Category Archive : Digital Marketing

Many people in leadership positions find themselves walking the fine line between being principled and simply being stubborn. A true leader can sometimes appear stubborn to unsophisticated bystanders, but that stubbornness is actually a strict adherence to remaining principled and ethical. Benjamin Franklin said: “All mankind is divided into three classes: those who are immovable, those who are mobile, and those who move.” What often distinguishes the stubborn individual from the principled one is that he doesn’t just talk the talk, but always walks the walk as well. A true leader must be fully committed to providing maximum value to the organization they serve, not just by being rigid or using some harsh rhetoric, but by creating a principled action plan that motivates themselves and others. to find a productive goal. path.

1. Being principled is not about being inflexible or immovable, but rather about being a strict adherent to your principles and ethics, while being willing to adapt in meaningful ways to evolve your organization. The first need for effective leadership should always be the willingness to adapt one’s way and plans, as long as it agrees with what one truly believes and cares about. Mere rigidity of thought and ideas is rarely productive, while an absolute commitment to principle and integrity is a must! Those who never adapt or adjust are simply immovable, and rarely fit to lead effectively. Before someone can do what is needed to improve the viability of a group, they must at least be willing to adapt or be mobile.

2. The reality, however, is that simply having a mobile mindset and attitude is not enough, unless it is followed by a commitment to take meaningful action in a timely and relevant manner. Moving requires focusing on the heritage of the past, the needs and realities of the present, and what must be done to keep the organization relevant, sustainable, strong, and meaningful in the future. A rigid leader who refuses to take action and plan is simply stubborn, immovable, and ultimately irrelevant. On the other hand, the individual who remains objective, sticks to his principles and ideals, accommodates his plans but not his dreams and goals, places himself in a position to become the rare truly significant leader.

Do not confuse stubbornness with principles. Stubbornness is generally unproductive and often negative, while principle is often a necessity that drives absolute integrity and value orientation.

Facebook is not only used to socialize with your friends and family. used correctly targeted leads using Facebook It can be achieved both organically and paid. There are several ways to help grow your business when it comes to this popular social networking site. The following information can help you use Facebook to market your personal brand and offer to increase your customer base.

benefits of a group

A Facebook group can be beneficial to all members by sharing relative and relevant content with each other. A group can encourage subscribers to join an online community and communicate regularly. This will also give you the ability to inform your subscribers of updates, build engagement, and share each other’s business, content, and ideas.

It is not recommended to buy Facebook fans just to have “numbers”. Although it may be tempting, you don’t always get the results you want. Those fans are not necessarily prospects targeting your niche and will bring relatively nothing to the table.

Make sure your Facebook group is consistent with your niche and personal brand. Appearance is important in marketing your personal brand. If your page isn’t engaging, people are less likely to want to visit it, let alone return.

Share valuable content

Make valuable, content-rich posts and videos. Fans will follow you if they get value and engagement from your content and community. Use Facebook as a means of engagement, not as a platform to push or try to “sell” your product(s).

Posting videos regularly to Facebook, whether uploaded or live, is another way to share your information and promote your brand. It’s easier to grab someone’s attention through a video. You can also share your article information in print, along with your video, for more exposure.

encourage engagement

Encourage communication with your audience. If a customer posts a comment, respond and interact. If you find a follower that offers quality information or products, please let them know and share it within your group. Social media is vital to the growth of your brand and business.

Try to keep the information you post fresh and relevant. Your posts should stay on topic and within your niche. Use various methods to engage your fans, some of which may be:

  • Videos

  • Items

  • surveys

  • contests

  • Memes

Customize your video ideas accordingly to grab the attention of your audience. For example, if you sell a product, make a video describing the product, how to use it, the benefits, etc., don’t just try to sell the product. Always lead with benefits and value.

More than a social networking site

Facebook is not only a social network, but also a strong marketing business platform. Facebook can be used to reach out and grow your business as there are millions of users on this site every day; Why not use it to your advantage?

Proper use of Facebook can be the catalyst for launching your brand. Set it up right from the start, which will allow you to be the foundation for your targeted leads using Facebook.

All about the uses of chromium and chromium supplements

What is it?

Chromium is a essential trace element which comes in several different varieties, most commonly as polynicotinate or picolinate. It is estimated that 90% of people in North America are deficient. on this crucial mineral; Combined with the fact that chromium’s uses (and benefits) are vast, it’s no surprise that it’s now among the top three best-selling supplements in the US.

Chromium Uses: Chromium Supplements

Chromium supplements have been praised for everything from helping in weightloss, to a mineral capable of improving the health of diabetics, having the ability to build lean muscle, and improve heart health reducing bad cholesterol (LDL) and raising good cholesterol (HDL).

To understand these uses for chromium, let’s take a brief look at the various ways this mineral works in the body.

First, chromium plays an essential role in the breakdown of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. Because fats are thought to be one cause of high cholesterol, this breakdown may help protect against heart disease.

Second, Chromium may help insulin regulate blood sugar (glucose) levels. Some people (diabetics, for example) are often resistant to insulin. What this simply means is that the body is having a hard time dealing with the sugar in the blood. The pancreas has a job of producing more insulin to help lower high blood sugar levels, which in turn puts a strain on this organ by making it work harder.

Eventually, diabetes can develop, as it will reach a point where the pancreas will not be able to make enough insulin. chromium supplements, therefore, it can help who are they insulin resistant keeping elevated glucose levels under control before it stresses the pancreas.

Also, because glucose is the body’s main source of fuel, what the body doesn’t use is stored as fat. Therefore, this may explain why studies have shown that one of the most prominent uses of chromium is to aid weight loss.

It is important to realize that the The typical Western diet is high in saturated fats, sugars, flours, and processed and refined foods. which creates high levels of blood sugar (glucose) in the body. Therefore, the first goal is not just to look for chromium supplements, however much they may help, but to reduce these types of foods in your diet.

In general though, as you can see, there are many uses for chromium in the human body.

Chromium Uses: Precautions

There is No RDA set for Chromium. Most supplements, however, come in dosages of 100mcg to 200mcg per tablet. In general, it seems to be extremely insurance Supplement, since, to the best of our knowledge, no serious side effects have been attributed to it. However, it is recommended to take it with a meal, as it can cause stomach upset on rare occasions.

Opinion of Nutritional-Supplement-Info on the uses of chromium

We believe there is strong evidence that chromium is a supplement with a wide range of benefits. In some areas the evidence is stronger, such as its role in insulin function, and much more speculative in others, such as its role in helping to produce more lean muscle.

Because it is such a popular supplement, we hope that future studies will help clarify which of its purported benefits can actually be attributed to it.

Many chrome vendors try to claim that the version they use is superior or absorbs better. For example, some claim that picolinate is better than polynicotinate and vice versa. While this is often true of other supplements, in the case of chromium, there is no conclusive research pointing to one being better than the other.

“If an audience just listens, they take away 12% of your content. By making it more visual, you can increase audience comprehension and recall to 26%. But when you really engage them and they respond, their comprehension and ‘take away’ goes up. to 51%”. Mark Lavergne

The Urgent Important Matrix is ​​an incredibly simple and powerful tool to help your clients manage their time more effectively. It is also a compelling and useful tool to use in a workshop or seminar to engage and respond.

Using a simple grid, define tasks by importance and urgency:

  • Quadrant 1 – Crisis – URGENT and IMPORTANT
  • Quadrant 2 – Goals and Planning – NOT URGENT and IMPORTANT
  • Quadrant 3 – Interruptions – URGENT and NOT IMPORTANT
  • Quadrant 4 – Distractions – NOT URGENT and NOT IMPORTANT

10 easy steps to use the urgent important matrix in a workshop or seminar

1. INTRODUCTION: First, share the general matrix with your workshop attendees and make sure they understand the concept. Ideally, this is done by drawing it on a whiteboard or flipchart.

2) TO A DEEPER UNDERSTANDING: Then go through each quadrant and ask your workshop attendees to share examples of activities they think fit into each quadrant, not just their own, but also things they see other people doing. If necessary, start with a couple of suggestions of your own (see the list below). And as people chant them, write them on the white board or flip chart.

Quadrant 1 — Important AND urgent tasks we call “Crisis”. Examples include; An important customer calling and complaining that they STILL haven’t received their order, a firm deadline for a project that’s coming up and you’re nowhere near complete, your power has been cut off because you forgot to pay your bill, an urgent trip to to the dentist for something that has been bothering you for a while.

Quadrant 2: important and non-urgent tasks that we call goals and planning. These include things like reviewing priorities and tasks, working on major projects, home maintenance and renovations, scheduling health appointments early enough, budgeting (at work and at home), paying bills, building relationships at work work/networking, maintaining close relationships at home, exercising and eating right.

Quadrant 3 — Non-important and urgent tasks we call interruptions. Examples of interruptions from others include family interruptions, unimportant phone calls, some emails (especially the email ‘pinger’), and unimportant/other people meetings.

Quadrant 4: non-important and non-urgent tasks that we call distractions. These include constant checking of email, excessive television, Internet or computer game use, excessive relaxation and sleep, self-deprecating thoughts, gossip/idle talk, and people’s unique ‘escape’ activities.

3) MAKE IT PERSONAL: So now have your attendees draw the quadrants (or give them a printed version) and ask them to complete specific examples that are unique to them in each quadrant. Make sure everyone has at least one personal example in EVERY quadrant.

4) EVALUATION: Then have them calculate the percentage of time they spend in each quadrant and write that number in each quadrant. N.B. Make sure this is intuitive: ask them for their first, instant response so they don’t have time to tweak the numbers and make them sound better! If necessary, remind them that honesty and conscientiousness are keys to making improvements.

5) REVIEW TIME: So which quadrant do you spend the MOST of your time in? How does it feel? Why do you think that is? The percentage and personal activities you have assigned to each quadrant now gives you a chance to review how a) your time management (or lack thereof) affects how you feel and b) how you could spend your time more effectively.

Quadrant 1 — Crisis — Are they stressed? For people who spend most of their time in crisis, highlight the negative impacts of stress. Maybe dealing with crises is part of your job? Or maybe they just like drama? How could they spend more time in Quadrant 2?

Quadrant 2 — Goals and Planning — For people who spend most of their time on goals and planning, excellent, congratulate them! They probably feel in control, are clear about where they are going, and may even be relaxed in their jobs. Help them by asking how they could be EVEN more effective. Are they building relationships for when potential crises hit? Are they having enough fun? Do they need some interruptions and distractions?

Quadrant 3 — Interruptions — People who spend a lot of time here are probably frustrated, stressed and feel like they never get anything done. The solutions often consist of finding ways to say “No” to others so that they spend some time working on their important projects.

Quadrant 4 — Distractions — People who spend a lot of time here are probably unmotivated, unclear on their priorities, and likely stressed or frustrated with themselves. The solutions often revolve around finding meaning and purpose, gaining clarity, and saying “No” to ourselves.

Advice: People who spend most of their time in Quadrants 3 and 4 often lack inspiration and motivation. They may be in the wrong job, tired and/or stressed and could be using these activities to ‘escape’. They may need help clarifying and identifying important tasks and priorities, or they may need help seeing how what they are doing adds value. They may also need some constructive ‘fun’ or free time set aside in their journals to make it easier to work hard when they need to.

All of these areas are great for follow-up training. You may also find that a client can really benefit from identifying what is truly important to him and aligning her career and/or life with her values. And while you might not want to cover values ​​in this workshop, it could make for a great follow-up workshop or something you could offer interested people in for a bit of personal coaching afterwards.

What we are looking for: The goal of The Urgent Important Matrix is ​​to get people to prioritize both work and planning for their important projects, and this means spending time in Quadrant 2. This also means addressing their problems BEFORE they become urgent. We also want people to be aware of where they get distracted and interrupted so they can minimize ‘wasted’ time in these areas. They can then use the saved time and spend it in Quadrant 2.

6) LEARNING: So what is stopping you from managing your time better, specifically? Give them some examples and let them reflect for a moment. Then, break them into smaller groups of 3-5 to discuss the underlying reasons why they each spend the time they do in each of the quadrants. The purpose is not to have a ‘grievance session’ but to try to identify the exact causes. This part can also be done as an individual or whole group exercise depending on the size of the group and the dynamics of the attendees. Finally, have each group report back to the main group on their findings.

Examples to start with include having a boss who is unclear on priorities and keeps assigning new tasks. Perhaps the systems and processes they use create unnecessary extra work. Maybe the work is routine and boring. Maybe people aren’t clear on what they’re doing and keep pestering you for clarification. Or maybe your desk is next to the water cooler so people can keep chatting with them. Make sure they are specific and can pinpoint the problem before identifying solutions.

7) SELF-CONSCIOUSNESS: Where do they sabotage themselves? It’s time for your attendees to do some personal introspection. Where are THEY the cause of their problems? Help them take some property. Examples of self-sabotage include: do they hold effective meetings? Do they have trouble saying No? Do they enjoy drama or a ‘hero’ role? Maybe they find it difficult to prioritize or maybe they lack discipline and focus? Are you bored and uninspired in your life? Do they see relationship building as a waste of time?

N.B. It is best to do this as a one-on-one exercise unless there is already a high level of trust between the attendees.

8) MOTIVATION: So how would you like to spend your time differently? What’s in it for them? People may like or think about improving their time management, but until they are really motivated, they won’t make the necessary changes. So help them figure out what’s in it for them: a promotion, a raise, some training, more time with the kids, a new job or career, or maybe just doing less of what they hate and more of what they love. So ask the group, “How would your lives be different if you managed your time more effectively?” And let them share their ideas so everyone can hear and be inspired.

9) TAKE ACTION: So what could you do? It’s time to brainstorm. Get people together individually or, if possible, in groups of 3-5, and ask them to work together so that EACH ONE proposes 3-5 possible actions to improve their time management. You don’t have to put them all into action; this is just a brainstorming exercise. Perhaps they could request some training or find a book on the subject, set aside time each morning or afternoon to plan their day, or perhaps they could schedule a regular meeting with their team or boss to clarify priorities. Maybe they could start work earlier when it’s calm and focus on getting the most important tasks done. Or maybe they need to feel like they’re adding value or having fun, even if it’s in their personal life and not their work life.

10) COMMITMENT: Finally, ask them for 1-3 specific actions that they will commit to. They must choose at least one action to remove and work on. Make sure this action is something they can implement right away, or the next day or so. What is the KEY action that will make the difference in your effectiveness? Ask them to only choose actions that they are 100% sure they feel inspired by. If there is a need to do the smallest action, until they can commit 100 percent. Have them WRITE the action and, if desired, have them sign and date it for additional commitment.

Once everyone has at least one action, ask them to share their actions, either with the group or with the person next to them. This will depend on the time you have left and the size of the group.


As a summary, it is always useful and interesting (for you and the other attendees) to ask people what their biggest gains from the session are. What has helped you the most?

And remember, if applicable, mention that you’d love to work with people more if they want help managing their time better, committing to their actions, creating a healthy lifestyle, or perhaps working on their values. Finally, make sure you have some business cards and promotional materials to hand out and give away (and if they have a time management approach, all the better). Now you are ready to go – enjoy your workshop!

Click here to view the Urgent Important Matrix as an image.

The goal of any branding project is for the brand to become a leader in its category. The category leader could be defined in many ways (number one brand in terms of quality, customer service, warranty, distribution), but in most cases it is the best-selling brand.

Market leader management motivates, inspires and rewards. Being the top-selling brand often translates into enough resources to continue building that brand and defending your leadership position. Because this is the sole objective of a market leader’s strategy: to defend the number one position by achieving parity points in its category and promoting the elements that differentiate the brand.

So how should a market leader “behave” in its relationship with customers and competitors? Here are some suggestions:

Communicate the fact that you are a market leader. The position as a leader in the category is very strong. People feel safe dealing with the leader, because they think you must have done something right to get there. Be sure to communicate the fact that you are number one in your communication materials, including packaging, merchandising, invoices, and the website. Your integrated marketing campaigns should also promote this status.

Defend your leadership position. Your competitors will try to attack you in any way they can. Your primary focus should be on protecting the leadership position. That means you need to respond to your competitor’s moves and hit parity points in your industry, because you now have the resources to do so. If a competitor decides to lower prices, you should do the same, and if you’re introducing a new product, make sure you have something similar available soon.

Invest in innovation. Your customers will have higher expectations of you, the category leader. Ideally, you will be the first to introduce innovative products and services and create new categories. Apple is the leader in portable music devices with the iPod and created a new category of tablet devices with the iPad.

Educate the market A category leader is responsible for setting market trends and helping the consumer make informed decisions. Your brand should not only be number one in terms of sales, but also the most respected brand in terms of awareness and leadership.

One more thing: brand confusion always favors the leader. If you are lucky enough to have competitors who do not stand out for anything, you will end up winning the battle.

There’s no question that if you can create quality content, you want it to get out there and be seen by as many people as possible—even better if the owners of those eyeballs are likely to be your target market.

Not only can you increase visits to your website and therefore increase conversions, but you can also improve loyalty to your products and services, validate your position in the industry, and increase brand awareness.

So what are the best places to put your stuff?

As with all marketing, you need to know your demographic and match it to the type of content you’re creating. Certain web sites will attract specific users; Your first task is to determine where your potential buyers hang out.

… and you won’t be short of options, let’s take a look:

social sites

Social networks have transformed the way we communicate, access information, buy and sell, and waste time. Each social networking site has a slightly different angle and therefore either appeals to a unique type of user or is used for specific purposes. Sites like Facebook and Twitter might be great for your business page and ads, but they’re largely socially inclined. So remember this when you post. This is not really the place to describe your latest product and super deals. But an article that is of interest to your industry with links to your site and services can be really effective.

the eyes have it

The internet is now a very visual place to be. We all love video and graphics, and according to a recent Ipsos survey, OTX images are the most shared type of content. So make sure your articles have graphics or videos to maintain that attention span every Monday morning. The best image sharing sites are Instagram, Flickr, and Pinterest.

The professional angle

When that article needs to be consumed by a professional audience, you should think LinkedIn or even Google+. The former also has great group sections that focus on whatever topic, industry, or niche topic you like. This ensures that your article is likely to be read by your target market who are interested in niche topics.

here are the news

Who better to share your content than current buyers or people who have subscribed to your online services? Through frequent emails or newsletters, you can keep your loyal audience updated with articles that will specifically interest them and encourage more sales and brand awareness.

Share and link at the same time

The most effective way to get links to your website is through guest blogs or business articles. If you link to the webmaster of another website (within the same industry but not the competition), he/she may receive an article on your site. In addition to creating additional shared content, you are also creating what could be a very powerful link.

specialized content

There are also some great sites set up for all your specialized content. Why not use that recent training PowerPoint presentation as a marketing tool? SlideShare is very popular and is set up to deal with this eventuality. Are you a bit of a designer at heart? Infographics are really big right now and can turn boring information into a cool event, might be the site you are looking for.

article sites

There are many article sites that will allow you to submit your articles in high quality, giving you more exposure, more credibility, and more traffic to your website. Some are more strict than others, so be sure to read their “article submission rules.”

One of the rules is, no direct sales, however… you can add your personal bio where you can include a FREE gift.

You can see an example of mine in the resource box below.

google news

Google news feeds will reach an international audience. Readers can filter feeds by exactly the news topics they want so they know they’ll get news on their favorite topics. You can request that your articles appear in Google news here.

As I always say, go out there and “expose yourself” metaphorically speaking, of course!!

DataStage: What is Transformer Stage?

DataStage provides several stages for extracting, transforming, and loading data into data warehouses or data marts. The stages are classified as General, Database, Development and Debugging, File, Processing, Real Time, etc. These stages will be classified into categories of active or passive stages.

The transformation stage is a processing stage.

This stage allows us to create transformations to apply to your data based on the given business rules.

It can have a single input and any number of outputs. You can also have a reject link that takes rows that have not been written to any of the output links due to an expression write or evaluation error or null handling rejects.

The transformer stage is divided into

1. Link area

  • Define column definition
  • Define stage variables

2. Metadata Area

  • Define column metadata for input and output

Exit Links:

  1. Pass some data directly through the altered Transformer stage
  2. Modify the derivation by entering the transformation expression.
  3. Specify constraints that operate on entire output links
  4. You can also specify a constraint of another link, which is an output link that carries all data that is not output in other links, that is, columns that have not met the criteria.

A constraint is an expression that specifies the criteria that the data must meet before it can be passed to the output link.

Reject link:

You can also specify another link that takes rows that have not been written to any other link due to a write error or expression evaluation error. This is specified outside of the stage by adding a link and making it a reject link. Any records that are discarded due to null handling will also be written to reject the link.

If runtime column propagation is enabled, no metadata is required for the outputs.

Find and Replace capabilities allow you to find the particular string within an expression or search for column names or find an empty expression in expression types.

Defining output column derivations:

  • Use drag and drop or copy and paste to copy an input column to the outputs
  • Automatic column matching facility to automatically configure derived columns from your matching input columns.

Automatic column matching

  1. Choose the output link you want to match the columns with the input link from the dropdown list.
  2. Match type area.
    • Location Match – This will set column branches to the input link columns at the equivalent positions.
    • Name Match: The output taps established based on the name match.


A constraint is an expression that specifies the criteria that the data must meet before it can be passed to the output link.

  • Click the Otherwise/Record field to make a check mark appear and leave the Restriction fields blank. This will detect rows that have not met the constraints in all previous output links.
  • Clicking the Otherwise/Log field will log the number of rows written to that link (ie rows that satisfy the constraint) to the job log as a warning message.

Along with these, we can define local stage variables, use system variables, and we can also set partition methods and sort operations.

The history and history of Social Networks

The history of social media is an important milestone for businesses and websites. Social networking may seem like a relatively new marvel on the internet, with Twitter and Facebook being the two most popular, but in reality, social networking is not and was never created out of these two platforms. In fact, Facebook and Twitter were launched almost thirty years ago. after Social began on the Internet. It’s true that it wasn’t until 2004 and 2006, when Facebook and Twitter started, that social media started to change the world and the way people communicate online, but the truth is that social media started with email. , usenet, the world wide web, blogs and AOL instant messaging. The history of the Internet is the history of social networks.

Social media history

The social networking phenomenon flourished in 1994 with the creation of Geocities, which allowed its users to set up websites inspired by certain urban areas. At that time, more than 1,500 web servers were online in 1994, and people referred to the Internet as the information superhighway.

  • In 1971, a government organization called ARPA (Advanced Research Projects Agency) sent the first email.
  • In 1980, the worldwide distributed Internet discussion system of Usenet was launched, and with it, thousands flocked to message boards to discuss music, science, literature, and sports.

These two events mark the beginning of social media.

What do people do with social networks?

  • publish and share
  • read and watch
  • link and comment
  • Interacting with brands
  • Interacting with fan pages
  • Playing games
  • Chat and send messages

What is social?

  • It’s huge. If Facebook were a country, it would be the third most populous in the world, behind only China and India.
  • The number of videos uploaded to YouTube every minute is more than 24 hours (double that of the previous year).
  • The number of YouTube videos viewed per day exceeds 2 billion (double the previous year).
  • The number of images hosted on Flickr exceeds 4 billion (ie 13 times more than the Library of Congress).
  • The number of companies that use LinkedIn to find and attract employees is 95%.
  • The number of marriages last year among people who met through social networks is 1 in 6, which is double the number of people who met in bars, clubs and other social events.
  • The average number of tweets per day on Twitter exceeds 27 million (that is, 8 times more than the previous year).

Who is social?

More than half of the human race is under 30 years of age. So if you want to get a sense of where the world’s media habits are headed, it makes sense to look at what kids are up to.

reach customers

Social media is the best way to reach the most influential customers and the only way to reach the most cynical. Social media is the crack cocaine of the internet. We want it, we need it, and we go into retirement when we don’t have it.

The future of business and social media

Social media is a way of thinking. It’s not about sales, ads, or click-through rates. It is about seeking relationships and fostering communities of consumers. Businesses that want to grow need to rethink their entire business marketing process. Social requires companies to plan because with social, customers are at the center and in control.

Level the playing field

Social media is dramatically leveling the playing field and connecting us like never before. So, forget about your brand. You don’t own it. You can spend all kinds of time and money trying to fabricate public opinion, but ultimately it’s up to the public.

Social media is redefining everything.

  • How we work
  • how we play
  • how we learn
  • how we share
  • how we found out
  • how we create
  • how we complain
  • how we celebrate
  • how we die
  • how we applaud
  • how we influence
  • how we collaborate
  • how we investigate
  • how we evaluate

The rules of social networks are basically the same as those of the media.

  1. Hear
  2. commits
  3. Be real
  4. be respectful
  5. have fun

Home on the Internet

Social media is the ongoing conversation on the planet. It is the source of news and, in most cases, the social is home on the Internet. It is the home page and the place where most people spend time on the Internet. Social media is mainstream. It moves the media spokesperson and distributes constantly into the hands of the public.

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This is a sample DA 4856 (Development Advice Form) for a Soldier transferring to the Individual Ready Reserve (IRR) with at least three years of active duty, or at least two years of active duty + three years of Unity. troop program (TPU) time. These soldiers are transferred to the IRR control group for reinforcement.

Soldiers in this control group are not required to undergo annual training. As policies change, some of the items listed below may change as this article gets older.

Note: if you do not have the minimum of three years of active duty, or two years of active duty + 3 years of TPU, you would be requesting a transfer to the IRR, Control Group-Training. You would have an AT requirement each year on the IRR.

The Soldier in this scenario has fulfilled his contractual obligation of six years in the TPU. He or she wishes to complete the balance of his or her initial eight-year military obligation in the TIR.

Appropriate sections of the Army Development Advice Form for a Soldier Transferring to the IRR, Reinforcement of Control Group:

DA 4856: Purpose of Counseling:

Event Oriented Advice: You are advised on your decision to submit an Individual Ready Reservation Transfer Request (IRR).

He declared his intention to complete the rest of his contractual obligation in the TIR.

Terminates your contractual obligation [DFAS date format]. End your legal obligation [Actual ETS date, DFAS date format]. Despite his transfer from the TPU to the IRR, he will remain a member of the Ready Reserve. You are not “out” or “discharged” from the military. Although his transfer to the IRR will allow him to keep many reserve benefits in place, some key benefits of being in the TPU will end. As the [title of counselor]it is my responsibility to make sure you understand the options available to you.

DA 4856: Key Discussion Points:

– As a member of the TPU, you are eligible for the following benefits: Common Access Card (CAC), military pay for IDT and AT/ADT; SGLI; Tuition assistance; TSP; Montgomery G.I. Bill (Ch 1606); adequate TRICARE coverage, military reserve pension if you meet qualifying 20 years, etc. If you choose to continue with the IRR, some of these benefits will be discontinued. However; you will be eligible for the rest of your military benefits while on the IRR. You still need to earn 50 retirement points each year on that year’s IRR to qualify for retirement eligibility. You must also turn in your CAC on the IRR transfer.

– As a member of the IRR, you are eligible for the following benefits: DD Form 2, Reserve ID Card (Green). Military pay for AT/ADT/mobilization; military reserve pension if you meet 20 qualifying years; XP/Commissar privileges; adequate TRICARE dental coverage, a green military identification card (IRR), and other benefits. However; To maintain these benefits, you must continue to participate satisfactorily in the IRR by responding to HRC correspondence, attending annual meetings (paid), and doing any other point-earning activities you are authorized to do.

– HRC will mail meeting orders to you each year. Their annual meetings will be held 1 day a year and will last from 2 to 8 hours. If you are receiving VA disability compensation, you will receive both meeting pay and disability pay. Make sure HRC has your most recent/accurate contact information. Since you have at least [3 years active duty ___ (or) 2 years active duty +3 years TPU__], will be transferred to the IRR Control Group, Reinforcement. You will not have an AT requirement during the TIR; however, you may request such training.

– You can earn your points for Mobilization/Active Duty Days, AT/ADT, Funeral Service, IDT/Drill (points only) and Participation Points (PP). The maximum inactive points (IDT + PP) you could earn in a retirement year is 130 points. Earn one active point for each day on active duty. The maximum active points you could earn in the year is the number of days you have that year. You can also punch only for points, not call, while on IRR.

– As a member of the IRR, you will be entitled to a military identification card (IRR/green). You will still have access to the DEFAC, PX, Commissario, MWR, Fitness facilities, etc. of a military installation. Your SGLI will expire per the instructions on your IRR orders. If you are a veteran (before active duty/deployment), you may be eligible for VGLI. If TRICARE was your only health insurance, you may need to make arrangements with a commercial health insurance provider.

– HRC will keep your records. They will work with you to schedule your AT or send you mobilization orders. Here is the Army website, MOBCOP, that you could use as a mobilization volunteer while in the IRR: [Volunteer for mobilization website address.]

– If you do not reach 50 points in a retirement year, those years will not count toward the 20-year minimum to be eligible for paid retirement. Within 3 months of your ETS, or sooner, notify HRC of your ETS intent to receive ETS requests.

– The unit cannot guarantee approval or disapproval of your IRR application.

– You feel that you cannot continue with the TPU due to [Reason explained below].

DA 4856: Action Plan:

– Consider the above benefits of staying in the TPU and consider signing up for a new TPU contract.

– The unit will initiate and process an IRR transfer request. Maintain communication with the unit and assist with the IRR packet process. Provide additional documentation if requested. Be available to sign reviewed documents.

– Until you receive your IRR orders, please keep the unit updated if you experience a change of address, phone number, email, etc.

– You are responsible for drilling with the unit until the transfer date on your IRR orders.

– If you are due RST before your transfer date, please submit an RST Request Form and supporting documentation through your chain of command.

– Out of process with the SGT of Supply, SGT of Engines, NCO of Operations, UA, UAT, 1SG, CDR, DARN and other sections of applicable units.

– Download a copy of the IRR manual from the Internet, or obtain it from a Soldier who has already downloaded it.

– Familiarize yourself with the mobilization opportunity websites listed above.

– When transferring to the IRR, turn in your CAC card at the nearest military ID card office and get your DD Form 2, Reserve ID Card (green).

– Understand that while you are in the IRR, you are not “out” of the military. You are still in the ready reserve, subject to annual meeting and subject to mobilization.

– Continue to participate in physical activity to help maintain your drop-down status.

– Strive to achieve a minimum of 50 retirement points for each year of retirement in the IRR.

– Respond to HRC correspondences that require a response. Keep HRC information correspondences in a specific folder for future reference.

– Fully read and understand your HRC meeting orders and report to the meeting as directed in these orders. Bring the requested documentation.

– Surrender your Reserve ID card in case you rejoin the TPU or Active Duty; receive a CAC instead.

– You can drill with this or another unit if you need points, but not for payment, while in the TIR state. The career counselor has details on how you can achieve this.

– At the end of your MSO, without reinstatement, submit your DD Form 2, Reserve Card (Green).

– Understand that the day after your MSO ends, you may automatically end up in the Military of the United States and the state/territory in which you reside. Federal law identifies healthy men ages 17-45, state law identifies similar or different age ranges. Some states include women in that category. This means that after his MSO ETS, if he is in this group, he is subject to the muster of the militia by order of the president or his governor.

– Upon transfer to the IRR, the IRR unit patch becomes your unit patch. It will also wear the IRR regimental insignia instead of [current unit badge] in their ASUs.

– While at the IRR, keep in touch with HRC and update them with your latest changes in address, phone, email, job, medical status, etc.

DA 4856: Logout:

– I understand the current SRIP options and incentives available to continue with the TPU. I will lose TPU-specific benefits and keep IRR-specific benefits once I’m officially on IRR. While in the IRR, I am eligible to earn at least 50 retirement points for that year to count toward retirement. I can get those points through mobilization, HRC issued AT orders, etc. I may be subject to an APFT at the beginning of an AT order issued by HRC. I will keep the HRC informed of changes to my address, phone number and email while I am on the IRR. I will surrender my CAC and obtain a green DD Form 2 (Reserve) identification card upon transfer to the IRR. At the end of my MSO, I will turn in this green ID card at the nearest ID card office. I will continue to drill and maintain communication with the unit up to date on my IRR transfer orders. After my transfer to the IRR, I will maintain communication with HRC. I will familiarize myself with the key discussion points and carry out the courses of action.

– Despite the aforementioned, I wish to request a transfer to the IRR. I understand that there is no guarantee regarding the approval or disapproval of this package.


AR 140-10 Army Reserve Assignments, Attachments, Details, and Transfers

AR 140-185 Training and Retirement Point Credits and Unit-Level Strength Accounting Records

Social media is the buzzword of the current century, thanks to the wide availability of mobile devices around the world. While you are away from your loved ones, this medium keeps you connected with everyone. In the old days, you had to rely on landlines or trunk calls to communicate with other people in a different location. Taking advantage of times gone by, these online platforms have made it just a matter of seconds to get in touch with others nowadays. In addition, its use in the business world has also witnessed a marine drift, due to its wide scope. In the midst of such religious use of this instantaneous mode of communication, it is important to keep checking whether we are not becoming too dependent on it.

The growing popularity

Since about a decade, social networks have been an inseparable necessity of people all over the world. While the explosion of the Internet created a global revolution in the business world, this mode of communication was just as effective in attracting commoners. Additionally, with the growing popularity of smartphones and mobile devices, the trend of being proactive across multiple platforms has gained unprecedented momentum. Users prefer to connect via Facebook, Instagram, Whatsapp, LinkedIn, Twitter and many other websites/apps for personal or professional use.

Here are some statistics from smart insights, an online magazine (as of January 2016) to give you an idea of ​​the growing dominance of this digital communication platform in our daily lives.

  1. Total World Population: 7.395 Billion
  2. Total Internet Users: 3.419 Billion; 46% of the world population
  3. Active users of social networks: 2.307 Billion; 31% of the world population
  4. Unique mobile users: 3.790 billion; 51% of the total world population
  5. Active Mobile Social Users: 1.968 Billion; 27% of the world population

These data are good enough to describe the penetration of the Internet and, more specifically, social networks in our lives. Hence, here it is worth thinking about whether so much dependence is normal or we are slowly heading towards your addiction.

good for entrepreneurs

Interestingly, this mode of communication has also proven to be a boon for business and marketing people, which is obvious from the fact that social media has raked in a whopping $8.3 billion through advertising, in 2015 alone. Additionally, nearly 80% of Fortune 500 companies use Twitter to connect with their customers and prospects. However, the question remains: is this platform experiencing global abuse, especially from commoners?

extensive use

According to another survey report, 1 million new users become active on mobile social media, which means 12 new users per second. Also, speaking of Facebook Messenger and Whatsapp, both platforms handle approximately 60 billion messages per day. Its use is greater than 50% in almost all age groups, whether 18-29 (83%), 30-49 (77%) or 50-64 (52%), leaving 65+, which is 32%. . Likewise, while 62% of men are proactive about this mode of online interaction, the percentage of women is even higher, that is, 71%.

Dangers of addiction to social networks

But naturally it is easier to lean towards destructive work rather than constructive activities in the midst of such great penetration. Consequently, we discuss every little thing about these platforms, be it Trump vs. Hillary, the problem of the prohibition of the coin or any other hot topic. Healthy discussion is fine, but the problem occurs when people cross the line and start posting hateful messages, which is a major setback for this otherwise beneficial mode of communication. These are some of the other drawbacks of excessive use of social networks.

  • social insecurity: Wandering if you also possess the same level of luxury and wealth as others, which creates anxiety and often mental health issues.
  • Cyber ​​bullying: You may be a victim of online crime.
  • social anxiety: You develop a fear of real human interaction and prefer to hide behind your screen.
  • Distraction: It significantly decreases the productivity of your work.
  • Stress: Constantly switching from work to Facebook, Twitter, etc. and vice versa could cause fatigue
  • Emotional hiccups: Relying on social media to avoid real life problems could only lead to negativity and pressure.

In summary, indeed, the use of social networks is increasing at an uncontrolled rate, which is a serious topic of discussion. It is profitable for business and marketing people who have a fixed goal to achieve through these platforms. However, for people who are looking for emotional support on these platforms or are just killing their time, they are just making their life miserable and they really need to break this addiction, before it is too late.