Category Archive : Business

Cupons e ofertas Gshopper Electronics

Gshopper oferece descontos e vendas durante todo o ano. Estes podem ser encontrados em seu site e plataformas de mídia social, bem como através de outras fontes. Esses descontos podem economizar muito dinheiro para os clientes.

O Gshopper também apresenta um programa de referência que recompensa os compradores por indicarem outras pessoas ao site. Esses incentivos podem incluir cartões-presente e reembolso.

Pacote de cupons

Se você deseja economizar em suas compras, pode usar um cupom Gshopper. Esses códigos estão disponíveis online e podem ser usados para obter descontos em uma variedade de produtos. O site também oferece descontos especiais e promoções em itens de férias. Sua colaboração com marcas estabelecidas como Xiaomi, Realme e Roborock permite que os clientes comprem produtos de alta qualidade a um preço mais baixo.


Usar um cupom no Gshopper é fácil. Basta digitar o código no checkout e seu desconto será aplicado automaticamente. Para encontrar o melhor cupom para você, navegue em uma lista de todos os códigos disponíveis no site e selecione aquele que se adapta às suas necessidades. Alguns cupons podem não funcionar, então certifique-se de testá-los antes de fazer uma compra.

Para acompanhar as ofertas mais recentes, inscreva-se no boletim informativo por e-mail do Gshopper. Isso permitirá que você receba novos cupons e promoções assim que estiverem disponíveis. Você também pode seguir o Gshopper no Facebook, Twitter e Instagram para obter os descontos e ofertas mais atualizados. Ocasionalmente, você pode até obter um cupom conectando-se ao suporte de bate-papo ao vivo da empresa.

Compras online

Se você está procurando uma forma de economizar nas suas compras online, o Gshopper é uma excelente opção. Esteja você comprando eletrônicos, roupas ou artigos para casa, o Gshopper oferece uma variedade de códigos de cupom e descontos. No entanto, alguns cupons têm restrições, como valor mínimo de compra ou são válidos apenas em determinados países. Além disso, algumas lojas também oferecem descontos sem o uso de cupom. Por exemplo, a Black Friday é um evento popular que oferece grandes descontos em vários produtos.

A loja online GShopper comercializa uma vasta gama de produtos eletrónicos, incluindo telemóveis e acessórios. Seu catálogo de produtos inclui produtos de marcas consagradas, como Xiaomi e Realme. A empresa também carrega produtos de marcas menos conhecidas.

A Gshopper é uma das lojas online mais populares dos Estados Unidos, oferecendo uma grande variedade de eletrônicos e outros utensílios domésticos a preços acessíveis. Para encontrar as melhores ofertas, certifique-se de comparar preços em outras plataformas de comércio eletrônico antes de fazer sua compra. Você também pode usar sites de comparação de preços e extensões de navegador para ajudá-lo a identificar os melhores preços.

Comércio eletrônico

O Gshopper é uma das maiores plataformas de e-commerce que oferece uma experiência de compra inesquecível. Colabora com marcas estabelecidas, incluindo Xiaomi, realme e Roborock, para garantir produtos de qualidade a um preço mais baixo do que você encontraria em outras lojas online. Ele também oferece garantia e frete grátis para todos os produtos. Os clientes também podem subscrever newsletters para se manterem atualizados sobre novas ofertas e promoções.

Quando se trata de compras online, cada cliente tem prioridades diferentes. Alguns podem estar procurando por uma oferta ou marca específica, enquanto outros estão apenas interessados em comprar produtos de boa qualidade a um preço acessível. Além do Gshopper, existem várias outras grandes lojas de descontos, como o EveryMarket, que oferecem uma experiência de compra única.

Tanto o Gshopper quanto o EveryMarket têm uma ampla seleção de eletrônicos, incluindo smartphones, smartwatches e tablets de fabricantes populares como Apple e Samsung. Eles também vendem uma variedade de acessórios e outros produtos. Além disso, ambos os sites fornecem atendimento ao cliente, permitindo que os clientes relatem quaisquer problemas que encontrarem no site. Isso é importante para garantir que você obtenha o melhor produto possível pelo seu dinheiro.

Cupons de desconto

O Gshopper oferece uma ampla seleção de eletrônicos de todo o mundo. Sua plataforma de comércio eletrônico completa facilita a localização de produtos de alta qualidade do Japão, Coréia, França e Estados Unidos. A empresa também oferece muitas maneiras de economizar dinheiro em seu pedido, incluindo frete grátis e cupons.

Se você deseja obter as melhores ofertas em eletrônicos Gshopper, é importante saber como usar os códigos de cupom. Primeiro, você precisará se inscrever nos boletins informativos por e-mail. Isso lhe dará acesso a descontos e ofertas especiais disponíveis apenas para assinantes.

Você também pode usar sites de cashback para receber dinheiro de volta em suas compras. Esses serviços reembolsam uma porcentagem do preço de sua compra e são gratuitos para participar. Assim que sua transação for concluída, o valor reembolsado será automaticamente depositado em sua conta Yajny.

Para usar um código promocional Gshopper, basta inseri-lo na caixa fornecida na página de checkout e clicar em “Aplicar código”. Você poderá ver a economia no total do carrinho. Os cupons e códigos promocionais do Gshopper são atualizados regularmente, portanto, verifique novamente


O Gshopper oferece uma ampla gama de oportunidades de economia, incluindo cupons, códigos de desconto e reembolso. Esses serviços podem economizar uma quantia significativa de dinheiro para os clientes ao fazer compras online. Além disso, o site oferece frete grátis para muitos produtos. Além disso, oferece um programa de fidelidade que recompensa os clientes com pontos ou milhas por cada compra.

Outra forma de economizar no Gshopper é comparando preços. Usar sites de comparação de preços ou extensões de navegador pode ajudá-lo a identificar as melhores ofertas e economizar em suas compras. Além disso, você pode economizar ainda mais comprando itens a granel. Esta é uma ótima maneira de obter produtos de qualidade a um preço acessível.

Gshopper oferece uma ampla variedade de produtos, incluindo eletrônicos de países ao redor do mundo, como Japão, Coréia e França. Também oferece uma grande variedade de produtos de beleza e cuidados pessoais, além de suplementos alimentares e nutricionais. Além disso, oferece roupas para todas as estações, além de produtos para gestantes e crianças. Além disso, oferece uma variedade de outros produtos que não estão disponíveis em outros lugares.

One of the highlights for the US Islamic home finance industry began in February 2007. The Federal Home Mortgage Loan Corporation (Freddie Mac) sent out a press release announcing that it would no longer purchase the riskier subprime mortgages or mortgage-backed securities. Two months after the announcement, a leading subprime mortgage lender filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection. Three months after that bankruptcy filing, financial institutions nationwide warned of “difficult conditions” ahead. Manifestations of such difficult conditions appeared on the financial market horizon when once well-established mortgage companies suddenly began filing for Chapter 11. Similar circumstances came to the UK when the Bank of England approved an authorization to provide liquidity support to Northern Rock, the fifth largest mortgage lender in the country. Five months later, the UK Treasury became the owner of Northern Rock.

Until that time, the severity of these “difficult conditions” was not fully understood by the majority of the population. In late 2008, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York was authorized to lend $85 billion to AIG. This was the beginning of the most severe recession in the United States since the Great Depression. What followed was a chain reaction that led to an unprecedented global financial crisis, as the world suffered from rising unemployment, rampant foreclosures, and severe skepticism of financial instruments.

This led to a renewed focus on an unknown market segment that seemed comparatively more stable and, importantly, much more ethical: the Islamic financial sector. From the financial centers of Malaysia to the Middle East, passing through more than seventy countries, Islamic finance in the US rose from $5 billion in the 1980s to $1 trillion in 2010. This phenomenal growth called the attention of global investors seeking to safeguard their investments through more ethical and reliable financial instruments. When workers in the financial sector realized that these Shariah-compliant instruments avoided many of the worst effects of the global financial crisis, they became an attractive investment vehicle to support a more diverse portfolio. The Shariah compliant financial sector has avoided investing in predatory lending businesses and excessively leveraged financial instruments due to the strict ethical nature of the Shariah governance system. The media and news began covering this ancient but unknown industry in the hope of learning from the mistakes of the mainstream banking sector.

The concept of the modern Islamic financial services industry has its roots in the principles of Islamic legal jurisprudence dealing with financial transactions, a branch of Islamic jurisprudence called Fiqh Al Muamalat. Fiqh Al Muamalat is a framework under Islamic Law that outlines the conduct of Muslims in commercial or economic endeavors. Islamic financial products and regulations are based on specific injunctions in the Qur’an that prohibit certain features of financial transaction patterns and related economic activities.

The Qur’an forbids interest, also called usury or riba. The underlying reasoning is that Islam views lending as an act of charity to help another member of society in their time of need; therefore, it is strictly forbidden to take advantage of someone’s difficulties. In the conventional banking system, when interest is charged on a loan, the risk of that transaction is transferred to the borrower, while the lender profits from the transaction based on interest. There is no consideration for the hardship endured by the borrower in case he suffers any loss from the transaction.

By its nature, Shariah law prohibits unethical financial practices. It also promotes the distribution of wealth among all people to reduce poverty and inequality. This is manifested in the prohibition of activities such as excessive speculation, gambling and investment in products harmful to society according to Islamic law (alcohol, pornography, etc.). The structure of Islamic financial products and services, especially its ban on speculative transactions, has helped the industry escape most of the adverse effects of the global financial crisis. The governance model of Islamic financial institutions has been praised as an ethical alternative by institutions such as the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank. Economic experts have suggested that Islamic financial principles can be harnessed to promote financial inclusion that improves the quality of life in developing countries. Islamic financial principles can also contribute to financial stability and economic development around the world.

It’s no secret that business loans are not easy to obtain, especially for smaller ones with no or bad credit. However, there are a variety of options available, and once you decide which solution is right for you, you can start preparing. Getting a business loan can help your business grow, expand, improve marketing efforts, fund new research and product development, etc.

Is your business solvent? Ultimately, lenders make the decision whether or not to grant a loan based on the risk profile and credit history of the borrower. They will look at factors such as:

• Credit report and score

• Assets in the business

• Any outstanding loans and cash flow

• Your investors

• Years in business

• Financial statements

If you are just starting out or if your business does not have the best credit history, it will be more difficult to obtain a loan. You will most likely have to put up something as collateral and have to deal with higher interest rates. This is also one of the reasons why you have to submit a list of your assets for lenders to review, so they know what to look for if you end up defaulting on the loan.

Financial review when obtaining a business loan

Your cash flow and outstanding loans will be reviewed to determine if you will actually be able to repay the current loans you are already obligated to repay AND any new loans you may be given (plus interest).

You will need to determine for yourself how much money you will need to apply for and why. Every dollar you ask for must be justified. As mentioned above, there are a variety of reasons why businesses are interested in obtaining a business loan, whether it’s to manage day-to-day expenses or to invest in new equipment. You don’t want to just “estimate” how much you’ll need, or you could end up with more debt than necessary or less money than you really need. It will take some time to figure everything out based on detailed cost projections and how much you can afford in monthly payments plus interest.

If you haven’t in a while, be sure to check your credit. If your business is already established and you have borrowed money before, you will have a business credit score. If you haven’t been in business very long, check your own personal credit score, as lenders who make loans to start-up businesses will likely want to see it.

This information will help you get started with obtaining a business loan. It’s a good idea to visit US Business Funding as the site will help you find the financing you need and has a 95% approval rate.

All over the world on February 14, many flowers, cards and gifts will be exchanged between loved ones as it is celebrated as Valentine’s Day.

However, the history of why we celebrate this day is a mystery.

The Valentine’s Day tradition mixes elements of both ancient Roman rites and Christian tradition. Just to confuse things even more, the Catholic Church recognizes three different saints named Valentine.

A legend is that Valentine was a priest in Rome during the third century. Emperor Claudius II decreed that marriage was forbidden for young men, as he thought single men made better soldiers than those married to families.

Valentine, felt that the decree was unfair and unjust, and defied the Emperor by performing secret marriages for the young lovers. When his actions for the undercover lovers were discovered, Claudius ordered Valentine executed. Variations of this legend say that Valentine was sentenced to death for trying to help other Christians escape harsh Roman prisons where they were often tortured.

According to another legend, Valentine may have sent the first “Valentine’s” greeting himself in AD 270. C., the day before he was executed for refusing to renounce his Christian beliefs. He allegedly sent a thank you note to his jailer’s blind daughter for bringing him food and delivering messages while he was incarcerated, signed “from your Valentine.”

While we can never be sure of the true origin of the Saint Valentine legend, one thing is for sure, it must have been an enduring and endearing story because by the Middle Ages, Valentine had become one of the most popular saints in France. and Great Britain.

The temporary observance of their saint’s day may have been prompted by the common practice of trying to integrate earlier pagan festivals into the Christian calendar. in this case, the festival of the Lupercalias.

In ancient Rome, February was seen as the beginning of spring and was considered a time of purification. Houses were ritually cleaned by sweeping them and then sprinkling salt and wheat all over the interiors (we still refer to spring cleaning to this day).

Beginning on the ‘Ides (15) of February’, Lupercalia was a fertility festival dedicated to the agricultural god Lupercus and the goddess of love, Juno, as well as the Roman founders Romulus and Remus. Roman maidens placed their names in an urn set up in public squares and unmarried young men drew from it to get a ‘blind date’ for the next year. More often than not, these annual matches often ended in marriage.

Valentine’s Day was established on February 14 by Pope Gelasius, around AD 500. At that time, the ‘lottery’ system for romantic dating was considered non-Christian and had been banned. During the Middle Ages, the practice of love lotteries continued as ‘Cajas de Azar’. In France, box draws allocate couples one year to marry or separate from the company. In England, it was common practice for men to wear the girl’s name drawn from lucky boxes on her sleeve, surrounded by a heart.

Also at this time, it was commonly believed in parts of England and France that February 14 marked the start of the mating season for birds, furthering the notion that Valentine’s Day should be a day for romance. .

Valentine’s messages began to appear in the early 15th century, and even in these formative times they were often given anonymously, perhaps remembering the unknown recipients of Roman lotteries.

The oldest known Valentine’s Day still in existence today was a poem written by Charles, Duke of Orleans, to his wife while imprisoned in the Tower of London following his capture at the Battle of Agincourt. The greeting, which was written in 1415, is part of the manuscript collection at the British Library in London.

In the United Kingdom, Valentine’s Day became a popular celebration around the 17th century. It continued to take hold, with the familiar lines “roses are red, violets are blue” making their debut sometime in the 17th century. In the 1850s, it was common for lovers of all walks of life to give their loved ones small gifts or handwritten letters. At the same time, in France, people began to decorate their Valentine’s cards with ribbons and lace.

In the early 20th century, handwritten letters gave way to cards, as advances in printing technology improved the quality of printed cards. At the time, it was culturally discouraged for people to show their emotions in as direct a way as a letter, so a printed card was a more acceptable method. More affordable postage costs and the increasing use of the postal system likely contributed to the rise in popularity of the Valentine’s card.

Americans probably began exchanging handmade valentines with verses in the early 18th century. In the mid-19th century, the first mass-produced Valentine’s cards began to go on sale in the United States. Miss Esther Howland, artist and businesswoman, became the first regular publisher of Valentine’s cards in the United States. Often referred to as ‘Mother Valentine’, Miss Howland designed many elaborate creations using lace, ribbon and colorful patterns known as ‘junk’. Her cards typically cost between $5 and $10 each, with some going as high as $35, surprisingly expensive for the time.

The Greeting Card Association estimates that if we include Valentine’s cards from children’s classrooms, more than a billion Valentine’s cards will be opened this year. Valentine’s Day is the second busiest time of the year for cards to be sent, accounting for 25% of all seasonal card sales (Christmas accounts for 60%).

It is estimated that women buy 80 percent of all Valentine’s cards, which means that a large proportion of men are forgetful or not very romantic when it comes to reciprocating. Valentine’s Day is celebrated in the US, Canada, Mexico, UK, France and Australia, and its popularity is increasing in many other parts of the world.

Facts about Valentine’s Day Cards (from the Greeting Card Association)

Approximately 25% of individual Valentine’s cards are humorous, with adults under the age of 35 being the most likely to send humorous cards. Valentine’s Day is the biggest eCard-sending occasion of the year. An estimated 14 million e-valentines will be sent in 2008. Greeting cards are traditionally the most popular Valentine’s Day gift in the US, surpassing chocolates, flowers or dinner. American men may take Valentine’s Day more seriously than women. In a 2007 GCA national survey, 45% of women said they would probably give their partner a fun Valentine’s Day, compared to just 34% of men. The percentage of individual valentines exchanged by mail compared to hand delivery is about 50-50. Red is the most popular color choice for Valentine’s cards, followed by pink, and then white. Hearts, roses, Cupid and lace are traditional icons of Valentine’s cards.

If you are running a business or planning to launch a startup, one of the crucial steps is how to harness the power of signage to increase your visibility. A well-designed and creative sign can make a world of difference when it comes to visibility and exposure. It is important for a company to differentiate itself from the competition. It is the best way to achieve sustainable growth in a competitive environment. People like to buy from a well-established, reputable business. Signage is a way to build authority and commitment.

Billboards, whether indoor or outdoor, serve as a silent salesperson, a link between customers and businesses. They are valuable assets that can provide a number of benefits. Indoor signage is a great example of how a static display can provide customers with the information they need to make a purchasing decision.

Companies are increasingly using digital channels to promote their products and services. However, they still rely heavily on offline physical advertising to help attract local customers. Signage is undoubtedly a very important advertising strategy for local and small businesses and retail stores.

Most small business owners do not pay due attention to the effectiveness of their posters. It is not recommended to install generic signs without brand elements. The purpose is to stand out so that people can differentiate themselves. There are some basic principles that can make your advertising efforts more effective.

Location is important when it comes to signage placement. People passing by your location should be able to clearly see your presence and know who you are and what you offer. As an effective form of visual communication, facility signage has already contributed to the success of thousands of businesses.

You are missing a great opportunity if you think signage is not important. A study reveals that people attach considerable importance to the appearance of a business. Your retail store presence or outlook should be only as good as your products or services.

Think strategically when building a signage strategy for your business. You need to know your audience and your advertising goals well. Signage is an advertising and branding tool that can help you generate an additional 75% to your customer base. All advertising components such as content, visual appearance, placement, size, etc. due attention should be paid. You can hire a trusted signage company for fast, effective signage solutions at affordable prices.

Learn Japanese the easy way! Your Japanese is progressing very well. But, there is still a lot to learn. Do you know how to politely ask someone not to do something? For example, can you say “Please don’t smoke here” in Japanese? Also, if you want to ask someone not to drink, you need to know how to refer to alcohol in Japanese.

You’ll find everything you need right here in this Japanese for Beginners article! You will learn how to politely ask someone not to do something using Naide Kusasai. Master the Japanese words for “say”, “write”, “wait” and much, much more. As a bonus, learn kakkowarui and kakkoowarui to talk about the uncool, and benefit, which means “alcohol” in Japanese. This is a cool Japanese item!

Vocabulary: In this Japanese article, you will learn the following words and phrases:

suu – “to smoke, to inhale” (class 1 verb)

urusai – “noisy, noisy” (i-adjective)

kuroozetto – “cupboard”

Oh good – “alcohol, sake”

dasu – “take out, produce” (class 1 verb)

nice – “ear”

fuzakeru – “fool around” (class 2 verb)

hontoo ni – “really, truly” (adverb)

komaru – “to be upset, to have a problem” (class 1 verb)

I – “to speak, to say” (class 1 verb)

chi – “blood”

taoreru – “to fall, to collapse” (class 2 verb)

utsu – “hit” (class 1 verb)

kakko warui – “unattractive, uncool” (i-adjective)

Grammar: In this Japanese article, you will learn the following words and phrases:

Vocabulary and useful phrases

Oh good

Benefit usually means “alcohol” in general. Often follows the polite prefix Oh. Japanese “rice wine” is called nihon shu.

  1. benefit – “alcohol”
  2. nihon shu – “Japanese rice wine” / “sake”


kakko is a shortened form of kakkoomeaning “form”, “appearance” or “mode”. warui means “bad” in English and is a -Yo final adjective. kakkowarui gold kakkoowarui it’s a -Yo final adjective that corresponds to “uncool”, “unattractive” or “ugly” in English. The opposite word is kakkoii gold kakkoyoi. See article for newbies Nihongo Doojoo – Welcome to Style You 13 for more details!

today’s goal phrase

Fuzakenaide kudasai.

We call the conjugation of verbs “-born form” or “non-past simple negative form” is today’s grammar point. By adding by kudasai after the –born form of a verb, one can ask someone to refrain from doing something.

Non-Past Simple Negative Verb Conjugation (from dictionary form)

class 1 verbs (-to verbs)

  1. Drops the final -u sound
  2. Add-born

“English” / dictionary form / simple negative form

“write” / kaku / kakanai

“talk” / hanasoo / hanasanai

“wait” / matsu / Matanai

“die” / shinu / shinanai

“to drink” / name / nomanai

“to make” / tsukuru / tsukuranai

“swim” / oyogu / oyoganai

“invite” / I bu / yobanai

For class 1 verbs that have dictionary forms ending in hiragana youwe add –wanai rather anai.

class 2 verbs (-you verbs)

  1. drop the finale you sound
  2. Add born

“English” / dictionary form / simple negative form

“eat” / taberu / tabenai

“sleep” / neru / babe

class 3 verbs (irregular verbs)

“English” / dictionary form / simple negative form

“do” / sure / Shinai

“come” / kuru / konai


“English” / dictionary form / simple negative form

“exist” / aru / born

Naide Kusasai. / Please do not do it—.

[non-past plain negative form of a verb] + kudasai.

“Please no [verb].”

We use this sentence pattern to make a polite request not to do something.

Prayers from today’s Dialogue:

  1. suu “smoke” (class 1suwanai)
    Tabako or suwanaide kudasai.

    “Please don’t smoke.”

  2. akeru “open” (class 2akenai)
    Kuroozetto or akenaide kudasai.

    “Please don’t open the closet.”

  3. name “to drink” (class 1nomanai)
    O-sake or nomanaide kudasai.

    “Please don’t drink alcohol.”

  4. dasu “to produce” (class 1dasanai)
    Ookii koe or dasanaide kudasai.

    “Please don’t speak loud.”

  5. fuzakeru “kidding” (class 2fuzakenai)
    Fuzakenaide kudasai.

    “Please don’t joke.”

  6. I “say calculate” (class 1iwanai)
    Iwanaide kudasai.

    “Please don’t say/say something.”

Practice 1: Fill in the blanks to complete the chart.

“English” / dictionary form / Simple Negative Form / Masu form

“hear” / kiku / kikanai / kikimasu

“to end” / kasu / kasanai / kashimasu

“stand” / tatanai / tatanai / tachimasu

“read” / Yomu / Yomanai / yomimasu

“grasp” / wakaru / wakaranai / wakarimasu

“eat” / taberoo / tabenai / tabemasu

“do” / sure / Shinai / shimasu

“come” / kuru / konai / kimasu

practice 2:

Rewrite the sentences using the –naide kudasai construction.

1) terebi o miru

2) eigo or hanasu *eigo (*English)

3) war * war (* to laugh)

j stewart willis He grew up in Alexandria, Virginia and attended the United States Military Academy, graduating in 1958 and serving twenty-five years in the Army. During that time, he served in Taiwan and then Vietnam as a signal officer with the 173rd Airborne Brigade. During his Army career, he attended graduate school at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, where he earned an M.A. and a Ph.D. in physics. He served as a professor of physics at the United States Military Academy for sixteen years before retiring from the Army in 1983. He then worked for TRW Inc. as a manager on communications projects and the Department of Energy’s Yucca Mountain Nuclear Waste Project. , Snowfall. During this time, he lived in Rappahannock County, Virginia, where he has lived ever since. There he served as the elected mayor of Washington, Virginia (often referred to as “Little Washington”) for nine years. He currently lives in Sperryville, Virginia with Charlie, his greyhound/borzoi mix.

Welcome back, Stewart. For new readers, you can find my previous interview with J. Stewart Willis about his first novel, Gestation Seven, at Today we are going to talk about his latest book, deadly highway. What is this story about?

The story centers on the staff of the East Coast division of a major technology company preparing a proposal for a major contract for a highway to replace the Interstate Highway System. The contract will be worth potentially millions of dollars, and perhaps billions for many years, and will secure the future of the company, as well as its new East Coast vice president. As a result, there is enormous pressure on the proposal manager and his internal competitive staff to win the bid. The book involves not only the development of the proposal, but also the competitive and fierce actions and interactions of the staff and their wives.

How did you come up with the idea for this book?

I try to write my books on topics or approaches to topics that are not normally covered in novels. In my past, I worked for a technology company and was involved in the development of three proposals. Although my experiences developing those proposals were

constructive and friendly, the idea of ​​a proposal developed in a more bitter environment seemed to provide the opportunity for the development of a novel. That atmosphere, very different from my own experience, is what I have portrayed in Deadly Highway.

Tell us about a couple of your most colorful characters. What motivates them?

charlie hendricks he is a recently retired army colonel trying to establish himself in the industry and competing with the more established employees of the tech company. He is a man who wants to be where the action is and suffers to some degree in the red tape atmosphere.

linda hendricks she is a woman who has been a military wife for twenty years and has suffered because her husband was in Iraq and Afghanistan for three tours while she raises their two children. In her frustration with what she considers a boring life, she has an affair that she regrets.

Bella Fortiano she is the wife of a former employee of the technology company. Over the years, by sleeping with the proposal manager and supplying the manager’s wife with drugs, she has protected and supported her husband’s position in the company. When she discovers Linda Hendricks’ affair, she uses it to blackmail her husband’s new competitor.

How do you create your characters? Are they inspired by real people?

Some of the characters are loosely based on some of the people I met in the military and in the industry as a starting point, but I went with my imagination from there. Fortunately, I haven’t really met any of them.

Which character do you relate to the most and why?

Charlie Hendricks, because I retired from the military and went into industry.

What is it about corporate politics that inspires such creative plots?

The policies in the book are a bit extreme, but I have known managers who were very competitive, along with their wives, in working in friendship with their bosses.

I was intrigued by some of the ideas your characters came up with to build a new road system, especially some of the methods for guiding and controlling traffic using technology. Is this the realistic future?

I believe the concept of driverless cars will govern the road design of the future and hopefully the software involved will enable general control of traffic on the roads to improve safety.

How extensive was your research for this novel, particularly as it relates to the construction of a highway system?

I mainly reviewed government regulations associated with acquisitions. Driverless cars, of course, receive extensive discussion in the media that we all read.

What have you learned since you wrote your first book, pregnancy seven?

I think people want stronger characters. The gestation was about a young man overcome by circumstances and surviving in that atmosphere.

Being an author these days involves more than just writing great books: what are you doing to promote yourself and your book, and what has been your biggest challenge?

I have spent an incredible amount of money with “professional” sellers to little effect. I do book signings, but the impact is small. I also work on Twitter and Facebook, but my contacts there are usually other writers with the same problems I have. The whole process is competitive and difficult.

What do you like most about being a writer?

Hearing someone say they enjoyed my book.

Do you have a muse? How does it motivate you?

No. I’ve had ideas in mind for years and now I’m trying to put them on paper.

Have you ever experienced writer’s block? If so, how do you get over it?

No. My books to date have followed what happens over time. As a result, I only write what happens next.

What can you tell us about your writing process?

I have some ideas to develop and then I just sit down and write linearly to include those ideas.

Whats Next? Do you have another project in progress?

I am currently working on a book titled “Three Degrees Fahrenheit, and Rising” set in the year 2087. At the time some of the coastal lowlands of the US find.

Taking what you’ve learned with two novels under your belt, what advice can you give aspiring authors?

Since I haven’t had much success so far, I am reluctant to give advice. I think I have written interesting books and received good feedback on them. You have to get people to read your books. With the thousands of books out there, that’s hard to do.

Do you have a website or blog (or both) where readers can learn more about you and your books?

My website is

How can readers connect with you on social media?

On Facebook: J Stewart Willis

On Twitter: @jstewartwillis7

Is there anything else you would like to add?

If you write, enjoy writing. Be careful spending money on marketing. The cost can eat you alive.

Most people believe that they are entitled to complete privacy on the phone, as long as, of course, they walk into a room alone and close the door. At home, this makes sense. At work, however, calls are often recorded.

Many people are already used to this concept by calling as a customer. When you call a business to speak with a sales associate or customer service representative, you often hear the phrase “calls may be recorded for quality assurance.” This message is always for the client. The client needs to be informed. An employee must wait for it. However, it is better to inform your employees that they may be recorded, just to be safe.

If you are an employer, then you are paying any staff member who uses the phone to represent your company. You are paying them for their professionalism and you are paying for communication costs. Call recording gives you the opportunity to monitor the quality of your customer service and improve training.

Unfortunately, you may come across employees who don’t care too much that they should be working or their attitude and tone make your company look bad. However, the knowledge that your phone calls may be eavesdropped tends to curb potential problems.

In this day and age, almost everyone has a cell phone. This means that if an employee needs to make a personal or private phone call, he has the ability to use her cell phone. However, if your company does not allow cell phones, there may definitely be times when an employee needs to make a personal call using your company’s business line. In this circumstance, it is better for employees if they are aware of privacy concerns, so that they can choose to keep personal information offline.

Most hosted phone systems will record calls automatically. This can be for both outgoing and incoming calls. This call recording is legal in the workplace as long as individual employees are not targeted.

A great advantage of recording phone calls in the workplace is that the employer has the opportunity to find, identify and correct problems with the behavior of employees. One of the most effective ways to tell if your employee is doing her job over the phone is to listen to her performance. One of the surest ways to know how a customer is feeling is to listen to them. Recording your company’s phone calls gives you and your training staff the information to make sure your employees and customers get the support they need.

Here are 5 methods to save $1000 in an emergency fund, while erasing debt. It is very important to have an emergency fund to deal with all those disasters in life that usually arise at the most inopportune moment. Having an emergency fund gives you the freedom to face a crisis with some calm and reassurance. With money in the bank for an emergency, you won’t have to resort to credit cards for repairs and there will be no stress about how to pay for it.

It is important to establish an emergency fund fairly quickly. And the best way to start is to set a goal. So set a small goal to start with so it’s more achievable. $1000 is a good starting emergency fund.

Here are 5 methods to save $1000:

1.Automatic transfer. Set it up so that $100 is automatically transferred to your emergency fund savings account each month. Determine if it is best to make the transfer at the beginning, middle, or end of each month. This will differ for each family based on when you are paid and when your various bills are due.

2. Save $20 in cash each week. If you are getting out of debt, you must commit to not using credit cards and using cash for purchases. When you get your change back, grab a few bucks here and there and put them aside. Try to “find” $20 a week that you can save for your emergency fund. Include even the loose change you find in this exercise. $20 per week will equal about $100 per month.

3. Temporary part-time work. Get a part-time job to quickly earn your $1,000. Seasonal work often fits this bill. During the summer, take a summer job in the evenings or on weekends. During the fall, many retail stores advertise temporary help to get you through the holiday season. These seasonal jobs are a perfect way to earn money and not be forced to stay at the job or company long term. These types of jobs only last a couple of months and you can probably earn your $1000 within that time frame.

4. Offer your services. If you have a skill set that can easily be put to good use in a part-time side job, you can earn some easy money working nights and weekends from home. Web development, bookkeeping, tax preparation, even helping with spreadsheets are just a few examples that fit into this category. Look at websites like where you can bid on small jobs and earn a couple hundred bucks. Or start advertising your services on bulletin boards or by word of mouth.

5. Sell something. Find something in your house that you can probably get more than $100 for and sell it. Sell ​​it on eBay or Craigslist. Or advertise it in your local newspaper. Even a car with a blown engine that you don’t want anymore should fetch a couple hundred bucks.


Do any of these or a combination of them and you can quickly get up to $1000 and the start of your emergency fund. Stay committed and you could go much further. But the benefit is that you will have created an initial emergency fund where you had nothing before.


These steps will require time on your part to implement. This is not free money. The cost is your time and energy. However, these are short-term actions that don’t have to last forever. Your goal here is to quickly build an emergency fund or at least start one.

So start building an emergency fund by automatically transferring money, save loose change, get a temporary part-time job, offer your services, or sell something. You can build your emergency fund, erase debtand then build some wealth.

광주 룸살롱은 손상모나

광주 룸살롱은 반복적인 샴푸, 스크럽, 브러싱을 피하는 것 외에도 손상되거나 과도하게 처리된 모발에 핫 오일 트리트먼트를 제공합니다. 올리브, 피마자 또는 코코넛과 같은 오일을 머리카락에 바르고 가열하고 씻어내는 작업이 포함됩니다. 이것은 당신의 머리를 부드럽고 관리하기 쉽게 만들 수 있습니다.

5·18민주화운동(광주항쟁) 당시 군에 의해 가혹한 대우를 받은 시민 시위대를 치료하기 위해 사용되었던 버려진 군병원에 위치한 이곳은 2018년 비엔날레의 새 위성 프로그램인 “상상의 테두리.” 영국 예술가 Mike Nelson, 프랑스 예술가 Kader Attia, 태국 실험 영화 제작자 Apichatpong Weerasethakul은 각각 병원에서 장소 특정 작업을 만들었습니다.


광주룸살롱은 번화한 도시 광주에서 유명한 뷰티 명소로 다양한 요구에 부응하는 포괄적인 뷰티 트리트먼트와 서비스를 제공하기 위해 최선을 다하고 있습니다. 광주 룸살롱은 피부 관리에 대한 전문 지식과 함께 손상되거나 과도하게 처리된 모발을 다루기 위해 특별히 고안된 트리트먼트를 포함하여 전문 헤어 트리트먼트도 제공합니다. 숙련된 헤어 스타일리스트 팀과 프리미엄 헤어 케어 제품 사용에 중점을 둔 광주 룸살롱은 모발을 최적의 상태로 복원하고 젊어지게 하는 것을 목표로 합니다.

광주 룸살롱은 손상모나 과처리된 모발에 트리트먼트를 제공하나요?

시간이 지남에 따라 과도한 열 스타일링, 화학 처리 및 환경 스트레스 요인과 같은 요인으로 인해 모발이 칙칙하고 부서지기 쉽고 활력이 부족해 보일 수 있습니다. 손상되거나 과도하게 처리된 모발을 가진 개인이 직면한 어려움을 이해하는 광주룸살롱은 이러한 문제를 효과적으로 해결할 수 있는 맞춤형 헤어 트리트먼트를 제공합니다.

광주룸살롱에 오시면 손상모나 과처리된 모발을 가지고 계신 고객님들이 경험이 풍부한 헤어디자이너와 꼼꼼한 상담을 진행합니다. 이 단계를 통해 스타일리스트는 모발의 상태를 평가하고 고객의 우려 사항을 이해하며 가장 적합한 치료 옵션을 추천할 수 있습니다. 광주 룸살롱은 고객 개개인의 모발에 특별한 관심과 관리가 필요하다는 점을 이해하고 개인 맞춤형 솔루션을 제공하는 데 자부심을 가지고 있습니다.

광주 룸살롱의 인기 헤어 트리트먼트 중 하나는 딥 컨디셔닝 트리트먼트입니다. 이 집중 트리트먼트는 수분 보충, 모낭에 영양 공급, 손상된 가닥 복구에 중점을 둡니다. 케라틴, 아르간 오일, 비타민 등 유익한 성분이 풍부하게 함유된 프리미엄 헤어케어 제품이 모발에 꼼꼼하게 도포되어 깊은 보습감을 부여하고 본연의 윤기를 되찾아줍니다.

광주 룸살롱은 딥 컨디셔닝 트리트먼트 외에도 단백질 트리트먼트, 손상된 모발을 복구하고 강화하는 헤어 마스크와 같은 전문 트리트먼트를 제공합니다. 이러한 트리트먼트는 모발의 구조적 무결성을 복원하고 파손을 최소화하며 전반적인 모발 건강을 개선하는 것을 목표로 합니다.

광주 룸살롱의 헤어디자이너들은 고도의 훈련과 경험을 바탕으로 손상된 모발을 되살리기 위해 첨단 기술을 활용합니다. 갈라진 끝을 제거하기 위한 복원 헤어컷이든, 모발 변색을 해결하기 위한 부드러운 색상 교정 과정이든, 헤어 스타일리스트는 고객의 모발의 건강과 웰빙을 우선시합니다.

또한 광주 룸살롱은 집에서 헤어 트리트먼트 결과를 유지하는 것의 중요성을 잘 알고 있습니다. 오래 지속되는 혜택을 보장하기 위해 헤어 스타일리스트는 트리트먼트 후 관리에 대한 귀중한 조언을 제공하고 적합한 헤어 케어 제품을 추천하며 각 고객의 요구에 맞는 맞춤형 헤어 케어 루틴을 제안합니다.

우수성에 대한 약속과 고객 만족에 중점을 둔 광주룸살롱은 광주에서 손상되거나 과도하게 처리된 모발을 위한 헤어 트리트먼트를 찾는 개인에게 이상적인 선택입니다. 광주 룸살롱은 전문 지식, 프리미엄 제품 및 개인화된 접근 방식을 결합하여 고객이 건강하고 윤기 있고 관리하기 쉬운 모발을 즐길 수 있도록 모발에 활력을 주고 복원하기 위해 노력합니다.