Category Archive : Pets

Wondering how to close your lips on a second date? It all starts with getting a second date in the first place, so don’t ignore how important the first date is. This article is divided into two parts. Part 1 is “act right on the first date so you have a second date.” Part 2 is “How to close your lips on a second date.”

Part 1: Act correctly on the first date to have a second date

A lot of guys just “improvise” when it comes to the important first date. “I’ll be myself” is what they say. They then wonder why the girl who enthusiastically accepted the first date is suddenly cold and distant when it comes to trying to date again.

Here are some general rules of thumb for a first date (and really, ALL of your dates with her).

1. Be a gentleman by holding her chair, opening her car door, and for God’s sake, don’t look at other women when you’re dating her. Also, keep your eyes focused on hers, and not, uh, lower, if you know what I mean.

Also, keep the date around 2-3 hours. There is no point in trying to go on an 8 hour date. They will just wear each other down and they won’t have enough time with her to survive that kind of union. Have you ever heard the statement “familiarity breeds contempt”? At first this is so true.

You have to spoon feed him so that he is always looking forward to the next time you meet. Dating women is a marathon, NOT a sprint.

2. Don’t talk about how you think the world will end in 2012. You may accept all that calendar stuff, but a date is not the appropriate place for that or any other “serious” topic. Save the serious stuff for a philosophy class. Always keep things light and fun with her.

3. Grabbing is good when you’re on a game show trying to get that many balls in your hands in a minute to win a big prize. Grabbing is not good on the date with her. I understand that you are attracted to her, but I just know that she knows when the time is right for you to touch her. Don’t put your arm around her, try to make her sit on your lap, rub her shoulders, or whatever. Heard from so many women that guys who walk into their space too early TURN THEM OFF. If he wants to brush your arm or leg while laughing, calm down. But you stay away from her!

Also, having him touch you like this is a sign that he likes you. You will never get that signal if you step into her space and have your paws on her. You would leave the date wondering if he was touching you because he likes you or if he was trying to get away from you.

4. This goes along with the n. 2. DON’T talk about all the disappointments in your life, ESPECIALLY ex-lovers. She doesn’t care that you didn’t buy the video game when you were 5, the car when you were 16, or the love of your life at 22. She is ONLY to see if she likes you enough to see you again for a while. second date. Make her laugh and keep things light.

5. Don’t reveal too much personal information about yourself, ESPECIALLY how you feel about her. Many guys blurt out how much they like the girl and would love to see her again. That turns women off because despite what they say, they like to chase a guy.

When you say “I think this date is going great, I really like you, maybe we can do this again,” then she might smile and say that she likes you too. You might even eagerly accept another date. Make no mistake, though, you lowered their LEVEL OF INTEREST in yourself by telegraphing your true feelings.

Your INTEREST LEVEL is like real interest in a savings account. Money does not earn interest in your pocket, it earns interest when you invest it. Her INTEREST LEVEL does not increase in you when you are in her face telling you how much you like her, it increases when you are not around and she wonders what you are doing.

Also, don’t give her too many compliments (you’re allowed 2, “you look good” at first and “I had fun” at the end) and DO NOT give her gifts. That means there are no flowers during the date (or after) and no candy, bears, shiny things, etc. His INTEREST LEVEL does not increase from what you give him.

Do you know what kind of women respond to gifts from a guy they just started dating? MERCENARIES. Do you really want a MERCENARY?

6. Last but not least, call her only every 5-9 days and only ask her out on weekdays until she specifically asks why you don’t take her out on weekends. Obviously, that won’t happen between date 1 and 2, so after date 1, wait 5-9 days and ask her out again for one day of the week. During those 5-9 days, if he had a good time and laughed a lot on your first date, he will be thinking and anticipating date 2. His INTEREST LEVEL in you will increase.

So, you’ve acted well on the first date, she had a lot of fun, you’ve made her wonder about you by not calling her right away, and she’s anticipating a second date. As you can see, this will make her much more willing and excited to kiss you on date 2. Which brings us now to part 2.

Part 2: How to close your lips on a second date

Date 2 should reflect date 1 in how you act, but now you’ve set yourself up as a cool guy with her.

She’s available because she’s gotten rid of all the other guys except you (so far). What did the “rejected” boys do?

I bet they tried to call a lot, they wanted to be in her space touching her, they told her how much they liked her, they gave her a ton of compliments, they wanted to fit in on 3 dates the first week they met her, they told her. how much they miss their ex-girlfriend, send her flowers and mostly become a plague.

You’re the gentle guy who pulls out his chair, makes her laugh, and makes her wonder what you’re doing between dates. Believe it or not, even if you are at home in your boxers playing an online video game every night that you are not with her, she will still think that you have 5-6 more women to knock out. box for your darling. Well, she’ll think that if you’re not in her face calling her and giving her gifts.

Women love to think that they have to get other women out of the ring to get you. I don’t know why this is so, but it is!

So on the second date, have fun, make her laugh, keep your hands to yourself, and end the date after 2-3 hours like on the first date.

Take her to the door like on the first date (like the gentleman you are), tell her you had fun, and then go get the kiss. If he returns it, you have a good candidate for date 3. If he turns his head or backs up, you have to erase his number!

Plus, you’re the one who kisses back first! Don’t stay and kiss until the sun comes up. Any other boy would do that. Well the guys who are trying to make dating women a sprint. You know it is a marathon and each appointment should build on the previous one. Remember, she always needs to look forward to being with you next time and to be excited about it.

Remember guys, if you are wondering how to close your lips on a second date, keep in mind that it starts with a strategy to use from date 1 onwards!

Dogs bark, it’s a fact. However, when the barking becomes excessive and annoying, it is time for you to become the true leader of the pack. However, before applying a no-bark rule in your home, it is important that you first find out why your best animal friend is barking excessively. After all, there really is no way you can fix the problem if you don’t take care of the root. The good news is that it is very easy to determine why dogs are barking excessively.

Your dog is bored

Dogs are living things and they are very intelligent, which you probably already know. Like humans, they get bored and easily depressed once they get caught up in a routine that they have to deal with on a daily basis. Once this happens, they will try to express their frustration by constantly barking and sometimes destroying their flower beds. In short, barking is a way for your dogs to release stress and frustration. One way to help your dog release some pent-up energy is to break his daily routine. If you don’t take him for an afternoon walk, start doing it. It would also be helpful to give her some accessories that she can play with when you are not around. Sometimes a simple toy is enough to keep him happy and distracted for hours.

Your dog seeks attention

If you start to notice that your dog is barking excessively, ask yourself if you’ve paid enough attention to it in the last few days or weeks. Barking is usually a dog’s way of getting the attention of its owner. If you’ve been stuck at work lately and haven’t been able to spend more time with your pet, it’s a possible reason why your dog is barking incessantly. Obviously the best way to deal with this is to find time for your dog. Let your dog know that you have not forgotten. At the same time, however, let your dog realize that barking will not help him get his attention. If he barks excessively, don’t reward him with your attention. If he stops barking and remains calm and quiet, now is the time to praise him.

Your dog is being territorial

Some dogs easily distinguish visitors from intruders, but most do not. If your dog barks at the postman or neighbor who visits your home, it is simply because he is trying to protect his territory. This is natural dog behavior, but it can be a problem if the dog doesn’t distinguish actual intruders from guests or passersby. A good way to deal with this is to introduce your dog to the neighbors. You, your neighbors, or guests can give him treats if he behaves properly. However, at the same time, do not ignore your dog’s barking as it may be a valid distress call.

Your dog is trying to communicate

Barking is the main means of communication in dogs, so if your dog barks, it simply means that he is trying to convey something. Dogs sometimes bark as a way to communicate with other dogs or with you as the owner. It can bark for many different reasons, so always find out the reason behind the barking first before acting. Are you barking out of boredom or frustration? Is it trying to warn you against an intruder? However, does he just want to get your attention? It would also be a good idea to take your dog to the vet to make sure his constant barking is not the result of some medical problem.

Why parrots stop talking is not always the problem. Some people long for their parrots to stop talking, simply because they talk incessantly once they have learned a few phrases. Parrots are very sociable and want to communicate with other members of their “flock”, that is, the people with whom they live. So a talking parrot is probably more common.

However, there are times when the parrots stop talking and then the concerned owner wants to know why they stopped.

Reasons why parrots stop talking

There are several reasons why parrots stop talking. We cannot give a complete list here, but one of the following may apply to your parrot.

1. Some talking parrots are silent for a few days when they arrive at a new home. They are adapting to change. Suddenly they find a new “herd” in a new environment. Even a parrot that has spoken before will need time to clear things up in his mind before he gets comfortable.

2. Talking parrots sometimes stop talking when they feel sick. If your parrot has been talking regularly and stops for no apparent reason, consider health concerns. You may need to take him to an avian vet.

3. Talking parrots will “pout” and stop talking when they are unhappy with a change you have made. You may have moved the furniture in the room where the parrot spends most of its time. Perhaps you are wearing an item of clothing that the parrot does not like.

4. Another reason why parrots stop talking is the introduction of a new member of the family, be it human or another pet. The parrot must work during the change and stops talking while adjusting.

5. Sometimes a parrot has been frightened, perhaps by prey, and refrains from speaking. The animal may be outside, but visible from the parrot’s cage.

6. Finally, your parrot may stop talking if he gets bored with his own chatter and hears few words from you. Remember that your parrot uses human speech to communicate with you. He is in a “foreign” land, away from those who speak his language, and he is trying to learn their language to communicate.

What to do when parrots stop talking

There are several things you can do to cheer up a talking parrot that has decided not to talk.

If your parrot has been placed in a new environment, make it as comfortable as possible. Give her time to adjust, but while she is adjusting, talk to her gently and often. As soon as you decide that the new environment is safe, you will probably start talking again.

If you suspect that your parrot’s sudden silence is an early sign of illness, take a look at its eyes and feathers. If you detect boredom in any of them, you may need to have your parrot checked by an avian (bird) vet.

Sometimes the answer is as simple as finding a change that you have made in the last few days or weeks. Did you move a vase that used to reflect light? Did the parrot cage move a few meters one way or the other? Try to remember what may have changed and put it back as it was. Your silent parrot may speak quickly to thank you.

Check for predators, even if you know they can’t reach the parrot. A large, predatory bird flying past the window or sitting in a tree outside may be the reason your parrot has stopped talking.

The best solution to help a talking parrot find its tongue is to spend more time talking to and around the bird. Take it to other rooms where you and your family are so that it feels like part of the conversation.

Talk to your bird as much as you would talk to a family member or a very good friend, and before long, it should start talking again.

If your puppy or mastiff dog is barking excessively, it could be due to many different things. He or she could get trapped or under a fence. He or she could be barking at other dogs in the neighborhood, or they could feel lonely and depressed.

Dogs bark for many reasons. It would be impractical to think that your puppy or dog would never bark again, because some barks are really good for a dog – and you!

Dogs will bark to alert their owners or danger, or a suspicious person loitering. But a dog that just barks and barks, and you don’t seem to know why, not only does it annoy you, but it also tends to annoy the neighbors.

One of the first things to find out is why your dog is barking in the first place. Do you see a squirrel or cat in a tree every day and it barks at you? Or is your puppy or dog not getting enough exercise and is left alone outside for long periods of time and barks in boredom? After finding out why they bark, it is much easier to correct the problem.

Puppies will naturally bark if they are playing and running, it is in their nature that playful barking is normal. If you can’t tell what your dog is barking at, he can sometimes see or smell things that you can’t, so you may need to take a closer look again. You should also make sure that your puppy or mastiff dog is checked by a vet, to make sure he is doing well, before attempting to correct the problem.

It is nice to have a nice place for your dog to sleep, such as a dog house, a dog bed, and a nice place to make his own. You wouldn’t want you to have to sleep outside and no one gave you a house or bed to sleep in, so be nice to your dog.

Here are some ways to help curb your dogs’ barking. If your dog barks and you open the door to let him in, you are just reinforcing him to bark every time he wants to come in. When they bark, they know you’ll come to the door and let them in, and the barking works for them.

If you go to the door and stand there and yell at them like a delusional madman, they will think you are joining them in the celebration, and they will want to bark even more! You’re barking at them, so they want to bark too, and join in!

If you are a mastiff puppy or a barking dog, and you come to breed him and give him treats, that is not good. They will take this as a sign that what they need to do is bark to get your attention more, so you should never reward this type of barking.

There are several ways to teach your dog that barking is not rewarded. If you are out all day and you are aware that your dog is barking excessively while you are away, he most likely thinks that if he keeps barking, you will show up. Eventually, when you show up, you immediately go to the dog and the barking may stop at that point. In your dog’s mind, he or she has been barking to get you home, and it worked, you’re finally home.

To cure this type of barking, when you get home, do not immediately go to your dog. Let the dog know that you are not rewarding him for barking. Don’t go to the dog until he has calmed down, and then you can go to him, after the barking has stopped and doesn’t start again for a while.

If our dog barks when the phone rings or his cell phone rings, teach him to ignore it. You can do this if you have a friend or family member, who repeatedly calls your phone and just sits down and doesn’t answer. With repetition, your dog will bark less and less and then get bored with the phone completely.

One of the easiest things to remember when training your dog is to praise or reward your dog when he does something you like and to give a negative response to something you don’t like. Over time, your dog, through repetition, will learn what is acceptable and what is not. He or she will be a much better member of the family, and it will be good for them too!

There are several ways you can train your dog not to bark when you leave the house. He would need something noisy, like a can of rocks, or marbles in the can, or a garden hose, and he would use them for negative suggestions. You would leave your house and then you would quietly return and hide outside somewhere in the front.

When you hear your dog barking, use the hose to put the nozzle over the fence and spray it, or toss the can of stones or marbles in their general direction, being careful not to hit them. Loud noise will scare them and they will associate barking with getting wet, or if loud noises reach them, they will eventually tire of the barking.

You can also use a treat and the Quiet or Stop command. When your dog barks, you give the command Hush and when he stops barking, you give him a treat and praise, and eventually just praise them.

With almost any dog, it will never happen overnight. It takes consistency and patience. Your dog will progress a lot and then regress at times, that’s natural. They will move on again, with patience and good dog training, you can turn your dog into an excellent member of the family.

Sometimes a dog likes to bark at the person who delivers the mail or the person who makes the delivery. In the eyes of your dog, this person is entering your territory and is an intruder, an unwanted guest, and your dog is continuously barking at this person. The person usually leaves in a short period of time, and the dog thinks that his barking has caused the intruder to leave, and that he has done a good job!

If you wanted to cure this type of barking and you were friends with your courier or delivery man, you could tell them your training method and give them a bag of snacks to take with them. Every time they came to your house, they could give the dog a snack on the fence, and the dog would come to think of this person as a welcome guest, rather than an intruder, and the barking would subside after a while.

The best way to train any dog ​​is for you and your puppy or dog to enroll in obedience classes together. You will have a better understanding of basic dog techniques, and you will bond even more with your dog!

Sometimes special animals come into our lives and touch our hearts in a way that leaves us forever changed. One chapter ends when the familiar road they traveled together comes to a steep y. You are in uncharted territory without a map. Lost. The world as you know it may seem totally different.

Not everyone realizes that the bond between humans and their pets can be deeper than with a loved one. Some people tend to spend more time with their pets than with their family members. Pets don’t judge us or hurt us like humans. The loss of his constant and unconditional love can leave us empty.
There is no best way to get over the loss of a beloved pet. The path through the grieving process is different for everyone. Here are some things I found useful when I lost Maggie, my beautiful black lab with whom I had the most precious relationship:

1. Perform a ritual after your pet dies and invite friends and family who knew and loved your pet. Share stories about how your beloved animal enriched her life and other lives she touched. You can also create a memorial altar with a candle and your pet’s photo, along with other items that belong to or remind you of your pet, such as their plate, special toys, and a lock of fur.

2. Recognize that grief over the loss of a pet can be exceptionally deep, and honor it by giving your grief the space to be. Allow your tears. Set aside quiet time each day when you can lessen the demands of the outside world. Write in your journal. Allow your pain to express itself and be released.

3. Bring in compassion and understanding from friends and family strangers who support you.

4. Don’t be surprised if some family or friends don’t give you the support you might expect. Allow yourself time off from friends who don’t understand the depth of your grief, who try to minimize your loss because you are an animal rather than a human, or who have unrealistic expectations of you in this vulnerable time.

5. Let people know if you need to talk about your lost pet. Many well-meaning people may try to change the subject to make things easier for you, and you may need to let them know that it’s okay to talk about it.

6. Find a pet loss support group locally or online and use the national pet loss hotlines.

7. Take care of yourself. Get a massage. Take walks in nature. To meditate. Have lunch with a supportive friend. Do what feeds your soul.

8. Know yourself well enough to know if having a new pet at this time will help or hinder our grieving process. Some people do well jumping right in with a new dog or cat. Others may resent having a new animal in the house too quickly.

9. Help the animals in your local humane society or participate in the many breed rescue groups in your area. You can help ease their pain by allowing the love of your lost animal to become part of a larger purpose, such as helping and caring for homeless animals.

10. Try new things to discover more about yourself; those creative endeavors you’ve often considered but never tried.

We all have to face pain and loss eventually. He is one of the great equalizers of life. Let the death of your pet affect the basis of who you are, as death often does. When we experience a loss, it can be a good time to let go of what no longer fits in your life; What are you not? In my case, after losing Maggie, I changed both personally and professionally. I hope that my steps on the path from loss to healing can benefit you now in your time of loss. As devastating as the loss of our beloved animals can be, this time can also be an excellent opportunity to examine our purpose in life and find new meaning.

© Permission to reproduce granted with credit to the author.

House training your puppy is one of the most important things you will teach him. There are several different ways to teach your puppy about house training. Some owners are interested in teaching their puppy to use a litter box. it’s possible? Absolutely!

Most puppies can be taught to use a litter box. It is very similar to teaching a cat to use a litter box, although puppies do not use it as instinctively as cats do. If you have a toy dog ​​in particular, it can be helpful to teach your puppy how to use the crate, as he will remain small throughout his life. This means that the box will remain a convenient size for you to use even as an adult dog.

If you have a puppy that will grow into a medium or large dog, you can still teach him to litter, but it may not be very comfortable for him to use the box when he grows up. However, as you get older, you should be able to wait longer to relieve yourself. That should allow you plenty of time to get home from work, for example, so you can take him for a walk or let him out.

To teach your puppy to use a litter box, you will first need to get a large box. Usually it is best to get a large, simple rectangular box. Plastic is fine. For obvious reasons, you won’t want to buy one of the fancier hooded cat boxes or other gadgets as your pup may have trouble fitting inside or may try to chew on it.

You can use normal cat litter in the litter box for your puppy. Many dog ​​breeders teach their puppies to use a litter box. They like to use a mixture of kitty litter, such as Fresh Step, and lucerne pellets or pine shavings. Alfalfa granules are used as rabbit food and as bedding, so your pup may try to eat some of them, but they won’t hurt him. You will probably leave them alone after trying them a couple of times. Alfalfa granules are good because they are very absorbent and eliminate odor. Pine shavings are good because they are fluffy and also eliminate odor.

You should avoid using cedar shavings as litter box fillers, as they have an oil that can damage your pup’s eyes.

At first, you should put the litter box in a place where your puppy will surely find it. You can place it in a place where your puppy has already had an accident, for example. Make sure to place a bath mat or mat under the box to reduce the amount of litter your pup picks up or takes out of the box. Your pup will likely try digging in the box at first. It is a dog and dogs like to dig, so you should expect this at first.

Watch your puppy closely and when you see signs that he needs to go to the bathroom, you should take him (or pick him up) to the litter box. Put it back in the box if you try to leave. With good timing, your puppy should relieve himself in the crate. Make sure to praise him and give him a treat. Tell him what a good puppy he is. Keep doing this every time you see that your puppy needs to go to the bathroom.

If you are consistent in taking your puppy to the litter box every time he needs to go to the bathroom, then you will teach him to use the box very quickly.

Some puppies accept litter box training very quickly, but some puppies always prefer to go outside.

Keep the litter box clean. Pick up deposits quickly and change the sand frequently, especially the top layer. You can scrub the entire litter box with bleach and water as needed.

Collies come in two different varieties, “smooth” and “rough.” Rough Collies require a lot more grooming, but straightening them must be groomed regularly to keep their coats healthy. Collies have a double coat of hair, which means there is a thick undercoat and a thinner, flatter outer coat of hair.

A smooth collie has shorter hair like a Labrador Retriever or Dalmatian. The hair is short and straight with a thick undercoat. Rough Collies have a long, flowing top coat and a dense undercoat. You can keep your collie in good shape, no matter the variety, with regular brushing.

You will need a pin brush, a more polished brush, a comb, scissors, and a spray bottle filled with a conditioning spray. You can buy a commercial spray conditioner or make your own using 1-2 tablespoons of dog conditioner diluted with water. Make sure it is well diluted or the spray will grease your collie’s coat.

Make sure you spray your dog’s hair well before you start brushing. Never brush a collie’s coat to dry it because it will break its hair. If you have a rough collie, part the dog’s hair and brush it from the roots. The pin brush can be used if your dog is not moving and does not have mats.

The more polished brush and comb are useful for shedding dogs and removing rugs. If a mat cannot be removed from the Collie’s hair, it can be trimmed. Collies often have matted hair behind their ears, under their front legs, and on their belly, so be sure to check those areas carefully. For a soft collie, a more polished brush will suffice for the inner and outer coat.

You should brush your collie every day during shedding seasons, and at least once a week when you don’t. Regular brushing is important to remove dead hair. If left alone, dead hair will lead to hot spots on your dog’s skin.

Collies generally don’t require excessive trimming, but you may want to keep your feet trimmed. Using small scissors, carefully cut the hair around each pad.

This will keep your collie’s feet clean. While working on your collie’s feet, you can also trim his nails. This should be done every 1 to 2 weeks to prevent the nails from getting too long.

If your collie is a puppy, you can train him to use it with a Dremel tool with a sandpaper attachment. Apply light pressure with the Dremel and grind to just before quick pink.

The alternative to using the Dremel is to use a standard dog nail clipper. Before clipping the dog’s nails, look for the quick pink and clip it just before that point. Cutting the quick will make the dog’s nail bleed. If this happens, it helps to have styptic powder on hand to stop the bleeding.

Lastly, remember to clean your collie’s ears once a week. You can buy a canine ear cleaner at any pet store. Spray the ear cleaner into your dog’s ear canal and then rub the base of the ear. This will help the ear cleaner coat the inside of the ear canal. You can use a cotton ball to remove excess cleanser and then allow the ear canal to dry naturally.

Why do cocker spaniels lick and is it harmful?

Licking is a natural behavior that dates back to the wolf. When the mother wolf returned from hunting her food, the cubs in her pack licked her mouth and face to stimulate regurgitation. This is normal behavior during the weaning stages. Soon after, the cubs band together and learn to hunt for their own food. It is quite interesting that the mother wolf also licked her cubs in exchange for stimulating them to relieve themselves. It’s no wonder that licking is a natural instinct that all dogs inherit. There are different types of licking behaviors and so many reasons why dogs lick for daily routines and survival.

Licking cocker spaniels can be due to a variety of reasons. Some can be complex, but most are easy to understand and fix. Let’s first take a look at the possible reasons.

Reasons why dogs lick

1) A submissive social behavior: respect a dominant dog
2) Puppies lick their mothers face to request food when weaning
3) A sign of affection – dog kisses
4) Self-cleaning of the dog: a natural instinct that is learned when it was a puppy
5) Dog handling tactic: licking for attention
6) Personal and litter grooming
7) Stress
8) Dog health problems
9) Wound cleaning
10) Injury – bread

When to worry

If your Cocker Spaniel is a compulsive licker, it may be time to investigate the reasons. For example: is your dog left alone for long periods of time? Stressed Due To Separation Anxiety? Is your dog hurt? Are there skin lesions? Is your dog sick? Obsessive licking and can lead to scratching or biting the area, which could present other problems. Compulsive – Obsessive licking behaviors can often be related to a dog feeling anxious.

The first place to start is by inspecting the source. Maybe something is stuck to the skin or fur, look for cuts between the legs. Look for rashes under the coat. Look for possible parasites. Look for anything unusual that may be causing the dog to lick itself. If it’s a skin condition, it’s most likely an easy fix.

On the other hand, if your dog is compulsively licking everything in sight, then there could be a greater concern. Licking yourself into submission can be cute at first. But it will tire soon. It may be a learned behavior to manipulate him to get his attention and get what he wants. The behavior must be broken.

Don’t reward the dog for its behavior. By this I mean never give your dog a treat to stop licking. If he gives in, the dog has simply learned a new trick. When the dog starts licking, just divert his attention to a different activity. But first you must break the lick with a strong verbal command NO. Never hit or yell at your Cocker Spaniel, be firm and gentle.

Is licking harmful?

Dogs have been licking humans for hundreds of years and I have never heard of anyone being killed by an innocent kiss from a dog. All dogs love the taste of salt, this is one of the main reasons they lick humans. With that said, it’s important to note that you should never let a dog lick your open wound. Despite what you may have heard, the possible transmission of disease or infection from a dog licking an open wound should be avoided.

As long as your Cocker Spaniel is healthy and showing no signs of illness, it’s safe to bet that playful licking isn’t harmful unless he’s tickled. At worst, it can be very annoying; at best, it can be a show of affection.

Always check with your local vet or professional trainer if you feel like your puppy has a licking problem beyond your control. Compulsive – Obsessive licking behaviors are often related to a dog feeling anxious for some reason. Your veterinarian or a professional dog trainer can help you discover the source and offer remedies. Your puppy doesn’t need to suffer unnecessarily and stress you out at the same time.

By the time the puppies are seven to eight weeks old, they should be fully weaned. Your mother should still be around so you can play with them and enjoy them, but they should have learned that you can’t get milk from her and they shouldn’t disturb her. The puppies’ education should be well advanced and they should have learned some words and some sounds, such as the rustling of the cookie package and the noise of the feeders. They will emerge as individuals, with their own distinctive characteristics.

Each breeder has their own way of managing the sale of puppies, but we believe that all future homes should have been vetted for suitability. Puppies should be shipped with a diet sheet, a complete summary of future care, their phone number, a pedigree, and a certificate of registration from the Kennel Club (or a promise of one if there has been a delay). You can decide whether to provide written receipts and agreements. You may also want to sell or “place” a puppy on the condition that it should not be used for breeding. There are a number of ways this can be done: some people award written contracts, some retain registration certificates, some use the Kennel Club feature to support registration, although the Kennel Club may override it at its own discretion. Some breeders do not register the puppy. Some provide a veterinary certificate before the puppies leave. Some future owners will insist on a veterinary inspection, in any case.

All you can do is take every precaution to ensure that the Akita puppies you have raised go to the best possible homes. The biggest reward is when you meet one of your puppies at a future date and see that the dog looks good and fit, and in many cases, will still recognize you. Although you spend a relatively short time with the puppies, it is a very important time in their lives and will have a significant influence on their future well-being.

Note: I mentioned above “dog adoption” and not “dog purchase”. If you want to have a dog, it is advisable to adopt one rather than buy one.

Puppy mills are largely responsible for the sale of dogs. These mills are a well-kept secret of the pet trade industry.

They supply animals to pet stores and purebred enthusiasts without providing proper care, and millions of animals die in animal shelters as a result. It is common practice for puppy mills to keep animals in dirty and dirty conditions without regard for their welfare.

For example, female dogs are bred over and over again until they can no longer give birth to puppies. Then they are sold or killed. Mothers and their young often suffer from malnutrition and lack of adequate medical care.

By buying a dog, you are supporting puppy mills.

Below I will describe some reasons why dog ​​adoption is the best option to choose.

You are saving a life

Did you know Each year 2.7 million dogs and cats that could be adopted are killed. The process of euthanasia, the act or practice of killing an animal that is very sick or injured to avoid further suffering, is also used to keep the stray pet population low.

One of the main reasons these animals are euthanized is that too many pets enter shelters and too few people adopt them.

The number of animals euthanized could be greatly reduced if more people adopted pets rather than buying them. By adopting, you are saving your animal and opening shelter space for another who may need it.

You are supporting a charity

When you adopt a pet from a shelter, you help and support a non-profit organization. Supporting this type of cause ensures that homeless animals are well cared for and adopted. These organizations also benefit prospective pet owners because adopting a pet is more affordable than buying one.

You also help spread their message because people will ask you where you got your cute pet.

You’re getting better You Health

Dog adoption isn’t just about the animal, it’s about you as well.

We all know that animals like cats and dogs give us unconditional love, but what many people don’t know is that studies have found that animals are psychologically, emotionally, and physically beneficial to humans.

Caring for a companion animal can give you a sense of purpose and fulfillment in your life, and it can also reduce feelings of loneliness and isolation in all age groups.

You cannot buy love, but you can adopt a dog; which is a better option for everyone involved.

Being the most intelligent of all species, we have a responsibility towards the least intelligent creatures. I hope the reasons listed above inspire you to love and care for a dog.