim that it has considerable side effects on the physical and mental health of the child.

Dr. Baruch Kushnir, creator of the children’s DVD “The Magic Bowl: Potty training is easy,” believes that potty training symbolizes progress in gaining independence and control. He warns in an interview on that: “When a child is not fully potty trained by the age of four, he becomes an ‘exception’ and may suffer personal embarrassment and disappointment and Also being exposed to unpleasant reactions from the social environment … and can damage the image and self-confidence of the child and interfere with the development of his personality.

I- Pros:

  1. Fully developed bladder and bowel movements.
  2. The child will have reached his verbal and communication skills.
  3. A child after 3 years of age can better understand the concept of reward.
  4. You can master your motor skills; therefore, pulling on / off your pants and getting on the seat sounds very easy for you.
  5. You are emotionally ready.

II- Cons:

  1. Our son will be ashamed to be one of the few untrained children who will affect his mental health.
  2. Physical consequences: When young children become dependent on diapers or pull-ups, they do not learn to recognize the need to go to the bathroom. Their inability to control their bladder and bowels at a young age can affect their bladder and bowel control as they age.
  3. Late training can lead to bladder control problems and urinary tract infection.

Most pediatricians and child care specialists have agreed that the best age to start potty training is between 1 1/2 and 3. As for methods to follow, there is no golden rule. methods change depending on the child we are. and the degree of development that you have reached in all the important skills that you will need to progress in your training.

It’s time for the birthday party! To make this birthday party special, we’ve included some birthday party ideas to get you started. One thing is certain; The party organizer should think about the person being celebrated and keep it simple. The best birthday party ideas focus on great people, great food, and great times!

Since you are the host of the birthday party, chances are you know something about the hobbies and interests of the birthday person. Write them down and find a party centerpiece idea, or birthday party theme, to organize the party. For kids, this could be their favorite hero, sport, movie or TV show characters. For adults, it can also be a sport, technology, cooking, fantasy, etc. favorites. Once you’ve selected a party theme, party planning will be a lot easier.

Find a key activity or two to keep the party exciting. Birthday party ideas for activities include: a birthday roast, all good fun and good taste, of course, a Jeopardy party game (all about the guest of honor, of course), a quick game of basketball , a “this is your life” presentation with guests sharing fun memories, guessing what’s in the gift bag game, and more. For children’s parties, activities can be as simple as blowing bubbles, creating the best hats or puppets, dressing up, or an old-fashioned set of musical chairs. Make sure all the kids win a small prize to keep it healthy and fun.

Food is a critical component! There is nothing better than celebrating a birthday with your closest friends around great food or great appetizers that everyone can share and enjoy.

When cooking for a birthday party, certain active foods, like making tacos or pizzas, can add to the excitement. Make sure you have some interesting options, including food options for your vegetarian friends. Your guests will have fun participating in the birthday meal and it will become a focal point for conversation and entertainment.

Decorate! Enjoy decorating with theme-related decorations or just some colorful balloons and crepe paper. Make or buy a beautiful cake and voila! Check out some of the great providers featured on this page for great, affordable options.

So remember, keep it simple! Fun birthday party ideas translate to great people, great food, and great times!

A new study has appeared in the American Journal of Epidemiology that concludes that free time spent sitting can shorten our lives. This study joins a multitude of other similar studies that have concluded the same thing: sitting on the couch watching television or in front of a computer for hours on end will have devastating effects on our health and longevity …

Researchers from the American Cancer Society conducted a large prospective study of American adults to examine free time sitting and physical activity in relation to mortality. The results showed that longer sitting time is related to a higher risk of mortality, especially in women. According to reports, women who sat for more than six hours a day were 37% more likely to die during the period considered than women who sat for less than 3 hours a day. As for men, those who sat for more than 6 hours a day were 18% more likely to die than those who sat for less than 3 hours a day.

Another recent study from Australia apparently reached the same conclusion and suggests that television addicts live shorter lives. The study followed 8,800 adults 25 and older for 6.5 years and found that each daily hour of television viewed as associated with an 18% increase in deaths from heart disease and an 11% increase in overall mortality.

Those who watched television four hours or more a day were 80% more likely to die from heart disease than those who watched two hours or less and 46% more likely to die from any cause. And the surprise? It didn’t matter if they were overweight.

While the benefits of physical activity have been well studied. Researchers are beginning to really look at the effects of being completely sedentary, as these studies show.

For many people, on a daily basis, they simply go from the car seat to the office seat, back to the car seat and then to the sofa and then to the bed.

Researchers are also beginning to see the difference between two types of physical activity. One is exercise: running, walking, swimming, and lifting weights. The other is a non-exercise activity, which may include moving, walking, tapping with the feet or fingers, standing instead of sitting, etc. We all know certain guys who can never “sit still.” People think that these people have magical metabolisms, but they are the ones that move and move. Lean people have a habit of burning hundreds of more calories a day while standing rather than sitting down and constantly moving their body. All this movement adds up over the days and years.

All of this can be disturbing news for those of us who sit around a lot at work. The answer is to add as much exercise as possible before and after work. For those who sit all day and don’t exercise either? Their risk of dying increased to 94% for women and 45% for men.

To counter this, there has been a recent increase in “offices without a president.” In fact, you have a podium where you stand instead of sitting in front of the computer. Schedule “walk-ins” where, as it says, you walk while conducting your meeting. While that may seem extreme, it is clear that many of us are seeing the need to change and are trying different approaches. Bottom line? We need to change the way we’ve been doing things!

What are some things you can do if you find yourself sitting many hours a day at your desk? Start by taking a brisk walk in the morning before work and after work as well, if possible. Also consider adopting these exercises to do at work:

  1. Trade in your desk chair for an exercise ball. Balancing on one of these helps your core muscles
  2. DON’T take that elevator! Using stairs whenever possible is a perfect way to add activity to your day. You could potentially go up in the morning, up and down at lunch, and down at the end of the day.
  3. Write the alphabet with your feet. Work on each letter by flexing and pointing your toes and rotating your ankles.
  4. If you have an hour for lunch, use half for walking. Consider bringing your iPod.
  5. Look online for more exercises and stretches to do while in your chair or standing at your desk.

If you are looking to maintain a healthy diet during your pregnancy, pregnancy drink recipes / juices may be a good idea.

Why Should You Drink Juice During Pregnancy?

Eating fresh fruits and vegetables is always recommended and is essential during pregnancy. This is not always a pleasant experience during pregnancy. You may feel nauseous, feel bloated, and don’t want to eat anything. The best alternative to making sure you and your baby get the nutrition you need and don’t feel dehydrated is to drink some juice.

Drink Recipes During Pregnancy During Pregnancy:

You can make some fresh juice every day depending on what vegetables and fruits you like and what is available seasonally. Take a look at the 9 best drink recipes / juices for pregnancy:

1. Storm:

Orange juice is loaded with nutrients and can act as your natural protection against colds and flu. The orange is very good to prevent the flu and will help the need for any type of medicine during pregnancy. Orange juice is also a good way to maintain high levels of immunity. It is a rich source of vitamin C and also contains a certain amount of potassium.

2. Carrot juice:

Carrots are a great way to increase your unborn baby’s eyesight. It will also help cleanse your liver and cleanse your body of any toxins. Carrot juice is a rich source of vitamins A and E. This will keep your skin healthy and glowing. These vitamins are also good for maintaining healthy nails and helping them break apart. Carrot juice is also a good natural ingredient that will help you fight excessive hair loss that is mainly associated with pregnancy. It will also prevent any health problems that you may have due to a fluctuation of the thyroid gland.

3. Beet juice:

Drinking beet juice during pregnancy will help boost your energy. It will give you the strength you need as your pregnancy progresses. Beet root juice is loaded with iron, so consuming this juice will help avoid any anemia conditions. This particular vegetable has incredible fiber content, which means it’s great for your digestive system. Consuming this juice will also help flush out all the toxins from your body and also purify your blood.

4. Apple:

Apple juice is a great way to prevent any unnecessary weight gain during and after pregnancy. Drinking apple juice will help your unborn baby’s brain growth and development. It is also a great source of iron and will help prevent any anemia conditions in you.

5. Peach juice:

Peach juice is very rich in iron and potassium. Peach juice can help flush toxins from your body and cleanse your bladder and kidney. This is a natural way to prevent any case of kidney stones during pregnancy. Peach juice will also prevent constipation, blood-related problems, or indigestion during pregnancy.

6. Strawberry juice:

Drinking strawberry juice will help add a natural glow to your skin during pregnancy. It has a very high water content and will help prevent dehydration. This juice has soluble fiber which is very important and good for the pregnant heart. It also contains folic acid, which is extremely essential during pregnancy for both you and your unborn baby.

7. Lemon juice:

Lemon juice contains several healthy nutrients like protein, carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins, and more. It also contains minerals, folic acid, zinc, and calcium that are good for you and your baby. Drinking lemon juice can help fight nausea naturally.

8. Coconut water:

Not essentially a juice, coconut water is one of the healthiest fruit-based drinks you can have while pregnant. It helps prevent any concerns about dehydration and can combat exhaustion by giving your body some natural energy.

9. Grape juice:

Drinking grape juice during pregnancy can fight heartburn, keep blood pressure under control, prevent or treat constipation, and help with migraine attacks. It can also help fight hair loss, which is a common complaint during pregnancy.

All of these fruits and vegetables are loaded with health benefits that are very important to you and your baby. All of these are considered safe for consumption if your overall health and pregnancy are normal and progressing smoothly. We highly recommend that you speak with your doctor before taking any of these best fruit juices for pregnancy.

These are the first nine pregnancy drink recipes / juices to drink. Consuming these juices will undoubtedly be helpful to you and your baby.

Share your experiences of consuming the juices mentioned above. At the same time, share this article with your friends and family.

Not many men realize that making love is different from having sex. But women understand the concept and that is why they can better express love, in bed and out of bed. Here are ways you can make your man remember your bedroom encounter:

Be the master this time.

If this man has gotten used to driving, it’s time for you to reverse your roles. Why don’t you stay on top this time, if he’s used to missionary style? Don’t let him get bored when he makes love to you. Start a change and you will definitely be grateful for these new things!

Let go of inhibitions.

This is the love of your life and that is why you have to give it all of yourself. Giving him 75 percent of yourself is not enough. Be willing to explore new horizons when it comes to making love to him. Let the change come from you rather than suffer the consequences of him looking elsewhere for variety!

Turn up the eroticism.

If your sexual encounters have always been sweet and slow, then it’s time to raise the bar and show him what badass and passion are all about. Monotony, especially in the bedroom, will taint any relationship, so keep your bond safe by shaking things up in the bedroom.

Let me want you.

Being Miss Goody-Two-Shoes can only be good a few times. You will need a reinvention for this man to yearn to be with you. If he’s used to seeing you in decent skirts and blouses, why don’t you surprise him one night by letting him see you in a very short kimono in your bedroom? It is unexpected and strange so you will definitely notice it.

The bedroom is not the only place where you can do it.

Some couples have done it in pools, the kitchen, the dining room, the shower, the bathtub, the list could go on and on! Choose the next place to make love carefully. To be memorable, the place must be unique and full of romance.

Allow him to fantasize.

Men love the feeling of achieving something that is not easy to achieve. Therefore, you can use this concept to make love more exciting. Why not pretend to be a Hollywood actress that you are so in love with? Dress exactly like her and do the things he would only dream of!

Let him know how much he made you happy.

Just as men want to be sure every time they are appreciated, so it is when it comes to your sex life. You should verbally assure him that you enjoyed what he did to you in the bedroom. Make him a sex god and he’ll want to keep proving that to you every time!