Category Archive : Lifestyle Fashion

Breaking up is something we all hate, and it’s not fun at all. However, some people are not too concerned as the relationship was not serious at all. However, how do you show your ex that the breakup didn’t bother you?

clean your thoughts
Your true feelings towards your ex will come out once you see them again. You must, at all costs, prevent this from happening. Focus on something else and try not to let him see any emotions other than happiness. Don’t think about the past; instead, think about the present and how happy you are.

While you shouldn’t completely show them that you’re miserable, show them that you’re okay and moving on with your life. If they see you sad and depressed, they will know that you are sad because you miss them.

Don’t act too emotional or too rude
If you’re trying to show your ex that you’re better off without him, take action. Be happy and upbeat and maybe brag about how well you’re doing without him. If you show them that you’re nervous around them, they may get the impression that you’re following them. You also don’t want to act like an emotional basket case.

show confidence
Even if you still have feelings for your ex, don’t let him see it at all. This is the key to getting them to want you back if that’s what you’re trying to do. Otherwise, the more confident you act, the better off you’ll be.

keep your distance
If you really keep crushing your ex, the best thing you can do is stay as far away from him as possible. If he’s trying to outdo them, this will be pretty simple. If you’re looking to win them back, doing this can cause them to wonder what you’re doing and chase you.

let go of the past
If the relationship is over once and for all, the best thing to do is to let him go and say goodbye. You shouldn’t hold on to something that will never be there again. You’re going to go crazy holding on.

improve your appearance
You need to work on how you look so your ex will be jealous and wonder what’s going on. This can be something as simple as a new hairstyle, new clothes, and even something as simple as getting a tan.

My patients often ask me, “What is the best way to sleep?” to which I always reply: “Well, what position do you sleep in?” The reason for this answer is that just by tweaking a few things here and there, you can get a restful and comfortable sleep no matter what position you actually sleep in.

back sleepers

Yes, this is actually the preferred sleeping position because it puts the least amount of stress on your spine, IF you:

Place a cervical roll or rolled towel under your neck. Make sure your head is in a neutral position (not looking up or down). If you find you can’t be “in neutral” then you need a smaller roll.

Put a pillow under your knees – this takes stress away
of your lower back. You could buy a special pillow for this, but one
regular pillow works fine.

side sleepers

-If you sleep on your side, then follow these tips to minimize the
amount of stress on the spine.

Use a neck pillow: Ideally, the pillow should take into account the width of your shoulders: the wider your shoulders, the higher the pillow should be. This is because you want to keep your neck in a neutral position. This will not only make you more comfortable, if you have hip joint pain this definitely helps. Try not to sleep on your side with your arm over your head, this causes stress on the nerves that come out of your neck and into your arms. and cause tingling or numbness in the arms.

sleep face down

This position puts the most stress on the neck.
In this position you have your head turned to one side or the other for hours. This is quite stressful on the muscles and joints of the neck.

Your body will try to change its position to compensate. This is the reason why people who toss and turn are the ones who sleep on their stomachs.

To sleep more comfortably (stomach sleepers):

Put a pillow under your waist and don’t use a pillow for your head.

Remember that there are other variables that will affect the quality of your sleep, such as the condition and firmness of your mattress. If your mattress is too old, it will sag and not provide enough support.

Avoid super soft mattresses; can feel comfortable
principle, but in the mornings, the lack of support will make you feel sore. Your mattress should be firm, but not hard to provide adequate support.

As with anything, if any of these recommendations cause increased pain, see your chiropractor; there may be other factors present that need to be checked by a professional.

Sweet dreams!

The weather has turned from hot to colder and this guy has his yearly case of prostatitis. He has had problems with IBS and yeast infections for years. Last year, prostatitis came with a yeast infection on his penis. She is getting frustrated and knows that when she calls her doctor, she will only give her 10 days of doxycycline. She therefore wants any suggestions and input to make. Another friend asked me the symptoms of penile thrush as he may have that since he has thrush in so many places.

I bet it was a yeast. I have a yeast problem, but if I didn’t use condoms on my husband, he would get a red rash on his penis. She would eventually leave with him after a few days.

You could try a topical application of undecylenic acid or caprylic acid in addition to internal supplements. Natural substances should not have any effect on the skin, only on the surface yeast. Also, more antibiotics will only add to the yeast imbalance in your system, especially if you don’t do massive implants of positive bacteria during and after doxycycline.

But, if it’s “just” prostatitis, then it’s basically the nutritional deficiencies you have. You could try some products, like MoodMax, which balances hormone production, testosterone-progesterone ratio, improves blood circulation, etc.

The symptoms of yeast infection on the penis would be similar to those of a vaginal infection or thrush, which are white, creamy or scaly. The color, however, is mainly white. You probably want to check with a doctor to confirm that it is, in fact, yeast, rather than a different infection or bacterial strain.

The Corporate Woman: A new title for the new millennium. Many connotations are associated with this title, some positive and some not so positive. While the new corporate woman is glorified for being bold, smart, efficient, intelligent, organized, ambitious, and independent, she is also feared to be too aggressive, overly ambitious, jealously competitive, and dangerously extroverted. Sometimes she is also accused of neglecting the family, of not being a good cook, of asking for too much freedom and of being self-centered. And yet the question is: “Has the woman really changed?” The following question then arises: “Have we ever known the woman well?” And above all, “How do these women feel about all this?” Our search begins somewhere here.

In the book entitled “Why Men Don’t Listen and Why Women Can’t Read Maps” by Allan and Barbara Pease, there is a fascinating theory as to why men and women are the way they are. The reason goes back to the stone age when life was simple and revolved around survival. The men were the breadwinners of the family, i.e. the hunters, and they stuck to that role religiously, while the rest of the duties were assigned to the women. While the men would spend all their days hunting and securing food, the women would take care of everything else. Thus, women would be the cooks, cleaners, nurses, healers, breadwinners, nannies, protectors of children and the elderly, comforters and basically the administrators of the home and indeed of the entire tribe.

The theory further states that with evolution, although the nature of our work and challenges to survival changed, basic instincts and traits remained the same. The men continued to focus on being the breadwinner with all the instincts necessary to survive in the harsh world of competition, while the women continued their multiple roles. According to this theory, this is why multitasking comes naturally to most women.

It’s not about which role is better or tougher, although traditionally, the role of men is propagated to be the toughest as they have to operate in the outside and largely unknown world. While the role of women, as family and social administrators, has been given a much lower status. However, as I said, it is not about this little dispute. The main focus is trying to understand the multiple roles that women have been playing for centuries and their evolution in the face of the corporate role of women today.

She was a juggler yesterday and she is a juggler today. But to her credit, the number of sticks in her juggling circle has increased substantially. And yet, she walks a tightrope, every day, without a break. Sometimes she lost her balance, sometimes she was pushed, sometimes she reached perfect zen while other times she stared in disbelief at the mess around her. But she juggles, she does. Because that’s the nature of her, that’s what she is as a woman.

Of course, some sticks in her juggling circle are larger than others and some are forcibly made larger by circumstances and people, and yet she continues to juggle.

Introducing the New Age Corporate Woman: Employee, Employer, Colleague, Team Member, Breadwinner, Problem Solver and Yet Wife, Mother, Home Manager, Daughter in Law, Friend and Teacher, Nurse, Guide, Full-time partner and companion. , cleaner, cook and driver. Yes, when we look at the woman we call a liberated, independent career woman, we need to see that she still carries with her all the traditional roles of hers. And this is what makes the new age corporate woman so much more attractive, powerful, and in many ways threatening to many. I would add to that – Vulnerable.

Today’s woman is finally living her full potential. It is said that every man has a feminine side and vice versa, every woman has a masculine side. Today’s woman has developed her full potential and lives both sides of her to the fullest.

Then comes the next question: “What are the effects of this rise of the new powerful woman?”

The first thing that might come to mind is ‘imbalance?’ I do not blame him. As a society, we have been imbued with the idea of ​​a certain pattern and system in society that advocates the man as the provider and the dominant factor and the woman as the housewife and dependent. With the rise of the new woman this equation certainly changes. And while the woman has changed her role or rather has grown to encompass many more roles while still retaining her original role, men are taking much longer to even accept the change to let go, adapting to it. For men at home and at work, the new woman is a surprise and a challenge.

If we can keep the perspective of the theory of evolution discussed above, we can see where the challenges of the corporate woman come from:

Domestic challenges:

1. When the man traditionally believes that the responsibility of running the home, raising the children, social obligations and managing the family rests exclusively with the woman, he does not believe in sharing the responsibilities of the home with his co-worker. Thus, the woman struggles to pack 3 times more than the man in the same 24 hours.

2. Since the woman is also earning and is not dependent on her husband for her material needs, the husband does not get the satisfaction of his role as ‘provider’ and this damages his masculinity, sometimes consciously and sometimes unconsciously. .

3. The man who has not consciously accepted the equal status of women may be outwardly permissive of his wife’s employment status, but in many cases he suffers inwardly every time the wife brings home a salary, makes a decision about her cattle, comes home later than him, expects him to share her domestic workload, or is unable to keep up with all the traditional social and family expectations.

4. In many families today, working women have to spend a large proportion of their energy just to appease the wounded ego of their counterparts in addition to the other multiple tasks.

Challenges in the workplace:

1. You are expected to do the same job as your male counterparts and in many places with lower pay just because of your gender.

2. You face constant threats of sexual harassment, which is an added burden to your workload.

3. In many places, male workers do not feel very comfortable being subservient to a female boss or leader and women receive unhealthy treatment.

4. Many male colleagues do not take advantage of opportunities such as promotions for women, positively and often attribute the reason for the promotion to her being a woman and therefore belittle her caliber and talent.

5. Men, who are generally good team players and subservient to male co-workers, take working for a woman as an insult. Many make it evident in their daily work, making routine work days difficult for women.

A view for the positive balance:

Today we talk about equality for both sexes and I know many men who strongly support and defend it. However, to truly accept and appreciate the new emerging woman requires men to have high self-esteem. No person can respect and appreciate the growth of another unless he knows himself well and has great self-respect and self-confidence.

The woman has already taken flight in the corporate world and is progressing rapidly. This places a greater responsibility on the fathers of young children to help them cope with the changing reality of women. The women have been able to take on the expanded role in stride and while they struggle, they more or less manage to do justice to most of their roles (with a few exceptions of course!). The little boys of today, who will be the men of tomorrow, must be prepared for this new woman if healthier relationships are to be expected both at home and in the workplace.

Little girls also need to be groomed for a balanced life, making them aware of unique gifts like maternal instincts and nurturing that can never be fully replaced by their male counterparts or higher wages.

The corporate woman is here to stay, but none can survive or thrive alone. The law of nature demands balance and we all have to work for it together. If we can make changes in ourselves it is most desired, but as parents of the future generation, our responsibility is tremendous to save our loved ones from falling into the confusion of evolution.

One cause of this decreased height is thoracic kyphosis, also known as rounded upper back.

OhIs it kyphosis?

Kyphosis occurs when there is excessive curvature of the spine, eventually causing a hunchback-like appearance in the upper back.

Between 20 and 40% of older adults experience kyphosis.

The biggest change in the thoracic curve is in women between the ages of 50 and 70 but I am noticing younger people who have excessive thoracic curvature.

Causes and Treatment

Some of the generally known causes of kyphosis include:

  • degenerative changes
  • compression fractures
  • muscular weakness
  • altered biomechanics

The main causes of kyphosis are poor posture and inefficient movement patterns. This leads to muscle imbalances that further add to the problem.

Having poor posture and skeletal alignment, even for short periods of time during the day, causes negative changes in the central nervous system.

The resting lengths of the muscles become disordered, with some muscles remaining in a partially contracted shortened state and others becoming overstretched and weak. If the length of the muscle is not corrected, the connective tissue around the muscle stiffens, permanently trapping it in place.

Over time, forward bending can cause bulging and subluxation of the vertebrae.

The more time you spend in a flexed (bent) position, your head begins to maintain a forward position. This causes increased stress and weight on the spine and neck.

The head should be directly over the body, creating a straight line from the shoulders to the ears.

By practicing correct posture and doing exercises to strengthen your back and neck, you can lighten the load. This will give your spine a break.

Why is exercise important?

Exercise, combined with good posture and chiropractic care, can help improve a rounded upper back.

The researchers looked at the effect of spinal extension exercises on kyphosis. They found that strong back muscles are better able to counteract the forward pull of the spine. That means that exercises that strengthen the extensor muscles can decrease the angle of kyphosis.

Exercises that can help:

I recommend these five exercises to help prevent or improve a rounded upper back. Consistency is key and these need to be repeated a minimum of three to four times per week to see results over time.

Always consult a doctor before beginning an exercise routine, and be sure to listen to your body. If an exercise or stretch is causing more pain, stop and get help.

1. Mirror Image

For this exercise, simply do the movement opposite to the posture you are trying to correct.

  1. Stand tall, against a wall if necessary.
  2. Bend knees slightly
  3. Tuck your chin in slightly and bring your head back directly over your shoulders.
  4. Imagine that a small lead weight is attached to your tailbone, dangling between your legs, allowing you to feel gravity and where your center of mass is.
  5. Gently tuck your hips in so your tailbone points downward.
  6. Feel as if you are pulling your shoulder blades back and down. Hold this position for 30 seconds to a minute. Take a break if you start to feel pain.

2. Head retraction

This exercise is done lying on the floor and is very good for neck muscles that are often stretched and weak.

  1. Pull your chin toward the floor, as if you are trying to do a double chin.
  2. Hold for 15 seconds. Repeat five to 10 times.


  1. Lying on your stomach, spread your hands in front of your head.
  2. Keeping your head in a neutral position, facing the floor, raise your arms and legs toward the ceiling.
  3. Feel as if you are stretching your hands and feet away from your body. Hold for three seconds and repeat 10 times.

4.Extension of life

The goal of this exercise is to stretch tight chest muscles and strengthen weak back muscles.

  1. Begin standing tall with knees soft, torso tight, chest up, and shoulder blades back and down.
  2. Once you’re in an ideal posture, raise your arms into a Y position with your thumbs pointing back.
  3. In this position, take two or three deep breaths, concentrating on holding this position as you exhale.

5. Thoracic Spine Foam Roller

  1. Lie on the floor with a foam roller under you in the middle of your back.
  2. Gently roll up and down on the foam roller, massaging the muscles of the back and thoracic spine.

Food to go!

By making small changes to care for your posture today and prevent kyphosis, you can reap the health benefits for years to come. So take a break from your phone, practice good posture, and work toward a better quality of life.

For children who have articulation problems, it is important that they practice speaking and language as much as possible. This often means that parents need to plan some activities while their child is out of school for the summer to help prevent any regression or delay in their progress. The best thing about speech therapy is that it can be done pretty much anywhere, from your backyard to summer vacation. Some of the best skill-building techniques can be turned into fun activities that your child will enjoy doing. The following are some examples of games to play with children to improve their skills.

Play in the sand

Nothing illustrates summer like sand, whether it’s on the beach or in a sandbox in the backyard. While the children are playing with their sand toys, take the opportunity to turn it into an activity that will help them with their language skills. Bury some small toys in the sand for the children to find. As they are removed from the sand, ask them to say the word for the object before placing it in their buckets of sand. If this game is being played on the beach, make sure to do this activity in a small area and don’t bury objects too deep, as this could be frustrating for children.

road trip games

If the family is going on a summer road trip, think of some different language games that can be played on the road. Games that use word and letter sounds, such as the “license plate game” or the “ABC game,” can be both fun and educational. Ask the child to name the objects he sees that make the “k” sound, for example. Include the whole family in this game as it can be a lot of fun and challenging.

sidewalk chalk

Summer is an ideal time to play outside, and many children enjoy drawing with chalk on the sidewalk or driveway. Think of different games the family can play together, like hopscotch with letters instead of numbers. Another idea is to have the kids lie down in the driveway (when it’s cold of course) and outline each other. Then have children name items of clothing or accessories as they draw and color them. The child could also draw pictures of objects and name the letters and sounds for each item. The chalk options are limitless.

Read books

Few things are better for a child than reading. It is even more essential that a child who needs speech therapy read along with one of her parents to work on her skills. During the hot part of the summer days, gather the child with his favorite picture book and ask him to tell you a story using what he sees in the book. Have the child articulate the words he is using.

Speech therapy is very important for the development of language skills in many children, so it is crucial not to miss out during the summer months. Take some time before school is out to think of some ideas to improve your child’s articulation skills.

Searching for the most effective hyperhidrosis deodorant at local drugstores as well as your favorite local supermarkets is really not such a difficult task to do. In fact, there are so many different deodorants on the market that promise truly effective ways to get rid of underarm sweating. These are just some of them to guide you in choosing the most suitable and appropriate deodorant for you.

True Deodorant Dri
First of all, you should try buying over-the-counter deodorants for excessive sweating. Be sure to look for those that contain the aluminum chloride component so you can be sure it has the necessary ingredient to draw moisture away from your underarms. That way, you can be sure you’re protected and therefore won’t develop any unpleasant underarm odor or what is commonly known as body odor.

Antiperspirant Driclor

The second hyperhidrosis deodorant you should try is the Driclor brand. It is one of the countless deodorants you can get to finally get rid of excessive underarm sweating. In fact, it is highly recommended and prescribed by doctors and dermatologists as an immediate cure for the serious condition of excessive sweating or severe axillary hyperhidrosis. Driclor is known to have a high aluminum chloride hexahydrate content of around 20%. In fact, it’s the highest concentration of aluminum chloride you can get from a commercially available deodorant. Just make sure that before applying to the skin, you dry each skin very well; and when you wake up the next day, be sure to wash those areas where you applied the Driclor deodorant. Then again, dry well and apply once more. Remember that you will need a second application in the afternoon.

Drysol Antiperspirant

If you have used the other two deodorants for hyperhidrosis and still have excessively sweaty underarms, then look to the next solution, which is to use Drysol deodorant. In fact, this brand of roll-on is considered a prescription product at all pharmacies. That’s why make sure you have your doctor’s or dermatologist’s prescription when you’re trying to buy one. You see, Drysol contains about 30% aluminum chloride compared to 20% for Certain Dri and Driclor. This is why Drysol deodorant has quickly become one of the most popular prescription deodorants around the world.

Therefore, if you continue to suffer from excessive sweating or hyperhidrosis, do everything possible not to be embarrassed or embarrassed. Just see your dermatologist or doctor and rest assured that everything will work out for you. Otherwise, if you are so shy about your sweaty armpit problem, you will never be able to get rid of that social disease of having sweaty and stinky armpits. Say goodbye to this source of embarrassment now. Start building your lost self esteem once more. Consult your doctor and ask about the best hyperhidrosis deodorant for you.

Cufflinks are generally known as classic men’s accessories. This is mainly because we are used to seeing cufflinks on men’s dress shirts, along with the sports or dinner jacket, the business suit, and of course the tuxedo. And it’s been that way ever since, so it’s quite understandable why many assume they’re only for men.

But in reality there are no such rules. Cufflinks are intended to be worn with long-sleeved dress shirts, either with French cuffs or simply buttonholes. So women who wear such can also naturally wear the same accessory. This practice may not be as common as it is for men, but twins are no longer exclusively male. Women can wear cufflinks just like men, but more as complements to their professional or business formal attire.

Cufflinks look great with women’s formal corporate wear: a long-sleeved blouse with or without a jacket, paired with office pants or a skirt. By the way, some women’s blouses are designed with double holes or folded cuffs at the end of the sleeves. They may not be as thick as a men’s dress shirt, but they serve the same purpose.

For women wearing cufflinks, the same general rules apply as for men. First of all, classic cufflinks are best for formal wear, even in corporate settings. There is also a wide range of materials and designs for classic cufflinks, but they don’t have to be expensive. You don’t really need to wear diamond-encrusted cufflinks. There are cufflinks of modest design – the simpler, the better. You can’t go wrong with conservative cufflinks. As for the colors, you can choose the same colors as the men’s. But women now have the freedom to wear colors like fuchsia, pink, lavender, and others that typical men wouldn’t dare. Of course, in all of this there are obviously female cufflink designs now available. In general, one can tell the difference between a man’s twins and a woman’s.

Just be sure to pair the cufflinks with other ladies’ accessories such as a ladies’ wristwatch, necklace, or even earrings. The dominant color of the cufflinks should go well with the colors of other accessories, i.e. silver cufflinks if you wear silver jewelry and gold cufflinks if you have gold jewelry.

On top of that, you can also match the color of your cufflinks to the color of your suit. A white top can accommodate any color accessory, but a light blue one would probably suit a neutral color like silver, black, or a different shade of the same color (like dark blue or navy blue), rather than red or yellow.

There is a new trend in women’s ties as a complement to professional clothing. If you also wear it, you should also consider whether the cufflinks match the color and design of your tie.

As for cufflink designs, many cufflinks are now explicitly “girly.” Many cufflinks can be considered unisex, but now there are fabulous pairs designed for women. You can easily find them in jewelry stores both online and offline.

Everyone always wants to know how I started my handmade wedding invitations business. It wasn’t that hard actually. Anyone could do it. All you need is a bit of artistic ability and imagination. And with all the cute things they have in craft stores now, you don’t even have to have that.

Have you seen all the beautiful papers they have now? When I started, you had a choice between white, ecru, and maybe some pastel colors. And if you wanted them to have some kind of design or floral pattern, you had to do it yourself. But when it comes to wedding invitations, you have to be very precise and exact. No one wants a paint splattered wedding invitation and the more “store bought” it looks the better. Even though it is an original design, it still has to look professional.

But now you can get all kinds of beautiful papers. Floral motifs and stripes and polka dots. And some of the most stunning colors, too. Those peach or lavender days are long gone! Another thing that has helped me in my design business is the growing popularity of scrapbooking. With so many people turning to this as a hobby now, the manufacturers who create those products have created hundreds upon hundreds of embellishments for those scrapbooks that are perfect for wedding invitations and stationery.

No matter what theme the bridal party is looking for, you can find something useful in the scrapbooking aisle at your local craft store. Someone asked me for a beach theme for their wedding stationery a few weeks ago and I found the most beautiful decorations at the craft store. They had these little pearlescent seashells that went perfectly with this muted seashell pattern paper they had. I also found some beautiful sand colored paper to use as inserts and finished it all off with a natural raffia bow. They were beautiful! And the bride loved them!

Computers have also helped a lot. Years ago when I started, my only option for lettering on my invitations was calligraphy. You can imagine?! Handwriting an invitation is a time-consuming process, even when you know what you’re doing. But now, I can let the bride sit next to me while we choose font styles for her invitations, and I can even print our samples to help her decide. And in the blink of an eye, I can print all the inserts I need without even picking up my calligraphy pen.

Of course, I make sure to make an extra of all my invitations so that I can put them in my bag. I have people asking to see samples of my work all the time. Which is natural. Nobody buys wedding invitations without being able to see them first. So you see, setting up a handmade wedding invitation business these days is easy!

Candidiasis is the result of an altered vaginal pH or an imbalance of the acidic and basic elements of the vagina. There are no external bacteria entering the body to cause a problem; rather, the infection occurs simply due to overgrowth of yeast commonly found in localized areas such as the mouth, digestive tract, and most commonly the genitals. Treatment for yeast infection includes conventional over-the-counter medications or prescription medications, such as oral medications, topical creams, antifungal medications, or probiotics.

Treatment of yeast infections can usually be done by using one of four different types of methods or products. These are: Natural Treatments, Antifungal Creams, Antifungal Suppositories, and Antifungal Tablets. For starters, a natural approach would include herbal and homeopathic treatments to treat the underlying symptoms and help maintain overall health and well-being. Herbal and homeopathic remedies are unquestionably safe and effective. In addition to those already mentioned, corresponding alternative therapies, such as immunotherapy, acupuncture or increased vitamin intake, also alleviate the symptoms of fungal overgrowth.

Antifungal creams, on the other hand, include antifungals or antifungal medications. Examples of topical medications of this type are: Clotrimazole, which is available as an over-the-counter substance in various dosage forms. Nitastine, another antifungal drug, has very minimal absorption and could also be in oral form. Lastly, ketoconazole, an antifungal drug for immunocompromised patients, makes it safe for them to treat candidiasis. Antifungal suppositories that are inserted into the vagina have fewer side effects than antifungal pills that are taken by mouth. This is because the vaginal medicine is not absorbed into the body and only affects the genital area. Antifungal pills taken by mouth affect the entire body and are subject to side effects.

Examples of antifungal suppositories include tea tree oil suppository combined with coconut oil (coconut oil becomes solid when frozen). The combination of coconut and tea tree oil in plastic wrap is stored in the freezer until ready to use. A tampon soaked in water and tea tree oil solution is also a suppository only which is homemade and some dilutions should be made. It is recommended to apply these ovules for at least an hour to make use of their effectiveness. Probiotics are known to inhibit fungal growth. Tampon soaked in unsweetened yogurt produces the same effect. Boric acid is also known to treat yeast infections due to its mild antiseptic and antifungal properties. It can be reapplied to a tampon and inserted into the vagina for about an hour or so.

Garlic is also known to have antifungal properties and can be effortlessly made into a suppository. The paste can be made from garlic cloves, in the form of a suppository. Given all the information, you should always consult your doctor before attempting any type of treatment to prevent the infection from worsening. What works for one person may not work for another. A large number of factors must be sufficiently considered, including the medical condition of the patient and the severity of the case.