Category Archive : Digital Marketing

Marketing communication (MC) is the only way for companies to move products, services, and ideas from manufacturers to end users. Makes and maintains interaction with customers, prospects, retailers, and stakeholders. Marketing communication has a mix in which advertising and sales promotion play vital roles.

MC types include advertising, public relations, and sales promotions. Of these, advertising broadens the marketing footprint and always targets a high message delivery rate.

The 4 P’s of marketing: product, place, price and promotion are the main objectives of marketing communication. Reached a distinct target audience to change behavior through information, persuasion, and reminders. Without marketing communication, it is impossible to raise awareness and encourage product trials. It maintains the customer base by reinforcing buying behavior by offering constant details about the benefits of the brand.

The importance of MC within and between organizations, as well as for various stakeholders with a primary focus on customers.

Marketing is the most important department of any organization. If personal marketing is successful in its efforts, the company becomes profitable and expands. Without effective marketing, there are no profits and therefore no new hires. The increases depend on the performance of the marketing communication. When an effective strategy is designed, there can be fruitful results.

Not only the marketing department, but also other departments may work with marketing communication, such as events, sponsorship, public relations, direct marketing, and interactive marketing. These communication tools are often part of the marketing communication mix.

In advertising you need graphic designers, for sales calls you need company vehicles from the admin department. For personal selling, you can use sales staff. To approve a marketing event, you must have a good relationship with the account manager. So, in a way, marketing communications involves various departments within an organization. This increases operational efficiency. The integrated approach ensures that all channels are well aligned and follow the same tactic, in line with business objectives and company values.

Throughout the organization, it gives an impression about the company that can be negative or positive. Prospects and retailers compare your brand to your competitors and when your communications are good, you can get better results than other brands and vice versa.

Many brands contract with a third party for advertising, sales promotion and word-of-mouth marketing, and the success or failure of brand communication directly affects them. As for how it affects customers, they approach the brand’s products with the knowledge and information they can retain about the brand. Customers like to know how beneficial a product is to them, and marketing communication tells them exactly that. IMC’s entire strategy is focused on how customers want to experience the brand.

With the passage of time, mobile Internet users have gradually increased and today the number of users who browse the Internet through desktop computers has been exceeded. Anticipating a further increase in mobile internet users, Google has announced a significant change to its algorithm in the form of mobile-first indexing.

What is mobile first indexing?

Until now, Google used to crawl your website and index it based on its desktop version. But now, it will index your website and rank it based on your mobile site content. This change of prioritizing the mobile version of websites in Google’s algorithm is called mobile-first indexing.

Essentially, all websites must comply with the rules of this new algorithm, if they want to maintain their Google search engine ranking and get organic traffic to their website through Google. However, if your site is not optimized for this new algorithm, you will likely get less traffic.

So, here are some tips to follow to make sure your site is ready for mobile first indexing:

Tip 1: Use a responsive design

Using a responsive website design is very important to maintain your website ranking. Responsive design means that your site must adapt to the screen size of all types, be it desktop, tablet or mobile. Responsively designed websites not only adapt to any screen size, but are also highly accessible and smooth on all types of devices and thus help retain your target audience.

Tip 2: Make sure your site loads faster

No doubt, the design of your site is very important, but apart from that, the speed at which your site loads on different devices is also crucial to the success of any website. So, you need to ensure fast loading time of your site not only on desktop but also on mobile. Today, users expect pixel-perfect images along with a split-second rendering time for most websites. Only if your site is fast will it have a lower bounce rate and invite higher engagement time, which is essential for your high search engine ranking.

Tip 3: Show the same content

Although Google hasn’t clarified much about its new algorithm yet, it has said this repeatedly: “Make sure you’re posting the same content on your mobile and desktop sites. That means articles, the same links, and the same features.” So it’s only in your best interest and according to Google’s algorithm to serve the same type of content that fits properly on your site as seen on all different types of devices.

It’s a good idea to follow the tips above to make sure your website is ready for Google Mobile-First Indexing before Google implements its new algorithm.

One of the most common questions asked by aspiring self-publishers who intend to design and compose their book themselves is: “What font should I use?”

I’m always relieved when someone asks the question. If nothing else, it means they’re not blindly going to use the ubiquitous default fonts found in most word processing programs.

However, there is almost no way to answer the question. It’s like asking: “What is the best model of car to go to work every day?”

You’ll get a different answer from almost everyone you ask. And they may all be correct.

However, I am willing to offer a strict rule: do not use Times New Roman or Times Roman. That will mark your book as the work of an amateur at first glance. And there are other, very practical, reasons not to use it. Times Roman and Times New Roman were designed for the narrow columns of newspapers, originally for the London Times in the 1930s. Today, almost no newspaper still uses it. How or why it became a word processing standard I have no idea. The font tends to be very tight, making the block of text on the page dense and dark.

Here are two caveats before proceeding with some recommendations:

  1. The font you choose may depend on how your book will be printed. If you look closely at most serif fonts (like Times), you’ll notice that there are thick and thin parts of each letter. If your book will be printed digitally, you should avoid fonts with very thin segments. They tend to become too dim and affect readability.
  2. Don’t be swayed by the thousands of font options available. Most are special fonts suitable for titles, headlines, advertising, emotional impact, etc. And never use more than a few sources in a single book; we generally choose a serif font for the body of the main text, a sans serif for chapter titles and headings within chapters. Depending on the book, we can select a third source for the captions, graphics, tables, etc. (or maybe just a different size, weight, or style from one of the other two). We can select a special font to use on the cover for the title and subtitle.

For 90% of books, any of the following sources are excellent choices:

  • Palatal Linotype
  • Book Antiqua (tends to get tight so you may need to loosen it up a bit)
  • Georgia
  • goudy old style
  • Adobe Garamond Pro (Tends to be short x-height so may appear too small at typical sizes)
  • Bookman (the name gives it away, right?)
  • Century Schoolbook (tends to be a bit wide, creating extra pages)

You should look at several paragraphs of each font to see what, if any, adjustments you may find necessary to things like character spacing and kerning. You want to avoid little confusions, like:

  • “vv” (double v) which looks like the letter “w”
  • “cl” (cl) which looks like the letter “d”

Such things can make the reading experience annoying.

If you ask other designers, you’ll likely get other suggestions, but I wouldn’t be surprised to see at least some of the above included in their recommendations.

You may find some books with more unusual font choices, but there are often good reasons for this. Maybe the book is a humor book for which the designer chose a cheerful font, for example. Such decisions must be made with care and careful consideration of the effects on readability.

Never decide your font or font size based solely on how it looks on your monitor. Most trade paperbacks are printed in 10 or 11 point size, but some fonts require larger, or even smaller, sizes. If 12 points seems too big and 11 seems too small, you can try 11.5; you don’t need to stick with integers. You might be surprised at the difference a half point (or even a quarter point) can make to the overall “feel” of the page.

You also need to decide on the proper leading (pronounced metal), which is the distance from the baseline of one line of text to the baseline of the next line, measured in points. The result is usually expressed as a ratio between the font size in points and the selected heading in points. So you can say that you have set your body text to Georgia 11/14 or Bookman 10/12.5 (size 11 point with 14 point leading and size 10 point with 12.5 point leading, respectively). .

Word processing programs tend to work in decimal inches, forcing points to be converted to inches. One standard point is equal to 0.0138 inches. Professional typesetting/design programs (such as Adobe InDesign) allow you to use points and picas to define all type measurements and settings. although you can also specify those settings in various other units (including inches).

Usually, book designers will develop more than one design for the inside of each book, using different fonts, sizes, and line spacing. They should write a few pages of the actual manuscript and print them using the same page setup they plan to use in the final book (eg, 6″ x 9″ pages). This allows the customer to compare them side by side and assess their readability and overall appearance.

And don’t forget your target audience. Very young readers and very old readers do better with a larger typeface. Books that are very textually dense with long paragraphs often need more leading and a wider font.

Ultimately, you have to choose based on what your knee-jerk reaction to composite samples is. It never hurts to ask other people to read it and tell you if one option is easier to read than another.

If you want to gain an appreciation of typography and how to make proper design decisions, I highly recommend the following excellent books:

the complete handbook of typography by James Felici

Elements of typographic style by Robert Bringhurst

Design and production of books by Pete Masterson

For those who insist on using Microsoft Word to write books, you should really buy and study PerfectPages By Aaron Shepard. He is the reigning guru of how to do it.

It’s much better to buy professional desktop publishing software and then learn all you can about typography and how to apply those principles to book design…or hire a professional to do it for you. This final course will give you more time to develop a dynamic marketing plan for your latest book and start writing your next one!

Is Facebook useful for your marketing goals? Is Facebook a path to success and does it help boost business in the digital world? Many questions and answers come to our mind. But the truth is that yes! It is the great platform and success among the successful businessmen. Be one of them/ours.

Facebook components are the fruitful marketing push. Your goal is to reach, discover the quality of information and advertise for the most valuable Facebook user stories. According to Facebook, by reducing the chances of a larger audience, a sensational headline is the common factor. It’s about consistency of value, quality over quantity. You will notice decreased audience on your Facebook business page by posting content all the time; It is a sign to take into account. Combining informative content and visual content is essential. This way, Facebook tentacles will click and get an attachment to your post. Thinking about your audience is the biggest strategy for Facebook marketing tips.

Here are tips from Facebook marketing tools to maximize traffic to your business site:

Talking to customers: It’s an average marketing tip that anyone should know. The happiness of every customer is the profit. While doing this idea, you have to remember some important words about how to communicate or talk to customers; Mind your manners, keep it positive, and avoid conversational killers or ghosts. Through content and feedback questions is the best way to get customers’ attachment. They will tell you what they think, what they don’t like, and what they want from your business or product. Don’t be afraid to adjust to your current negative opinion. Do it as inspiration to do better. Finally, encourage them to get involved in what’s going on in your business, and share their stories, and do yours too because the audience will love being a part of your success.

Target works every time: the audience has different expectations. Always post the best-looking Facebook posts. Your crowd of different ages, genders, and other characteristics are the target interests of your ad campaign. Facebook makes it easy, in which you can customize where to deliver, who can see your drive in a period of time. The information on the Facebook business information page is a valuable growth of a great tool.

Go Visual – The social media marketer uses visual content for fun. The visual post should be nice, interesting and sunny. Boring images are nothing. Visual content can be drawn in still images, collages, charts, infographics, giveaways, comics, and videos for better formatting in post. When you try this idea, remember to keep people in a certain sense. Edit the existing layout for the infographic image. It is the tool for creating graphics and presentations. He is also extremely helpful to his audience.

Bid optimization: Facebook’s bid strategy makes it easy for you. Allows you to bid for the ad based on the cap. It will help to increase the budget. Spending too much money would be more expensive. Instead, budget allocations for Facebook ads are an ideal option. Regarding your campaign, by setting your bid, you can save money and make it more flexible.

Cover photo: The best marketing tool is visual. Make it more engaging and create it as if your audience hasn’t seen it yet – it’s an image like no other. Update a photo to be more visible to your friends and your friends’ newsfeed. Getting featured on your timeline is a huge plus for your market. It is not just a photo, but has an inspiring story. Remember, the image is a fundamental property.

Facebook’s strategy will engage through valuable content. It is the best platform. In which Facebook is the ideal social network to launch a campaign despite all the different social networking websites. It is mainly used for social media optimization (SMO). Having traffic on Facebook is the most efficient way that is relevant to your ad campaign. Potential customers will create a real demand for your services. MailChimp will be integrated and will have advancements and improvements for automation. If Facebook is not fast, better look for another option. We can do SMS. In messaging, niches also help a fast market, even if overused.

Promote yourself and your business page for professional and personal, Facebook allows it. When discussing controversial topics, you should keep it personal. On the business page, allow people to contact you. But remember, to communicate with customers, the Facebook business page is the right target market, and it’s where customers talk to you.

The spread of the Covid-19 pandemic has wreaked havoc all around us. Businesses and life in general have suffered a lot and we still seem to be inside a tunnel hoping to see the light soon. Several businesses have been pushed to their limits and are forced to re-strategize and reinvent themselves. Innovation has become the key to its survival.

While new-age companies already had the advantage of being digitally active, their reliance on digital marketing grew even more. On the other hand, companies that were more involved with conventional forms of marketing such as in-person events, trade shows and expos, etc., suddenly found themselves in troubled waters. Therefore, there has been a pressing need for companies to opt for digital transformation to remain competitive and avoid extinction.

Here we mention 5 reasons for companies to adopt digital marketing as soon as possible.

  1. Visibility and competitive advantage: With the increasing penetration of the Internet, it is becoming more common for people to go online to start their search for products and services. They usually discover your products and services through emails, search engines, social media channels, and websites, etc. The more people find you online, the more business leads you can generate. No wonder digitally savvy companies are doing more business. So investing in digital marketing can give you that competitive edge.
  2. Performance analysis and building strategies accordingly: Once you have started implementing digital marketing strategies, you can monitor the performance of your campaigns with analytics tools like Google Analytics, Facebook Analytics, and Instagram Insights, etc. For example, Google Analytics can help you track key metrics like the number of visitors, bounce rates, and time spent on different pages on your website. Helps you gather insights into what’s working and what’s not. Furthermore, you can develop your future strategies based on these insights.

  3. Optimization of the marketing budget: Last year was a nightmare for tourism, hospitality, events, travel, etc. companies. Even other businesses that were heavily reliant on traditional ways of marketing suffered greatly due to the lockdown restrictions. However, there have been enough stories of how the shift to digital helped them stay afloat in the new normal. Although marketing budgets took a hit, some companies were smart enough to redirect what was available towards digital marketing. It became a revelation to many of them as they found new avenues for lead generation. It has given businesses a vision to optimize their marketing budget in ways that make the most of both conventional forms of marketing and digital marketing.

  4. Employee Empowerment: With more and more companies adopting an integrated marketing strategy, employees feel empowered because digital tools allow them to get their work done faster and with greater transparency. Since this is a constantly evolving field, learning and development are a key aspect of this work. All of this contributes to innovative business practices that enable employees to make informed decisions faster.

  5. Income increase: With multiple digital marketing channels at your disposal and effective use, you can grow your organization’s revenue at a faster rate. 81.7% of respondents to a survey conducted by Grin agreed that digital marketing increased their financial performance. This is solely due to a data-driven marketing model with innovative concepts and strategies that help organizations reach new markets while maintaining the same interest in existing markets.

While the adoption of digital marketing strategies has become something of an emergency pill in this pandemic era, there are enough reasons to believe that they will continue to be an integral part of organizations’ marketing strategies when things return to normal. . Furthermore, they would be better prepared to handle such eventualities in the future.

Mobile technology has been able to keep people connected for many years, from pagers to the latest smartphones. Today, companies are being forced to move away from the desktop and cloud perspective to gain a foothold in a more personal customer space via mobile. Most of today’s marketers have imagined that the place of mobile will be at the top of their marketing initiatives. People who are working and also tech savvy have started spending most of their time on their smartphones.

The rise of mobile applications has increased the profitability of companies that have managed to create incredibly important and entertaining applications. According to a survey, the consumption of mobile applications has already crossed the consumption of Internet browsing. According to US statistics, more than 80 million unidentified usage sessions are logged every day across all mobile platforms.

In addition, according to data related to behavior patterns for the use of mobile devices, Android and iOS users are the highest. The data also included some interesting aspects:

Most people have been using apps, especially during the late afternoon and early evening. According to the study, ads are mostly clicked during the morning hours.

The most popular time for users to spend time on mobile are weekends, when 40% of time is spent using and downloading mobile apps.

iPhone and Android mobiles are mostly popular and have the highest market share in the US, UK and Japan.

Mobile app usage is projected to grow 91% compared to last year’s figures. Most native browsers have added new enhancements. The new iOS 5 has easily outperformed Windows Phone Mango and the previews have been solid throughout.

The developers have managed to change their attitude appropriately in the changing scenario for mobile development. Developers who excel in app development have progressed by leaps and bounds due to their competition and have achieved dominance on more than one mobile platform. Most of the offshore development companies that used to focus on software development have migrated to mobile app development due to the lucrative prospects. Also, most of the mobile apps focus on famous software solutions and mobile websites even promote major web and mail services that are popular all over the world.

Solution providers have always felt the need for tools and technologies that can help them deploy applications of a similar nature simultaneously on multiple platforms. There are too many mobile app platforms, but only some of them rule the root. Most of the smartphone buyers are unaware of the pros and cons of each mobile platform and therefore only the most popular ones win the market. iOS and Android are at the top of the ladder, while former leader Symbian and Blackberry, which is into corporate stuff, follow suit.

Most of the development companies and app developers have even turned to Appcelerator to create mobile apps that can be adapted to different platforms. Appcelerator Titanium has been useful for developers who need a common platform for the application development process and adheres to ideal standards for all platforms.

Marketers have numerous proven methods for developing a successful new product marketing strategy, many of which include some type of social media element. This means that a new product marketing strategy is now highly dependent on the Internet. Success always starts with a strategy, and for your new product, this is a must.

Internet marketing has become so vast that marketers need different strategies to market products through different online platforms. A Pinterest strategy will not look like a Facebook strategy; therefore, it is important to determine what types of Internet marketing are most appropriate for your product. However, there are some general practices that should always be applied.

Find your demographic

When developing your new product marketing strategy, start by compiling a list of the types of people who will be most interested in your product. Be as specific as possible. It can be helpful to take your description of your target market and identify real people on social media who represent your target customer.

generate a buzz

Offering freebies is also a great way to build excitement about your product online. Ask people to share or retweet a photo of your product for a chance to win one free! Freebies and promotional offers can also help brighten up your daily blogger press release. Find a blog that has a niche that relates to your product and offer them free samples in exchange for writing a review of your product.

If there are celebrities or industry influencers that fit your target market, offer them freebies. If they like your product, they will most likely send a “Thank you” tweet or post that drives a lot of online traffic to your product’s social media accounts or website.

use seo

New product marketing strategy should also include search engine optimization (SEO). Analyze your target audience and create a list of keywords they might use to search for similar products. If possible, include SEO in your product description or in any press release you submit online. Implement SEO by developing a blog as part of your product website. The content of your blog determines the success of your SEO strategy. Competitors are likely using the same words, so it’s important to provide useful content for your target market.

Use blogs and other forms of social networking to become an industry expert for your product. Use websites like MeetUp and Eventbrite to create powerful events around your product and press releases to let people know about events. Examples include gallery shows, tastings, and fashion shows. Also, join or create LinkedIn groups where you can share information about your product in discussion forums. Sharing and linking to your website through these social media outlets will also help build your SEO profile.

Creating a new product marketing strategy is necessary to launch a new product in any market, online or in physical stores. While not all plans are successful, it is almost impossible to be successful without first developing a plan. A new product marketing strategy is key.

We are often asked how organizations can optimize the value of their training or learning and development programs, and many C-level leaders are looking for ways to increase training-related behavior change as well as return on investment.

a recent VitalSmarts The webinar covered this topic quite well and shared several perspectives that align well with ours.

Here’s a brief summary:

First of all, the general premise of the webinar is that Learning & Development must become a strategic partner of the C-suite in order to achieve improvement and real behavior change. In addition, there must also be a C-level commitment to consistent L&D programming. As the presenters said several times, “Training, or L&D, should be treated as a process, not an event.

In case anyone needed convincing, some thought-provoking statistics were shared.

For example, only 7% of Learning and Development leaders measure the ultimate effectiveness of their training programs. Possibly more concerning, only about 10% of all Learning and Development executives have met with the C-suite; and only a few align their training plans with the organization’s strategic plan.

Also, only 35% of the US workforce receives any type of training! And even then, the average is three days of training per year.

Finally, without effective reinforcement and ongoing development, only 14-15% of the information shared in training “sessions” is applied in the workplace. Instead, people often do nothing different or make a few changes for a while and then go back to what they were doing in the past. Clearly, this huge “gap” represents significant waste, which was called “learning waste.”

3 best practices

For those who are determined to improve the value and effectiveness of their learning and development programs (i.e., increase learning transfer and reduce learning scrap), three best practices were suggested:

  1. Define the role and purpose of Learning and Development within the organization. To begin this process, the first two questions might be: “What would translate to a great year for L&D?” “This formation will be a success when… (complete the award)”
  2. Build the learning and development platform on defined and agreed business outcomes. It was noted that most L&D managers plan their programming around what they “hope people will learn.” But instead, the real focus should be on “what people will do differently as a result.”
  3. Recognize that L&D is a process, not an event. The process must include ongoing measurement and support to ensure business results are achieved. This means training, reinforcement, and accountability on multiple levels.
    • The C level must be engaged and allocate resources for appropriate levels of learning, as well as reinforcement and skill training.
    • L&D leaders need to align with business results and move the “finish line” of their training to include an achievement phase
    • First-line managers must provide reinforcement and support.
    • People at all levels are responsible for applying what they have learned and related behavior change.

As every smart investor knows, getting the right stock information gives you the knowledge you need to make sound investment decisions. Unlike earlier days when investors had to rely on limited stock quotes published in daily newspapers or broadcast on radio or television, today the Internet is teeming with real-time information about stocks. In some cases, quotes are delayed for a period not to exceed 30 minutes, during which time analysts summarize and post accurate information about the stock. On different sites, one can easily find out what mutual funds, bonds, indices, stocks, and Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) are trading for. In addition to stock quotes, earnings reports, financial reports, interest briefs, analyst coverage, and SEC filings on specific companies can be accessed from the web. Knowing the history of the company helps the investor decide if the stock is strong enough to justify his investment.

Most stock quotes are freely available, and all one has to do is identify the most informative site to use. To make the user experience even more rewarding, some of the sites that list the trading prices of specific stocks allow the user to download the information into computer applications such as OpenOffice and Microsoft Excel, among others. Should a site like Yahoo! Finance or MSN Money, you will be able to browse the price quotes for a specific company by typing the name of the company in a text box provided. In cases where an investor wants to compare the stock prices of different companies, he can type the names (or acronyms) of the companies he is interested in and click the search icon.

For investors who are curious about where websites like Yahoo! Finance, MSN money or obtain your information, it should be noted that the websites rely on more than 3,000 sources of information. Some of the sources transmit similar information to the websites and therefore it is the job of the website administrator to compare the information and verify that only the most accurate information is published on the website. Investors’ assessment of stock quotes is enhanced by interactive charts posted on different financial websites on the Internet. Company events, such as financial gains and dividends awarded to shareholders, can also be used as a viable indicator of the company’s financial performance and therefore the level of risk associated with its actions.

On different financial websites, real-time stock quotes are available on stock exchanges such as the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), the American Stock Exchange (AMEX), and NASDAQ. To access quotes from other countries, you may need to search for the specific stock exchanges where the stock is listed. With the Internet making the world a global village, investors interested in monitoring stocks can access stock quotes similar to how they access quotes for national companies. This has made trading for the supervising investor not only fast, but also effective.

Art through the centuries acquired different forms and designs. First there was naturalism, then romanticism developed, then impressionism, followed by cubism, which was followed by surrealism and finally the trends shifted to postmodern art. Here I would like to provide my understanding on various schools of art.

Naturalism comes from mimesis. The aim of art was to imitate nature. A classic example of mimetic art would be Da Vinci’s Mona Lisa. Mona Lisa lives through the ages for her enigmatic style. Another example would be Da Vinci’s Last Supper. The art was strongly impregnated with religious motives. What has naturalism brought to the world? One answer would be the representation of a mimetic ethos. There is very little to interpret in naturalistic art but we can admire its imitation of nature. I would also like to take with me the sculpture of David by Michelangelo. What would a postmodern interpretation take? Maybe he would phrase it as if he were gay.

Another style of art that developed during the 18th century was romanticism. What is romanticism? The poet Wordsworth defined romanticism as the spontaneous overflow of feelings. Romanticism captured feelings on the canvas. The canvas was imbued with the rich colors of the Baroque. Romantic painting is fanciful and ornamental. When we think of romanticism in the postmodern era we find ourselves in a catharsis with the past. Goya’s exhibition: Saturn devouring his son can be taken as a classic example. The grotesque Saturn is portrayed as an admirable beauty. Romantic painters are endowed with a passionate neurosis. Feelings and emotions lie with us to contemplate in ecstasy.

Another school of art that developed in the early 19th century was impressionism. The great masters of impressionism are Van Gogh, Monet and Gauguin. Impressionism is a unique style of art. The print is marked by an extensive use of bright colours. The traces remained like scars on the canvas. Impressionism was marked by a tendency for art to become modern. Van Gogh was a brilliant artist who recorded paintings in a style that marked a departure from his predecessors. When we look at Van Gogh’s Starry Night, we feel a passion similar to listening to music. Similarly, Gauguin’s painting ‘where we come from and where we are going’ highlights mythical allegories in brilliant splashes of colour.

Another school of art that developed in the early 20th century was cubism. Its greatest exponent was Picasso. With the advent of cubism, art abandoned its mimetic modes and became the unique creation of the artist. Cubism had a tendency to portray art in abstract terms. Picasso’s Demoiselles D’Avignon features harlots. Her features, especially her breasts, hips, and bottoms, became incongruous with Oedipal fantasies. Another notable Picasso creation was Guernica. Guernica is a fantastic interpretation of the horrors of the Basque bombings, presented in abstract terms. When we look at Guernica we are fascinated to the point of disgust. Cubism stressed that art can be repulsive.

The next school of art to develop in the mid-20th century was Surrealism. My most beloved surrealist artists are Dali and Paul Delvaux. Dali’s most famous painting is the ‘persistence of memory’. The surrealism that followed Freudian psychoanalysis tried to portray art with a conglomeration of reality and fantasy. In the painting, persistence of memory, we find melted clocks hanging from trees and covered by an embryo. The tree can be symbolized as a phallic construction. Melting clocks represent time flowing with streams of consciousness literature. The embryo may represent the artist’s oedipal trauma. Delvaux’s most famous painting is The Call of the Night. In the ‘call of the night’ you see a wasteland with skulls. There is a nude standing in the open air with lush vegetation growing over her head. There is also a nude with a covered head standing outside a building with a candle on her head. Delvaux is trying to portray the ancient fertility rites in modernist terms. The painting can also be interpreted as a sexual awakening. Thus, surrealism tried to portray the dream with reality.

Next I would like to focus on postmodern art. Postmodern art is contemporary and tends to be a rebellion against existing artistic norms. In postmodern art, normal objects are presented in unusual terms. For example: we can take Marcel Duchamp’s inverted urinal. Postmodern art is also famous for inventing pop art, where cartoons, comic strips, and consumer products were drawn as artistic representations. Another interesting example of postmodern art is Rodin’s The Thinker. The thinker can be interpreted in two ways. One in the way that a person has constipation, another like an intellectual balanced in thought. Postmodern art freed art from all inhibitions and pre-existing conceptions.