Month: June 2022

As a personal trainer, clients always ask me what is the best way to tone their shoulders, arms, back, and chest so they can reshape muscle definition, tighten sagging flesh around the upper arms, and have beautiful shoulders to show off. strappy blouses

Until now, I have always talked to them about exercises with dumbbells and resistance bands, shown them how to use their body weight to exercise, or instructed them in the use of resistance machines in the gym. But now I have found something new that will tone your entire upper body and legs as well, is completely portable and lightweight and costs much less than a gym membership. It’s called the Flex Shaper and I like it, so I’m doing some Flex Shaper reviews. It’s portable, smart, gives great results and is easy to use, as well as good value for money. That ticks all my boxes!

Having a piece of home exercise equipment like the Flex Shaper works like a bargain as you can tone several major muscle groups with it. Flex it overhead for shapely shoulders; pull it towards you to get a beautiful back; hold it under his arm to tone those biceps and push it down to trim those wobbly triceps. Even more, the Flex Shaper can also trim your lower body; squeeze the Flex Shaper between your knees to work your inner thighs and produce sleek, shapely legs.

The unique selling point of this new beast is the coil spring bit in the center that provides resistance in both directions. When you squeeze the handles toward each other (the concentric phase of the exercise), this requires your muscles to tense and shorten, making those muscles work and toning them. But with Flex Shaper your muscles also have to control the return phase of the exercise, unlike conventional exercise tools. This is the eccentric part of the exercise: your muscles lengthen, but they still have to work.

At this point, if you were working out with dumbbells or a resistance band, you’d have to keep repeating the exercise for best effect, but the Flex Shaper has made your muscles work twice as hard with just one rep, so you’re doubling your results. This means shorter workouts, which pleases me and my clients to no end! And doing this type of training gives good results in less time, producing long, lean, well-shaped muscles without bulking up and burning a lot of calories at the same time.

It’s pretty hard to tone your upper back, upper shoulder, and front upper arm muscles without equipment, so if I had to pick one piece, I’d probably go with this new Flex Shaper. , small enough to hide it. away anywhere in your home, light enough to carry in your case on the go and versatile enough to tone your entire upper body and thighs too. And did I mention it costs less than a month’s gym membership? Sounds good to me!

Control anger, before it controls you

We all know what anger is and we’ve all felt it: either as a passing annoyance or full-blown rage.

Anger is a completely normal, generally healthy human emotion. But when it gets out of control and destructive, it can lead to problems—problems at work, in your personal relationships, and in the overall quality of your life. And it can make you feel like you’re at the mercy of a powerful and unpredictable emotion. This booklet is intended to help you understand and manage anger.

*What is anger?* *The nature of anger*

Anger is “an emotional state that ranges in intensity from mild irritation to intense fury and rage,” according to Charles Spielberger, PhD, a psychologist who specializes in the study of anger. Like other emotions, it is accompanied by physiological and biological changes; When you get angry, your heart rate and blood pressure increase, as do the levels of your energy hormones, adrenaline and noradrenaline.

Anger can be caused by both external and internal events. You could be angry at a specific person (such as a co-worker or supervisor) or event (a traffic jam, a canceled flight), or your anger could be caused by worrying or brooding over your personal problems. Memories of traumatic or infuriating events can also trigger feelings of anger.

*expressing anger*

The instinctive and natural way to express anger is to respond aggressively. Anger is a natural and adaptive response to threats; it inspires powerful, often aggressive, feelings and behaviors that allow us to fight back and defend ourselves when attacked. A certain amount of anger, therefore, is necessary for our survival.

On the other hand, we cannot physically lash out at every person or object that irritates or annoys us; Laws, social norms, and common sense put limits on how far our anger can take us.

People use a variety of conscious and unconscious processes to deal with their angry feelings. The three main approaches are expressing, suppressing, and calming. Expressing your angry feelings in an assertive, non-aggressive way is the healthiest way to express anger. To do this, you must learn to make it clear what your needs are and how to meet them, without hurting others. Being assertive does not mean being aggressive or demanding; It means being respectful of yourself and others.

Anger can be suppressed and then converted or redirected. This happens when you suppress your anger, stop thinking about it and focus on something positive. The goal is to inhibit or repress your anger and turn it into more constructive behavior. The danger of this type of response is that, if the external expression is not allowed, the anger can turn internal against oneself. Anger directed inward can cause hypertension, high blood pressure, or depression.

Unexpressed anger can create other problems. It can lead to pathological expressions of anger, such as passive-aggressive behavior (getting back at people indirectly, without telling them why, instead of confronting them head on) or a personality that seems perpetually cynical and hostile. People who constantly put others down, criticize everything, and make cynical comments have not learned how to express their anger constructively. Not surprisingly, they don’t have many successful relationships.

Finally, you can calm down inside. This means not only controlling your outward behavior, but also controlling your internal responses, taking steps to slow your heart rate, calm down, and let the feelings subside.

As Dr. Spielberger points out, “When none of these three techniques work, that’s when someone, or something, is going to get hurt.”

*Anger control*

The goal of anger management is to reduce both the emotional feelings and the physiological arousal that anger provokes. You can’t get rid of or avoid the things or people that make you angry, nor can you change them, but you can learn to control your reactions.

*Are you too angry?*

There are psychological tests that measure the intensity of angry feelings, how prone you are to anger, and how well you handle it. But chances are good that if you have an anger problem, you already know it. If you find yourself acting in a way that seems out of control and frightening, you may need help finding better ways to deal with this emotion.

*Why are some people more angry than others?*

According to Jerry Deffenbacher, PhD, a psychologist who specializes in anger management, some people really are more “impulsive” than others; they get angry more easily and intensely than the average person. There are also those who do not show their anger in a flashy and spectacular way, but are chronically irritable and moody. Easily angered people don’t always swear and throw things; sometimes they become socially withdrawn, angry or physically ill.

People who are easily angered generally have what some psychologists call a low tolerance for frustration, which simply means that they feel they shouldn’t be subject to frustration, inconvenience, or annoyance. They can’t take things easy, and they get especially infuriated if the situation seems unfair in any way: for example, being corrected for a minor mistake.

What makes these people like this? Several things. One cause may be genetic or physiological: there is evidence that some children are born irritable, touchy and easily angered, and that these signs are present from a very young age. Another may be sociocultural. Anger is often viewed as negative; we are taught that it is okay to express anxiety, depression, or other emotions, but not to express anger. As a result, we don’t learn how to handle or channel it constructively.

Research has also found that family history plays a role. People who anger easily come from families that are conflicted, chaotic, and lack emotional communication skills.

*Is it good to “let it all hang out?”*

Psychologists now say that this is a dangerous myth. Some people use this theory as a license to hurt others. Research has found that “letting it rip” with anger actually increases anger and aggression and does nothing to help you (or the person you’re angry with) resolve the situation.

It’s best to find out what triggers your anger and then develop strategies to prevent those triggers from pushing you over the edge.

*Strategies to keep anger at bay*


Simple relaxation tools like deep breathing and calming imagery can help calm angry feelings. There are books and courses that can teach you relaxation techniques, and once you learn the techniques, you can use them in any situation. If you’re in a relationship where both partners have bad tempers, it might be a good idea for both of you to learn these techniques.

Some simple steps you can try:

– Breathe deeply, from your diaphragm; breathing from your chest will not relax you. Imagine your breath coming out of your “gut.”

– Slowly repeat a calm word or phrase such as “relax”, “take it easy”. Repeat it while you breathe deeply.

– Use images; visualize a relaxing experience, either from your memory or from your imagination.

– Slow, non-strenuous exercises, similar to yoga, can relax your muscles and make you feel much calmer.

Practice these techniques daily. Learn to use them automatically when you find yourself in a tense situation.

To get rid of blackheads, you need to know about all the possible blackhead removal solutions that suit your needs. But how are you going to start looking for the solution if you don’t know where it all started? Take note that knowing the root of the problem will give us the best solution to end the problem.

What are black dots? Blackheads are formed due to the sebum produced by the sebaceous glands. Sebaceous glands are present on everyone’s face. It produces oils or the sebum that normally clogs our pores in the hair follicles. It is usually white in color when not fully exposed to air. Sometimes its color turns yellow due to skin pigmentation. But if these oils are exposed to air and oxidized, they will create a black coloration and turn into blackheads. Blackheads are commonly found on the nose, chin, and somewhere on the forehead and cheeks. Blackheads are very unpleasant to have, that is why blackhead removal solution is very important.

The blackhead removal solution can be done at any medical facility or clinic by consulting beauty experts. There are some modern tools that can be used to remove blackheads quickly and easily, but they are also expensive. There are also some oral medications that are given to patients for some reason, such as worsening of acne and skin allergy to some creams. But blackhead removal solution is not always expensive. There are many ways that are easy to use, always available and more effective.

Taking a hot shower is the easiest blackhead removal solution available at home. It can be done every day or whenever you want. The temperature of the water will help your pores open up. After showering, you will notice that your skin is soft and smooth; So now it is easy for you to remove blackheads from your face gently. Taking a hot shower also helps keep your skin soft and smooth.

Using blackhead removal strips is the most affordable blackhead removal solution available at all health and wellness stores, pharmacies, and convenience stores. It is a white strip that can effectively remove blackheads with ease and without causing any pain. It is a one-step blackhead removal solution. Simply place it over your nose or any part of your face. After a couple of minutes remove it and you will notice that the blackheads are now sticking to the strips. Leaves your skin clean and soft.

There is a blackhead removal solution that is available today which is called blackhead extractor or blackhead remover pen. It is a long metal stick that can be used to extract blackheads from the nose or face. It is commonly used by some beauty clinic conducted by beauty experts. It is not recommended that you practice it at home because it could make the problem worse. Only beauty experts can do this type of process for you. Doing so could damage your skin and create another type of skin problem or worse, skin irritation or skin infection. Seeking help from beauty experts would be the best solution to remove blackheads.

Family life with a Maltese

Maltese are good family dogs for families with older children. This dog is a cuddly little companion and loves attention. They are known to have a lot of energy and are very playful. The Maltese prefers confined spaces and does well in small yards and even in apartments or townhouses.

Due to its small size, the Maltese is physically very fragile. This is why the breed is not recommended for young children. Accidentally stepping on the dog or sitting on your Maltese puppy can cause broken bones and other serious injuries.

A Maltese puppy requires a lot of socialization as a puppy to become comfortable in a variety of social situations. This breed may bark and bite at small children, because the dog does not understand quick movements, noises, or indirect rough play by children (such as pulling on the ears and tail).

When not properly socialized into the family’s daily routine, the Maltese can become anxious when left alone. Separation anxiety causes the dog to display many destructive behaviors when the family is away from home.

This breed is often taken to shelters or abandoned by owners who cannot tolerate its barking, irritability with small children, or separation anxiety issues.

Before you make your family a Maltese, make sure your family can tolerate Maltese behavior for both good and bad personality quirks. It is unfair to the dog and children to break hearts when the dog is not the right fit for their family.

These dogs are known to be hypoallergenic and may be more palatable to people who are normally allergic to animals. This breed requires daily care of its coat and coat.

It’s a great opportunity for children to take on age-appropriate tasks of responsibility. These dogs also have tear-stained hair around their eyes on a daily basis and need daily eye cleaning. Caring for and grooming your Maltese puppy helps promote the bond between your family and your dog.

history of the maltese breed

The Maltese dog is believed to have originated in the central Mediterranean area, on the island of Malta, where the dog was a companion to noble women.

The Maltese was specially bred to achieve its diminutive size. In the 17th and 18th centuries, the breed was made even smaller so that the dogs were about the size of a squirrel. The breed traveled with nomadic tribes throughout Europe and the Middle East, where the dog protected people from rodents.

In 1888, the purebred Maltese was recognized by the American Kennel Club. This little dog has a classic “halo” effect around the eyes, which means the dark eyes are surrounded by darker skin pigmentation. The Maltese puppy’s nose can turn pink or brown in winter, “winter nose”, and darken in summer as a result of sun exposure.

In recent years, the Maltese has been crossed with Poodles, Pugs, and Shih Tzus to achieve more desirable and social traits, such as being smaller, friendlier, and shedding as little as possible.

maltese health

Although most Maltese are healthy, the breed is susceptible to some specific health problems. Some health problems that can affect the Maltese breed are:

luxating patella – Or slipping of the patella, causing pain when walking. Treated with surgery.

liver bypass– When blood circulates abnormally and bypasses the liver, which is important to detoxify and cleanse the blood. It can be treated with diet, medication, and surgery. This condition can also cause the dog to become anemic, if treatment and diagnosis are delayed.

eye infections due to improper cleaning or infrequent cleaning.

Some people have chosen to monitor their dog’s health with the FitBark, a wearable, discreet device that attaches to a dog’s collar and constantly monitors your dog’s activity, sleep, and nutrition, and is breed-specific. FitBark easily pairs with your Fitbit, Apple Watch, HealthKit, or Google Fit device to track progress. Researchers and veterinarians have developed a unique algorithm to provide you with real-time quantitative data on your dog’s health. Great for finding out how your dog is really feeling and facilitating communication during follow-up vet appointments.

Developing a strong relationship with a trusted vet is important to maximizing the health of your Maltese puppy.

In late May, the real estate world was rocked when HUD filed a lawsuit in the US District Court for the Central District of California against several major real estate firms and a natural hazard disclosure reporting company. alleging RESPA violations in connection with their former joint venture. Business

Although at the time, the industry speculated that this lawsuit marked a new path for HUD to take companies to court for RESPA violations, in fact, HUD had done so once before. And interestingly enough, the problems in that first case bear an uncanny similarity to the core problems in the new case.

On May 24, HUD sued Property ID of Los Angeles for allegedly making improper payments based on consumer referral to Realogy Corp. (formerly known as Cendant Corp.); NRT/Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage Corp.; Mason-McDuffie Real Estate (doing business as Prudential California Realty); and Pickford Realty Ltd. (doing business as Prudential California Realty).

In a separate lawsuit filed against HUD, Property ID has asserted that its actions did not fall within the scope of RESPA because “natural hazard disclosure reports are not settlement services and are not part of escrow. natural resources are not listed as one of the settlement agreements”. services in the RESPA statute itself. The statute requiring natural hazard disclosure reports requires them for reasons unrelated to escrow. To be under the jurisdiction of RESPA, the product sold by Property ID would have to be a settlement service.”

HUD, however, has taken the opposite view, asserting in its lawsuit that “Sellers, buyers, or their agents purchase and provide risk disclosure reports as part of the purchase and settlement of real property involving mortgage loans related to the federal government. These reports are purchased only when a transfer of real property is pending, whether the report is purchased prior to or during an actual or prospective agreement for the sale of real property,” adding that “the vast majority of reports are paid with the security deposit at the time of the agreement. “

‘Obsolete and ambiguous’

All real estate brokers targeted by the lawsuit agree with Property ID that natural hazard disclosure reports are not a settlement service under RESPA.

Mark Panus, senior vice president of corporate communications for Realogy Corp. (which includes NRT), told Real Law Central: “Like most in this industry, we have operated under RESPA, outdated and ambiguous as it is, for many years. allegations of fact and law in the lawsuit, including characterizing natural hazard disclosure reports as a settlement service under RESPA.”

Likewise, Eliza Walsh, a spokeswoman for Mason-McDuffie Real Estate Inc. (dba Prudential California Realty in Northern California), said, “The company’s position, based on expert legal counsel, is that the production of disclosure reports Hazards is not included in the definition of ‘settlement services’ as defined by federal statute.

And Steve Rodgers, President and CEO of Prudential California Realty and Pickford Realty, said, “We rely on our internal policies and procedures, as well as all of our business dealings, to fully comply with [RESPA].”

Ironically, HUD’s first lawsuit for alleged RESPA violations also sought clarification on what constitutes a settlement service, in the 1984 case of US v. Graham Mortgage.

This case proved to be pivotal in the history of RESPA, as the Sixth Circuit Court ruling in this case prompted HUD to amend the statute in 1992.

United States v. Graham Mortgage

The history of the United States v. Graham Mortgage began in 1983, when HUD filed a six-count indictment in the Eastern District of Michigan charging four defendants with misdemeanor giving and accepting bribes in violation of § 8(a) of RESPA, and conspiracy to violate that provision.

The defendants included Graham Mortgage Corp. (GMC); Richard E. Chapin, executive vice president and director of GMC; Thomas P. Heinz, GMC vice president and branch manager; and Manford Colbert, president of Rose Hill Realty, which was in the business of both traditional real estate brokerage and the purchase, rehabilitation, and resale of homes in the Detroit area.

From September 1975 through May 1979, GMC provided the financing for Rose Hill’s purchase, rehabilitation, and resale of residences in the Detroit area. For each loan received, Rose Hill agreed to refer two mortgage loan applicants from its regular brokerage business to GMC, in addition to referring the buyer of the rehab home. In turn, GMC, by making Federal Housing Administration (FHA) or Veterans Administration (VA) mortgage loans to buyers of rehabbed residences sold by Rose Hill, charged Rose Hill fewer points than other sellers.

To recover lost revenue from the reduction in points charged to Rose Hill, GMC increased the points charged to sellers of residences referred by Rose Hill and financed by FHA or VA loans.

Prior to trial, the defendants filed a motion to dismiss the indictment on the basis that the activity alleged in the indictment did not involve business referral “incident or part of a real estate settlement service” and, in Consequently, you did not violate § 8(a) of RESPA.

The district court denied the motion. Treating the issue as a first impression, the court held that the legal language, viewed in light of Congress’s goal of eliminating kickbacks and referral fees that improperly inflated the cost of settlement services, and the interpretation of the statute in regulations promulgated by HUD, prohibited the alleged activity.

The defendants subsequently pleaded guilty to the conspiracy charge in exchange for dismissal of the substantive charges. Following the entry of sentences of conviction, the defendants filed a motion for sentencing arrest. In an unpublished order, the court upheld its decision that the mortgage loan award was a settlement service and denied the motion. The defendants then appealed to the Sixth Circuit Court.

Sixth Circuit does not convince

In ruling on the case, the Sixth Circuit noted that “the critical textual question is whether this definition of ‘settlement services,’ which does not expressly include within its scope the granting of a mortgage loan, can be properly construed by implication.”

HUD presented a simple argument in support of its position that the language of § 3(3) of RESPA contemplates treating the granting of a mortgage loan as a settlement service. The government argued that the definition of “settlement services”, by its own terms, is not intended to contain an exhaustive list of settlement services, but rather denotes “any service provided in connection with a real estate settlement”.

The government concluded that because the granting of a mortgage loan is the essential service for a real estate liquidation, it must be incidental to the liquidation and fall within the scope of the definition in § 3(3) of RESPA.

But the Sixth Circuit concluded that “neither the plain language of the relevant section nor the structure of RESPA permits an unambiguous reading that would require the imposition of criminal liability for the conduct alleged in the indictment.” Consequently, he turned to the legislative history of the law.

HUD held that even if the language of the relevant statutes was ambiguous, RESPA’s legislative history supported the government’s interpretation of the statutes.

Legislative history of RESPA

In 1974, a bill (S. 3164) was introduced in the US Senate to regulate certain credit practices and settlement procedures in federally related mortgage transactions. The definition of “settlement services” in the submitted bill was substantially identical to that promulgated by § 3(3) of RESPA.

After passage by the Senate, the House of Representatives, when it initially passed S. 3164, amended the bill by removing all Senate provisions and substituting the provisions of HR 9989, which was a generally similar House bill. to S. 3164. the difference, however, was in the language of the definition of “settlement services.” The Chamber imposed a more closed definition that did not include the granting of a mortgage loan within its scope.

But the Senate refused to agree to the House amendments, eventually adopting the broader definition of “settlement services” than the House recommended. HUD argued that this decision to favor a broader definition of “settlement services” showed that Congress intended to include the provision of a mortgage loan.

But the Sixth Circuit said, “In deciding on the broader language of the Senate version, we do not believe that Congress intended to include real estate financing within the scope of settlement services for purposes of RESPA,” and found that “legislative history lacks the clarity and strength to compel the conclusion that Congress intended to treat home lending as a settlement service when it enacted RESPA.”

Therefore, the circuit court reversed the earlier ruling and concluded: “In light of our findings, RESPA’s language is ambiguous with respect to the question of whether the granting of a mortgage loan is a settlement service and that the legislative history of the statute does not. direct any resolution of that question, ‘the rule of leniency mandates judgment for the [appellants].’ Accordingly, the convictions are vacated and the case is recommended to the district court for final judgment.”

This ruling was a blow to HUD, which strongly disagreed with the Sixth Circuit’s position, and the decision forced the department to issue revisions to RESPA in 1992. Congress responded by amending RESPA to remove any doubt that, for purposes of RESPA, a settlement service includes the origination and completion of a mortgage loan. At the same time, Congress also specifically made RESPA applicable to second mortgages and refinancing.

future implications

The Graham Mortgage case differs from the Property ID case in one significant way, in that in the former case, HUD attempted to seek criminal penalties for violations of the statute, while in the new case, HUD seeks only a permanent injunction and remand. profit

However, the central question remains the same. If the Sixth Circuit Court could find that the original definition of “settlement services” clearly did not apply to the provision of a mortgage loan in 1984, could the California court find that it also clearly did not apply to the provision of credit reports? disclosure of natural hazards? , despite the modifications made in 1992?

And if so, will HUD and Congress have to go back to the drawing board to redefine the parameters of the statute again? Or will the courts this time find HUD’s argument regarding the broad scope of the law sufficient?

The National Association of Realtors recently observed that “if the lawsuit is fully adjudicated and not settled, businesses should finally have clearer guidance on what does and does not constitute a settlement service.”

Real Law Center I’ll be watching to see what happens.

Nurse CE For Nurses

A critical care nurse’s job is to monitor, assess, and provide care to patients in dire physical conditions. This requires a combination of problem-solving and interpersonal skills. These nurses are typically on their feet for the entire shift. They also must have a strong emotional response and confidence, as they will be dealing with both patients and their families. Here’s how a critical care nurse can be prepared for the unique demands of this role.

Critical care nurses are critical to the success of life-saving treatments. They combine extensive education, empathy, and experience to provide compassionate, hands-on care for critically ill patients. They must also have the ability to respond to an extremely wide range of emotional responses from patients, and remain calm and empathetic. Nursing CEUs are also critical care nurse educators and researchers, and work alongside healthcare case managers. The role of a critical care nurse requires high levels of stress, but there are also perks.

To become a critical care nurse, students need a bachelor’s degree in nursing. The American Association of Critical Care Nurses offers the CCRN credential, which indicates a nurse’s expertise in the area. CCRNs can work at any hospital or health care facility that specializes in critical care. Upon graduation, critical care nurses can find employment in a variety of healthcare settings, including hospitals, private practice clinics, and home-care services. In addition to the traditional work setting, many nurses also pursue a master’s degree.

Critical Care Nurse CE For Nurses

Critical care nurses in the major metro areas can earn over $100,000 a year, with significant increases as experience and expertise increases. These nurses receive attractive benefits, including paid vacation time, sick leave, personal tie, and health insurance. Additionally, they can earn extra income through overtime. Further education can also help advance their career opportunities. There are a number of online programs that offer nurses the education they need to advance their careers. To get started, consider earning your degree through Maryville University’s online nursing program.

Another option for critical care nurse CE is to attend an online conference. In addition to the online CE, MED-ED offers continuing education programs through their website. Courses are taught through PowerPoint presentations and streaming video/audio. Moreover, CE Post-Tests are administered online and results are instantly available. These results can be printed as CE Certificates. In addition, subscribers to NYSNA members get a 50% discount on their course subscription.

Metabolic Syndrome: Diagnosis and Treatment is an essential part of a critical care nurse CEUS. This course covers key characteristics of metabolic syndrome, including lifestyle and medication changes, and prevention and treatment strategies. Additionally, it covers ethical considerations and the appropriate use of opioids. The course is available for both undergraduate and graduate students, and provides a comprehensive review of key information on this important subject. When you complete this critical care nurse CEUS, you will be well on your way to becoming a better and more effective practitioner.

Therefore, your mind is full of creativity to create an app to quench users’ thirst. Do some cool images come to mind where you can see unbeatable downloads? Where are you stuck? Are you into learning how to code a successful Android app?

Learning is a never-ending process and if you have that hunger in you, no task is unattainable. Android app development can be a daunting task, especially if you are a beginner. In-depth knowledge is required to begin the development process. Some of the terms you may not be familiar with appear, but a special thanks to Google, which makes our task so much easier. Take a deep sigh of relief and fasten your seat belt for a big, bumpy scramble ahead.

Step 1: Selection of the Operating System

An operating system is the most important software that runs on a computer. It is a means of communication between the programmer and the computer itself. The proper selection of OS (Operating System) depends on the scope of your project. There are three main operating systems that rule the world of the Internet: Linux, Windows and Mac.

Linux is the preferred operating system for most developers, but if you are new to it, go for the Windows operating system. Once you have made your selection, you can continue to the next step of installing Android Studio.

Step 2: Download and install Android Studio

Android Studio is the most used ‘Integrated Development Environment’ owned by Google. IDE is a platform where you can see the code you write and see the results right there. After downloading Android Studio, you can finish the installation process to see a screen where you can run your codes.

You can also use a common editor to run the codes, but why ignore the specialty of this IDE? It is specifically designed for Android code and application.

Step 3: Download the Java Development Kit (JDK)

After downloading Android Studio, the next important software is the JDK. The programming language that will be used to develop the Android application will be JAVA. Therefore, to use Android Studio, the JDK must be installed, which can be downloaded here. Follow the instructions carefully to install. Once done, your Android Studio is ready to be launched.

Another deciding factor is the user interface in which you want to see the output of your code. There are two options open to you: the emulator or the real-time device.

An Android emulator is a virtual Android device that will look exactly like your Android device and can be used to run and test your code. If you have chosen to test your code on a live device, you need to reinstall the driver that supports it.

Step 4: Starting your first project

You are now all set to start your new Android Studio project. Enter the name of the project you are waiting for and after successful completion, you can upload it to the Google Play Store.

Naming your project needs to be clever enough because this will be the file that all users will see. While thinking about the app, you may have decided on the platform it will run on i.e; Phone or tablet.

Step 5: The Home Page for the Final Project

Once the app you’re creating opens, you can see a message that says, “Hello world.” This is the smallest program that all developers do while learning a new technology. From this you can start coding your desired project in mind. It can be a job listing app or a taxi booking app or even a bookstore.

Finally jumping to reality

Not all apps are successful and get good reviews. A bit of marketing coupled with a user-friendly experience is something to focus on more. Furthermore, JAVA is a language that requires a deep sense of knowledge. Practicing is the best possible way to succeed.

As you prepare a home for sale or rent, here are some basics to ensure you get the best response from prospective clients.

Your goal is to make the house as attractive as possible while investing the least amount of cash. Buying a home is often an emotional decision. People decide to buy a house because they fall in love with it. In many cases, you just have to make sure that they don’t have a reason not to like the house.

Here are some ideas for the houses you are selling or renting. You want to present the best of you in any way.

Spic-and-span sales. Make sure everything is clean and shiny.

paint it Fresh paint works wonders in any room. Sometimes you can get by with a touch up, but a full paint job will definitely make everything look like new. You even get the added benefit of a new-smelling home when the walls are freshly painted. Make sure to use bright but neutral colors. We used a light tan satin paint for the walls and a bright white semi-gloss for all the trim.

Clean the carpet. A thorough professional cleaning is an inexpensive way to freshen up any carpet. If it’s not in good condition, feel free to replace it. New carpet is worth every penny when a home is shown. Again, choose a neutral color that isn’t too dark. Tanning is usually a good option.

Seriously consider replacing worn appliances. You can usually replace a stove and dishwasher for $500 or less if you find a floor model or a discount for scratches and dents. New or “like new” appliances have a big impact on the appeal of the kitchen.

Replace outdated kitchen and bathroom faucets. This will quickly improve the room.

A new dresser is a must. They are a quick and cheap way to make things shiny and clean. Get the $7 targets made of wood. They look great.

Replace light switches and wall outlets. TURN OFF THE POWER FIRST! New switches and outlets don’t cost much and instantly brighten up any room.

Replace outdated light fixtures. Old light fixtures can quickly age a home. You don’t have to install expensive accessories, just new ones to replace the dusty and rusty ones.

As you do, put new light bulbs in each lamp, in each socket. Choose the highest wattage that can be used safely and do not leave any sockets unused. Your goal is to keep things bright. Even in broad daylight, I turn on all the lights in the house during a screening.

Ceiling fans are a good investment. Get some cheap ones and place them in every bedroom. Have them turn low while the prospects are looking. There is something cozy and soothing about a slowly spinning ceiling fan.

Remove old and outdated window treatments or damaged shutters. Replace them with new, inexpensive mini blinds.

Take a good look at your house from the street. Does it measure up to the other houses in the neighborhood? You really should look better than a lot of your neighbors. Do some inexpensive landscaping by adding flowers, shrubs, and some mulch. The yard must be clean and well maintained. Trim bushes and trees, and keep grass trimmed and trimmed.

Check the house numbers on the house and on the mailbox. A prospect is sure to look at the street number, so make sure it conveys the quality of the house.

No blinds? Add some! Installing shutters on a home is like putting hubcaps on a used car. The cost is minimal, but the curb appeal is powerful.

Visit new subdivisions and open houses in your area, especially model homes. You will get some good ideas to present your home. Some real estate agents place small signs throughout the house noting special features such as: energy-saving heat pump, new water heater installed in 2004, or stay-in-home refrigerator. This is a great way to point out features.

Another idea we had at an open house was to set the dining room table with nice plates, glasses and cloth napkins. That’s great if the furniture is still in the home. We also recommend that you play classical music on the stereo. Remember, most people are “moving in” to their new home, so make them feel like they’re really renovating.

And for some finishing touches, place a vase of fresh flowers on the counter, some candles on the mantel, and some clean hand towels in the bathroom.

Finally, put a new doormat on the front door. You can pick one up for under $10. I like the ones that actually say “Welcome.”

Always remember that your tastes may be different from those of your potential buyer. You are making a very personal decision. By paying attention to the little details, you can make a big difference in your perception. Make sure the house is attractive enough that they want to make it their own.

I bet you’ve just never seen a real white elephant or white elephant egg, have you? These albino elephants are so rare and extraordinary that only kings can own them when they find them. So think of the rarity of a real white elephant egg!

Today you can have a royal white elephant egg hunt with your loved ones and close friends. Like any other albino elephant exchange, this is an opportunity to share nice gifts and great conversation with those you care about. But you will have to substitute one thing for the extremely rare albino elephant eggs, and we recommend the common melon! A melon looks like you imagine an elephant egg to be.

After you’ve collected your substitute elephant eggs from the nearby shopkeeper, you need to prepare them for the gift exchange party. Use a marker to identify each “egg” and make sure there is 1 egg for each player. We suggest you find a food-safe marker and write on the outside of the melon. The skin of a melon is thick like the skin of an elephant, so the ink should not affect the fruit.

You’ll set up the party using the typical guidelines for a white elephant gift exchange. Send invitations and suggest that they bring gifts that can add to the enjoyment of the event. Easter is a great time to host this celebration, so you can suggest Easter gifts or any Easter themed gift requirements.

On the day of the occasion, you will need to hide the eggs, just as you would for an Easter egg hunt. This is a bit different simply because these eggs are the size of a white elephant, so you may need to leave your lawn unmown for a while before the party.

The celebration begins with the entire hunt for elephant eggs hidden in the yard. Inform players that the numbers on the eggs will likely be their order of choice of gifts within the gift exchange portion of the game.

Shortly after all the eggs have been claimed, gather them in the kitchen to process them into the “baby elephant eggs” with a Melon Baller. Just remember to record who had what number so it’s possible to use it within the trading part with the party. Then use the freshly produced fruit ball treats as part of your snacks for your guests.

Now you’re ready for the gift exchange as you would any standard white elephant gift party. Unlike randomly drawing names inside a hat, you will use the order of the numbers on the white elephant eggs.

Now you understand that the white elephant gift exchange is not just for the holiday season, but could be a strategy for sharing gifts and pleasant conversation on almost any holiday, including Easter. Take the time to plan a real elephant egg hunt and gift exchange next Easter. You will like this party!

Many photographers argue that online cloud storage is simply not necessary. They claim that their images are safely stored on a variety of DVDs and external drives. While this type of redundant system is a good practice, it only provides half the solution. Disasters like theft, fire and flood can erase years of hard work and bring a business to its knees. By keeping an entire catalog of valuable files in one place, you risk a spectacular disaster. To create a truly secure archive, digital files must be stored in an external location.

Online cloud solutions have become much more affordable in recent years. In fact, offers unlimited storage space for just $4.95 a month. The price is the same regardless of the amount of data you upload. Best of all, Mozy can handle just about every type of file imaginable. This includes RAW images from all camera manufacturers, plus DNG, TIFF, JPEG, PSD, and more. Never again will you have to worry about losing photos, videos, audio tracks or text documents. Online cloud storage gives photographers peace of mind.

Mozy has created a neat interface that makes the actual backup process quite simple. It works well with both Mac and Windows operating systems. Get started by logging into your secure account and choosing which files to back up. Users have the option to select individual images or an entire folder. For my workflow, the folder option is the most efficient method. Of course, each photographer will have to develop their own unique system to best suit their individual needs.

Backing up large amounts of data can take several hours. Accurate load times are highly dependent on the speed of your internet connection. With a cable modem, five gigabytes took about six hours to complete. The process can also slow down the entire computer. For this reason, I think the best time to make a backup is right before you go to sleep. Just be sure to activate your screen saver, as the computer must be running during this process.

The backbone of a good workflow is organization. If your images are randomly scattered across multiple drives, archiving will be a tedious process. Fortunately, there are several programs designed specifically for photographers looking to keep an organized catalog. Adobe Lightroom and Apple Aperture are widely used throughout the industry. While Photoshop’s strength is in image editing, these programs really shine in their organizational features. The expression “garbage in, garbage out” certainly applies to digital photography. If you start with a well-maintained library, it will be much easier to retrieve files when you need them.

To start the image recovery process, select “restore files” from the menu. After choosing which files to extract, you are presented with a choice. Do you want to copy the files directly to your computer or order a DVD? Web restoration is free, but a DVD comes with an additional installation charge of $30, plus fifty cents per gigabyte. and $40 for overnight shipping. Although DVD restore is expensive, it is recommended for users who are trying to restore large amounts of data, as a web restore can take several days to complete.

There are several alternatives to Mozy. While we haven’t tried all of them, here’s a brief overview. Carbonite offers unlimited storage for $54.95 per year. This actually works out to be less than five dollars a month. Amazon S3 offers tiered pricing based on usage. They charge for transferring data both in and out of their servers. Swiss Picture Bank differs from the competition in that it does not charge an annual fee. Instead, users pay a one-time fee for storage capacity from 1 GB to 100 GB.

For those who still feel that online backup is not worth it, I recommend using a simple alternative. Create a “greatest hits” folder made up of your favorite RAW images. Copy these files to a flash drive and keep them at work or another area outside of your home. You can get four or eight gigabyte drives for less than fifty dollars. While this isn’t necessarily a high-tech solution, it does give you an extra level of protection.

I like to think of cloud storage as a 401k plan for photographers. It’s not a foolproof system, but it could be a very wise investment in the future. Mozy’s terms of service state that “Mozy, Inc. cannot guarantee complete security.” While this statement doesn’t necessarily inspire confidence, they do state that their “servers are located in several world-class data centers around the globe. Each data center adheres to the highest security standards for optimal data protection.” Basically, this means that despite Mozy’s best efforts, there is a chance that data could be hacked or lost. Personally, I am hopeful that I will be able to reproduce and share my images in the long term. How will you preserve your photos in the digital realm?