Author: admin

Have you ever wanted to make a web program? Maybe you have thought about it but you have never achieved it. Maybe you wanted it but you knew how to do it. If any of these things apply to you, then this is the article for you. This is a step by step guide to making a web program.

Step 1 – Pick a topic – Pick a topic like (improv, jokes, fun or a hobby, anything you think people would be interested in, etc.).

Step 2: Choose a name – Choose a catchy name, something that people will remember. Like iCarly “i” for internet and Carly because her name is Carly. A catchy name keeps people coming back to your website/webshow.

Step 3: Find friends – Find a friend or two who are interested in the topic and willing to help. Make sure they want to help or else it could cause a conflict and that wouldn’t be good.

Step 4: Start generating ideas for parts (little things to do during the program). When you come up with parts, write them on a post-it note along with the idea, and write down any notes you have.

Step 5: Have fun and start filming – there’s no point in doing it if it’s not fun for you and your friends. The more fun you have, the more viewers like it.

I hope this has helped you to make your own web program. If this didn’t help you as much as you thought, visit this site for more information.

Google Chrome is considered as one of the best web browsers not only for Windows operating system but also for Mac. It is also considered as the fastest browser as compared to others. However, due to some reasons, problems occur with it. The most common problem faced by internet users is that Chrome starts running slower than usual. In many cases it is blocked and makes browsing the Internet very difficult. Here are some tips that are useful to speed up your browser.

The following tips will help you deal with slow Chrome:

1-Clear cache. Every time you finish a browsing session, make a habit of clearing the cache so that all cookies are removed.

2-Clear history. Also clear web browsing history from time to time and don’t let URLs accumulate in your Chrome history files.

3-Get rid of excessive toolbars. Often there are some heavy plugins and toolbars running with your browser that make Google Chrome run very slow. Track down the toolbars that are never or rarely used and then remove some of them to experience faster browsing.

4-Clean Windows Registry. Repair and clean the Windows registry, which is a storage component of Windows, to fix slow Google Chrome. You can clean the Windows registry using some system utility software.

5-Enable ‘GPU compositing on all pages’. There is an option in Google Chrome (I mean latest version, Chrome 20.0.1132.57m) which is called “Enable GPU compositing on all pages”. By enabling this option, you may notice a significant increase in browser speed. Apply this technique by writing about:flags in the URL address bar. A list of ‘experiments’ will appear. Find the above option and enable it. Remember not to play with other experiments if you are not sure how these experiments may affect the functionality of your browser.

Follow all the tips described above.

It is highly recommended that you repair the Windows registry because it not only allows Google Chrome to run faster but also prevents the browser from crashing.

Some registry errors, such as file association errors, become the cause of files not opening correctly.

Registry repair can prevent these errors and remove the effect of spyware from the Windows registry database.

Normally, the registry cleaning function is available in system utility software. Find a good tool that can clean Chrome files, optimize the Internet, and also clean junk data from your entire system.

For corporate meeting caterers, the success of the initial catered event will most likely lead to repeat business from this company, whether it is a doctor’s office, law firm or corporate headquarters. To make the best initial impression when catering a corporate meeting or business event, several guidelines should be followed to ensure guests enjoy the food and beverages that are being catered.

  1. Plan for Available Space – Many times, the break room or office area is quite small in an office building or doctor’s office. When hosting an event in a restricted area, be sure to coordinate with the office manager ahead of time so that logistical issues such as where to prepare, where to wash, and how to present the food can be determined well in advance. Event date.
  2. Gather information about the guests: Every event catered for a company will involve people of different ethnic, racial and religious backgrounds. It is important to research the various attendees expected at the catering event in order to plan a menu that is suitable for everyone. It would bode poorly for the chances of repeat catering business if only half of the guests at an event were able to eat because the food was not appropriate for them.
  3. Diversify the menu – Unless your corporate meeting specifically calls for certain menu offerings, try to vary the menu by adding a few items that offer nutritional value. This could include vegetarian dishes, low-sodium foods, low-carb items, or menu options high in fiber, protein, or other vitamins and minerals. When the food prepared for a corporate event is delicious and nutritious, repeat business is likely.
  4. Train Catering Staff – Make sure that employees feel that catering to the business meeting or corporate event is properly trained and prepared prior to their arrival. Knowledge of the food served, including the ingredients and the preparation process, is a must. Appropriate dress and grooming is also recommended, as well as some basic food service training.
  5. Decorate Properly – Proper presentation of the food is just as important as the quality of the food. Incorporate the type of business or event theme for the corporate catering event into the presentation of the food. By carefully selecting company elements or event theme to include as catering accessories, the event will be more immersive and give guests a personal connection to the corporate catering event.

These tips can help turn a routine office meeting catering event into a series of repeat visits that will not only become a steady source of revenue, but also create a crowd of brand advocates from all the impressed guests. by the catering company.

As designers and decorators of our own homes, we love to find whatever current trends and styles we can to maintain a home that fits both our personality and the decade (or year) we’re in. The evolution of home décor seems to go back and forth… Wallpaper was popular in the ’80s and ’90s, but fell out of favor in the millennium. Fast forward to 2020: wallpaper is back, and with easy peel and stick options! Let’s take a look at how home decor has evolved…

80s home decor

The 80s was a time when people started to have money to decorate. Most of the hippies had faded away and the modern troubadour of the working world emerged. You can see lots of pastel and floral themes on the chairs with the fabrics that back them. They also had light colored wood that was almost but not quite white.

90’s style

No more sex! The ’90s meant you threw out your padded fabric chairs and caught up. Here you will see sensible colors for furniture, think something very neutral. They may have still had that sponge-painted wall decor back in the 90s, but most ended up painting over it. You can also see persistent wallpaper, but in general it was no longer in fashion. You can see leather and any kind of quality wood coming in. The 1980s crystals would probably still be in a cabinet on display though, though that was slowly fading. (Side note: my mom was devastated that she didn’t want to take her crystal and her rabbit hutch!)

Selections of 2000

This era had a bit of brass. He preferred the brown walls and the ceramic vases. Everything related to the 80s and 90s was thrown away. People liked fresh cut flowers and not the silk ones that their grandparents had displayed in their houses. You won’t see glass end tables from the 80s here anymore. Also, the walls are no longer papered unless it’s an ultra-modern black and white look. Greens and grays seem to be at the top of the color list, and the minimalist look has become very popular. Now we don’t have robots waiting for us like we ever imagined the millennium would be, but we do have robot vacuum cleaners!

About the Author: The author has always had a bit of an obsession with cool homewares, furniture, and kitchens. Growing up with very little as a child, she would often take her mother’s catalogs and make her dream house room by room with a glue stick and some paper. Now that she is grown, she has the house she built as a child and hopes that her passion will help others find ways to make her home perfect.

There are millions of websites online. You may feel that the competition is too great and you will never get your website to appear on the first page of Google or any of the other search engine listings. But it’s not impossible. When you use the right tactics, you can improve your website’s ranking on Google.

Here are 5 tips to get you started.

1. Keyword Research

Google directs people to your website based on the keywords they have entered into the search box. That means those same keywords need to be on your site and easy to find. They should be part of the content and part of the navigation. Research your keywords and provide the most valuable and useful content possible. Provide what your current and potential customers are looking for and it will set you apart from the vast majority of your competition.

2. Create more content

Google and the other search engines will scan your website and index its content. The more relevant your content is, the more value search engines will place on your site. All search engines like new content because they want to provide their users with the most up-to-date information. But don’t compromise the quality of your content by trying to post something new, say every day, if it’s just a bunch of crap.

3. Review your analytics

It goes without saying that if you want to improve your website’s ranking on Google, you should install Google Analytics on your website. These free analytics help you track where your customers go on your website, how long they stay on your website, how they got to your website, what keywords they use to find your website, how many visitors return to your website, and plus. This information is important. Check your website analytics regularly. Create content that matches what you find.

4. Don’t overuse keywords

While it’s important to use keywords to get your website to appear in Google search results, you don’t want to use too many. Generally speaking, your keyword should be used once for every 100 words. If you repeat your keywords too much, Google will ignore your website because its content will be considered artificial and unreadable.

5. External links

If other high-quality, authoritative websites link to your website, Google will see this as a “recommendation” of your site’s value and will rank your website higher in their search listings. To get more of these backlinks, contact respected websites or blogs to see if you can provide a guest post or article. That post or article will contain a link to your website.

early start: That doesn’t mean right away your toddler should just sit on the potty and go! It just means that he has to present the idea early. At 14 months, he starts talking about going to the bathroom and reading books about going to the bathroom. I know some parents think they shouldn’t use the word “bathroom” and just refer to the word “toilet” because it could get confusing later. That is not true at all. By the time they are 2 or 3 years old, trust me, they know the difference, so I wouldn’t worry about this when they are younger. I think little kids like the idea of ​​having their own potty. Just make it special for them by talking about how great they are and the rest should fall into place.

No Pull Ups Required: Yeah, the idea of ​​them is cool and it can be convenient at times, but I think just wearing underwear is the best. Pick times or over the weekend when you will do some serious potty training and just put on some fun underwear (like Diego or Dora). They’ll be so excited because they’re wearing their big boy underwear! You want to make sure to tell them not to dirty their special underwear. In my opinion, pull-ups make it too comfortable for them to pee in. You want it to be uncomfortable and if they pee their underwear, it will be. You can always wear pull-ups when you’re out and about, but I think underwear or even nothing at home is better. At first, there isn’t much time between “mommy, pee” and an accident happens.

awards: Oh yeah, make sure you have plenty of these. “I’ll give you a treat if you pee in the potty.” That will be your famous line. It can be anything from stickers to candy. Warning: if you use candy, good luck trying to give out other prizes again! One technique with prizes i.e. you get 1 sticker if you pee and 2 stickers if you poop. Try to make it fun, or else they will feel forced and it will be much more difficult for them and for you. Make sure you keep going, like you would with anything else. If they don’t go to the bathroom, they don’t get a prize.

The method: I think how you do potty training is all up to your child. For some, it will work to do a potty boot camp, where you potty train for 3 days straight. During this time, they should only wear a diaper to sleep. When you’re awake, no diapers and be prepared for lots of accidents! For others, just being patient and letting your child let you know when they’re ready will work. Sometimes a toddler really wants to go potty and feel like a big kid, so that might be enough to get him to do it. In the end, just relax: it’s not like your kid is 10 (at least I hope so) wearing a diaper!

Outside the house: Make sure you are prepared! If you drive an SUV or Minivan, please bring a urinal with you. It can be very convenient and easier for you, instead of finding a bathroom. Keep an extra change of clothes in the car and constantly ask your child if he needs to go to the bathroom. Look out for signs like the infamous pee-pee dance. If an accident happens, try to relax because you don’t want your child to be embarrassed by it.

Night: The most stressful part of potty training can be bedtime. You may think: how is it possible that your child stays all night? Just leave this part to worry about the last stage. Focus on the day and only have your toddler wear a diaper or diaper at night. When you are finally ready for this stage, make sure there is a potty near the bed. Keep a new sheet and pajamas nearby, in case he wakes up after peeing on the bed. If it doesn’t happen at first, it could also be that you just aren’t ready to hold your urine through the night. Be patient and eventually your child will be fully potty trained.

Kids: The best advice for a child is to make him sit down to urinate when he is just beginning to potty train. Just make sure her pee is pointing down! He has enough to think about, and you don’t want to overwhelm him with too much information. As time goes by, you can introduce the idea of ​​standing up to pee. The best thing you can do is watch dad pee in the bathroom. What?! Yes, it makes perfect sense. We lead by example and now you can be just like dad. It will work!

Girls: I’ve heard that girls are easier to potty train than boys. I’m not sure if that’s true, but maybe it has to do with the fact that mom is usually the one to potty train. Something to pay attention to with girls is proper cleanliness. Yes, we all know “front to back,” but introduce it early on, before she wants to do it herself (she doesn’t want any infection).

If you follow the tips above and try not to stress yourself out with potty training, it will just happen. Try to be consistent and remember that toddlers are smart and at this age they want to feel like big kids. Make it special and before you know it, you’ll have a potty-trained toddler.

When it comes to hormones, testosterone is considered the king hormone. In men, testosterone is produced primarily in the testicles. In women, testosterone is produced in the ovaries, although in much smaller amounts. Testosterone production in the body begins to increase significantly in late adolescence and begins to decrease after the age of 30. Testosterone is the main sex hormone and has a great effect on muscle mass and bone density, body fat levels, mood, and redness. production of blood cells.

Low testosterone levels can cause a wide variety of symptoms, including weight gain, low sex drive, low energy, depression, and low self-esteem. While testosterone levels naturally decline as you age, there are a number of ways you can boost your testosterone levels to maintain optimal levels of this critical hormone.

Signs and symptoms of low testosterone:

(in men)

  • Little interest in sex (low libido)

  • Unable to maintain or get an erection

  • unable to build muscle

  • Depression

  • Lethargy, weakness, and low energy levels in general

  • inability to concentrate

  • low motivation

  • unexpected weight gain

  • Hair loss

  • Decreased strength during exercise.

  • Signs of gynecomastia, an abnormal increase in the size of the breast tissue

(in Women)

  • Tired

  • Depression

  • Decreased muscle and bone mass

  • Difficult to focus

  • weight gain

  • painful intercourse

If you are experiencing at least 3 of the above symptoms consistently, meaning they are present every day, and you have been experiencing them for more than a few weeks, see your doctor for a testosterone level blood test. , then take the following steps…

How to increase your natural testosterone levels:

  • Reduce your stress levels

In today’s fast-paced and fast-paced society, reducing your stress levels can be easier said than done. We worry about our jobs and kids and stress about finances and relationships. Research has shown that being chronically stressed increases cortisol levels. Cortisol is a stress hormone that your body releases in small amounts throughout the day in response to different stimuli. However, chronically elevated cortisol levels can cause your testosterone levels to plummet rapidly.

  • Get plenty of sun (vitamin D)

Vitamin D is known as the sunshine vitamin. In addition to having numerous health benefits, including helping with weight loss, it may also work as a natural testosterone booster according to a study by German researchers. Ideally, you’ll want to get at least 20 minutes of sun exposure per day to optimize your body’s vitamin D levels.

If you live in the far north, in a climate without much regular direct sun, and daily sun exposure is unrealistic for you, I recommend supplementing with a quality vitamin D product.

  • Supplement with Fenugreek

Fenugreek is a plant that has been used in alternative and Chinese medicine to treat various health conditions. Fenugreek is a plant that grows in the forest with pods containing small golden brown fenugreek seeds. It is commonly used as a spice and is sometimes found in personal care products such as shampoo and soap.

Fenugreek is a good source of several important nutrients, but its beneficial effects are mainly used to increase testosterone and libido. In one study, researchers provided 500 mg of fenugreek per day to 30 college-age men. The men combined fenugreek with an 8-week weight-lifting program and performed four training sessions per week, with half of them receiving the supplement.

When the researchers compared the fenugreek supplement group with the no supplement group, they noted a slight decrease in testosterone in the no supplement group and an increase in testosterone in the fenugreek group. The fenugreek supplement group also experienced a 2% reduction in body fat.

  • Don’t shy away from meat, eggs and butter

Meat, especially red meat, if it’s one of the leaner varieties like sirloin, top round, or London broil, is an excellent testosterone booster. This is because red meat is high in cholesterol, and cholesterol is a direct precursor to testosterone in your body. As with any other food, it’s important to choose only the highest quality meat you can find at the grocery store, this means grass-fed is a must, and organic if possible.

Regular or conventional beef does not have the same health benefits as grass-fed beef due to the difference in diet between feedlot and grass-fed or grass-fed cows. Like lean red meat, eggs are an excellent source of saturated fat and cholesterol that help boost natural testosterone levels.

There are several rewards for reading additional posts, but perhaps my favorite is this: a fantastic guide can give you a whole new way to interpret your past activities.

Every time you discover a completely new product or psychological thought, it can be as if the “app” in your mind is updated. You can instantly run all your stale data details through a new method. You could discover new classes from deprecated moments. As Patrick O’Shaughnessy says, “Looking changes the above.” smyrna table our page

Naturally, this is certainly only true when you internalize and recall ideas with the textbooks you browse. Consciousness will only aggravate if it is withheld. Basically, what matters is not simply reading more guides, but getting more out of every book you read.

Gaining knowledge is not the only reason to surf, unsurprisingly. Reading for pleasure or entertainment is often a wonderful use of time, but this short article is about looking to find out. With that in mind, I’d like to share some of the most effective comprehension procedures I’ve discovered.

1. Stop many more posts

It doesn’t take long to determine if something is really worth reading. Skilled craftsmanship and substantial and excellent thoughts stand out.

Consequently, a lot of people should probably start more guides than they are doing. This does not mean that you should read each booking web page by site. You can browse the table of contents, chapter titles, and subheadings. Pick a fascinating part and dive into the handful of web pages. You may flip through the book and look at the details or tables in bold. In ten minutes, you’ll need an inexpensive idea of ​​how great it is.

Then comes the vital phase: stop leading quickly and without blame or dishonor.

Life is too short to waste it on regular guides. The opportunity charge is too substantial. There are numerous wonderful articles to read. I think Patrick Collison, the founding father of Stripe, put it right when he reported, “Lifestyle is just too limited not to read the perfect ebook you already know right now.”

Here is my suggestion:

Start more textbooks. Exit Most of them. Read The Good Guys twice.

two. Decide which books you need to use immediately

One method of improving reading comprehension is to select guides that can be used immediately. Putting the Tips you read into motion is one of the best tips on how to keep them in mind. Following is an extremely useful type of mastering.

Choosing a book that you can use also provides a powerful incentive to focus and try to remember the fabric. That’s particularly true when something essential hangs in the balance. When you’re starting a business, then you have a lot of drive to get as much as possible out of the gross sales ebook you’re reading. Similarly, someone who will be working in biology could conceivably peruse Origin of Species more carefully than a random reader, since it connects directly to her day-to-day work.

Obviously, not every eBook is usually a practical guide that can be applied immediately, and that’s a good thing. You will find wisdom in many alternative guides. But I learn that I am much better able to remember books that are relevant to my daily life.

3. Produce search notes

Keep notes on whatever happens. You can do this by saying you like it. It won’t have to be a major generation or sophisticated method. Just do something to emphasize the crucial factors and passages.

I try this in various ways depending on the format I’m consuming. I highlight passages when reviewing on Kindle. I vary intriguing quotes while listening to audiobooks. I Canine listens to internet pages and transcribes notes when looking at a printed guide.

But here’s the gist: sell your notes in a searchable format.

There is no need to leave the reading work through comprehension entirely in your memory. I keep my notes in Evernote. I prefer Evernote over other options due to the fact that one) it’s really searchable right out of the box, 2) it can be easy to use on many devices, and 3) it can create and help save notes even when you’re not connected to the Internet. world.

I bring my notes to Evernote in 3 ways:

I. Audiobook: I make a new Evernote file for each booking and then immediately write my notes to that file as I listen to them.

II. Book: I highlight passages on my Kindle Paperwhite and use a software called Clippings to export all my Kindle highlights specifically to Evernote. I then add a summary in the guide and any additional comments just before I post it to my guide summary page.

3rd Print: Like my audiobook approach, I sort my notes as I go. If I come across a longer passage that I choose to transcribe, I place the guide on a standby as I form. (Writing notes while reading a printed book is often annoying simply because you constantly put the ebook down and pick it up again, but this is the best solution I’ve found.)

Obviously, your notes don’t need to be digital to be “searchable”. An example is, you should use Article-It Notes to tag specific web pages for future reference. As an alternative, the Ryan Getaway involves storing almost all of your notes on an index card and sorting them by subject or book.

The core concept is identical: preserving searchable notes is essential for returning to ideas conveniently. A plan is only valuable if you can find it when you want it.

4. Mix trees of knowledge

One method of looking at a guide is like a technology tree with a couple of basic principles forming the trunk and details forming the branches. You can learn more and improve reading comprehension through “linking branches” and integrating your current eBook with other trees of awareness.

As an example:

While watching neuroscientist VS Ramachandran’s The Tell-Tale Mind, I discovered that one of his important points related to an earlier strategy I learned from social researcher Brene Brown.

In my notes with The Fine Art of Not Delivering a F*ck, I pointed out how Mark Manson’s notion of “committing suicide” overlaps with Paul Graham’s essay on keeping your identity small.

As I perused George Leonard’s Mastery, I noticed that while this book dealt with the entire breeding process, it also lost some light on the connection between genetics and effectiveness.

I included each individual perspective in my notes for that particular eBook.

Connections like these allow you to remember everything you read by “hooking” new facts to concepts and concepts you previously fully understood. As Charlie Munger suggests, “If you follow the psychological pattern of relating what you’re reading to the basic construction of the underlying ideas shown, little by little you accumulate some wisdom.”

If you read something that reminds you of Other Business or immediately triggers a relationship or strategy, don’t let that belief come back and go suddenly. Write about what you have found out and how it connects with other strategies.

5. Write a brief summary

Once I complete an eBook, I strive to summarize the entire text in just three sentences. This restriction is just a sport of course, but it forces me to consider what was definitely vital regarding the guide.

Some thoughts I keep in mind when summarizing a guide include things like:

What exactly are the most crucial tips?

If you were to implement just one thought from this book right now, what wouldn’t it be?

How would you describe the eBook to a friend?

In various circumstances, I find that I can get just as much practical data by reading my one-paragraph summary and examining my notes as I would if I were to go through the entire book one more time.

If you really feel like you can’t squeeze the entire reserve into three sentences, think about using the Feynman Technique.

Feynman’s strategy is usually an awareness-raising tactic named after Nobel Prize-winning physicist Richard Feynman. It’s very simple: Write the name of his guide at the top of a blank piece of paper, then write how you would explain the book to someone who has never heard of it.

If you end up stuck, or if the problem is that there are holes you’re familiar with, evaluate your notes or go back to the text and review everything again. Keep creating it until you finally have a better understanding of the main ideas and feel really confident in yourself as part of your rationalization.

I found that almost nothing reveals gaps in my thinking better than writing about a concept as if I were explaining it to a newbie. Ben Carlson, an economic analyst, says something similar: “I find The obvious way to find out what I’ve found in a book is to write something about it.”

6. Surround the subject

I usually imagine Thomas Aquinas’s estimate: “Beware the man of a single e-book.”

If you just read one book on a subject and use that as the basis for your personal beliefs for a lifetime, well, what do those beliefs look like? How accurate and complete is your information?

Reading a book will take effort, but far too often, people use a single ebook or short article as the idea for a whole belief method. This can be even more genuine (and harder to overcome) in terms of using our personal work experience as the insight for our beliefs. As Morgan Housel observed: “Your personal activities account for perhaps 0.00000001% of what happens on this planet, but perhaps 80% of how you think the entire world is effective. We are all predisposed to our individual individual heritage.”

One method of attacking this problem will be to review several different books on the exact same subject. Delve from different angles, think about the same dilemma in the eyes of several authors and try to transcend the limits of your personal encounter.

7. Examine it 2 times

I’d like to end by going back to a notion I discussed near the beginning of this post: scan great posts twice.

Concepts must be recurring to be remembered in general. Author David Cain says, “When we discover something afterwards, we don’t seriously master it, at least not enough to change us substantially. It may cheer us up momentarily, but then it’s immediately overrun by the many.” years of patterns and conditioning that preceded it.

On top of that, checking out great guides is useful mainly because the issues it handles change over time. Absolutely sure, after flipping through a book twice, you’ll probably find some things you missed the first time, but the new passages and concepts are more likely to be relevant to you. It is purely natural for various sentences to jump out at you regarding the level you are at in life.

You read a similar book, but you never see it the same way. As Charles Chu later wrote: “I often return home to a similar number of authors. And however many times I return, I usually find that they have something new to mention.”

where to go from below

Understanding the compounds eventually.

In Chapter 1 of Atomic Patterns, I wrote, “Understanding a new notion won’t make you a genius, but a lifelong determination to understand is often transformative.”

A single reservation will rarely transform your life, whether or not it produces a second of Perception. The key is to obtain a minimum of daily wisdom.

Since you know how to get more from every book you read, you may be looking to read some tips. Feel free to take a look at my eBook summaries or my public reading list.

İzmir Tabela

Anna Scott (Julia Roberts) wondered, “I’m serious, it’s just boobs. One in two people in the world have them.” Exactly one in two people in the world have them. Your mother, your aunt, your grandmother, your teacher, Bruce Jenner… Oops! Caitlyn Jenner. Anyway, the underlying point is that breasts aren’t a big deal. They’re just round, bouncy, fat ones that are like saggy extras in the female anatomy. Nothing impressive about it.

But, we have to face it. Men are programmed to adore them. Straight men and particular women of course. Besides the sexual impression that breasts have, the question of the moment is: Would you love boobs if there was something wrong with them? No, it’s not breast cancer.

  1. Polymastia (Accessory breasts): A more scientific name would be erratic breasts. Aside from fictional moviegoers, cases of polymastia have been reported since the 15th century. Here’s another added surprise. These additional mammary glands are not always located on the chest. a woman named, theresa belly from Marseille, France, had an extra nipple on her thigh. When she reached puberty, she also matured. She became pregnant and was able to supply milk through them. That’s how it is. Milk through her breasts, located on her thighs.
  2. breasts without nipples: It is not a documented condition as such, but it is definitely a crazy one among a few. Surgical removal of the nipples is something that doctors have to go through. In a more philosophical approach, some of the people with breast cancer also have this condition. However, having round and perfectly smooth breasts is something that some women dream of. But to be blunt, nipples are the best part of a glowing chest. Right men?
  3. The longest: In the elaborate study conducted in 2013, men who love big breasts are financially insecure. In that case, those who are in love with Annie Hawkins-Turner are going to go mad and homeless. She has officially broken all records. Measuring 72 inches around and 43 inches under the bust, with a bra size of 48V, she holds the record for the world’s largest natural breasts. Guessing that all of her friends could be chiropractors. No offense Annie. Go away, girl!
  4. Gynecomastia: They are also known as man boobs. It is self explanatory. But the strange fact is that there are some men who do it surgically. Straight men, in fact. A man named Adam Carolla, from New York, got his own pair of beauties because he couldn’t find a girlfriend. No comments man. What works for you. Keep doing what you have to do.
  5. Paget’s disease: A malignant breast disease involving change in the skin and nipples. At first, the skin develops a rash, like eczema. Subsequently, bloody discharge or straw. The nipple can turn inward.

So, back to the question of the hour. Are breasts still extremely sexy and interesting even if they are not perfect? Ask yourself that question and then maybe we can look at the beautiful women with their huge mammary glands.

Did you know that there is a way to make it much easier for other people to find you on MySpace and even in search engines?

Making a small change will give you much more exposure to your MySpace profile and make it easier for others to remember your profile URL. It is done by choosing a MySpace URL, also known as a ‘MySpace Username’, and adding it to your profile to replace the one provided. By changing your default “Friend ID Number” to one customized by you, you’ll make it much easier for your friends to remember you and for others to find you.

Instead of sharing a profile URL with a bunch of random numbers, you can provide a different URL of your choosing. For example, if you love puppies, you’ll want to set your address to, or something that appeals to you. Not only will your friends be able to remember your address more easily, but you’ll eventually appear on Google where others with the same interests can find you.

Changing your unique MySpace URL is done by logging into your profile and selecting ‘Edit Profile’. Once you’ve logged into your profile, you’ll want to select ‘Name’ and then click ‘Choose your MySpace Username/Permanent URL’.

You will then be presented with a screen informing you to choose the name you would like to select for your new MySpace username. You need to think carefully about your choice because once you have selected a name, it becomes permanent. Once you have selected a name and clicked ‘OK’, you will be asked to enter your real name. If you do not wish to do so, you can select ‘Skip’.

The benefits of changing your URL are numerous. Focusing your profile on your favorite hobby or interest and selecting a relevant URL can have amazing results. You will find that with the right keywords and URL selection you can start to appear on many of the search engines. I have even used this strategy to successfully build a network of like-minded profiles and increase my Google Page Rank.

Just remember, once you’ve selected a new username, there’s no going back. It becomes your permanent name and will be yours forever. Choose a name that you like and that you can share with others. After all, your mom might as well be on MySpace.