Month: May 2022

We have seen this before, but perhaps not on the scale/level that we are currently witnessing! In the last half century, this is at least the third time it has been the weapon of a politician! Who can forget Richard Nixon using this rhetoric in 1968 or Ronald Reagan in his 1980 campaign and perhaps because it seemed to be effective then Donald Trump’s campaign has taken this to new heights! ! Perhaps one key difference is that, while Nixon and Reagan used the words Law & Order repeatedly when first running for office, and not when seeking re-election, the current occupant of the White House seems strongly confident, appealing to fears, anxieties, prejudices, etc. of Americans, blaming and complaining about his opponents, even though he has been the president for the last four years! With that in mind, this article will briefly attempt to consider, examine, review, and discuss 5 concerns we should have about this approach and appeal.

1. Black Lives Matter/Systemic Racism: Given the recent exposure of what appears to be misbehavior by a small number of police officers, primarily targeting men of color, we should not have been surprised, the Black Lives Matter movement and associated protests. , cam, to the forefront! Because there have been numerous incidents of this behavior and apparent evidence of systemic racism in many areas of American life! Instead of trying to appeal, to bring about a meeting of minds, for the greater good, President Trump has done almost the opposite! Instead of displaying, and demonstrating, any necessary degree of genuine empathy, he appears to be utilizing unassociated criminal activity, looting, arson, etc., by a select few, who, may or may not, have also been! that the protesters are inciting their core supporters, appealing to their fears and anxieties!

two. Most fonts are good, but there are some bad ones: apples: Although the vast majority of police officers are good, dedicated, and hard-working people, unfortunately, there are a few bad apples! Trump’s rhetoric has tended to defend all police and blame all anti-police protesters, which is divisive and dangerous for a safer, harmonious society!

3. Political rhetoric/messages: When a politician uses rhetoric, which appears to be a negative and divisive message, the so-called call for law and order is just the opposite.

Four. Department of Justice/ Behavior of AG Barr/ No one above the law: Historically, the Attorney General behaves like the people’s attorney, but Mr. Barr’s behavior appears as if he is focused on defending this President and his personal interests. What happened to the concept that no one is above the law? If our Justice Department does not enforce all laws, but does, with a selective emphasis, appear to coincide with the President’s personal/political agenda and/or his self-interest, it is a dangerous precedent for the guarantees of our Constitution. !

5. All the Constitutional guarantees, not selective!: The rights of women, civil and human, appear, at risk! In the name of Law and Order, we are witnessing an emphasis on selective warranties, etc., rather than all!

Wake up, America, for we are witnessing a clear and present danger to our way of life! Demand change and a more inclusive approach before it’s too late!

Never get emotionally attached to uncertain situations

One of the biggest mistakes men make is thinking that a woman they just met, that they’re talking to, is a sure thing. He doesn’t know this woman’s motives or if she’s worth it.

Men have put themselves in bad situations because they thought a woman was a sure thing, but she had ulterior motives. It may seem like things are going great, but the woman could just be looking for attention. She may be flirting with you at the club, but she’s just trying to make her boyfriend jealous, who’s standing a few feet away watching the entire interaction. When she gets what she wants, she’ll leave you there looking confused when she doesn’t come home with you.

Being stuck with a woman (who you’re not even in a relationship with) is a recipe for disaster.

This happens to men in the friend zone. They will build this friendship, hoping that it will transform into a romantic relationship. Unfortunately, this girl is not interested because she has her eyes on other men whom she does not consider her friends. These men will be hooked on this girl and think that being “the one who is always there for her” will turn that friendship into a sexual relationship.

If you want to please women, you have to operate from a position of power. These men that she dates, she is interested in them for a reason. There is something about these men that turns her on and it’s not because they listen to all her problems.

This doesn’t mean you can’t listen to a woman and comfort her, but it should be because you care about her, not to fake interest just to get into her pants. Women are very intuitive and know that this is what he really wants to do, but they are too scared to let him know that this is what he really wants, so she will use this to her advantage and treat him like a shoulder to cry on when other men who really interest her do not treat her in a special way.

Why you shouldn’t confess your love for your crush like they do in the movies

Have you ever seen those movies of the guy who had a crush on this girl since they were in third grade and confesses his love to her in a big, dramatic way? Just because women like the idea of ​​this happening, they don’t want to be the girl this is happening to.


You have fantasy and reality.

Women like the IDEA of a man confessing his love to her and making her feel special. The reality is that women are very attracted to men who ignore them.

Think about the IDEA of having 7 girlfriends (not “friends with rights”) for each day of the week. This sounds like a big fantasy, but the reality is that you would burn out and find it hard to keep these 7 girls happy.

A man who confesses his love for a woman in a dramatic way has transferred power from him to her. Yes, you can be affectionate with your girlfriend or wife, but a woman with whom you have not established a romantic relationship may walk away scared from such a dramatic situation.

The men who get the girl usually keep things simple and allow her to have all those emotions stirring in her.

Are you wearing your heart on your sleeve?

“I think this is it!”

Have you ever said that about every woman you meet? When a man waits for fireworks, it is because he has his heart on his sleeve. Men who are successful with women know and understand that it is about controlling their emotions rather than being at their mercy.

“Why would you say that?”

Women are very emotional. They need men to keep that emotional energy grounded. This is why many men who are overly emotional, even if they are “traditionally attractive,” reject women. Women get turned on by men who can connect with her emotionally, but who are not victims of their emotions.

Sometimes rejection is a good thing

This is not something you want to hear right after you’ve been rejected by a woman you’re really attracted to. However, if you ask yourself, why did you like that woman in the first place?

Was it because she was pretty?

Was it because she had a nice body?

Was he a nice person or did you just see how good he looked on the outside?

Once you take away her looks and how much you want to sleep with her, was it so bad to be rejected after all?

Don’t expect fireworks, but you want to get a result

Sometimes those results won’t be to your liking, but at least you know where you stand with this specific woman. The sooner you know, the better. I’m not saying that the two of you can’t begin to build a relationship over time, but you will know when you focus on getting a result than expecting fireworks.

Let’s say you tell a woman that you want to go out with her. She turns you down and says you’re not her type (she’s very direct. Most women aren’t that direct). At least you’re not torturing yourself with uncertainty. If you get rejected, at least you know it’s time to move on.

Even the most handsome and charismatic men do not get the girl

If you’re one of those men who think you’re too ugly to get attractive women, think again. Even the most attractive men are shunned and may even be overlooked by men who look like swamp creatures by general standards.

It’s not how you look, but how you make a woman feel. The goal of this is to make her feel all these emotions for you. When you can control your emotions and how you interact with women, you will start to notice that more and more women will be attracted to you. Your problem will be which one you will choose!

Can chickens eat leftover bread?

We all reserve leftover bread for compost, if you have one.

Or they go to the trash can.

But I would not advise you that being natural, you better throw it in your garden.

It will soon disappear.

Now when it comes to chickens and bread from your backyard.

I haven’t even thought twice about giving my chickens pieces of bread.

As we know, bread is filling and so is your chickens.

It will fill their bellies, and it’s great for those cold winter days when you want to see a happy chicken without a growl in your stomach.

Can chickens eat moldy bread?


All bread molds at one point or another.

When it comes to keeping your bread much longer than usual and it almost leaves your kitchen

This is not good.

As with moldy bread, there are mold spores.

You see the fluffy looking mold on the bread, it’s almost like fairy floss.

But not so tasty.

No, I’ve never tried it…

It may look good, but just know that it will have a taste.


Let’s just say it’s not nice and leave it at that.

Therefore, these spores can irritate the respiratory tract of your chickens.

That’s one thing, and the other giving moldy bread to your chickens is a bit exasperating really…

Don’t you think?

would you eat it?

If you did, you wouldn’t be throwing it away.

And your hens shouldn’t eat moldy bread either.

You can’t gain much from eating moldy bread.

Then it’s ready for the compost heap.


Sometimes I have removed the moldy parts from the rest of the bread slice and it is fine.

Why is bread bad for chickens?

A question that needs to be answered and is being asked.

And I don’t know where such a question would come from.

As it is completely wrong.

Yes, chickens can eat bread, just like us.

So I need to clear this up.

Bread is fine for your chickens.

It’s never been bad for them unless of course it’s turning green from mold.


Bread may have very little nutritional value compared to other foods.

And in large amounts, it could cause clogging or even a sour craw in a chicken.

But this is weird…

With stale bread.

Because it is on the way out.

Don’t give them too much of this.

Just because it’s not really for you when you’re old, doesn’t mean it’s the best for your chickens either.

Can chickens eat bread crusts?

Do you eat bread crusts?

Only the outside of the bread cooks more than the inside.

Then it becomes a bit harder and darker in color.

There is no reason why you should hesitate to give your backyard chickens scabs.

Even alone without the bread inside.

If you are one of those who like to cut the crust off the slices of bread.

Your chickens will have them.

Can chickens eat bread and butter?

There is usually a bit of butter that remains on the edge of the crusts when pulled.

And there is no problem giving this to your hens.

But if you’re thinking that.

“I think I’ll give my chickens a slice of bread today, and hey. I think I’ll put some butter on them too.”

Butter is fine for your chickens, but I would go out of my way to put butter on bread for my chickens.

So if the bread you have decided to throw away and directly to the chicken, that’s fine.

Leave it like this…

Can chickens eat breadfruit?

Now to your talk…

That breadfruit!

We all love it and that fruit inside the bread is a special gift.

Then your chickens will think so too.

They will go for the breadfruit loaf as you would also call it every time over normal plain loaf.

I have seen them.

They see the fruit in the bread.

And did you guess?

They first peck all the fruit from the slices of bread before eating the bread.

When you have a yeast infection in your mouth, it’s called thrush, it’s characterized by redness and white bumps, and it can be painful. Newborns, infants, and older adults are the most susceptible, but it can occur in anyone at any age. In healthy babies, thrush is usually not a serious problem and can be easily treated and cured naturally.

With a mild case of thrush, all you need to do is clean/sterilize bottle nipples and pacifiers regularly and gently massage the inside of your mouth with a clean, damp cloth.

If you’re breastfeeding, you should also treat your nipples so you don’t transfer the yeast infection between you and your child. There are antifungal medications available, but your baby can also eat those chemicals, so we prefer the natural approach. You can also apply lanolin to help relieve sore nipples.

If you wear dentures and develop thrush it is very important that you clean your dentures every night and also treat your mouth, here are the steps you need to take:

-Remove dentures before going to bed.

-Use a clean toothbrush and water to scrub them well.

-Soak them overnight in chlorhexidine gluconate, which you can get from a pharmacist. You can also use a denture cleanser (such as Polident or Efferdent) that is sold at most drugstores or grocery stores.

-If you use Chlorhexidine Gluconate to clean your dentures, you should rinse them very well in the morning. Do not use a fluoride toothpaste for at least 30 minutes, as fluoride has a debilitating effect on chlorhexidine gluconate.

There is a dye called Gentian Violet (1%). This dye will kill bacteria and fungi. The downside is that it only needs to be used once. If you can’t get rid of all the fungus, you should try another remedy. It is available without a prescription, but should only be used in adults. Here are some preventative tips that can help:

-It is necessary to have good oral hygiene habits, such as brushing teeth twice a day, flossing once a day and using an antiseptic mouthwash. If this is your second round with thrush, you need to replace your toothbrush.

– Practice good hand washing.

-If you need to take a liquid antibiotic, you should rinse your mouth within a few minutes of taking it.

-If you have health problems such as diabetes, HIV or cancer, you are at higher risk of thrush.

-You should rinse your mouth with mouthwash after inhaling corticosteroids

-If you have AIDS, Listerine may be particularly helpful in preventing yeast infections.

Here’s how to help reduce the risks of passing thrush to babies:

-During the last 3 months of pregnancy treat vaginal yeast infections. This reduces the chance of the baby getting thrush during delivery. Treating vaginal thrush also helps prevent the spread of thrush during oral sex.

-Wash all teats and pacifiers daily, if you prepare bottles and teats ahead of time, store them in the refrigerator to reduce the chance of yeast growth.

– Yeast can start to grow on a nipple after an hour, so if the baby has drunk from it, you should not continue to let him drink from it.

-Any object that the baby puts in his mouth should be put in the dishwasher or boiled for 20 min.

-As soon as your baby has wet, you should change the diaper. Warm, moist areas are the perfect environment for the yeast that causes yeast to grow.

-If possible, breastfeeding your baby is the best thing you can do for your baby’s health. There are antibodies contained in breast milk that will help your baby’s immune system so that she can resist infections on her own.

-If you are breastfeeding and your nipples are sore and red or have pain while breastfeeding, your baby may have passed a yeast infection to you.

If your baby has an infection elsewhere and needs antibiotics after each dose, they should rinse their mouth out with water. Taking oral antibiotics can cause the balance of bacteria in the mouth to be disrupted, which can allow the overgrowth of yeast that causes thrush. A simple rinse with water can go a long way in preventing oral antibiotics from altering the environment of the mouth.

If you have to give your baby medicine by dropper, try to avoid putting the dropper in his mouth. You can put the medicine on a cotton swab and then on the affected area. Then throw the swab away.

Do not put anything back into the medicine bottle to avoid cross-contamination with yeast.

There are things you can do to reduce the discomfort, such as drink cold drinks (avoid very sugary drinks), try water or iced teas.

Also flavored ice treats or frozen juice, as well as gelatin, ice cream, and custard that are easy to swallow. If it hurts when you swallow, try sucking gently through a straw. A warm salt water rinse several times a day can also make you feel better. (1 teaspoon-5ml of salt in 8 oz-240 ml of warm water).

If you want the best information on how to deal with thrush that will help you get that thick white film off your tongue, check out thrush cures.

Mesa is technically part of the satellite cities of Phoenix, Arizona and is located approximately 15-20 miles away. This suburban spot has a rich history and diverse culture and as such continues to attract throngs of visitors seeking sun, work and opportunity. This means that apartments in the area experience their share of demand. Mesa Apartments routinely check credit and rental history and any applicant whose credit does not meet acceptable ranges may be denied approval. Breached leases are also frowned upon in Mesa if one is looking to rent an apartment.

Just because area apartments check credit scores and prior lease violations doesn’t mean there aren’t apartments out there willing to work with a troubled applicant. If you are such a person, here are some areas within Mesa where you can start looking for a second chance apartment:

  • Sailboat
  • big table
  • valley subway
  • Lehi and much more…

The reason it becomes difficult to locate these apartments is because they are reluctant to advertise in the local media. There are several reasons for this reluctance, one of which is that they don’t want to attract undue attention. They also want to keep their current rental rates and maintain the quality of the neighborhood. This, of course, can lead to frustration when it comes to bad credit apartment seekers in Mesa having difficulty finding a rental unit.

One of the best ways to locate these types of apartments in Mesa is to use the Internet. This can save you valuable time and money as you can go through different apartments and call them ahead of time. Another option is to use an apartment locator. Some of them have inside knowledge about the locations of specific apartments they rent to people whose credit is damaged or whose rental history is clouded by a broken lease, but sometimes one may need to network more to discover the locations. real.

It’s also good to keep in mind that even if you find a second chance apartment in Mesa, Arizona, you’ll need to meet the basic requirements. One of them is that you must demonstrate the financial capacity to pay the rent, which means that you must have been in your job for at least 6 months and earn approximately 3 times the amount of the rent. You may or may not be required to submit to a criminal background check, but it is standard procedure in many apartments in Mesa.

Shelter in place day number two here in California, where I live, one of the states hardest hit by the coronavirus. As my baby boomer husband said the other day: “Wake up to another day in Coronaville.”

“Coronavirus.” “pandemic.” “Shelter in place.” “COVID-19.” “Social distancing.” “Self-quarantine.” “Stay at home.” “Lockdown.” “Isolation.” To think that just a month ago these words were not part of our everyday vocabulary. People wearing masks, empty supermarket shelves, incessant handwashing, travel bans, closed schools, working from home, and a plummeting stock market.

This is our new normal.

On Thursday, the governor of California issued a statewide stay-at-home order in an attempt to stop the spread of COVID-19. To date, five other states have done the same. Basically, that means staying home with the exception of going to the store, seeing relatives, going to the doctor, or exercising outside (as long as you stay six feet away from everyone). Schools and all non-essential businesses have been closed. If that news wasn’t dire enough, the governor also warned that 56% of California’s population is at risk of contracting the coronavirus. Now, there is a sobering thought.

We baby boomers, specifically those 60 and older, well, it turns out we’re the ones susceptible to getting very sick from this virus. Although we feel young, tough and invincible when we first hear about this pandemic, it seems that boomers are finally taking notice. And that’s a good thing.

I don’t want to be alarmist, but can I make a suggestion? If you’re a baby boomer over the age of 65 and not in quarantine or isolation, you should seriously consider it, even if it’s not currently required where you live. That is certainly the case if you have underlying health problems. I know I know Self-quarantining wasn’t exactly on her wish list, and we boomers are used to active, social lives. But look at what happened in China and what is happening right now in Italy and Spain at breakneck speed.

COVID-19 transmission is highly contagious and surprisingly easy to spread. Now, medical experts tell us that the virus can survive on surfaces for up to three days. Younger people may not even have symptoms, so family members or friends can spread the disease without even realizing it. Currently, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the incubation period (the time between when you get the virus and when symptoms start) for the new coronavirus is 2 to 14 days after infection. exposition.

The saying, “prevention is better than cure” has never been truer. Ok, reading again, but please take care, my friends.

So what can you do if you’re like me, stuck at home, to stop thinking about all this chaos?

Before I list 10 things you can do if you’re in quarantine, remember to stay safe, but remain calm and positive. While we should take this virus seriously, don’t be glued to the television watching gloomy news. Instead, focus on the many reasons we all have to be thankful for. At the end of the day, acknowledge that you’ve been given another chance to see the sunrise, acknowledge something you’ve accomplished, or take note of a person you’re grateful to have in your life.

Well, here are ten ways to stay sane:

* Eat right and stay active. This is not the time to stress, eat and enjoy comfort food. You’ll only feel worse in the end, trust me. Exercise – outdoors if possible. I still go for walks, bike rides, and hikes on trails, keeping a safe six-foot distance from others, of course. I can literally feel the stress melt away. Calm nature. However, if that’s not possible, there are plenty of free exercise videos on YouTube geared toward people over 50. Look at them.

* Strengthen your connections. Stay in touch with your family and friends. I belong to a small sign language congregation and we started using Zoom for our meetings. Maybe I’m behind technically because I’ve never heard of Zoom before, but this is a great way for a group of people to communicate with each other during these times. It is very important not to isolate yourself. You can also stay in touch with your loved ones through text messages, email, social networks, Skype or Face Time. do you hate technology? Write an old-fashioned letter or create cards to brighten the day of your loved ones.

* I feel so lucky to be a writer, which has served me as therapy throughout my life. Take advantage of your muse. Keep a journal, write a poem, or start a blog. Begin the great American novel that has been spinning around in your head. Start that memory or family history. You will be surprised how quickly time passes. In fact, if you’ve always dreamed of becoming a writer and want to pursue the craft in your golden years, stay tuned. In my new book, to be released next year, I will provide inspiration and motivation as I share my knowledge and experience to help you start your writing journey. What if you hate writing? Try some other creative outlet. Paint, create jewelry, sing or dance.

* Do you know that we baby boomers are always told to exercise our brains? Now is the perfect time to do it. Why not take an online class? Make a puzzle. Learn a new skill. Do you want to learn a new language? My son, Chris Gorges, an interpreter for the deaf, offers free educational content for those who want to learn sign language on his ASL Basics YouTube channel.

* Take time to savor the little moments. Even during lockdown, you can go outside to enjoy the song of a bird, the smells after a storm, or the beauty of a sunset. Savor simple things like the first day of spring in your garden or that first sip of coffee.

* Read those books that have been collecting dust on your shelf or check out the best sellers on Amazon. Looking for tips? I thought Elizabeth Strout’s “Olive, Again” was brilliant. Mary Beth Keane’s “Ask Again, Yes” and Sayaka Murata’s quirky “Convenience Store Woman” were also worth it. And if you want spooky, try Alex Michaelides’ “The Silent Patient,” Lisa Jewell’s “The Family Upstairs,” or Samantha Downing’s “My Lovely Life.”

* Resist the urge to lie in bed or lounge in your pajamas all day. Get up, take a shower, brush your teeth and put on nice clothes. Structure your day with some goals to achieve. You will feel better and it will help you maintain a positive attitude.

* Now is the perfect time for some spring cleaning. Empty out that junk drawer, get rid of the clothes you never wear, and clear out. Do your taxes so you have one less thing to worry about. Tasks will distract you and help you feel productive.

* Do you have an old guitar or saxophone in the closet? Dust off that old instrument, take lessons, or start practicing.

* Pamper yourself. Take a long bubble bath. Listen to music from the 60s and dance around the house. Add your favorite songs to your playlist. Give yourself a facial. Sleep or take a nap. Look through an old photo album. Sit outside in the sun. Feel stressed? Make sure to read something spiritual and inspiring every day. Pray. Practice deep breathing. Do some Pilates. Try using an app like Calm or Headspace. Do you need distraction? Watch a favorite old black and white movie from your childhood or a movie that makes you laugh out loud. Get a free trial of a streaming service and watch as much as you can before it expires.

There you have 10 things to help you get through these harrowing and unprecedented times. You are not alone. We baby boomers will get through this together!

Custom cabinets are a mark of distinction in a home and give you the most direct way to get what you want. Remodeling provides an opportunity to make creative use of storage space and improve the livability of interior areas. Kitchens are often the rooms that reap the most benefit from remodeling, providing time-saving conveniences and improving access to frequently used storage space.

As the most popular room in homes today, the kitchen is often the favorite gathering place for family and friends. Providing a comfortable space that allows everyone to rest or socialize, as well as a chef-friendly workspace, a kitchen cabinet makeover is the perfect place to start a transformative project.

Focus on needed improvements

Real estate agents confirm that kitchen remodels provide the best return on investment. To get the result you want to achieve, focus on what is wrong with your current kitchen setup. If you’re like most homeowners, these are typical complaints:

Put cabinets within reach

The average height of American women is well under five and a half feet, but reaching the top shelf of most cabinets is next to impossible, except for those who are at least a foot taller. With seemingly no regard for accessibility, contractors install cabinets that are too tall and too deep. You can improve accessibility and increase storage space by using custom cabinets that are designed just the way you like them.

Most falls in homes are related to ladders, and stools commonly used in kitchens are flimsier and less sturdy than full-size ladders. The hassle of finding a stool in order to place items on the top shelf of a cabinet is made worse by the likelihood of a fall.

Use of creative concepts for storage

Pots and pans are used for almost every meal and are usually stored on shelves in low cabinets. To reach them, you have to crouch until you are almost face down or crouch uncomfortably and reach as far as possible. Having a pulled muscle or losing your balance are unfortunate outcomes that you can avoid with proper storage space planning. Custom cabinets that use pull-out shelves put pots within easy reach, and a large pull-out drawer is also a better alternative.

Trust expert cabinetmakers

Making the kitchen a pleasant place to work or relax is one of the most important goals of kitchen cabinetmakers. By taking note of the areas of your kitchen that give you less access to storage or cause inconvenience, you can achieve great results in a remodel that makes kitchen activities more enjoyable. Using custom cabinets that meet your requirements allows you to enjoy the best features of workflow design based on innovative storage concepts.

Bonaire is a small island located about 120 miles off the coast of Venezuela in the southern Caribbean. It is famous for its great diving. Everyone from beginners to advanced divers will find something to their liking here. Although it has withstood an occasional hurricane in its history, it is generally considered to be outside the hurricane belt, allowing for excellent year-round diving.

Bonaire is considered by many, myself included, to be one of the best diving destinations in the world. In fact, I visited three times in an eighteen month period because I enjoy it so much. There is something to be said for returning to places you are familiar and comfortable with. People are warm. The system to access your tanks for shore diving is very easy to use. Nitrox was not an additional charge as dive shops felt it was important to encourage its use to protect their divers. It is also a very easy island to get around. Rent a truck at the airport and go.

To date, I have gone diving with ‘Buddy Dive’ and ‘Toucan Diving’ dive shops. Both dive shops were very helpful staff wise. However, Toucan Diving had an advantage, as their dive boats are stored in a protected area. You can load your things and organize your equipment before leaving the dock in calm waters. The Buddy Dive boats were on a dock adjacent to the open sea, which was a nice sight, but the boats were constantly hitting the dock as divers tried to board with heavy gear. You have to prepare your gear on the way to the dive site or at the dive site, because you just need to sit back and hang on while the boat bangs while everyone else is loading up. Another reason I prefer Toucan Diving is a particular dive master. His name is Jackson. He is always enthusiastic about the sport despite practicing it for years, and always goes out of his way to show divers the cool stuff, like the frogfish and the air pocket on the 99-foot Hilma Hooker shipwreck. Of the two dive shops, toucan diving has always been my preference.

Bonaire’s sea creatures are abundant. I started my first dive with a beautiful floating spotted eagle ray and saw several more as the week went on. There were also turtles on several dives. These will always be some of my favorites. Bonaire also has several dive sites where seahorses tend to congregate. These are definitely creatures you don’t see often, but I have seen them on every trip to Bonaire. There were also several opportunities to see frogfish as well as many smaller creatures which made for some excellent macro photography. There were many more marine animals that deserve an honorable mention, but too many to include them all here! Let’s just say diving here gets a thumbs up!

Bonaire is well known for its shore diving, and I have tried it many times. Although the freedom of shore diving is wonderful, the entrances at many sites are still quite challenging as they are often rocky and slippery. Make sure to watch your fingers because there are eels everywhere (and gloves are not allowed as Bonaire is considered a marine sanctuary)! There are several dive sites from shore that I prefer, like “Oil Slick” because you can enter via a platform ladder. We also like “Ciudad Ángel” because that place has never let me down. The old coral is a bit of a tricky entrance, but definitely worth it when you jump in and see all the squid that like to hang out here. I will always like boat diving better because I like to jump right into the water without the dangers of twisting my ankle along the way (which happened to a friend of mine before she even got in the water)! Also, if you dive from shore, make sure you don’t leave anything of value in the car, as I’ve heard of theft issues, but never experienced them.

So whether boat diving or land diving suits you, you’ll find it on Bonaire. This small and picturesque island allows for a relaxed and rewarding diving experience. Call your travel agent and pack your gear. Great diving in a tropical paradise awaits you. There is no better formula for a great diving vacation.

What better way to say “I love you” to that special person than by giving chocolates. Valentine’s Day is an occasion when people from all over the world express their love, not only with hugs, kisses and cards, but also with chocolates. You can give your special someone a wide variety of chocolate gifts on Valentine’s Day.

Love and chocolate go hand in hand. Give your loved one a gourmet chocolate gift basket. Fill it with a variety of chocolates. From Swiss Made Lindt Chocolate Bars to Hershey’s Kisses. Don’t just limit yourself to gourmet chocolate gifts. You can give chocolate bears and chocolate candles. And add a book of love quotes. Make your chocolate gift baskets colorful and varied. Variety is the spice of life, isn’t it?

Another great option for a unique chocolate gift basket is to fill it with chocolate products. Chocolates will obviously be a part of this, but also consider chocolate silk spa products, chocolate soaps, chocolate manicure and pedicure kits, and even chocolate fragranced lotions and creams. Add some chocolate chip cookies, candles, and coffee to give the chocolate gift basket a unique feel. You might even include a book or two about chocolates or love, since it’s Valentine’s Day. You could include a gift coupon for chocolate spa therapy. What better gift than a chocolate treat! Don’t forget to wrap your chocolate gift basket with colored paper. It will make your gift basket look even more attractive.

Only a true chocolate lover will understand the importance of the gift. If your partner is a chocoholic like you, then the gift ideas for Valentine’s Day are endless. The most common gift is the heart-shaped chocolate gift box. But get more creative and get something like a chocolate cheesecake. Or you can go all out and get chocolate-based bath and body products. The cocoa in chocolate is good for the skin and makes it soft and fragrant. Another great idea is chocolate scented candles. You can set a totally romantic mood on Valentine’s Day with chocolate-scented candles.

Consider making your Valentine’s Day gift special by making the chocolates yourself! They don’t have to be gourmet chocolate, but they will certainly be appreciated as you put the time and effort into making the chocolate gift. You could also consider making a chocolate cake. Everyone loves a good chocolate cake, and to spice things up, invite your partner to make it with you.

Whatever the occasion, chocolate gifts are always appreciated. Whether at Christmas, Easter, weddings or birthdays, chocolates are always the ideal gift. And no Valentine’s Day would be complete without chocolates. It also becomes easier to make up with chocolates on Valentine’s Day. So whether you go for the traditional heart-shaped chocolate box, or get creative with a chocolate gift basket filled with chocolate goodies, chocolates are a must to make every Valentine’s Day special.

Some things are as easy as ABCD, but losing weight isn’t one of them. People have tried different ways, different weight loss plans and different exercise regimens to lose weight and there just isn’t a hard and fast rule to do it. However, I think everyone agrees that weight gain and subsequently weight loss is dependent on food intake and calorie output or better calorie intake and output.

Some people have actually micromanaged themselves to the weight they want and this involves not only keeping meticulous notes on what you eat and what’s in it, but also how you burn it off through exercise and motivation to stick to the plan.

Here are some of the strategies you can employ to micromanage yourself and get in shape:

Be realistic

This simply means setting goals that you can achieve. If this is your first time exercising, running, or walking, don’t start out trying to do it all in one day. Set reasonable goals like, I’ll start with a 30 minute walk or brisk walk today and depending on how it goes I’ll increase it by 5 minutes every 2 days. Having a defined place or number that we want to reach helps us achieve goals and not abandon them. For example, today I will run on the treadmill for 45 minutes at level 10 or I will lift 10kg weights 3 sets of ten is much easier to achieve than saying, I will run on the treadmill until I get tired.

avoid the temptation

This is easy to say, but difficult to do. This implies avoiding situations that make you break with your already defined eating routine. Things like a friend’s birthday party, going to the movies with friends, or just hanging out. You have to prepare yourself before you venture or don’t go. You should have a plan for what you’re going to eat and what you’re going to do when you’re offered something to eat so you don’t come off as rude or decide to indulge him just once. The latter is dangerous because you find yourself indulging more often or deciding that since you’ve already broken your rule, you better go all the way.

stick to your plan

It is much better to lose weight by eating smaller, more frequent meals than eating 3 large meals. The biggest problem with six frequent meals is sticking to them. So what you need to do again is plan your eating ahead of time for the day and bring any meals or snacks you eat with you, so you don’t grab what you see when you’re hungry. Another good strategy is to buy smaller plates and when eating you can feel your plate and only have that one helping without seconds.

weigh yourself regularly

The idea behind this is to keep you focused on what you are doing and why you are doing it. It also helps you monitor your progress, and nothing is as motivating as seeing the expected results. However, when you step on the scale and notice that you have gained weight, it still keeps you in check. At least then you’ll know more work is needed and you’ll check your food list to see what needs to be eliminated.

measure input and output

Basically, it’s about keeping track of the caloric content of the food you eat and the calories you burn when you exercise. Well, I will say that it is a bit difficult, especially when you are just starting out. Sometimes you just don’t know how to calculate the calories in a meal, but most restaurants, especially in New York, are beginning to list the calorie content on the menu. Measuring what you burn is easier for the machine. I don’t think anyone builds an exercise machine these days without a way to give you a digital view of the calories you’re burning.

The weight loss journey is a journey for some people that is always on, but micromanaging your strategy makes it a destination. The entry and exit graph will help you determine when to increase or decrease any part of the equation and this will help you achieve your end goal. Keeping your finger on every aspect of your weight loss is a strategy that is very productive when you focus on it.