Category Archive : Health Fitness

Over twelve months, more than 50% of American consumers begin to cut calories to lose weight. Losing a few pounds isn’t easy for most people, and some manage to keep their body weight off. The challenge of losing a few pounds and staying slim leads many people to switch to a specialized or commercialized weight loss support system. When it comes to signing up for a fat loss program, make a smart choice.

Apparently, some of the professional weight loss programs could help, as long as they effectively keep you motivated to improve how you normally eat or increase the level of fats you lose during regular strenuous activity.

What should I keep in mind when looking for a fat loss system?

• Make sure it is safe to use. Even if you make your fat reduction plan unique or use a professional one, make sure it is reputable. A good eating habit should incorporate each of the regularly prescribed ranges of supplements, enzymes, and protein-rich foods. The diet should be reduced only in excess fat (resistance), away from nutritional supplements or vital nutrients. In general, a diet plan consisting of 1,000 to 1,200 calories from fat per day should be identified for many women; An eating plan between 1,200 calories per day and 1,600 calories per day should be preferred for men, so check with your doctor initially.

• Slower and more constant weight loss. This system needs to be gradually redirected; steady weight loss, except when your health care provider thinks your health could be improved by faster fat loss. Expect to lose no more than a pound a week after the first week or two. With many low-fat diets, there is an initial instant weight loss during the first week or two, but this loss is basically fluid. Your initial rapid fluid reduction may also come quickly once you resume an average intake of fatty foods. As a result, a sensible purpose of losing weight can be expected. The rate of weight loss should be 1 to 2 pounds per week.

Whenever you are looking for a marketed diet program, you should definitely be aware of the fees and charges for additional products such as dietary supplements or food. Other crucial things to ask any prospective weight loss program include:

• Are the staff qualified consultants or health experts such as registered dietitians, physicians, and exercise physiologists?
• Are food choices appropriate and acceptable?
• Are weight loss goals set by the health professional/or by the client?
• Exactly how much is the average weight loss among people who completed the program and per year?
• Are there any side effects or any other problems clients have with this program? What exactly are these?
• Is there a maintenance program available to maintain or maintain the weight lost once it has been lost?

If you intend to lose approximately 15 to 20 pounds, have any health problems, or are undergoing ongoing treatment, you should be evaluated by your physician before beginning a weight loss program. Your doctor may assess your current health conditions that may be affected by weight loss and diet.

It is of slight benefit to lose a large amount of weight only to gain it back. Your weight loss program should include plans to keep the weight off after the program ends.

Body weight maintenance is the most difficult part of weight management and is not consistently implemented in weight loss programs. The program you select should help you make progress in your eating habits, increase your activity, and help you change other lifestyle habits that caused your weight gain in the past.

It is said that being overweight is often seen as a short-term dilemma that can be managed within a few months with an efficient diet program. In any case, as most overweight people have heard, weight control should be considered a lifelong endeavor. To be efficient and safe, any weight loss program must address the long-term approach or else the program is mostly a waste of time and money.

If you’re currently looking to build muscle, the type of food you eat will undoubtedly make a difference.

If you think you can pack on pounds of muscle on a diet consisting of egg whites, vegetables, oatmeal, and fish oil capsules, you are sorely mistaken.

While that may work very well for those looking for lose fat mass, when it comes to building muscle, you’ll need a different protocol.

Focusing on foods that are higher in calories and not entirely “clean” is often the best way to go if you want to experience noticeable results in a shorter period of time.

The reason I say don’t eat completely clean foods is because it can be difficult to rack up the calories you need to gain weight if you only eat these types of foods.

With that said, overall nutrition is definitely still important because regardless of whether or not you gain muscle, you still want to be healthy and have these muscles looking good.

Therefore, the following foods are “must haves” when it comes to your diet program.

Raw Nuts, Mixed

Try not to focus on just one type of nut, as the nutritional profile will vary slightly from nut to nut. In general, though, nuts are an excellent source of high-density energy, which will mean more weight gain for you.

fresh blackberries

When it comes to choosing fruits, you really can’t be berries. Loaded with antioxidants, they will really help keep your immune system fully functional, meaning you won’t have to worry about missing time in the gym due to illness.


To gain good quality weight, you’ll need to eat your share of healthy fat. Avocados help make this possible and are used beautifully in a variety of ways, from chopping them into salads, adding them to vegetable dishes, or creating them as a condiment.


Consuming at least two servings of salmon is important because, firstly, it will give your body the amino acids it needs to form new muscle tissue, and secondly, because it has a high profile of omega-3 fatty acids.

lean meat

While beef is typically avoided by those who are more focused on losing weight, it should be a mainstay in the diet of those trying to gain weight. Not only does it contain iron, which is necessary to transport oxygen to muscle tissue, but it is also a source of protein with more calories than egg whites or chicken.


Yes, even when trying to gain weight, you should still eat vegetables. Broccoli has a good amount of vitamin C, which helps to further boost your immune system, along with many other essential vitamins and minerals.

So make sure your diet includes these items. You can be a little more creative when it comes to meals while trying to build muscle versus lose fat, so definitely take advantage of this fact.

While searching for the best way to get rid of my thick midsection, I noticed that the so-called “experts” in nutrition seem to disagree on what are the best foods to help melt fat in addition to general good health.

I’m here to tell you that in my experience, one of the most important lessons I’ve learned is that I don’t need to stick to any of the “fad diets”…low carb here, low fat there. of ideas I’ve always had ripped abs, they were just hiding under a thick and stubborn layer of body fat…not anymore! I believe that balance has been the key to my success along with a nutrition based, whole food diet. Let’s face the facts here; it’s today’s heavy food processing that makes our system go haywire.

OK, here it is… the following is what the experts told me to do, which I followed with flying colors:

1) Getting enough good protein in your diet is a good thing. Not only are you satisfied longer without wanting to knock down a candy store, but it’s the springboard to building and maintaining muscle mass. The amount of lean muscle you carry is said to be one of the main factors in controlling your metabolism.

2) Fiber is next on the list. There is a good source of fiber in fruits, vegetables and grains. Try to avoid refined sugars and refined grains, it’s one of the pleasures I had to eliminate from my daily routine and one of the reasons many people struggle with body fat. Like protein, fiber also helps fill you up.

3) Next up is, don’t completely cut fat out of your diet…I didn’t know it can affect your hormone levels in a negative way, in addition to causing cravings. Experts say “try to eat enough healthy fats every day.” Once I found out what they were talking about, I was happy to go on. Some of the great foods I like that have the fats the experts are talking about are: avocados (great in grilled chicken sandwiches), olive oil (when cooking), nuts (one of my favorite snacks), and eggs (perfect to start the day).

4) There are two things I learned that were a little harder to follow, but I set a goal for myself and was willing to follow it to the end. Many processed foods have the following good taste, but are unpleasant for the junk they contain.

– high fructose corn syrup: in most of the sweetened products that exist.

– Artificial trans fats: margarines, vegetable shortening and hydrogenated oils that seem to have found their way into most of the processed foods we consume today.

I learned that if I followed these 4 guidelines, I, too, could lose the stubborn fat that made me hesitate to take my shirt off in public. There is much more to share with you, but old age has taken its toll on my memory. I would like to share with you where I learned about nutrition and, in turn, lost the flaccidity that covered my abdomen.

Es Cana/Es Canar, which is a small beach resort in this archipelago of Spain, is a perfect holiday destination for you, if you just want to relax and have a good time. A lot of sun and water will do wonders for your stress levels and your body.

Enjoy some casual shopping

Ibiza is a place that is always buzzing with some activity or another. If you take a look at local event calendars, you’ll find one thing or another to your liking. As well as there are some local markets that you can explore for some crafts and food. San José Organic Food and Craft Market, Forada Market, Las Dalias Hippy Market are some of the nice places to explore in the area.

es canar beach

If you’re staying at the resort, enjoy the beach and a healthy mix of outdoor activities, water activities, relaxing spa massages, dining and lounging. Moe’s Sports bar and grill will offer some of the local cuisines and a mix of other foods.

The long horseshoe-shaped beach of golden sand is very captivating and just lazing here, drinking a mocktail or surfing in the sea will fill your days with joy and whet your appetite. Your children will definitely love building the sand castles that they have seen in the movies.

If you visit Es Cana from Santa Eulalia or any other neighboring city, we recommend that you stay for a few days and relax here. Enjoy water skiing, pedal boating along with a bit of parasailing and then take a break and enjoy a sumptuous lunch. In the evening, take a banana boat and take a short trip in the port. You can also choose to do some fishing.

kentucky derby

For horse lovers, it will be fun to be a part of this Derby. If you are with your family and are looking for an exciting evening, come here and bet on a horse or mare. With big prizes up for grabs, who knows what their luck will be this time?

various bars

This place is mostly popular for its bars, and Charlies Bar, Popeyes Bar, Rio’s Bar are some of the popular bars here. During the match season, like now the FIFA world cup season, these places get very crowded. For the most part, prices are reasonable with plenty of drink options. The tribute acts at Popeyes are quite popular and most of the tourists visit the place to witness them.

Ski Pepe Water Sports

Vacations at this small resort won’t be complete unless your kids and family take trips on paddle boats, banana boats, wakeboards, and inflatable donuts. Spend the whole day outdoors and enjoy the adrenaline throughout the day.

You can even think about taking a charter that has a capacity for nine people and tour the nearby islands. Visit the coves or beach of Ibiza or Formentera, Benirras beach and other surrounding places.

So don’t waste any more time and book your tickets now.

If you want to know if you’re one of the 80 percent of people who can control high blood pressure or cholesterol with diet alone, ask your doctor for your current numbers. follow me Show me! Diet single two weeks, then have your doctor recheck your cholesterol, triglycerides, and blood pressure.

The only foods you eat on SHOW ME! diet are oatmeal for breakfast and whole-grain salads for lunch and dinner (see recipe below). You won’t need to go hungry, because you decide the portion size. Don’t stuff yourself, but eat until you are comfortably full and satisfied. If you prefer small meals and frequent snacks, that’s fine too; just split your salads and eat as often as you like. You can also have oatmeal at other times of the day if you wish.

Breakfast Instructions: Use long-cooking oats (rolled, steel cut, Scottish or Irish style). Do not use quick or instant cooking oats. To save time, cook a large batch, enough for several days or a week, following package directions. Store leftovers in a refrigerator container and reheat each day’s serving on a microwaveable plate.

Season your oatmeal with a little cinnamon or nutmeg and add a handful of raisins or other dried fruit to the pot if you like. You can also add fresh fruit, up to a cup of the fruit of your choice, but eat the fruit with oatmeal, not just as a snack. If you like milk in your oatmeal, use skim milk, nonfat yogurt, or low-fat soymilk or other vegetarian milk. Do not take it as a drink; this is just for your oatmeal.

Note: If you can’t eat oatmeal for some reason, substitute brown rice or another whole grain, flavored and served the same way as oatmeal. Look for brown rice with at least 3 grams of fiber. Or try Kashi Breakfast Pilaf, a whole grain mix that’s widely available and delicious.

Beverages: For breakfast, lunch, dinner, and any time in between, beverages should NOT contain calories. Use water (plain, flavored, or sparkling; tap water is fine), tea, or any other calorie-free beverage you like.

Once you’ve proven to yourself and your doctor that you can control your blood pressure and cholesterol with your diet, you’ll need to learn to follow this diet for the rest of your life. Visit my website for the research behind this program, complete instructions, menus, and dozens of recipes to show you that eating this way is not only easy, it’s delicious and satisfying.

Mixed and combined salad recipe

Mix & Match Salads are whole foods in a salad bowl. Start with any lettuce or salad greens you like, and add ANY other vegetables, fruit, whole grains, beans, and other foods from the list below. Try to get several different bright colors in the container, including something red, orange, or yellow. Here is just one example:

2 romaine lettuce hearts, cut crosswise into 1/2″ strips

1 10-ounce box grape tomatoes (small)

1 6-ounce jar marinated artichoke hearts, drained

1 ripe avocado, cut into 1/2″ pieces

1 red bell pepper, cut into 1/4″ strips

1 3-ounce can sockeye salmon

1/4 cup grated Parmesan or Romano cheese

1 teaspoon cajun spice mix, or to taste

2 tablespoons rice vinegar or light wine vinegar

Mix all the ingredients in a salad bowl and serve.

2-3 servings

That is just one of the infinite possible combinations. Start with 3-4 cups of salad greens per person. Then add as many vegetables, whole grains, beans, fruits, spices and seasonings as you like. You can also add limited amounts of the following:

Seafood: maximum of 6 ounces (2 3-ounce servings) per day

Cheese: 1 ounce dry cheese (low-fat), counts as a dairy serving, maximum 3 per day

Nuts and seeds: maximum of 1/4 cup (2 servings of 2 tablespoons) per day

Oils – up to 1 tablespoon olive oil in your dressing if you like, or use your favorite low-calorie bottled dressing

Use your Mix & Match Salads twice a day in the Show me! Dietor anytime you want an easy, healthy meal.

Leptin is a hormone produced by fat cells that was first discovered in 1994 by Jeffery Friedman. It’s the original “hunger hormone.” Like all hormones, leptin is a chemical messenger. When it comes to leptin, the message leptin sends is “I’m full.” Leptin is produced by fat cells, travels through the bloodstream, and then acts on the brain’s appetite centers, signaling feelings of fullness. When leptin levels are low, you feel hungry and motivated to search for food.

People with leptin deficiency are hungry all the time and very overweight. They can take leptin injections and lose a lot of weight without diet or exercise. The problem is that leptin deficiency is extremely rare. In my career, treating thousands of overweight and obese patients, I have never seen a case of leptin deficiency (nor have any of my colleagues).

So if leptin deficiency is so rare, why all the hype about this hormone? It turns out that most overweight or obese people have dysfunctional leptin. In fact, your fat cells produce large amounts of leptin. But since leptin is not working properly, the huge amount that is produced is still not enough to suppress appetite, making a person feel hungry all the time. Indeed, even if leptin levels are high, since they are not working properly, the body thinks that leptin is low. With leptin resistance, the brain doesn’t get the message that it’s time to stop eating, time to lose weight. Leptin resistance causes the brain to protect the body from perceived starvation, even in people who are profoundly overweight.

The following are symptoms of leptin resistance.

  1. Do you feel hungry all the time?
  2. Do you have unexplained weight gain?
  3. Is your weight slowly increasing over time?
  4. Do you have cravings for comfort foods, fast food, or high-calorie foods?
  5. Not hungry for breakfast or skipping breakfast?
  6. Do you overeat at dinner?
  7. Do you have excess body fat?
  8. Do you have unusual eating patterns or does your diet vary significantly from day to day?
  9. Does weight loss stop after losing only 5-10 pounds?
  10. Do you have insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome, prediabetes or diabetes?
  11. Do you have arthritis, asthma, lupus or allergies?
  12. Do you have high blood pressure or high cholesterol?
  13. Do you have bad sleep, interrupted sleep or short sleep?

If you answered “yes” to 3 or more of these questions, you most likely have leptin resistance.

Leptin resistance means your brain thinks you’re starving when the reality is quite the opposite. Dysfunctional leptin drives appetite and especially cravings for high-calorie foods and junk food. The brain is doing everything it can to avoid hunger.

Leptin resistance also causes lower metabolism and can lead to a host of other hormonal problems like insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes, polycystic ovary syndrome, low testosterone levels (in men), and thyroid problems.

How is leptin resistance resolved?

Next week, I’m going to show you ways to make your leptin work better and more efficiently so you can lose weight permanently.

If you’re a vegetarian following the Medifast diet or just looking for some variety in your meal planning, some of your options for your Medifast lean green meal include meatless burgers made by Morningstar Farms. But you might be wondering how many Morningstar Farms burgers are in Medifast, right? So let’s take a look at the guidelines.

First of all, you should know that there are three different vegetarian brands of empanadas that you can eat on the Medifast diet. They are Morningstar Farms, Boca Burger and GardenBurger.

For each of these brands, you want to check the nutritional information, since you need to select burgers that have less than six grams of carbohydrates each. If none of these brands are available to you or there are other meatless patties you’d like to try, I think it would be fine to follow the same guidelines, but also try to match the nutritional stats of the approved products when looking at another brand.

Your serving size for Morningstar Farms (or other brands) is two hamburger patties as part of your Lean Green Meal. As you can see, the portion is quite generous and that should keep your appetite in check while you take care of your hunger and nutritional needs for the day.

While you won’t be able to enjoy your veggie burgers with a bun since bun isn’t on the plan due to high carbs, you might want to try some lettuce wraps as a good alternative. Romaine lettuce makes a great wrap, but for a little more crunch, try some iceberg lettuce. Other popular lettuces for making sandwich wraps include red lettuce, butterhead lettuce, raddicchio, and large spinach leaves.

To make your lettuce wraps, you can simply cut up Morningstar Farms Veggie Burgers, add some chopped onions, some cabbage, and heat it all up to put on your lettuce wraps. If you eat dairy, consider adding two tablespoons of low-carb ranch dressing for a delicious option. And if you don’t eat dairy, you can cook your veggie patties in two teaspoons of canola oil instead of using nonstick cooking spray. Or stick to nonstick spray and chop up 5-10 black olives and add them to your lettuce wraps for a great-tasting, lean green Medifast meal.

The elliptical trainer is relatively new to the family of cardio machines. They have two big pedals. During your workout, your feet follow an ellipse-shaped path, which is like a stretched-out oval. Hence its name, the elliptical bike.

The movement is reminiscent of movements made when walking fast, climbing stairs, and cross-country skiing. Some of the popular machine brands include Precor, Proform, Life Fitness, StairMaster and Startrac. The popularity of the machine has skyrocketed in the last two years, rivaling that of the treadmill. Newer models include arm bars, which allow you to simultaneously exercise your arms in a motion opposite to your feet. However, this requires some coordination. By working your arms simultaneously, you burn even more calories.

who will like it

Runners looking for variety in their routine find the elliptical trainer an extremely attractive alternative. It’s also very popular with walkers looking for a livelier workout or people who enjoyed cross-country skiing but can’t find one because NordicTrack closed. It’s also popular for those who are bored with climbing stairs or who find the exercise strenuous on their knees.

who would hate it

Those who feel that if their feet move in a circular fashion, they should be sitting down, like on a bicycle; and while standing, your feet should move up and down or back and forth. It is difficult to read while exercising on an elliptical trainer.

Tips for elliptical users

Although they don’t require a lot of skill, elliptical trainers can take some getting used to. The following are some points to get you started. Elliptical trainers can take a bit of getting used to, but they don’t require a great deal of skill. You’ll be up and running in no time by following these tips:

Limit backward pedaling. Contrary to popular belief, pedaling backwards doesn’t work your glutes any more than pedaling forwards and can even strain your knees. Both movements emphasize the front thigh muscles, so do them occasionally, but not for an extended period of time.

To vary the intensity of your workout, you can pedal faster, increase the incline, increase the resistance, or any combination. By keeping your knees slightly bent, you can help keep the movement smooth. Don’t lock your knees.

Make sure you stand up straight. While the elliptical trainer allows for better technique than the stair climber, he still needs to take care of his posture. Avoid things like leaning too far forward and hugging the console.

The typical American calorie counter makes 4-6 attempts to eat less carbs each year. Clearly that infers that the first… and the second… and the third company were not productive. It’s a never-ending cycle of no motivation that leaves many feeling like they can’t win without superhuman persistence.

Maybe you’re ready to throw in the (bigger than usual) towel on eating fewer carbs forever.

Do whatever it takes to not be. Examine the four reasons most weight-loss designs fail, then find an eating plan that avoids these pitfalls. A little later, you will end up on the path to perfect realization.

We should look at the four key components.

Unlikely Calorie Intakes

The “starvation mode” strategy simply sets you up to miss the target. Using so little sustain, his body actually starts to shut down to filter the fuel.

Exactly when this happens, you are on a limited path to a large retracement level. Sure, you have to reduce your calorie intake for fat disaster to happen, but you have to do it in a way that keeps your “metabolic engine” going.

Lack of nutrients that stimulate satiety

Another big problem with most regular diets is that they don’t get enough of the two most satiating supplements: protein and fiber. You expect protein to work in a perfect world. In addition, it is isolated more slowly, giving the body a persistent satiety.

Combine protein with dietary fiber, found in the new green foods, and absorption goes much further.

Several fast food routine plans are low in protein. While they recommend lots of vegetables, some put a stop to using the regular product.

By making these two supplements a convergence point of your game plan, you can see more agile and persevering results while actually benefiting as much as possible from your eating routine dinner scheme.

Repetitive meal preparation

Who has an hour every day to prepare dinner? I don’t, and irrefutably neither do you. Be that as it may, various diet schemes are mixed enough to require this. In the event you describe your dietary regimen, it’s not much of a surprise if you’re not hitting the mark.

On the other hand, you need to find an approach that provides you with easy-to-execute key decisions that help you understand honest progress with your program.

This game plan shouldn’t require long periods of constant extra effort. All thought of it as ‘without requiring a significant investment that you must use to pay yourself for good lead.’ It should work with your lifestyle, not against it. When you find such a course of action, it will be a piece of cake to stay with him.

Integral approach

Chances are you’ve heard that any eating routine course of action you use should follow an overall strategy.

That is a splendid admonition.

In any case, if your eating routine game plan is set to sail for months, this can be a motivation killer.

Find a feeding routine with a positive due date. Two weeks is perfect, as that is what it takes to shape global affinities. Two weeks is more than long enough to see extraordinary results, but not short enough to keep your spirits up.

Anyone who is willing to lose weight can eat less for two weeks. This is critical to the 2 Week Diet. In many, many cases, the fundamental change is so great that it gives unlimited motivation to continue consuming fat. Achievement begets achievement.

By far the most common question I hear is:

“If I don’t eat meat, or eat a lot of meat, where do I get my protein from?” Sounds familiar?

Let’s cut to the chase: the protein chase. I’m a simple girl, so I ask simple questions. I don’t make it complicated, complicated confuses me and the last thing I need is to be more confused. That is a scary thought.

Just for smiles and giggles, let’s have some protein fun and see if my common sense speaks to your common sense.

8 very simple questions about protein:

#1 Common Sense Protein Question: “Do elephants eat hamburgers?”

As you know, protein is for growth, among many other things. Like the growth of muscles. Have you ever heard of an elephant, giraffe, monkey, cow or horse eating burgers, chicken, fish or even protein drinks to get enough protein to build big muscles? Of course not.

If elephants can eat plant foods for plenty of protein, so can we with our relatively small muscles and bodies.

#2 Protein Common Sense Question: “Do elephants have to mix and match plant foods to get a ‘complete protein’?”

Oh yes, true. I can only see it now. An elephant making sure to eat only the right plant foods to get the right mix of protein. I do not think.

My brain says: If they don’t have to mix and match, neither do we.

#3 Common Sense Protein Question: “But aren’t we different from elephants?”

Good question. Yes, elephants are a bit different from us. No, duh, like the kids say. But this is the point of common sense:

If a small variety of plant foods can provide the right amount and quality of protein needed to grow and support a large mammal like an elephant, doesn’t it make sense that plant foods, and a much greater variety, can provide people with with enough protein to grow and maintain our relatively small muscles, bones, tissues, and organs?

My common sense says: “Yes”. What does your common sense tell you?

#4 Protein Common Sense Question: “At what time in life do humans require the most protein?”

Okay, so you can’t quite get the fact that elephants and humans can be compared, that may be a big leap, elephants with people. That’s fair enough. So I’ll tell you something, let’s talk about simple people, little people, like babies.

Our cute babies tell the whole protein story. See for yourself.

Once again, what is the purpose of protein?

You have it! Increase. When do we grow more? From 0 to 2 years. TRUE?

What is the best food for children from 0 to 2 years? Mom’s milk.

How much protein do you think is in mom’s milk? 15%, 25% or 30% protein? Guess again.

This may blow your mind, but human milk contains only 4.5% to 5% protein, that’s all.

If 4.5% to 5% protein is enough to meet the growing needs of babies, then that same amount of protein, and even less, is enough for us big people. We have stopped growing.

#5 Protein common sense question: “How much protein is in an orange?”

hold on. The shock factor arrives. An orange has 8% protein. wow! Isn’t that amazing? An orange with 8% protein?

Remember, fast-growing babies only require 4.5% to 5% protein. At 8% protein, oranges not only have enough protein, they actually have a lot of protein.

What about other plants?

Spinach: 49% protein

Broccoli: 33%

Cauliflower: 26%

Romaine lettuce: 36% (imagine that much protein in that green, watery stuff!)

Corn: 11%

kale: 22%

Cucumber: 24%

Pope: 11%

Carrots: 10%

Melon: 9%

Grapefruit: 8%

Berries: 7%

Tomato: 16%

Almonds: 13%

Pumpkin seeds: 17%

Brown Rice: 8%

Oatmeal: 15%

Beans: 26%

It seems to me that we get a lot of protein from eating plants.

We don’t “have to” eat animal protein, which also comes with lots of fat, cholesterol, extra calories, extra weight, extra illnesses, and extra headaches. In fact, we don’t even have to eat beans, tofu, or any other high-protein plant foods to get enough protein.

Fruits and vegetables have plenty. Interesting, don’t you think?

#6 Protein Common Sense Question: “But isn’t meat protein superior to plant protein?”

In a word, “No.” That is a complete myth that has been perpetuated for almost 100 years. No matter how much it boggles our brainwashed brains, meat protein is not superior to plant protein. Amino acids, or building blocks that make up proteins, are the same whether they come from a plant or an animal.

Protein is protein is protein is protein, no matter the source. If we eat enough food (which is not a problem in the US), we get enough “proper” protein, even if the food sources are only plants.

#7 Protein Common Sense Question: “But don’t I need more protein for strength and energy?”

Well, back to our friend, the elephant. Where do elephants get their strength and energy? Not from eating cows or protein bars, that’s for sure. The power of an elephant comes from plants, that’s all.

Our best source of energy comes not from protein, but from carbohydrates found in whole, unrefined plant foods like fruits and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables capture the sun’s energy and generously transmit it to us.

The core energy we have (or don’t have) today comes from the plant foods we ate (or didn’t eat) yesterday; not the so-called energy protein bar or steak (or that dark, runny concoction) we ate today.

#8 Protein common sense question: “How much protein does the World Health Organization recommend?”

Good thought. Not coincidentally, the WHO recommends the same amount of protein found in human breast milk: 4.5% to 5% protein. Remember, oranges have 8% protein.

Is the protein fog starting to clear up a bit? There are plenty of real experts, much, much smarter than me, who agree:

Plants provide us with plenty of protein for superior health and fitness, it’s as simple as that. bingo bango

You can choose to eat beef, chicken, fish, and protein drinks, but you don’t “have to.” Aren’t we lucky to have the gift of choice? What is not so fortunate is that many of us forget that consequences follow elections, sometimes immediately and sometimes many years later.

Good choices breed good consequences; Bad decisions, especially day after day, bad decisions breed painful consequences.

It is your body and your life. You have the incredible power to feed your body and your life or the power to exhaust your body and your life.

Will your next bite feed you or drain you? It’s your choice.