Month: August 2022

When we think of bullying behavior, we can imagine children calling each other names on the playground or at school. However, bullying is more widespread than that, both among children and adults. Going through a divorce, you may be tempted to bully her future ex so that he or she “pays” for hurting you. This can be an extremely costly mistake. Not only can it cost you a lot of money in legal fees, but it can also cost you self-respect, close relationships, and the opportunity to plan for her future.

It is important to realize that bullying exists when there is an absence of compassion for oneself and others. Of course, when you go through a divorce, you often feel hurt and angry. Therefore, you might be tempted to show your spouse that he or she is “wrong” and that you are “right.” You might even believe that it is possible to “win” your divorce case. Therefore, you may choose to hire a divorce attorney who is aggressive and claims that he will “fight for you.” So you pay your lawyer to pummel your spouse (or their lawyer) with one nasty letter after another pleading your case and arguing why your position is indeed “correct.” This forces your spouse to defend themselves, and before you know it, neither of you is listening (or cares to listen) to the other.

This is bullying behavior, plain and simple. You have no compassion for yourself because you are neglecting your children’s needs and your most important values ​​in the hope of “winning.” You also have no compassion for your spouse and what he or she may need. Believe it or not, this is important information because once you can listen and understand what your spouse needs, you will be able to solve your problems through creative negotiation. It is possible, and certainly more productive, to assertively communicate what you want without being aggressive or hostile. Perhaps you even have goals and interests that are the same as your spouse’s, such as what school your children should attend. Knowing this certainly reduces the number of problems to be solved and puts you on the same side as your spouse with the other’s problems. This is the approach recommended by the authors of Getting to Yes.

You should also be warned that intimidation only serves to increase your legal costs while maximizing hostility, which in turn drives you further away from achieving what is most important to you in the long run. These are the cases where the legal fees are the highest with the least satisfactory results. You are keeping up the fight, continuing to stoke your anger and pain, while seeking to obtain “vindication” from the court. You can subscribe to a fantasy in which the judge will point an accusing finger at your soon-to-be ex-spouse and declare you the “winner.” You may believe that your anger and pain will miraculously disappear as a result. However, the only thing that will miraculously disappear is your money, in your lawyer’s pocket. Also, I know of very few, if any, cases where at the end of a divorce trial, one or both parties gleefully jumped out of the courthouse and jumped for joy.

Ideally, allow yourself to feel the anger and hurt before you start the divorce process by taking advantage of the many resources available to help you. For example, you can find a competent counselor or coach you trust to help you work through difficult emotions and set priorities. You can also read material geared towards those divorcing, such as Abigail Trafford’s Crazy Time.

Remember, when you have children together, the reality is that your soon-to-be ex will still be a part of your family even though the family is no longer intact. So instead of attacking the other parent, wouldn’t it be more productive and satisfying to focus on the exciting task of renegotiating what your family would be like after divorce?

It is important to separate your difficult emotions from your concrete positive goals for the future because it is your future that you can create in the divorce process. And remember, when you think you can “win”, chances are you will lose.

It really is okay to date your friend’s sister, as long as you handle the situation well. Most guys are very possessive of their sisters and if you are the type who likes to flirt and if this friend of yours knows about it, then you are a dead duck! Obviously you will have to be a bit manipulative to keep the calm and peace between the friend and the sister.

The first thing you need to know is that no matter how flirtatious they are, guys would always want their sisters to settle down with guys who have never had a girl in their lives. As impractical as it sounds, it’s the truth. So her chances will initially be slim as I’m sure she doesn’t belong in that group. Don’t tell your friend that you are in love with his sister. If you’re flirting with other girls in the meantime, don’t tell her. Start doing something nice for the friend. Remember that the friend knows you well, so please don’t do a three-sixty-degree turn and become overtly nice. He gradually changes and stops talking about girls as much as possible. Tell your friend that your interest has changed from girls to something else, something that is much more serious and mature.

Make yourself a little boring and uninteresting, but not stupid. Spend time with your friend as much as possible and do something for him that makes him owe you. Start meeting his sister in front of him, never allowing him the feeling that you like him. Treat her casually but friendly. Don’t flirt with her when her brother isn’t around her. She should be able to trust you. Once you’ve laid the groundwork for her and have seen each other a few times, you can ask her out, but of course with your friend’s permission. He may or may not grant you permission; this will totally depend on how you present it. Tell him you’re just taking him to lunch. This is a very safe option, as your friend will know that you cannot have physical contact with the girl in broad daylight in a restaurant. He convinces the girl to go out with you too.

Once you manage to ask her to lunch, keep repeating the process until the brother relaxes. At this point, I’m assuming you’ve charmed the girl enough to want to go out with you. Next move on to the movies, this is a slightly more dangerous situation for the brother as once the lights go out he can do anything between the two of you. Once you’ve repeated this process, take her out to dinner. But he always remembers to leave her at home after that.

It may sound tedious, but this is the best way to handle a sibling. At the end of, say, two months, you’ll not only have a girl to love and sleep with, but also a brother and a friend.

These days, short stories are my cup of tea because each one can be devoured in one sitting.

Strange Pilgrims is a collection of twelve stories compiled by GG Márquez from his travels in Europe. Let me approach this through constructivism: Marquez’s style always makes use of magical realism and symbols are present in every story. The main themes are death and its effects on the living, as well as light and its absence. The common recurring symbol is blood. This reminds me of his extensive use of blood and bleeding incidents in Chronicles of a Death Foretold.

My top five Strange Pilgrims stories are (this is ridiculous, with GG Marquez it’s impossible to settle for just five!):

“I just came to use your phone”: Maria is driving alone to Barcelona when her car breaks down and she gets on a bus transporting women to a nursing home. In her destiny, Maria is supposed to be one of them.

Maria dos Prazeres- An aging prostitute waits for death to arrive at her apartment in Barcelona with her dog that she has trained to cry at her grave.

Sleeping Beauty and the Airplane – A very beautiful woman sits next to the author on a flight. He is completely captured by her beauty, and here he expresses her reflections.

Ghosts of August: A family vacationing in Tuscany decides to spend the night at a friend’s castle where, according to legend, the builder killed his girlfriend in bed before setting dogs on himself. The family then discovers the truth of this story the next morning when they wake up.

The people of the Tramontana seek refuge from the Catalan wind that the locals call the Tramontana, bringing with it the paranormal effects on everyone.

I have a special liking for these death stories:


Miss Forbes’s Summer of Happiness: Two children enjoy the serenity of a quiet summer vacation until a strict German nanny arrives.

Light is like water: two children ask for a boat in exchange for their good grades at school. Due to the absence of navigation water, they break the light bulbs in your home and the light comes out like water.

Snow-Billy’s trail of your blood leads his new wife to a hospital to help her stop bleeding from a scratch on her ring finger from a rose thorn and he doesn’t know he’ll never see her again.

Márquez arranged the stories himself in the order he wrote them. Each one has a pilgrim story to tell, in beautiful cities like Rome and Paris. Naturally, save the best for last.

Even the prologue has to tell Marquez’s strange story, of him visiting his own funeral and finally seeing his closest friends, but once the funeral is over, he just can’t leave.

Gabriel José de la Concordia García Márquez is a Colombian novelist, short story writer, screenwriter and journalist. García Márquez, familiarly known as “Gabo” in his native country, is considered one of the most significant authors of the 20th century. In 1982, he received the Nobel Prize for Literature.

He began as a journalist and has written many acclaimed nonfiction and short stories, but is best known for his novels, such as One Hundred Years of Solitude (1967) and Love in the Time of Cholera (1985). His works have achieved significant critical acclaim and commercial success, not least for popularizing a literary style labeled magical realism, which uses magical elements and events to explain real experiences. Some of his works are set in a fictional town called Macondo, and most of them express the theme of loneliness.

-Good reads

“The true memories seemed like ghosts, while the false memories were so convincing that they replaced reality.”

With Márquez, the name of the game is magic and majesty, each pilgrim emerges spellbound.

Next on my reading list is Ray Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451, unless someone wants to donate another book to read. What’s on your reading list?

Judge: [responding to a Borrower]

Mr. Borrower, at Cornell University they have an amazing piece of scientific equipment known as a scanning tunneling electron microscope. Now this microscope is so powerful that by shooting electrons you can see images of the atom, the infinitesimally tiny building blocks of our universe. Mr. Borrower, if I were using that microscope right now, I still wouldn’t be able to place my interest in his problem.

The television series Frasier.

Does “The Security Instrument” even sound like part of your home loan? If you go to court, your suitor/lender will claim that they signed it with their eyes wide open. What the hell is it then, right? Well, it’s the lynchpin in EVERY ILLEGAL FORECLOSURE since the mid-1990s.

In the first “Pro se Primer 101 of the terms you need to know to fight illegal foreclosures, which can be found on this website, I described the relationship of the “Essential” document (instrument actually, but this is a Primer 101 ) what the Note is and how it represents the debt you owe.

You allegedly signed both the Note and the Security Instrument (mortgage or deed of trust) at your closing. But I am sure that 99% of my readers did not know what document it was and if they saw it again they would not recognize it as theirs.

But, this Security Instrument is the only document used by these genius lawyers on behalf of the Beneficial Owner (actual legal term) to throw you and your family into the streets. They used it to foreclose on borrowers and it’s not only illegal, it’s incredibly stupid. But it has worked against unsuspecting borrowers roughly 20 million times.

You see, what the Security Instrument is intended to do is follow your Promissory Note and it is the rule book for your loan. Describe your loan. He describes that the Promissory Note is the only evidence that he even received a loan. It describes what happens if you pay your loan and describes what all parties can and cannot do if you cannot pay your loan.

But, it is not evidence that the executing party owns your Note. It is worthless and cannot transfer ownership of your loan (Promissory Note).

Still, the only claim I have seen from these “Executing Parties” is that they have been assigned the Security Instrument and that means they can take your home.

That is not true. But almost all foreclosures in the last 20 years were carried out by invoking the assignment of the Security Instrument.

But, let’s go back to the 1st Pro Se Primer 101 and the word “mortgage”. We talk about it having two definitions or meanings, but that is not legally true. The word “mortgage” is basically a slang term for “Home Loan” for citizens in all 50 states and DC and some of those semi-state islands. For people in judicial foreclosure states, this means that it can only be foreclosed on by the party that actually has a legally valid interest in the property and goes to the appropriate court and files a foreclosure lawsuit. Judicial execution is much better for the borrower.

But judicial foreclosure states call the security instrument a mortgage in their states. So you, the people who live in those states, have a mortgage loan that consists of the Note and a mortgage. Of course this is confusing.

Now, I’m going to confuse you even more. The Security Instrument in Non-Judicial states is called a Deed of Trust.

I will not be able to explain all this in this basic manual. You see, the phrase “Deed of Trust” has two out of three words that will be the subject of how it all works and how it doesn’t all work.

Let’s talk about the word action. Lots to confuse you there. The word trust has three different meanings. You can see it coming from everywhere there. I’ll get to those right away. I know you are curious.

So take this from this article, the Note is essential and the mortgage or Deed of Trust is incidental. Foreclosure “under the mortgage” just means that the mortgage was used as the rule book. You foreclose on the Note.

This might help. I say it all the time.

‘When you make a house payment, you’re not paying for your house, as we say. When you make a house payment, what you are really doing is buying back your Note that you signed.

But, it is the judges who are being deceived. The “assignment of a mortgage” sounds like the assignment of a mortgage loan, but it IS NOT. In fact, the mortgage cannot be assigned. It belongs to the Promissory Note. So, the assignment of a mortgage does nothing because the Note does not follow a mortgage (security title). But a mortgage always follows the Note.

I promise you I’m right. If you were foreclosed on after 1995, there was no actual promissory note anywhere and your foreclosure was based on the assignment of a mortgage in court estates. Not because that’s legal. In fact, it is not legal at all. It just can’t be done.

OK, you ask me, so how did it happen? Well, I have tried to keep my faith in the integrity of our American courts, but I was a fool.

Most judges in the United States (1) never read the laws regarding money lending, (2) are too stupid (excuse me, but there is no other way to put it) to understand basic American laws even if they read them , or (3) they are biased and prejudiced and the lawyers of this country (which everyone knows is a cult like the one Kevin Bacon’s character Ryan Hardy fights in “The Following”) will not challenge the judges when they are wrong. So, go read all the law you want Call me, like my clients do and tell me you found any more good law you want to show me.

Our laws are not bad and my clients are not cheated. They are, without a doubt, the same players we trust and should be able to trust, and cannot trust, who have displaced twenty million American families essentially making them refugees. If there are about 3 people on average in each family, that’s 60 million American refugees. More than all the trouble spots in the world put together. It’s still happening.

If evil triumphs only when good men do nothing, what are you going to do?


Connecticut, Delaware, Florida. Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana,

Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Nebraska, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York,

North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota,

Vermont, Wisconsin.

Oklahoma, South Dakota, and Wisconsin have nonjudicial foreclosure provisions in their state laws; however, judicial foreclosure laws are common


Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, California, Colorado,

District of Columbia, Georgia, Hawaii, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi,

Missouri, Montana, Nevada, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Oregon, Tennessee,

Texas, Utah, Virginia, West Virginia, Wyoming

Many online sites offer sophisticated and entertaining 3D racing games with excellent graphics to play. These racing games include racing on spaceships, supercars, barrels, and even boats. Online racing games that can be played online are also becoming increasingly complex as internet speeds increase and allow for higher resolution 3D graphics.

A simple online search can find many racing games ready to download or play online. Many of these video games have creative types of racing, including one that lets you race down the highway in a barrel, crashing into as many cars as possible. There is even a game that is quite popular to play online where you and your friends race without any transportation. You have to race through different terrains with a map, and the first one to successfully navigate to the finish line is the winner.

In fact, online racing games using LAN connections are quickly becoming one of the most popular online gaming options on the net. You can compete against your friends or against strangers from all over the world in various creative races. Aquadelic 3D is one of the most popular racing games where players can play against the computer or with friends. In this game you race in one of four different speedboats, which become available to you as you win races. A total of four players can play at the same time in the multiplayer version.

Enjoy the online world of racing games today and support grassroots video game designers. Many novice game designers can gain valuable experience by creating their own online game. There are even several games that are more popular than the racing games that are sold with the most popular video game consoles. Play with players from all over the world via LAN technology.

If you’re looking to design an online racing game that anyone can play, there are plenty of websites that can help you learn how to program these kinds of 3D racing games. Programming your own racing game can give you an amazing experience and maybe even a job with one of the great video game designers.

Take the opportunity to publish or play racing games online today. The options are endless for an action packed game. Finding the best online games is possible by going to popular message boards or reading user reviews on the most respected online sites. You can also search for specific types of racing games. You will almost certainly find something to your liking. Whether it’s horse racing or barrel racing, there’s a 3D racing game for you.

3D racing games are perfect for spending a few minutes online relaxing from work or taking a break from a long night of homework. Enjoy this amazing world today with just one mouse click.

นฟรีจาก PG SOFT

หากคุณกำลังมองหาสถานที่เล่นสล็อตเดโมและเกมคาสิโนฟรีจาก PG Soft คุณมาถูกที่แล้ว บริษัทนี้ก่อตั้งขึ้นในปี 2015 และมีนักพัฒนาเกมมากกว่า 200 รายที่ทำงานจากส่วนต่างๆ ของโลก นักพัฒนาเหล่านี้ได้พัฒนาเกมที่ได้รับการรับรองจากหน่วยงานด้านเกมต่างๆ


ห้องสมุด PG Soft มีเกมมากกว่า 85 เกม รวมถึงเกม 3D และแจ็คพอต นอกจากนี้ยังมีเกมคาสิโนคลาสสิก เช่น แบล็คแจ็คและรูเล็ต เกมเหล่านี้สร้างขึ้นด้วยกราฟิกและเสียงชั้นยอด หากคุณชอบเล่นเกม คุณจะรักเกมเหล่านี้

บริษัทมีเกมแบล็คแจ็คหลายเกมที่คุณสามารถทดลองเล่นได้ฟรี ได้แก่ แบล็คแจ็คยุโรปและอเมริกา เกมเหล่านี้เป็นไปตามรูปแบบแบล็คแจ็คคลาสสิก กฎพื้นฐาน และอัตราเดิมพัน หากคุณชอบเล่นแบล็คแจ็คออนไลน์ฟรี คุณจะต้องชอบเกมเหล่านี้ เล่นง่ายและไม่มีข้อกำหนดในการสมัคร!

สล็อตสาธิตและเกมคาสิโนฟรีจาก PG SOFT

หากคุณยังใหม่ต่อสล็อต PG ทางที่ดีควรเริ่มด้วยเกมสาธิตฟรี คาสิโนออนไลน์ส่วนใหญ่ให้คุณเล่นฟรีก่อนทำการฝากเงิน ด้วยวิธีนี้ คุณสามารถลองเล่นเกมได้โดยไม่ต้องกังวลว่าจะเสียเงิน นอกจากนี้คุณยังสามารถเล่นกับผู้เล่นคนอื่นในตำแหน่งเดียวกันได้อีกด้วย เกมเหล่านี้เข้ากันได้กับอุปกรณ์มือถือส่วนใหญ่

PG Soft เป็นหนึ่งในชื่อชั้นนำในเกมมือถือ ช่องสาธิตได้รับการออกแบบสำหรับอุปกรณ์มือถือระดับไฮเอนด์ พวกเขามีกราฟิก 3D คุณภาพสูง เพลงประกอบที่เขียนขึ้นเป็นพิเศษ และการเล่นเกมที่สมจริง คุณสามารถลองสล็อตแมชชีน Piggy Gold ยอดนิยมได้

สล็อต PG เล่นออนไลน์ได้ง่ายและสนุกที่จะชนะ คุณไม่จำเป็นต้องดาวน์โหลดซอฟต์แวร์ใดๆ เพื่อเล่นเกม ต่างจากสล็อตคาสิโนจริง นอกจากนี้ เกมสล็อต PG ออนไลน์จำนวนมากยังมีการทดลองใช้ฟรีอีกด้วย คุณสามารถเล่นกับเพื่อนและครอบครัวโดยไม่ต้องเสี่ยงกับเงินเลย และเหนือสิ่งอื่นใด เกมเหล่านี้ปลอดภัย

Ascent of Slots pg เป็นหนึ่งในเกมสล็อต PG ที่ได้รับความนิยมมากที่สุดบนอินเทอร์เน็ต การจ่ายเงินนั้นยอดเยี่ยมและคุณสามารถฝากเงินได้ทันที บริการสนับสนุนลูกค้าพร้อมให้บริการตลอด 24 ชั่วโมงเพื่อช่วยให้คุณชนะ ไม่มีปัญหาด้านการเงิน ดังนั้นคุณจะไม่รู้สึกว่าถูกโกงหรือถูกโกง!

He liked to make the planets look, and he wished for no better joy

than simply seeing telescopes pointed at it from Earth: “A Naughty Little Comet”, Ella Wheeler Wilcox

There are certain small objects frolicking playfully in our Sun’s family that stubbornly refuse to be easily categorized. Main Belt Kites (MBC) are such objects! They are a newly recognized new group, circling our Solar System within the hand asteroid beltlocated between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. MBC they are strange and puzzling little worlds that exhibit both the physical characteristics of comets and the orbital characteristics of asteroids. Because they have characteristics of two different groups of inhabitants of the Solar System, their origins have been somewhat difficult to determine. Some astronomers now suggest that members of this strange family are the shattered fragments of large main belt asteroids that were destroyed in catastrophic collisions with other asteroids.

Comets are small icy bodies that make a long and treacherous journey through the Solar System in long elliptical orbits. They are famous for their bright, wavy tails that come out when they travel close enough to the Sun. This is because heat and solar winds come together to melt the surface of their frozen cores.

Comets and asteroids are the remnants of a myriad of spinning bodies that existed when our Solar System was very young. Our Solar System was born about 4.6 billion years ago with the collapse of a relatively small, dense bag embedded within a giant, cold, dark molecular cloud. Most of the collapsed bag froze in the center and eventually caught fire due to nuclear fusion, giving birth to our star, the Sun. The remaining mass flattened out and became what is called a protoplanetary accretion disk from which the eight main planets, their many fascinating moons, comets, asteroids and other small Solar System objects were formed.

Protoplanetary accretion disks They have been observed circling numerous stars that inhabit young star clusters. They develop at the same time a baby star is born, but the early stages cannot be seen because they are veiled by an opaque envelope of dust and gas. Tea accretion disk feed the hungry baby star material, gold protostar, and it is both very hot and extremely massive. Thesis discs they can remain around their young stars for about 10 million years.

By the time the young star reaches what is called the Taurus stage, the nutritional disk has become thinner and much colder. HAS Taurus star is a very young baby bouncing off an energetic variable star that is less than 10 million years old. Such stars have a mass similar to, or perhaps slightly less than, that of our Sun, which is a relatively small star. Taurus stars have diameters several times that of our Sun, but are still shrinking. Sun-like baby stars shrink as they age. By the time the young star has reached this stage, less volatile materials have begun to condense near the center of the star. accretion Disc, forming very, very sticky dust grains that are so fine they look like smoke, instead of the house dust that needs to be swept up. These very fine, sticky, smoke-like powder grains contain crystalline silicates.

Very fine particles of smoke-like dust coalesce to form larger and larger objects within the dense disk environment in which they live. The small dust grains form objects up to several centimeters in size, and these aggregate further to give rise to planetesimals. planetesimals they are the building blocks of planets, and can reach sizes of 1 kilometer across or more. planetesimals They are very abundant and spread throughout the world. protoplanetary accretion disk–and some survive long enough to remain as relics billions of years after the formation of the mature planetary system. asteroidslike those that inhabit the Solar System itself, are rocky remains planetesimals. kitesinstead, they are relic here planetesimals from the outer reaches of our Solar System. Tea asteroids they are the remnant building blocks of the rocky inner planets: Mercury, Venus, our Earth, and Mars. Tea comes from they are the leftover building blocks of the outer gas and ice giant planets: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.

Tea asteroids are found mainly in the hand asteroid beltalthough there are several different populations of these rock objects that reside outside of this Beltalso. kites they are fragile, ephemeral bodies, sometimes disparagingly called “dirty snowballs” or “frozen mudballs,” depending on the observer’s point of view. They are strange, beautiful travelers from afar.

He here, dirty comes from it hurtles into the warm inner Earth region of the Solar System from two dark, frozen domains at the outer reaches. The first is called the kuiper belt. Tea kuiper belt revolves around our star beyond the orbit of Neptune, the furthest of the eight major planets from the Sun. The second domain of comets is the oort cloudwhich is a huge sphere of icy objects that is believed to surround our entire Solar System.

Every time a tramp to come As it makes its perilous journey into the inner Solar System, it loses some of its mass through sublimation of its surface ices and gas: the icy surface of the core turns into gas, creating a cloud called eat. Solar radiation pushes dust particles away from the eatand this forms the famous flashing, dusty tails of to come.

rocky, metallic asteroids in the main belt do not normally exhibit this type of to come-Similar behavior. asteroids in the main belt they are not supposed to develop eat or flashing and waving tails. However, the recently recognized class of main belt kites exhibit precisely this type of behavior, while orbiting the Sun in a way that is characteristic of asteroids–No to come!

Naughty Little Kites

MBC they are extremely disconcerting. They look like kites with their tails and eatbut they rotate in orbits within that of the planet Jupiter, like asteroids!

The first of this puzzling group to be discovered was the asteroid 1979OW7, which was rediscovered and renamed 1996 N2and later designated a comet by Dr. Erik Elst and Dr. Guido Pizarro in 1996. It now carries a commentary designation as 133P/Elst-Pizarro. For many years, determining the nature of this enigmatic little object was a problem. It was originally intended to be the tragic result of a collision between two asteroids. Nevertheless, 133P sublimated and developed a tail like a to come in three successive perihelion passages, and this muddied the issue. Tea perihelion of an object refers to that point in its orbit when it is closest to the Sun–its aphelion that’s when it’s furthest away. This behavior, at the time, indicated to puzzled astronomers that the asteroid impact model was unlikely.

Some of the currently known mbc, in addition to 133Pare 176P/LINEAR, 238P/Read, P2008 R1 (Garradd), Q/2010 R2 (The Sacred), P/2010 A2 (LINEAR), 596 Scheila, 300163, Y P/2012 F5 (Gibbs). Some astronomers now suggest that these objects are, in fact, the remnants of larger bodies smashed to pieces in recent collisions, and that they inherited ices from their parent asteroid, causing them to exhibit to comeHowever, to add credibility to this theory, it was necessary to first determine whether the MBC are members of a distinct family of asteroids: groups of asteroids that have similar orbital characteristics, such as orbital inclination Y eccentricity. All members of a particular asteroid family are thought to be broken off pieces of a larger asteroid that was pulverized in a collision.

Serbian astronomer Dr. Bojan Novakovic, from the Department of Astronomy at the University of Belgrade, is currently investigating the mysterious origins of mbc, along with colleagues Dr. Henry Hsieh and Dr. Alberto Cellino. The team of astronomers focused on one main example: the P/2006 VW 139 WBCand his goal was to see if it could be assigned to a family of asteroids. P/2006 VW 139 it was originally classified as an asteroid, but was eventually reclassified as an WBC in 2011, when astronomers in Hawaii discovered that it had a tail.

Dr. Novakovic began his study at the astdys Database, which is a catalog of 398,841 asteroids. There are less than a dozen verified examples of MBC, so finding other members of this asteroid family among millions of thousands of potential candidates was not exactly an easy job. The team of astronomers used what is called the hierarchical grouping method and the cut distance parameter to work your way through the candidates. They successfully narrowed down the possibilities to just 24 asteroids. The next step was to determine the orbital characteristics that these 24 asteroids possess. For this task, Dr. Novakovic used a mathematical model called backward Integration, “which can be used to distinguish real family members from intruders,” he commented on November 7, 2012 International Science Grid This Week (isgtw).

To investigate the orbital characteristics of candidate family members, Dr. Novakovic needed to analyze a large number of calculations that were “computationally expensive and would take months to perform on a typical PC,” he added. Ultimately, Dr. Novakovic and his colleagues were able to reduce the P/2006 VW139 family up to only 11 members.

The most valuable conclusion of Dr. Novakovic’s study, which was published in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, is that P/2006 VW139 and its 11 siblings are part of a young asteroid family that was probably born about 7.5 million years ago. “[Asteroid] families are considered young if they are less than 10 million years old,” Dr. Novakovic continued. This indicates that about 7.5 million years ago, a large asteroid collided with another asteroid and split into 11 smaller fragments :P/2006 VW139 and her 10 sisters.

P/2006 VW139 turned into a WBC because it inherited the deeply buried ice belonging to its catastrophically pulverized parent asteroid. This ice eventually vaporized, producing a churning tail that is characteristic of comets. “The fact that ice still exists near the surface of P/2006 VW 139 means its surface is relatively young,” noted Dr. Novakovic on the November 7, 2012 esgtw. This means that P/2006 VW 139 and her 10 sisters were born long after the Main Asteroid Belt.

This finding is important because it supports the theory that MBC are born in asteroid crashes within the hand asteroid beltand not through other means.

Air Asia not only offers cheap travel, but also helps book hotels, tour packages, courier and cargo services. It also offers enjoyment ticket and online purchases.

It starts at Changi Airport. The terminal is at Changi Airport, Terminal 1. It offers flights to Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand and the United Kingdom.

Departure times (prices are for one way trips):

Bali, Indonesia-Singapore (from IDR 814,000, 2 ½ hours, 2-3 daily flights)
Jakarta, Indonesia-Singapore (from IDR 1,080,000, 3 hours, 3-5 flights)
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia-Singapore (from MYR133, 1 hour, 8-9 daily flights)
Bangkok, Thailand-Singapore (from THB5,460, 2 hours, departures on 3-4 daily flights)
London, UK-Kuala Lumpur-Singapore (from GBP 239, 23 hours, 2 daily flights)


Get ready to experience the lowest baggage costs, when you outgrow your luggage size from 15kg to 30kg beforehand. The size allowed to carry the luggage is 15 kg and any unnecessary luggage has a cost of US$8 to $17.

To eat and drink:

You will be offered delicious food and drinks. Travelers can save up to 25% by reserving the meals they eat in advance. They offer Halal, vegetarian, international and local food. It has two menus online.

Since I am talking about eating, I would like to tell you about my trip to Pulau Perhentian. It was an amazing trip where I enjoyed eating, snorkeling and diving. The beach restaurants have provided me with delicious Malaysian food. We had a great time eating there with my friends. We traveled as backpackers to that Island.

Seat installations:

It has wonderful chair services. Economy seats have a 73.6 cm seat pitch. Tourists who need more legroom can choose to sit in the “hot seat” located in the front cabin or in the emergency row. Costs are going to be $2-$11. Also reserve tickets by email using the following details:

POI information:

Company type: Airline
Budget Tier: Mid-Range
Costs: Bali-Singapore 814,000 IDR, KL-Singapore 133 MYR, Bangkok-Singapore
Location: East, Singapore
Address: Row #11, Exit Level 2, Singapore Changi Airport
Terminal 1
Nearest public transportation: Changi Airport MRT
Opening Hours: 8am – 9pm (GMT+8)
Telephone: +65 630 77688

I was also very excited to see the hotel charges in Pulau Perhentian. It is very affordable for us. As a backpacker, we just paid the same amount as we need to pay for a dorm bed in Singapore. We also start during the low season and all the prices are very low that we could never expect. Therefore, it is advisable to travel during the low season if you like to enjoy low prices and fewer people.

How to get there and get out:

It is advisable to consider the EW train from Tanah Merah MRT station which goes in the direction of Changi Airport MRT station. It takes only eighteen minutes and only 2 stops away.

Pacific Cebu:

Cebu Pacific can be another cheap air travel in Singapore. It also offers hotel reservation options and travel reservations. The headquarters is the Philippines. It offers air travel at affordable prices. Arrive at the economy terminal at Singapore Changi Airport.

Flight time and cost of a one-way trip:

Cebu, Philippines-Singapore: It costs PHP 8,148 one way and yes, it takes 3.5 hours to travel. It operates 8 flights every day.

Manila, Philippines-Singapore: operates eight scheduled flights and prices will be PHP6,399. It will take about 3 hours and 30 minutes of travel time.

Boracya-Manila, Philippines-Singapore: Fares will be PHP 9,498 and Cebu Pacific operates 3-8 flights on a regular basis. Travel time will be 6 ½ hours.

Clark, Philippines-Singapore: The travel time will be 4 hours and it costs around PHP 6,399 one way. Every day 1 airline flight will be operated.


The travel luggage allowed to carry on these airlines is 15 kg. If you plan to carry extra baggage, you will have to spend the money on travel excess baggage costs. ‘Go Lite Fare’ costs 100 PHP less and does not allow login. You save up to 20% if you ever prepay for your luggage.

Food and drinks:

Cebu Pacific will not serve free meals. Fees apply each time you order in-flight food.


Travelers are free to select their seat in order to enjoy the services. The normal chair costs around 100PHP. Premium chairs with extra legroom cost around PHP200. In addition, tickets can be booked on the Internet using the website offered below:

POI information:

Company type: Airline
Budget Tier: Low Budget
Costs: Manila-Singapore PHP 6,399, Cebu-Singapore PHP 8,148
Location: West
Address: Budget Terminal, Changi Airport Nearest Public Transportation: Changi Airport MRT
Opening Hours:
Phone: Manila: +63-2-70-20-888, Cebu: +63-32-230-8888

How to go to Changi Air Port:

If you are coming from Tanah Merah MRT, please take the EW train to Changi Airport MRT Station. Eighteen minutes, two stops.

Thule Air Force Base is located on the west coast of Greenland, overlooking an iceberg-studded Baffin Bay.

It’s cold there, 700 miles north of the Arctic Circle. In fact, it was so cold that the US Air Force decided it could save money by upgrading the facility’s heating system.

The Arctic has been used to test new construction methods for many years. For example, oilfield construction in Alaska proved to be a laboratory for devising creative engineering techniques and procedures as companies worked to limit their footprint during exploration and construction. Often those practices resulted in improved money-saving techniques. That concept of energy efficiency is now catching on all over the world.

At Thule, the duties fell to the New York District of the US Army Corps of Engineers, which manages construction-related activities from dormitories to airstrips. The base has a 10,000-foot runway, receives about 3,000 international flights a year, and supports the North American Aerospace Defense Command and the US Air Force Space Command.

According to Corps officials, installing a new, more energy-efficient heating system for the base could save about $3 million a year in fuel costs. The Corps said it recently completed two new boilers at the facility and both are now being monitored.

“Three more boilers will be built next summer when the weather is more suitable for construction,” officials said in a post on the agency’s website. “The boilers replace a boiler system that was originally installed in the 1980s.”

The post includes a photo of a team investigating the underside of one of the base’s buildings. The building is elevated, sitting on thick posts. Intention is common in the Arctic, where the ground is permanently frozen. Standard build methods don’t work. A buried foundation would melt the permafrost, eventually causing the building to settle, crack, and possibly crumble.

While the Arctic offers a great laboratory, there has been a steep learning curve for those building in its extreme conditions. The north offers a harsh and unforgiving environment that is very difficult to navigate. Much of the facilities now found on the North Slope, for example, are made up of modules and buildings manufactured in the lower 48 states and shipped to the Arctic Ocean in the ice-free summer months.

Many of the structures are huge. As a reporter for the Alaska Journal of Commerce in the 1980s, I was able to see the unloading of some of these self-contained facilities being slowly transported to their final resting places. They were also installed on poles.

In my relatively short tenure as the 49th state reporter (a decade if you count my part-time in college), I was able to measure the improvement of construction methods over time. For the most part, what I saw was thicker walls and better insulation practices that developed over time. No doubt many of those installations I saw being installed are now undergoing energy efficiency upgrades or are on hold for new and improved versions.

All in all, the Great White North (reference Bob and Doug McKenzie) is a great place to try out net zero construction methods. If it works there, it will work anywhere.

Albert Einstein once elegantly said that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results. This adage comes to mind when we see that, once again, work requirements are being used as a club to combat Americans living in poverty and in need of safety net programs like the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program ( SNAP), HUD housing assistance, and if President Trump has his way, even Medicaid.

The White House Council of Economic Advisers has recommended work requirements for the most extensive welfare programs, and the current administration has ordered federal agencies to modify their presumably lax standards for welfare programs. These movements are based on the continuing belief that the poor are a drain on federal resources because of their laziness, recklessness, and lack of ambition. So here we go again, concluding that the poor are poor solely because of their own poor behavior and must be made to work harder to receive help from this government.

It is not so simple.

Is this work requirement approach fair in that aid recipients (excluding children, the elderly and the disabled) must show an attempt to win government support, which supposedly incentivizes people not to be poor, or is this a kick to the poor and disenfranchised when they are already down?

A few points about welfare work requirements are worth examining:

1. According to the US Census Bureau, the 2017 poverty rate was 12.3%, a decrease of 0.4% from the previous year. Since 2014 the poverty rate has fallen by 2.5%. So if the current trend line is a declining poverty rate, why is such a harsh condition like work requirements for the poor necessary at this time?

2. This effort was last tested under Bill Clinton and Newt Gingrich with their 1996 welfare reform legislation. We’ve had a couple of decades to see how that has played out and studies like the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities and in the book Making ends meet (Edin and Lein) show that despite short-term marginal improvements in employment, they were not sustainable, mainly due to increased and necessary living expenses absorbing any financial gains generated by work.

3. Where are these jobs that the poor are supposed to get? If you have spent most of your life in poverty, the chances that you will be able to get a job in the knowledge economy are pretty low quickly. We’ve all heard how traditional manual jobs are dying out, so what’s left? Low-paid part-time jobs with unpredictable and changing hours are what remain.

4. If the government feels the need to pick on someone, shouldn’t it be the employers of vast numbers of unskilled and low-skilled people who pay their workers, including the working poor, insufficient wages which in turn must be underwritten? by the Americans? tax payment?

Now, one place where there could be political agreement is for the government to provide subsidized high-quality job training requirements aimed at actually helping the poor gain the knowledge and skills needed for a globalized, digitized economy. Currently, training requirements can replace job requirements, but their effectiveness remains questionable.

The causes and cures for poverty are varied, complex, and far beyond the scope of this article. But if we, as a society, are truly interested in improving the condition of poverty (as we should be!), we must look for demonstrably beneficial interventions that measurably make a positive difference. Requiring the poor to get a low-level job that drives up childcare and transportation costs just to show they’re not exploiting the system or making them pay for a hand from those of us with means to pay taxes is not a humane way of do it