Category Archive : Business

You can operate your business as a sole proprietor, like 70% of American businesses. However, if the business turns out to be terrific and you begin to earn a lot of cash, then it may be worth incorporating it, as a method of reducing your taxes and protecting profits.

You may be implementing a growth strategy that requires you to take on additional investors, or perhaps implementing your exit strategy, with a plan to sell your business, perhaps to employees through an Employee Stock Option Plan (ESOP). ). Either scenario may cause your accountant or business lawyer to recommend that you establish a separate legal entity and the preferred strategy might be to incorporate it.

What does that mean in practical terms? For a Solopreneur consultant or small business owner, incorporation typically means establishing an S Corporation. A Limited Liability Company (LLC) is another frequently used legal business entity and there are certain similarities between the two.

Both LLCs and S corporations provide business owners with a degree of protection against lawsuits and creditors. However, if there is negligence, the “corporate veil” of protection will be torn and the owners will be liable for any damages.

Second, there are certain similarities in the way taxes are handled. LLCs and S Corporations, unlike the more common C Corporations, allow a “passthrough” of business profits or losses to the owner’s Personal Tax Form 1040 (the S Corporation shareholders) based on ownership interest. property. There is no separate (double) taxation, as is the case with C Corporations. Both S Corporation and LLC owners can deduct pre-tax business expenses such as advertising, professional services, travel, etc. S Corp owners will file Form 1040 Schedule E and Form 1120S in addition to the usual state and federal tax forms.

However, there are a couple of differences that affect the treatment of taxes. Unlike the LLC and like the C Corporation, the owners of the S Corporation pay themselves a salary (which should be considered reasonable based on industry standards and business income) and receive dividends (distributions) from the additional earnings earned. Dividends are taxed at a lower rate than the salary payment and that is one of the reasons why S Corporation tax rates may be lower.

Another difference has to do with taxes on self-employment. Says Diane Kennedy, a Phoenix, AZ-based CPA and author of “Loopholes of the Rich: How the Rich Legally Make More Money and Pay Less Tax” (2001), “If you have a Subchapter S Corporation and you put yourself on the payroll as A W-2 employee, by withholding taxes from each paycheck as they withdraw money from the corporation, can often save a significant amount of money in self-employment taxes.” Sole proprietors and LLC owners must pay self-employment taxes.

Owners can sell, transfer or give away their shares, something LLC owners cannot do. There can be no more than 100 shareholders/owners of S Corporation, but family members who own shares are treated as one shareholder when counting. Other corporations, subchapter C or S, continue in perpetuity unless formally dissolved. Death does not automatically dissolve a corporation, while LLCs terminate if an owner retires, resigns, dies, or goes bankrupt, but they can be reformed if desired.

On the downside, S corporations have stricter guidelines than LLCs. Owners must be US citizens or reside in the US There can only be one class of shares and, depending on the state in which it was incorporated, there may be additional state taxes. Businesses that earn 25% or more of gross receipts from passive income (eg, rental income) and those that earn 95% or more of gross receipts from exports cannot form an S Corporation.

S corporation owners must also hold annual board and shareholder meetings and take minutes. Additionally, owners must strictly separate their personal and corporate bank accounts. Failure to comply with all requirements may result in loss of S Corporation status and the IRS is investigating.

So which legal entity is best for your organization? Throughout the life of your business, it is wise to look at your plans for the future in terms of revenue, growth, exit strategy, and taxes, and institute the legal structure that will enhance your position.

Thank you for reading,


For most college students, credit cards aren’t high on their priority list for taking care of things; after all, students with loans can pay for things with direct debits from their bank accounts, just like students receiving financial aid from their parents.

The simple truth of the matter is that most students don’t think about credit cards, so when the time comes when they need one, they end up rushing through the selection process and end up with a less than optimal card. for their needs or, even worse, one that actually ends up being detrimental to them in the long run.

So what’s a student looking for a credit card to do? Simple, they need to investigate! Take a look at a wide variety of student credit cards, their benefits and drawbacks. Just select one that you are comfortable with and that you feel will meet your needs well, without causing you too much hassle.

So what features should you look for? Well, here are a few things to keep in mind in your search for the perfect student credit card.


Some cards charge you an annual fee for their use; I like to advise students to stay away from these types of cards, as their good points are usually not enough to outweigh the fact that you have to pay for them. You already have good tuition, textbooks, residency, and so many other things to worry about, there’s no point in adding another to the list.

Credit cards that charge annual fees are aimed more at business people who spend a lot of money and have a lot of disposable income, not students on a fixed budget. As a result, most cards will not have that fee attached. However, if they do, consider whether you really need the benefits of that specific credit card before you sign up for it.

spending limits

When I started my freshman year of college, the first credit card I applied for had a credit limit of $500, and it ended up being more than I needed at the time. As I went to college and my overhead increased, I ended up requesting that they increase that limit to $1000 and add a second card with a $1500 limit; this was mostly just for when i bought textbooks or paid tuition, like i wanted. to get the most out of my credit card bonus plans, but it was a good example of how I got the most out of cards.


Incentives are bonuses that companies add to their cards to entice more people to sign up for them. A good example of this is the “cashback” card, where a small percentage of what you spend on your card is refunded to you.

One credit card that was popular with my friends was the supermarket card, issued by one of the supermarket chains where we lived. Instead of direct rebate, they offered a store credit that was double the value of most rebate plans at the time, the convenience of which appealed to many students.

Interest rates

Ideally, this should never be a problem, as you would be able to pay off your balance each month and therefore never increase interest on your account. In practice, however, things won’t always work that way. Therefore, interest should also be a concern.

The industry average for annual interest rates is somewhere in the 19-23% range, compounded monthly. However, as a student, you should take advantage of the discounts available to you; If you do your research, you should be able to find a card to suit your needs with a student discount interest rate in the 10-15% range.

While 10% may not sound like a lot, if you ever lose your job, have to quit, or have some other unexpected event that affects your finances, interest can add up very quickly. One way to partially prevent this is to first deliberately seek a lower interest rate.

Here are the four main aspects of a student credit card that you should look into before choosing which one you need.

Ultimately, your decision should be guided by your needs at the time and the card you feel best meets those needs. A good credit card, combined with careful spending and a very strict budget, can actually help him as a student and give him benefits he wouldn’t normally get from his purchases.

What business axiom or management principle have you discovered that helps you live better, work smarter, or understand organizations in a way that is unique, fun, or provides that rare but special “ah ha” moment?

An example of a well-known business axiom is the famous “Peter Principle” (1) which states: “People rise to their level of incompetence.” Explaining how incompetent people can reach high-level executive and political positions without any management or leadership skills provides some insight into why so many businesses and governments can fail. There are many corollaries to this intriguing concept that can explain the underperformance of government and business. Perhaps important decisions are also raised to your level of incompetence. That is, the most critical decision, most likely, will be taken away from people with experience and decided in a steering committee (to avoid any accountability) or at C-Suite or government cabinet level where truly terrible decisions sometimes they are taken out of ignorance. While this principle is meant to encourage discussion about the follies of some bureaucracies, all of us can relate to those big business mistakes caused by executives who thought they knew better. Remember the new Coca-Cola, Edsel, and the infamous business failures of Enron, Arthur Anderson, Lehman Bros., and Bear Sterns? Government failures are even more common, as evidenced by the Arab Spring uprisings and most of Europe facing severe budget deficits and even the collapse of the European Union currency.

Speaking to a high-level bureaucrat who was going to announce the immediate closure of a major call center, I replied that determining its future call distribution would be critical since this location had nearly 400 employees working. He replied that he was wrong and that no one was working there. Shocked at his lack of knowledge, I replied that he had just returned from a visit last week and that we had over 400 active employees doing business there. A bureaucrat located remotely and especially at headquarters can be very dangerous for decision making!

My favorite business axiom is Parkinson’s Law, written by C. Northcote Parkinson (2) in 1954: “Work expands to the time available.” It is the only management principle that I can clearly remember from my four years of university management studies because I have experienced that the relationship between work and time is both elastic and unpredictable. It’s an irreverent but insightful look at how workload is out of proportion to staffing within bureaucratic organizations. It reminds us that in our world, one must understand human behavior, embrace humor, and recognize people’s tendency to make foolish decisions, especially when emotions take over from basic common sense.

All students recognize the value of Parkinson’s Law. It’s critical to determine how long a task will take or naturally expand to two, three, or more times the actual amount of time it takes. As students, we quickly learned this fact after working several days on an essay, whereas in the last year we started a project two hours before the deadline with surprisingly positive results. While this work-time relationship is well known, fewer people apply it to their organizations. Most business schools, companies and certainly almost all governments have forgotten the importance of the time-work relationship. One only has to look at the state of governments around the world to recognize that the trend to grow bureaucracies is critical as growth ignores any workload or reason. Greece is currently facing serious financial ruin because its sprawling public bureaucracy has become unsustainable. Thus, a competent bureaucrat is not rewarded for keeping quiet and working to reduce staff, but rather is expected to continue operating despite increases in workload. The incompetent bureaucrat can achieve nothing more than a bad track record, but his constant complaining inevitably leads to additional staff. He continues to complain and soon he’s managing a department twice the size of the competent office manager down the hall. The bureaucratic nature of the local department of motor vehicles demonstrates how the work expands into the time available as these organizations, despite years of practice and computer conversions and upgrades, still demonstrate a complete lack of logic and efficiency. Their avoidance of any level of customer service is legendary.

Another, more serious and insidious example of Parkinson’s Law is the bureaucrat’s tendency to cause complexity. Consider the process of how American law is codified and regulated. Whether it’s the new health care law now being reviewed for constitutionality, the new Dodd-Frank banking law and its thousands of pages of regulations, or proposed changes to the enormously complex tax code, the The means of creating laws in America have become the epitome of bureaucracy and unintended consequences. It explains why there are so many lawyers and accountants and how American society creates enough work to keep them all employed administering laws too complex for the public to understand.

The generation of complexity in government is probably due to the number of legislators who must find something to do with their time. Instead of looking for ways to simplify work, they seem to want to pass more laws and make life even more complicated.

Parkinson’s Law explains why two of the most basic government functions, collecting taxes and providing public health services, continue to become even more complex and expensive. Just try explaining to a European how Americans calculate their taxes or how to select an employee health care plan. After two hours with my Belgian daughter-in-law trying to select a health plan and explain income taxes, it became clear that our systems are truly irrational.

Shrinking a government agency, simplifying our tax code, or making healthcare more manageable will supposedly cause a calamity of epic proportions. The austerity plans in Europe and those that are happening now in the local and state governments have not yet been adopted by our federal government, which seems to always find a reason to ignore the recommendations of its committee and defer decisions by putting aside the more difficult and important issues. This ability to ignore responsibility is probably why there is friction between corporate America and the American government. In most societies, the sovereign bureaucracy joins in and supports the companies. There is a distrust of government in the United States that dates back to the Revolutionary War and our protection of individual liberties. Government work also has different incentives. Public servants are not supposed to be resource efficient, but are expected to spend all the money in their budgets or face a draconian cut in funding and resources next year. Government growth requires more revenue to operate, so higher taxes are needed. Business enterprises seek profit, so work diligently to avoid tax and focus on efficiency and cost reduction so that the goals of the two institutions are traditionally at opposite poles. The incredible growth of global, federal, state, and local governments and their excessive spending demonstrate Parkinson’s thesis that bureaucracies and agencies will proliferate even if they no longer have a reason to exist.

We find many examples of the Peter Principle and/or Parkinson’s Law in our business and government experience. Many expect an easy solution to the growth of inefficient government and the complexity of society. Perhaps if Congress passed a law that all laws and regulations must be limited to one page, we could begin to unravel the complexity of our health care system and our tax code. Of course, the lobbyists, departments, and stakeholders who profit from such inefficiencies would prohibit any move toward simplicity.

Hoping that technology will solve bureaucratic problems only makes it easier to “cut and paste” more information in the process so that all law and compliance take more pages to argue a simple point. The environmental impact report, for example, for a new soccer stadium in Los Angeles ran to more than 10,000 pages and cost $27 million to produce. It is interesting that the original Los Angeles Coliseum was built in 1923 for only $950,000. Here is one more example of a regulatory process with no reasonable restrictions or limits. The typical Los Angeles resident probably won’t be able to afford to attend the game when football returns to Los Angeles in 2020, 2030, or…

Yet the cost of future soccer in Los Angeles pales in comparison to the waste and cost of running America’s complex tax code or managing our fragmented and complex health care system. Unfortunately, such complexity in health care shifts the burden to those most at risk without the knowledge to navigate and find optimal care: the uninsured, the elderly, the sick, the poor, and children. The tragedy of a systemic, fragmented, and profoundly uncoordinated health care system is that the quality of care is severely degraded and uneven. We are notified by letter that our doctor will no longer accept our PPO health insurance, he cannot use the local hospital, the lab is not an approved provider, and our premiums have increased again.

The impact of the complex tax code may not be that serious for the health of a citizen, but it certainly creates unnecessary fiscal stress for a people and a country that can no longer live within their means. Every year it seems like we have more uncertainty, more interaction with our tax accountants, state tax authorities, and the IRS as they add more complex rules to the process. Managing our financial lives has become more difficult, and the end result is more stress and doubt. So stay healthy so you have the time and energy to calculate and pay your taxes! Just remember Parkinson’s Law and don’t start doing your taxes too soon or you’ll lose several weeks of time that’s better spent exercising and staying healthy.


1.Peter, Laurence J.; Hill, Raymond (1969). The Peter Principle: Why things always go wrong. New York: William Morrow and Company.

2. Parkinson, C. Northcote; (1954). Parkinson’s Law and Other Studies in Management, Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company.

Asteya: no stealing, honesty, no misappropriation

Asteya is abstinence from stealing, which Vyasa defines as: “the misappropriation of the things of others for oneself: to refuse to do so, free from desire, is not to steal.”

What constitutes ordinary theft is well known to almost everyone, but, as Yogananda said, “people are clever in their ignorance,” so we have devised innumerable ways to steal and not appear to be stealing, all the way from putting slugs on pay phones to give us things or money we don’t need or deserve. Theft and falsehood are certainly interrelated. So we must analyze the definition of Vyasa and apply it to our situation. But we can consider some “fudges” that have become respectable and frequent.

Taking credit that really belongs to another is a form of stealing. It is also taking what is not ours, pretending that we own it or that it corresponds to us.

Plagiarism is a common form of theft, especially in academic matters.

Taking what does not come to us legitimately, even if it is given to us for free, is stealing. People do this all the time in relation to social benefits and insurance claims.

Demanding more than a fair price or a fair wage is perhaps the most common form of stealing. I knew a virtuous man who worked in the auto industry. Each week he returned to the teller everything he believed to be above his honest earnings.

Forcing others to give us something we want from them, whether material or metaphysical, is extortion and theft. Neither is giving to others what we owe them or what we are legally or morally obligated to give. For example, many people (especially churches and religious orders) expect others to continually provide them with things or services that they are perfectly capable of paying for. (I’m not talking about unsolicited gifts or charity, that’s virtuous.) Or they want to be given deep discounts. I was once told by a natural health professional, whose financial situation was much worse than mine, that she was willing to charge only half her usual fee for my treatment, and would even treat me for free if I wanted to. I explained to her that since she could pay the full amount, it would be robbery for her to accept a discount or free treatment. And I quoted the Yoga Sutras in support of my claim. The law applies to all.

The prophet Malachi posed the terrifying question, “Will man rob God?” (Malachi 3:8) That is extremely easy to do and extremely common. It might be good to find out for yourself and see if you are somehow doing that yourself.

But all these forms of stealing are internal or external acts, while Vyasa defines non-stealing as an essentially psychological state of “freedom from desire.” This, then, is the goal of mere abstinence from stealing. What must be achieved is the state of mind in which there is absolutely no desire or impulse to steal. “Stealing cannot exist in those whose desire has been cut off,” says Shankara.

Aparigraha: not possessive, not greedy, not selfish, not greedy

Aparigraha includes the ideas of non-possessiveness, non-greed, non-selfishness, and non-greed. Vyasa’s definition is particularly interesting because it is so practical: “Seeing the flaws in objects involved in acquiring, defending, losing, clinging to, and depriving others of them, one does not take them for oneself, and that is aparigraha.” “. Here, as in the other Pillars, the true virtue or observance is primarily internal, leading to the correct state of mind for a successful yoga practice.

Basically, when a person sees all the effort invested in “things”, as well as the unhappiness that accompanies both keeping them and losing them, what to speak of the awareness of their inherent flaws, they wisely step back and rid themselves of Thingolatry. Of course, we all have to get and use many kinds of things, but we can do it objectively, without getting sucked into them like the tar baby in the Uncle Remus story. To be possessed by possessions is truly a great misery; and the belief that happiness comes from external things is truly a great folly.

People literally get lost in “things” as they adopt a completely false self-concept. To think that we are what we “have” is to forget who and why we are. Aparigraha cleanses the inner eye and allows us to see our true “face”.

Plumbing and Electric Offer in Scottsdale

Phoenix-based provider of sustainable plumbing, HVAC maintenance, and whole home water filtration services announces new investments in employee retention and training. As part of the new initiative, customers can sign up for Tucker Hill Club, an exclusive group that includes benefits like “Family Date Night” perks and an automatic 10% discount on all Tucker Hill plumbing, HVAC, and electrical services.

Tucker Hill Air, Plumbing and Electric – Scottsdale

The air conditioning services offered by Tucker Hill Air Plumbing and Electric in Scottsdal are a great option for those looking to make their homes more comfortable. This company has a long history of providing top-notch service and they are licensed, bonded and insured. Their technicians are highly trained and have passed a background check. They also offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee on all of their services. If you have any questions, give them a call today! They are the best air conditioning and heating specialists in the area! You will be glad you did. They are also 5 Star rated with Angie’s List.

The electricians at Tucker Hill Air Plumbing and Electric are available 24/7 to help with any electrical needs. They offer emergency electrical repairs as well as preventative maintenance. Their technicians are highly trained, experienced and bonded. They also offer top medical insurance, a 401k plan, and 17 paid days off each year. The company is looking for a driven and motivated individual to join their team. Please contact them today to find out more. This is a great opportunity to work for a fast-growing, home service company that will help you grow and advance your career.

What Services Does Tucker Hill Air Plumbing and Electric Offer in Scottsdale?

The company recently announced that it has made a large investment in the employee reward category. Designed to make employees happy, their latest offerings include “Family Date Night” perks and individual growth plans for career advancement.

The company also reaffirmed their commitment to industry leading customer service with daily training for both technicians and office staff. The company has a long standing reputation for implementing the best possible safety protocols. The company also boasts an impressive array of tools and equipment for their service fleet to help them complete the most complicated projects. The company aims to make the Scottsdale area their new headquarters and is proud to be a part of the community.

When your air conditioning system breaks down in the middle of a hot summer day, you want a reliable company that you can trust. The team at Tucker Hill Air Plumbing and Electric – Scottsdale is ready to handle your hvac needs at a moment’s notice! Call us today! See why we’re the preferred air conditioning and heating contractor for residents of scottsdale, chandler, east valley, gilbert, tempe, paradise valley and surrounding az areas.

What are “Single Player Games”? Single player games are games that are intended for one person only. Only one person can play that game… all alone… all alone. For people who might be socially shy or awkward, don’t speak the majority language of that game, or are too young to interact with others, this can be a great thing.

With single player games, there is no need to worry about predators, bullies, youth seeing nudity, hearing language, being bullied, harassed, verbally abused, losing content, or having to interact with others. You can just enjoy playing your game without a care in the world. So you don’t really have to worry about anything as these games are for one person only.

Just because you’re the only one playing, doesn’t mean there aren’t things to be careful of. While most of the negative things about all types of games come from some of the real life people in those games, some of the negative things come from the type of games and the types of games for the wrong person.

There are a lot of horror games, games with nudity, language, intense themes, intense scenes, smoking, drugs and alcohol, gambling with real life money, suggestive themes, blood and gore, games that have violence, etc., that They are for one person only.

You really need to look at the game’s website, social accounts, videos, images, description, tags, and especially reviews. You should gather all the information about the game you are thinking of buying, either for yourself or for someone else.

If the game is on Steam, Humble Bundle or some similar websites; they will show you the description, videos of that company, images, user and non-user tags, user reviews, website, company and social accounts. However, if you’re on the game’s website, they may not display everything you need to know to decide whether or not to buy the game.

The minimum some game companies will show is a very short sales pitch description, a small number of images (5 max), a video or two of them and their social accounts. The most they will show is an informative description, photos of them and users, user reviews, videos of them and their social accounts. I am not going to go into the good and bad of the games and how to know if the game is good or not in this article, that is another article.

Now you would think that every game would have a single player mode and then add other modes later on. After all, it’s a bit easier for players to play solo and create a new world or archive than it is to pay so many dollars a month or year to host a server, go to the trouble of getting and maintaining the server, and then have the players actually connect to the server. At first, you would think that some games will add a single player mode before adding co-op or multiplayer, right? MISTAKEN!

There are tons of games that only have multiplayer, co-op, and any other non-single player mode. Some games are multiplayer only, like MMOs (Massively Multiplayer Online). It is possible to play multiplayer games with more than one person on a computer in the same room, but most people call it local multiplayer or local co-op. This allows you to play with someone on the same computer in the same room.

You wouldn’t be able to play someone from Sweden if you’re in the US in local multiplayer or local co-op. You have to go online for that. It’s just like how you talk to people all over the world from Twitter, Facebook, Discord, Skype, etc., which are all online. If your internet is down, you can’t talk to anyone on those platforms because you’re not online.

There are many different types of games and game modes for different people. You can get a game that is strictly single player or a game that has both single player and multiplayer and just play solo for now. Some people like the game and not the multiplayer part so they only play the single player part. I recommend starting with single player and then getting a game later that has both so you can easily transition to multiplayer instead of being thrown into multiplayer.

Unique Mother’s Day Gifts For Moms

Whether she’s an artsy type or just loves to create, there are plenty of Mother’s Day gifts for creative moms. You can give her an heirloom video book of her favorite family videos, a personalized hand towel or even a mailable Meyer lemon tree if she’s a DIYer! Pom pom bracelets are always in style and the perfect gift for any mom who enjoys color. This fun DIY project requires a little creativity and you’ll get her a bracelet she’ll wear and love all year round.

Keepsake jewelry boxes are a unique Mother’s Day gifts idea for the jewelry lover who needs a place to store her favorite pieces. These are available in many different designs, so you can choose a style that matches her unique personality. Personalized photo paperweights are another unique idea for Mother’s Day. She’ll use this keepsake item to look at photos of family vacations or special occasions, reminding her that she’s loved and cared for.

Sweet jam is another delicious, wholesome homemade gift for moms. You can make your own recipe from fruits and berries or simply pick out her favorite berry and cook it down into a tasty spread for a breakfast on the go! She’ll love the fact that you took the time to craft her a one-of-a-kind gift that will be treasured for years to come. You can also get her a tea towel that’s customized with her favorite photos or a family recipe, which she’ll use to serve breakfast or dinner at home.

Popular Unique Mother’s Day Gifts For Moms

A beautiful handwoven belt is another popular unique Mother’s Day gift. It can be worn with a variety of different outfits, from casual jeans to a classic dress. It’s crafted from Italian supple leather and woven by hand, so it’ll be one-of-a-kind and unique to her.

Her kids are forever a part of her heart, so give her this Made by Mary necklace that’s designed to show the world just that. This pretty disc-shaped pendant features her children’s initials, and you can add her name to the back for a meaningful gift she’ll always cherish.

If your mom loves to cook, she’ll adore this set of Caraway cookware in seven hard-to-find hues. Plus, these ceramic pots and pans are easy to clean and chemical-free so she can feel good about cooking on them. For the fitness-loving mom, this Hong Kong crop top is a stylish option to wear at the gym or yoga class. It can be machine-washed and comes in an ethically produced design that’s breathable and lightweight.

Lastly, for the dog mom in your life, this trendy Karma and Luck pet tag is sure to be a hit with her fur baby. This tag looks more like a piece of jewelry than your typical dog tag, and it features a red enamel heart with a good-luck evil eye for her favorite family member. She’ll want to take her new Karma and Luck home with her, where it’ll become a favorite addition to her collection of stylish accessories.

Tinnitus can be site specific. In other words, it is caused by certain problems in your body and may be easier to treat. For example, if you have tinnitus and often grind your teeth, you most likely have TMJ tinnitus. This can easily be resolved by addressing your TMJ issue. Here are a couple of examples taken from the book “Diminish Tinnitus” that could be causing your tinnitus:


Head Problems: TMJ Syndrome

TMJ syndrome is a medical condition with overlapping disciplines, which means that different doctors from different fields may have different opinions on TMJ syndrome and may prescribe different courses of action to be followed.

Try to monitor your tinnitus and see if there are any other accompanying symptoms, such as:

– Facial pain, especially in the jaw area

– Pain in the jaws

– Snapping or popping of the jaws

– grind the teeth

– Swelling

If your tinnitus is accompanied by any of these symptoms, it is highly recommended that you see your dentist. There is a strong possibility that it is TMJ syndrome that is causing your tinnitus symptoms.

Your dentist will be able to help you correct any behavior, as well as your bite pattern, that causes TMJ syndrome. Surgery can also help stop it, but it is quite rare these days as there are better methods that your dentist can use, without having to resort to surgery.

Here are some specific TMJ-related behaviors to stop:

– biting nails

– Chewing gum

If TMJ syndrome is causing your tinnitus, then curing TMJ syndrome will severely reduce or actually completely cure your tinnitus symptoms. If you still have other symptoms, the rest of this book talks about other things that will help you to lessen your tinnitus. Tinnitus or not, TMJ syndrome needs to be addressed right away anyway.


Head Problem: Head and Neck Strain/Injuries

If you have tinnitus, try reviewing your lifestyle and the things you do regularly: Do you work for long periods where your neck is severely unevenly loaded or stressed? If this is so, there is a very high probability that your tinnitus is caused by this.

A common example of this situation is holding the phone between your face and shoulder for long periods of time. This is extremely bad for you and if you have to do this so often, ask for headphones.

This is very important because holding the phone with your head and shoulders not only causes tinnitus, but also causes a wide range of neck injuries, such as cervical spondylosis or jabs on the nerves.

If you suspect a neck injury or asymmetry, you should consult a professional about it before things get worse. Year osteopath This is someone who specializes in the musculoskeletal system, and they will examine you and ask you to get any necessary scans. Depending on the result, he or she will provide you with a treatment plan, probably physical therapy.

However, remember that if you only have a neck injury with no asymmetry present, then a osteopath will not be able to help you as there are no underlying skeletal or muscular abnormalities.

Getting regular shoulder and neck massages can be very good for neck tension, but you need to get to the underlying cause, which is probably stress and tension.

Cybersecurity threats are constantly changing. It is important to keep abreast of emerging trends to keep your insurance agency website secure. A secure website not only protects your customers, it also protects your brand. Here are the top six tips to help you keep your insurance website protected.

  1. Be careful when creating login credentials
    Giving someone access to the back-end of your website is like giving someone the key to your business. Be careful when granting login access to anyone and always keep login access to the minimum number of people necessary to keep your website up to date.
  2. Update security patches, limit password attempts, use malware protection software
    One of the most proactive ways to keep potential hackers at bay is to keep all aspects of your website’s code up to date. When security patches, add-ons, or dependency updates are released, install them as soon as possible. Hackers are constantly looking for exploits for popular coding methods. When an exploit is discovered, the developers of the code usually patch it as quickly as possible. The sooner you update your code, the sooner you remove a threat that can be accessed by thousands of hackers. And all secure websites should use a malware detection and prevention solution and limit password attempts.
  3. Create a “We’ve Been Hacked” Response Plan
    Even the best attempts to prevent your site from being hacked can fail. It is absolutely imperative that you have a response plan. Audit logs, backups, and IT support contact information should be included in your response plan.
  4. Collect detailed activity logs
    Make sure you have access to log reports across all backend website functions, to help identify issues when a violation occurs. Every login attempt, page wrap, code wrap, and plugin addition must be logged with user timestamps.
  5. Perform frequent backups and keep a copy of recent backup data offsite.
    Backing up your website should be an integral part of your response plan, and some hosting providers offer daily backup services. How often you need to back up your website will depend on how often you update it. When your insurance agency backs up your site, keep a copy of the backup off your server in easily accessible cloud storage. If your host is hacked and the server’s contents are compromised, you’ll have a tampered version stored out of the hackers’ reach.
  6. Train users on how to stay safe
    Once you have your cyber security plan in place, train all users on how to stay safe and prevent attacks. Educate users on how to generate very strong passwords and keep them safe by using a password manager, recognize email phishing scams, and how to encrypt emails containing sensitive information. What is a strong password? Today, use at least 10 characters, with alphabetic characters (including an uppercase), numeric (random string, not sequential), and special characters (exclamation, etc.). Many website platforms, such as WordPress, will generate and/or measure the strength of your password.

To protect your website, start with the basics above, then determine if you have the experience to stay on top of potential cyberattacks. If not, consider outsourcing this initiative to a competent web development and hosting company or insurance marketing agency.

I can remember when I started my pressure washing business, I worked seven days a week. She worked days, nights and weekends, she was a “pressure washer whore”. I did anything and everything I could get my hands on. But when I tore my rotor cuff and then developed carpal tunnel syndrome in my right wrist, I came to the conclusion that I couldn’t do this alone.

Don’t be like me and work so hard, you don’t have to be a workaholic. You just need to start working smarter instead of harder.

Ask yourself this, why am I doing all this, why am I killing myself? All this hard work affects your body, your arms and shoulders, your back, and your whole body begins to fail. Stay out of the workaholic trap and learn how to implement systems and start living the life you want.

One of the biggest challenges we have as pressure washers is that we try to go it alone, you don’t have to be a “lone ranger” or a “superhero” and take over the world for yourself. In fact, a lack of delegating skills, not having a support team, and working alone will limit your ability to generate new ideas, explore different types of pressure washing, or discover those areas of improvement that will streamline your business. By having access to a community of like-minded pressure washers like North American pressure washers who are committed to the success of our industry, you will grow your business ten times faster. Every convention attendee I spoke to said the same thing: “I wish I had come to these conventions sooner.” They all regretted not interfacing with all the successful pressure washers sooner. Join an association today and become part of the successful pressure washers leading our industry.

Why not talk to the people who have already figured it out instead of wasting time and money on things that just don’t work? You don’t have to be bigger to make more money, you just have to work smarter. It’s so easy to add overhead to your business and the next thing you know you’re losing money, which happens all the time. You’re money coming in and you’re adding positions, you want to put someone in the office or add another person to the team, it’s very easy to add the positions, but it’s much harder to get rid of them. You lose a big account and things start to go down, you’re going to be able to cut back and show better profitability. Don’t let your ego get in the way; You should see it as a profit and loss business.

All successful business owners have a team they delegate work to and trust that team to run the business. Learn to let go of control and trust the managers and workers of the company.

The best book you can read to promote your business is E-Myth by Michael E. Gerber; there are currently three different versions of him at the moment. The book talks about systematizing your business and working IN your business and not in your business. I can tell you right now, million dollar pressure washers don’t work in your business, they work IN your business. I know this is a mindset shift that most power washers will have to go through to fully understand this. I know we are all control freaks or we wouldn’t have our own business, but in order for you to grow as a business, you have to let go of control and trust the people you hire.