Author: admin

Meat slicers are a part of American food preparation. The product dates from the 19th century. The first American meat slicer arrived in 1909. They were at one time an integral part of American manufacturing of food preparation products. The development occurred to cut more meat faster in deli and butcher shops. As the 20th century progressed, Meat Slicers became a part of kitchens across the United States. With minimal advertising, the products showed value for slicing meats for snacks and meals. Shortly after World War II, the use of meat slicers became part of healthy lunches for students, as well as those who brought lunches to work in bags and lunch boxes.

As meat consumption increased, so did the use of meat preparation products for meals such as lunches and dinners. Meat slicers and their use helped families and their competition provide families with a more important food preparation product for cutting and slicing meats just like you buy at delicatessens and butchers. Everyone was now able to do this with simple crank movements.

Once electric motors became commonplace in small kitchen appliances, their addition to meat slicers added modern convenience to families across the country. Mothers and wives could more easily prepare lunches for husbands and children. As the tensions of the 20th century grew, so did the need to complete tasks more quickly and efficiently. Meat slicers became increasingly common as the 1950s, 1960s, and 1970s progressed. What was once part of a ‘status element‘meat slicers were another small kitchen appliance’every house must have. The engines became available across all product lines. Product details became the main focus of marketing. Detail for products like:

  1. sheet size
  2. Aluminum
  3. stainless steel
  4. Easy to clean
  5. easy to assemble
  6. easy to disassemble
  7. easy to reassemble

All of the above fueled the advertising and marketing of meat slicers throughout the 20th century. People continued to seek ease in food preparation. Meat slicers provided ease along with speed in providing high-quality slices of meat and other foods. They transformed into Food Slicers to show versatility. After an established versatility, food slicers evolved into an appliance capable of preparing healthy food in a healthier way. This attracted more people along with opening up a new market segment in the latter part of the 20th century.

Healthy food preparation exploded in the 1990s and continues today. Now, well into the second decade of the 21st century, more and more people are looking to improve their health. This improved health comes from the desire to eat a healthier diet. A healthier diet becomes easier with healthy food preparation appliances.

Once your students have been in the same class for a while, they will begin to feel more comfortable with their surroundings. As they make friends and become brave, they will act out more in class.

One of the easiest ways to counter this problem is to restructure student seating arrangements. This will restore your authority over the students.

Rearranging seats will also allow you to manually separate students who begin to work together with the common goal of undermining your authority. You can usually tell when students start to act unruly; in these situations, you must take action quickly to dispel this type of behavior.

However, the middle of a lesson is definitely not the optimal time to regroup your students. Instead, have the new seating arrangement ready when they enter the classroom for the first time on a new day.

You may want to try to clear a seat at the front of the class, near the blackboard if possible. You can use this desk to store teaching material and it will also allow you to continue your lessons without having to go back to your own desk again and again.

Leaving this spot open also gives you a good place to put misbehaving students in class. Clean up the desk and you’ll always have a perfect spot right at the front of the class for troublemakers.

In the event that one of your students seriously violates your rules so that they need to be moved to a different spot right away, ask them to gather their things and move to the empty spot in the front row.

Being called that is humiliating to the student and will usually correct their behavior. It also conveniently places the student right at the front of the class, where any further misbehavior will be easily spotted.

Need help choosing a Wii U for your friends and family this holiday season? This is your guide to picking out the games that really stand out on Wii U. Most of these games can’t be found anywhere else and some have definitive versions on Wii U. Here are the top 10 games to check out on the Wii. U for the Christmas season.

1. Super Mario 3D World

By far the best reason to own a Wii U is to play Super Mario 3D World. Nintendo’s EAD team is one of the most experienced and polished development studios in the entire industry. I would go so far as to say that they are the epitome of game developers. His last two games released were Super Mario Galaxy 2 for Wii and Super Mario 3D Land for 3DS. So what genre did they target in this first 3D Mario game for Wii U? Super Mario 3D Land’s semi-fixed level direction? Or the free motion camera from Super Mario Galaxy 2? Honestly, it’s a cross between the two. It has the platforming design of Super Mario 3D Land, but the levels are much larger and the graphics are absolutely amazing, just like the art style of the Galaxy series.

2. Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker HD

Wind Waker was already a cult hit on the Gamecube and now it’s only gotten better. There were some hiccups in the GCN version that prevented some people from fully enjoying the experience. Those, like slow navigation and fetch quests, have now been improved so as not to slow down the flow and pace of the game. Additionally, the graphics have received a completely new lighting engine and HD resolution, bringing the cartoonish art style to life.

3. Pikmin 3

Pikmin 3 is the ideal version of what Shigeru Miyamoto had in mind when he created the Pikmin series. Much more powerful hardware allows you to see tremendous detail in your environments and zoom out so you can micromanage multiple teams within one map. If you like strategy games and Nintendo charm, Pikmin 3 is not a game you want to miss.

4. The wonderful 101

Fans are divided on The Wonderful 101. So will you enjoy it? Basically, it all boils down to one question: are you a conventional gamer or a hardcore gamer? If you are a hardcore, you will have a lot of fun with TW101. It can become your favorite Wii U game. The Wonderful 101 doesn’t like to hold your hand. He expects you to learn the ropes through experimentation and practice. It will challenge you. It will cast all chaos spells on your screen. And if you can handle extreme action, then you’re in for a great ride.

5. ZombieU

How about another misunderstood game? If you are looking for another Call of Duty shooter game that results in stellar zombies, you have come to the wrong place. ZombiU is not a shooting game. It is a survival horror game with incredible innovation. You’ll be terrified as you ration your supplies, hold off zombies with a cricket bat, and run for your life. And if you want a game that’s a true showcase for your gaming friends of the kind of innovation that the Wii U GamePad can bring to mature games, this will be your ace up the sleeve.

6. Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate

Ready to spend thousands of hours in a game together with your friends? Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate will give you the most bang for your buck as you grind through hour after hour, trying to cut off the monster’s tail so you can finally get to the next level of armor. If you don’t see the light of day for a few months, don’t blame me. I warned you.

7. Lego City Undercover

Lego City Undercover is a brilliantly fun and silly romp that will tickle your funny bone and have you laughing the whole time. Not to mention, the game is pure, unadulterated fun from start to finish. Enjoy a GTA-like game that never takes itself too seriously, but never slows down when it comes to gameplay.

8. New Super Mario Bros U / New Super Luigi U

This 2D Mario Bros experience is one of my favorite 2D Mario games in a long time. I’ve played every recent New Super Mario Bros game from Nintendo and this one tops the rest. It is purely due to the incredible variety contained within its levels/boosts and the challenge of getting all three star coins in each level.

9. Wii U Party

Do you remember Wii Sports? That was the game you showed your friends and family when you wanted to impress them with what motion controls could do for gaming. Every person holding the Wiimote instantly understood it intuitively and soon had them laughing and playing. Although Nintendo hoped this would happen once again with NintendoLand, the game that finally catches on is Wii Party U. There are tons of mini-games that will quickly get your friends and family acquainted with just how much fun Wii U can be.

10. Need for Speed ​​Most Wanted U

Criteria used to make the Burnout series. They then started working on Need for Speed. And here you have a game that almost feels like a combination of the two. With Need for Speed ​​Most Wanted U, Criterion took the Xbox 360/PS3 version of the game and vastly improved it in terms of visuals, additional modes, and controls. This is a great racing game for any Wii U owner, whether you like to play alone or with friends.

The TT Bodyweight 1000 workout is one of Craig Ballantyne’s famous bodyweight workouts. He must be able to complete the 500 challenge first, before attempting the 1000 challenge.

After the 500 workout, use the following progressions to get to 1,000 reps:

Body weight 250:

  • 30 Jumping Jacks or Skipping Rope
  • 20 close-grip push-ups
  • 10 jumps
  • 10 push-ups
  • 40 squats
  • 25 push-ups
  • 20 walking lunges (10 reps per side)
  • 15 rows inverted underhand
  • 30 bicycle crunches (15 reps per side)
  • 25 squats
  • 25 Jumping Jacks or Skipping Rope

body weight 501

  • 100 jumping jacks or jump rope
  • 25 close-grip push-ups
  • 15 jumps
  • 15 pull-ups
  • 50 squats
  • 51 push ups
  • 40 walking lunges (20 reps per side)
  • 30 rows inverted underhand
  • 60 bicycle crunches (30 reps per side)
  • 15 pull-ups
  • 50 squats
  • 50 Jumping Jacks or Jump Rope

body weight 750

  • 100 jumping jacks or jump rope
  • 25 close-grip push-ups
  • 20 jumps
  • 20 pull-ups
  • 75 squats
  • 25 heists
  • 50 push ups
  • 50 walking lunges (25 reps per side)
  • 40 rows inverted underhand
  • 25 stability ball leg curls
  • 100 bicycle crunches (50 reps per side)
  • 20 pull-ups
  • 50 climbers (25 per side)
  • 50 squats
  • 100 jumping jacks or jump rope

body weight 1000

  • 100 jumping jacks or jump rope
  • 25 close-grip push-ups
  • 25 jumps
  • 25 pull-ups
  • 100 squats
  • 25 heists
  • 50 bicycle crunches (25 reps per side)
  • 100 push-ups
  • 50 walking lunges (25 reps per side)
  • 50 rows inverted underhand
  • 50 stability ball leg curls
  • 100 bicycle crunches (50 reps per side)
  • 50 decline push-ups
  • 25 rows inverted above the head
  • 50 Mountain Climbers (25 reps per side)
  • 50 squats
  • 25 pull-ups
  • 100 jumping jacks or jump rope

Let’s go over some exercises you may not be familiar with:


  • Stand with your feet a little more than shoulder-width apart. Squeeze your abs and glutes. Push your hips back as if you were sitting in a chair.
  • Bend your knees. Don’t let your lower back slouch. In fact, keep your chest out and back as straight as possible. Keep going down as far as you can.
  • From this position, push through your glutes, hamstrings, and quads to return to the starting position.

Stability Ball Leg Curls

  • Lie on your back. Place the soles of your feet on a stability ball. Squeeze your abs and contract your glutes. Lift your hips off the ground. Keep your abs and hamstrings tight as you slowly roll the ball toward your hips while in the bridge position.
  • Pause and slowly return the ball to the starting position.

mountain climbers

  • Start in the top position of the pushup. Contract your abs. Lift one foot off the ground and bring your knee up to your chest. Bring your leg back and repeat with the other leg.
  • Don’t let your hips sag or twist.


  • Stand with your feet about 6 inches from a wall. Lean back so your butt, upper back, and head are against the wall. Place your hands against the wall above your head.
  • Keep your shoulders, elbows, and wrists in contact with the wall throughout the movement. Slide your arms up the wall, tucking your elbows out to your sides.
  • Keep your elbows close to your sides, so that your shoulder blades meet. You should feel a strong contraction in the muscles between your shoulder blades and your shoulder muscles.
  • From this bottom position, slowly slide your arms against the wall until they are straight above your head. Repeat.

Zapata, Dog of the Beach

Zapata, Dog of the Beach

Oh, my name is Zapata. I am not named after a shoe or because I love to chew on shoes, which I do, but because of the famous Mexican revolutionary and freedom fighter, Emiliano Zapata. He said, “It’s better to die on your feet than live on your knees,” which I agree with, especially since I have four of the two. I’ll tell you how I got my name, but first let me tell you what my life is like now. The present is so sweet, and we dogs appreciate it much more than humans who like to live in the future or the past. The past is like a tail that follows you and only serves to scare away flies, and the future, what will be will be.

I live in Samara, a beautiful little town on the Pacific coast of Costa Rica. I meet many tourists there, from Canada, Switzerland and the United States, among other countries, who come to study at our Spanish School. They have lessons in the morning and have free time in the afternoon to lounge on the beach, eat at one of our delicious restaurants, shop at our quaint shops, paint, ride horses, or travel to other wonderful places in Costa Rica. I myself have not left Samara, but I hear wonderful stories of trips to Monte Verde and the cloud forests, and to the Arano Volcano, where there are zip lines, hot pools for bathing and rafting. One day I hope to travel to my beautiful country with my owner, who is the proud manager of a Spanish restaurant in Samara. It is one of many charming restaurants, but more exotic than others. People usually come to our establishment if it’s raining and they want to get off the beach. We have a great wine that I heard, and I can recommend the Paella and the bones

I met my friend from the United States when he was lying on the sidewalk outside the restaurant taking a nap in the afternoon heat. The gringos do not seem to notice the heat and walk under the midday sun like rabid dogs or English, of which there are some of the latter in Samara. There is little water to fill their plates in England or so I hear so they come here where our water plates are full and our rivers cascade into the sea. They often complain that they can’t drive their four-wheeled monsters through the fast-flowing rivers along the coast. They should be happy to lap up the clean, fresh water, but back to my story. The gringa lady saw me and immediately fell in love with me, which is not unusual for the great Zapata. He was lying on the sidewalk, very relaxed, and she thought he was sick. He tried to get me some tacos and water, which I gratefully accepted. I didn’t tell him the truth, the truth. I think she wanted to take me home, but she was afraid to move. I’m good at playing possum.

The next day I saw her again while she was taking one of her paintings to an art gallery. It was a painting of the beach and it wasn’t bad, except that it contained a cat, a despicable creature. How could she prefer the cat (cat) to the dog? But she kept prodding me by asking her husband, in her strange language that I have learned a little about thanks to the touriststo look at me He didn’t seem very impressed, but I loved the attention from him, especially the treats. That afternoon I saw her and her husband drinking an Imperial on the beach and admiring the horses that came from the fields in the afternoon to enjoy the Pacific. She seemed very surprised to see free animals on the beach. She wondered why, but she hoped she had never found out. I would have to fight for my freedom, if I were ever in danger, just like my namesake, Emiliano. They didn’t see me, but I followed them down the beach where I saw them feeding my friend, Migo. He’s a lanky black hound who lives in a beach restaurant and is even better fed than I am. Tourists on the beach love it. They miss their dogs at home, I’m sure.

Another morning I saw her waving wildly at a friend she knew from home. This was very surprising to her as she did not know that her friend would be in Samara. I guess she doesn’t have many friends, or the world is much bigger than Samara. I see my friends from the city all the time. Another day, her husband took a surfing lesson. He wasn’t very good, but he tried very hard. Many tourists do not know that it takes him a long time to learn to ride the waves. I would like to try it too, but my owner won’t let me, a little freedom that is denied me. But I like to swim in the waves, and tourists do too However, the ocean has many moods and one should swim when not angry.

The couple befriended the family at the beach who had given them surfing lessons and bought them a large fish. They took him back up the hill to his house on top of the mountain to cook. I would have eaten it raw, but humans like to grill fish. I was hoping to get some. Later the family offered them a puppy from a litter that had just been born. I tried to meet her dog with the beautiful black hair, but she would have nothing to do with me, saying that he was a beach bum. That may be true, but how could he resist my thick white fur and brown lion’s mane? Many people say that I look like a chow dog, and I certainly like chow. Like Emiliano, I am very attracted to ladies, and they to me. But, “Comrades, you can’t win them all”, or as the gringos would say, “You can’t win them all”.

After several weeks, I saw my gringo friend on the beach one night drinking an Imperial and looking very sad. I heard her say that it was his last night in Samara. He said that he would miss the beautiful beach and the friendly people. He also said that people here care about the environment and have resisted the efforts of large companies that pollute the landscape to build in Costa Rica. We also use renewable energy, which I think means we bury our bones to use later. This made me happy, but a little scared. I expected our beach to always be the same. We are often called the greenest and happiest country. We have plenty to eat and we still have plenty of trees to lie down under.

As my story is coming to an end, I will tell you how I got my name. Once, when I was a younger dog and living in the city, I freed several of my friends who had been rounded up by the dogcatcher and thrown into a truck with a cage in the back. There was also a beautiful baby dressed in all white fur with a diamond necklace in the cage. When I saw her I fell madly in love, but how was I to know that she belonged to a Great Dane that belonged to the mayor. I just knew I had to rescue her from her, which I did by jumping up and pulling on the ends of the rope that bound the cage doors. The dogs burst out of captivity barking: “Zapata, Zapata to the rescue.”

I followed her to her house where she gave me a sniff but said it belonged to someone else. Still, my reputation was built and she stays with me to this day. I have made many conquests based on that lucky day that I also earned my name. Now I decided that I should use my powers to cheer up my gringo friend. I rounded up my friends, a bunch of strays, with a few haughty chihuahuas in the group, and led them down the beach to their bench. He jumped to his feet, crying, “There he is, my sick sidewalk dog leading a pack of dogs. I’m glad he’s feeling better, but I hope they don’t attack us!”

I was very surprised to hear her say this, but proudly led my friends down the beach in full parade formation for her enjoyment, stopping only to bow in front of her and wag my tail. She exclaimed with delight, “He is the leader of the pack and he has come to say goodbye.” Yes, she had recognized my greatness and my appreciation for the gringos had grown by leaps and bounds. While the red sun sank below the waves crowned with white, and the coconut palms swayed gently in the breeze, I, the great Zapata, said goodbye to the nice gringa lady. Even though she called me Sam, I’m sure she’ll never forget me.

You have learned a lot about alpacas. You’ve done your financial homework. Maybe you’ve found breeders you can trust and work with, and picked your starter herd, or maybe that’s still going on. Before your herd arrives, it’s time to prepare. Here, we will talk about grass, shelter, water, and hay.

Planning your pastures: To think Fencing first. Alpacas won’t normally challenge a reasonable fence, so a 48-inch horse fence that doesn’t climb on T-posts is excellent for the job. A small tractor, a fence stretcher, a post digger, and a good pair of fencing gloves and pliers, and you’ll have the job under control. Work with breeders you’ve met to develop a pasture plan based on your herd composition and pasture health. Pets only? One pasture might be enough, but having more will allow you to rotate your herd to replenish pastures. Player? You’ll want separate pastures for boys and girls, and possibly another for mothers with nursing calves. You will need access to shelter, water, and hay at each pasture. You’ll also need a convenient way to move your herds from pasture to barns or pens for toe clippings, injections, vet visits, etc. exercise in mind. They should be shaped so your alpacas can run well – great for body conditioning!

Planning your shelters: Yes, sometimes you can accuse the alpacas of not getting out of the rain.. But that doesn’t mean shelter is optional. Think of a summer shelter and a winter shelter in each pasture. What are you doing shelter to mean? A roof and enough walls to protect you from wind and sun, rain and snow. A floor that will remain dry, with a surface suitable for cooking. Coarse gravel is not a good idea, and neither is the concrete slab. Horse stall mats (3/4″ recycled rubber) are great. Compacted earth works well, as long as it’s thoroughly dry. Make sure there’s enough room for the number of animals that will have to share the shelter. Alpacas don’t tend to line up nice and parallel, all in a group. The most important thing is to make sure that all of your animals can stay cool enough in hot weather and stay dry. Good air circulation is key. It’s also important to make sure that the very young animals can stay warm in very cold weather (although coats can help with this).

Water planning: Alpacas must have a ready supply of clean, fresh water. Automatic filling equipment is not needed, as long as someone reliably keeps the tanks or buckets full. One thing we have found helpful is keeping the water supply off the ground. Our buckets are suspended at about shoulder height for our younger animals (26″ to 30″), and we use the 24″ tall version of the metal storage tanks. This prevents the animals from kicking up the water and If someone spills a bucket or your storage tank leaks, it’s a good idea to have a second water supply in place.In winter?Ice water is a problem for your alpacas and their tanks and buckets. Alpacas also tend to drink very little if the water is too cold. Consider hot buckets (about $50 each) or storage tank heaters (about $90 each) in cold climates. Finally, it’s a good idea to be able to control access to all the water in your herd Sometimes medications such as coccidiastats they are delivered through drinking water, so you’ll want to make sure your alpacas are using the proper supply.

Planning for hay: Hay must be available all day, every day. Here in the Pacific Northwest we see an annual consumption of 700 to 800 pounds per alpaca, about 1 ton of hay for every 2.5 to 3 alpacas. What kind of hay? Alpacas do best on a diet of 8% to 12% protein. what it does garden herb an ideal choice. The second or third cut of garden grass avoids seeds and stalks, and we’ve found that this creates less waste. Cost? In 2007, prices here in the Northwest for the second or third cut of orchard grass were $260/ton. At the end of 2008, prices stood at $300/ton. Driving? We recommend what many hay providers call two-string bales. These weigh about 80 to 90 pounds each. Larger three-string bales (110-130 pounds each) are more difficult for one person to move. A garden cart can be your friend when it comes to moving hay! Storage? Hay should be stored dry, preferably not directly on a concrete slab. We use recycled wooden pallets for hay storage and keep the hay a few inches away from the barn walls. This improves air circulation, helping to prevent mold.

There are many opinions about which hay feeding stations work best. Tub-style feeders, where alpacas graze hay in tubs below head level, can help keep hay out of that spot just above shoulder level where it tends to collect and get dirty. On the other hand, wall feeders don’t take up as much floor space in your barn and allow animals to graze with their heads and necks in a more upright position. If you’re handy, you can build your own. We did, and you can see an example in our video section on our ranch website.

Nutritionally, orchard grass is not enough for breeding animals and young animals. Supplements in the form of grains and mineral salts can make up the difference. For pregnant and lactating mothers, and for young calves, you may also want to keep a few bales of alfalfa on hand. We will talk about cereals and salt in another article. Good luck! We hope this helps you prepare!

Whether it is a mobile or any other device, the best application is the key to success. Recently, with the growth of technology, there has been a visible growth in the app development industry. Now, almost every business needs to have their own app and provide a seamless experience when a customer browses a business website or takes advantage of any service. Android mobile has brought about a revolution in the marketing industry. This is the reason why the best app development companies have entered the market to develop required mobile apps and other apps that can be used on different devices.

Why do you need a custom app to grow your business?

With business discovering its future online, they need an app for their own business that can personalize their service across different devices, especially mobile. There is a long list of companies on the internet that claim to be the best app development companies in the area. However, you must be careful when performing the final search. Most of them are new and don’t even have a team of experts to handle your application development needs.

With the world moving towards smartphones, tablets, and other devices, there is a high demand for the best app development companies to fulfill your app needs. This is extremely necessary to strengthen the Internet and external business processes and make life easier for customers. It is good to have an application installed on the mobile phones of potential customers so that it is easy to access your service and products with comfort. We know that companies now need to reach people and serve them in their place of comfort. To get the best app for your business, you can set up a team of developers in your company. This can be an expensive process and takes more time and effort to manage.

Why outsource the application development task?

On the other hand, make is full of the best app development companies that can provide you with a dedicated team of professional developers. You get the benefit of their past experience, use of the latest technology, knowledge of the future of the app and marketing concept along with affordable app development. Even after the app is developed, they provide a full backup to overcome any bugs, glitches, or constantly update it when needed. Constant app monitoring is easy and affordable.

With the high demand for the best app as per modern business needs, they need regular modifications to make life of users easy and stress free. Before searching for the best app development companies in your area, be prepared with the answer to the question: Do you need an app for work procedure? Along with this, the app development company may also ask some questions that will customize your business needs and help them understand the basics of your app. The best app development companies understand well that people now use tablets and smartphones in their daily lives. Therefore, it is the best way to reach potential customers through these devices.

With this, the best app development companies develop apps that focus on your business requirements and help you reach a large number of customers directly in any corner of the world.

Benefits of Hiring an Expert App Development Team

There is a long list of benefits gained when you hire the best app development companies for app development for your business. This is the best way to reduce the total cost of application development. This saves money on hiring a team, investing time and paying salaries even when you don’t have a job for them. Get a custom package for regular app modification and eliminate any major or technical bugs in the app. These experts are highly experienced, understand technical changes and adapt to them quickly.

Why choose only the best app development company?

Although the market has a large number of companies that claim to develop the best applications according to individual business needs, only a few can prove it with their services. Most of them do not provide you effective and up-to-date application and even charge high price. On the other hand, the best app development companies care about your needs and provide a service within your budget. It doesn’t matter if you need a hybrid or native app, there are experts who can provide you with a comprehensive solution.

Experts from top app development companies will develop an iOS app compatible with iPhone, iPad and Apple watches. They also develop an Android app that is better compatible with the latest Android based mobiles. Along with these apps, a team of experts will also provide a mobile hybrid app or cross-platform app. These apps are compatible with Android and iOS devices. For this, they also assign you a separate team of designers and developers to understand your needs and provide you with an effective app. They will keep your update and share the progress so you are aware of what you will receive at the end.

Only the best company can go beyond your expectations as they have the ability to set the rules in app development and break them to bring you a unique and high performing app. So, if your search is for the best app development companies, you can get expert help, recommend or personally explore the internet and visit the websites of top app development companies in your area. All you need is to contact the expert, specify your needs and get the best solutions. For this, just give a ping and the experts will be there to explain all the details to you.

Therefore, always prefer the services of the best app development companies and do not fall for the fake or cheap offers provided by the opportunity seekers available in the market. Do a proper market research before the final selection.

Very often, an organization wants to test the effectiveness of their training by administering some type of test at the end of the training. Unfortunately, most trainers are not trained to write quiz questions. It is much more than just writing 20 questions about the content. You can skew test results (and thus get inaccurate feedback on training effectiveness) if test questions are not designed correctly.

In the second of three articles on designing appropriate test questions, we’ll look at true/false questions and how best to design them.

I often hear that true/false questions are avoided because they are “too easy” for the participant; Heck, they have a 50/50 chance. The truth is, if you write a test question correctly, even a 50/50 chance isn’t good enough. Here are some things to keep in mind when writing true/false questions so that they challenge your participants and really test their knowledge.

For true/false questions, make sure your choices are completely true or completely false; do not include answers that may be true under certain conditions. Example: Moss grows on a northern exposure; (except if it’s a heavily shaded area).

We tend to write more true than false statements, because it is easier; so be aware of that and try to give an equal number of each.

Also, as with the multiple choice questions (Part 1 of 3), our true statements tend to be longer than our false ones; so watch your word count and try to be consistent in length.

Avoid what are known as “specific determiners” that pinpoint the correct answer; the most obvious are ALWAYS and NEVER. Rarely is something always true or never true. The use of any of these words is often a clue to the examinee choosing the answer that does not include the specific determiner.

Example: “i” always comes before “e”

These guidelines should help you design true/false questions that challenge your participants and really test their knowledge.

When I was younger, I remember being disappointed countless times by empty shelves at my local video game rental store. I would arrive anticipating playing the latest title only to be turned away because they didn’t have copies. Local rental stores simply don’t have the square footage or the budget to overstock their shelves with every new release that hits the gaming world. Fortunately for me and thousands of other gaming enthusiasts across the country, we don’t have to worry about that anymore. Online game rental services have reformed game rental for the better, and there is no going back. The benefits that come with online video game rentals include a lower price, better availability, and faster service.

There’s no need to spend $60 on a title you’ve never played, and no need to drive all over town looking for a copy to rent. Online game rental services offer plans from $10 a month for unlimited game rentals (1 game at a time) to around $40 a month (5 games at a time). Speaking of a no-brainer, you can spend $60 on a game of chance you might not even like, or spend $10 and try multiple games. It gets better. If you enjoy the games you’re trying out, you can contact your provider and buy it on the spot, usually for a small amount. The games come to you.

With online game rental, you have a choice of over 6,000 titles, from a wide range of systems. You don’t have to worry about games out of stock, and you don’t have to worry about a lack of selection when you rent video games online. Most of these companies even offer an amazing selection of portable games if you want to try new and upcoming titles on your DS or PSP. You can choose from over 6,000 video games shipped directly to your home with no late fees or from a couple of wire racks at your local rental store. It seems like an easy choice.

Are you worried about playing that new release the day it comes out? Don’t worry there. Like local video game stores like Gamestop, online game rental companies like Gamefly receive games from publishers days before they hit the streets. This means that if you have selected the desired game in your list, it will be sent to you so that you can play that new title right away. When you get bored with the game(s) you are currently playing, return them and the provider will immediately send you the next game on your list. It’s almost like having your personal video game butler.

Filing for bankruptcy is a scary prospect, even if you do so voluntarily. There are several different chapters, each with different rules. Hiring qualified bankruptcy attorneys can make the process easier and protect you from your creditors. However, it can be difficult to choose the best attorney for your case. Ask yourself these four questions for answers that can help you decide.

Do you charge a flat fee to represent me?

Hiring any lawyer costs money. This is particularly concerning when you are considering bankruptcy, since money is the cause of the problem in the first place. Some legal professionals charge by the hour. The good news is that most bankruptcy attorneys charge a flat fee for the entire course of representation. Typically, this fee will include consulting with you and discussing your circumstances, preparing and filing the necessary documents, and representing you during insolvency proceedings. Sometimes creditors contest bankruptcy. Other times, creditors can still come in and foreclose on a home. Often the flat rate does not cover these additional situations. Before choosing among several bankruptcy attorneys, make sure you understand each attorney’s fee arrangement.

Is bankruptcy your main line of work?

Any licensed attorney can help you file the required paperwork. However, insolvency proceedings involve complex legal areas that are not applied anywhere else. Also, deciding which chapter to file involves a detailed analysis of your financial situation and individual expectations. Even an experienced attorney whose primary job is filing tort claims or structuring business transactions will generally not have the knowledge and skills necessary to adequately protect you from your creditors. You need a lawyer who is dedicated to handling bankruptcy cases.

What can I expect from you regarding communication?

It is important to find an attorney whose practice is primarily dedicated to handling bankruptcy cases, but it is equally important to find an attorney who will devote individual attention to your case, because determining the best course of action requires a detailed analysis of your financial situation. You should know how much time the legal professional will spend reviewing your situation, how quickly your phone calls will be returned, how often the attorney will update you on the progress of the case, when you can expect the relevant documents to be drafted, and what efforts your advocate will make. . he will do to stop the collection efforts of the creditors.

Will they have staff to assist them with my case?

Bankruptcy attorneys have a considerable number of clients and will not always be directly available to work on your case. There will be routine matters that will need attention, but they do not necessarily require the attorney’s personal attention. It is important for the attorney to have staff or junior attorneys available to work on the case when the lead attorney is not directly available. However, you should also ensure that the attorney handling the case personally reviews the work of junior attorneys and non-attorney staff members.

Asking these important questions will help you choose among the many bankruptcy attorneys in your area.