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Many people make a mistake regarding the dog and training: they think that a dog can be trained like the others, worse still, that all breeds can be trained in exactly the same way. Wrong.

One very important training tip to emphasize is that when it comes to dogs and training, not everyone is the same, just as many believe it or not. Each pup has its own unique personality just like humans. And if owners just remembered that important training tip, they might not be as frustrated with their pets’ training.

One dog training tip an experienced trainer once told me was that little ones should be given a different approach to training than bigger ones. Have you ever heard of Napoleonic syndrome? The shorter the… well, let’s leave it at that.

Basically, the little ones are braver in heart if not in mind; they have to compensate for their small sizes. While the bigger ones are just as brave, but they feel like they don’t need to show it because they already have the size and power. So if a trainer observes the quirks of the dog’s personality, he will know what technique to use when training the pet.

The dog trainer went on to prove that not all great dogs are born leaders or alphas. There have been many cases where the smallest of the pack is the leader due to his cunning and intelligence. It also helps if the smaller dog raised the larger dog since he was a puppy. Larger dogs bow to their elders, just like any human. No matter the size, the larger dog can give in to the reasoning of a smaller dog, especially when it comes to stalking. This behavior may be more observable in a household with both small and large dogs living in one household. Usually the big dogs are the muscles and the smaller ones are the ones who devise ways to manipulate humans.

When it comes to dogs and training, these personalities must be observed before the actual training can begin. There are some dogs that refuse to be trained until they see a smaller and older dog doing exactly what the trainer tells them to do. Big dogs wouldn’t want to look stupid in front of smaller dogs, so they go to great lengths to emulate the example of smaller dogs.

Trainers have long observed that most dogs would learn more quickly from the example of older dogs. Just like humans, they learn through observation and example. So don’t get frustrated when what worked for one dog doesn’t work for another. Talk to a trainer and get their opinion on the dog and the training and how best to approach the whole process. Perhaps the dog just needs the guidance of another dog. Usually he does the trick.

With summer here, the air should be awash with the smell of barbecues cooking up a variety of delicacies and delicacies. Make sure you don’t miss out on a great BBQ this summer and become the BBQ King/Queen by following the tips below.

The barbecue: make the right choice:

Barbecues come in all shapes, sizes, and price ranges, so it’s important to make sure you get the right one for you. When selecting a barbecue, think of it as an investment.

It is recommended that you get rid of the disposable ones, these may seem perfect for an impromptu meeting, but often they are not worth it. Not only are they smaller than reusable barbecues, but many are difficult to light, some have coals that have been treated with chemicals, and most importantly, cannot be reused.

With throwaway out of the equation, do you have to decide if you prefer coal or gas? This is a longstanding debate, but personally, coal is the way to go. Not only does it give you the authentic barbecue flavor, but you can also swap the charcoal for wood to add extra flavor.

Once you’ve selected your preferred barbecue and set it up, it’s time to light the charcoal. There are two methods for this. The first is for those who have a barbecue chimney starter, simply fill the chimney starter with the required amount of charcoal and lighters or fuel gel, place it on a metal slab or drain cover and light it. Once the coals are red hot, spread them out on the barbecue.

If you don’t have a chimney starter, you can ensure you get even heat between your charcoal by stacking it in a pyramid, along with lighters or lighter fuel, in the middle of your barbecue. Light them up and let them get red hot, before scattering them over your barbecue grill.

Your Food and Drink: It’s More Than Cheap Sausages and Hot Beer:

When it comes to cooking at a barbecue, most of us will do one of two things… incinerate the food or sear the outside and leave the middle raw, and because we lack our culinary skills at a barbecue, many of us we also opt for cheap meat

But for a successful barbecue with glorious food, ditch the cheap meat and visit your butchers for great cuts of meat. You should also follow the points below to ensure you become a BBQ King/Queen and not a pretender to the throne.

    • If using meat from the freezer, make sure it is completely thawed before placing it on the barbecue. Failure to do so will increase the risk of the meat burning on the outside but raw on the inside. If possible, you should allow all meat to come to room temperature before cooking.

    • Don’t wash raw meat, despite what you’ve heard before, this won’t kill germs. Instead, make sure your food is thoroughly cooked. [Source:]

    • Keep your refrigerated foods (salads, sauces, and desserts) in the refrigerator until you need them. If you leave them exposed to heat for too long, they may go bad.

    • Make sure your grill is hot enough before you start cooking. The charcoal must be red hot. You can test the temperature of your barbecue using nothing more than your hand and time. Simply place your hand about 12cm above the barbecue and see how long you can hold it there, 0-2 seconds is too hot to cook with, 4 seconds is a medium heat which is fine for cooking and 6 seconds is a low heat which is OK for cooking. new is fine for cooking. [Source:]

    • Watch out for dripping meat juices. Dripping meat juices during the cooking process can cause flare-ups, increasing the risk of food burning. If flare-ups occur, move food aside until flames die down.

    • Enhance your barbecue with chicken and chorizo, or mixed vegetable kebabs. These are simple to prepare, easy to cook, and are something different. But remember, metal skewers will retain heat from the barbecue, so be careful when handling them, while wooden skewers will need to be fully submerged in cold water for at least half an hour to prevent burning.

    • Lock in moisture from your meat and add flavor by sprinkling it with a little fruit juice. As the natural sugars in the fruits cook, they will caramelize the meat, while also locking in moisture. Apple juice works great with pork. [Source:]

Having a successful barbecue isn’t just about having good food. The drink also plays an important role, and this means more than a warm beer. There are plenty of cocktail/mocktail recipes available, as well as recipes for a refreshing yet simple homemade lemonade. Alternatively, for the best barbecue pair your food with the right drink.

Some good examples include a black IPA with beef patties, nutty beers with veggie burgers, German beer with sausage, or a lager with chicken. Drink responsibly, and if you prefer to stick to one alcoholic beverage for your barbecue, consider stout.

At the end of the night comes the cleaning:

When the barbecue comes to an end and the charcoal embers have cooled down, it’s time to clean the barbecue and the sooner you do it, the better. There are a few ways to do it that are fast, efficient, and cost-effective.

Use food to clean:

Food is a great tool to use when cleaning and surprisingly, an onion or potato can be used to clean your barbecue. The potato technique involves cutting a potato in half, coating the cut end with dishwashing liquid, and then running it through the barbecue to remove any grime that has built up, before rinsing.

If you opt to use an onion, your barbecue will still need to be hot, then simply cut the onion in half before poking it with a barbecue fork. This will allow you to scrub the barbecue and the acidity will cut through the grease, all that’s left to do is rinse. [Source:]

BBQ Games:

An oven cleaning kit can also be used to clean your barbecue. Just as you would place the oven racks in the bag provided, place the barbecue racks in there (when cool) and add the cleaning liquid; leave it for 24 hours before washing it off with hot water.

While using such a kit to clean your barbecue grates, use a stiff bristle brush to clean the base of your barbecue, before wiping with a clean, damp cloth to remove any stubborn grease or grime.

Whether you’re looking to have a weeknight cookout to make the most of the weather or an all-day family event with an open door policy, keep these tips in mind, start and end with a clean cookout, and make sure you have food and beverage. which will tantalize the taste buds: getting it all right will ensure the food, fun and laughter lasts well into the night.

So you decided to start a business… now what? Before you get caught up in the daily grind of growing your business, take a step back and think about what you’ll be doing with your business AFTER you’ve spent all those thousands of hours building it. Or, if tragedy strikes, ask yourself, what will happen to your business then?

You have no idea?

Don’t worry, you are not alone. Most virtual or small business owners don’t plan that far, they’re just trying to get through the day. So I thought I’d give you some ideas on the best way to transfer or sell a virtual business when the time comes, that way you’ll have a clearer idea of ​​where you’re going before you even start.

However, remember that the key to building a business ready to be sold at a moment’s notice is to withdraw from day-to-day operations. This is why it is imperative to build a process-driven company, rather than an owner-driven company. If you don’t ultimately make this transition, your business will be worth less and you will most likely receive less for your business.
Here is an overview of the best 7 virtual businesses (or small business) exit strategies:

  1. Employees: Some methods to sell a virtual business to your employees are the ESOP (Employee Stock Ownership Plan)an MBO (Management purchases) and MBI (Management purchases)
  2. charitable trusts: This is a great strategy for those virtual business owners who want to benefit from charitable donations. Some methods are CRT (Charitable Reminder Trust) and CLT (Charitable Charge Trust)
  3. Family: This is when you want to transfer your virtual business to your children or a family member. Some methods are gifting shares, GRAT (grantor-retained annuity trust)FLP (family limited companies)SCIN (self-cancelling installment notes)IDGT (intentionally defective grantor trusts) and private annuities.
  4. co-owners: When buying from a partner, the co-owner transfer channel is a good method. Includes purchase/sale agreements, pre-emptive rights and other transfer techniques.
  5. Retire and sell to a stranger: When you retire, you can use many of the methods listed above. Such as charitable trusts, private annuities, or grantor-retained annuity trusts.
  6. Stay in business but sell to a stranger: This strategy is generally implemented when an owner needs growth funds but does not want to invest personal assets. It can be sold to a private or public entity.
  7. make it public: This is the process of offering securities (common or preferred shares) of a private company for sale to the general public.

Ketogenic diets have really gone from strength to strength in the last year and a half and for good reason. It’s a great way to not only quickly shed those unwanted pounds, but also to get and stay healthy. For those who have tried the Keto diet and are still following it, it is more than just a diet. It is a way of life, a completely new lifestyle. But like any major change in our lives, it’s not easy, it requires an incredible amount of commitment and determination.

Good for some but not for all? – Although a ketogenic diet has been used to greatly improve people’s quality of life, there are some who do not share the majority way of thinking. But why is that exactly? For as long as we can remember, we’ve been taught that the only way to get rid of extra weight was to stop eating the fat-filled foods we’re so used to eating every day. So, instructing people to eat healthy fats (the key word is Healthy) can certainly understand why some people would be skeptical about how and why they would eat more fat to achieve weight loss and achieve it quickly. This concept goes against everything we’ve ever known about weight loss.

How Keto Started: Discovered by endocrinologist Rollin Woodyatt in 1921 when he discovered that the liver produced 3 water-soluble compounds Aceture, B-Hydroxybutyrate, and Acetoacetate (known together as ketone bodies) as a result of starvation or if the person followed a rich diet. in fat and very low in carbohydrates. Later that year, a man at the Mayo Clinic by the name of Russel Wilder called it the “Ketogenic Diet” and used it to treat epilepsy in young children with great success. But due to advances in medicine it was superseded.

My Struggles Starting Keto – I started Keto on Feb 28, 2018, I had tried the Keto diet once before about 6 months before but never got past the first week. The first week on Keto is the worst part of the whole process, this is when the dreaded Keto flu, also called the carb flu, hits. The keto flu is a natural reaction your body experiences when it switches from burning glucose (sugar) for energy to burning fat. Many people who have followed the keto diet say that it actually feels similar to withdrawal from an addictive substance. This can last between 3 days and a whole week, it only lasted a few days in my case.

People who have had the keto flu report feeling sleepy, achy, nauseated, dizzy, and have terrible migraines, among other things. The first week is usually when people trying a Keto diet fail and give up, just remember this happens to everyone early in the process and if you can make it through the first week the hardest part is over. There are some remedies that you can use to help you get through this difficult period. Take electrolyte supplements, stay hydrated, drink bone broth, eat more meat, and get enough sleep. Keto Flu is an unfortunate event that happens to everyone when the body flushes out the typical diet from day to day. You just have to pass energy.

What is a ketogenic diet like? -When the average person eats a meal rich in carbohydrates, her body takes those carbohydrates and converts them into glucose for fuel. Glucose is the body’s main source of fuel when carbohydrates are present in the body, on a Keto diet very little or no carbohydrates are consumed, forcing the body to use other forms of energy to keep the body functioning properly. This is where healthy fats come into play, with the absence of carbohydrates, the liver takes fatty acids from the body and converts them into ketone bodies.

An ideal Keto diet should consist of:

• 70-80% fat

• 20-25% protein

• 5-10% carbohydrates

You should not eat more than 20 g of carbohydrates per day to maintain the typical ketogenic diet. I personally ate less than 10g per day for a more drastic experience, but achieved my initial goals and more. I lost 28 pounds. in just under 3 weeks.

What is ketosis? – When the body is completely fueled by fat, it enters a state called “ketosis”, which is a natural state of the body. After all sugars and unhealthy fats have been eliminated from the body for the first two weeks, the body can now function freely on healthy fats. Ketosis has many potential benefits related to rapid weight loss, health, or performance. In certain situations, such as type 1 diabetes, excessive ketosis can become extremely dangerous, while in certain cases, along with intermittent fasting, it can be extremely beneficial for people with type 2 diabetes. Dr. Jason Fung MD ( Nephrologist) of the Intensive Dietary Management Program is doing substantial work on this topic.

What I can and can’t eat: For someone new to Keto, it can be very difficult to follow a low carb diet, although fat is the cornerstone of this diet, you should not eat any type of fat. Healthy fats are essential, but you may be wondering what healthy fats are. Healthy fats would consist of grass-fed meats (lamb, beef, goat, venison), wild-caught seafood, pork, and grass-fed poultry. Eggs and unsalted butter can also be eaten. Be sure to stay away from starchy vegetables, fruits, and grains. Processed foods are not accepted in any form on the ketogenic diet, artificial sweeteners and milk can also pose a serious problem.

So far it’s been 5 weeks and I’ve lost 34 pounds. and feeling great, I have a tremendous amount of energy and I don’t crash midday during work like I used to. It will take serious commitment and a great meal plan to get where you want to be health-wise. But the road to get there is always more satisfying than where you end up.

According to APOP, the Association for Pet Obesity Prevention, an estimated 54% of dogs and cats in the United States are overweight or obese. That’s roughly 93 million American cats and dogs that need to move! Simply put, this makes me sad. We live in a world where nutrition and exercise take a backseat. Obesity in adults, children and pets is increasing rapidly. I’m not going to give a lecture on eating right and exercising, but it’s definitely relevant. The trend seems to have happened like this. First, our health slowly took a backseat, then our kids pick up our bad clothes, and now the pets in the home are overweight.

I know it’s hard to find the time to run with our dogs, but it’s our responsibility. Most breeds need plenty of exercise and stimulation. They need to run, not just walk, and they need challenges to overcome to get them physically and mentally out of the way to be healthy. Cats can even be encouraged to exercise more with toys and games. The only key ingredient these animals are missing is you. You can always hire a dog runner, not just a walker, but someone who can run short bursts with your pet to really deplete his energy. Also, it should be someone who knows breeds and pet first aid to make sure your dog is in good hands. The benefits of exercise are endless and virtually the same for dogs and cats as they are for humans. The most important is the fact that it helps prevent overweight. Excess fat puts your loved ones at increased risk of cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, respiratory problems, joint and skeletal disorders, and early death. Regular activity tones muscles, strengthens bones, improves circulation, and lifts your mood by increasing levels of “feel-good” chemicals in the body. Dogs don’t do well in a yard all day because they don’t run laps like you might think. Wait until you get home to receive stimulation. Fit dogs, just like fit humans, feel better and sleep better. This makes people and pets happy with less medical expenses.

The next step is the food they eat. Every animal is different just like people. For example, some dogs benefit from eating scrambled eggs and others can’t stand it because their stomachs are too sensitive. Think about this when choosing food for dogs and cats. Is your pet getting enough nutrients? Is your pet’s food too high in fat? Does your pet need a supplement? All of these questions can be answered by a veterinarian. I also suggest cutting out people food for a while and reaching for organic and/or low-fat treats. Get treats that are very soft and squishy so you can break them into small pieces. Trust me, your pet doesn’t care how big the treat is, just that she gets one. In this way, your pet will not feel deprived and you will still be able to fulfill your desire to give it to her because she deserves it only with tenderness. I get how it is. Sometimes when I’m cooking, all it takes is a cute little turn of the head and before I even think about it, I’m feeding my dogs part of my dinner. But it is a bad habit. Even if it’s your favorite food. Everything is there favorite! I once knew a woman who gave her cat chocolate milk every day even though she made him sick. She said that she couldn’t help it because she was Fluffy’s favorite. Please don’t be that person. The next time you feel the urge to feed Fido from the table, grab a squeaky toy or ball of yarn and toss them around to play. You should feel better thinking about the fact that they will live longer and happier lives, they will give you more company by being at a healthy weight.

Things always seem to happen that keep us from going for a run with our dogs. That shouldn’t stop you from doing other activities that can stimulate your pet. Cats are easy, they cut down on their extra food and treats and then move something furry around until they get bored. There are even tricks you can teach your cat, just Google to learn how.

The dogs are more involved. They still need to exercise just like you do, so take turns on the treadmill when the weather is bad outside. Do intervals with your pet. For example, start with a warm-up and two minutes of intense running or on an incline with a minute of rest. Get down and put on the dog for a while while you do twenty sit-ups, twenty jumping jacks, push-ups, squats, etc. Then get back on the treadmill for two or three more intervals. You get off and repeat the floor routine while Fido jogs. He repeats as many times as he wants and this is just to give him an idea to think outside the box. If you want to watch a TV show, put the treadmill next to the couch and watch it while Fido works out. Make sure he is always supervised. Some dogs are quick to accept it and others need encouragement and guidance. There are also fun dog games that you can play around the house to drain energy like the ‘find it’ game. Obedience can also be worked on at home. Teach something new or refine skills at home where your controlled environment is perfect. This way, your pet will have fewer distractions and won’t be able to run while she practices off-leash techniques. Always look for ways to exercise your pet in your area. There are always walks, marathons with dogs, agility classes and more to look for.

After reading this article, I can trust that you have been influenced and will spend more time exercising your pet. Take care of yourself, your family and your canine children.



According to the book “The History of Agriculture in Colorado” the primitive plows used to break the earth in the first agricultural settlements of Colorado (Valle de San Luis) were made of piñon wood for its greater resistance. The piñon was the life of our farming communities, and more than one of the first exploration parties in the Rocky Mountains, both Spanish and American, were saved from starvation thanks to the piñon and its nuts. The pinyon pine, pinyon nut, and human settlement in Colorado have a history dating back to the basket maker culture under the Pecos classification system. Piñon ecosystems have had subsistence, cultural, spiritual, economic, aesthetic, and medicinal value to Native American peoples for centuries and continue to be widely studied in their past and present areas. Among ethnobotanists and archaeologists, there is consensus that early human settlement in Colorado resulted from the pine nut providing a life-sustaining source of winter protein when game animals were scarce, allowing man to build the first societies (Cliff Dwellings) in Colorado.

Eastern agriculture outperforms Western agriculture

Currently, more than 80% of the $49 million worth of pine nuts consumed in the US market is IMPORTED FROM CHINA, with no benefit to Western landowners. “We have thousands of American households buying and eating pine nuts, not knowing their true Chinese origin.” Pine nuts (pine nuts) provide a significant source of protein, at levels surpassing even walnuts and walnuts, with significant amounts of vitamin A, riboflavin, thiamin and niacin, “really without dietary rival in the world of nuts.” walnuts”. Additionally, piñon trees naturally function as a “great carbon sink” for the planet by removing carbon. “Certainly, as consumers realize they are unknowingly getting more protein by eating ‘cloned beef protein,’ the idea of ​​adding a wild, natural protein to their diet, such as that found in Piñon Nut’s, is attractive to people concerned about health and the environment. “.

This project involves ‘experimental dryland agriculture’ in the creation of a pine nut breeding program. Pinyon pine improvement programs may involve four main steps: 1) Selection of superior trees (ie, “plus trees”) from natural stands; 2) Graft these superior plus trees into orchards to produce genetically improved seeds (nuts); 3) Field trials of these plus trees to identify the best trees and improve orchard seed (cone and nut size) by removing inferior trees; and 4) continuous improvement and development of even better varieties through the crossing of the best trees. It is known that the size of the pine nut crop is strongly influenced by the environment and that pests and health are important. For example, tip moth activity depresses pinyon cone production, as do dry weather and high temperatures, regardless of tree genetics. And tree size, a major determinant of cone-growing potential, is greatly influenced by soil type, climate, pest history, competition, etc. There are so many factors that affect the ‘phenotype’, what you see, that the only way to determine the ‘genotype’ characteristics of a tree is to grow offspring from its seeds in progeny tests.

Arid zone agriculture in relation to pinion pine

“As an area of ​​research and development, dryland agriculture, or desert agriculture, includes studies of how to increase the agricultural productivity of lands dominated by a lack of fresh water, an abundance of heat and sunlight, and, generally, one or more of Extreme winter cold, short rainy season, saline soil or water, strong dry winds, poor soil structure, overgrazing, limited technological development, poverty…” Wikipedia…

Two basic approaches to solutions are

o see given environmental and socio-economic characteristics as negative obstacles to be overcome

o see as many of them as possible as positive resources to be used

Vision of the future – Colorado pine nut orchards?

Looking to the future, it is possible to see a growing number of farmers and landowners throughout the Southwest evaluating the benefits of now managing their own arid, unprofitable Piñon forests as active “piñon nut orchards.” The developed practices of tree breeding, pollination and cultivation, already in use to improve crop yields in walnut, walnut and apple orchards, can be applied for economic benefit in a pine nut orchard. “A farmer can create a transplant or seedling seed orchard, or also enhance the productivity of native piñon trees already in the ground,” said Alan Peterson, who pioneered the research. And with pine nuts selling for over $15 a pound, this truly represents a new “Business Model for the Environment.”


Introduction to Pinon

Of approximately (14) species of nuts grown in the United States, the piñon remains to be grown.

The pinyon pine’s ancestor was a member of the Madro-Tertiary Flora, (a group of drought-resistant species), which beginning 60 million years ago, its host climate began to change from wet to dry.

Piñon (Pinus Edulis) grows slowly into a small, drought-resistant, fairly long-lived species native to the southwestern United States. Its common name is derived from the Spanish piñón and refers to the large seed of the pine (pino). Other common names are piñon colorado and stone pine. Existing forests, where Piñon is the main species, cover about 36 million acres combined in Colorado, New Mexico, Utah, and Arizona, but drought and resulting attacks by the pine beetle and various pathogens have had a considerable effect on the forests. Piñon stands.

Piñon trees thrive in areas with annual rainfall from as little as 10″ a year to more than 22″ inches, and where temperatures exist from an extreme low of -35 degrees Celsius, all within as little as 90 frost-free days. year. In its highest elevation range and northernmost latitude, native Piñon growth can be found in a variety of soil depths and textures, from rocky gravels to fine, compacted clays, and at elevations from 4,500 to 7,500 feet. altitude, with isolated specimens up to 9400 feet.

From research on the most desirable Piñon Orchard locations (i.e., low land values, good elevation + precipitation, existing high-producing native Piñon stands), it stands out that the rural communities that most needed any economic stimulus were found in the vicinity of those parameters. . Therefore, Piñon Orchards would have significant value from its establishment and nut harvest, especially in those areas currently considered unsuitable for traditional agricultural crops. It is hopeful that a small rural community is ‘branding’ itself around an increasing collection and consumption of piñon nuts, that is… by organizing a ‘Piñon Nut Festival’ theme, the staples of the Piñon nut (candy, menu items, and the resulting improved facility, Piñon Orchards. Therefore, co-locating active Piñon cultivation in close proximity to rural areas in need of some economic stimulus may turn out to be one of the more exciting benefits.

Economic benefits of increased production of pine nuts

Beneficial effects to a local economy unfold from a number of different channels: the sale of walnut crops would impact the economy directly, through purchases of goods and services locally, and indirectly, as those purchases in turn generate purchases intermediate goods and services from other, related sectors of the economy. Furthermore, these direct and indirect effects increase employment and income, improving the purchasing power of the economy in general, thus inducing greater spending on goods and services. This cycle continues until spending eventually seeps out of the local economy as a result of taxes, savings, or purchases of non-locally produced goods and services.

Barriers to Commercial Piñon Cultivation

o Complexities of water use, water rights, and water availability in Colorado and all of the western drylands.

o Pinion (seed) production is cyclical and good harvests can be produced in 2-7 year intervals, but the average harvest has occurred in 4.1 year intervals in a 58 year study.

o Slow growth rates in typical specimens, unless subjected to intensive cultivation or grafting practices.

o Existing limited knowledge on cross-pollination and nut size and improvement of nut yield of cultivated or native Piñon plantations in the United States.

o Limited knowledge or existing study on the success of grafting on pinyons or other stone pine species.
o Possibly the most drought-resistant traits of any nut-producing plant, increasingly important in a ‘global warming’ climate ‘onset’.

o More protein by weight than all nuts except cashew.

o Piñon is adaptable to the widest range of soil types.

o Piñon incurs little ‘spray’ damage from deer, elk, rabbits, and rodents throughout its range.

o Greater and better use of drylands than cattle ranching with protein output per acre. (Piñon nuts = 123% more efficient protein per acre than beef.)

o Little concern for diseases and insect herbivory.

Historically, nut-producing pines have had little academic focus as crop producers. In (1917) Dr. Robert T. Norris (NNGA) recognized the potential (and future) of pine nuts: “I presume that the extensive planting of pines for food purposes will have to wait until we have advanced to the point of putting other kinds of nut trees (walnuts, pecans, etc.) on good ground first. Pines will be employed for the drier slopes when the people of… a hundred years from now begin to complain about the high cost of living.”

… “No sentiment is more recognized in the family of farmers than that the few who can afford it should bear the risk and expense of all improvements and give the benefit freely to many in more restricted circumstances.” Thomas Jefferson, 1810

The Xbox 360 is probably the most popular console available right now. Also, games designed for Xbox are being played by millions of people right now.

The only negative about Xbox 360 games is that they are expensive and can be easily damaged. To avoid spending a lot of money replacing your games, you can simply copy your Xbox games to your 360.

However, people who have tried this quickly realize that it is not such an easy task to do without the right tools to circumvent copyright protection.

Xbox 360 games are in DVD format, so Microsoft has made sure to protect their games from being copied by DVD recorders. The protection that Microsoft has put into its games is in the form of security sectors.

These security sectors are small areas on the game disc that store the license and information about the game. When Microsoft puts its game data on these DVD formats, it makes sure to put these security sectors on the disc. They place these sectors on the disk in a unique way so that only the Xbox console and Microsoft can read it.

So what this means for you, the gamer, is that when you try to copy games using your computer’s DVD burner, you won’t see these visible sectors. In order to copy Xbox games to your 360 you will need to get around these security sectors.

One way to do this is to use a mod chip to bypass all protection codes. However, modified chips will void Microsoft’s warranty, and if you don’t know what you’re doing, you can ruin your gaming system. Another, easier way to do this is to use game copying software.

This software will allow your computer to read the entire game disc and will allow your Xbox to read the security sectors on the copied disc. There are plenty of game copy software that will allow you to copy Xbox games to your 360, but there are only a few good ones. The good ones will allow you to bypass protection codes and allow you to play your games on your Xbox 360.

The Chicago White Sox had a very inconsistent season finishing 79-83, thus ending their hopes of an American League Central Division title. The Chi-Sox were probably better than their record would indicate and seemed to give up late in the season when they were very close to catching the Detroit Tigers for the division lead.

The White Sox had a very good mix of young talent and veteran players, but they were unable to gain momentum for long stretches of the season. Jermaine Dye had another strong season with 27 home runs and 81 RBIs, Paul Konerko had 28 home runs with 88 RBIs, and Jim Thome at age 39 hit 23 home runs with 77 RBIs in 107 games played. The Sox failed to have a 100-RBI man in 2009 for the first time quietly in some time.

Carlos Quentin had a down year since 2008 due to injury. In 2008, Quentin hit .288 with 36 home runs and 100 RBIs. In 2009, Quentin hit .236 with 21 home runs and 56 RBIs. The team’s younger talent includes Alexei Ramirez and Gordon Beckham.

The team may have had a disappointing season overall, but one highlight that will forever be apart of the White Sox and baseball lore is the perfect game thrown by Mark Buehrle against the Tampa Bay Rays. The Rays at the time had one of the best offenses in the American League, which makes the perfect game even more impressive. This was the first perfect game in baseball since Randy Johnson pitched one in 2004.

The White Sox, like crosstown rivals the Chicago Cubs, underperformed and lacked luster in the second half of the season. White Sox manager Ozzie Guillen was visibly upset with his team and his lack of desire at the end of the 2009 season.

For those who don’t have the slightest idea what the new buzz in the tech market is all about, here is a brief introduction to firstly elevate and then satisfy your curiosity about it.

For starters, Apple’s new iPad is an 8×10-inch touchscreen tablet that resembles a magazine in size and feel, and is available in three models to connect via Wi-Fi and three models that can connect via Wi-Fi. to network. Internet through an arrangement of 3G wireless and Wi-Fi from AT&T.

The software used in the iPad is the same as that used in Apple’s popular iPod Touch and iPhone. This software has been called iPhone OS by Apple and is famous for being among the most enviable operating systems that have been designed for applications with touch screen devices. Unlike conventional operating system software designed to work with the keyboard and mouse, the iPhone’s operating system simply responds to touch input and is usually capable of managing one application at a time.

If you’ve ever had the chance to use the iPod Touch or the iPhone, the iPad is likely to be very familiar from your briefest encounter with the piece. Many of the features built into iPad are similar to services offered by iPhone, such as maps, email, video, apps (apps designed by Apple) for browsing the web, YouTube, music, photos, and more. In addition to these, you can add an incredible array of more apps to your iPad to maximize its potential by connecting iTunes to it through your computer using an included cable or using the built-in App Store software. In case you already own these apps through the ownership of Apple’s iPod Touch or iPhone, you can simply transfer them to your iPad.

Although illy espresso is produced in Italy, it can be easily purchased online through many general and coffee-related retailers. While some people may be more wary of searching for discount illy coffee at large internet discount retailers or auction sites like, there are some definite benefits to using the illy website for your coffee purchases, particularly because to special products and memberships not available from other merchants.

Illy sells several different types of coffee that are for sale on its website, including ground coffee and espresso, coffee beans, illy espresso pods, and unique espresso pods known as iperEspresso. These capsules contain 7 grams of ground espresso and are compatible with a FrancisFrancis espresso machine; there are a couple of different models that can be purchased on the illy website. The beauty of iperEspresso pods is that the perfect amount of ground coffee has already been measured out for your individual serving of espresso, and due to its unique design, the beans never touch the machine while the espresso is brewing, allowing your machine to be kept in perfect condition.

A great way to save some money on illy coffee, especially if you drink it regularly or buy large quantities for an office, is to join one of illy’s two membership clubs. The coffee membership is a flexible option that allows you to set your own delivery schedule. Simply specify how often you’d like your coffee shipped and in what roast and quantity (a minimum of two cans is required for each shipment), and illy will do the rest for you. For every order of $75 or more, illy offers free shipping. When you join the coffee membership club, you’ll receive a free cup of coffee with the illy logo emblazoned on the side. It is important to make an informed decision before joining the illy coffee club and carefully consider how much coffee you consume on a monthly basis. The convenience of having two or more cans shipped each month is a viable option if your household drinks a lot of coffee or if you’re supplying coffee for an office environment, but if you don’t drink much coffee each month (or like to switch brand often), then the cost of buying large amounts of illy coffee on a regular basis may not be worth the membership benefits you get.

If you drink illy coffee and have been considering purchasing a Pasquini espresso machine or a Francis Francis espresso machine, an illy espresso membership has the opportunity to bring you significant savings. When you sign up for your introductory membership kit, you’ll receive one of three espresso machines (there are two FrancisFrancis machines and one Pasquini machine to choose from), cappuccino cups, and a steaming carafe, among other things. After signing up for your starter kit, you are required to purchase four cans of illy coffee over the next 12 months. After that point, you are not required to continue to have Illy delivered to your home if you do not wish to. Because the introductory kits cost considerably less than the price of one of the featured espresso machines, you can save a great deal of money by using illy’s website to sign up for this membership club; However, like the coffee membership club, you’ll need to determine if your coffee drinking habit requires you to purchase four cans of illy each month.

While large online retailers often offer low prices to sell merchandise, illy’s website provides its loyal customers with the opportunity to purchase unique products and membership clubs found nowhere else.