Category Archive : Health Fitness

In today’s world, weight loss is a dream that many struggle to achieve. But the question at hand remains, what are you doing to achieve that goal? And the question I have for you, “Are you carrying out the process in a healthy way? Or do you know the healthy and cheapest ways to reduce excess weight? Many with the dream of losing weight always prefer to skip meals like form”. to reduce your weight. But it’s sure? No, either way, you’re just risking your health.

Meal replacement powders (MRPs) are larger servings of protein powders that provide between 250 and 300 calories. They have a blend of whey and milk proteins and have added carbohydrates, fiber and vitamins.

Using replacement shakes for weight loss is the way to go. These shakes have nutrients and vitamins that are necessary to provide your body with the energy it requires. Here are some weight loss replacement shakes that will help you in the process:

Visalus in the shape of a saw.

If your dream is to live a healthy and active lifestyle with or without a weight loss mission, Visalus vi-shape food supplements are the cheapest magic for you. The shake supplement has a blend of whey and soy proteins, a full serving of fiber, and over 25 healthy vitamins and minerals. It has one gram of fat, low sodium content and 90 calories per meal. Being gluten, lactose and kosher certified makes it a perfect shake for many.

GNC Total Lean Shake

If you are looking for muscle repair after an intense workout, this cheap shake is the option for you, although it is not as complete as other shakes since the results are mainly affected by other factors in life. It can be purchased cheaply at your nearest store at $35 for 16 servings of food.


These supplements are best suited for you who are looking for a meal that supports your active lifestyle. It has those nutritional contents necessary for your body and leaves you feeling and looking your best with plenty of energy to face your daily routines.


These shake supplements come with over 70 naturally sourced ingredients intended to improve your body’s digestive health and fat-burning ability. The supplements also contain antioxidants that prevent premature aging and some degenerative diseases. Shakeology also has plant-based protein formulas for vegan needs. A single-serving meal can be purchased cheaply at your local grocery store for $4/-.

Today, you’ll discover the replacement list of approved ab exercises for six pack abs AND 1 exercise you should never do.

Print this exercise substitution list and email it to your friends. Heck, you could even post it in your gym.

HERE WE GO – starting with the 1 exercise you should NEVER do…

Now, yesterday I told you how I saw a trainer put his client through a BACK DESTRUCTION exercise, and this is what it was:

The exercise consisted of weighted stability ball crunches, but there were no normal crunches on the ball that you see people do. No way.

You see, the client not only made a full motion to sit up, but continued, violently, in a full body bending motion that ended with her almost putting her head between her knees.

But doing any type of spinal flexion can be detrimental to your lower back because it will compress your spinal discs.

In fact, Dr. Stuart McGill, the world’s leading expert on low back injuries and abdominal training, said in a recent New York Times article, “…there are no crunches, they place devastating loads on the discs.”

Spinal discs are the same discs that herniate in a low back injury. And movements like sit-ups essentially CRUSH the discs between the bones of the spine, causing excruciating pain and nerve damage.

So STOP doing sit-ups and sit-ups!

Fortunately, you can still get ripped abs and a flat, sexy stomach by using back-friendly ab exercises.

So let’s go over a huge list of ab exercise substitutions:

1) Replace crunches with:

Stability Ball Boards, Climbers, and Knives

2) Replace Crunches (i.e. Twist or Oblique Crunches) with:

Side planks and cross climbers

3) Replace crunches with:

Stability Ball Jackknives, Stability Ball Planks, Stability Ball Pikes, Stability Ball Tosses, and Hanging Knee Raises

Now let’s take a look at how we can make some of these ab exercises for your back even harder on your abs:

1) How to increase the difficulty of the Plank

First of all, before moving from the table, you must master it.

Dr. McGill says that everyone should be able to do a plank for 2 minutes at a time.

Now I’ll be honest, I indulged in this exercise last summer, and unsurprisingly, it was probably one of the reasons I had back pain.

At one point, I was only able to do a strict plank for 75 seconds, but I’ve been back up for 135 seconds, and now my back pain is gone.

You can also do push-ups as they will help you prepare for push-ups if you are a beginner.

Eventually, you’ll move on to the Stability Ball Plank, which is 30% harder on your abs than regular planks.

2) Harder versions of Side Plank

Advanced versions include Side Plank with Leg Raise and Side Plank with DB Lateral Raise (allowing you to train your shoulders at the same time). Dr. McGill adds that we should be able to do side planks for 90 seconds straight.

3) Climber Substitutions

You can use the Spiderman Climb exercise as a replacement, and it’s great for lower body and hip mobility.

A tougher version of mountain climbers is Cross-Body Mountain Climber, and you can also do mountain climbers with your hands on the ball or with your hands on the ground and your feet on the ball.

One of my favorite advanced versions is “Hands on the Floor, Feet on the Ball Cross-body Mountain Climber” or even “EXTREME X-Body Mountain Climber”.

Stability ball NOTE

If you don’t have a ball, you need to get one. They’re cheap, and I’m not asking you to do dangerous circus tricks on them!

But if you don’t have a ball, you can replace the Stability Ball Plank with the Mountain Climber drill, but it won’t be that hard.

4) How to increase the difficulty of the Stability Ball Jackknife

You will eventually progress to the Stability Ball Pike. And another way to do this exercise is by using TRX straps. That is one of the exercises that TRX improves. Very effective movement. But even with the ball you can intensify your training using this exercise.

5) The Stability Ball Spike

This is another exercise made better by using the TRX, as well as a cool toy I bought called the Power Wheel. The key to the exercise is to lift your hips as high as possible, and again using the Power Wheel or TRX allows you to do it better.

6) Alternatives for Stability Ball Deployment

If you are new to this exercise, you can use a modified Roll-out which is easier.

Also, you can substitute the ball for a sit-up wheel or you can even use the TRX in a similar type of movement. It works because you are fighting the extension of your torso.

Stretch your abs as you come out and contract them to return to the starting position. This move will leave your abs pretty sore if this is a new exercise for you!

7) Additional Advanced Abdominal Exercises

Once you’ve mastered all of these Stability Ball exercises, you can move on to the traditional advanced abdominal exercises of Hanging Knee Ups and Hanging Leg Raises.

However, you should only do these exercises if you can completely REMOVE the urge from the exercise. DO NOT rock your hips or rock from side to side.

8) Push-ups that work your abs

You should also understand that MANY traditional exercises work your abs and slight variations of traditional movements can work your abs very hard.

For example, some of the best push-ups for abs include:

* high push-ups

* T-bends

* Spiderman push-ups

* Reject Spiderman push-ups

Of course, you’ll get all of this in home workouts for ripped abs.

9) Pulling exercises that work your abs

In the past, I have trained a fit woman who had never been asked to do a chin-up by her previous trainers. So I had him do 2-3 sets of 3-5 reps.

He came back for the next session and couldn’t believe how sore his abs were from this exercise. So again, you’re going to get a lot of abdominal work out of the traditional moves. Other than pull-ups, these are my favorite “full-body muscle-pulling ab exercises.”

* DB renegade row

* pull-ups

* Pull-ups/Pullups with kneeups

* Spiderman Suspenders

Use them to make your workouts more efficient.

10) Shoulder/arm exercises

YES, you can use shoulder and arm exercises to work your abs. Every time you do a standing exercise, you’ll need to brace your abs HARD to maintain a rigid core. That works your abs just as hard as planks and side planks.

Also, in the triceps extension exercise, you stretch your abs as you lower the weight and contract your abs as you contract your triceps to return the dumbbells or barbell to the starting position. I’ve had super sore abs just from doing triceps!

So here are my favorite upper body exercises for abs:

* 1 arm press

* 1 arm curl

* DB triceps extension

I hope you enjoyed that huge list of ab workout substitutions!

Just say NO to crunches!

“Nutrition is the process of taking in nutrients from the food you eat.”

types of nutrition

• Carbohydrates –

Carbohydrates are nutrients that provide energy and our main source of energy. They are easily digested and broken down into glucose, which the body uses to perform its many functions. The body receives 4 calories for 1 gram of carbohydrates consumed.

Carbohydrates are grouped into

simple carbohydrates (sugar), complex carbohydrates (fiber), and starch.

and based on the Glycemic Index it is grouped into Low, Moderate and High

Glycemic index which shows the measure of how high and how quickly blood sugar levels change after eating carbohydrates. The higher the glycemic index, the greater the rise in blood sugar and the longer it will take to return to normal. For a healthy diet, it is best to focus on foods with a low glycemic index and also depends on physical work. Foods with a high glycemic index have been linked to elevated risks of heart disease and diabetes.

Carbohydrate requirement in our diet:

Carbohydrates should make up 45% to 65% of the calories in your diet, which equates to roughly 225g to 325g of carbohydrates for someone following a 2,000-calorie diet.

Healthy and unhealthy sources of carbohydrates in our diet:

The healthiest sources of carbohydrates are whole grains, vegetables, fruits, and unprocessed or minimally processed beans.

Less healthy carbohydrate sources include white bread, pastries, soft drinks, and other highly processed or refined foods. These items contribute to weight gain, interfere with weight loss, and promote diabetes and heart disease.

• Fats –

Fats are an essential part of the diet. One of the sources of energy and important in relation to fat-soluble vitamins.

1 gram of fat provides 37 kJ (9 kcal) of energy. Foods that contain a lot of fat provide a lot of energy.

There are different types of fats, including saturated fats and unsaturated fats.

Saturated fats are normally solid at room temperature, while unsaturated fats are liquid.

A high intake of saturated or trans fatty acids can have adverse health effects.

Foods that have polyunsaturated fats are essential for good health and overall health. It is found in shellfish such as tuna, mackerel, and salmon, as well as in walnuts and the oils of canola and flaxseed.

• Fiber –

The indigestible fibrous portion of our diet essential for the health of the digestive system.

Fiber is a type of carbohydrate. Although most carbohydrates are broken down into sugar molecules, fiber cannot be broken down into sugar molecules and instead passes through the body undigested. Fiber helps regulate the body’s use of sugars, which helps keep blood sugar in check.

Fiber should make up at least 5% of your daily caloric intake. Children and adults need at least 20 to 30 grams of fiber per day for good health while consuming 2,000 calories per day. Fiber comes in two varieties, both beneficial to health:

• Soluble fiber, which dissolves in water, can help lower blood glucose and cholesterol levels.

• Insoluble fiber, which doesn’t dissolve in water, can help food move through your digestive system, promoting regularity and helping prevent constipation.

• Minerals: Minerals are inorganic substances and essential nutrients that are needed in small amounts to stay healthy. Minerals do not give you energy or calories but they intervene and help in the formation of bones and teeth. People have different needs, depending on their age, gender, physiological state (for example, pregnancy) and, sometimes, their state of health. Some minerals are needed in larger amounts than others, for example calcium, phosphorous, magnesium, sodium, potassium and chloride. Others are required in smaller amounts and are sometimes called trace minerals, for example iron, zinc, iodine, fluoride, selenium and copper.

Protein: Proteins are made by combining smaller amino acids. Proteins in the diet are known as macronutrients and provide energy (calories) to the body. There are 20 amino acids used to build proteins.

Since all cells and tissues contain protein, it is essential for the growth and repair of muscles and other body tissues. Hair and nails are made primarily of protein. It also uses protein to make enzymes, hormones, and other chemicals in the body. Protein is an important component of bones, muscles, cartilage, skin, and blood.

Each gram of protein contains 4 calories. The Reference Nutrient Intake (RNI) is set at 0.75 g of protein per kilogram of body weight per day for adults.

Protein sources include meat products (hamburger, fish, chicken), dairy products (cheese, milk, yogurt, cottage cheese), eggs, tofu, lentils, and soy milk.

Vitamins – Vitamins are organic compounds that are essential in very small amounts to support normal physiological function. Vitamins don’t give you calories or energy, but they help keep you healthy.

There are two types of vitamins: water-soluble and fat-soluble.

Water-soluble vitamins include vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6, B12, vitamin C, biotin, and folic acid. They are not stored in large amounts in the body and any excess is lost through the urine.

Water and fat-soluble vitamins play important roles in many chemical processes in the body. Fat-soluble vitamins include vitamins A, D, E, and K and can be stored in your body. High amounts of fat-soluble vitamins are not recommended as they can cause health problems.

• Water – Water contains zero calories and is not a source of fat, protein or carbohydrates. Although pure water does not contain any additional nutrients. Water is a nutrient in itself, helping every cell in your body function properly as a vehicle to transport other nutrients because 60 percent of the human body is made up of water.

• Water regulates body fluids

• Water helps with digestion and makes you feel full (so you eat less)

• Water prevents muscle fatigue and dehydration

• Water supports the kidneys’ process of removing toxins from the body.

To meet the Institute of Medicine’s recommendations for water intake, men should drink about 13 glasses of non-alcoholic fluids per day, while women should drink about 9 glasses

There are many myths and misconceptions about building muscle that could be slowing down your progress. However, today I’m going to reveal 3 little-known muscle building tactics that actually work, including the best way to gain muscle mass.

Okay, so let’s get started.

1. The best way to gain muscle mass is to push yourself and train like a “barbarian.” Train like every set and rep is your last, speed up between exercises, and keep your rest periods even and honest. By doing this, you are increasing your intensity, which will allow you to get in better shape and build big muscles. Too often, people in the gym wander from one exercise to another, barely breaking a sweat, and then complain that they’re not getting the results. Bottom line, if you want to bulk up and bulk up fast, you need to push yourself in the gym. (Note: By upping your intensity during a workout, you’ll actually spend much less time in the gym but see much better results.)

2. Make sure to incorporate the two “animal exercises”. The squat and the deadlift. Bodybuilders all over the world use both of these training techniques and claim that they are primarily responsible for huge gains in muscle mass. The reason for this is that the squat and deadlift put a lot of pressure and strain on the body, causing huge spikes in hormone levels. Thus creating the perfect conditions for optimal muscle growth. Bottom line, if you’re not incorporating these two “bad boy” muscle-building techniques, then you’re really missing out.

3. Make sure you are putting the right foods and supplements into your body. Not surprisingly, what we put into our bodies has a huge direct impact on how we look and feel. Because of this, it is very important that what enters our body is suitable for muscle growth. Make sure you eat at least 6 meals a day that are 45% carbs, 35% protein, and 20% fat. Also, make sure at least half of your meals are real whole foods. (I mean, not just protein shakes.) Supplements are also good for the body, but only the right ones. Like protein shakes, creatine powder, multivitamins, and fish oil capsules.

Ok, now you know the best way to gain muscle mass. It’s up to you to follow this advice and build the type of body you want. Of course, this is just the tip of the iceberg.

If you want much more information on how to build muscle then visit the website below.

There are many common weight loss myths that people follow when it comes to their health. Sometimes it’s hard to separate the myths and facts of weight loss from what is true. Many ring true, while others are just plain ridiculous. I once read somewhere that if you drink water at night you will get fat or if you scratch your head too often you will lose your hair…

Weight Loss Myth #1
The more weight I have to lose, the more intense my exercise routine should be

Weight Loss Truth: While having an intense workout routine is great, there are a few things you need to consider: The first is that everyone is on a different level when it comes to their fitness level and how intense they can actually handle it. If you’ve been physically inactive for a number of years, walking a half-mile a day might be strenuous exercise for you. After walking that half mile you realize that you are sweating profusely and that you are tired. However, for someone who has been physically active for many years, walking half a mile can be done without breaking a sweat. Everyone has a different definition of what “intense” is.

If exercising for an hour a day is intense for you, but due to life’s busy schedule, you only have time for 20 minutes a day, then those 20 minutes will come in handy. It may not necessarily classify as “intense,” by your definition, but those little moments of cardio will have positive, health-altering effects.

Fat Loss Myth #2
Stress and weight gain don’t go hand in hand

Weight Loss Fact: This is one of those “laughable” myths. For more information on how stress adds to the pounds. into your life, download my free ebook, “The Psychology of Weight Loss”

Weight loss myth #3
can i lose weight eating what i want

The truth about weight loss: Sir Isaac Newton once said, “What goes up must come down.” There are natural principles that govern our lives. If you throw a ball in the air, it will come back down. You can sit on your couch and imagine and visualize that the ball will stay in the air, but natural principles teach us that it will come down. The same is true when it comes to our weight.

This is one of the most common myths about weight loss. It’s illogical to think that your health and weight are going to be in balance if your nutrition consists mostly of twinkies, fries, and doughnuts. Sure you can burn it off by exercising, but most people whose diet consists mostly of junk food probably aren’t disciplined enough to stick to an exercise routine. I know some people who, on the outside, appear to be in good shape, because they’re not “fat, they have high cholesterol.”

Just because I’m sorry I’ve crushed the hearts of so many twinkie lovers, I’d say this. You can eat junk food, cookies, chips, ice cream, pizza, hamburgers… All those “soul-satisfying foods”, but it should be in moderation. Anything in excess is never good.

Fat Loss Myth #4
Skipping meals is a good way to lose weight

Weight loss fact: There are numerous studies showing that people who skip breakfast and eat fewer times throughout the day tend to outnumber those who have a healthy nutritious breakfast and then eat 4-6 small meals throughout the day. day. The reason for this could be the fact that they are hungrier later in the day and may have a tendency to overeat during other meals of the day.

Weight Loss Myth #5
I’m not going to lose weight eating at night.

Truth about weight loss: You can enjoy food too much during the day and not eat at all at night and you will gain weight. As is the fact that you can starve during the day and eat all night and still gain weight. The key here is balance. If your body tells you that it is hungry, maybe you should listen to it. The truth is that eating in excess, without exercising, will make you gain weight; It doesn’t matter what time of day you eat. Whenever I feel hungry at night, as is my custom with other meals during the day, I try to select something that is natural in nature. Something like fruit, vegetables, or I could even make myself a fruit smoothie. During those times when I have a craving for ice cream or something sweet, I allow myself to have some and I do NOT feel guilty about it. Many overweight people live their lives with guilt and shame. I allow myself to get some, however, IN MODERATION.

Fat Loss Myth #6
I am not acceptable until I lose weight.

Weight loss fact: The person who feels unacceptable because they are fat is because they are unacceptable to themselves in the first place. The way you think others see you is based on your view of yourself. I honestly believe that one must be emotionally fit before being physically fit. I’ve been through these self-limiting emotions before. Once I realized that I was ALREADY ENOUGH in God’s eyes and that I had no need to prove myself to anyone or receive external validation for my self worth, that made all the difference to me. Once you accept yourself for who you are RIGHT NOW and realize that you are already enough in God’s eyes, you will not feel unacceptable because of your weight.

Weight loss myth #7
I need to cut calories to lose weight faster.

Weight loss truth: Cutting calories can be a great thing, if you’re overeating and drastically gorging yourself. However, if you’re eating proportionately, cutting calories could have an aversive effect. If you’re cutting calories and starving your body, that will lower your metabolism, or in other words slow it down, which can result in you not actually losing any weight, even if you’re “cutting calories.”

Fat Loss Myth #8
Skipping meals will help me lose weight.

Weight Loss Fact: Skipping meals can cause you to gain weight! You will be too hungry and will eventually have to eat. This will throw off your metabolism and eventually slow it down. Think of a car that is running out of gas (food), if you don’t fill it up it will eventually stop working. The same goes for our body, we need to keep it constantly fed.

Weight loss myth #9
I think I have a genetic weight gain, it runs in the family!

Weight Loss Truth: Can Anyone Say EXCUSES? I’m not going to deny that there may be tendencies in heavy parents to raise heavy children who will remain heavy all their lives, but I don’t think there really is a “fat” gene or DNA. What we do inherit from our family, mainly from those who directly raised us, are our opinions and beliefs. Your views on food, money, religion, politics, education, etc. they are based on how you were raised. If you were raised in a household where main meals were cooked with fried foods, then you might have a tendency to continue cooking and eating fried foods throughout your life. If that’s the case, you may have a little weight around your waist. The easy thing is to blame those who were in charge of your education, however, you ALWAYS have the option to change.

Fat Loss Myth #10
Eating healthy is very difficult

Weight loss fact: Eating healthy is the easiest thing in the world…once you’ve trained yourself to do so. How many times have you set yourself the goal of losing weight or “eating better”? The first few days he is doing very well, eating all kinds of foods that he normally would not eat. Then a funny thing started to happen, you went back to your old habits and behaviors. This has happened to you in other areas outside of your health. It could be making money, looking for a new job, or in your relationships. Creating a new habit takes time because our brains don’t like change. Changing the brain is dangerous. Anyway, if you’d like to learn more about how our brains try to sabotage us so we don’t form new habits, download my free eBook, “The Psychology of Shedding Weight.”

Weight loss myth #11
You have to give up your favorite foods to lose weight

Weight Loss Truth: What would a world be like without chocolate and pepperoni pizza? I think it would be a tortuous world to live in! lol, now on a real note, i completely disagree with this myth. You can definitely eat your favorite foods. Depriving yourself of this kind of pleasure is no fun, and frankly, you’ll probably eat it anyway. As mentioned before, the real key is moderation. If you’re a meat lover, then maybe it’s not best to eat it every day, but maybe once or twice a week. Those who know me personally know that I LOVE pizza chicken wings. In a perfect world where I wouldn’t gain any weight and my arteries wouldn’t clog, I’d love to eat it several times a week, well more like every day. However, I know that those are not the healthiest food options, so I eat them 2-3 times a month. I’m not giving up my favorite foods, I’m just eating them in moderation so they don’t overtake me as excess weight.

Fat Loss Myth #12
Overeating is caused by hunger.

Weight loss fact: Nice try. I wish we could blame “hunger” for it. In fact, this person we call hunger has nothing to do with you OVEREATING. It may have something to do with your body telling you it’s time to “fuel up” and you need food, but that’s not an indication that you should overeat. What causes many people to overeat are different reasons. One of the main ones is the feeling of stress, depression, loneliness, anxiety, fear and other degrading emotions of that nature. Many times food can be a means to satisfy your needs. You may actually be getting your needs met through your food. For example, if you live a lonely life and are not very happy, then food could be a way for you to feel happy and comfortable. There are other articles I’ve written on this topic, but suffice it to say that overeating is NOT caused by being hungry.

Weight loss myth #13
Only crash diets work

Weight Loss Truth: There goes that word again…DIEt….those “crash diets” are only good for rapid weight loss and rapid weight gain once you achieve it. These crash diets range from the “cookie diet” hehehe… All that way to the “water only diet”… I’m sure you can lose weight while following these DIEs, however the weight will will win correctly. backwards and usually with some extra weight as a bonus

Fat Loss Myth #14
I’m too fat and too advanced to start

Weight loss fact: A long journey begins one step at a time. It’s natural to expect instant results and even fear the road ahead; especially if you are very overweight. The secret here is to make SMALL incremental changes. Don’t expect perfection because that will lead to disappointment. You’re never too far down the road to where you can’t see the sunlight…

Weight loss myth #15
I can’t do it, I have tried many times and failed.

The truth about weight loss: The great Henry Ford once said, “Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right”… It’s 90% mindset and 10% losing weight . your butt and do something about it. You fall, you get up again… you fall down, you get up again. If you’ve tried to lose weight in the past, it’s time to keep trying. Discouragement is losing weight like a piece of fried chicken is to a vegetarian… They DO NOT go hand in hand.

For a long time, people thought that dietary fat intake was what caused body fat stores; ‘eating too much fat is making me fat’. However, this is actually not true. You’ll find out very quickly that cutting back on dietary fat will make little difference to your weight or body fat percentage. When you begin to manipulate carbohydrates is when you will begin to notice the changes and thus the low-carb, low-fat diet was born. The fact is, your carbohydrates (dietary sugars and starches) are fattening, not fattening. Most low-carb diets eliminate fat almost completely, making it easier to manipulate for performance needs. However, taking in all the dietary fat for too long is not smart and the body will begin to manifest deficiencies that are noticeable with certain symptoms. These are joint pain, dry skin, and dandruff to name a few, but more serious problems can develop if all fat is removed from the diet for more than 6 months. This is why it’s smart to keep the small percentage of fat in your low-fat/low-carb diet to essential fat sources like avocados, certain seeds, and nuts. Supplements like fish and flax seed oil capsules are also a must to keep your diet healthy.

It should be noted that just as being overweight and having too much body fat is considered unhealthy, the process of losing weight (whether slow or fast) should be a healthy process. Diets that cause extremely rapid weight loss can often be very unhealthy (and sometimes dangerous) and should only be followed under certain conditions and under professional supervision. Losing weight at the expense of your health makes no sense. After an initial weight loss of 7 to 12 pounds in the first 3 weeks, losing 2 pounds per week is a healthy and very reasonable goal for all dieters. To do this, you must configure your program with some very important parameters. The first and most detrimental is the amount of dietary protein you should be consuming. This is calculated with a measurement of body fat percentage to determine lean body mass. There are many ways to measure your body fat percentage. Whether done by the trainer at your gym, a nutritionist, your doctor, or your spouse, this should be done so you can determine what your daily protein intake is required for your diet. This is the backbone of each and every weight loss diet and where you should start.

The amount of protein you eat daily will be a constant that will never change and all other components will revolve around this. To solve this, eat 1 gram of protein per pound of lean body mass and add 10. If weightlifting is also part of your nutrition program, then eat 1 gram of protein per pound of lean body mass plus 15-20 grams . For example, if your lean body mass is 150 pounds, you should eat between 160 and 170 grams of protein per day and this should not change regardless of your activity level or other dietary components. When establishing the amount of carbohydrates to eat in your diet, it is best to cycle your carbohydrates. While the entire program is considered a “low carb diet”, every day is somewhat low carb, however there will be some days with more carbs than others. When choosing the amount of carbohydrates to eat, determine this from your current body weight and not from your lean body mass measurement. For average/high carb days, multiply your current body weight by 0.9 and this will give you the number of grams of carbs you should be consuming for the day. For low carb days, multiply your body weight by .5. For example at 225 lbs. man will eat ~200 grams of carbs on an average day and ~100 grams on a low carb day.

The cycle of low and high carb days is extremely important for continued weight loss. Do not do more than 2 or 3 days in a row on a low-carb diet. Doing so can throw off your metabolism and dramatically slow your weight loss. If you eat too few calories for too long, your body will think it’s starving and start holding on to everything it has, causing weight loss to stall. Schedule low carb days a week based on your training schedule or work schedule for best results. For example, if you lift weights on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, these are better days for higher carbohydrate intake so your muscles have glycogen to lift. For a schedule like this, pick Sundays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays for low-carb days and focus on hard fat-burning cardio sessions. Keep in mind that low-carb days often make you feel sluggish and mentally slow, so they may not be better timed for the day of your big show.

In addition to alternating low and high carb days throughout the week, another very effective strategy is to stagger calories throughout the day. Weight loss will be faster and more efficient if you load your calories first by eating starches in the early part of the day and then switching to fibrous carbohydrates later. If you eat 5 meals a day, eat starchy carbohydrates for the first three and only fibrous carbohydrates for the last two. It is better to make the first three meals of the day the most caloric, then the last two should be smaller. This will fuel your day and since most of your activities end towards the evening, so should your caloric intake. Space your meals as evenly as possible throughout the day and try to have your last meal at least 4 hours or more before bedtime. Your weight loss will be better and faster if you starve yourself at night and familiarize yourself as soon as you wake up. If you’re not hungry at night, you’re eating too late and you’ll have trouble losing a lot of weight.

Carbohydrate options should be limited to clean natural starches and fibrous green vegetables. Some starchy vegetables, such as squash, can also be eaten, however they should be consumed no later than lunchtime. Pasta is processed and is not the best option. Oatmeal, brown rice, and sweet potatoes are great. If losing body fat is your goal, fruit is not a good choice for dieters. Fruit is a simple sugar and is burned before any fatty acids; this means that if you eat it, the body will choose it as an energy source before choosing body fat. However, the fruit is very refreshing, fat-free, natural, packed with vitamins, and does wonders for curbing your sweet tooth. If you choose to eat fruit, don’t eat it after lunchtime. This will give your body time to burn it off for the day. The best fruits to use are berries as they are very low in carbohydrates and low in calories and have wonderful antioxidant properties. Avoid any kind of dried fruit as they are nothing but candy when it comes to a fat loss diet.

Finally, give yourself a realistic time frame to lose weight. Choose a diet program for no more than 12 weeks at a time, with the goal of losing at least 2 pounds per week. If you have more than 30 pounds to lose, break it up into more than one program. Plan to have a cheat meal each week where you go off the diet and satisfy your cravings with a nice dinner somewhere. Let this be a reward for your hard work during the week. This is very important as it allows your mind a break from the routine of constant dieting and gives you something to look forward to. One high-calorie meal a week will also let your body know it’s not starving, so you’ll continue to lose weight while continuing to eat lower in calories. Cardio is also a must and should be done relentlessly if your goal is to lose body fat. Weightlifting is also very important for maintaining lean body mass and body shaping, however the cardio + diet is what will keep the scales moving in the right direction.

Most people turn to one cut of meat when preparing chicken: the breast. And that brisket is usually bought both boneless and skinless. This is the most expensive type of chicken you can buy, not surprising given the high demand. It is also the least flavorful cut available. Many people turn to boneless, skinless brisket because of an irrational fear of fat, a mindset that many embraced during the low-fat craze of the 1990s. Others choose this cut because of the ease with which it can be set up. I’m here to show you that skin-on-bone chicken quarters can also be easily prepared and are much more delicious than breast meat. It takes a bit longer, but the time involved is not active cooking time. Your toaster oven does all the work for you.

First of all, I would like to address the issue of fat. There is now plenty of evidence that fat is good for you, especially if it comes from properly raised organic animals. Nobody will argue that the fat of a poorly raised animal loaded with antibiotics is good for you. However, organic meat is different; it has more omega 3 fatty acids than its inhumanely farmed counterparts. It also lacks the buildup of pesticides and antibiotics. So choose your meat wisely if you want the healthiest option.

Now let’s talk about the ease of preparation. Cuts of meat with bone and skin can be easily prepared. The toaster oven creates an ideal cooking environment for such cuts. The proximity to the cooking elements makes the skin crisp without drying out the meat. Here’s what you need to simply roast chicken quarters:

2 bone-in, skin-on organic chicken quarters (this cut includes both the thigh and leg, still attached)

2 teaspoons of extra virgin olive oil

sea ​​salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste

Heat your toaster oven to 475 degrees F. Rub each piece of chicken with a teaspoon of olive oil; this will help the skin crisp up. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. Place chicken on baking sheet and in toaster oven. Wait 5 minutes and then lower the temperature to 350 degrees. Bake for an additional 45 minutes. Remove chicken from toaster oven and let cool for 5 minutes before serving.

That’s all you need for a delicious roast chicken. Of course, you could flavor the chicken in a variety of ways before grilling. My favorite is to use fresh herbs like rosemary and thyme combined with lots of fresh garlic. Take 4 medium cloves and thin. Finely chop a tablespoon of thyme and two teaspoons of rosemary. Mix the garlic and herbs in the olive oil before rubbing it over the chicken. Bake following the instructions above.

Visit Toaster Oven Reviews to find the best toaster oven for roasting chicken quarters and much more. You’ll find thousands of toaster oven reviews and a handy buying guide to help you along the way.

I am sure that I can speak for most people, that we want to maintain a healthy life so that we have the ability to live to a mature age. One of those painful topics that we never like to deal with is weight loss. It’s the kind of thing that we can turn on like a light switch and, at the opposite extreme, turn it off. But not exactly to our free will. Weight loss and exercise were something I had always wanted to pursue and continue to do, but what are the right things for a man my age that I can easily do? I’ve decided to try the green tea diet for thirty days and see what all the fuss is about. I’ve heard so many good things, and doctors and scientists believe that this herb has many positive elements that can help me control my appetite, lower my blood pressure, and keep me feeling young.

Just an overview of what I have to deal with. First off, I’m about 40lbs overweight, I don’t have the best metabolism but I live an active lifestyle full of sports. Secondly, I have inherited hypertension, it is on both my father’s and my mother’s side of the family, it is inescapable! That is the general understanding I am faced with, a basis for my study. Let’s see what some of the results are.

I dove headlong into this diet to accomplish one thing, not lose weight, but see what it does to my blood pressure without relying on blood pressure medication. I will continue to eat my three full meals a day and use the green tea solution as a snack between meals. Because trust me, I love my in-between snacks, and who doesn’t? So, in early March, I took my last blood pressure pill, and the pumps went off!

After drinking green tea for the first week, I noticed a drop in my blood pressure readings close to what it was when I was taking blood pressure pills. I was surprised because I didn’t think there was something that could have dropped it like that. I have also noticed less desire to eat when I drink the tea, I don’t know where it comes from, but it could be a result of filling myself with liquids. After a couple of weeks, my blood pressure has been stable, so I know it’s working. And after the last few days, still no spikes in readings, so I’m hooked. In the thirty days, I’ve also lost seven pounds, great! It seemed to me that the urban legend was the truth! The only negative, green tea is not the tastiest of teas, it does have that hint of seaweed flavor but you get used to it.

Also, from what I understand, green tea has antioxidants to prevent disease, make our skin feel smooth, and protect our memory. But looking at the short-term effects, I can say that I will make green tea a staple in my diet. I wouldn’t recommend green tea pills as they contain caffeine, I don’t want to be up until the wee hours of the morning! All in all, my thirty-day test has shown that green tea has great positive properties that simply cannot be ignored. Let’s see what other effects it has in six months!

What is walking on the pier?

Dockwalking is the process of walking along a dock, boarding a yacht, talking to the crew on board with the aim of trying to secure any of the following; day job, permanent job or leave them one of your CV’s.

For me, this turned out to be one of the most stressful processes of finding a job on a superyacht…

Monday morning 0630, I wake up early in anticipation of the morning ahead. I am living in a crew house with many other ‘wannabe’ super yacht crew members, all eagerly trying to get a job on a super yacht, all competing for the same job on a limited number of yachts. I wake up early, want to be the first to shower (before people start queuing for showers) and shave for my first day walking the Antibes docks. Presentation is important in this industry and my clothes are ironed and hung the night before. I shower, shave and eat breakfast, my appetite low as my nerves fill my stomach with some uneasiness. I pack my bag with essentials, sunscreen and water, before leaving the crew house armed with a selection of freshly printed CVs and references in a neat plastic folder. I want to be the first out of the crew house and onto the dock in case I can catch any of the first crew on deck.

It’s a beautiful crisp morning, the salty smell of the sea lingering in the still air surrounding the small cobbled streets of Antibes. The sun is about to rise, the sky is clear with white airplane trails marking the blue background, there is a freshness in the air that indicates that autumn is getting closer and closer. Leaving the cobblestone streets behind, I am greeted by a wide selection of moored yachts, all dominated by a beautiful golden fort looking out over Antibes Harbour, the rising sun accentuating the golden color of the fort. As I walk along the side of the pier, a sea scavenger scuttles into a hedge dragging some leftover pizza from a torn garbage bag. The water is calm and the town is empty, it is 07:30 and the port is calm.

I walk towards the international wharf, the main wharf that is home to some of the world’s largest superyachts, and walk past the more modest yachts, which by home standards are still impressively sized yachts. My anxiety grows as I approach the entrance to the main dock, my heart racing and my fears of rejection growing ever closer. I walk through the security barrier through an open gate looking like a schoolboy about to start his first day at school, backpack on, clothes clean and ironed and carrying my CV folder; I certainly look like a novice. As I enter the international wharf, I am greeted by a large yacht with the large letters spelling ‘DILBAR’ written in gleaming silver on the side, the reflection of the ripples of water shimmering off the yacht’s hull and the front of the yacht stretching out distance; My heartbeat increases even more and I almost try to convince myself that it’s not a good day to walk on the pier and I’ll try it tomorrow since it will be easier then… I know I must continue.

Sitting on the dock it’s 07:35, no one is around except the security guard and he seems totally uninterested in my intentions here this morning. I sit by a flower bed that overlooks the vast expanse of yachts in front of me, all moored aft (the rear of the yacht facing the dock), struggling to comprehend the change of worlds I’m experiencing in just two days. Two days ago I was working in an office watching the rain fall outside on a busy street… now I’m sitting unemployed admiring these incredible yachts, with the blue sea and sky all around against the backdrop of that old golden fort .

Little by little more walkers appear, some seem like very experienced walkers, they walk with a certain confidence and heirs of knowing, some I speak to politely and briefly, some people focus solely on the yachts and pass without even an acknowledgment.

It’s 0745 and I decide to walk to the opposite end of the pier and start my trek from the other end forward, hoping to catch the crews before the other pier walkers hassle them. The largest yachts are at the top, I anticipate these will attract the attention of most beachgoers, so I opt for the smaller yachts first (they are still over 60 meters long!). As I walk to the end of the pier, the yachts begin to come to life, the deck crew appearing from the side doors of the yacht, walking up the sides of the yacht towards the stern (rear). I watch the crews leave, a moment I’ve been anticipating for a long time, and my anxiety rises another level. My heart is now beating at a level where I can feel the pounding and pulsing of the blood around my body, a feeling I haven’t had since I got up to give the godfather speech the month before. My mouth goes dry and I feel sweat under my armpits, I approach the first yacht, the crewman looks at me, I think I caught his eye, I smile, before he looks down and goes to the second deck to raise the flag in the rear of the yacht, I am sure he noticed me, but my polite English disposition prevents me from disturbing him and I am convinced that they must be fully manned and therefore I must look elsewhere. As I walk away, I realize I’ve missed the first hurdle in my search for a job on a yacht.

With my disappointment mounting but my heart rate easing a bit, I continue down the dock, determined not to succumb to fear on the next yacht, I swear this will be the only yacht I won’t go near, a new beginning…

The third yacht, someone is also raising the flag on the back of the yacht, I approach, again the heart rate increases, but with courage and determination I call the guy, “are you looking for a crew?” The guy looks down, smiles, and reports that they’re fully staffed. Although a rejection I feel a huge sense of accomplishment, I have overcome my fear of applying for a job on one of these yachts and feel a little more prepared to start my journey to find a job on a super yacht.

That morning I managed to talk to the crew on five different yachts that morning. Walking back to the crew house, I feel more confident than I did on this morning’s walk and pleased that I managed to turn in some CVs. I have completed my first morning walk on the pier, now the start of many more pier walks awaits me.

My dock walking skills improved with practice, it took about a week for me to feel confident doing this and for feelings of anxiety to go away. The process got better over time, I got smarter about asking if they needed day jobs or new crew, I also managed to leave more CVs and references with yachts even if they weren’t looking for crew at the time. I always tried to have a polite conversation with the teams before I left, hoping to develop some kind of polite rapport, which I hoped would help me stand out from the crowd. I was surprised to find crews surprisingly helpful and welcoming to me as a dock walker. The reality is that most crews on board will at some point have endured the process of walking the dock and understand that it is a necessary part of finding a job on a yacht, they will empathize with you and help you where they can.

My pier walk took me to many piers, Antibes, Cannes, Monaco, Nice, St Tropez among a couple of others. However, the best ones I found were Antibes and Monaco. I spent many hours walking miles of docks, handing out many CVs, and speaking politely to many crew members. It became discouraging at times as no clues seemed to emerge from my hard work. I always tried to stay positive and keep moving forward, even though it was difficult at times and I knew the clock was ticking fast, reaching the end of another season; yachts would soon leave the Mediterranean for the Caribbean.

However, the hard work, persistence, and patience finally paid off. I got day jobs on a couple of yachts which built my experience on my CV, making me much more employable.

Without realizing it, my days of walking the dock were coming to an end when I approached a yacht not long after it had docked one afternoon. The normal routine of asking for work continued with polite courtesies, I handed the crew member my CV, he asked me about my qualifications and seemed disappointed that I did not have my Yachtsman qualification, he goes on to inform me that the Captain only employs deck crew to have this qualification. I left disappointed as the yacht had an interesting itinerary and the crew seemed very friendly on board. The next morning, walking along the dock, I passed the same yacht I had given my CV to the previous afternoon, the crew member called me and offered me a day job. This progressed from a day job to a week job, which led to a trial period, which led to a permanent job and all this from that fateful day of speaking and handing that CV over to that person.

It’s such an amazing feeling to get a job on a super yacht, completely free from the hours of walking the dock. Working on that yacht while moving all my belongings on board, as I went from being a walker to a full time crew member was a day that filled me with great pride. Coming from a desk job about two months earlier and now stepping on board to start a new life working on one of the best charter superyachts in the world was a lovely time in my life.

Looking back, the walk down the pier was the most stressful part of the job search process. But it got noticeably easier with time and practice, you just have to get over the fear of ordering that first yacht.

As human beings, I feel we need to become more comfortable accepting fear and uncertainty, as it is often the things that make us uncomfortable, fearful or nervous that can lead to some of the most exciting changes and opportunities in your life. …

…you never know, that decision you make, that conversation or person you meet could change the direction of your life or career and take your life on a whole new and exciting adventure.

Circuit training exercises are designed to strengthen the core of the body with a combination of weight training and cardio exercises performed in repetitions and rotations. In general, total body workouts are also an essential circuit training tool used by personal trainers, non-athletes, and athletes. Using the resistance of different weights and a preset number of repetitions of those weights, the body can build strength and endurance. There are circuit training exercises designed to fit the needs of men, women, and children, as well as the elderly.

Why its popularity is growing

The popularity of circuit training exercises has been on the rise in the last decade for the sole reason that it is a relatively inexpensive exercise program to start with. People who can’t afford gym memberships, don’t have space for weight sets and training stations, can use dumbbells, jump ropes, mats, resistance bands, and stability and medicine balls. The ease with which any circuit training exercise program can be tailored specifically for the individual is another reason circuit training exercises have steadily grown in popularity.

There are various sets of circuit training exercise targets that are well known and used for different areas of the body. These circuit training exercises are categorized for the full body, upper body, lower body, and core region. Typically, these exercises are performed on different days of the week, to allow certain muscles in the body to rest while other muscles are worked. As the individual uses these exercises to target the areas of their body they want to strengthen, cardio exercises added to each workout achieve optimal results.

How Personal Trainers Use Them

Many personal trainers use these types of exercises in routines that they tailor to the needs of their clients. Personal trainers will begin a cardio workout to raise core body temperature before beginning upper body exercises, which include dumbbell reps for lateral raises, alternating shoulder presses, triceps extensions, single arm and front raises. These upper body exercises can be carried over to pushups and dips to successfully complete your cardio and upper body training session.

Cardio exercises can also be used just before a trainer or individual begins a lower body workout. A few minutes spent stretching and walking or jogging on the treadmill can significantly increase your core body temperature and heart rate for effective results in a lower body workout. These exercises consist of using weights such as dumbbells for one repetition of exercises such as squats, kicks, lunges, and box steps with added knee drives. Because the exercises are designed for the lower body, many people use them to relieve joint pain and strengthen back and leg muscles.

Full body workouts

Individuals and trainers also work on a day where full body training is focused on optimal overall body results. These exercises consist of the use of cardiovascular equipment such as treadmills, exercise bikes, trampolines, aerobics, jogging, jump ropes, and rowing machines. Preset workouts of exercises for the upper body, lower body, and core areas of the body are then performed. These full-body workouts can use all of the circuit training exercises, or they can be customized using specific exercises that are designed for an individual’s needs.

Exercises that focus on the core regions of the body are the exercises used by almost all athletes and non-athletes for strength training. The key factor in these exercises is how they are performed and they are based on form and repetition. These basic exercises have become an important part of circuit training exercises and are easy to perform with light weights.