Month: June 2021

Visitors to New York City have many things to explore, including its impressive museums, architecture, food venues, and shopping malls. However, first-time visitors to the city and surrounding areas don’t miss Central Park. This comprised 843 acres on the island of Manhattan. On average, 25 million people visit this place a year to enjoy its many attractions. It is ideal when you want to calm your mind and body in the middle of green areas while touring New York. Both individual travelers and people with families can have a great time here.

Accommodation options near Central Park

If budget is not an issue, you can choose from several hotels overlooking the region. It would be wise to book a room in a hotel located in the southern part of the park. It will be useful for easy access to the park and you will be able to get to some restaurants and museums.

Central Park tourist attractions

There are several attractions that attract tourists to the Park. It was the first artificially landscaped park in the United States. It would be a good idea to download a map of the region before you start exploring.

• The zoo

If your kids loved the animated movie ‘Madagascar’, they will love the zoo, known as a wildlife center. There are animals and birds like polar bears, sea lions, and penguins. Kids will like to explore a dedicated section where they can get up close and personal with cows, sheep and goats.

• Mother goose statue

Almost all visitors to the region admire the Mother Goose sculpture. Statues of legendary figures like Humpty Dumpty, Little Bo Peep, and Humpty Dumpty will look familiar. Another sculpture worth visiting here is Alice in Wonderland. Children can explore and climb the beautiful statue.

• Strawberry fields

The Strawberry Fields was commissioned to commemorate the memory of legendary Beatles singer John Lennon. The rock master stayed in the adjacent Dakota apartment building. Fans can place flowers and tributes in the garden.

• The great lawn

Thirteen acres of greenery invite you to the Great Lawn, which contains basketball courts, baseball fields, and space for sports and leisure activities. If you visit New York during the summer months, this is the place where you can enjoy free concerts and movie screenings.

• Belvedere Castle

Lovers of architecture will appreciate the stone castle dating back to the 19th century. From its tower, visitors can enjoy impressive views of the City. In this castle you can also explore the Henry Luce Nature Observatory with bird and wildlife exhibits.

• Sheep meadow

Walking the vast expanses of Central Park and exploring numerous attractions can tire you after a while. To relax and enjoy a few moments amidst the serenity and greenery, head to Sheep Meadow. This is a picturesque green meadow that offers an incredible view of the horizon. Some tourists also choose this place for picnics. You can enjoy sunbathing sitting in this patch of greenery where flocks of sheep used to graze several decades ago.

Cookies have attracted a lot of attention recently. I mean the trace type, not the edible type in Christmas patterns and colors.

ScanScout, an online advertiser, recently resolved an FTC compliance action regarding the language in its privacy policy (“PP”) on cookies. ScanScout’s PP stated that users can set their browsers to block the cookies they use to collect information about users in order to deliver targeted advertising to them. However, it turns out that the tracking cookies they were using were flash cookies that couldn’t be blocked as stated. The FTC found this to be misleading and enforcement action was initiated.

What does this mean for you or your business?

Use of cookies

Consider not using flash cookies if you are currently doing so or considering it. Many people consider flash cookies to be misleading and invasive. In fact, an introduction to flash cookies by the Electronic Privacy Information Center shows that the breadth of information collected by these cookies is likely beyond the comfort zone of today’s privacy-conscious consumers.

Have a privacy policy

Yes, it might be tempting to solve this problem simply without having a PP. After all, if you don’t have a PP, you can’t find that you’re violating it, right? Maybe, but you create other risks by deciding not to have a PP. First, consumers have been increasingly skeptical about having anything to do with websites that don’t have privacy policies, so you may be losing business. Second, not having a PP will prevent you from using certain useful services (such as Google Analytics, which requires users to post a privacy policy) and running promotions or contests using many social media platforms.

Please refer to cookie practices in your Privacy Policy

Make sure you fully understand their cookie practices and those of any third parties (such as Google Analytics) that provide applications or tools that you use in your interface with users. Your PP must specify exactly which cookies are used, if they are persistent, if you use flash cookies, how you use the information obtained from cookies (for example, do you use information for targeted internal or external marketing), if you share the information collected with third parties and how users can block cookies (including providing a mechanism to block flash cookies, a key requirement of ScanScout’s consent decree). Finally, if you use third-party services that use cookies, consider referring to the cookie policy of the third-party service in your PP.

Finally, if you are going to make any changes to the privacy policy of your website, make sure that it is properly published to your customers, clients and / or users, ideally with a click mechanism where they must accept the new privacy policy before to access. Your place.

What do you think about the use of cookies for marketing?

Apple recently had the grand presentation of the new iPhone. The excitement these new releases have generated is incredible, but fully expected, I mean, it’s from Apple we’re talking about. The company that has people lining up outside the flagship stores 2 weeks before a new product launch. With all the fuss, I of course called my service provider and looked at when an update was due, and my mouth was watering at the prospect of a shiny new iPhone. Hanging up the phone satisfied with my upgrade potential, and already Googling the latest covers to protect my potential new phone, I came across an article that advertised the largest SD card to date, a 512GB mammoth! Granted it is not a Micro SD card, but it is the start of something. If SanDisk is making SD cards with such a powerful punch, it won’t be long until the smaller version is making waves. There is already a 128GB version out there. Apple is pretty much the only smartphone that doesn’t have a MicroSD slot.

I don’t know about you, but this really makes choosing my new phone that much more difficult. As a current iPhone user, I am aware of all the advantages of iPhones, the way they ‘just work’, the sleek design, the smart user interface, the programs that work in harmony with my Macbook, iPad, Apple TV , etc. I am also fully aware that the most annoying thing about my iPhone is that it is a terrible excuse for having a meager 16 GB memory. This is fine for the first month or so while you’re using your new phone to its fullest capacity, but after a while you get that dreaded notification (no, not that your ex is in a relationship) “Out of memory, you can’t take photo “. You then end up going through your photo library in some kind of frenzy of elimination massacre, only to end up missing the moment you wanted to capture. It is a problem that we all encounter with Apple. They are stingy with the stock memory in their devices. They have us in the palm of their hands, if you want to have more memory you have to pay for the bigger version of the phone, sometimes they even release a bigger version a couple of months after the initial launch. It was not helpful at all.

So when I read that the iPhone 6 will have the largest memory yet (128GB), I saw a possible light on the horizon regarding sufficient storage in an Apple product. 128GB is a lot, right? Well, I thought that until I read about the 512GB SD card. Look, that’s 4 times the memory of the iPhone 6 at 128GB. With one of those on my SD card keychain, I’ll literally have four times the space of the iPhone 6 in the palm of my hand. The beauty of SD cards is that they are removable and interchangeable, so you can carry several on a keychain – one for your music, one for your photos, and one for your movies.

This means that if I can resist and avoid the hype from Apple fans about the latest team at the earliest moment, then there should be hope for me. It seems that Android could be a viable alternative for me. After having spent some time researching it and researching the latest Android gadgets and stash. I must admit that I am quite impressed. If you were to buy an HTC, Nexus, or LG or any other Android phone, which not only has an open operating system, but has the versatility of having MicroSD memory cards, then it looks like you could start enjoying a whole new kind of. mobile phone.

So Apple, in all its glory, has some flaws, as we know, but I think one of its biggest flaws is that you’re stuck on iOS. The OS is sleek, its UX is beautiful and fluid, as we all know by now, but you’re stuck with it. You have to use the Apple store to get apps, you have to use Apple approved products, I didn’t care until I saw someone had their Android phone with Super Mario Smash Bros, with two controllers (here) They sold me, that open functionality, along with MicroSD cards that you can increase when and when. It is very appetizing.

The appeal of Android is growing as you can create some of the most useful recipes with If This Then That, which are not possible on iOS. It is an open operating system, insofar as it will not void your warranty by loading a certain program on it. All those things are good, but the fact that I can have a very large memory on my phone, for a relatively cheap price, is what makes me personally a convert, and when that time comes, when the MicroSD card comes out. larger. I’ll be there with money in hand ready to get it. Great memory, interchangeable, that you can carry on a keychain for a decent price.

I’m sold … your Apple move.

Do you have a MicroSD card? These are some of the best key chains to carry.

One of the key defining characteristics of many new homes and renovations of the last decade or so would have to be the open plan design. Removing the walls between the kitchen, dining room, and living room to create the illusion of more space has been the trend for several years. Entertaining and living in such an open way has never felt so integrated and fluid.

However, there are some subtle signs that the Open Plan may not be ideal for much longer. After all, there are some flaws in its design. For example, trying to cool or heat a spacious air-conditioned living room can be an expensive and time-consuming exercise. Watching sports on television, with appliances like the dishwasher humming in the background, can be tedious. And people with children will relate – there is no place to escape noise, clutter, and toys!

We are gradually moving away from closed rooms, with many old-style houses consisting of many smaller rooms that can be sealed off with internal doors. With heating and air conditioning options less accessible for many families, this style was a great way to keep warm; to separate formal living rooms from adults for entertaining and to create separate areas within the home. The last fifteen years or so have seen a great change in those styles, and it has tried to tear down walls to create a great expanse of open living.

Along with the increased use of technology, there is a noticeable shift from open-plan living towards creating smaller nooks throughout the home for peace and privacy. Mary Duggan, UK-based architect and judge for the RIBA House of the Year award, recently spoke on the subject:

“The world of the open plan family room has changed significantly.

“They ask us more for accommodations, rooms with a TV or a space where people can go and watch something independently, rather than an open-plan space.

That was the trend, but I think it’s waning. The idea of ​​having a ‘much more broken plan’ seems to be the way our buildings are developing now. ”

– Mary Duggan

Looking ahead, when planning a renovation or new construction, consider how the use of technology has dramatically advanced and will likely continue to be a staple in people’s homes. Therefore, the home design should reflect this and include smaller corners, studios or ‘snugs’ designed to use devices such as iPads and tablets. The ‘Broken Plan’ house is the new black!

For further consideration, building inclusions could include accessories within these areas, such as built-in charging stations, benches, and built-in desks to accommodate such devices. Also, keep in mind that many devices will now want to sync with the nearby TV or speaker, and that many high-tech devices will now have features that will allow the occupant to lower the blinds remotely, dim the lights, etc. It is simply the way of the future, and it makes sense that our home design reflects such advancements.

A triple understanding would emphasize the importance of alternative energy resources in the near future.

  • The reasons why the mindset towards the use of alternative energy resources will change over the next half century.
  • How this change (i.e. the use of alternative energy) will affect automotive technology.
  • The various types of alternative energy resources that are available, or currently under investigation, especially for use in automobiles.

The advantage of alternative energies is the fact that they are renewable. We will never run out of renewable energy supply. For example, solar energy – the sun will always be there! – the amount of solar electricity intercepted by the Earth every 60 seconds is greater than the amount of energy that the entire human race uses in fossil fuels each year.

Wind power – the wind will always exist – The power of the winds blowing across the US produces more than 16 billion GJ of electricity annually. Tidal energy – The moon will always be here and so will its forces that cause tidal waves. Hydroelectric power – Water energy will always be available unless there is an extreme change in rain or drought patterns. Another advantage is that renewable energy is green; therefore, they do not exude CO2, which is in fact the largest provider of global temperature increases, into the atmosphere.

Biofuels are carbon neutral, since their manufacture uses up as much CO2 as it causes them to be spent. Taking into account these advantages of renewable energy, it is suitable to produce simple and inexpensive energy resources. Non-renewable resources (eg carbon-based fuels) are restricted; your supplies will eventually run out in the long run. Non-renewable resources like oil release CO2 into the surrounding atmosphere. These are inadequate sources of fuel that are rapidly weakening as the energy crisis continually hits us. Therefore, we can firmly agree that alternative resources are the future and will provide a better future.

What is the “car of the future”? A car of the future is a vehicle that runs on alternative fuels. “Alternative fuels” are fuels that are not made from petroleum. The types of alternative energy resources:

o Alcohols: ethanol and methanol.
o Compressed natural gas (CNG)
o Electricity: stored in batteries.
o Liquefied natural gas (LNG)
o Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG)
o Liquids made from coal: gasoline and diesel fuel that does not come from petroleum.
o Biodiesel – very similar to diesel fuel, but made from vegetable oil or animal fat.

According to experts, hydrogen powered cars it will be the next BIG change in our mode of transportation. In theory, it can be drawn from a wide variety of sources. The most common sources are water; Natural gas (methane); Coal (by gasification of coal); and Biomass (vegetation such as wood chips and agricultural waste). To get hydrogen gas out of water, electrolysis is used, that is, electricity is used to extract hydrogen molecules from water. Starting with natural gas, a “reforming” process is used. For fossil fuels or biomass, the substrates are the fuels of power plants, which use them to generate electricity and hydrogen.

The meaning is simple and clear: we need an uncontaminated renewable electricity generation technology. For now, the problem at hand is discovering alternative energy solutions to power our vehicles. The mission is huge, but it is certainly achievable.

One of our subscribers who replied to the last article, Interpersonal communication: coding the response, stated that emails can effectively convey tone of voice and body language. Let’s explore this proposal.

In interpersonal communication, the two-way channel implicitly means that the Sender wants to “imply” something and that the Receiver needs to “infer” this identical thing. In the most effective interpersonal communications, implication and inference are one and the same. The way and the degree to which these diverge, however, reduces the effectiveness of communication and, in the extreme, results in a complete lack of communication. How do tone of voice and body language contribute to this?

Tone of voice is said to account for 35% of interpersonal communication. When the speaker can be heard, all elements of the voice can be apprehended. These elements include volume, tone, inflection, emphasis, irony, intonation, emotion, pause, modulation, excitement, passion, boredom, hesitation, etc. In a written communication, it may be possible to infuse some tone of voice, although this is quite difficult and generally incomplete. As a result, it is riddled with potential misunderstandings.

This is particularly true in the case of emails. Emails tend to be short and most often written quickly and then delivered immediately. Generally, the element of tone is overlooked. Even if one focused on tone and extensively edited email before sending it, communication would inevitably be poor in tone of voice, compared to interpersonal communication. In fact, hearing something has a huge impact.

Body language represents 55% of interpersonal communication. Covers a wide range of traits: nodding, smiling, frowning, shrugging, winking, making eye contact or moving, arms crossed or open, bending over, gesturing, posture, hand movements, yawning, lifting eyebrows, gape, roll eyes, tease, etc. . These are attributes that must be seen in order to be recognized and processed.

However, there are many situations in which interpersonal communication occurs solely through body language: there are no words or sounds. Mimes do complete routines, using only body language. Buster Keaton and Charlie Chaplin were virtuosos in the silent film era (yes, there was a time before movies integrated speech).

Another example of this is people walking through a mall. If viewed from above, it would look quite similar to an anthill. There are many things that slip away in a seemingly random way, but no one bumps into others. How do we negotiate, coordinate and manage all this without talking to each other?

Much of this action occurs on the subconscious level using a variety of subtle indicators. Direction intent is often indicated by small eye movements or other facial expressions. It can also be tilted in the desired direction. Preventive measures can be taken to occupy a space or the speed can be reduced to vacate a space.

All of this happens in real time and everyone sends and receives messages. The next time you are in a mall, pay attention to how we communicate using body language and you will conclude that we are having a great non-verbal conversation.

By definition, body language must be considered to have an effect. When reading an email, the sender cannot be seen and therefore the body language that might accompany it cannot be determined. This brings us back to the conclusion of the last article: an email, at best, can have only 10% of an interpersonal communication, because it lacks both tone of voice and body language, all it has is the words.


When I received an SMS message from the Abu Dhabi police, I was a bit surprised. It was in Arabic so I couldn’t read it, but I had it interpreted quickly and it was a reminder that my motor vehicle registration would expire soon. I was pleasantly surprised. Surprised that a country that is incredibly hardbound in some areas is doing something to overcome the paper war and gradually switch to electronic communications in others. It certainly doesn’t happen in my home country,
Australia, registration renewal is still in the mail.

This got me thinking about the work I had done to make my home business (and the rest of my life) as paper-free as possible and the details of those strategies are detailed below.

The centerpiece of this activity is Adobe PDF, as you will see.

Electronic communications

I have optimized my marketing and general communication activities to the point that I rarely produce a communication in print. I’ve eliminated postage, envelopes, paper, and queuing at the post office by doing almost everything by email, phone, or email fax.

My account with an Australia-based fax service provider means I can email anywhere in the world 24/7 from my laptop. When it is sent, I receive an email informing me if it was transmitted correctly and the time. I remove them, but they could be used as receipts. Similarly, faxes sent to me using my fax number arrive on my desktop as Adobe PDF files.

I can print them if I need to, but normally I don’t. When I have activated them, I delete them or save them to an external hard drive used specifically for that purpose.

Paper documentation

After reading internet marketing guru Ken Silver’s blog on paperless offices, I have invested in a scanner that scans to Adobe PDF. Any paper document that arrives and needs to be saved, for example, for tax purposes, I scan and then destroy the original. This is as paper free as possible.

I have agreed with as many organizations as possible to access my invoices, invoices, etc., electronically. Almost all of my banking is done online and I no longer subscribe to paper catalogs or other advertising media.

Digital file

With the exception of the occasional document that cannot be preserved digitally, I keep everything on an 80GB external hard drive that I can take with me wherever I go. I periodically back up the data to a DVD disc and archive it. At the end of the financial year, I download the data for that year onto a CD-RW and archive it.

All my files are in related folders and have a similar name, for example my monthly Visa Statement is presented as VISASEP06.pdf. By using a display and naming convention, it means that I can find things faster, sort them in ascending or descending order, etc.


If you’re sick of being bombarded with paper, like I am, make your life as paper-free as possible by following some of the procedures I have adopted. Once it’s set up and mastered, you’ll be glad you did.

Copyright 2006 Robin Henry

“I hate my mother!” my client sold. This was the first time he met her and he immediately began to describe images of an evil wretch. “He hit me every day of my life! He hates me; he hates everyone. Why was I born to this miserable person?”

As a clinical hypnotist, I have seen this before. People don’t always understand or make sense of strained relationships. When someone makes them miserable, the cause may be related to a past life. People usually come in soul groups; it is a way of balancing karma. Karma is not a punishment, but rather a balance of energy. It can be positive or negative depending on experience. Past life regression therapy often reveals the significant event where the energy needs to be balanced. You may have had the experience of meeting someone for the first time and immediately have a reaction that doesn’t make any sense. The answer could be rooted in a life spent together when that person was friend or foe.

My client’s mother passed away years earlier, yet her emotions continue to this day. We had a lot of work to do. She was anxious and quickly began her journey through her soul life. His deep level of hypnosis was evidenced by his fluttering and trembling eyelids.

“Let’s start with a past life that is related to this life,” I suggested. People in a deep trance can still speak, although their prayers are short and to the point.

“I see an ascending staircase. White, marble, majestic. It could be a castle. I don’t know how I fit in here yet. Oh, I’m living it. I’m going up the stairs now,” he continued. . “Kind of like a fairy tale. I wear a light, flowing garment; my hair is long and very pretty. I have a tiara, wow, it’s gold, the royalty is there. A burgundy burgundy tunic. A long white dress. fluid and then a robe. I am a princess. I can see my face. I am in my teens. Is it 1896 in Bavaria? Something like that. I am very regal. I feel safe. I feel like everything is great. Very bright inside. No worry. I’m going up the stairs. Something like Rapunzel. Beyond the stairs, I can see that the outside is a beautiful green, like Irish green. The doors at the top of the steps Opened for me. Princess Madame. Wow, I’m very pretty! People like me! I don’t want to call them servants, they know I treat them very well. ” My client was amazed at how good it felt to feel pretty, loved, and accepted, something she hadn’t felt in this life.

“They do their job willingly,” he continued. “The servants. They like me. I am very kind, gentle and soft-spoken. It is so peaceful inside the castle. I am the light in the castle. The colors are deeper than my heart feels comfortable. I” I’m getting tired and I go to my dresser. There are two ladies in waiting. Wow, a huge canopy bed! Most of the bed is white and it looks so luxurious and cozy. I walk into the room and she takes off my cape. Oh, I just heard that someone is going to murder me! “

I suspected she would be his mother in this life, as that might explain their relationship, but I didn’t want to plant any suggestions in his mind. I was silent.

“I see my dresser and my dresser. They’re waiting for me to tell them what to do. I’m starting to feel scared. My waitress asks if I want tea. I definitely feel scared now. I don’t know. At that time, I really just want to get into bed. . My clothes feel nice and don’t weigh anything. I don’t want to take them off. I want her to leave. The other maid of honor ran out of the room. Door, but she wasn’t supposed to use that door. I use that door. that she should use the other door. Oh, she’s fraternizing with the guard. I’m in bed and this lady – my head maid now looks wicked. Her eyes are burning. Now it’s scary. Why is she looking at me like that? She’s evil. A sham. She was always so nice to me. “

I could see that my client was getting anxious, but I knew that he would get the answers he was looking for. I let her continue.

“It’s strange. I’m reading his mind. He wanted to poison me with tea. He doesn’t like that everyone loves me because I’m young, pretty and smart. He hates me! But why? Children. He has a daughter who he thinks should be in my position, I look at her and I know I’m scared. I don’t move. I ask her why she’s angry. She says I don’t deserve this. I still don’t understand why. She says her daughter should be the princess. Oh, she had an affair with my father, the king. She feels used by him. Oh, he has an illegitimate son. I try to tell him that my my father adores me. He’s furious! I feel his energy. Pure rage! His eyes are evil! He wants to strangle me. Just I think my father will not allow this to happen to me. I had the other lady guarding the door. This witch is going to kill me! She is my mother! “It was an ‘aha’ moment for her. “She wants to kill me, I can’t move. I don’t know, I can’t move. I’m not going to move. She wants to kill me. She has nothing and her daughter has nothing. I ask her how will it benefit her daughter if she kills me? She said that the king would let his daughter be a princess. I mentally say, do you really think she will love you or your daughter if you kill me? She doesn’t care- oh, everyone will miss me, being so angry, so weird She drowns me, it’s amazing, I’m in awe, stronger, she drowns me, her eyes shine, there’s a smile on her face, oooo, she’s evil. I’m dead now. I still look pretty even though I have red marks. on the neck. She’s swollen like a puffer fish and she’s happy. “

I watched my client’s face as I absorbed this information. It’s a lot to experience and I felt like I needed some time to catch my breath.

“I think he realizes it’s in vain,” he continued after a while. My client was still in a deep hypnotic state. “He will never see her in a positive light. Now he hates her. He’s going to get her killed. She screams, ‘But I love you!’ His head is severed. His daughter is there and sees this and feels nothing. She is empty. My dad is so sad. He locks himself in. He knows that if he had not been with this woman, I would still be alive. In the tower. Alone. Sad. He grows a long beard. He dies. Alone. Very sad. “

Learning lessons from past life regressions comes from what is communicated after one leaves or dies in that life. The meaning of the relationship is fully understood. I suggested to my client that he stay in his other life to get this information.

“She was jealous of me and couldn’t accept her position in my life then, and the same with this life. She was jealous of me and couldn’t accept my kindness. She wants me to be her mother next time. So I was a servant, but my mother in this life. She is missing that piece of kindness, gentleness, humanity. I will show it to her in our next life together. “

When my client opened her eyes, her first words were: “Ugh! I have to make another life with her! Are you kidding me? She killed me!” Unfortunately, if karma was not balanced in this life, and in this case I am sure it was not, then there will be another chance to balance it in another life together.

Although she was not looking forward to the next meeting with her mother, my client was able to reconcile her feelings for her mother in this life. There was a sense of relief; a feeling of understanding of the mystery that prevented him from experiencing happiness.

Going through past lives offers answers to so many questions we have. It is a way of closing the inexplicable and troubled relationships that we experience in our lives today. Past life regression therapy can release problems from the past and help one find joy and happiness in it.

Have you ever wondered what is the easiest way to lose weight (and more importantly, body fat)? I know I have. Today, the United States has the highest incidence of obesity, and the problem is only getting worse. The problem is that we are obese because we are constantly trying to find the easiest way to lose weight. It is an endless battle. We develop this without fat and without sugar that, but still without weight loss.

Well, I’m here to tell you that there is an easy way to lose body fat, and it is not what you think. You see, the common sense of most people would tell you that to lose body fat you need to eat less food. I am here to tell you that this is not always the case. Many times, the best way to burn excess body fat is by eating more, or at least more often. That is why I call this the Hobbit Diet Plan.

You see, Hobbits, from the “Lord of the Rings” book and movie series, tend to eat a lot of meals throughout the day instead of just 2 or 3 like most Americans do. If you’ve seen the first movie in the series, you will remember a scene where the Hobbits stop to eat and are scolded for doing so. Their guide tells them that they have already had breakfast, to which a Hobbit quickly responds, “Yeah, but what about the ‘second’ breakfast”? He then goes on to ask about other foods that Hobbits have become so used to eating. All things considered, I think the total of meals adds up to 6. That’s right, 6 meals a day.

Now, 6 meals a day may seem absurd, but the Hobbits have it clear. By eating more meals spread throughout the day, you are actually helping your body keep your metabolism as high as possible. Which in turn means that your body will naturally burn more calories, even while sitting on the couch.

By eating less frequently, you are almost guaranteed that your body will go into “starvation” mode and hold on to every drop of body fat it can to survive. This, unfortunately, is a genetic trait passed down from our ancestors thousands of years ago, when food was scarce. When you give your body fewer calories, or go long periods without eating, your body automatically fears the worst and assumes that you will not eat again anytime soon. So what does your wonderful body do? You start burning fewer calories to conserve what you currently have in storage. Your body also begins to break down its own muscles for fuel instead of using body fat. Your body thinks this is the perfect solution. It’s getting rid of energy-consuming muscle and saving your fat stores for later when you really need it.

Well, we all know that you really aren’t going to starve. So what happens when you finally eat? Your body is still afraid another starvation is coming, so you pack all those calories as fat for the next time you have to do without them. And get fat. Vicious circle.

So how do we break the cycle? Eat like the Hobbits. Eat more often every day. Preferably 5 to 6 meals evenly spaced throughout waking hours, approximately every 3 to 4 hours. I know, you’re thinking “Good God, does this guy want me to eat every 3-4 hours?” That’s how it is! You see, by eating more often, you are signaling to your body that you are well nourished and that there are no signs of a shortage in the future, so it’s okay to go ahead and burn off all that extra energy stored in the form of fat.

However, there are some important things to remember. Although we are going to eat 5 to 6 meals a day, we must be aware of the calories we eat. You should not eat 5 to 6 meals consisting of quarters and French fries, or Big Macs and chocolate shakes. Your body still only needs a certain amount of calories to function efficiently. If you want to burn fat, you need to make sure you are slightly below that level.

“Ah ha!” You say, “You cheated on us.” No, not really. I think you would be surprised how many calories your body needs to function efficiently. In fact, it is very common for many people to not consume enough calories and, in turn, send their bodies into starvation mode.

So how many calories does your body really need? Well that’s a good question and the correct answer depends on your body composition. Now that’s some pretty heavy math for now, but here are some averages.

For women, the average number of calories needed to maintain body weight is 2,000 to 2,100 calories per day. Which means that to lose weight (preferably body fat), you need to eat between 1,400 and 1,800 calories per day.

For men, the average number of calories needed to maintain body weight is 2,700 to 2,900 calories per day. Which means, to lose weight (again, preferably body fat), you need to eat 2,200 to 2,700 calories.

That’s a pretty substantial amount of calories. This is by no means a starvation diet. A little math will show you that a man who tries to maintain 2,500 calories a day and eats 5 times a day is allowed 500 calories per meal. If you choose the right foods, 500 calories is a lot of food. For example, you can eat 4 ounces of grilled chicken, a 6-ounce baked potato, a cup of broccoli, and a large mixed green salad (2 cups) with light Italian dressing, and still have about 450 calories. That’s a lot of food!

So if you want to burn some fat and be able to eat right while doing it, I recommend eating like the Hobbits. Try to eat 5 to 6 balanced meals a day about every 3 to 4 hours. I think the results will surprise you.

In Approaching the Bench: Tales of a Personal Injury Lawyer, attorney Jan Weinberg shares some of his most fascinating cases from a career that has spanned decades. Beginning with stories from his time at Harvard Law School, years marked by anxiety and school absences, to his first assignment to a client while still a law student, and then being a partner in a law firm and finally practicing. on your own in Hawaii. Weinberg offers a revealing portrait not only of the clients, judges and opponents he faced in the courtroom, but also of how being a lawyer sometimes affected his personal life.

Anyone who loves good courtroom drama will find many things to enjoy in this book. There are fascinating details about how Weinberg investigates his cases and finds precedents for his arguments; There are clients more interested in flirting with him than in defending them, and there are some heartbreaking stories of clients desperately in need of someone to stand up and fight for their rights, and Weinberg was able to do it for them.

While I can’t detail every story here, I’ll briefly mention a few of my favorites. One case in which Weinberg was not involved, but which was a key case that he learned about in law school, was the hairy hand case; In this case, a doctor made a skin graft by taking skin from a patient’s chest and using it for treatment. hand: when chest hair grew on the patient’s hand, the patient was unhappy. This case is one that every good law student apparently knows about.

In Weinberg’s first case, which was assigned while still a law student through Harvard Legal Aid, he handled a divorce. He quickly discovered how much he still needed to learn despite his law school training. His client was getting divorced for the first time, but her friend, who accompanied her to her date with Weinberg, had been divorced three times and apparently knew more about court protocol when it came to divorce cases than he did, so she learned one. thing. or two of her.

In another case, Weinberg was assigned to conduct an investigation in a pro bono case in which a partner represented a convicted bank robber on his appeal. The conviction was based on an identification of the client’s left elbow hanging from the getaway car window.

Throughout his career, Weinberg has proven to be very good at investigating his cases and preparing for trial, as well as examining and questioning witnesses. As Weinberg states at one point, “So if an attorney is unwilling to spend time after hours and on weekends thinking about cases while walking, gardening, exercising, and even performing basic bodily functions, to investigate, to question, and to be concerned, then an area of ​​the law other than the practice of personal injury would almost certainly be a better option. ” Weinberg’s stories and results attest to the fact that he was always, like Perry Mason, trying to uncover his cases and his strategy from every possible angle.

One story that really made me admire Weinberg’s techniques in the courtroom was when he was questioning a doctor who was an expert witness at his trial. Faking a full disclosure, but really to gain the sympathy of the jury, Weinberg asked the doctor if it was true that he was a convicted felon. The man replied, “Yes, I am a convicted criminal. But can I please explain? As I told the jury, I am Hungarian. You may remember that in 1956, the Soviet Union sent tanks and troops to take our country.” . So I was a young man, and with other young people we filled Coca-Cola bottles with gasoline and put rags in them. We ran to the tanks, lit the rags, and threw the bottles under the tanks. We called ourselves ‘freedom fighters’. . The Soviets called us “terrorists.” I was convicted of terrorism and spent two years in a Soviet prison in solitary confinement. “Weinberg goes on to say that the doctor” spoke in a mellifluous tone of voice, with a strong Hungarian accent. His performance was operatic. It was fascinating. He spoke directly to the juror who seemed attracted to him. her eyes when she finished her answer. It seemed that the Hungarian love dance was succeeding. “

Many other stories in the book will fascinate, amaze and entertain readers. A landmark 1996 case in which Weinberg was involved concerned a pedestrian who was struck by a driver who may have been using a cell phone. This occurred long before discussions arose about the dangers of cell phone use while driving. Ironically, twice during the trial, the driver’s cell phone rang, which only made the jury look worse. Other stories demonstrate how handwriting samples are used to determine the personalities of potential jurors, and how Weinberg has used mock jury trials to determine the strengths and weaknesses of a case before going to trial.

Approaching the bank will attract law students, attorneys, and anyone else involved with the court system or simply a fan of courtroom drama. I’m sure that after so many years of practicing law, Jan Weinberg has only shared the tip of the iceberg with the stories in this volume. I wouldn’t be surprised if he wrote another book one day. I’m sure the fans of this volume will appreciate it.