Category Archive : Business

“The Internet is becoming the square of the global village of tomorrow. – Bill Gates”

Becoming a successful entrepreneur these days is much easier than it used to be. If you haven’t guessed why, it’s because of this wonderful opportunity we call the Internet. We can use the internet and all its features like ads and social media to earn massive income as online entrepreneurs.

Many people now, including teenagers, are taking advantage of the Internet to make a living. And the best part is that it doesn’t require the kind of investment you think it would in traditional business. No land, no labor, no taxes and even no need to create your own products, because you can become an affiliate of other companies and earn commissions.

You must also understand something important. We are now living in the Digital Economy, and many jobs will be taken from people in the near future (see the video in the resources section below to understand how robots are literally going to take our jobs), this is yet another which is why you should start moving into this digital age and building an internet business.

So let’s discuss how you can become a successful entrepreneur, or online entrepreneur, with little or no startup costs.

There are many branches to establishing your internet presence or business, however, I will teach you about the branch of affiliate marketing. Affiliate marketing is when you sell a service or product owned by another company and receive a commission/payment for it. This is a great opportunity as you don’t even need to create your own product to start earning.

So how do you go about becoming an affiliate marketer?

The first thing is to receive quality training on Affiliate Marketing, so you can understand the ins and outs of online marketing. Then you need to look for proven products/business models that are selling, so you can get an edge in the market.

So their main focus is to look for different marketing channels to get their products out there on the web. Some are more expensive than others, while some are practically free.

For example, content marketing is a free way to publish content in the form of blogs, videos, e-books, reports, etc. so that people can receive valuable information that makes them more likely to make a purchase with you at a later date. Other channels include Social Media Marketing, Pay Per Click Ads and more.

What is needed for a Guaranteed Check?

The primary focus should be on ensuring that merchants are not financially harmed because they accepted bounced, bounced or bounced checks, and this can be achieved by ensuring that escrow services provide check protection to protect merchants from check-related losses. that may arise.

Crosscheck’s goal is to provide quality, efficient and affordable check acceptance and processing solutions to a variety of industries and merchants. Merchants can offer their consumers additional checking options, which benefits your business. Additionally, Crosscheck also allows its rivals to opt out of receiving checks.

How does the check guarantee work?

When it comes to check guarantee services, Crosscheck offers two different types.

Before making a deposit using the Standard Check Guarantee, merchants must clear checks at the point of sale by phone, terminal or Crosscheck’s online site. Merchants who have received cleared checks from their banks but have not been paid must return the checks for reimbursement to Crosscheck.

Businesses can use check imagers to detect checks and submit them to Crosscheck via the Internet or a terminal before paying the fees associated with the service. Merchants using this service typically get money within two days without leaving their location. Electronic check processing can be done through the use of conversion software or remote deposit capture (RDC).

What companies use check guarantee?

Automobile, auto parts, motorcycle, construction/rehabilitation, and medical and veterinary clinics are some of the businesses that use the Check Guarantee service.

Advantages of Guaranteed Payments by Check?

Check Assure saves a lot of money and increases sales volume. Because Check Guarantee has the lowest fees for accepting checks in the market, Check Guarantee can provide the least expensive card processing alternatives.

Check for Warranty benefits include:

  • Checks can be accepted from all over the country, as well as from the provinces and territories of Canada.
  • Equipment scheduling, as well as staff training, are the critical elements of setting up a promotional account.
  • This includes 24/7 access to free technical support, and you’ll always have access to it, regardless of the time of day or night.
  • Additional security and versatility, as well as customization, are provided through optional upgrades.
  • Also, equipment loans are provided as a free service.

Since cash is rarely used for large-value transactions in today’s business climate, most purchases are made with a credit or debit card or check. Only the drawee banks may make this determination while the client is present at the teller window.

In situations where customers pay after they buy, such as buying vehicles, buying furniture, or doing home repairs, this type of transaction simply doesn’t happen. Since businesses have accepted checks with reasonable care or with the assurance that the checks may be genuine, several scenarios arise. Warranty services are offered.

Look for services that offer loss protection, as well as warranties that protect individuals from incidents of loss and safeguard merchants from accepting bounced checks, which can lead to your banking institution losing money.

When done correctly, business credit is obtained without the SSN being provided on the application.

This means that there is no credit check by the business owner to be approved. This also means that anyone who has bad, even horrible personal credit can still be approved for business credit.

Reports to commercial credit reporting agencies, not consumer credit reporting agencies.

So it does not have an adverse impact on the homeowner’s consumer credit because it is not reported to consumer agencies.

This means that using the account, even more than 30%, will have no adverse impact on personal scores.

And there are no questions about personal credit when you apply for business credit, as long as you don’t provide your SSN.

30% of your total consumer score is based on usage, so if you use your personal cards for your business and using those cards will lower your scores. Using more than 30% of your limit WILL result in a decreased score

So if your limit is $1,000, having a balance over $300 lowers your scores. This means that 40% of your total score is damaged. With true business credit, 0% of your score is affected.

10% of your total consumer score is based on inquiries, so if you’re using your personal credit to apply for loans and business credit, your scores will drop as a result of those inquiries.

Also, those queries can stay with you for an extended period of time, affecting your ability to borrow more money.

And some unsecured business loan sources won’t even lend you money if you have two or more inquiries on your personal credit reports within six months.

Credit does not report to consumer bureaus, so neither inquiries nor usage have any effect on your consumer scores.

How to devalue your business

Anyone who has ever sold or bought a business will tell you the importance.

Extensive information about your business can easily be obtained by all potential buyers, just by obtaining your business credit report…which can be obtained by anyone who wants it.

This means they will quickly learn details about your business, including:

• Credit scores
• High credit limits
• Past Payment Performance
• Employees
• Entry

And much more…

Now that you know how easy it is to get extensive credit and financial information for a business, if you were a buyer, wouldn’t you get it?

Based on your company’s credit report, would you like to buy your company?

Does your report reflect that your company is “established”, does it show that it pays its bills, does it look like a successful company according to your report?

If you could choose between two companies to buy that were equal in every way except trade credit, which would you buy…

… The one with very limited or no credit profile… or one with a credit profile that reflects good payment performance, and one with available credit.

“Where words are many, sin is not absent.”

Proverbs 10:19

CAN IT BE RELATED TO the frustration in the reflection of having heard yourself exaggerate something to make it sound more attractive or sensational? Why are we doing this? Children do it all the time. Adults do it. Is it because we are trying to gain more acceptance? Is it because we need attention? Is it because we have unmet needs within? However, the reality is that our credibility (and truth) suffers when we fool ourselves with a half-truth.

The quoted proverb points directly to the effects of talking too much: if we talk too much, we are more like lie. We need to understand that although lies hurt others, they also hurt ourselves. We suffer the inevitable loss of credibility, if he really counts among his peer group. The truth is that falsehoods are sometimes appreciated by some groups; although they are not the object of this discussion. This advice is addressed to those who want and see the need to tell more truth.

Anyone serious about becoming wise must agree that talking too much is cheating, and that gaining and maintaining credibility is paramount. I once read that out of every sixty things we say, one is a lie, a lie, an omission, or an exaggeration, which means that we inevitably lie at one time or another. The same writer (Bill Hybels) suggested that it was a good idea to limit conversations to fifty-nine or less.

The idea is that if you want to be more honest and have, as a result, more integrity and better credibility, you simply need to say less. We need to be more careful in what we say; more self-controlled; more discreet I don’t know about you, but listening to a speech that is indiscreet and careless makes me angry inside, because I see a lack of care in the one who speaks, a lack of care is a lack of love.

Anyone who considers himself a spiritual being must not act carelessly; It goes against the grain of spirituality. If he wants to be more spiritual and finds it difficult to limit or control his speech, what should he do?

If you feel susceptible to this kind of weakness, to talking too much and lacking the self-control to limit your speech, perhaps you need to study the principles of prudence and discretion? I have defined caution simply as “Control what goes in or out of the mouth”. (While this might be an overly simplistic definition, it works for me.) Is it true that for the many who lack control over their words, there are the same people who lack control over their words? than Y how many they eat? I wonder if there would be any correlation. Caution is self-control; it is a wise life.

The proverbs also tell us other effects of cautious behavior. The prudent, ignores an insult, reserves his knowledge, acts by knowledge (which are established facts), reflects on his ways (and steps), is crowned with knowledge, takes refuge in the face of danger, is silent in times of anguish, and direct correction.

The final part of the proverb quoted above says, “…but he [or she] he who is silent is wise.” There are many positive effects of speaking less and speaking only the truth. The biggest and most positive effect is that you will become wiser and more insightful for it. People will trust you more and you will gain more honor. without even having to think about it, which is how it should be.

And when you think about it, talking less brings more peace and tranquility to your soul as there is less pressure on you to please others. We don’t need to please others to feel better inside; only please them in loving them.

Reference: Hybels, B., Making Life Work: Putting God’s Wisdom into Action (InterVarsity Press, Downers Grove, Illinois, 1998), p. 88f.

© Steve J Wickham, 2007.

Here is a list of my business and accounting courses in college:




I majored in education (teaching), so I didn’t get anything on financial statements “FSs”. When I started out as a bail bond underwriting apprentice, I realized I had no idea what a Balance Sheet was – but I learned.

If your first reaction when looking at FS is “Duh”, we’ll fix that right now. Keep reading! This will be a view from 30,000 feet. Big box.

For completeness, each financial statement must include As minimum:

1) Balance

2) Profit and Loss Account

the balance sheet

This document is a one-day snapshot of the funds in the business (Assets) and who owns them (Liabilities). Assets and liabilities are equal in “balance” because every dollar in the company is shown from two points of view: the Asset side and who owns it, the Liability side.

Balance has Three important parts that we can review initially. We will identify them based on their functionality.

Current Assets – This line item is a subtotal near the middle of the Assets column. Represent those assets easily convertible to cash within the next fiscal year (as Accounts Receivable).

Current liabilities: found near the middle of the Liabilities column, these are debts to be paid out in the next fiscal year (as Accounts Payable).

Total Stockholders’ Equity, also known as Net Worth: Usually the last subsection near the bottom of the Liabilities column. This is the net worth of the company that would be left if they closed and liquidated everything.

The profit and loss statement

This is a historical summary of all money brought in (Sales, also known as Revenue) and money spent (Expenses) over the previous period, usually a year. At the bottom of the column is the Net Income, which is the money the business “earned” during the year after paying all related bills and taxes.

Now that you can pick a couple of strategic numbers in any FS, what are we going to do with them?

Calculate working capital

This is a primary measure of financial strength used by all analysts, including guarantors, banks, and other credit grantors. It is found by subtracting Current Liabilities from Current Assets. It is an indicator of the expected cash flow for the next year.

the smell test

Here’s a quick, simplified test to use when considering a particular offer or performance guarantee. The evaluation is made based on what is expected. contract (not bonus) amount. This is an instant indication of the adequacy of finances regarding the upcoming project.

First part: the target amount of working capital is 15% of the contract amount. For example, if the contract amount is $1,000,000, the warranties expect to see working capital of at least $150,000.

Part Two: The target amount of net worth is 20% of the contract amount, or about $200,000 in our example.

Certainly, there is more to underwriting surety bonds than this simple analysis. However, by using this method, you can get a quick idea of ​​whether the financial statement easily supports the link or whether it may be overdone. If your analysis reveals negative numbers, which are shown in parentheses on financial reports, that’s obviously a bad sign.

Also note, applicants who do not meet these criteria you can still qualify for bonuses based on other factors – and the reverse is also true. Taking security subscription many factors in consideration. In this article we offer a very simplified version of the process, although it is good as a quick review. This procedure will allow you to make a quick financial assessment and relate it to the next security exposure.


This item doesn’t make you a bonus subscriber, but now when you get a new FS instead of “Duh!” you can say “Let me analyze this!”

Run one more quick scan the smell test will indicate the likelihood of obtaining warranty support. You learned a lot in three minutes, but when you have a bond that doesn’t pass the sniff test, that’s where our experience and market access come into play. Call us!

Shopping cart abandonment is a huge problem that leads to lost ecommerce sales.

Shopping cart abandonment is when a potential customer begins the process of purchasing a product or service online, but then abandons it before purchasing.

Shopping cart abandonment can reach 80 percent. In a Barilliance study, shopping cart abandonment rates were 77.24% in 2016 and 78.65% in 2017. That’s more than three-quarters of consumers landing in the shopping cart. The rate exceeds 80 percent among mobile users.

There are many reasons why consumers abandon shopping carts. Unexpected shipping costs, long and confusing process, too many clicks and pages, plus errors and website crashes.

However, all is not lost if you have a sell-down campaign. In fact, a downsell campaign with good sales offers can help you recover this lost revenue and get the consumer to buy again.

A downsell campaign occurs after a potential customer abandons a shopping cart or order page. This is a series of emails, each linking to a different landing page with a new offer. This new offering satisfies customer needs and wants while reducing perceived risk. In some cases, it reduces the price of a product or service.

While you can have sales quotes for all types of contacts, it’s better to use them to convert a lead into a new customer than an established customer. That’s because some clients will take advantage of your strategy, causing you to lose profits.

Here are 9 downsell campaign sales offers you can present to consumers who abandon their shopping cart.

Downsell Campaign Strategy #1: Free Trial Offer
A free trial sale offer offers a lower perceived purchase risk. Allows the customer to experience the benefits of the product or service. Then, when the trial period ends, it charges your credit card if you haven’t canceled previously. The two downsides are NOT getting paid up front and the potential loss of sales if the customer cancels. At least you have them back to try.

Downsell Campaign Strategy #2: Offer the Same Product at the Same Price and Add a Bonus
Adding a bonus to your offer increases the value of the offer. The customer may feel that he is getting more from you, so his perceived value is higher. The thing is, you can get creative with the types of bonuses you offer. It may involve a complementary product or service, a consultation, an educational product, or an event.

Downsell Campaign Strategy #3: Offer the Same Product or Service in Less Quantity
By offering the same product in a smaller quantity, such as size, the customer wins by getting what they want for less cost. You win by winning a customer and reducing the amount you give for a lower price, so you can make a profit. This strategy allows you to develop a loyal customer instead of losing them entirely.

Downsell Campaign Strategy #4: Coupon for the Next Sale
Offer a coupon for their NEXT purchase if they shop now. For example, if you have an ebook that you sell for $30, offer the contact 10% off their next purchase of any product if they buy the ebook for $30 now. You take little risk because you get full price for the first sale of the product.

Downsell Campaign Strategy #5: Offer the Same Product for Less at Redemption
You could offer the same product at a lower cost. But with a twist that they must accept his offer now or it expires. The customer wins by getting a better deal. You win with a new client. You will make a profit by selling to the customer in the future.

Downsell Campaign Strategy #6: Offer the Same Product at a Discount Plus a Bonus
Here you give them two things that they didn’t have before. First, they get a discount on the same product. In addition, they receive a free gift. The client gets a double profit. Greater value at a lower price. You win by getting a happy customer who will buy from you again. If your sales offer is a digital product bonus, then there is no additional out-of-pocket cost after the first creative fee.

Downsell Campaign Strategy #7: Offer a Different Product or Service in a Less Quantity
You could have an offer to sell a different but less expensive product that can satisfy the customer. The customer wins by getting a product at a lower cost. You win by getting the customer.

Downsell Campaign Strategy #8: FREE Shipping
FREE shipping is a cost savings for the customer if you sell a physical product. Shipping cost is an expense that can offset your tax liability. The advantage is that you get a customer with potential for future sales and repeat orders. Shipping costs are among the top reasons for abandoned shopping carts. A sale offer with FREE shipping can make the customer buy.

Downsell Campaign Strategy #9: Double the Offer Plus a Bonus
This strategy appeals to customers who want a higher value, rather than a lower price. Not all prospects walk away from an opening offer because the price is higher than they want to spend. Some prospects have money, but want more value. Doubling what you sell, or increasing the quantity, can increase the customer’s perceived value. When you add a bonus on top, they see that they get more than what you offered the first time.

In short, an abandoned shopping cart is very common in e-commerce. But you can win back some of these lost sales with a compelling sales offer that makes these contacts buy again.

Sometimes known on the streets as “chocolate chip cookies” or “wafers,” methadone is a powerful narcotic that can wreak havoc on its users. Its original use as a pain reliever has made it a popular prescription drug. When a drug is frequently used as a medical treatment, it often hits the streets as well.

Methadone is prescribed today not only as a pain reliever, but also as a treatment for addiction to heroin and other powerful opiates. Methadone itself is an opioid and can lead to addiction of its own. Proper medical supervision is needed to prevent patients from overdosing or going into methadone withdrawal too quickly for their systems to handle.

Heroin provides a good example of how a legitimate prescription drug can lead to drug abuse. In the 1800s, doctors around the world used heroin as a treatment for pain. It was the medicine of choice.

Due to its popularity as a medicine prescribed by doctors, it became widely known for its ability to relieve physical and psychological pain in its users. People started taking it without the attention of doctors. Thus, heroin addiction became a major problem as early as the 19th century.

Addiction is blind to social classes and lifestyles. Many people become addicted due to an original medical reason for taking a drug. When prescription drugs hit the unregulated market, danger follows.

On the streets, methadone and other desirable drugs can be mixed with other substances. Some of these, such as tranquilizers, can overpower a person’s nervous system and lead to coma and death. If methadone is cut with something that has little effect, the user can be precipitated into unexpected withdrawal symptoms. The unknown purity of the street version can lead to a medical crisis

Federal and state laws govern methadone. When prescribed as an analgesic, it is subject to the general rules for all controlled substances. Used as a medicine to help addicts quit heroin and other illegal drugs, stricter laws apply.

Using it on the streets means big trouble with the law for those who get caught. But those just caught up in addiction to it are in a lot of trouble as they are. There are serious health and life risks associated with methadone abuse.

The synthetic opioid was developed in German laboratories in the late 1930s. On the brink of World War II, German government officials ordered scientists to create alternative pain relievers for the opium-based drugs that Germany would be cut off from. during the war. At the time of its creation by the chemical company IG Farben, the synthetic product was called Starch.

Later, after Germany’s defeat in the war, his patents on all prescription drugs were cancelled. The United States offered methadone under the name Dolophine in 1947. Soon everyone was calling it simply “methadone.”

In the early 21st century, methadone was widely used in licensed clinics to help addicts to heroin and other narcotics kick their addictions to illegal drugs. Doctors essentially replace the addict’s other drug with methadone. It comes in various forms, including tablets, discs, oral doses, and liquid for injection.

Its ease of use and immediate availability helped it get out of the clinic and into the hands of distributors. The US Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) says government officials have been seizing increasing amounts of items linked to methadone use. Eleven years ago, approximately 2,865 such items underwent analysis in forensic laboratories. Five years ago, 262 percent more, or 10,361 items, had been seized.

Methadone overdose deaths are on the rise. Some of these deaths come from people who combine methadone with other substances such as alcohol. Other deaths occur when addicts prescribed a certain amount take more than is appropriate for their size, age, and addiction status.

Serious side effects and other deaths are simply the result of people seeking a high who take too much methadone. It is a powerful drug and needs supervision of its users to avoid serious complications. His popularity on the streets is a cause for concern in the US.

As people learn more about methadone, they may become more cautious about it. It is extremely useful for those addicts who want to break free from illegal drugs. It becomes a problem when it is treated as a recreational drug or a means of pain relief without the guidance of a doctor.

The glow that methadone imparts can be short-lived compared to its addictive power. Although it is an effective weapon to help people overcome addiction, when methadone is abused it becomes a dangerous substance that does more harm than good. Anyone addicted to methadone can get help from the same clinics that dispense it as a treatment for other drug addiction.

There are three basic types of business structures. One should know the basic ways before getting into a trading situation to avoid potential trouble. The three basic types of business structures are as follows:

i) Sole proprietorship:

This type of business is owned by a person called an owner. The owner runs the business. Some disadvantages are as follows: the owner assumes all the risks of the business and personal assets can be taken by creditors. One of the main advantages of the sole proprietorship is that the owner makes all the decisions.

ii) Association:

a) The corporate structure of the general partnership is owned by more than one person.

One or more partners can manage the business. As for the disadvantages, such as sole proprietorship, the partners bear the risks for the business and their assets can be seized by creditors. Additionally, the partners may not agree on the best way to run the business, which could lead to conflict. One advantage of a partnership is that the owners share the risks and decision making.

b) There is another form of business structure in the field of partnership, which is

called a Limited Liability Company (LLP). This form is different from the general partnership structure. Liability is limited to the assets of the company in this business form.

iii) Corporate:

a) The general corporation is owned by stockholders (or stockholders).

Typically, a corporation can have many owners and they usually employ professional managers. The owner’s risk is generally limited to their personal investments, and they often have very little influence on business decisions. However, the corporation’s veil can be lifted if the corporation is negligent in its operation.

b) The next corporate form is the Limited Liability Company (LLC). East

The structure is different for the general corporate form. As the name implies, liability is limited in this way in relation to the general corporate structure.

c) Finally, there is the non-profit corporation. These types of corporations

they are usually 501(c), such as a church, community organizations, a public high school, YMCA and the like. Tax structures are typically different for for-profit organization than they are for non-profit corporations.

Before making any business decisions, it is best to consult a professional in the field, such as an attorney who specializes in the field of company formation. There are also some business consulting firms where you can get help. The Small Business Association also has a group of people available to help known as the Service Corps of Retired Executives (SCORE) or Counselors to America’s Small Businesses.

The term online degree refers to earning your college degree through an Internet-based computer without the traditional college campus setting. All thanks to advances in technology, getting a degree is much easier now by the faster means of a computer and the Internet! Such degrees include any regular diploma or even a bachelor’s degree, as well as a master’s degree.

The overseas education system has come up with this method to help children get a diploma more easily than just fulfilling a diploma. Although this is a relatively new method, it is a proven guaranteed method. Online degree is more useful for people with physical disabilities, people who work late and even for people who do not have access to a good school, college or university. The use of an online distance learning diploma is growing rapidly in the Western world. By definition, it is ‘a process for creating and providing access to learning when the source of information and learners are separated by time and distance, or both’. It refers to imparting learning to the student, to help him adapt outside the classroom environment.

This method is gaining momentum by giving individual attention to students and help with international communication.

Distance Learning History/Origin:

o This method of learning dates back to the mid-19th century, when the University of London is believed to have first introduced distance learning. Later, another university, the University of South Africa, started an online correspondence course. Soon many other universities followed suit. The largest university offering an online distance learning degree is the ‘open university’ in the UK; founded in 1969.

o Technology used:

Online distance learning widely uses various types of technologies, which are mainly characterized by being synchronous and asynchronous.

o Synchronous technology refers to a group of people receiving exactly the same information at a fixed time and place. This is most often practiced in school and in college or undergraduate programs. Learning takes place by phone, video conference, or web conference.

o Asynchronous technology uses audio cassettes, emails, printed material and many more.

Types of online distance graduates:

o Career correspondence made via e-mail.

o Learning on CD-ROM. Here, the student accesses their study material using CD’s or content already stored on a CD-ROM.

Main benefits of this method:

Online distance learning provides important benefits in 3 main categories:

– For children who cannot access schools, colleges or any other institute that provides education, this method is a great help. This is known as expanding access.

– Satisfies the student’s search for lifelong learning. Therefore, it helps in emerging market opportunities.

– Helps people adapt to ever-increasing rapid technological developments. Students learn together with educational technology.

There are several myths regarding distance learning. There are still doubts among students when it comes to pursuing an online diploma course. Some fear that employment is a major issue, as their employers may not accept an online diploma certificate. However, these are just myths, because no one can deny a recognized title, online or not!

Cost to Port a Game

If you’re looking to get your PC game ported to another platform, the cost will depend on a number of factors. One of these factors is the type of game you’re porting. For instance, you can’t port a game from the Xbox 360 to the PC. This is because PC games are usually more successful than console games, so you’ll have more success with a PC port if you have a PC-exclusive game.

The complexity of the game and the number of platforms it needs to be played will determine the cost. Other factors that will affect cost include time and the complexity of the game. If the game is a full-featured console title, it will probably cost more than a smaller indie game that has only one platform. However, if portability is important for the game’s future, it will be less expensive.

The cost of porting a game can vary, but it is generally about half the cost of developing a new game. In addition, you need to think about which platforms your game is going to be released on. Porting a PC game to a console, for example, will require the development of two separate platforms. If your game needs new features, it could cost up to $50,000. However, if you are only ported a few games to different platforms, it will be considerably cheaper.

The vast majority of the cost is due to the development time. Developers would rather focus on creating new stuff than porting an older game. You can opt for third-party porting, but that will entail many problems, including quality. The game will also be re-branded. If you want to avoid the headache, you can consider hiring a third-party. A third-party game porting company will charge less than you would, but you may end up with a poorly developed product.

How Much Does it Cost to Port a Game?

A game’s complexity will determine the cost. Major AAA titles and games with complex features will take the longest to adapt. Smaller games and indie titles can be successfully ported in half a year. However, games based on PCs will be more difficult to port, especially if the graphics differ wildly from the versions in different platforms. As a result, the cost of porting can exceed $50,000 for a moderately complex game.

The cost of porting a game is significantly lower than that of developing a new game. However, there are some expenses that you need to factor in. Among these costs are the cost of hiring a quality assurance team, technical support, and the development of the new platform. Some games might have issues while being ported, but there is a team of experts who specialize in mobile porting and SDKs. These people can help you get your game released faster and without any major issues.

While creating a new game from scratch is more expensive than porting an existing one, it will save you money and time. A new game doesn’t guarantee success, and there’s no guarantee that it will be successful. But a great game is easier to port. If you can get it in a format that’s compatible with the existing platform, the cost won’t be nearly as high.