Category Archive : Pets

Humor plays an important role in comedy movies which usually have a happy ending with the exception of black comedy. Comedy is one of the oldest film genres and the first silent film was a comedy. Comedy puts an emphasis on individual performers, and a number of stand-up comedians turn to movies due to their popularity.

Comedy movies are very light-heartedly scripted for the sole purpose of entertainment. However, other comedy movies carry a social or political message like the dog and man of the year.

Much Ado About Nothing by William Shakespeare is considered the first comedy of manners, however the genre actually rose to prominence during the Restoration period. The plot of the comedy consists of an illicit affair or some other controversy or gossip. The witty dialogues of the comedy are more important than the story.

In a particular type of comedy, the main character or characters find themselves in an unusual situation that provokes humor. Such situations can arise, for example, with the exchange of gender roles as in Tootsie (1982); age role reversal, as in Big (1988); an individual enjoying freedom placed in a structured atmosphere as in Police Academy (1984).

A spoof or spoof is a comedy film that uses sarcasm, stereotyping, and poking fun at scenes from other films. Burning Saddles (1974), Airplane! (1980) and Young Frankenstein (1974) are examples of this genre.

The anarchic comedy film employs nonsensical and ridiculous, stream-of-consciousness humor that often lampoons some form of authority. These types of films have originated from a theatrical history of anarchic stage comedy. Featured films in this category include Duck Soup (1933), National Lampoon’s Animal House (1978), Monty Python and the Holy Grail (1975).

Black comedy films lampoon death, murder, suicide, and war, which are generally considered forbidden subjects. Examples include Arsenic and Old Lace (1944), Monsieur Verdoux (1947), Kind Hearts and Coronets (1949), The Ladykillers (1955).

Nasty movies are of recent origin and are about sex and hygienic humor. There’s Something About Mary (1998) and American Pie (1999) are examples of this genre.

The romantic comedy revolves around the relationship between man and woman. Light-hearted romantic comedies often feature social interactions and sexual tensions between the couple. Examples of this type of film include It’s a Wonderful World (1939), The Shop Around the Corner (1940), Sabrina (1954), When Harry Met Sally… (1989), Pretty Woman (1990).

I talk a lot about establishing and maintaining control of sales calls: it’s important for us as sales professionals to direct the conversation in such a way that we get the information we need to determine if the prospect is a good fit for our offer, and if if so, what is the best way to position it for them. In this post, I’ll discuss one area where a small, easy-to-implement tweak can make a measurable difference in results: asking for permission.

Why bother asking permission?

On the surface, asking our prospects for permission seems like a weak move. We’re temporarily losing control, briefly handing over the reins of the conversation to the prospect and giving him an outlet if he’s really looking for one. So why do we do it? Before we look at the benefits, let’s take a look at the potential drawbacks to understand why they’re not so disastrous after all.

You are giving the prospect control of the call.

We are? Most of the time, asking for permission takes the form of a closed question (yes or no) to which we are pretty sure the answer will be yes. We’ve given the prospect control of the call in the same way that a McDonald’s employee has given a customer control of the menu by asking if “would you like fries with that.”

You’re giving the prospect an easy out!

Absolutely. This concept of ‘giving prospects a way out’ is outdated and worth walking away from altogether. Your call should strategically incorporate ways for the prospect to release if they are not interested for two reasons:

  1. It’s a litmus test against prospect interest: If you’re looking for outlets, you haven’t done your job of arousing their interest.
  2. The corollary is that if we’re giving the prospect opportunities and they don’t take them, we know they’re interested, and we’re subtly reinforcing that interest in the minds of our prospects by forcing them to demonstrate it repeatedly!

Having addressed the apparent drawbacks, let’s take a look at the benefits:

We reinforce our image of educated professional.

Asking permission is the polite thing to do, and with the vast majority of prospects, being polite will go a long way toward establishing trust and respect.

We give the prospect the ability to provide information while restricting their ability to divert the conversation.

Nobody wants to be on the receiving end of a one-sided conversation. Even if the prospect has shown that he is okay with us taking the call, we still want him to feel included in that conversation. Open-ended questions also play a role, but a simple request for permission can go a long way in making the prospect feel engaged while keeping you in control of the wheel.

We’re engaging prospects more in the conversation and in our service offering by scaling the consent we seek.

This is the most important benefit: Closing a deal is simply the last step in a growing chain of consent. Ultimately, we need the prospect to say “yes” when we apply for the business; therefore, it works to our advantage to “get them used” to answering yes before closing that deal. Asking returns the potential customer’s attention to where you want it and makes them feel more interested in the call. Subtly, even subconsciously, they think to themselves, “Well, if I wasn’t interested, I might have said ‘no,’ so I should pay attention.” Ideally, asking for business should always be framed in a context of prior consent. We start by asking for their permission to introduce them: show them our website, do a live demo, send them a proposal, call them back on a specific date, and ultimately ask their permission to start working for them.

To illustrate these benefits, I’m going to go through a couple of examples of situations where a seller might ask for permission and highlight how it benefits them:

Opening of the call

Representative: Hi John, my name is Bill from XYZ Company. I am contacting you because I took a look at your website and I think I can help you improve your lead generation capabilities.

Prospect: Thanks, but I don’t have time for this right now.

Representative: I certainly understand, John. Is it okay if I take two minutes to briefly explain what we can do for you? If that sounds interesting, we can set up a follow-up call, and if not, I’ll leave you alone.

Prospect: Sure. Two minutes. Shoot.

It would have been easy here to gloss over the “I’m busy, call me later” objection and start pitching anyway. But of course, you’re not being very polite, are you? You also have no idea if the potential client is listening to you or if he is mentally thinking about going back to what he was doing before you called. Finally, we’re missing the opportunity to start establishing “yes momentum”: at the end of the day, if the prospect stands their ground and doesn’t give you two minutes, you haven’t lost anything, you can still call. come back later (maybe they were Really busy), or cross them off your list. There is practically no downside.

Going to the demo

Rep: John, are you in front of a computer?

John: I am.

Rep: What I’d like to do, John, is take you to a website that we’ve worked on for a client of mine. He is in his industry and I think he will give you a more concrete idea of ​​exactly what we can do for you. It sounds fair?

John: Sure, what’s the site?

Again, it would be easy to ask them if they’re in front of a computer and, if they are, direct them to the site, but we’d miss a great opportunity to ask permission. We make ourselves appear educated, we are not forcing anything on the prospect, simply suggesting a course of action that will allow them to better evaluate our service. Again, if the prospect rejects your request, it’s not because you haven’t intimidated them, but because you haven’t tried hard enough to generate interest early in the call before attempting the transition (or perhaps simply because of limitations). legitimate time slots, in which case they should be willing and eager to set up a follow-up call). Either way you’re doing them Lean on – engage more and admit to you (and for themselves) that Yesthey are interested in seeing a live demo. Subtle, but powerful.

the closure

John: Well this is all looking great, what are the next steps?

Representative: Glad to hear it, John. How about I pass you some packages and you can tell me which one makes the most sense? Works for you?

John: Sure, shoot.

This is just one example of a way to work permission in our closure. Here we can see that our intrepid hero has opted for a multiple choice closure (a form of closed closing question where we present the prospect with a series of options to choose from, none of which are “no thanks” or “give me some time”). It’s a powerful closure on its own, but adding a permission request is the perfect complement. One of the problems with close closing tools is that we can make the prospect feel boxed in: he becomes wary and even though everything lines up and I want to buyThat’s why they put up last-minute walls. In this case, we have circumvented that concern by giving them a way out. We said, “Hello, potential customer, I’d like to close it with multiple options. Is that ok?” And they have agreed. BOOM! That’s power. We’re also cutting the foreground into more digestible parts that will be easier for the client to swallow: “Yeah, that sounds good.” “Yes, I want to work with you.” “Yes, I would like to hear your options and choose one.” By scaling the consent we ask for slowly, we encourage prospects more and decrease the likelihood of scaring them away when applying for business.

These are just a few examples, but there are many more ways asking permission can be included in your sales calls. As with any tool, it should be sprinkled throughout the presentation so it doesn’t sound forced or scripted, but it’s an effective litmus test of potential client interest and helps us get closer to closing with minimal risk of rejection. Do you ask permission on your calls? What are some of the questions you like to ask and why? Any comments or questions are welcome in the section below, and as always, if you’ve found this information useful, please share it with anyone else who might also enjoy it!

These days, short stories are my cup of tea because each one can be devoured in one sitting.

Strange Pilgrims is a collection of twelve stories compiled by GG Márquez from his travels in Europe. Let me approach this through constructivism: Marquez’s style always makes use of magical realism and symbols are present in every story. The main themes are death and its effects on the living, as well as light and its absence. The common recurring symbol is blood. This reminds me of his extensive use of blood and bleeding incidents in Chronicles of a Death Foretold.

My top five Strange Pilgrims stories are (this is ridiculous, with GG Marquez it’s impossible to settle for just five!):

“I just came to use your phone”: Maria is driving alone to Barcelona when her car breaks down and she gets on a bus transporting women to a nursing home. In her destiny, Maria is supposed to be one of them.

Maria dos Prazeres- An aging prostitute waits for death to arrive at her apartment in Barcelona with her dog that she has trained to cry at her grave.

Sleeping Beauty and the Airplane – A very beautiful woman sits next to the author on a flight. He is completely captured by her beauty, and here he expresses her reflections.

Ghosts of August: A family vacationing in Tuscany decides to spend the night at a friend’s castle where, according to legend, the builder killed his girlfriend in bed before setting dogs on himself. The family then discovers the truth of this story the next morning when they wake up.

The people of the Tramontana seek refuge from the Catalan wind that the locals call the Tramontana, bringing with it the paranormal effects on everyone.

I have a special liking for these death stories:


Miss Forbes’s Summer of Happiness: Two children enjoy the serenity of a quiet summer vacation until a strict German nanny arrives.

Light is like water: two children ask for a boat in exchange for their good grades at school. Due to the absence of navigation water, they break the light bulbs in your home and the light comes out like water.

Snow-Billy’s trail of your blood leads his new wife to a hospital to help her stop bleeding from a scratch on her ring finger from a rose thorn and he doesn’t know he’ll never see her again.

Márquez arranged the stories himself in the order he wrote them. Each one has a pilgrim story to tell, in beautiful cities like Rome and Paris. Naturally, save the best for last.

Even the prologue has to tell Marquez’s strange story, of him visiting his own funeral and finally seeing his closest friends, but once the funeral is over, he just can’t leave.

Gabriel José de la Concordia García Márquez is a Colombian novelist, short story writer, screenwriter and journalist. García Márquez, familiarly known as “Gabo” in his native country, is considered one of the most significant authors of the 20th century. In 1982, he received the Nobel Prize for Literature.

He began as a journalist and has written many acclaimed nonfiction and short stories, but is best known for his novels, such as One Hundred Years of Solitude (1967) and Love in the Time of Cholera (1985). His works have achieved significant critical acclaim and commercial success, not least for popularizing a literary style labeled magical realism, which uses magical elements and events to explain real experiences. Some of his works are set in a fictional town called Macondo, and most of them express the theme of loneliness.

-Good reads

“The true memories seemed like ghosts, while the false memories were so convincing that they replaced reality.”

With Márquez, the name of the game is magic and majesty, each pilgrim emerges spellbound.

Next on my reading list is Ray Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451, unless someone wants to donate another book to read. What’s on your reading list?

Should I have a dog?

Dogs are one of the most popular pets in the world. They have enjoyed this status for a long time, probably from 10,000 to 15,000 years ago when Stone Age cave dwellers lived and hunted with dogs.

If you think you want a dog, you are following a well-established tradition.

why you might want a dog

There are a number of reasons people think they might want a dog as a pet. The most universal is the desire for the company of an animal that will be a loyal friend for many years. Others think it would be nice to have a guard dog to watch the house, and some people are interested in participating in dog shows, agility trials, or other organized activities.

If you’re thinking of getting a dog, it’s important to determine if you can care for it properly. Dogs need several things from a pet owner:




In order for your dog to stay healthy, it will need to be fed correctly, exercised enough, brushed regularly, and taken to the vet for regular check-ups and vaccinations. If you want your dog to be well-mannered and a joy to be around, you’ll need to make sure he’s fully socialized and trained, which requires spending many hours with him. Dogs also need fixed schedules so they know when they will be fed and when they will be let out.

If you are a very busy person who works long hours and travels a lot, having a dog may not be for you.

Things to consider before buying a dog

Owning a dog can be one of the most rewarding experiences you can have, but before you start thinking about what kind of dog you might want, you need to ask yourself some serious questions about how well your lifestyle will suit any given dog.

Many people fall in love with a cute puppy in a pet store and bring him home only to face a brutal truth. That cute puppy will have to be taken out to relieve himself first thing in the morning. Every morning. Even on weekend mornings. Even if it’s raining or snowing or 100 degrees in the shade. And he will have to go out more than once a day, sometimes several times more than once, especially when he is young.

That’s just the beginning. Here are some other things to seriously consider before diving into dog ownership:


A bad allergic reaction to dogs in a member of your family can result in you having to find a new home for the dog, a sad experience for everyone. Some people are severely allergic and cannot even live in a house where a dog has lived. Others are much less bothered by it and can make adjustments to be able to live comfortably with a pet. An allergy can be to the dog’s saliva, hair or dander. Not all dogs cause the same allergic reaction. Certain breeds are known to be less allergenic because they shed very little or not at all. These include the Chinese Crested, which is hairless, and breeds, which can vary in size, such as the Basenji, Bichon Frise, and Standard Poodle.

What do you want in a dog?

Is your main concern to have a pet at home that is a good companion? Do you want an athletic dog that can go with you when you run? Will you be taking your dog camping and will he have to be big enough to carry his own food? Do you want a dog that can be a credible watchdog and guard dog? Do you want to show the dog? Do you want to participate in agility, obedience or field tests? You’ll want to study the different breeds and then talk to breeders and members of local dog clubs to find out what traits will best fit your expectations.

Can your children adapt?

Kids love puppies, but both kids and puppies need supervision. Children can play too hard with a puppy and a small child will not understand that the puppy is tired and needs to rest. A puppy that is hurt or tired of playing is likely to growl and bite, and sometimes bite, to get the child to leave it alone. An older dog can be a serious threat if he is not used to children. There is one rule that should NEVER be broken: Babies and young children should never be left unattended with a dog, no matter how much you trust them.

Can your other pets adjust?

If you already have pets, you will need to consider how the dog will adjust to them and they to him. If you have cats that have never been around a dog, you may have a long adjustment period or the combination may not work at all. Puppies will usually learn to live with cats if care is taken that the initial encounter is not too traumatic. If you are considering an older dog, try to find out how he has previously reacted to other pets.

How much space do you have for a dog?

This is an important consideration. A large, active dog, such as a retriever or German shepherd, can run and play in a large, fenced-in yard. Often, however, the dog won’t play much if you’re not available to be with him, and he’ll just lay on the grass like he would if he was inside his dog bed. Large dogs can be happy even in an apartment if they take a long walk or two every day.


Unless you live in the country and spend a lot of time outdoors with your dog, he will not be happy as a strictly outdoor dog. Outside should be for playing and exercising. A dog should never be left outdoors in hot weather without shade and water or in cold weather without a well-insulated shelter. If your dog spends a lot of time outdoors, he’ll need a fenced-in yard or a large kennel.

can you afford a dog

Your dog will need to be fed and brushed and provided with toys and treats. You may want to take him to obedience classes. If you occasionally travel for business or go on a trip and can’t take your dog with you, you’ll need to make arrangements to house him or hire a dog sitter to care for him in your home.

veterinary care

Your dog will need regular veterinary checkups, which will include vaccinations, deworming, and flea and tick prevention. A medical emergency can cost several hundred dollars. As your dog ages, he may develop chronic health conditions that require regular visits to the vet. Veterinary charges vary from city to city. If you haven’t owned a pet before, you may want to call to see what the rates are in your area.


If you don’t have time to groom your dog, don’t have the facilities to properly bathe him, or if he requires special grooming, you should hire a professional groomer. You will also need brushes and combs for maintenance.


Dogs must be licensed. Fees are set by the county or city and vary widely. For licensing information, call your county animal control office. Your veterinarian and local animal shelter will also know where to go to purchase a license.

Exercise and companionship: do you have time?

Some dogs only need a short walk once or twice a day, while others are made to run all day. Be honest when considering what level of regular exercise will be comfortable for you. If you have a heavy work schedule, walking the dog at night can be more of a burden than a pleasure. An active dog that only exercises on weekends and holidays is likely to be unhappy, not to mention bored and destructive. In addition to exercising, your dog needs time with you. If you have a full work schedule and a busy social life, your dog is likely to feel lonely, bored and destructive.

Dog size and energy level

Before you even think about getting a very energetic young dog like a golden retriever, you need to ask yourself if you are strong enough to control and exercise a dog that will want to run and play and could easily knock you down. accident. Don’t buy a puppy who will become a 150-pound jock if his energy level is more in tune with a walk with a toy poodle.

Is your lifestyle stable?

A common reason dogs are turned over to animal shelters is that the owner has had to move and new homes do not allow pets. Or the owner has gotten married and the new spouse does not like dogs. Is he likely to move often? Is your family life stable? Does your job require you to travel frequently or for long periods of time?

Puppy or older dog?

Most people automatically think of puppies when they think of getting a dog. While puppies are cute and fun, there are benefits to having a senior dog. It is much easier to train an older dog. Puppies do not physically have the ability to hold urine for a long period of time and must be removed frequently. You won’t have to wait for an older dog to grow up to see what size it will be or what kind of temperament it will have, and if you get your dog from an animal shelter or rescue organization, you’ll probably be saving his life.

The first steps

If after reading all this, you still want a dog, congratulations! You’re probably eager to take the first step and want to head to the pet store, breeder, shelter or rescue organization, but don’t rush out to find a dog just yet. It is important that you take the time to read as much as you can about selecting, introducing and keeping a dog. Browse through the other articles on our website. Check out books from the public library or visit a bookstore.

Consider what kind of dog you want. Do you want a purebred dog or a mix? Do you want a male or a female? Do you want a puppy or an older dog? Talk to other dog owners you know. Where did you get your dogs from and what was your experience? Where do you want to look for the perfect choice?

Once you decide to get a dog, choose a time to bring it home when you and your family have time to pay close attention to it; Bringing him home at the start of a long weekend or vacation, when you’ll have more time to spend at home with him, will definitely make the transition to his new home easier for him and his new family. Prepare for his arrival. You will need to know what to expect and how to take care of it when it first comes into your life.

If you’ve carefully chosen your new canine friend and groomed him properly, bringing him home can be one of the happiest experiences of your life. He will become part of your family and will love you without reservation. Return his love, and he truly will be your best friend.

shared by Bullie Pups R Us

Here are some simple ways to prevent health problems for your dog. Essential oil products made by Young Living are natural ways to promote health, naturally prevent pests, and help stop tooth decay. Please note that not all brands of essential oils are processed to Young Living’s standards, and if you use other brands, you may not receive the benefits and may be harming your pet.

I am a dog breeder and I can try essential oils and then see the results. I have attended many classes, read numerous books, listened to countless podcasts on essential oils. I have had the pleasure of speaking with a few holistic vets who use essential oils. I tried the suggested apps and found out firsthand if the remedies are good solutions.

These solutions contain many benefits without the high veterinary costs and side effects of man-made products. These are some of the Young Living products I have tried. The results have exceeded my expectations. A great benefit is that I no longer apply unnecessary poisons to my dogs or absorb the poisons myself.

Purification is an essential oil blend made by Young Living and is wonderful for cleaning dog ears. Put a purifying drop in the palm of your hand, rub the end of a Q-tip into the drop, then clean your dog’s ear. Repeat the process with a new end of a Q-tip for the other ear. Repeat daily until Q-tip is free of debris. Kills ear mites instantly. Dr. Melissa Shelton, DVM, performed tests and witnessed the death of the ear mites when she applied the purification to the microscope slide. Purification diffused or sprayed on your bedding kills pests, disinfects and keeps your home bug free without using harmful chemicals.

Lavender is a natural solution for tear stains. Once a day, put a drop in the palm of your hand and then use your index finger to apply the drop by rubbing your finger over the top bridge of your dog’s nose just below his eyes. Lavender unblocks the eye passages and kills bacteria caused by tearing.

I have a couple of dogs with eye injuries from hunting, interacting with other pets, or other issues. Dr. Melissa Shelton, DVM, told me about a dog that was a last chance candidate with an eye problem. He used lavender mixed with water and was having success resolving the eye problem. I mixed a solution of 8 drops of lavender in 8 ounces of steam distilled water and a packet of usp grade sodium chloride/baking soda. The packet is ½ of a teaspoon. Sodium Chloride/Sodium Bicarbonate USP grade can be purchased at Walgreen’s or online; used for neti pot sinus rinse. It is an emulsifier and prevents the solution from separating as oil and water do not mix. The solution must be shaken each time before use if you are not using an emulsifier. The mixture is similar to eyewash solutions used for humans. Put the mixture in a glass spray bottle. Spray the solution 2-3 times in the affected eye once a day and watch the healing begin.

Curly, our English springer’s eye was extremely large due to a hunting accident that occurred in 2006 at the age of 8 years. The eye was getting bigger and it looked like it was about to burst. He was sure that he would need surgery and could lose his eye. I started using the solution and his eye has returned to its normal size and the cataract is getting smaller. That is incredible.

This solution repels pests, soothes skin problems, and softens the coat. It also relieves sore muscles. I mix 1 drop of lavender and 1 drop of peppermint with 1 ounce of steam distilled water. Then add one drop of Young Living Bath & Shower Gel Base as an emulsifier to 6 ounces of water in a spray bottle. Spray the solution weekly or as needed, then massage your fingers into your dog’s spine. Your dog will love this routine.

Thieves, another blend made by Young Living, is great for helping prevent cavities. In a 4 ounce glass spray bottle, I mix 2 drops of Thieves in 1 ounce of steam distilled water. I use the nightly solution to spray on my dog’s gums and upper teeth. Lift the upper lip on each side of your dog’s mouth and spray the solution onto the teeth. Thieves kills the bacteria that cause cavities. Thieves strengthens your dog’s immune system, it is a natural antibiotic. Antibiotics made from drugs kill both bad bacteria and good bacteria. You will need to rebuild the good bacteria with probiotics like Life 5, yogurt, kefir, etc. if you use artificial antibiotics. The Thieves Solution is a cheaper, easier, and healthier method of brushing your teeth daily or taking your dog to the vet for their recommended 6-month dental cleaning.

Start learning by reading labels and then searching for ingredients on your computer in your browser’s search bar. I use Young Living Animal Scent shampoo to bathe my animals. It has essential oils that clean and repel pests without the harmful side effects of other pet shampoos. It does not have any carcinogenic ingredients like the sodium lauryl sulfate found in most shampoos. It can be used as needed and not just once every 30 days as stated in most pet shampoos.

Another great Young Living product is Animal Scent Ointment. I have been using it to heal wounds. Hunting dogs receive nicks and cuts when they hunt. I apply on his sores and his wounds heal faster. It’s wonderful to apply after removing dew claws or clipping tails. It speeds up the healing process and prevents infections. I apply the pomade to my cuticles at night since I need to wash my hands frequently; the ointment cures my dry hands faster than the other products i have used in the past. Also, there are no toxins.

Another featured product is Young Living’s Thieves Household Cleaner. I have been using it to clean my kennels. Mix 30 oz. water to 1 oz. Thieves household cleaner in a spray bottle and spray in the kennel. It kills germs, bacteria and is safe for dogs even if they lick their paws. I do not need to take away their water or food, Thieves is a natural product that is safe to ingest. No need to rinse or air dry. It doesn’t burn my lungs or irritate my skin. I take the dog out while I spray the solution; he has cinnamon and can be irritating to the eyes while the mist settles, which only takes a few seconds.


The author offers information and opinions, not as a substitute for professional medical prevention, diagnosis or treatment. It is recommended that you consult a veterinarian trained in the use of essential oils before taking home remedies or supplements or following any treatment suggested by anyone. Your veterinarian can provide advice on what is considered safe and effective for your animal’s unique needs or diagnose your animal’s particular medical history.

Longevity: Longhorns have an incredibly long productive life. Many live past 20 years of age and some produce after 25 or 30 years. This longevity means the rancher can retain cows longer and sell more young cattle for a profit.

Calving ease: As a breed, the average longhorn cattle have an unassisted calving rate of 99%. Calves are typically smaller and weigh less than the average commercial beef cow. The shape of the head and shoulders are more tapered to better fit the pelvic opening of the cow. This makes calving easier and faster with little stress to the cow or calf. The calf is usually up and running before the farmer knows it has been born. In the twelve years I have been raising Texas Longhorn cattle I have yet to see a calf born. I have found them only a few minutes old, but I have never seen an actual birth.

disease resistance: Longhorns are more resistant to common cattle diseases such as conjunctivitis and foot rot. This means fewer vet visits and fewer vaccinations, lowering your supply costs. I have never had a case of conjunctivitis, eye cancer or foot rot in my longhorn cattle.

lean meat: Texas Longhorn beef is leaner and lower in cholesterol than boneless, skinless chicken breast with more amino acids and necessary nutrients. (Texas A&M, 1987) This is an excellent marketing tool for ranchers to use. With our societies moving towards leaner meats and a more health conscious way of eating longhorn beef fits the bill.

Pasture utilization: Longhorn cattle will eat a greater variety of plants and grasses than other beef cattle. Longhorns will actually search for trees and bushes similar to deer. Therefore, longhorns will make more use of available plant matter to convert to body weight and reduce the need for food to be supplied.

Lower production cost: Due to the hardy nature of longhorns, they do not require a barn for shelter. Longhorns do very well, even in winter if they have shelter from the wind and some trees to shade them from the summer sun. My Texas longhorn cattle live on pasture year-round in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains where my ranch is located and do very well.

Hybrid Vigor: Crossing longhorn cattle with other beef breeds introduces hybrid vigor in the resulting offspring. This means that the calves that result from the cross will grow faster and have characteristics that make them generally better. My neighbor uses a longhorn bull on all of his first Herford heifers and is very impressed with the quality of calves he gets.

Hunting raccoon hounds come in two forms. The first is hunting for pleasure, this is when you go out with friends and hunt just for fun. The second type is competitive raccoon hunting. Today I am going to talk about the second type.

The competitive raccoon hunt is a structured hunt where you compete for prizes. They go out to hunt in groups, called “casts”, made up of four dogs. Each dog will have a handler (that’s you). In addition, in each distribution, there will be someone who is designated as a “guide”. The guide is responsible for providing a place to hunt raccoons. He will also give you information on the layout of the terrain, such as streams, hills, etc.

There will also be a cast member who will be designated as a “judge.” The judge is responsible for keeping track of the scores of all the raccoon hounds on the score card. Judges also help resolve any disputes that may arise. Sometimes the judge and the guide will be the same person. In larger hunts, such as the World Hunt, judges and guides may be “non-hunter guides” or “non-hunter judges”. This means that your only point of interest is the work assigned. This helps keep the big competition raccoon hunts fair.

Now that you know how competitive raccoon hunts are organized, let’s talk about how the scoring system works. Dogs are scored in two categories. These categories are “strike” and “tree”. The first dog to hit a track with a yell and be called by his handler would receive the “first hit” and the most points. This is repeated in all 4 points. Each position receives a little less than the previous one. The next category is “tree”. This is handled in the same process, but this time when the raccoon hound lets out a signal and switches to the faster “tree bark”. For most raccoon hounds, tree bark is a “chop”, however, there are also some tree dogs with mouths that scream.

The number of points awarded for each category is different for each record. Most coon hound registries award 100, 75, 50 and 25 points respectively for each place in both categories. However, the United Kennel Club awards 125, 75, 50 and 25 points in the “tree” category. The Professional Kennel Club has a time limit for tree points where each position is closed after a reported period of time. Also, the raccoon hound must remain treed for 5 minutes before the cast can enter and mark the tree.

Ok, now that you know how the throws and the scoring system work, I’m going to talk about how you score the trees. Once you enter the tree, all the raccoon hounds are on a leash. Once all the raccoon hounds are tied to the tree, a clock is started and all cast members will start looking for a raccoon in the tree. Most registries allow 8-10 minutes to search for a raccoon in the tree. If a raccoon is found, the tree is graded “plus”. This is what you want, obviously. If it is obvious that there is no raccoon, the tree is rated “minus”, as you would expect, this is not good. If no raccoon is found, but there is a possibility that there is one, the tree is scored as “circle”. Circle points only count when it comes to a tiebreaker. Examples of circular trees would be hollow trees or leafy trees. You will see many circular trees during the summer hunting season.

Now, you should be off to a good start in understanding competitive raccoon hunts. Now, grab your favorite raccoon hound and head to the nearest competition hunt and try your luck.

Tropical island resorts represent some of the most popular vacation destinations in the world. Every year millions of busy and stressed people choose to spend their precious vacation time relaxing in tropical locations. Why? What makes these places so irresistible? Could it be the ideal lifestyle they represent, an environment where the pressures of everyday life can simply be forgotten and replaced with an attitude of contentment, ease, and general well-being? This slower, more relaxed attitude is fueled in large part by the natural beauty that surrounds you in tropical island locations.

If something has such a positive effect on your attitude and outlook, why should you settle for experiencing it just once a year during the holidays? What if it were possible to create a little piece of that? Island see in your daily life?

While you may not have an ocean on hand, you can absolutely create a beautiful tropical resort-style setting in your own backyard. Not only is it possible, it’s a lot of fun. And guess what? It doesn’t have to cost a lot of money. With a little creativity, education, and guidance, you can turn your boring backyard landscape into your very own exotic, tropical Backyard Resort.

what is a tropical look In any case?

Tropical landscapes are, by their very nature, very informal. To create your Backyard Resort, your backyard landscaping will capture the wild and untamed mood of a natural tropical landscape. This mood cannot be captured by the boring, straight-ahead plantings of over-manicured shrubs that are so common in residential landscapes. The tropical-inspired garden will be much more casual, with seemingly random patterns of trees, shrubs, and foliage.

The exotic and tropical look of your backyard resort will be achieved by combining a wide variety of shapes, forms, colors and textures. Banana plants with their large, dramatic leaves, beautiful foliage plants like coleus and ginger, open and airy ornamental grasses, beautiful vines, and tropical flowering plants all have a place. What may surprise you is that there is also a place for many of our traditional and more cold hardy landscape plants. Uniformity and normality are out; randomness and fantasy are in fashion.

So how do you do it?

If you were lucky enough to live in an area that never has to suffer from prolonged cold weather, you probably wouldn’t be reading this to begin with. He would have a year-round growing season with no fear of sub-zero temperatures, and he could grow whatever he wanted. For most of us, that’s not the reality, so we’ll have to get creative if we want to create that exotic, tropical backyard landscape, our own little tropical escape.

The approach we will use is very simple. We will create our backyard complex by combine exotic-looking tropical plants with well-adapted plants that look tropical or look good in a tropical setting. The trick is learning which plants and how to combine them to create that exotic, tropical look. We are going to use a simple layered approach.

At a high level, this is what you should do: create a solid foundation, create the effect of tropical scenery, Y add the finishing touches.

Create a solid foundation

The good news is that this can start with what you already have. Here, use only things that are winter hardy. This is the skeleton of your garden landscape and we want it bad. Large trees, evergreen shrubs and understory small trees and perennials that return year after year will lay the foundation. This is completely specific to your area.

Anything with large, dark green leaves works great, and evergreen works even better. Ornamental grasses like Pampus and Maiden are great foundation plants. They seem to add a carefree feel to the landscape as they move in the wind. You should be able to find several that suit your area. Finally, try to find some color for the base. Any shrub or tree that flourishes and is well suited to your area is great for your foundation. Crepe myrtles are a favorite in southern landscapes.

Remember, the idea here is to establish that permanent foundation. You’ll definitely want to wear things that are reliable in your area and won’t succumb to the winter cold.

Create the tropical landscape effect

Now that you have a base or background, it’s time to add the tropical effect plants to turn that normal backyard or poolside landscape into your own tropical paradise. Here, you will be using true tropical plants that should be treated as annuals in your area, unless you are willing to go to great lengths to protect them from the winter chill. There are many plants that are tropical or subtropical that, with a little protection, will grow back each spring (eg, bananas, elephant ears). Then there are the interesting tropical-looking plants that may not have a problem with winter weather.

For the tropical effect, you must have at least one palm tree. It is difficult to imagine a tropical landscape without the presence of palm trees. The reason palms are not used more in southern landscapes can only be attributed to a lack of information. Plant one and you’re sure to hear more than one “You can’t grow that here!” There are several palms that can handle very low temperatures with little or no damage. Windmill, Sabal and needle palms come to mind.

The palms create the tropical foundation, now you need to enhance the tropical effect. To start, let’s add some bananas, cannas and elephant ears with their huge leaves. They are all very easy to grow, and with a little work, can be protected to keep them coming back year after year. Yucca and large ornamental grasses also add a great tropical effect. Add a little spark of royal color with tropical hibiscus, coleus, and Mandevilla and you’re sure to start humming Jimmy Buffett and reggae tunes.

Get creative here and have fun. Try seemingly crazy things. As an example, I have grown papayas, angel trumpets, candle trees, and castor plants for years, treating them as annuals. Talk about a tropical effect that will turn heads!

Add the finishing touches

The plants you use in your garden go a long way to creating that tropical resort-like setting we’re after, but there are other things too. Good use of containers can greatly enhance the overall effect of your backyard resort. Containers allow you to create lush gardens in places where it would otherwise be impossible, such as patios and decks. Tropical hibiscus, mandevilla, and bougainvillea make a statement in containers.

Here is a great tip. Go to the houseplant section of your favorite garden center. Of course, there is really no such thing as a houseplant. All plants want to be outside and will do best outside. Many so-called houseplants are actually tropical understory plants that will work wonderfully on a covered patio or deck where they are shaded from direct sun. Experiment with some of these plants and you will surely be amazed at the results.

Now, let’s go beyond that and into an area where you can be really creative and let your personality shine through… garden art There are no rules of any kind here. Simple things like adding tiki torches along a pathway can make a real statement. For more information, create a faux Mayan ruin surrounded by tropical-looking foliage. If you don’t have a pool, build a small pond complete with a waterfall. Or suspend a comfortable hammock between the trees, complete with a fake (or real!) parrot watching over you while you relax. Remember, there are no rules here. This is all about you. Have fun.

Backyard Resorts – There you have it…

I sincerely hope you find this fun, useful, and at least marginally instructive. This little hobby has been an absolute joy to me over the years. Remember, my intention was never to give you a Backyard Resort in a Box, with step-by-step instructions on exactly what, when, and how to do everything. That wouldn’t be possible in a single article, and even if it were, it would take all the fun out of this little adventure. The idea is to give you a taste of what’s possible and hopefully whet your appetite with some ideas and tools to get you started. Beyond that, you have all kinds of creative license to create your own personal Backyard Resort. Now, start and, above all, have fun.

Appreciation – the most important habit.

There are five easy ways to play the appreciation game.

First, appreciate the life you have. Whatever it is, right here, right now, you have a life worth living. You are here because of your infinite wisdom and this is the life that is yours. When we look at our lives with love, love is returned. When we look appreciatively at ourselves, that is returned. It’s a direct shot from us to us.

Second, appreciate yourself. Start small. Can you smile? Have to. Make a list of the wonderful things you can do. Review what you have done every day. Have you picked up something on the street and thrown it away? Have you smiled at someone? Have you appreciated your dog, your cat, your child, your spouse, your friend? Do you love everything you call your own? Why not? They are a gift, from you to you.

Third, appreciate what is outside of you, what you see, feel, touch. All the music, books, and movies you can access, all for free if you need it. Do you know that other countries don’t necessarily have libraries and conferences, old movies for their citizens for free? What great opportunities we have for personal development, enrichment and entertainment. Every municipality in this country offers excellent excursions at little or no cost to worlds beyond our immediate borders.

Which leads directly to #four, which is appreciating other people. People who share with us their knowledge and skills, their enthusiasm and enthusiasm. Slideshows, books, readings, dances, theater – the list is endless. There are people all around us picking up litter, rescuing wildlife, reading to children in schools, recording books on tape for people who have trouble with the written word. There are millions of great stories among us that never make the nightly news. People who are great neighbors and friends, lovers who are kind, husbands who are not indifferent, friends who are true. Warning! Look at them. Pay attention to what is right under your nose. Do not walk next to another person without smiling, unless you are in a dangerous place, you know where you are and what is the correct action to take.

Fifth, take this opportunity to team up with those around you. Once you start smiling, you will find people attracted to you, you will start to see how they look like you, how you fit in with them. You have to make an attempt to know them: if you still feel that you are good and that they are idiots, you are not listening to “them”, you are not seeing them. If you really see people for who they are, you’ll see things in common and, in a fun twist, you’ll see your own uniqueness. The more we focus on our feelings, motivations, the truth in us, the more we feel connected to those around us.

So, take a leap of faith. Be nice. Be generous. Start here, now, with the most important person you know: YOU!

The Catahoula Leopard Dog is an intelligent, energetic, and hard-working dog that has a long herding and hunting history. Sometimes denounced as an aggressive dog, they are best described as aggressive workers as they have a very strong work ethic and love to work but are also very wary of strangers.

The Catahoula temperament is not suitable for everyone; These dogs are very protective of their territory and family, especially the males, but are friendly and gentle with other dogs when on neutral ground.

It is these traits, combined with their independent nature, high energy levels, and physical strength, that can make a Catahoula too difficult to handle for some inexperienced owners or those who lack the confidence, energy, or strength to discipline. these dogs properly. , and can make having such a dog a problem. This can be especially so for those who live in apartments and small spaces. Also, the CLD does not do well when tied to a runner or placed in a kennel. It is best to recognize that you will need to spend a lot of time with this breed and avoid leaving this dog for a full day at work. Eight hours away from home can be too much for this normally active and energetic creature.

The Catahoula Leopard Dog is also too independent-minded to be the ideal training partner for the intensely competitive trainer. On the other hand, for someone who wants a powerful and exceptionally capable companion, the CLD can go from swimming to climbing trees in a single hike (seriously, check out the pictures on the internet).

The Catahoula is without equal when it comes to driving cattle.

CLD eyes can be brown, blue, aqua, green, gold, or a combination of any of these colors in one eye which is called ‘cracked’ or two different colored eyes altogether! Eye color can often vary with a different color in each eye. Given the diversity of these traits, it is difficult to predict which features will dominate.

Catahoulas are naturally protective of what and who they believe belongs to them. In fact, many owners will say that the Catahoula owns them. Catahoulas are a dominant breed by nature, so YOU ​​should always be in control! They are also very territorial and don’t always discriminate between friend or foe, so I don’t advise letting a Catahoula, or any dog, run free unsupervised.

Research into the origins of the name suggests that the name may be attributed to a mispronunciation or slur on the word “Couthaougoula”, meaning Choctaw. This word was used to describe the Indians or their dog, giving the inference that the Indian was no better than his dog.

A Catahoula with a light gray or tan coat can have spots nearly identical to a leopard. It is theorized that this was the result of natural selection in that it is particularly effective camouflage in low light and overcast conditions.

A CLD should have a short single coat, medium floppy ears, large round feet with thick pads and well defined toes, and have a muscular but athletic build. Catahoulas have deep chests, a distinctly rounded flank, and fairly long, straight legs.

Breeder Web, unlike other sites, does not serve as a link between the person who wants to find puppies for sale and the person who has bred their Catahoula Leopard Dog puppies.

If you’re looking to buy this breed of dog, do your best to make sure you’re buying from a good human breeder and not a dog breeder who breeds more than three types of dogs, as that tends to target breeders who focus less on the dog and more in the profits.

When you see dogs for sale online, keep in mind that while buying a puppy only through a website can be tempting, it’s usually unwise.

Dog breeders advertise their puppies and dogs for sale in the breeder’s directory and in classified ads. Remember that breeders know your dog’s breed best and should be able to provide you with the temperament of their puppies and any special care the specific breed needs. Take your time as you make a commitment that will last a decade or more.