Author: admin

The history of life insurance is not very difficult to understand. Today, life insurance is simply the contract between a single individual and an insurance company that dictates that the company must pay the policyholder’s beneficiary if the insured dies. But where does the idea of ​​being insured at death come from? Who were the first people to implement this idea? What did they do when the amounts of money were not as high as those of life insurance companies today? When did the real life insurance industry start? These are all quite interesting questions and the fact is that some of them are largely unanswerable; however, we know a lot about the history of this wonderful thing that nowadays covers people all over the world.

The first signs in the history of life insurance

Historians have been searching for the true beginning of life insurance as we know it, but first they have deciphered the small steps that ultimately led to the actual payment of the death benefit. According to the Financial Shopper Network in ancient China, sailors prevented pirates from stealing all their goods by transporting portions of other ships’ cargo, so if a pirate stole a ship’s cargo, the entire cargo would not be lost. . A little later, in Babylon, merchants simply gave loans that had to be repaid when the contents of the trade were safely delivered.

So what does this have to do with life insurance? Well, both civilizations were avoiding losing everything. They were taking small baby steps that would help in the long run. However, life insurance as we know it; It started in the city of Rome. The people of this highly advanced civilization decided to form what they called “burial clubs.” These clubs were designed for a single purpose, in the event of the unexpected death of a club member; everyone else would be willing to pay the funeral expenses and help the survivor’s family with some money. The concept of life insurance as they knew it ended dramatically in AD 450 when the Roman Empire fell and its practices were abandoned for a long period of time. It is also important to note that many historians agree that around the same time as Rome, the Indian Empire and its citizens also formed “burial clubs” to pay for funerals and help people with expenses. One clue to this according to the Financial Shopper Network is that “yogakshema, the name of the Indian Corporate Headquarters Life Insurance Corporation” refers to the Vedas.

Great Britain and its step in the history of life insurance

However, modern life insurance didn’t get started until the British decided to give it a try and make it work. The practice of life insurance took hold all over the European continent except England, and it was exactly the British who started the most prominent life insurance companies known in European countries today. It was in the mid-17th century that on the streets of London, England, a group of people met at Lloyd’s Coffee House and decided to come up with life insurance ideas. The cafeteria was a famous place for dealers, shipowners, and merchants and would therefore be the perfect place to discuss life insurance knowing that most of those people had money.

History of life insurance in the United States

Since the British knew the basics of life insurance and things that could help people like the life insurance industry, they decided to give it a try in the United States of America. After discussing how they would decide to come up with the first life insurance company, they decided to build on the well-known British model at the time. The first life insurance company on American soil was founded in the Southern Colony of Charleston, South Carolina in the year 1735.

About 20 years later the entire colonies saw this as a good idea, so the Presbyterian Synod of Philadelphia decided to sponsor the first life insurance corporation in the United States, which wrote its first policy in 1761. The Bad of life insurance at that time was that many religious groups opposed it because it would be like anticipating one’s own death and with the religious fervor of the North American colonies of the time; it turned out to be quite a challenge to get everything up and running.

The life insurance industry as we know it really took off in the 1840s because these religious groups calmed down and no longer interfered with government business. Another big reason life insurance companies came up turned out to be the New York and Chicago fires that killed a ton of people in each of the two cities. After this, more and more life insurance companies began to emerge and in the 1900’s the business really grew. People wanted to be protected in the event of an accidental death.

The 1900s proved to be an era of growth for the life insurance industry. Two wars followed and many people decided to insure themselves to establish a secure financial future for their families. It is also said that after an attack on the country more people buy life insurance policies. No one can deny that simply because after Pearl Harbor, a group of people panicked and decided to take out policies fearing for their lives. The same is true after the turn of the century when the attacks on the World Trade Center occurred. People decided that not having protection was worth it and that a small premium each month was better than leaving their families financially burdened.

life insurance today

As you can see, life insurance has come a long way since it started in Rome and India. Large corporations with great power and global interaction have emerged. Companies have emerged that have a lot to say in both the economic and political world. As you can see, the market right now is booming, and there are many life insurance companies coming to life. Who knows what will happen in the future, but from now on customers should be happy with their options and the thousands of companies they can choose from!

In business school, we learned about “The Marketing Concept” as the total effort of the company to satisfy the needs of customers at a profit.

Location-based services are on the rise, and as marketers we have real challenges on how to integrate these new technologies into our toolkit along with wikis, blogs, social media, podcasts, etc. Are you ready for new ideas like location-based advertising?

From a business perspective, I would define the “Rent based service concept” as the company’s effort to transform geographic positioning information into valuable and relevant data for a customer, for profit.

The location-based service concept, like the marketing concept, has 3 components

1- Obtain geographic positioning information. This can be accomplished in many ways. The obvious way is a GPS device over the cellular network, IP address mapping, user input, etc. (I will address this in future posts)

2- Transform this data into valuable information. Your children are calling to be picked up at midnight; Would you consider the same situation knowing that they are at a friend’s house or wandering downtown? Suddenly, the geographic layer of information completely changed the urgency of the collection. What if you’re trying to locate your grandmother who has Alzheimer’s or want to know where your team is at any given time? What if instead of the pizzeria telling you “…another 5 minutes…” you can go to the web and receive a “Where’s my pizza?” service!! (This is certainly a good app, especially if your teen came with friends from a soccer game and they’re starving…) The number of possible apps is limited to the extent of your imagination (and of course some limitations). techniques). ..), but the idea is to generate value for someone and charge for that service.

3- Earn profits. It’s amazing how many companies/developers forget that the fundamental reason for building a business is to MAKE PROFIT. Location-based services are an expensive business. Usually your current location needs to be transmitted to a certain application server and most of the time this is achieved over cellular networks; therefore, someone must pay the bill. When you buy a personal locator device, PLDs (like Zoombak, Leipac and others), have a cellular device included, usually with a SIM card, to communicate your location, and that service is expensive.

The number of LBS applications is growing exponentially. Just in the last few months I’ve seen dozens of free location-based social networking sites come to life. The question is how many of them will be alive next year. For me the answer is simple, only those with a strong revenue model and a clear value proposition will last. Some bet on valid strategies based on the collective value of the user, wikonomic “prosumers”, “freemium” services, etc. In that case, the keys to success are a) making sure someone else pays for the communication costs and b) making sure your customers generate real value-add that you can capitalize on.

The key word is profit: “sell” relatively simple products (just sell smartphones or tech products), but your profit margins will be horrible.

What most people don’t realize is that the money you “raise” from businesses is only part of the story.

“Full” retail purchases provide gross receipts. To determine profit, you must deduct COGS (cost of goods sold) and any additional “administrative” expenses, such as advertising, storage, and personnel costs.

While the allure of the “digital” realm has encouraged millions to delve into its depths, it’s not unique. You should still account for profit (bottom line) instead of overall gross (top line) to maintain your sanity (and viability).

The “online” world of business closely mirrors its offline counterpart, which means if you’re looking to take advantage of the myriad of opportunities created with companies like Amazon, YouTube, etc., you’ll want to see how they work. .. as “markets”.

YouTube is an entertainment marketplace, Twitter is an attention marketplace, and Amazon is a commodity price marketplace. Understanding this puts you in the vantage position of being able to determine a more effective way to provide solutions to participants in those markets.


The most important thing to appreciate is that it is about supply and demand: the cornerstone of a “free market”.

Supply/demand states that if there is demand, supply will surely follow… Excess supply drives “prices” down. The lack of supply raises the “prices”.

The most important thing to consider is how demand is created/influenced.

Demand is the cornerstone of whether a “product” will sell, and it’s the reason “tech” products always do well online (because people want to make sure they’re getting the latest and greatest components).

So, when considering what to “sell” on Amazon, you’re basically looking at what products are in demand and out of stock. The supply situation may not be indicated by high prices, but people will generally refrain from making “non-essential” purchases or request variations on the solutions provided.

The important thing to keep in mind is that most people focus on “supply” (usually oversupply), as you would see for products that have many buyers or many sellers (the “smartphones” are an excellent example). ).

By selling a “me too” product, you may get sales, but you will almost invariably make no profit. In my own experience in the “tech” space, the gains are minimal because the volume is so high. Compare this to the likes of furniture where the volume is relatively low, the gains can be much higher.

The point is that the “price” you get on any of the modern platforms largely depends on the quality and veracity of the solution, rather than whether other companies are already offering it.

In this sense, the following are some of the most effective solutions/products to sell through Amazon:

  • ACCESSORIES for popular products
    This works especially well for smartphones, computers, and video/game consoles. If you find a popular product (especially a game), you should be able to get add-on accessories for it. iPhone cases were very good at this between 2013 and 2015.
  • CHEAP Kickstarter Products
    Kickstarter (crowdfunding platform) is a goldmine for the curious Amazon retailer. Not only do you have SPECIFIC listings for products that have been funded (and the actual data to back them up), but you also have a blueprint for the products a market will actually want. Some of the best categories for this are in the “creative” space: books and board games. Now obviously the caveat here is NO ripping off the products in question, just use them as a vantage point for what you could buy/do to supplement the demand they have PROVEN to be out there.
  • VIRTUAL boxed products
    If you can get cheap STEAM codes, why not pay some money to get them in the box? What if you find several “guides” that work well on the ClickBank marketplace (there are a TON of game guides like World of Warcraft Gold, etc. on there)? A great trick is to find a virtual product that is already selling and just make a physical copy of it. Obviously, you CANNOT copy the other product. If you don’t have anything of your own to add, just buy his book and rewrite it or something. The point is that you need to provide a unique offering to a new market, with ALREADY proven demand.
  • Custom/unique products you have access to LOCALLY
    One of the BIGGEST mistakes new sellers make with Amazon is basically doing the exact same thing as everyone else. They’ll even use the same “source” in China (via Alibaba of course). The best people can basically “source” their own products locally (or perhaps from their own suppliers) and then offer them as comparable products on the Amazon platform. For example, you may know a local clothing vendor who will sell you cheap (wholesale) clothing; you’ll be able to put it on Amazon while heading to the hit clothes already on the platform.

Please note that all of the above offers are dependent on there being very few providers in the market (while taking advantage of existing demand).

While I believe the quality of a product is most important, if you’re trying to break into and don’t have the resources/experience to invest in R&D, you’ll want to take whatever slack the market may currently have. .

The best way to do this is to play the “demand arbitrage” game: provide products that have been tested in other markets and offer an improved/comparable version through Amazon.

Alternate/Secret Trick…

To speak from my own experience, the whole supply and demand thing is legitimate for “commodity” products like tech components, clothing, food, or generic medical solutions.

…But there is another way…

If you’re familiar with Maslow’s hierarchy of human needs, the “price” quantifier is important for things that people *need*, but not necessarily *want*.

In other words, if you’re playing at “level 1” (psychological) or “level 2” (security) of the hierarchy, price will play a role because people can get the same solutions from most vendors ( just watch on Android).

This can be seen in almost every market, where a company will only offer “low” prices due to the generic nature of their solutions. They don’t do a lot of different things and therefore end up attracting a fickle crowd (which is price sensitive).

The reality is different. Rather than being slaves to circumstance, the best work higher up the hierarchy: toward belonging (brands/communities), self-esteem (personal development/”big risk”), and self-actualization (legacy).

By doing this, they transcend price (although they can’t escape it) because of the perceived uniqueness of their offering (often referred to as “perceived value” in marketing).

They attract buyers who actually *want* to deal with them and are happy to pay a fair price to take over a solution whose benefit far outweighs its mundane (“tangible”) value.

This is where the “premium” and “luxury” companies come from.

The secret is that markets respond to solutions. If you bring your products to market, you don’t want to let the market rule you. The power of your solution determines your demand.

The trick I’ve found works best is to go out and try big, bold experiments on your own and then provide the “fixes” you discovered as packaged products. This can be done both virtually and physically (through Amazon), and furthermore, it’s completely up to you… which means there should be very little “competition” that can affect the success of the products.

For example, suppose you are interested in playing video games. You may like World of Tanks. Posting WoT videos to YouTube is done by anyone with a capture card, so it’s not likely to give you much of an advantage (although it will work pretty well if you post good replays) – the real trick will be hosting WoT tournaments on those who publish the results on their website, YouTube and also through Twitch.

The part Amazon plays into this is that it will give you the opportunity to sell the “SECRETS” to a successful WoT game, as well as premium vehicles and physical (boxed) versions of any “strategy” guides you’ve created.

The key is that the people who enjoy it don’t really want to buy your stuff, they just want to get better at the game. So what you are “selling” is one way to do this.

You attract people by the quality of your replays/tournaments, and then you can offer other products as a result that they can replicate.

Same with other solutions. Maybe he went on a trip to Tuscany and found some special clothes, or he took his programming skills and created a custom web app for users who wanted to experience the underlying way certain things work. The possibilities are limitless.

However, remember that the KEY is having people willing to PAY for the use of the items you offer. Most make the mistake of selling the product: people want the SOLUTION (“results”). They don’t buy acne cream because it’s “natural”, they buy it to get rid of acne… the idea that it’s “natural” is a byproduct of this underlying purpose.

With each passing year, interior designers bring new decorating trends, and 2016 is no different. With advancements in all fields, interior design probably hasn’t been left behind. As we all know, changing the entire decoration of your home after a year is a cumbersome process and one that is not always affordable for everyone. So how do you keep your interior decorating up to date without burning a hole in your bank account? But let’s go back to the topic at hand, and that is, what are the changes in home decoration trends.

The kitchen

The look of a kitchen is made through its cabinets and cupboards. So, following the trends, you should aim for contrasting shades and colors. Instead of going for a single color theme, go for two shades. Also, when it comes to appliances, the look has changed from the typical white metallic look. Nowadays, you can go for a more ombre and steely look if you are trying to follow the trends. Adds a refined, yet more colorful look to the kitchen.

Also, if you’re thinking of renovating your entire kitchen, you might want to add a few extra drawers. Deep drawers are a favorite these days, and they seem to be added everywhere. It seems you can’t have too many of them.


It seems that people are gravitating towards the idea of ​​using the living room for what they named it for, living! By avoiding the use of technology, living rooms should now be used for family togetherness and spending quality time with loved ones, rather than just using their phones and devices there with no family interaction.

The minimalist approach has gone out the window and so last year. You are looking at fully decorated living rooms; nothing left bare. Lots of furniture, lots of decoration items, art on the walls and you have a living room straight out of the decoration magazines you read every day.

Plus, since you’ll be using your living room for more family activities than just sitting on the sofas, designers are using more durable outdoor fabrics for indoor furnishings, rather than sticking to old-fashioned structures.


Designers have also started incorporating new ideas into bathrooms. Separate toilet bidets are becoming more and more common. Another thing that has become very fashionable are the large bathroom mirrors that stand out. Bathroom wallpapers with bold patterns and colors give a very glamorous look. Large wall hangings that stand out are completely on trend.

Hopefully these tips help you improve your home while still managing to stay on a strict budget.

Before defining the professional sale. Let’s look at some of the related professions. Below are some definitions of professions/occupations that relate to Wikipedia professional selling:

  • Marketing It is defined as an ongoing process of planning and executing the marketing mix (Product, Price, Place, Promotion) for products, services, or ideas to create an exchange between individuals and organizations.
  • Advertising It is defined as a form of communication that generally attempts to persuade potential customers to buy or consume more of a particular brand of product or service.
  • public relations It is defined as the practice of managing the flow of information between an organization and its audiences.
  • sales promotions defined as predetermined actions designed to increase consumer demand, stimulate market demand, or improve product availability for a limited time (i.e., contests, point-of-sale displays, discounts, free travel, and sales incentives) .

What about the sales profession?

Note that in the definitions above, the profession is *not* defined as the individual. For example, marketing is not defined as “people who market.” However, the sales profession is often explained as “individuals who sell.” Therefore, the sale should not be defined in this way. Also note that the above professions are *not* defined by the activities of those individuals. In other words, the profession of advertising is not defined as “putting ads on television.” Therefore, the sale should not be defined in this way.

Academically, selling is considered a part of marketing, however the two disciplines are completely different. Sales departments often form a separate grouping in a corporate structure, employing people who specialize in specific sales roles. While the sales process refers to a systematic process of repetitive and measurable milestones, the definition of sales “profession” does not exist (so far with this article).

So the questions become:

  • Who is “in” the profession and who is not?
  • How is selling related to marketing, advertising, promotions, and public relations?
  • What shared competencies do people within the sales profession need?
  • How do these competencies align with the roles in terms of focus and differentiation?

A definition must provide a meaning. To determine the meaning of the vendor profession, it’s helpful to determine what the vendor profession *should* contain.

The following three principles are necessary for professional selling:

  • The focus of the sales profession is on the human agents involved in the buyer-seller exchange.
  • Effective selling requires a systems approach, at least involving roles that sell, enable sales, and build sales capabilities.
  • A specific set of sales skills and knowledge is required to facilitate the exchange of value between buyers and sellers.

Within these three principles, the American Society for Training and Development (ASTD) offers the following definition of professional selling:

Professional selling is:

“The holistic business system required to effectively develop, manage, enable, and execute a mutually beneficial interpersonal exchange of goods and/or services at equitable value.”

Note: This definition was published by ASTD in 2009.

What does this definition accomplish?

First, creates a definition of world-class sales. An organization that wants to compare its sales effectiveness can take advantage of the above definition to clearly understand the strengths and weaknesses. Without such a definition, most adjustments to the sales team are arbitrary and subjective. By understanding the system view required for sales effectiveness, organizations can look at individual sales team members, as well as sales team processes and tools, and how they align with the buyer.

Second, enables more consistent results in performance through the clear establishment of roles regarding who is “in” and who is “out” of professional selling. For example, if you don’t involve a human agent, you’re not in the sales profession; is a marketing function with a transaction (ie, a “sale”). For this definition, sales operations, sales recruiters, and sales trainers are “in” the profession because they possess unique skills outside of their regular job titles. They possess knowledge and skills that are unique to allow definition.

Third, the definition lays the foundation for sales talent management/people strategies. With such a definition, sales development employees can create learning solutions that fit the unique aspects of a sales culture. At the same time, front-end recruitment strategies are more clearly linked to retention strategies.

Four, helps the organization in an exemplary performance. By setting a standard with such a definition, organizations don’t have to settle for mediocre sales effectiveness. They can use the definition to help bridge the gap between the sales ability and the competence of the sales team.

The Renaissance is a cultural movement that began in Europe at the turn of the 14th to 17th century or a period between the classical and modern eras. More than its cultural essence, the Renaissance period was known for its developments in art, painting, philosophy, architecture, and other intellectual aspects. It was an era that saw the greatest growth and development in Western Europe.

A1. Renaissance art took its shape from the social conditions that existed at the time that shaped the political structure of Europe. The cultural weirdness of Italy existed, as there was no political form during the early modern period that resulted in artistic and academic advances. This freedom opened doors to trade around the world that brought wealth to Italy by commissioning artwork from her.

Renaissance artists sought human emotions and realism in art. They focused on making human representations with a natural background. They took the approach of Humanism, placing more emphasis on man than on God, which was reflected in their sculptures and paintings. The Early Renaissance period focused more on creating sculptures based on personality and behavior, while the High Renaissance focused more on balance and drama. Renaissance artists were heavily inspired by Roman and Greek art that used nude human bodies with personality in their art. His attempt to achieve perfection in the human arts for expression, personality, and emotions reduced social hierarchies in people’s status, resulting in everyone wanting to learn and share their ideas and skills.

A2. Neoclassicism was a predominant movement in the mid-18th and late 19th centuries in European art and architecture. He focused on classical Western art forms from ancient Greece and Rome. It was partly a movement that had started as a reaction to the Baroque and Rococo styles. It became a predominant part of academic art that continued until the 19th century to become visible as museums of neoclassical architecture.

Neoclassical art aimed to revive the European Age of Enlightenment that was classical Greek and Roman art forms. His aim was to contain the “purity” of Roman arts and he was critical of the Baroque and Rococo styles. Neoclassicism gained importance in France and England spreading to Sweden. He made use of the classical essence related to courage and nationalism.

Neoclassicism aimed to revive classical styles through the use of crisp colors and classical themes. They avoided light and soft colors in their paintings that represented calm and grandeur. The Neoclassicals revived Greek painting styles through the use of mosaics, columns, engravings, and other ornamental elements in their work.

A3. The Renaissance signified the renaissance of the arts, science and medicine and was an era responsible for most of the radical developments and movements in Europe. So much so, that it is also used to describe other great cultural and historical moments. The Classical Renaissance gave rise to the Baroque style, which was more dramatic and direct. Therefore, Neoclassicism was nothing more than a reaction to the Baroque style to preserve the purity of the ancient Roman arts. Furthermore, Neoclassicism remained one of the most prominent in the academic arts.


  • The Renaissance period was known for its humanistic approach to art, while Neoclassical art focused on purer, more classical elements of style;
  • The Renaissance period brought radical developments in the arts, philosophy, and medicine, while neoclassical art was the foremost in the academic arts;
  • Renaissance artists believed in more natural and expressive nude art sculptures, while Neoclassical artists incorporated ornamental elements into their work;
  • The Renaissance period opened doors to new ideas and developments, while the Neoclassicism period focused on retaining the Age of Enlightenment.

A3b. The Renaissance era was one of the most influential and flourishing periods during the 15th and 16th centuries and led to important cultural developments for almost three centuries. Renaissance art was born out of an evolving civilization whose pursuit of realism and scientific perfection resulted in some of the most important works and achievements in the arts, science, architecture, and philosophy. The hallmark of Renaissance art is its dedication to the classical arts with a renewed interest in Roman styles that featured nude human sculpture without landscapes in a natural setting. It was an important era that brought wealth to Europe and its artistic freedom allowed skilled craftsmen to flourish.

A3b1. Leonardo da Vinci

Leonardo Da Vinci (1452-1519) was one of the greatest artists of the Renaissance. Also known as the ‘Renaissance Man’, he was born in Italy and was a renowned painter who became a scholar in many fields including music, science, mathematics and botany. He is considered one of the most diversely talented people he has ever lived. Mona Lisa is one of the most renowned works of its time that was highly appreciated. The Mona Lisa is a half-length portrait from the 16th century that was made in oil and of a seated woman.

Andrea Appiani (1754-1817) Born in Milan, he was an Italian neoclassical painter. He trained with Carlo Maria Giudici and learned to paint by copying sculptures. His best works are in the church of San Maria presso San Celso and the royal palace in Milan. Some of his oil paintings include Venus and Love, and Rinaldo in Armida’s Garden.

A3b2. Madame Hamelin (1776-1851) was one of the works of neoclassical painter Andrea Appiani that bears a similar resemblance to Leonardo Da Vinci’s Monal Lisa. Both are half-length oil portraits of half-seated women reflecting natural facial expressions in which their hands are folders with similar values ​​and artistic styles to each other.

A3c. Neoclassicism reached its period of greatest influence in the arts during the 1780s to the 1850s. New discoveries and archaeological settings paved the way for classical themes that also resulted from the reaction of Rococo styles. Neoclassicism retained its classical antiquity and coexisted with its opposite form of romantic art. Artists of the neoclassical era replaced religious and mythological objects with bold, simple, realistic objects. IN the 1830s, the era of neoclassicism was replaced by romanticism.

What are empty calories?

Empty calories refer to the amount of energy present in certain high-energy foods, which have low nutritional value. In such food products, the energy comes mainly from processed carbohydrates or fat, and sometimes even from ethanol. Typically, an empty calorie will contain the same amount of energy as normal calories, but it is poor in its nutritional benefits such as a lack of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, dietary fiber, and antioxidants. Empty calorie intake leads to weight gain and should therefore be avoided by all those who want to lose weight. Some examples of food products with empty calorie content are soft drinks, jellies, ice cream, candy, candy, margarine, white rice, white bread, butter, lard, alcoholic beverages, beer, wine, and greasy junk food like hamburgers, pizza, hot dogs. , Fried chicken and French fries.

Are all calories the same?

The answer is no; all calories are not created equal. It’s a common myth in the fitness world that losing or gaining weight is simply a matter of how many calories you’ve consumed and how many you’ve burned; that is to say, a calorie is the same if it is obtained from proteins, fats or carbohydrates. But this is not the case. For example; Just consider two groups: Group A consumes 2,000 calories from pizza, soft drinks, hot dogs, and coffee, while Group B consumes the same 2,000 calories but from vegetables, fruit, chicken, fish, and oatmeal. Now, would you say that the calories in group B are better than those in group A? This is because the nutritional value of the calories ingested by Group B is much higher than Group A, which makes it different.

Does the body process all calories in the same way? For example; 100 calorie pack vs. 120 Cal for a banana?

It was widely believed until now that all calories are processed and metabolized in the same way in our bodies. But scientific research shows otherwise; Our bodies react very differently to calories depending on their source and how they are consumed. Calories from different sources, such as protein, fat, and carbohydrates, are similar in their energy content, but the body processes each one differently. This is because the body has to expend different amounts of energy to process and metabolize different nutrients and calories; more energy is expended to process protein than carbohydrates and more energy is expended to process carbohydrates than fat. Therefore, 120 calories from a banana adds fewer calories to your body than a 100 Cal pack.

Does the body digest calories in the same way at different times of the day?

It was believed that time has nothing to do with how our body digests calories and therefore you can eat at any time of the day without worrying. But a recent study has revealed that there is, in fact, a bad time to eat. Although there are conflicting reports, there is enough and more circumstantial evidence to show that poor eating habits and wrong timing definitely affect the body in the way it processes and metabolizes calories. Although the body’s digestive process remains the same, frequent late-night eating has been observed to lead to weight gain and other digestive problems compared to people who dine early. But none of this has been fully proven, so the question remains moot.

Narrowing down the list of famous police leaders to the 5 most influential people in law enforcement history is difficult. Many people have influenced law enforcement around the world since ancient Egyptian and Greek societies. The following men, however, may be 5 of the most recognizably influential people in recent US law enforcement history:

Eugenio Biscailuz: As the 27th sheriff of Los Angeles County in 1932, Biscailuz was instrumental in a variety of revolutionary changes in California law enforcement that influenced the entire country. He founded the California Highway Patrol, among other things.

Bill Bratton: This former New York City police commissioner oversaw huge reductions in crime rates in New York City in the 1990s, and many people say Rudi Giuliani took credit for it before firing him. Bratton, also a former Boston police commissioner, served as the police chief of the Los Angeles County Police Department before retiring in 2009.

Daryl Doors: As Chief of the Los Angeles County Police Department from 1978 to 1992, he was instrumental in a number of major changes, including the founding of DARE (Drug Abuse Resistance Education) and SWAT (Special Weapons and Tactics). He also overlooks the Los Angeles Police Department during a tumultuous time for race relations, especially after the Rodney King incident in 1991.

Theodore Roosevelt: Although most famous as the 26th President of the United States, Teddy Roosevelt was also the Chairman of the New York City Police Commissioners from 1895 to 1897. He turned around a corrupt police force by establishing new disciplinary rules, creating a bike squad to tackle traffic. he problems, standardizing officers’ use of handguns, implementing firearms inspections and physicals, and hiring 1,600 new recruits based solely on physical and mental qualifications.

August Vollmer: Known as a leading figure in the development of the United States criminal justice field, Vollmer began as the first police chief of Berkeley, California. After a long career he was appointed president of the International Association of Chiefs of Police in 1921.


There is no such thing as a free lunch. There is a vein of gold in that old saying. And yet, that doesn’t stop many from trying to get something for nothing. Entire generations have now grown up trained to depend on government support, whether through food stamps, skewed tax credit laws, or welfare. Many of them hardly realize the price they pay in dignity, respect and freedom. And yet, even with those who really need it or really deserve the help, there are many more looking for ways to scam the government for funds.

Each of them is convinced that they have found the foolproof way to fool Uncle Sam and, in many cases, get away with it temporarily. Although there are many variations on the general themes, each will generally fall into one of five categories.

1. EIC Fraud

2. Payroll “under the table”

3. Falsification of W-2 or 1099 information

4. Clustered nest

5. Multilevel Marketing Tax Evasion Methods


The Earned Income Credit is a refundable tax credit designed to help working single parents. Typically, the way a (non-refundable) tax credit works is that if a person has paid $5,000 in tax during the year and qualifies for the $10,000 tax credit, they can only receive the $5,000 they paid in tax. If the individual paid $0 in taxes, the tax credit could be $50,000 or more and they would receive $0. With the refundable tax credit, the person is not required to have paid taxes for the earned income credit to be added to the person’s refund amount.

It works on a sliding scale where the EIC goes up to its maximum (usually around $15,000 in earned income) and when income is above $15,000 the EIC slides down. The maximum EIC is usually around $5,500. Finally, at around $28,000, the EIC has decreased to $0. As someone who spent several years preparing taxes in low-income neighborhoods, let me tell you, there are those who plan their entire year around getting this huge tax check that is taken from those who pay and given to those who don’t. . The EIC is granted only for your first two children from birth to age 17.

The ‘married or single’ couple with four children will go to a tax preparation office, separate those with experience in this. And even though they each live in the same home, they each claim head of household status, which increases the amount they can deduct from their taxable income and with each of them claiming EIC they can receive a check totaling up to $10,000 by the end of the year. tax filing season. Householder is supposed to be for those who don’t get any other support from anywhere else. The head of the family must provide for that household, so if there is a boyfriend, girlfriend, spouse, parent, etc. living there, they cannot claim that designation.

These cheaters will do this for years before they are caught, but once caught, they are not allowed to claim EIC for ten years after a fraud investigation. They will then have to return the incorrectly paid EIC and pay penalties for fraudulent returns plus up to 75% of the amount that was defrauded to the IRS.

how they are caught

Every time a person opens a bank account, buys a car, rents or buys a house, a little note is made that identifies their Social Security number with that transaction. Obviously, someone whose earned income is less than $15,500 is not going to buy a $35,000 car or a $200,000 house. These cheaters don’t realize they’re putting a big target on their back that screams, “Audit me!” to trained IRS auditors. He cannot have it both ways and claim that he earned enough income to pay for his purchase on credit and then, on another form, claim that he did not earn enough money to pay taxes.

There is a repository for this information, and the IRS takes note of logical errors. Example; A man came into my office and proudly told us that he was the father of nine children by seven different women and that his total income for the year was less than $3000 and that he wanted to claim half of his children before their mothers so that he could get the refund first. There is no way in this world that a man can only pay for food, rent and gas with a yearly income of $3000. And he wanted to claim that he also supported these children? He went to prison a year and a half later, but I hear his kids are doing just fine without him.

payroll under the table

Whether it’s because the worker lives here in this country illegally or the employer doesn’t want to worry about payroll taxes, a growing number of small businesses are paying cash. And since his employer doesn’t report it, the individual employee sees an opportunity to fool the government. (In some of these cases, these people are involved in illegal activities through which they get all their money. Drug trafficking, prostitution, etc.)

The first caveat here is that this arrangement is illegal. The second is that it is dangerous. Illegal because there are certain state requirements for employment that cannot be met or measured without records. And dangerous because that’s how most employers manage to pay for workers’ compensation insurance. An injury in a workplace where everything is done ‘under the table’ will often receive poor care for fear of reporting the injury to a hospital or qualified physician.

how they are caught

In the same way that those who are cheating EIC, every legal transaction they make puts one more flag in a case that would not otherwise have one. If they are making money that they are not reporting, they will have a hard time explaining how they are making $900 a month in mortgage payments when they only claim to make $500 and are the only support provider for that household. As the Zen master would say, “all things are connected, and yet not all are the same.”

Falsification of W2 or 1099 information

It’s relatively easy to buy a pack of blank W-2s or 1099s and “create” your own income. Scammers typically use a legitimate EIN number from a legitimate business they have temporarily worked at or a friend or relative has worked at and create a W-2 that provides them with enough income to get the EIC credit. By the time the ruse is discovered, the cheaters have cashed their rebate checks super fast and left town. Filing electronically prevents some fraud, but facilitates others.

The rightful owner of the business must explain why they did not pay the payroll tax for these people who falsified these forms. The IRS seems to move a lot slower when you’re the loser. It could mean paying penalties for payroll taxes that were never supposed to be filed anyway.

Many of the people who use this particular scam are illegal immigrants and don’t have a legitimate social security number anyway, those who are legal citizens and yet the cheaters anyway eventually move on and forget about the crime they they have comitted.

how they are caught

Once this particular scam is forgotten, one day they will have to use their social security number for a job, a loan, or a college application. At that point, they nail it even if it’s five or more years later. Offenses of this type earn prison time.

If it’s an illegal that’s cashing this check, it makes it more of a challenge. An illegal usually does not have a checking account to use to cash this check, so they must go to a check cashing store. It is there where they must present identification, addresses of references and some employment information. What many people don’t realize is that every check you receive and cash has clearly identifiable stamps showing where and when the check was cashed, deposited, and processed. If the illegal is still in the same area when the IRS gets up and starts investigating, it doesn’t take much to find them.

the clustered nest

Using the same principle in the first EIC fraud of a couple living together in the same place and each claiming Head of Household and EIC for each of their four children, the bundled nest describes what happens when that is taken to the extreme. . Where there are four or more families within the same residence, each claiming HOH and EIC for their group of children. This is common in predominantly Hispanic areas where families can get along with each other in close quarters. Children are often exchanged between relatives to get the maximum benefit from the tax refund.

how they are caught

When doing background checks, there are areas and addresses that are automatic “red flags” for fraud. They are called ‘high risk’ areas, high turnover, transient population, hotels, apartment complexes, etc. When an address has ever been used as a ‘cluster nest’ where more than one family claims residence at the same time, that location is flagged. Eventually, the addresses are combined with the dates and times that individuals claim residence and sole ownership of the head of household title. As long as the whole family moves every three years, they could go on like this for many years. But once an area has been ‘flagged’, so are the social security numbers that use that address.

Multilevel Marketing Tax Evasion Scam

Lately there has been a group that promotes an old idea that everyone considers “new”. This group comes from an MLM that sells legal insurance plans and a large part of its business is recruiting other representatives. As the engine has petered out over the past seven years, it’s getting harder and harder to recruit smart people to these pyramid schemes. Therefore, their focus has shifted to de-emphasize the MLM aspect and sell them the benefits of being able to deduct the expenses they already have by starting their own business.

Most W-2 earners, as they are called, don’t have the time to work 40-60 hours a week and spend another 10-20 on an MLM. So the focus is this, let me show you how to deduct those expenses that you have now anyway and save money on your taxes. When you own your own business, you can deduct losses, home office expenses, and a percentage of your utility bills based on the size of the home office.

So now they have smart people joining this pyramid MLM group, not to advance within the MLM, but to deduct all the losses they will have pushing these prepaid legal insurance plans to their friends and family. There are several things wrong with this; First, your business must be running for the purpose of making a profit, NOT to pay for daily personal expenses. Second, there are rules and regulations for home office and vacation deductions that these ‘phony tax experts’ don’t bother to explain to their new hire, easily leading to deductions being disallowed and penalties and fees begin to accumulate. And third, these so-called tax experts are as far from experts as possible. One weekend training class does not make a tax expert.

how they are caught

The main inspiration behind this devious scheme cleverly avoids investigations and prosecutions. The legal prepaid insurance company, however, seems to constantly attract investigations. Corporate fraud experts have cited several red flags that a company is ready to commit fraud at the corporate level, and this particular company is at that point. Since it is difficult to hold the corporation accountable for the outlandish claims of its sales force, there will continue to be people caught up in this ‘join in’ scheme that has been around for over 30 years. The good news is that the eyes of corporate fraud experts are on them and there will be a slip up soon. Boy, I hope they meet a good lawyer.

Beyond retirement and the iconic, stereotypical senior porch swing, today’s Baby Boomer seniors are living longer and finding amazing new ways to share their time, energy, and talents with others in their homes. last years.

Do you remember watching your grandmother knit in silence, watching TV or listening to the radio for seemingly hours while your grandfather sat with her or entertained around the house? Well, those days are long gone as Baby Boomers and seniors across the US are taking on new challenges, new roles, and new activities that reflect the fast-paced times and economic climate in which we live.

Today, older Baby Boomers are dating more than ever, including taking college classes in various areas of study and interest. In fact, proudly, about 20 years ago, my own mother graduated from the University of Maryland when she was 72 with a minor in sociology and a minor in linguistics. Yes, it took her 10 years, many buses and many, many nights as she worked toward her life’s goal of graduating from college with her 4-year degree. To everyone’s surprise, she even successfully took algebra to earn that degree. The course load was heavy, the time was well spent and she was able to achieve her lifelong goal… And she kept her young, alert and active. My children, siblings and I will never forget them announcing over the loudspeaker that she was the oldest candidate that day at graduation!

With current statistics revealing that a staggering 80 percent of seniors plan to work after age 65, and that between a quarter and half of them have been unable to save for retirement, things are sure to be different for the rapidly aging baby boomer generation.

It has been estimated that when the Baby Boomer generation reaches age 65, the 65+ demographic will double what it is today. With this massive and unprecedented number of seniors relying on Social Security for retirement and working well into old age to supplement their Social Security income, Baby Boomers are in a prime financial position to need to work more time, at least part time. in his later years.

That being said, they will remain one of the busiest generations in history, as they balance working in their later years to earn extra income, helping their children with their grandchildren, volunteering in their communities and churches working with the homeless, programs for youth and literacy programs, enroll in college courses, join senior centers for art, exercise and other classes, and the list goes on.

With this generation of Baby Boomer seniors ditching the rocking chair for a more central role in American culture and society, many Baby Boomer seniors will be in a position to share their valuable experiences, knowledge, and the wisdom of his years. with many people inside and outside their houses. Striving to make a meaningful difference in the world around them, these dynamic and active Baby Boomer seniors will be in a strategic position to positively impact people of all ages and backgrounds in unprecedented ways.