Month: October 2021

Today, almost all types of entertainment are available online. From mainstream TV channels to movies, music and live shows. Online entertainment is constantly growing to be a part of people’s lives, as it gives us the luxury of accessibility from anywhere we want. In addition to this convenience, many companies have created the unique concept of live streaming channels that provide live entertainment programs over the Internet in real time.

Content streaming technology has reached tremendous heights in recent times. With the help of various software and applications, one can stream HD quality videos directly from another source. Video streaming platforms provide a space to present video content to users, where ordinary people can create specific channels that provide content both live and offline.

Due to the lack of equipment required to provide high-quality live video content, live streaming has yet to gain popularity in this sector. Despite this being supported, there was no easy alternative to using a smartphone that couldn’t achieve the necessary video resolution that can be compared to mainstream media. There was no other way to solve this problem until the recent advent of revolutionary live streaming devices.

Live streaming devices offer the luxury of connecting a high resolution video camera to the device and operating over Wi-Fi so that one can stream the video directly to an online destination of his choosing. Most of these devices generally support multiple streaming options that allow streamers to stream their content through multiple social media websites and RTML URLs simultaneously.

Platforms that allow streamers to stream content live through the device offer various features like branding, white labeling, decent bandwidth, storage, analytics, password protection, and ad integration to personalize / professionalize the video. This allows providers to develop their own channel on different platforms and provide live content through it. Ad integration and other features make the process profitable for vendors, making it a worthwhile investment.

The platforms that provide the bandwidth and storage space to stream and host the videos are a bit pricey now, but this could be reduced with increased usage. Although making channels popular is a complicated concept, effective use of social media advertising, which is less expensive than conventional media advertising, will provide you with the necessary audience for the channel. As long as the content is new, there is a good chance that your channel can grow to the top.

The reason is that Internet TV is a totally new concept and is currently on the rise, making this the perfect time to take the plunge and start something new. Also, since the provision of high-quality live video in this sector is still in its infancy, it leaves plenty of room for live channels. Real-time breaking news, events, sports, worship, educational videos, shows, all can be provided live using a live streaming device. There is no limit to how you can use live streaming on online channels to provide content to people and benefit from it at the same time.

Step one is to find keywords / focus phrases for your business, otherwise it will not rank for anything relevant to you and thus this means it will drive the wrong traffic to your website.

Second step is still relevant in the search engine. Write content that is modern and interesting for users to read. Stay up-to-date with the latest trends and find your business niche.

Step three you are building links between websites. Create high-ranking Google page links via web directories, blogs, or social media. Websites like Yell, scoot, and Yelp are great places to start.

Step oven is putting all your keywords on your website (but not spamming). Google wants to see that your focus keyword is on your website, so it shows its relevance to this search phrase. Also remember to put your H tags around these keywords as titles (h1, h2, h3 …)

Step 5 is linked again. Add links to your focus keywords to link to more relevant content that you want to rank for in search. Create a blog on a topic like ‘Search Engine Optimization’ and then link back to the landing pages you want people to see more of on your website.

Step 6 you are adjusting the meta tag so that your descriptions relate to your page. A meta description shows a short text about that business. So if your page is about SEO, make sure the search engine can clearly see what your page is about / what it might include before clicking on it.

Step 7 you are optimizing your social media pages to flow properly to your website. Keep your social networks as relevant as your website, so users can find and be interested in both. Post relevant content every day and this might even include some of your blogging.

Step 8 is to keep building links. As we already know, the links are important, but it is not something unique, it is good to do it every week or even a few every month. Why? because Google wants to see that your website is still growing and linking to relevant sources that may interest your future customers.

That’s it for the basics of SEO. There are many more areas you can target, but if you’re just starting out, theses are just a few of the things you can focus on for now.

If you’re looking for more SEO tips or guidance, read my Isle of Wight SEO blog for more details.

Stories from the crypt of online marketing n. 11

Why You Will Never Get Millions Of Followers On Instagram (Unless You Fake It)

Are you like me and can you be impressed quite easily? Or does Shania Twain’s song “That Don’t Impress Me Much” sound like your typical anthem?

Maybe it was the way I was raised that made me appreciate certain accomplishments. We didn’t grow much, so the seemingly “rich” kids in the neighborhood always impressed me with their Etch-a-Sketches and Lite-Brites that my brother and I could only dream of having.

Even now, I’m impressed when I see new neighbors moving in with a Tesla and going on a cruise vacation a couple of times a year (long before Covid anyway).

I am impressed by seeing people and companies win prestigious awards.

I am impressed when I go to the gym and witness the incredible resolve of people building their strength and endurance.

The list goes on.

But then there are social media.

I used to be impressed when I saw someone with thousands of followers. I would think, Wow, that person really must know what he’s doing! See how many people want to learn, be entertained, or be inspired by them!

But not so much anymore. (Cue Shania.)

The other day we saw an HBO social documentary experiment called “Fake Famous.” You’ve seen? It is revealing to say the least.

In it, they conducted a research study to see if they could create Instagram influencers from virtually unknown people.

And it was terrifying to witness how easy they were able to do that.

It all came down to building a false facade of illusions to give his story the impression of being successful. Even renting a luxury jet from a studio somewhere and taking photos pretending they were going to an exotic place.

This is where she really is:

Or use a kiddie pool filled with rose petals and take tight photos of just your head floating on top … giving the illusion of relaxing in a luxurious spa.

And in addition to these fake photoshoots, there is the purchase of followers, likes and comments.

These fake influencers went from a few hundred followers to tens of thousands in no time.

Each and every one of those followers was fake.

I like fake.

False comments.

All fake.

But what makes this so insidious is the fact that it worked.

They started getting offers left, right and center to take a photo with a branded product and in return they get the product for free. Everything from brand name sunglasses to portable bathroom bidets. One day I will tell you the story of my first encounter with a bidet. One of the funniest days of my life!

The more followers, likes and fake comments they got, the more free stuff they got.

And they also became more popular. Suddenly, they were invited to fancy parties and weekend trips.

Interestingly, the more this happened, the more legitimate followers they also got.

Thousands of real people would follow because they see someone they are impressed with having “achieved.” Someone who evokes envy and fantasy about what life is like on the other side and wants to feel part of everything.

And you know what makes this fake scenario even more insidious? No one is motivated to stop it.

  • Fake influencers get a lot of rewards for little effort along with a few hundred dollars buying their way into this world of influencers.

  • Brands that use influencers to sell their products are enjoying increases in sales to all the legitimate followers that these influencers are accumulating.

  • Instagram is benefiting from the increase in users and the ad money spent by brands promoting influencers who use their products.

  • And of course, let’s not forget the people who create and implement the fake profiles who follow these influencers and earn more money from the bought likes and comments.

I would say that the only loser in this scenario is us.

Those who are impressed by what we see these influencers post.

Those who buy products because an influencer supports them. I mean, it has to be good then, right?

The ones who look at those influencers and wish we could live such a life.

Sure, not all “influencers” are fake. There are many highly respected people who have built their personal brand through hard work, exceptional branding, and careful publishing strategies. I mean, surely Oprah didn’t buy her 19.3 million followers, right?

And I am impressed by them.

They are the ones I follow and learn from. Those who have legitimately earned their role as influencer. That’s what I want to be when I grow up.

And you? Do you see the fake influencers well or have you been impressed by the life they have presented to the world? Are you trying to model them to build your business like they have? Has this article changed your mind or are you excited to give it a try and become an influencer yourself?

I’d love to hear your thoughts below.

For the success of your business,



  1. Tales from the Crypt of Online Marketing Vol. 10 cautions that before you start comparing your company’s social media presence to someone else’s, you don’t know the whole story. Read on our blog: Playing the dangerous comparison game on social media

  2. Documentary on Netflix: The Social Dilemma.

  3. Book: Under the Influence – How to fake your way to get rich. Instagram. Discovering fraud, selfies, anxiety, ego and delusional behavior of influencers. Photographer Trey Ratcliff showcases the cunning tricks social media influencers use to blast their way through the lucrative, multi-million dollar world of social media brand sponsorship, world travel and free merchandise. Meet these fake “influencers”, with seemingly glamorous lives, but no real influence on social media, who are fraudulently fooling the system by buying likes, comments and followers.

  4. Book: Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion. Influence, the classic book on persuasion, explains the psychology of why people say “yes” and how to apply this knowledge. Dr. Robert Cialdini is the leading expert in the rapidly expanding field of influence and persuasion. His thirty-five years of rigorous evidence-based research, coupled with a three-year study program on what drives people to change behavior, has resulted in this highly acclaimed book.

  5. Book: How to win friends and influence people. For more than sixty years, the solid and proven advice in this book has led thousands of now-famous people to climb the ladder of success in their business and personal lives.

Are you having trouble remembering special dates like birthdays, holidays, wedding anniversaries? To find out why, let’s see which dates we can remember and which we can’t:


Everyone can remember their own date of birth, although most of us have a hard time remembering the actual day of our birth!

So why do we remember our birthday?

Well presumably it’s because we celebrate it every year with our family and friends, and is a key part of every form we ever fill out. If we forget our birthday, we could never get a passport or driver’s license, get married, buy insurance, go fishing … you get the idea!

Holidays and other celebrations

Most of us can remember these parties and celebrations:

  • Christmas day: December 25th
  • New Year’s Day: January 1
  • National ‘birthdays’: for example, US Independence Day: July 4, Canada Day: July 1
  • Valentine’s Day: February 14th
  • Commemoration day: November 11th

Why do we remember these? Well, they are rooted in tradition, they fall on the same date every year, and for most of them, we are rewarded with a day off!

Most of us celebrate other religious holidays and festivals, such as Easter and Thanksgiving. These events are important to us spiritually, emotionally, or simply because we have the day off to spend with family and friends! We know roughly when they occur, but because the dates vary each year (say, the first Monday in September, let’s say), very few of us know the actual dates.

Birthdays and anniversaries of other people:

Most of us can remember the birthdays of those who are close to us: family members, close friends, spouses. But it becomes increasingly difficult as the relationship weakens and most people turn to calendars and Facebook to remember their friends’ birthdays. As for other people’s wedding anniversaries, these are quickly forgotten and not traditionally celebrated by outsiders, except perhaps the 1st, 10th, 25th, and 50th.

Why do we remember some dates?

Based on this research, it appears that the reasons we remember certain dates are:

  • Repetition: The event falls on the same date every year.
  • Duration: The longer we have been holding an event, the easier it is to remember it.
  • Importance: How important is the event and what is the penalty for forgetting?
  • Tradition: The event is religious or is part of popular culture.
  • Celebration: The more people participate, the more likely we are to remember
  • Reward: Receiving gifts or taking a day off from work seems to improve memory!

Wedding anniversaries should be memorable

A wedding anniversary seems to meet almost all the criteria for a memorable event. It falls on the same date every year, it is traditional to celebrate it and we receive gifts. It is the most important date in a relationship and many say it was the happiest day of their lives. Not only that, but the penalty for forgetting can be quite severe!

Why can’t men remember their wedding anniversary?

I suspect it has a lot to do with:

  • Duration and repetition: By definition, we don’t start celebrating wedding anniversaries until after we get married, so it’s a new date for us and it takes a while to get established. So if there is any good news, it is that the longer we are married, the more likely we will remember it!
  • Support: Also, if we forget, we have to trust our friends to remind us. So for men that means having to depend on other men to remember their wedding anniversary, just imagine the possibility of that!

I also think it would help if:

  • They gave us a day off to celebrate our wedding anniversary.
  • We had to use our anniversary date on all government forms
  • Our friends would help us remember by celebrating with us.
  • We receive thoughtful gifts to show that we are appreciated

Why do women remember anniversaries when men don’t?

I think the answer revolves around the time and emotional effort that women put into planning and preparing for the wedding, who are generally more romantic than men, better at celebrating important life events, and have a network of more solid friends that helps them remember. Of course I could be wrong, I usually am! I’d love to hear what you think, leave a comment below.

Celebrate your anniversary!

I am proud to say that I have never forgotten my wedding anniversary in thirty years of marriage, and I am sure there are many more men who have a similar background. Also, I’m sure there are some women who have sometimes forgotten their anniversary. Regardless of your past history, you can correct it in the future.

So if you are having trouble remembering your wedding anniversary date, you are not alone! Look it up, write it on a calendar, or set an electronic reminder.

And, if your anniversary is coming up soon, you should celebrate it in style. Let me show you how at Anniversary Tips

Happy Anniversary!


Top Delta 8 THC infused flower

Top Delta 8 THC infused flower and herbal CBD products are becoming quite popular on the market today. The flower cannabis, which is known as THC, has been scientifically proven to have a medicinal benefit for those who may suffer from debilitating diseases like cancer and Glaucoma. Those who are looking for a high when they consume cannabis are likely to try the top Delta 8 THC infused flower and other CBD products from medical marijuana companies like Top Flight, Realm Brands, and Phat. Medical marijuana users who are patients of the disease that is associated with cannabis, or suffers from the disease that is associated with cannabis, should consider trying the flower and other CBD products to get high.

delta 8 infused flower

Although it does not get as much press as it should, cannabis is actually a highly beneficial plant that provides medicine for ailments associated with the mind and the body. The benefits of this plant far outweigh its controversial status in society today. Many people all across the world choose to use this plant when they want to get high. It is easy to do so when you are taking products that contain the medicinal benefits of the cannabis plant. With these products, you will be able to get high without having to worry about driving while high, avoid arrest, and keep your car from getting ruined if you happen to drive while high.

This article will discuss three top Delta8 THC infused products for sale. All three products are derived from the same types of cannabis plants that are grown under strict organic guidelines. All three products are highly effective at relieving a person of a wide array of symptoms related to medical marijuana use, but they also offer many more benefits that make them a great choice for people who are interested in trying to get high without causing problems associated with driving or operating heavy machinery. They work by stopping the chemical THC from being metabolized into the user’s system. Delta8 works by preventing THC from binding with receptors found throughout the body. Delta8 also keeps users from feeling sleepy, disoriented, and listless which is often a side effect of marijuana.

Top Delta 8 THC infused Intended To Get High

Flower is another top choice for people looking to get high. It comes in both a soft form or oil, and the differences between the two are significant. Soft flower is easier to ingest and takes longer to break down. This means it can be stored easily in one’s vehicle and does not have to be taken very often. If the consumer chooses to purchase soft flower or soft pill versions of the product they can still enjoy the high that is provided by Delta8 in the same way that other Delta8 products work.

Finally, it is possible to get high from Legal Hemp. This is a great way to use medicinal marijuana without going through the negative side effects that come with taking illegal marijuana. While Legal Hemp cannot be used like a cigarette because it has no active ingredient it does contain natural cannabidiol which still triggers the same biological response that occurs when a user becomes high. A high from Legal Hemp can come in the form of a tea, as it does in many flower and Bud extracts, or it can be smoked, a common choice for those who partake in Legal Hemp cannabis.

When looking for high from top delta 8 THC infused flower & hemp buds, consumers need to know what they are getting. No one should be fooled into thinking that a simple bag of flower buds or a bud filled with low potency pot will give them the high that is desired. Rather than high, they should be expecting real marijuana with all of the health benefits that come with a great product. When looking for high from top delta 8 THC infused flower & hemp buds, consumers need to know what they are getting. They want to know that their product is going to work and that they will not have unwanted side effects.

Today I want to tell you about two games, one a classic and the other a new game that I have fallen in love with. The games that I will talk about are Circle of Death and moose.

Circle of death

Circle of Death is a card game that is played with a minimum of 2 players and the number of players is unlimited, but it is best when the players stay constant so that the people who play the game really get drunk. The game begins by forming a circle with the cards and the circle must be interconnected. Then each player draws a card and must do what is predetermined by the players. Below I will include a list of what I have considered the rules of the Circle of Death.

1-6 For the red cards you give and for the black cards you take.

7- Social, everyone has a drink

8- never have

9- Rhyme, the first person who cannot rhyme with the word or says a repetition must drink

10-Rule, create a rule that everyone must do in the game or must drink

Jack-Back, the order of play is reversed

Queen: you become the question master, everyone you talk to must answer you in question form or drink

King: make a category and the person who cannot find an item in the category must drink

Ace – This is the waterfall card, the person who drew the card starts drinking and the rest of the players start drinking in the order of the circle and continue drinking until the player in front of them finishes drinking.

This game is a great way to start the night and it is a classic because a lot of people can play and have their drink!

I raised

The next game I’m going to talk about is pretty new to me, it’s called Moose. For this game you will need:

A large amount of alcohol, preferably a barrel.

an ice tray


everyone should also have their own drinking cups (obviously)

The object of the game is to bounce the quarter off the table and put it on the tray. If you bounce it in the first 5 slots of the tray, you dispense 2 to 10 drinks, depending on which you have prepared. The same applies to the right side, but instead of dispensing drinks you have to take the drinks yourself and pass the tray. Now comes the fun part. If you get to the last two slots, regardless of which side you land on, this is moose. Everyone should shout moose and put their hands next to their heads to make horns. The last person to do this is the moose. What the moose must do is drink until it finishes turning the quarter that is being turned on the table, also the moose must bring beer for everyone at the table. One option for moose is to have them wear a silly hat to distinguish the moose from a regular player. The moose will remain the moose until the same age takes place and a new moose is considered.

Another twist on this game is that you can bounce the quarter off someone’s beer, forcing them to drink the rest of their beer, this can be done at any time by anyone who has the quarter. It’s a good idea to have a smaller mug because it’s no fun having to drink a huge beer due to a big bounce …

Another twist is that if it’s your turn and you bounce it off the pan and it gets stuck on the pan’s crossbars or doesn’t touch the bottom of the bucket’s holes, it’s called a schanagan. What happens at this point is that the player must lose an item of clothing and also lose their turn.

The last rule of this game is to be able to make a rule. A player can set a rule if he reaches the tray 3 times in a row during a single turn. Everyone must follow this rule throughout the game because the rules can only be canceled by other rules.

Try one of these games at your next party if you haven’t already. You will have a great time and the rest of the party too!

Everyone wants flawless skin without acne. If you’re looking for some natural skincare tips, you’ve come to the right page. The beauty secrets revealed in this article will help you fix your skincare problems so that you can get beautiful skin naturally. Keep reading to know more.

1. Remove makeup before going to bed

Before going to sleep, do not forget to remove your makeup. Actually, your skin needs to breathe while you sleep, but makeup won’t let it. What happens is that makeup clogs the pores making it difficult for the skin to breathe. To remove dirt and makeup, all you have to do is use a little olive oil on a clean cotton ball and then gently massage your skin with it.

Also, it is a good idea to exfoliate your skin at least once a week to remove dead skin cells.

2. Use sunscreen

To protect yourself against the sun’s UVB and UVA rays, be sure to apply sunscreen. Your skin may have wrinkles if it is exposed to the sun for a lifetime. Apart from this, prolonged exposure can cause age spots and many other skin problems. Make sure the sunscreen doesn’t block the pores on your skin.

It’s not a good idea to skip sunscreen when it’s cold or cloudy outside. Even if you go to the beach, apply some sunscreen to your skin.

3. Eat well

Don’t just put anything on your plate. What you should do is include vegetables, fresh fruits, vitamins, and protein in your meals. In fact, if your diet is full of vitamin C, your skin will improve. It is a good idea to go on a low sugar diet. This can help you control your insulin levels and your body will be able to maintain a healthy balance.

You may want to stay away from spicy foods, citrus fruits, salt, and fried foods. What you can do is prefer milder foods like applesauce and oatmeal. Fresh vegetables and fruits are healthy for your skin.

4. Exercise regularly

For better blood circulation, it is important that you exercise regularly. Yoga, jogging, and running are good options as they stimulate the cleansing processes in your body. With this routine, you will notice that your face has started to glow.

5. Sleep well

It is important to get at least 8 hours of sleep each night. Not getting enough sleep will make your skin tired. It will become flabby and you will have bags around your eyes. It is a good idea to apply a little honey to your face weekly to heal and soften the skin. Before going to sleep, don’t forget to moisturize your face.

So if you are looking for some skin care tips, we suggest you follow these natural tips. This will cost you nothing, your skin will start to glow and you will look much younger for your age. I hope this helps.

The long-haired German shepherd is not considered a show standard by the American Kennel Club and is therefore not allowed to compete in national competitions. Long-haired German Shepherd owners don’t care if their dogs win trophies because they have already decided that they have the best dogs on the planet. A long-haired German Shepherd is absolutely gorgeous to behold and has a much sweeter temperament than its short-haired cousins.

They also tend to be more comical than the short-haired variety that really makes the public love them. They are excellent at assistance work, are exceptional working dogs, and do quite well in police work. The long-haired German Shepherd makes a great pet and they love children. Only ten percent of German Shepherd puppies are of the long-haired variety, making them difficult to find. Since the American Kennel Club only approves the short-haired German shepherd, most breeders do not breed the long-haired variety.

There is a clear difference between the long-haired German shepherd and the short-haired German shepherd in that the long-haired German shepherd has longer hair. The characteristics of the hair of a long-haired German shepherd are that it is very silky and soft and is parted along the back. They have round bushy tails and big fluffy pants with fringes along the back of the legs. They have long hair between the toes and bushy tufts behind the ears. Puppies can be identified as a long-haired German shepherd if they have fringes on their ears or tufts.

Long-haired German Shepherds also do not have undercoats, therefore they are not waterproof and make them undesirable by breed standards. Long-haired German Shepherds also do not shed more than their short-haired counterpart, nor do they have a distinctive scent. These are two rumors that have passed through the German Shepherd family and both must be considered false.

The long-haired German shepherd makes a very good family dog. He has a sweet temperament, is intelligent, and works very hard when asked. This dog does a great job of policing and is kind to assistance work and is a working dog.

They love affection and live to please their owners. These dogs are also very comical in the way that only dogs can be comical. Just because the American Kennel Club does not accept these dogs does not mean that the public should be against having them. They are the best dogs and no one needs a trophy to tell them so. The fact that they don’t have an undercoat and aren’t waterproof shouldn’t make a difference when selecting a dog. So when you visit your next litter of German Shepherd puppies, look for puppies that have tufts of hair on their ears and fringes on their legs, and that’s the dog for you.

Microsoft Visio was never intended to replace computer-aided design (CAD) applications, but it does have the ability to produce accurate floor plans and drawings to scale. Most versions of Visio include shapes designed for scaled drawings, and Visio will scale them to the scale you are using.

Tip: It is always a good idea to include the scale of the drawing on the actual page when using a scale drawing, so that other people viewing it will understand what was used to produce it.

Changing the magnification of ordinary objects makes them easier to edit and can be easily shared with colleagues. There is another advantage to this approach; By drawing objects at different scales, you can show more or less details on a standard sheet of A4 paper. For technical work such as engineering drawings and architectural plans, precision is essential if the drawing is to be used as a basis for assembly or construction. Shapes in drawings like these need to be positioned accurately and precisely to be used as a useful planning tool.

Set a drawing scale

Although it seems obvious, if you are creating a scale drawing, you must first set the scale of the drawing. This is easy to do in Visio by choosing Page Setting from the Line menu. In the dialog box that opens, the drawing scale can be set from the drawing scale tab. There are several predefined scales to choose from, or you can create your own custom scale and use it instead. It is often useful to change the drawing units of measure at the same time; If you are using metric units to plan your kitchen makeover, for example, you probably want to choose millimeters at this stage, but if you plan to design a parking lot, this would probably change to meters.

Tip: Units of measure include days and weeks; You can use these units for programs such as timelines where, for example, 3 cm represents a week, and so on.

Choose the right template

All versions of Visio ship with US units and metric unit templates. During the installation process, your computer configuration is verified and the appropriate templates are installed; If you use both in your work, both can be installed and the right one can be chosen when you want to start a new drawing.

Most of the templates suitable for creating a scale drawing are in the Maps and Floor Plans category, but the Parts and Assembly template in the Engineering category is also suitable. In Visio Professional there are templates to create:

  • Office design
  • Low level
  • Home Map
  • Plant layout
  • Electricity and Telecommunications Plan
  • Plumbing and piping plan
  • Mirrored ceiling plan
  • HVAC plan
  • Security and access plan
  • Site Map
  • Space plan
  • Parts and assembly plan.

When you start adding shapes from these templates to the drawing page, the shapes will be resized to match the scale of the drawing. Other drawing aids, including grid lines and rulers, will snap to current units to ensure shapes are positioned accurately.

Shape dimensions

There are some very useful visual aids that help you position shapes in a scale drawing: dimension shapes. These shapes, specifically the Controller Dimension Shape and Room Measure Shape, automatically measure the distances they span and display them based on the units and scale of the drawing. There are many more sizing shapes available in the Building Core stencil and others; If you search for them in the search box at the top of the shapes window, you will find over 100 shapes that can be used to display measurements.

Personally, I use the controller dimension shape frequently when creating floor plans as it serves two purposes. Dragging the shape onto the page and then attaching a controller dimension shape to it will display the dimensions of the shape, which is very useful. However, if you change the controller dimension text when it’s pasted to the shape and then click the gray arrow, it will actually change the shape dimensions to the value you just entered – very clever and incredibly useful!

For additional free resources, tutorials, and videos on creating scale drawings in Visio, visit our website at

Mobile phones have gotten more stylish over the years. First, the developers added cameras, the Internet, and now most smartphones can now play video games. Nor are they cheap games like Snake or Tetris. Smartphones can play video games that are of the same quality as portable gaming devices.

One of the most recent smartphones released is Sony’s Xperia Play. Xperia Play has been rated the world’s first PlayStation certified phone. It is not only a phone, but it can also function as a portable gaming device. The controls are very similar to other Sony products, such as the PSP and the PS3 controller, just to name a few.

This means that you can finally play PlayStation-style video games with the convenience of a real control scheme. There is nothing more uncomfortable than playing games on your phone using the horrible number pad. The nice thing about Xperia Play is that some PlayStation Classic games will be making their way onto the system very soon.

Although there have not been any PlayStation RPG games available yet, it is more than likely that Square Enix will release some of its Final Fantasy games on the platform. Final Fantasy VII, VIII and IX have been ported to Sony’s PlayStation Network. The idea of ​​putting Final Fantasy VII (the most popular RPG ever made) on the Xperia Play could help Sony take over the market dominated primarily by Apple.

Zenonia 2 is an old school Japanese RPG that looks a lot like the old Final Fantasy games from the early 90’s. The 2D graphics are cute and the game itself is one of the best RPGs available in the world. Android phones. Although the game is heavily inspired by Japanese RPGs, it is actually made in Korea. However, I am sure it is a game that RPG fans will love to play.

Gurk is a game that players who grew up in the 80s will like. It’s an old-school-style video game that only costs 100KB to download. Despite Gurk’s very old graphics style, it is still in color and fun to play. There are 24 levels in total and a total of 23 monsters for you to find and kill. Gurk won’t be a game for modern gamers, but if you grew up playing Nintendo’s original game system, you will fall in love with its old-school style of play.

Another RPG available on Android phones is Dungeon Defenders: First Wave. The game is an online cooperative action RPG much like Torchlight and Baldur’s Gate. The game is free to download for most phones. The graphics are in 3D and look impressive for a game that costs nothing to download. Up to four players can play together online. It may be cliché and borrows elements from most other RPGs, however its visuals and multiplayer is what makes it quite fun.

Whether you have an Xperia Play or not, there are tons of RPGs to explore on Android phones. Many of them are free to download, so there is no excuse for you not to play any of the games offered here. Hopefully Square Enix will bring more Final Fantasy games to the Android market, as that will undoubtedly increase the popularity of the genre.