Category Archive : Business

Unique elements required for a service-based business to rank well in search engines.

While large multinational companies employ SEO strategies to gain customers and clients from all over the world, a small business dealing only with clients in their geographic region only wants local leads.

This article looks at what you should have in your SEO strategy if you’re one of those smaller businesses and you’re trying to gain visibility with local customers.

1. Your website

Take a look at their website and see if you can tell where their business is located and who they serve.

Your target area should be prominently featured in your home page copy, your contact page, as well as in the footer. You can even incorporate it into your business name or URL.

The idea is, of course, to make sure that when someone comes to your website looking for what you offer, they are also told that you provide services in their area.

Put these terms in your META data as well. Make a difference when it comes to reaching local customers by conducting searches specific to your city or business service area. Also, when creating individual pages for each service you provide, include the locations served in the headlines and copy.

2.Google My Business

If you haven’t already, you need to create a Gmail account for yourself, so you can easily sign in to all Google apps and products.

Google My Business is one of those freely available tools that puts your business on Google Maps, and if Google sees the right signs, it will also show up at the top of local results. Local ranking results are those results you’ll see when Google has understood that your search query is specific to a location.

Try typing ‘plumbers near me’ into Google and you’ll probably see some ads and some localized listings before you see organic search results. This could be 1-3 ads or 3-4 local listings depending on how competitive the market is.

Those local listings are valuable to your business and by creating and verifying your business with Google, you will have at least started the steps necessary to appear in those local listings.

Once you have the account, fill in as much as you can. Provide photos and use your service and location keywords in the description and anywhere else you see a real opportunity.

3.Local quotes

Local citations are when your business is listed in local directories. You will probably only need to do this once and it is very easy.

Simply search for your location with the word ‘directories’ after it. There are some obvious ones like Yelp, but you can also find some niche directories for your location and service.

Never pay for these as Google will have already flagged those paid directories when they review your site. Paying for links or citations will always hurt your ranking efforts.


When it comes to local customers, reviews are gold. They are testimonials that other potential customers can trust. Soliciting them from previous clients is totally fine; however, falsifying them is not.

Don’t have them log into their Gmail account from their computer to leave a review or Google will see that all your reviews come from the same IP address and the reviews won’t help your ranking.

There are plenty of other things you can do as well, but those 4 points are basic to any local SEO strategy, and if you’re a service-based business, you’ll need them to get the right traffic.

Of course, if you’re looking to really dominate the ranking results and make sure you have a solid strategy in place, you’ll want to hire someone who provides professional search engine optimization. They can take things further and actively maintain the necessary efforts to let Google know that they provide what they do, where they do it, while spending their time providing their service!

The variety in the home business industry adds flavor to those intending to start a home business. The range of options available for a home business is vast due to the limitless ideas one has to choose from. There are many ideas that are easy to start and require very little initial investment.

Yoga helps a person relax. So if you know yoga why not share your experience in this to have a lucrative home business as a yoga instructor? You can also advertise your services as a yoga instructor at schools, the local YMCA and other places frequented by families.

Another feasible home business idea to start is tutoring. Just advertise extensively and you’ll soon start getting applications. Experts in financial consulting can share their expertise through business coaching or by starting a consulting business. You can also share your managerial skills and experiences by becoming a business coach.

Medical and legal transcriptions are the most sought after form of home business. If one has transcription skills and the necessary equipment, working from home or for different companies in transcription is indeed a lucrative home based business. If training is required, there are several medical transcription academies and online training courses available. Medical claims billing is another home based business idea that is very popular.

People with design skills can do web design and interior design at home as a home-based business. The high cost put into the software is offset by sales of the designs. If you consider photography to be your hobby, you can open your own home studio if you have space to take pictures and a darkroom if you plan to process film yourself.

The vast majority of people grossly underestimate the likelihood that they will have a significant disability that prevents them from working. In fact, the chance that a person will be disabled for three months or more is a little over 25%. These chances increase significantly if a person is overweight, smokes, or has existing chronic conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and/or heart disease. It also depends on the occupation: physically demanding jobs are generally more risky than sedentary ones. However, disability due to illness is generally not career-sensitive: for example, cancer doesn’t care if you sit behind a desk working in construction.

Fortunately, many people have disability insurance through their employer, so if they were unable to work for an extended period, a portion of their earnings would be covered, although there are often gaps in this coverage and this will be covered in another article. But self-employed entrepreneurs, especially those whose expertise is the financial lifeblood of their organization, such as doctors, dentists, lawyers, consultants, have two problems if they’re disabled: one, replacing their lost income while they can’t work, and second , keeping your business viable during your recovery. It is this second topic that I will address in this article, as it is rarely addressed by financial advisors and insurance agents. The type of insurance that helps maintain a business while the primary earner is convalescing is called Business Overhead Expense (BOE) Disability Insurance (DI) or Business Expense Insurance (BEI). For the sake of brevity, I will use BOE as it is the most common acronym in the industry.

Sole proprietors and small groups of professionals are especially susceptible to losing all or part of their income when the primary earner is unable to work for an extended period. For example, a self-employed physician or dentist has a large financial exposure if he is disabled for an extended period, since that one person generates all of the income for the practice. In engineering jargon, the single practitioner is a single point of failure in the business. If the chance of extended disability is one chance in four, then the financial risk to the practice is the same. A business owner in this situation has to ask themselves, “Is this financial exposure something I’m willing to take on without a risk mitigation plan in place?” Let’s look at this another way. Would you take a huge financial risk if you had a 25% chance of losing everything?

BOE generally covers the recurring expenses of your business or practice. These are the expenses that keep your business going even if you are disabled and unable to produce an income stream. BOE insurance typically covers up to two years of disability and may have 30, 60, or 90-day elimination periods, depending on how much reserve the business owner has and how much premium they can afford.

BOE covers many of the expenses that businesses normally incur, but only pays for actual expenses, up to the policy’s maximum monthly benefit amount. Expenses typically covered by the BOE include:

  • Rent
  • Payment of interest on some commercial debts
  • Utilities
  • Employee wages and payroll taxes
  • Post office and stationery
  • maintenance team
  • Office equipment rental, lease or depreciation
  • Business Property Location Taxes
  • Workers’ compensation, employee medical, and liability insurance premiums
  • accounting fees
  • Memberships and professional subscriptions.

As important as all of these are, I maintain that the ability to pay wages and benefits to your employees is a business owner’s priority. The impossibility of paying salaries leaves your staff – be it one or several people – with no way to cover their own expenses and forces them to look for a new job. And when the business owner returns from convalescence, he now faces the added burden of hiring and training new staff. This alone increases expenses and can result in decreased revenue during ramp-up time. Furthermore, business owners feel an obligation to protect their employees from unforeseen circumstances: if they can’t, they feel they have broken an implicit moral agreement with them.

The fiscal consequences of the BOE are also quite interesting. Premiums are generally considered a tax-deductible business expense, and any benefits are treated as taxable income. However, because covered business expenses are typically tax deductible, they can be subtracted from benefits paid at the time of filing. Since the benefit only covers actual expenses, business expense deductions should result in zero net income for the business during this time, with no taxes due. An accountant should be consulted for further details regarding this matter.

BOE premiums are calculated using the same underwriting criteria as any disability policy: the insured’s age, occupation and health. Please note that there are situations where an insurance company cannot write a BOE policy due to unfavorable ratings resulting from any or a combination of these factors, so there is no guarantee that a policy can be issued. Many insurance agents write policies with multiple companies, so they should be able to find the best alternative for their client.

There is one more important point to consider. If a business is a small partnership, it is important to consider writing BOE policies for all partners, as the loss of any partner will have a dramatic impact on the organization’s revenue stream during their absence. Policy benefits may be adjusted to reflect the impact of the loss of a member or the simultaneous disability of multiple members.

BOE is an extremely important part of a company’s contingency planning. It helps mitigate the high risk that business income will be interrupted due to the incapacity of the owner(s), and allows business expenses to be paid during this time. It also protects the interests of employees by giving them the ability to pay their salary and benefits if there is no business income. Finally, the premiums are tax deductible, which can reduce the company’s tax liability. Most importantly, the BOE provides a tremendous level of emotional security to business owners who are often only a few weeks away from not having the money to continue their business in the event of a disability.

I struggled to sponsor 4 people in my first year in Network Marketing. When I learned about the four personality types, I sponsored nearly 200 people into my second network marketing company.

This article will give you an overview of the four personality types. Since there are four different personality styles and only one is your dominant personality, if you interact with all of your network marketing prospects the same way, you’ll have a 25% success rate even if your sales skills are good.

Success means that there is more cooperation in your communication than tension. When you’re more cooperative in your conversations with both your business partners and prospects, you’ll get more signups, make more sales, and be liked by more people.

The four personality types are the Green Hedgehog, the Yellow Whale, the Red Shark, and the Blue Dolphin.

green hedgehogs – Green Hedgehogs are very analytical, cautious, skeptical and conservative. They are not big risk takers and are often the lonely introverts in society. They may not be the friendliest personality type, but you can definitely build a relationship with them quickly when you learn to understand people.

yellow whales – Yellow whales are the nicest people and they are the best friends. They are very reliable, honest and very good listeners. They love to help others almost to the extreme, because they are often taken advantage of by bad people.

red sharks – The Red Sharks are their leaders, great achievers and the best producers. If you seem weak and unsure of yourself when dealing with a Red Shark, he or she will eat you alive. They will hurt your feelings and they couldn’t care less. Red Sharks may be the hardest people to get along with, but you will also get positive results with Red Sharks when you understand people.

blue dolphins – These are your social butterflies… your “people people”. They are the life of any party and love to be the center of attention. This is probably the easiest personality type to get along with. You can’t help but like them!

We all have a dominant personality type. This is how we act naturally. You can even see the personality of a child and know what he will be like as an adult.

Understanding people will bring you more positive results in your home business and in your personal life. Before I understood the four personality types, I never had a relationship that lasted more than 3 months.

This information really changed my life in many ways.

location de maisons a rendu facile

Si vous recherchez une solution de gestion de la location de maisons, vous êtes au bon endroit. Ce programme rendra l’ensemble du processus de gestion des locations de maisons plus facile et plus rapide. Vous pourrez accéder aux détails des maisons, entrer le nom des locataires et l’identification nationale, et même ajouter des notes. L’application vous permettra même d’entrer la date de statut et de sortie du locataire. Une fois que vous avez ajouté des locataires, vous pouvez ajouter des paiements et des factures. Sélectionnez simplement le locataire et cliquez sur Ajouter la facture ou le paiement et remplissez les détails.

L’application de gestion de la location de maisons simplifie le processus pour les propriétaires, les locataires et les gestionnaires de location. Cela vous permettra de trouver une maison, un appartement ou payer des clients rapidement et facilement. Tout ce dont vous avez besoin est un appareil Android et une connexion Internet. Une fois l’application téléchargée et installée, vous pouvez vous connecter et publier des informations sur les propriétés disponibles. Après avoir reçu l’approbation d’un administrateur, vous pouvez publier les coordonnées de votre propriété sur l’application pour les locataires et les locataires à voir.

julien madar

Le système de gestion de la location de maisons est un système automatisé qui peut gérer tous les aspects de la location de maisons. Le système utilise PHP, CSS, JavaScript et Bootstrap pour créer un site Web facile à utiliser. Avec un système automatisé, les clients s’inscrire en ligne et loueront une maison dans le confort de leur propre maison. Le système éliminera les problèmes associés à un système manuel en conservant les enregistrements en toute sécurité dans une base de données centrale. Vous pouvez gérer les locataires de propriétés, les paiements et autres informations sur la même application Web.

La gestion de la location de maisons a rendu facile

Le projet de système de gestion de la location de maisons est basé sur PHP et contient des fonctionnalités minimales. Conçu pour les étudiants en informatique de première et deuxième année, il fournit une interface de base qui permet aux propriétaires et aux locataires communiquent entre eux. De plus, le système contient également le code source du projet, afin que n’importe qui puisse construire un système de gestion de la location de maisons lui-même. Une fois que vous avez construit le système, vous pouvez commencer à interagir avec les locataires et les propriétaires. Et lorsque vous avez toutes les données dont vous avez besoin pour commencer, le projet est terminé!

Join Here Julienmadar LinkedIn –

Un autre service que vous pouvez utiliser est un système de gestion des locations de maisons. Ce logiciel est conçu pour être aussi convivial que possible, et son interface utilise des bases de données PHP et MySQL. Comme vous pouvez le voir, la gestion de la location de maisons est une simple application Web construite à l’aide de PHP, MySQL et Bootstrap. En plus de collecter le loyer et de traiter les problèmes de locataires, le logiciel comprend également un rôle d’administrateur et de personnel qui permet aux propriétaires d’accéder aux détails des propriétés. Pour installer le logiciel, vous avez besoin d’un serveur virtuel XAMPP.

Check Here More Information – Checkmyguest franchit le 1 Md€ sous gestion et va résolument de l’avant

Implementing Google Gmail for my startup internet marketing business has enabled minimal and secure IT administration of my 8 websites (28+ email accounts). Compatible with a mixed operating environment including Microsoft, Ubuntu, and MacOS, multiple browsers, and Microsoft Office document file formats, Open Office is possible and easier with a cloud computing environment like Gmail.

So why would you consider cloud computing like Google Mail for your business, especially an SME?

In two words: security and compliance. Email security, web security, and message compliance are the underlying benefits of strong business reasons for having your mail and office documents served through Gmail.

Compliance with security and retention requirements

Whether your organization has a single person or thousands of people, you are faced with accounting, legal, and government regulations and standards that dictate acceptable levels of IT security and record retention for all electronic files and email. Gmail can help you ensure compliance and deliver real business benefits by streamlining email and document management. Implementing Google Mail is simply smart business. Some benefits include:

1) Organize and Archive (Archiving) your email the way you want.
Google uses tagging as a way to archive and organize your emails. You can tag an email with multiple tags. For example, an email from your accountant with tax information could be labeled “Corporate Tax”, “Accountant”, “IRS”, “Revenue Canada”. Gone is the restriction of having to choose only one file folder to move an email to.

2) Keep email linked conversations or threads.
Appearing as cascading file folders, emails on the same topic (subject) will be kept together in your inbox or multiple archived labels you’ve assigned. Without searching for the email trail or the thread of emails on a particular topic. They are visually represented as a group of stacked file folders.

3) has free unlimited storage repository for all your emails and messages forever!
At 7 gigabytes per Gmail user account and growing as of August 2008, Google Mail’s tagline is “you’ll never need to delete another message.”

Takin’ Care of Business, instead of computing or IT administration

Reducing the time spent managing your computer’s storage, security, backup, and recovery allows you to spend more time building your business. Manage all your email accounts entirely from one or two Gmail addresses. Once set up, Gmail offers this low-administration environment.

4) No mail is downloaded or stored on your server, desktop, laptop or PDA. This eliminates any administrative stress or anguish associated with:

– search for emails stored and scattered across multiple client devices – some emails on your PC, some on your laptop, some on your PDA

– schedule backups of your email, contact list and documents

– recovery (and loss) of email and documents due to loss, failure or theft of the customer’s device

– expansion of storage capacity due to continued growth and retention of email and documents

– remote or mobile access to all your emails, attachments and documents

– manage, consolidate and keep intact multiple email addresses and personalities

– off-site backup of selected files for SOHO or small businesses

Easy online document creation, management and collaboration

5) Use Gmail Online Office Suite to create, manage and store your business documents, spreadsheets and presentations. Read and write Microsoft Office formatted documents, as well as all variants of open documents. Safely stored on Google, delete HDD file storage and backup. No more MS Office license fees for Microsoft.

6) Store pictures and images using Picasa Web Albums. Manage your images on your PC using FREE Picasa software: crop, adjust, special effects.

7) Integrated online chat and messaging, stored and managed just like your email.

Reducing complex email security threats to your corporate data

8) Google once again has a very smart SPAM filter which checks the content of each message and therefore does not arbitrarily blacklist the email address, only the specific email due to the content. No emails are downloaded to your PC or an office application; therefore, there is no wasted bandwidth and no risk of infected emails on your hard drive.

9) Google virus check it is also done away from your computer. All attachments are checked on the Google server for viruses and if infected, they are immediately marked or moved to SPAM. No infected email reaches your computer’s hard drive.

Traditional servers or computer-based email systems download ALL of your email and put it through an anti-virus/spam filter on your computer. This is a waste of bandwidth usage (spam downloading), and worse, it exposes you to the additional risk of spam and virus infested emails getting anywhere near your data files. your computer’s hard drives.

So why should you seriously consider using Google Mail for all of your office needs?

– Complete mobility in the office: through any browser, access your email, documents, images, chat

– Access from anywhere, anytime through any browser

– No backup of email, office documents or contacts required

– Manage multiple user profiles and email accounts in one convenient place

– Includes Anti-Spam and Anti-virus control from your PC, Laptop or Server

– Free unlimited Gmail file space

– Next to No mail management.

Gmail is the perfect mobile office utility for small, medium and large businesses. Google Mail’s cloud computing environment allows you to focus on your business operations and growth. Implementing the Gmail cloud computing model for your email security and compliance makes a lot of sense.

Keep your head in the clouds!

There are two sets of accepted accounting rules for international use: American standards called Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) and international standards known as International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). The first is developed by the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB), whose power is derived from the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). The second is developed by the International Accounting Standards Boards (IASB), an independent accounting standards-setting body based in London. Although GAAP and IFRS share some similarities in their financial statement presentation, they do not agree on all issues. There are differences in reporting and classifying income statement and balance sheet items between these two sets of rules.

Unlike the more detailed GAAP rules-based standard, the IFRS principles-based standard tends to be simpler in its accounting and disclosure requirements. The Income Statement is a mandatory statement under IFRS as it is under GAAP and is known as the “Statement of Comprehensive Income”. The IFRS statement of comprehensive income is similar to that used by GAAP; however, there are few differences when comparing these two income statements.

GAAP income statement presentation follows a single-step or multi-step format. However, IFRS does not mention a single-step or multi-step approach. Under IFRS, entities must classify expenses by their nature (such as the cost of material used, direct labor incurred, advertising expenses, depreciation expense, and employee benefits) or by their function (such as cost of goods sold, selling expenses, and administrative expenses). Although GAAP does not have such a requirement, the SEC does require a functional filing. While GAAP defines operating income, IFRS does not recognize this key measure. Additionally, extraordinary items are prohibited by IFRS; while, under GAAP, entities must report extraordinary items if they are of an unusual nature and of infrequent occurrence. The portion of profit or loss attributable to the non-controlling interest (or minority interest) is disclosed separately in the IFRS statement of comprehensive income. Additionally, while IFRS identifies certain minimum items that must be presented in the statement of comprehensive income, GAAP does not have minimum reporting requirements. However, the SEC imposes more stringent filing requirements.

Balance sheet presentation is a requirement under both GAAP and IFRS. The most visible difference is how IFRS refers to this statement as “Statement of Financial Position” instead of Balance Sheet. The accounts in the statement of financial position are classified under IFRS, which means that similar items are grouped together to arrive at significant subtotals. In addition, the IASB indicates that the parts and subsections of the financial statements are more informative than the whole; as a result, the IASB does not encourage the reporting of summary accounts per se (eg total assets, total liabilities, etc.). Unlike GAAP, IFRS current assets are generally listed in the reverse order of liquidity. For example, under IFRS, cash is listed last. In addition, most companies under IFRS present current and non-current liabilities as separate classifications in their statements of financial position, except in industries where the presentation of liquidity provides more useful information. It is crucial to point out some important differences in information elements on the balance sheet between GAAP and IFRS.

In the current assets section, inventory is valued differently under IFRS. The use of last in, first out (LIFO) is prohibited under IFRS. Also, unlike GAAP, if inventory is written down based on the lower of cost or market valuation, it can be reversed in a later period up to the amount of the earlier IFRS write-down. In addition, IFRS allow the revaluation of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets and report them as other comprehensive income.

IFRS uses different terminology in the equity section of your statement of financial position. For example, share capital is the par value of issued shares. It includes ordinary shares (called common shares) and preferred shares (called preferred shares). The issue premium under the equity section of IFRS is the excess of the amounts paid over the face value.

A major problem caused by the disparity related to the presentation of GAAP and IFRS financial statements is the lack of uniformity. This issue creates difficulty in comparing financial statements across GAAP and IFRS. As a result, it is rational for US companies that have subsidiaries abroad to convert to IFRS to make it easier for stakeholders to make comparisons and enable them to access global capital markets. However, switching to IFRS may not be beneficial for US small businesses; the conversion will result in incremental costs that could outweigh the benefits.

A felony conviction is generally viewed from an employer’s point of view as a great deterrent. You often have other less qualified people hired instead of you because of your conviction. He may even lower the amount he will be paid because the employer knows he will have trouble finding a job no matter where he goes, causing him to be hired at a “discount.” Below is a list of jobs that are statistically unaffected by having a criminal record. This list includes white-collar jobs, such as office worker, medical assistant, and salesperson, as well as blue-collar jobs, such as mechanic, plumber, and construction worker.

Top 6 Blue/White Collar Jobs For Criminals:

6. Running into a hot dog stand. Don’t underestimate the earning potential of this occupation. If you are starting your own hot dog stand, the investment cost is minimal and with a little hard work it can yield a fairly substantial salary. A decent location can produce around $100 per day in profit after expenses are deducted and an exceptional location can produce more than $250 per day. Some of the most successful stall owners in New York City earn more than $100,000 per year.

5. Work as an ice cream truck driver. Similar to running a hot dog stand, this has the potential to become very lucrative. If you are planning to start your own ice cream truck business, it is recommended that you first work for someone else so that you can learn more about the expenses involved and the hot spots in your area.

4. Entry-level office workers. This position generally does not require a background check to be hired and provides reasonable compensation. There is usually room to move up in a job like this, to an office manager and eventually to a regional office manager.

3. Private detective. The pay for this job is really very good and most of the time they will gladly take on criminals, especially non-violent offenders.

2. Truck driving. If your schedule is flexible and you don’t mind driving for long periods of time, this is one of the best paying jobs you can get that doesn’t require a college degree. Most start at around $40,000 per year and with experience can earn up to $60,000 per year.

1. Take online surveys. These types of websites are often scams, but there are some very legitimate and honest ones out there. Please note that any survey site worth its salt will not have any type of paid membership. These sites won’t make you rich, but it’s a great way to earn money between jobs and supplement your income once you find a job. The best thing about these sites is that they do not discriminate based on your registration and the add-ons are a great way to keep yourself busy while looking for a job.

When applying for jobs, always choose small companies over large corporations. Small businesses are much more likely to provide jobs to convicted felons, as they do not have strict policies prohibiting this type of hiring. You should stay busy while waiting to hear from potential employers so you don’t get discouraged. Taking paid surveys is a great way to stay productive, and since you’re making money, it’s something you can do to make yourself feel good.

“I wish it wasn’t too safe” my father said and then continued “you’re young so go out there and take risks, fail and learn”. That was enough for me to take action towards my goals. Just think about it, you work for your goals and you achieve them, wouldn’t that be amazing? Easier said than done. TRUE? If you don’t give yourself a chance, it will never happen.

What’s worse, we all try to do something to improve our lives. Especially on New Year’s, a lot of people have that ‘new year, new me’ mentality. Oddly enough, they and you followed the same habits to achieve different goals. It’s like eating chicken and expecting the taste of beef. After all the failed attempts, you become useless and start to believe that you don’t have what it takes. The good news? You have what it takes!

However, first things first. The main reason you have failed in the past is this: you set a goal in your mind, read, listen, watch and gather information about it. And you forgot the most important part; The execution. Let’s say you want to play the violin, have an attractive body, or start a business. What is your job? Go for it! You spend so much time learning ‘about’ your goal that you eventually run out of energy for the real goal.

Hesitation is another problem; Do you think I should go for it? Will it be beneficial? Am I going to be successful? What will others think? I have a question for you; How the hell are you going to know the answer without trying? The only thing you should get out of this; you spend too much energy on your goal instead of the goal itself.

Procrastination, I had this problem in the past, I understand you. I usually procrastinate working on my goals; I’ll start working on it after watching this episode. Alright, I’ll just listen to one more music and get started. Guess what happened? Nothing, I wasted my valuable time. And I’ve had enough, you’ve had enough too. Here’s how to take action right now:

First, understand your fears. Yes, the fears and yes, the ones you deny. If you want, you can write them on a piece of paper. But, in general, we are scared of these: failure and what others will think about what we do. The bad news, you’re going to fail, I know for myself, I’ve done it many times. Worse still, it will hurt, but I also have good news. Every time you fail, you learn how to get back up. Certainly, one of the reasons why you are afraid of failure is because you don’t want other people to see it, so you don’t want to fail.

It’s funny, because you’re not their priority, so they don’t think about you as much as you think they think about you. Suppose one of his friends started training in martial arts. He took his new hobby seriously and after training for a couple of months he entered a tournament. Let’s say he was destroyed in the first match of him. How much would you care? Are you going to make fun of him or if so, for how long? As you can see, there is no need for the fear of failure that comes from worrying about the reactions of others.

Second, you must accept failure. There are many ways to embrace failure, in my opinion changing the definition of failure is the easiest. How? Instead of ‘failure’, you can say ‘springboard’, ‘lesson’ or ‘growth opportunity’. The more you fail, the more ‘growth opportunities’ you will have. Trust me, one of those opportunities will work for you, then you will rise like a star. You don’t fail because you take action, you fail because you don’t take action.

Third, you learn along the way. Worst comes first, remember that. Do yourself a favor, have low expectations on your first try. No one was born a professional athlete, wonderful writer, or singer. All successful people put a great deal of effort into their work. There is no secret, you have to do the same if you want to achieve your goal. It’s perfectly fine to think, read, listen, and gather information about what you want to do, however, make sure you have enough energy to put the necessary efforts into your goal. Otherwise, you will not advance.

Fourth, run away from temporary desires as your life depends on it. Temporary desires ruin your life. As you think about one more episode, one more music, or one more night, the other person who is working is winning. If something you do doesn’t help you, then don’t do it. For example, I love listening to music, so I listen to music before work. It starts with that ‘just one more’ or ‘well this is the last’ sentence, believe me, it’s more than one more or the last. When I started writing instead of listening to music, I found myself writing until 2 am So just start!

The last one, take your time. It is good to visualize your success and it motivates you, however, you should only take one step at a time. When it comes to achieving something, you can’t start from the top. Do not try to be on top at the beginning of the trip, as I said before, have low expectations at the beginning.

If you keep thinking about what you want to do, you will doubt, fear and procrastinate more. Which will not bring any positive result. On the other hand, if you start doing what you want to do right now, you will eventually get some results (good or bad). More than that, if you keep trying, you will eventually get the desired result.
What are you waiting for? Go for it!

Did you know that 1 in 10 traders lose money in the financial markets when trading?

Despite the damning statistics and the uncertainty inherent in trading results, traders continue to take risks and invest their money in the hope of a return.

Experienced traders and interested parties have highlighted various ways in which traders lose money. From this information, we’ve selected the top ways traders fail that can help you avoid making the same mistakes.

trade to learn

Most traders who have suffered losses due to their trading experience admit that they started trading without receiving any formal training from a professional. Armed with only basic information about the markets, some people invest and begin trading in the ignorant hope that luck will be on their side. Instead of learning how to trade, these investors start trading to learn how the markets work. This reverse prioritization of events leads to insurmountable losses, making it difficult for the trader to recover lost money.

Risk management

Understanding the risk level of a trade and the risk category in which investments are placed is the first step in avoiding losing money when trading. Carrying out a risk assessment of investment opportunities in the market allows a trader to determine the leverage they have against the investment and whether it is worth betting using the leverage. Without a risk assessment, a trader can bet on a portfolio that carries a high risk premium and end up losing leverage among other losses.

Money Management

Due to a lack of money management skills, traders hold their bets for too long or release them too quickly. Therefore, despite making a profit from a transaction, the trader ends up losing money.

transaction costs

Like any other investment, trading has its operating costs that must be taken into account when generating a profit and loss statement. A trader can lose money despite having a positive return in a trading period based on the costs incurred during the period. The adjusted transaction costs deducted include taxes, fees, and utility bills, among other resources, including time spent trading and performing other trade-related activities.

tools of the trade

Markets are time-sensitive and data-intensive platforms. Traders who have the right data at the right time are more likely to win than others in the same market. The lack of tools for efficient data reporting and analysis causes some traders to make trading decisions ex-post. For example, having slow internet can hamper merchant efficiency and therefore a merchant will make decisions using delayed data feeds.


Lastly, traders lose money because they lack a trading strategy, or if they do have one, they deviate from the plan. For example, a trader without a diversified portfolio is likely to lose money due to a lack of spread of risk. Consequently, trading without a limit order or take profit order exposes the trader’s positions to greater risk of losing money in the hope of a “miracle” at any time.

So how do I avoid losing money?

With the basics on how traders lose money, it’s paramount that you understand how best to avoid these problems by learning how to become a successful investor.