Category Archive : Health Fitness

Losing weight with pre-packaged meals doesn’t have to break the bank, you can start an inexpensive weight loss plan in the frozen food section of your local grocery store.

The main challenge with most, if not all, weight loss plans is the craving for sweets. You feel like you have to deprive yourself of sweets to reach your weight loss goals, then in a moment of weakness you could destroy weeks of hard work with a single visit to the bakery.

The Toaster Strudel® Weight Loss Diet Plan changes all that, your cravings for sweets are satisfied, in fact, almost eliminated!

One of the ways people try to lose weight is by skipping breakfast, but all they really lose is their mid-morning focus and concentration.

Instead of skipping breakfast and basically slowing down all day, you can pop a Toaster Strudel® or Toaster Scramble® in your toaster and you’ll have a 170-calorie breakfast. You can indulge in two, or even one of each for a breakfast still under 340 calories.

The goal is to get your metabolism moving, to get some energy ready to burn in your system.

Studies have shown that eating six smaller meals throughout the day keeps your metabolism burning calories at a higher rate than eating three larger meals, so mid-morning have another Toaster Strudel®, there are about a dozen varieties, from blueberries to Boston Cream Pie. raspberry, with raspberry ketones? so you shouldn’t be bored.

A box of Toaster Strudel® costs about $3.00.

For added variety, you can get a box of ten Nature Valley® 100-calorie granola bars for around $2.00 to $2.50.

Neither the man nor the woman lives on bread or toaster strudel alone, for lunch and dinner look further down the aisle, but not necessarily in the diet section.

A frozen Michelina’s® or Banquet® meal costs about $1.00 each and has between 300 and 450 calories per meal.

Yeah, they’re not very filling, that’s the point. You have to shrink your stomach before you can shrink your belly.

Low Cost Toaster Strudel® Weight Loss Diet Plan

Breakfast 1 – Toasted bread 170 calories $.50

Mid-morning snack 1 toasted puff pastry 170 calories $.50

Lunch 1 Michelina’s® or Banquet® Frozen Meal approx. 350 calories $1.00

Mid-afternoon snack 1 toasted puff pastry 170 calories $.50

Mid-Afternoon Snack Alternative 1 Nature Valley® Granola Bar 100 calories $.25

Dinner 1 Michelina’s® or Banquet® Frozen Meal approx. 350 calories $1.00

Evening Snack 1 Toast Pie 170 Calories $.50 or 1 Nature Valley® Granola Bar 100 Calories $.25

You’re looking at a total cost of just $3.00 per day while eating just 1,380 calories.

Three dollars a day?

1380 calories?

Eat six times a day?


Sorry, this is a Do It Yourself Toaster Strudel® weight loss diet plan, no registration, just shop around cost and calories.

Your fitness plan do it yourself
As you plan your Low Cost Toaster Strudel® Weight Loss Diet Plan, you’ll want to keep in mind that you still have to burn MORE than the 1380 calories you eat to actually lose weight.

I recommend walking for at least 30 minutes a day to burn extra calories, better yet do some form of calisthenics for 20 minutes a day.

Even more reasons for older women (and probably men too) to not only lose weight; but keep the pounds off. A fascinating study of postmenopausal women finds that if they regain weight after losing weight after menopause, they don’t regain as much lean tissue as they lost, so the end result is more fat, even when they return to their original weight. .

You lose lean tissue and fat when you lose weight according to the study authors. Research has shown that lean tissue makes up about a quarter of total weight loss. Lean muscle and bone loss is especially problematic for the elderly, and is something that physicians should be aware of when counseling their older patients.

For the research, the team investigated the body composition of just under 80 postmenopausal women (ages 50 to 70) who were not active either before or just after finishing a five-month diet. The team weighed the subjects at six and 12 months after weight loss, and looked at the body composition of anyone who regained at least 4.5 pounds.

Overall, the subjects lost about 12% of their body weight on the diet, but at 6-month follow-up, almost two-thirds of them had regained some weight. By the year of follow-up, nearly three-quarters of the subjects had recovered, including 11 who had gained even more than they had lost. At this point, 84% of the weight gainers were above the 4.5-pound benchmark.

The subjects had lost twice as much muscle as fat while following a low-calorie diet, but after they recovered their bodies had more than four times as much fat as muscle. Previous weight gain/regain studies conducted on younger subjects have shown that they generally gain fat and lean muscle at a similar rate to what they lost.

Of course, because the study didn’t have a control group of age-matched women who didn’t lose and then regain weight, no one can be sure that the alteration in lean muscle-to-fat composition isn’t just a natural process for his age. . This is a question that needs to be examined in the future.

On this same topic, an article published in 2009 discussed the changes in body composition of men and women aged 70 to 79 years, comparing those who had lost a minimum of 3% of their body weight and then regained it with those whose weight stayed the same. They found that so-called weight cycling may well contribute to an overall loss of lean muscle mass in older men. Here too, more research was needed.

Experts are still struggling to understand the natural changes in body composition over time. This is especially important today because so many of us are heavy and overweight people survive longer than ever. There are no good guidelines for doctors to follow in terms of treating obese older people. There are experts who believe that it is better to leave them as they are, some are totally opposed to older people losing weight.

While you’ll need to make your own decision in terms of weight loss after menopause, not only is there a very real risk of regaining it, but weight loss in later life can have a detrimental impact on your lean muscle-to-fat composition of your body In favor of weight loss in the elderly is the knowledge that when obese elderly patients lose weight, their osteoarthritis improves, they can move and use stairs more easily and this improvement in quality of life is invaluable. Only you can make the best decision for you and your circumstances.

If you are suffering from any type of hair loss that includes receding hairlines and thinning hair, keep reading this article.

I am about to share 3 simple remedies that you can start using today to stop hair loss and get thicker and stronger hair.

You see, hair loss is a common problem faced by most men and women today. And the reality is that losing your hair must be one of the hardest things to deal with. It can shatter your self-confidence, so you need to take action right away to remedy this problem.

Now hair loss could be caused by a variety of factors. Some of these factors include genetics, poor eating habits, use of the wrong hair products, vitamin deficiency, medications, and more.

With that said, I have good news for you.

If you want to regrow your hair naturally, you don’t have to resort to spending thousands of dollars on expensive products and treatments. You can use some highly effective and proven remedies from the comfort of your own home.

The only caveat is that these remedies require quite a bit of time, consistency, and patience. But if you can sacrifice a few hours a week, after several weeks you’ll be amazed at the results.

Here are 3 proven and effective remedies to stop hair loss and regrow your hair naturally.

Remedy #1 – Use eggs

Your hair needs protein to flourish and grow stronger and thicker. And eggs are a great source of essential protein.

To use this remedy, all you have to do is beat two eggs in a bowl and then apply the beaten eggs to your damp hair.

Make sure to place the eggs directly on the scalp so they can be absorbed into the hair follicles. Using your fingers, gently massage your head for about two to three minutes.

Now let the egg sit on your hair for 30-40 minutes, after which you can wash your hair with lukewarm water and organic shampoo.

You can use this remedy at least twice a week for best results.

Remedy #2 – Use Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Adding olive oil to your hair is a great way to moisturize your scalp while softening it at the same time. It also reduces scalp irritation, further reducing dandruff.

And of course this creates the perfect environment for natural hair growth.

To use this remedy, simply heat some virgin olive oil and then, using your fingertips, massage your head.

Make sure you don’t overheat the olive oil because you don’t want to burn yourself.

You can leave it on your head for 30-40 minutes or you can choose to leave it overnight after which you can wash your head with a mild shampoo.

Alternatively, you can also add some honey to olive oil before putting it on your head.

However, when using honey, you may want to wash your head after an hour or so instead of leaving it on overnight.

You can use this remedy at least twice a week for best results.

Remedy #3 – Use avocado and coconut oil

Both avocado and coconut are rich in monounsaturated fatty acids that nourish and strengthen hair follicles while providing hydration for a dazzling shine.

Avocado is also rich in vitamin E, which is an essential vitamin for natural hair growth. Coconut oil, on the other hand, also protects the strands from outside damage.

To use this remedy, simply use a fork to mash a ripe avocado in a bowl and add about two tablespoons of coconut oil. Mix the two together to form a thick paste.

Apply the mixture to your hair starting at the ends of the hair and work your way down to the scalp.

Leave it on for about 1 hour and then rinse your hair with lukewarm water. After that, wash with a mild shampoo and deep condition with an organic conditioner.

You can use this remedy at least twice a week for best results.

During your weight loss journey, you will find that the fat around your belly is the most stubborn to change. In fact, he is always the last to leave. The irony is that most people usually go to the gym with the goal of getting a six pack or getting that flat tummy in time for summer. However, once they train for a few weeks, they realize that losing belly fat isn’t just about going to the gym twice a week and then eating whatever you want. Belly fat can be pretty stubborn to lose. But not all is lost; here is a basic guide on how to lose belly fat in 5 simple steps.

1. Run

Running is the worst enemy of abdominal fat. In fact, it is one of the easiest ways to lose belly fat fast. Running works out all the muscles in your body instead of focusing on just one particular body part. Running will help you lose weight in general. It’s also a good cardio workout. However, due to its intensity, it is advisable to consult your doctor before starting to lose weight. The great thing about running is that it doesn’t require any equipment and anyone can do it. All you have to do is start slow. Alternate between fast walking and jogging, then incorporate slow running when you feel comfortable enough to do so.

2. Full body workouts

In order for you to achieve maximum results in your weight loss journey, it’s best to focus on exercises that burn fat throughout your entire body rather than those that target only a specific part of your body. In other words, you’ll achieve maximum results by doing a full-body workout instead of

doing abdominal exercises alone. Intense and vigorous workouts help you burn fat from all over your body, including your belly. Also, combining aerobic exercises with strength training would help you get that flat stomach much faster.

3. Avoid added sugar

Added sugars may be the reason you still have those love handles despite hitting the gym regularly. Try to minimize your intake of added sugars, as these are digested directly into carbohydrates, the excess of which is stored as abdominal fat. Alcohol is also not your friend here. So the next time you’re out shopping, pay extra attention to food labels and steer clear of anything with added sugar. Eat natural foods whenever you can, just as Mother Nature intended.

4. Avoid refined foods

Refined foods are just as dangerous (if not more so) than added sugar. Most highly processed foods don’t have much nutritional value anymore. All they do is become “garbage” in your body. These foods are also often full of cholesterol, which is one of the main contributors to belly fat.

5. Watch your carbohydrates

If your daily food intake always includes a bag of chips or a piece of candy, then it’s time you reconsidered your weight loss strategy. All excess calories eventually end up being stored as fat in your body. So for faster results, keep track of your carbohydrate intake. Make sure the amount you eat is less than the amount you use. Increase the proportion of lean protein in your diet for optimal benefit.

Belly fat can be very stubborn at times. However, these 5 easy steps on how to lose belly fat can help you get closer to your goal of achieving a flat stomach. Always eat healthy food and exercise regularly. Monitor your food intake and don’t set unrealistic goals. Avoid high calorie foods as added sugar and your belly fat will melt away.

Bench Press Countdown Workout

This is a bench press workout that my training partner and I used before the 2008 British Bench Press Championships where I lifted 225kg raw. This was my biggest raw bench and I proved to myself that my training principles worked.

The training consists of four workouts over a period of ten days. Individual sessions alternate as follows:

  1. Heavy bench press and assist.
  2. Heavy squats and speed deadlifts.
  3. Speed ​​bench press and assistance.
  4. Speed ​​squats and heavy deadlifts.

The 10 day cycle is a mini cycle of workouts within a larger cycle lasting 30 days and this larger cycle is part of an even larger cycle lasting 90 days. Once in the 30-day period, a single repetition max of 1 repetition was attempted to calculate progress. Each 30-day cycle focuses on a specific bank support team, eg gangs or chains. Before starting this training program, my training partner and I benched our 1-rep max so we could calculate weight percentages. My 1 rep max was 195kg. We trained three days a week on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. The shoulders were trained hard and heavy on speed day.

The workouts are as follows:


  • Under the weight column I have written the % of my 1 rep max for the flat bench only. This figure is approximate and is rounded to the nearest 5 or 10 kilogram jump.
  • On the days not mentioned, for example, on Wednesday of the first 10 day cycle I am training squats and deadlifts.
  • All close grip vises are lowered to a height of 3 boards.
  • On heavy bench day I always do close grip press as well.
  • Perform a proper warm-up before exercise, including the warm-up in the specific exercise.
  • All workouts are done with wrist wraps only.

First cycle of 30 days

Monday Flat bench press 5 sets 5 reps @ 160kg (80%) Friday Speed ​​bench press 8 sets 3 reps @ 100kg (50%) Wednesday Flat bench press 8 sets 3 reps @ 175kg (90%) Monday Speed ​​bench press 12 sets 2 reps @ 100kg (50%) Friday Flat bench press 3 sets 1 rep @ 200kg MAX. Wednesday Speed ​​bench press 12 sets 2 reps @ 100kg (50%)

On heavy bench training day complete 2 chest assist exercises and 3 triceps assist exercises. The exercises are from the following lists, but the list is not exhaustive and other exercises can be added:

bank stand Incline Press Decline Press Flat, Incline, Decline Flyes Pec Dec Flye Floor Press

triceps support Close Grip Press Skull Crushers / Kettlebell / Barbell Tricep Pressdown Dips Rack Lockouts

This cycle now repeats for the second 30 day cycle only now instead of just pressing I entered BANDS. I used medium blue wooden bands that add about 20kg to the weight of the bar at the top of the movement, meaning an “empty” bar now weighed 40kg. My rep max had now increased to 200kg so all calculations now have to be done with this new weight, however due to the introduction of the bands I actually reduced the barbell weight by 10kg! The bands were used for both speed and heavy days.

At the end of the second 30-day cycle, we tested our 1-rep max bench again to figure out what barbell weight we needed for our third and final cycle. My one rep max had now increased to 205kg and I was feeling very strong and happy to have broken the 200kg barrier.

The third cycle repeated the previous two, only instead of bands we introduced CHAINS. To each side of the bar I added 17.5kg of chain weight, meaning an “empty” bar now weighed 55kg. My one rep max had now increased to 205kg so I had to recalculate my training percentages to account for this. Chains were used for both speed and heavy days.

Finally at the end of this cycle I tried my 1 rep max again and managed to bench press 210kg. The most he had accomplished without using specialized equipment. I was obviously delighted with the result and both my training partner and I had never felt stronger. Now I completely rested for 2 weeks, not training even once during this period. Then on Saturday I competed in the British Championships and benched 225kg which surprised me as I was 15kg above my previous best which shows how important rest and nutrition are within a training routine.

conclusion Gangs and chains seem confusing and are often hard to control, but persistence can pay off big. The chest’s explosive power is greatly increased, driving it past previous sticking points. Training only ‘heavy’ once every 10 days allowed the muscles to fully recover and I felt fresh for every workout. Speed ​​training further increased explosive power and allowed me to bench press faster even on heavy days.

For more bench press information, bench press tips, bench press videos, and bench press workouts, visit my website at

As you’re probably aware, there are numerous books on hypoglycemia diet. If you’ve had the opportunity to read some of them – or some of the articles on that topic – you’re probably aware that many disagree on what type of diet to follow.

First of all, know that each author has enough confirmation and evidence that his or her diet is successful. Most likely, they all are. Probably, this is due to the fact that the most serious offenders (sugar, white flour, alcohol, caffeine and tobacco) are eliminated and six small meals are consumed instead. That’s common to all hypoglycemia diets.

But the key to a successful hypoglycemia diet lies in how you personalize it. Every person is unique. Therefore, every diet must be made to measure to meet our individual nutritional requirements.

The list of allowable foods that your physician gives you, or the list you’ve read in your favorite book on hypoglycemia, are only guidelines. A more appropriate list for you will come with time and patience, trial and error. Pay attention to what your body is telling you. It will let you know when it cannot tolerate food.

So basically, follow the suggestions in the following 12 do’s and don’ts, and, if all goes well, with just a few adjustments during your course of treatment, a new, healthier, happier and more energetic you will gradually appear.

1-DO… keep track, on a daily basis, of everything you eat for one to two weeks. In the left column, list every bit of food, drink and medication that you take and at what time of the day. Directly opposite each entry, list in the right column your symptoms and the time at which you experience them. Very often you will see a connection between what you’ve consumed and the symptoms you’re experiencing. When that happens, eliminate those foods or drinks that you notice are apparently contributing to how you feel and notice the difference. DO NOT STOP MEDICATION. If you believe that your medication may be contributing to your symptoms, contact your physician. A diet journal is your personal roadmap: a clear view of what you’re eating, digesting and assimilating. It can be the first indicator that something is wrong and, perhaps, a very inexpensive way of correcting a very “simple” problem.

2-DO… eliminate the “baddies” … those foods, drinks and chemicals that cause you the most problems: the “worst baddies” are sugar, white flour, alcohol, caffeine and tobacco. However, you DO have to be very careful as to when and how you eliminate those offending substances. Only YOU, with the guidance of a health-care professional, can decide how much, and how fast. Some people choose to go at a steady pace. For example, if you drink six cups of coffee a day, gradually reduce consumption over a period of days or weeks. If, like me, you drink only two coffees a day, but you put three teaspoons of sugar in each cup, reduce the sugar gradually until you can drink it without. It took me six weeks to get there, but I did it. The same is true for food or tobacco. If you’re heavily addicted to the “baddies”, especially alcohol, then withdrawal should not be undertaken unless you’re under the care of a physician.

3-DO…replace those “bad-for-you” foods immediately with good, wholesome, nutritious food and snacks as close to their natural state as possible. The recommended list includes lean meats, chicken (no skin), whole grains, vegetables and allowable fruits. You want to prevent deprivation from setting in, especially the “poor ole me, I’ve got nothing good to eat” attitude. Hey, there’s plenty to eat.

4-C… eat six small meals a day. Or you can have three meals with a snack in between. One of the keys to successfully manage your low blood sugar or hypoglycemia is to NOT over eat, and to eat at fairly regular intervals.

5-DO… what you need to do to be prepared to keep your blood sugar stabilized at all times, whether you’re at home, at the office, at school or on holidays. When you’re home, you should always have allowable foods ready in the refrigerator or in the cupboards. Also, it’s a great idea to always keep appropriate snacks in your car or where you work. And in your backpack when travelling.

6-DO… pay attention to the amount of ‘natural’ foods or drinks you consume. Even though juices are labeled ‘natural’, you’ll find that they contain high amounts of sugar. And for your body, sugar is sugar is sugar…and your body will react to an excess of it. That’s because whether or not the sugar you consume is ‘natural’, your body, unfortunately for you, doesn’t know the difference.

7-DO… your research and put together your own library of cookbooks. They don’t absolutely have to be for hypoglycemics. There are many good cookbooks available that contain recipes with no or little sugar, and few or no carbohydrates.

8-DON’T… freak out when you first hear about all the foods you like that you must now eliminate from your diet. Read the list – and check out the glycemic index list – and keep repeating all the foods that you CAN eat. There are many of them.

9-DON’T… go anywhere without being fully prepared with proper and allowable meals and snacks. If you want a healthier you – and a happier you – this is one of the keys to success.

10-DON’T… skip breakfast. Ever. If you suffer from low blood sugar or hypoglycemia, breakfast IS the most important meal of the day. It really sets the tone for how your day is going to unfold, energy wise.

11-DON’T…even think of comparing your results or your progress (or lack of) with others’. Each person’s metabolism is different. If you’re feeling better and better week after week, you’re doing the right things. Keep it up.

12-DON’T… obsess about your diet. If you constantly think about what you can and can’t eat, you’ll increase your levels of fear, stress and frustration.

Eat well, be well, live well!

How do muscle building supplements work? To answer this question, you must first learn what the process of building muscle mass looks like.

The bodybuilding process seems easy. All you have to do is lift weights, eat the right nutrition, and take the best muscle-building supplements, right? There comes a time when you hit a plateau, but you can also get out of it with the help of supplements. So how do your muscles work and how do supplements stimulate their growth?

There are 2 forms of muscle fibers in your body, namely:

  • Type 1 muscle fibers, also known as slow-twitch muscle fibers
  • Type 2 muscle fibers, also known as fast-twitch muscle fibers

Type 1 muscle fibers are in charge when you do resistance exercises, while type 2 muscle fibers are large muscle fibers that help with muscle strength and size when you do strength training. Your muscles grow if you damage your type 2 fibers by lifting weights and applying enough tension to activate your satellite cells. These cells are located on top of your muscles and help grow, maintain, and repair your muscles. Lifting heavy objects activates your satellite cells. When you lift heavy weights, microtears form in your muscle fibers which then result in the production of satellite cells where they proceed to the damaged areas of your muscles. Satellite cells use protein substances from your store of nutrition to strengthen and thicken your muscles. This is how you become muscular and stocky.

Scientists have developed muscle building supplements to enhance this process of muscle growth. These supplements work on your energy, hormonal, and nutritional systems for faster bodybuilding. What are the 3 best muscle building supplements?

  1. hormonal supplements– The 2 types of these muscle building supplements are testosterone boosters and growth hormones. Testosterone is a natural hormone in the body and helps improve muscle protein synthesis. What testosterone boosters do is increase your testosterone levels because its production can be hampered by certain factors. Growth hormone supplements, on the other hand, increase the body’s production of growth hormones so you build muscle. Aging and high training loads decrease your GH production, which is why you need a boost through supplementation.
  2. energy supplements– The most effective energy supplements for building muscle are caffeine and creatine. You need to be careful because some energy supplements induce weight loss, which can work against your muscle-building gains. Therefore, you should stick to caffeine and creatine energy supplements to build muscle. Caffeine is the stimulating substance in coffee. It blocks chemicals in the brain that promote sleep. When you take caffeine supplements, you’ll have a faster heart rate, your airways will open, and blood flow to your muscles will increase. Caffeine supplements enhance your muscle building workouts. Take it before strength training and you’ll do more reps. Improve your overall strength. Training harder becomes more possible with the help of caffeine supplements. Meanwhile, creatine supplements increase the supply of amino acids. It’s easier to do a few extra reps with the push that creatine provides, helping you grow stronger and bigger. Your muscle cells are hydrated and, in turn, accelerate recovery and muscle growth.
  3. Nutritional supplements for muscle recovery– These supplements are taken to supplement your diet. You can’t supplement your path to good nutrition alone. Supplements have to go with a healthy diet. A necessary nutritional supplement to build muscle is whey protein. Taking whey protein shake as post-workout nutrition improves muscle repair and recovery. Another essential nutrient is fish oil which is rich in omega-3 vitamins. Taking this supplement reduces inflammation, improves blood circulation to the brain, and strengthens the cell membrane. Fish oil supplements are also one of the best muscle building supplements that promote faster muscle recovery during training.

You already know that getting enough protein is essential for bodybuilding and trying to gain weight. But how much protein is the body capable of absorbing in a single sitting? Should you space your protein intake over six to eight meals a day to promote optimal absorption? Or can you stick with three meals a day and still meet your needs? Let’s take a closer look at this topic.

meal frequency

First of all, we need to dispel the myth that you must eat six to eight meals a day or your body will go into a catabolic state. This is completely untrue and if you are three hours and one minute from your last meal, all your progress will not stop.

Bodybuilding websites often say that you need to eat as often throughout the day if you hope to gain weight, but the main reason for this is not to prevent catabolism (breakdown of muscles), but to help you get those calories.

If you’re a man who needs 5,000 calories a day to build muscle, imagine eating meals that contain between 1,500 and 2,000 calories. You will be FILLING!

protein needs

Regardless of WHEN you get your protein, one thing is for sure and that is that you will need enough. If you’re not eating one gram per pound of body weight, you may not be getting the maximum results from your bodybuilding program and need to fix it right away.

While you don’t need much more than a gram per pound, going short of this number is something you don’t want to risk.

Get that protein, every day, every time.

protein frequency

Which now brings us to why we’re here: to talk about the frequency of proteins. This is going to depend on a couple of things.

First, if you have trained in the last few hours. Immediately after a training period, the body’s utilization of protein will be high, so it’s a smart plan to get a bit more during this time period.

After that, we need to look at your individual metabolic rate. Obviously, the faster you are burning calories and metabolizing cellular processes, the higher your need for protein frequency.

However, as a result of this, if you eat more protein per session, it will counteract this effect as it will take longer to metabolize the protein you ate at each meal.

Finally, the last factor that comes into play is the form of protein you consume. If it is a simple whey protein concentrate or powder, these are digested quite quickly. If it was a piece of red meat or some casein protein like that found in cottage cheese, then your body will feed on that for hours (assuming you’ve been given enough of it).

So, to summarize, don’t worry too much about going three hours without a serving of protein as long as:

1. Meet your total protein needs on a daily basis and never fall short.

2. Eat good quality protein sources that are naturally slower to digest.

3. Not dieting (eating excess calories, which you should because this is necessary to gain muscle in the first place).

Doing all these things should ensure that you don’t run into problems. Also keep in mind that the old notion that you can only use 30 grams of protein at a time is completely off the mark. The body is capable of handling much higher doses when it needs to, so don’t let that influence your meal planning process.

Do you know that to keep your heart healthy and your weight under control, you need to walk at least 10,000 steps every day? This may sound daunting, but many activities you do every day, like running errands or housework, can add up to a few hundred or even thousands of steps for you.

To maintain your health and ensure you hit 10,000 steps each day, here are some simple and easy exercises you can do at home. These exercise routines not only help you stay fit but also tone your body as they work on some specific muscle groups. They are much more effective than general exercises like running errands and housework. These are the exercises that you can easily do at home:

– Stretching exercises. Stand with both hands against a wall and swing your left leg back so your foot is flat on the ground. Wait for a few seconds; then repeat this movement with the right leg. Another great stretching exercise you can do is to lie on your back, use both hands, bring your right knee to your chest, and hold for a few seconds. Repeat this routine with the left leg.

– Curl is very easy to do. Simply lie on your back with both hands behind your head and raise your upper body. Repeat this movement 15 to 20 times.

– Leg exercises can be done by lying on your side and lifting each leg repeatedly 15 to 20 times. You can also stand and hold on to the back of a chair and lift your legs back repeatedly.

– Arm exercises. This is important to improve muscle tone. For arm exercises, you can use an exercise band. Place both feet on one end of the band, hold the other ends with each hand, and then repeatedly raise and lower the band (in an up-and-down motion for 10 to 15 minutes). If you have a pair of dumbbells, you can also use them to exercise your arms.

– If you are working at home and sitting in front of your computer most of the time, try pressing your toes down in an up and down motion frequently. This activity will help maintain blood circulation in your legs.

– If you know how to dance, put on a music CD and dance for about 20-30 minutes. This is a great cardiovascular exercise. You can also incorporate push-ups, sit-ups, and jumping rope into your daily exercise routine at home.

– Exercise for the abdominals. I found a great 8 minute video showing how to do abs exercises at home. You can watch the video at “The Best Abs Workout at Home – Just 8 Minutes.”

NOTE: Always do some stretches to warm up before starting any exercise routine to prevent injuries.

As a personal trainer, clients always ask me what is the best way to tone their shoulders, arms, back, and chest so they can reshape muscle definition, tighten sagging flesh around the upper arms, and have beautiful shoulders to show off. strappy blouses

Until now, I have always talked to them about exercises with dumbbells and resistance bands, shown them how to use their body weight to exercise, or instructed them in the use of resistance machines in the gym. But now I have found something new that will tone your entire upper body and legs as well, is completely portable and lightweight and costs much less than a gym membership. It’s called the Flex Shaper and I like it, so I’m doing some Flex Shaper reviews. It’s portable, smart, gives great results and is easy to use, as well as good value for money. That ticks all my boxes!

Having a piece of home exercise equipment like the Flex Shaper works like a bargain as you can tone several major muscle groups with it. Flex it overhead for shapely shoulders; pull it towards you to get a beautiful back; hold it under his arm to tone those biceps and push it down to trim those wobbly triceps. Even more, the Flex Shaper can also trim your lower body; squeeze the Flex Shaper between your knees to work your inner thighs and produce sleek, shapely legs.

The unique selling point of this new beast is the coil spring bit in the center that provides resistance in both directions. When you squeeze the handles toward each other (the concentric phase of the exercise), this requires your muscles to tense and shorten, making those muscles work and toning them. But with Flex Shaper your muscles also have to control the return phase of the exercise, unlike conventional exercise tools. This is the eccentric part of the exercise: your muscles lengthen, but they still have to work.

At this point, if you were working out with dumbbells or a resistance band, you’d have to keep repeating the exercise for best effect, but the Flex Shaper has made your muscles work twice as hard with just one rep, so you’re doubling your results. This means shorter workouts, which pleases me and my clients to no end! And doing this type of training gives good results in less time, producing long, lean, well-shaped muscles without bulking up and burning a lot of calories at the same time.

It’s pretty hard to tone your upper back, upper shoulder, and front upper arm muscles without equipment, so if I had to pick one piece, I’d probably go with this new Flex Shaper. , small enough to hide it. away anywhere in your home, light enough to carry in your case on the go and versatile enough to tone your entire upper body and thighs too. And did I mention it costs less than a month’s gym membership? Sounds good to me!