Category Archive : Real Estate

When someone decides they are ready and prepared to invest in real estate, for investment purposes, they should do their homework and know/understand their options, in terms of investing in this type of property. While investment real estate is often a great investment, this is only the case, when the property is right, a well-considered appraisal is made, and one is properly prepared to consider the best way to finance. these purchases. The process should start with a thorough financial analysis and feasibility study to consider the revenue stream, costs/expenses, and whether the purchase makes sense. Once this is done, and done carefully, consideration must be given to how the transaction will be financed. With that in mind, this article will briefly attempt to consider, examine, review, and discuss 4 possible options for financing your commercial real estate purchase.

1. Conventional Loans: Begin your analysis and review by considering conventional loans and whether this makes sense for you and your needs/requirements! A conventional/traditional loan, usually offered by a bank or other lending institution, requires significant collateral and other collateral to qualify. It also requires a down payment, often around 25%. One’s overall credit rating should be at a level that generates the best deals, etc.

2. Get funds from contacts/investors, etc.: Sometimes, it is best to look for partners or shareholders to obtain the necessary financing. Doing so often reduces your personal risk, but also limits your top chance. In addition, it requires, formalizing, a legally drafted agreement, etc. This is often attractive when one does not have the personal funds, or cannot come up with, the necessary down payment.

3. Combination: Sometimes the best course of action, for someone, may be to use some sort of combination of the two methods listed above. Perhaps using a conventional approach, for much of the financing, and attracting investors, either to minimize risk or create the ability to hold the necessary degree of reserves, associated with managing these types of properties, might make sense. for some.

4. camaraderie; limited liability company; corporation; Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT): If you don’t want to, or can’t do this, on your own, a partnership, limited partnership, or corporation might make more sense. However, if you’re not prepared for quality analysis to choose the right property, or prefer to be more diversified, a real estate investment property (or REIT) might make sense because if you select the right property, General Partner, and experienced, expert, will be able to invest in real estate, in a similar way, to advise the investment in a Mutual Fund.

If you want to invest in investment real estate, do so wisely and be prepared to make the wisest decisions possible. Understanding, financing options, etc., positions you to make the best decision for you!

“Trustee” is basically defined by the Black’s Law Dictionary as a term derived from Roman law meaning, as a noun, a person or legal entity, having the character of trustee, with respect to the trust and the trust involved as scrupulous good faith. and frankness towards other people’s affairs. A fiduciary also has duties that are described as having to do with good faith, trust, special trust, and openness toward the interests of others. Typical fiduciary duties are imposed and include relationships such as executor, administrator, trustee, real estate agents, attorneys, and of course, property managers. A person or company that manages money or property, i.e., the manager, for other people must exercise a standard of care in which the interests of the owners of the money or property are above and beyond those of the manager of the property. property. In some states, such as California, for example, a property manager is defined by law as an individual or entity that has the same duties as a trustee, that is, a trustee.

The way I always explain it to clients, using my hands to demonstrate, is that my interests end on the top of my head (one hand on the crown of my head), but the client’s interest rises above and past my head and take precedent. over mine (holding both hands above my head in a closing position). Most people understand the gesture and understand that as a property manager and attorney my interests are far less than those of the clients in our relationship.

Common Fiduciary Duties Owed by Property Managers

Because a property manager is a fiduciary, they must act in the highest good faith and fair dealing with respect to the owner’s asset, disclose all material information that may affect the owner’s decision-making with respect to that asset, and not Can in no way, shape or form act adversely to the interests of the owner. This may sound easy, but situations arise that tempt even the best property managers at times not to act in the best interest of their clients to satisfy their own convenience. As unfortunate as it sounds, it happens regularly.

The following is a short list of some common sense dos, dos and don’ts when there is a fiduciary relationship between a manager and an owner.

A manager must have a written agreement with his clients and may even have a legal right to benefit from the services he provides to the owner; however, a manager cannot secretly benefit from this relationship. For example, a manager may charge an eight percent surcharge on materials and services provided by vendors to the owner’s property. This is legal and acceptable as long as the agreement between the parties agrees with the marking. If this surcharge was not in the agreement, then the law requires the property manager to return or forfeit all secret benefits derived from the relationship. There are so many possible examples of this, but a common one is a manager who makes a percentage of profit on the work and services he provides to his clients but does not disclose; like a new roof, bathroom remodeling, interior wall repairs, etc.

A property manager is required to disclose any and all rental offers received along with documentation of those offers so that the owner is well informed of all potential tenants. It’s easy for a manager not to provide the names of prospective tenants who don’t necessarily qualify or are low credit risks, as this would put more work on the manager.

A property manager is legally bound to act in the sole interest of the asset owner in matters arising out of the relationship, whether those matters seem insignificant or are significant.

Information about a tenant who is delinquent in paying rent must be reported immediately to the owner of the asset. If your management company is using a software system that allows for an “Owner Portal” then this information is readily available to view and anytime you have internet access.

If a manager receives information that a tenant has caused damage to a property, the owner should be notified as soon as possible. It is easy for the manager not to disclose this information for fear of confronting the disgruntled owner or simply not wanting to deal with the conflict associated with the situation.

Trust Account Duties

A trust account that holds deposits and income for the benefit of the asset owner is a common reason for a breach of fiduciary duty. The law prohibits a trustee from commingling client trust funds with funds owned by the broker or trustee.

In addition, it is a breach of fiduciary duty to make mortgage payments on property owned by a broker from an escrow account, even if the broker promptly repays the payments to the account. The legal prohibition on conducting personal business from trust accounts is strictly enforced.

Surprisingly, another common example of mixed funds occurs when the property management fee is not timely withdrawn from the trust account. Sometimes a twenty-five (25) day delay may be considered to begin.

Trust funds must also be deposited with due diligence. Some states require deposits to be deposited no later than the next business day.

Trust fund mixing is a felony

Combining trust funds and brokers is such a serious offense that it can be grounds for revocation or suspension of a broker’s license in most states. Therefore, this single issue should be of paramount importance to a manager and a property management company.


Managers owe fiduciary duties to their clients: this is the minimum standard owed. There are many ways to breach these duties that form the basis of the manager-client relationship. It is important to hire a property manager who understands and abides by the legal framework, fully understands what a fiduciary duty entails, and can clearly communicate those duties while fulfilling them. It is important that owners ensure that they hire property managers who meet these minimum standards.

The only way you can acquire capital for business opportunities and have 100 percent ownership of your business is to be committed, dedicated, focused, and working hard to achieve your goal. There are other alternatives to obtain financing for a business in your country.

Decide where and how to source funds to pay employees, rent smart offices, sales and marketing, equipment, and related operating costs. You must decide to borrow from banks, friends, family, clubs, or personal savings. You can raise money through overdrafts and other investors to start your trade.

Angel investors can help you earn income for your business venture. Angel investors are private financiers who invest in startups that are likely to make a lot of money in a short time. Investors expect to receive one tenth of the amount invested in a few years.

Before you get a bank loan, you need to prepare a detailed business plan to show that your business is capable of generating enough money. Provides an overview of business structures, the amount required to finance the business organization, projected cash flow, and sales analysis. The proposal will include the trading account, profit and loss forecast, profit projection and return on investment for at least three years. The bank may require for your commercial credit card and personal guarantee. Your stocks, bonds, real estate and investments, mutual funds, and life insurance coverage can be used as collateral to acquire capital for business opportunities. You can get some financial institutions or private investors who are interested in financing your company.

In conclusion, if you need little capital to start a business, you can choose angel investors. Be sure to do your research for the best way to acquire capital for business opportunities. You can get free information on the Internet that will show you how to finance your business, how to start a business, and how to manage your business risk. You can also join some free business organization online.

While factory-built RVs and RVs are popular, you’ll find plenty of bus conversions for sale on the market. This is because a part of the buyers is biased towards this category, and for good reason. Old and dilapidated city and school buses may not seem like much at first, but you can easily transform them into comfortable living spaces. There is something personal and intimate about owning a bus conversion, customized to your requirements. Turning these compact RVs into a cozy haven is easy, and full-time RV users can make life on the road more comfortable with the following features:

brighter interiors

Keep interiors bright and white. This not only provides a cleaner aesthetic, but also helps to easily separate your living space from the kitchen. In addition, it gives the illusion of more space and lifts the mood of the passengers.

Useful changes in the kitchen area

Add lots of shelves and cabinets to the kitchen walls for easier storage of food and produce. You can also install hooks to hang towels and cleaning cloths. If you’re adding a counter to the kitchen, be sure to make the most of the available space by installing a dishwasher in the bottom half and a gas burner on top. If there is more than one counter, you can add other useful appliances such as freezers and sinks.

Add more space for your storage needs

When you plan to live in a converted bus full time, you can never have enough room for storage. You need to be creative and find new ways to store your things. For example, if you have a sofa in the living room, you can convert the armrest into a vertical storage space while the lower part offers a horizontal storage space. This is not only an inexpensive solution, but it also helps keep your trash out of sight.

The space under the sofa seat offers enough space to store electrical equipment and batteries.

The more space you save, the more modifications you can make inside your computer. For example, using the sofa spaces to the maximum allows you to install a large door in the middle of the bus, allowing fresh air and light to enter the platform.

Build a pet-friendly workstation

You can set up a work station in the front of your vehicle. The desk should be a decent size that allows you to stand up and work. If you have a pet dog on board, you can add a kennel under the work station. This means that your pet can keep you company while you do your job.

focus on bathroom

A full time RV-er will require a spacious bathroom. Add over-the-door storage to keep your essentials like toothbrushes, pastes, lotions, and shampoos close at hand. If you have enough space in the bathroom, install a bathtub and place the shower head right above it. Getting ready in the morning will be easier if you put a mirror over the door.

Can’t wait to buy that bus conversion you saw on sale the other day? Go for it! Not your first choice though, but if the life of a full-time RV-er appeals to you, then you’re in for a treat. Bus conversions offer greater flexibility than conventional motorhomes and you can customize the vehicle to your requirements.

Your cash flow statement based on your other statements. The three statements are related to each other.

The first section of your cash flow statement is cash flow from operations. Cash flow from operations shows the cash flowing in or out of your business based on your operations.

The first line of your cash flow from operations should be net income after taxes and interest, but before dividends. The second line should be the depreciation that is deducted from your income statement.

Following these two lines should be changes in your assets (other than property, plant, and equipment), followed by changes in your liabilities from period to period; Both items come from your balance sheet and can be broken down line by line as shown on your balance sheet.

The equation to obtain the cash flow from operations is:

cash flow from operations = net income + depreciation – change in assets + change in liabilities

Think about how your cash comes into your business: if the value of your assets increases, you will have less cash. For example, if your accounts receivable increase, you were expecting to receive cash from the income you generated, but you don’t have the cash yet.

On the liability side, if you could delay paying vendors for longer periods of time, then you would have more cash in your bank account.

The next section of the statement of cash flows is the cash flow from the investment. In general, this is money that you have invested in plant, property, and equipment. This section would also include investment in subsidiaries or other areas of capital. If I sold any of these, it would also be listed here.

The next section is the cash flow from the financing. Financing includes equity investments, loans and other debt, any share repurchases, and any dividends paid.

To get the cash flow for this particular period, you would take the cash flow from operations, subtract the cash flow from investing, and add the cash flow from financing. Some accountants put a negative number in the investing section cash flow and therefore add all three sections together to get the cash generated (or lost) for the current period.

Add the cash generated for the current period to the cash at the beginning of the period to get the cash at the end of the period. This number will be entered on the cash line of the statement.

I’ve included a set of example statements that will show you how all the statements are put together. Visit my blog, CFO Yourself, to download the sample Excel spreadsheet. Keep in mind that cash is decreasing even though income is increasing. This is because, in this example, the debt is paid off faster than the company generates revenue. Basically, at the beginning of the year, this company swaps debt for an equity investment.

There hardly seems to be a day when you don’t see stories in the newspaper or on TV about foreclosure opportunities in almost every real estate market. While there are wonderful deals in almost every city, there are also properties for sale that aren’t great deals. Here are some tips to make sure you get the best deal when buying a foreclosure:

Understand the process in your area: There are different ways to buy a foreclosure home, and the process can vary greatly from area to area. The first thing a prospective buyer should do before signing on the dotted line is to research the process in your area.

Know what you’re buying – make sure you negotiate in plenty of time to do a full inspection of the property and get out of the contract. Because the previous owner isn’t there to tell you the history of the house, you need to have it looked over by a professional so he can uncover any major defects that need repair. Keep in mind, however, that most banks will not be willing to make repairs on a foreclosed home.

Know your highest bid – Make your highest bid and stick with it. By submitting your best offer, you can negotiate accordingly without fear of going too far up the price range.

It’s true that there are some wonderful deals on the real estate market right now, but buyers should be careful not to act too quickly or get too excited about a particular home. This can lead to mistakes, and no one wants to do that when investing in real estate because it is such a large financial transaction.

Cured-In-Place Ultraviolet Fiberglass (CIPP) pipe liner is far superior in many ways to felt pipe liner.

One of the primary reasons for using UV-cured fiberglass liner, instead of water- or steam-cured felt liner, is that the curing of the felt produces by-products that negatively impact the environment. In particular, cities using felt liners are concerned about discharging styrene-laced water into their sewer systems. However, UV cured fiberglass pipe liner is eco-friendly for pipe rehab.

According to a January/February 2005 article in Stormwater magazine, when a failed storm sewer pipe 18 miles east of Breckenridge, Colorado was causing a sinkhole under I-70, the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT ) decided to use a place-cured felt liner. to repair the pipe instead of replacing it. They used a polyester felt pipe liner, saturated with resin and coated with a waterproof coating that was inserted into the pipe. Hot water or steam was circulated through the tube, which hardened the resin. Due to the styrene-bound byproduct of using water- or steam-cured felt, CDOT’s environmental division ordered the liner company to construct a temporary holding pond with an EPDM (ethylene propylene diene monomer) geomembrane liner to capture any cured bound with styrene. water. The line company then had to pump and transport the water off site to avoid any environmental contamination. If they had used UV-cured fiberglass pipe on site, they would not have had this problem causing additional time and expense for the job.

Another advantage of cured-in-place fiberglass siding over felt is the cure time. Cure time for felt liners is 2.5 hours, but only 50 minutes for a 300 foot length of 8″ CIPP UV liner. There is also an hour or two of cool down time for the felt and zero for the fiber of glass.

If you look at just the speed of cure and the effect on the environment, you can already see how UV-cured fiberglass siding makes more sense than using felt. But add to that the fact that fiberglass pipe liner doesn’t shrink (felt shrinks up to 13%, requiring residual grout and side seals) and has a minimum 50-year lifespan, you really see how using fiberglass CIPP liner is the best option. Good choice.

Anyone who has been investing in real estate for some time has surely tried to sell an investment property at one point or another.

It’s called marketing. During my thirty-year real estate career, I certainly did my part. And while my attempts didn’t always produce a successful result, the experience taught me a few things about marketing rental income properties that I’d like to pass on.

Most of them are common sense, but they are mentioned as a reminder because there are real estate agents and sellers who need to hear you. The remaining tips are more subjective, but are included to help you consider what might be a more effective marketing approach than the one you’re using.

Above all, never make your marketing packages too vague. When you leave out important financial data, it is very difficult for a buyer to properly determine whether or not it presents a good investment opportunity. And this will usually lead to more data sharing with a buyer or agent which, at the very least, will be time consuming and, at worst, could cause the buyer to lose interest in the deal altogether.

Second, resist the temptation to skew the property’s financial data to sound overly optimistic. Maybe rents can go up, for example, and you want to disclose it. But if you over-inflate what you think might be future rents, you risk losing your credibility with the buyer, or you may end up wasting your time on a deal that never has a chance anyway, once it’s properly put through. diligence of the buyer. Keep your estimate assumptions realistic.

Third, and this is a bit more subjective, don’t present marketing packages that contain everything except the proverbial kitchen sink, at least not in your initial presentation. Distributing more than a three-page property report at your local investment club meeting or in response to a phone inquiry is overkill, in my opinion. Remember, you’re just trying to generate a response from credible investors with valid interest; a more complete set of reports can always be presented during subsequent exchanges.

Okay, now let me show you the essentials that worked for me. For simplicity, I’ve organized them by category: the numbers and the reports.

The numbers

Aside from the sale price (which is a given), you’ll want to provide a detailed breakdown of the property’s annual cash flow and calculations for at least two rates of return.

1. Cash flow

Cash flow is crucial because it is essentially what the real estate investor is buying in the rental property. So figure it out for at least the first year of ownership by focusing on the following three financial items:

  • gross rental income

  • operating expenses

  • debt service

2. Rates of Return

Rates of return (at least the two listed below) are important for the investor to determine whether or not their returns are being met, as well as providing a good way to compare financial performance and property value to other rental properties. of similar type. in the market area.

  • capitalization rate

  • cash against cash


Here are two reports that I commonly used for initial queries. Both clearly show the cash flow of the rental property and each includes the capitalization rate and cash-on-cash rates of return. Therefore, they are informative, easy to read and understand, and straight to the point. Consider them as examples.

1. Flyer Marketing

This announces the listing to the community at large (ie investment meetings, calls, and peer inquiries). (Sample available on my site).


This allows you to show your own investor-clients a probable scenario during the first year of ownership. (Sample available on my site).

In one word

An effective way to market rental income property is to consider the process in two stages: the initial presentation and the follow-up afterward. Keep the opening presentation concise; even a report with enough data to reveal the property’s description, estimated cash flow, and investor rate of return should be adequate to capture the interest of credible buyers when they exist. And save all other reports (eg, acquisition funds, pro forma income statement, rental list) for follow-up exchanges later.

Amsterdam has a high proportion of ethnic minorities compared to the rest of Europe, currently 45%. The population register now contains more than 150 different nationalities. Within ten years half of the population will be of foreign origin.

The City spends substantial sums to prevent ghettoization in districts with an overrepresentation of ethnic minorities. A Social Diversity Policy document released in the summer of 1998 will give new impetus to the City’s minority strategy. It will deal with those groups that may suffer social discrimination. Article 1 of the Dutch Constitution prohibits discrimination based on a person’s beliefs, race or sexual preferences. In 1996, the City of Amsterdam added to this article its own code of conduct for local authority staff, as well as a complaints plan and an anti-discrimination office. The ethnic composition of the civil service in the city should reflect the population of the city. The main ethnic minority groups are Creoles and Hindustanis from Suriname (72,000), Moroccans (57,000), Turks (35,000) and immigrants from the Netherlands Antilles and Aruba (12,000). Amsterdam also contains around 26,000 Chinese and has its own ‘Chinatown’, located in the Nieuwmarkt area. In 2000, the first Chinese Buddhist temple was opened in Zeedijk. There are also about 76,000 immigrants from other non-industrialized countries, such as Ghana and Pakistan. The local cable network in Salto broadcasts programs made by and for immigrants on the Immigrant TV Broadcasting Association (MTV) in Amsterdam. The Municipality has installed five advisory bodies to assist it in its migrant policy.

politics on women

Support for the emancipation of women and people who are discriminated against because of their sexual preferences is part of the city’s policy. The city follows a specific emancipation policy and in 1995 set up the Women’s Ombudsman Service to deal with complaints related to the legal and social situation of ‘black, white and immigrant women’ in Amsterdam. The addresses of more than one hundred help, advice and contact organizations are included in the ‘Yellow Pages for Women’ (Gele Gids voor Vrouwen) published by the Office for Multicultural Emancipation.

jewish amsterdam

Amsterdam has had a Jewish quarter for over 350 years. The district was depopulated during the German occupation in World War II.

Initially, the neighborhood was outside the city walls and was inhabited mainly by Jews originating from Spain and Portugal, including the family of the philosopher Baruch Spinoza. Rembrandt felt at home in the colorful Jewish environment, found wonderful models there and had his house built in Jodenbreestraat: the Rembrandt House. The 17th century also saw the beginning of an influx of Central and Eastern European Jews to Amsterdam.

The city became their ‘makum’, the second Jerusalem, and to this day Amsterdam is affectionately referred to by its older inhabitants as ‘Môkum’. In the most Jewish part of the city, around the Jonas Daniël Meijerplein, there are four old synagogues from the 17th and 18th centuries, which since 1987 together form the Jewish Historical Museum, and the ‘esnoga’ (synagogue) of the Jews Sephardim from 1671 to 1675, which is still lit with candles on the eve of Saturday and on holidays.

The village of Ouderkerk aan de Amstel has been home to the picturesque cemetery of the Sephardic community since 1641.

Sephardic Jews from Amsterdam migrated to Suriname in the 17th and 18th centuries, where they established sugar plantations. Others founded the first synagogue in the New World, in Willemstad on the island of Curaçao.

Amsterdam is home to the largest collection of Jewish books in Europe, the Bibliotheca Rosenthaliana. The books were donated to the city in 1890 by the heirs of the German polymath Leeser Rosenthal (1794-1868); they were stolen during the German occupation, but were rediscovered almost intact after 1945. They constitute a ‘treasury of Jewish literature’, which is part of the University Library.

The policy on homosexuality

The Municipality applies an active policy to combat discrimination against homosexuals and lesbians. Gays and lesbians who visit Amsterdam find the tolerant atmosphere a breath of fresh air. At the foot of the Wester-kerk church there is a monument consisting of three triangles of pink granite. It is the only monument to the victims of the persecution and discrimination of homosexuals in the world. The city is listed by the International Gay Travel Association as one of the top destinations in the East and West for gay travelers. 80% of gay Americans visiting Europe visit Amsterdam, and 6% of all foreign visitors to the city center visit places that are gay favorites.

Amsterdam Mayor Job Cohen was the registrar at the first same-sex civil marriage ceremony at City Hall, held in the early morning of April 1, 2001. Four same-sex couples said ‘Yes, I do’ and they placed their signatures in the Register. , for the first time enjoying the same legal status as a different-sex married couple. In his previous role as Secretary of State for Justice, Mr. Cohen was instrumental in ensuring that this legislation made it to the statute book. The opening of civil marriage to same-sex couples was approved by the Dutch government in December 2000. The Netherlands had already introduced registration of same-sex couples, another legal milestone, in 1998.

Amsterdam, the habitat of Ines’Gloves –

With thanks to the city of Amsterdam

With thanks to the City of Amsterdam…

For a cozier, warmer atmosphere while on vacation, try renting vacation homes instead of staying in hotels. Whether you’re traveling with the whole family or traveling alone, whether you’re here for business or pleasure, vacation homes can make you feel more comfortable and at home. If you’re new to vacation home rentals, here are some tips you might want to follow.

Plan as soon as possible.

Once you’ve decided where to go and what to do, start looking for a vacation home to rent. Avoid last minute reservations as they will cost you more and may affect your budget. If possible, plan and make a reservation as early as six months before your vacation date.

Look around you and ask for references.

These days, you can rely on the internet to search for vacation homes to rent. There will be many postings online for houses you can rent in different places. Apart from this, you will also be able to read the comments of previous customers. This will give you an idea of ​​how good (or bad) the accommodation is.

If possible, try to find a house to rent in a good location. Although this may cost a lot, at least you are getting the best of what you pay for. You can also try asking your friends or neighbors if they can recommend a good vacation home to rent.

Read and understand the contract before signing it.

The lease is an agreement between the homeowner and you, which would include details like who pays the utility, phone, and cable bills. Also, this would include who will be responsible for cleanup. There are homeowners who have regular cleaners to take care of the house, while some would leave this responsibility to the tenants.

Take note of the important details, as well as the furniture and the basic facilities inside the house, such as the heating system or the air conditioning system. Get the owner’s contact number so you can contact him immediately with urgent concerns.

Document the area upon arrival.

This may require a bit of effort on your part, but it can save you from problems in the future. Upon arrival, take a picture or video of the area, especially areas where there is damage to avoid arguments at check out. It is always better to be safe than sorry.

Please check and double check before paying.

Before handing the place back to the homeowner, walk the area with him to make sure everything is where it’s supposed to be. Review the invoices you have paid to avoid confusion or paying twice. Through this, you can assure the homeowner that you have taken good care of their property.

Renting vacation homes to get started can be difficult, but through careful planning and early booking, problems can be avoided. No one wants to be stressed during their vacation.