Category Archive : Business

광주 룸살롱은 손상모나

광주 룸살롱은 반복적인 샴푸, 스크럽, 브러싱을 피하는 것 외에도 손상되거나 과도하게 처리된 모발에 핫 오일 트리트먼트를 제공합니다. 올리브, 피마자 또는 코코넛과 같은 오일을 머리카락에 바르고 가열하고 씻어내는 작업이 포함됩니다. 이것은 당신의 머리를 부드럽고 관리하기 쉽게 만들 수 있습니다.

5·18민주화운동(광주항쟁) 당시 군에 의해 가혹한 대우를 받은 시민 시위대를 치료하기 위해 사용되었던 버려진 군병원에 위치한 이곳은 2018년 비엔날레의 새 위성 프로그램인 “상상의 테두리.” 영국 예술가 Mike Nelson, 프랑스 예술가 Kader Attia, 태국 실험 영화 제작자 Apichatpong Weerasethakul은 각각 병원에서 장소 특정 작업을 만들었습니다.


광주룸살롱은 번화한 도시 광주에서 유명한 뷰티 명소로 다양한 요구에 부응하는 포괄적인 뷰티 트리트먼트와 서비스를 제공하기 위해 최선을 다하고 있습니다. 광주 룸살롱은 피부 관리에 대한 전문 지식과 함께 손상되거나 과도하게 처리된 모발을 다루기 위해 특별히 고안된 트리트먼트를 포함하여 전문 헤어 트리트먼트도 제공합니다. 숙련된 헤어 스타일리스트 팀과 프리미엄 헤어 케어 제품 사용에 중점을 둔 광주 룸살롱은 모발을 최적의 상태로 복원하고 젊어지게 하는 것을 목표로 합니다.

광주 룸살롱은 손상모나 과처리된 모발에 트리트먼트를 제공하나요?

시간이 지남에 따라 과도한 열 스타일링, 화학 처리 및 환경 스트레스 요인과 같은 요인으로 인해 모발이 칙칙하고 부서지기 쉽고 활력이 부족해 보일 수 있습니다. 손상되거나 과도하게 처리된 모발을 가진 개인이 직면한 어려움을 이해하는 광주룸살롱은 이러한 문제를 효과적으로 해결할 수 있는 맞춤형 헤어 트리트먼트를 제공합니다.

광주룸살롱에 오시면 손상모나 과처리된 모발을 가지고 계신 고객님들이 경험이 풍부한 헤어디자이너와 꼼꼼한 상담을 진행합니다. 이 단계를 통해 스타일리스트는 모발의 상태를 평가하고 고객의 우려 사항을 이해하며 가장 적합한 치료 옵션을 추천할 수 있습니다. 광주 룸살롱은 고객 개개인의 모발에 특별한 관심과 관리가 필요하다는 점을 이해하고 개인 맞춤형 솔루션을 제공하는 데 자부심을 가지고 있습니다.

광주 룸살롱의 인기 헤어 트리트먼트 중 하나는 딥 컨디셔닝 트리트먼트입니다. 이 집중 트리트먼트는 수분 보충, 모낭에 영양 공급, 손상된 가닥 복구에 중점을 둡니다. 케라틴, 아르간 오일, 비타민 등 유익한 성분이 풍부하게 함유된 프리미엄 헤어케어 제품이 모발에 꼼꼼하게 도포되어 깊은 보습감을 부여하고 본연의 윤기를 되찾아줍니다.

광주 룸살롱은 딥 컨디셔닝 트리트먼트 외에도 단백질 트리트먼트, 손상된 모발을 복구하고 강화하는 헤어 마스크와 같은 전문 트리트먼트를 제공합니다. 이러한 트리트먼트는 모발의 구조적 무결성을 복원하고 파손을 최소화하며 전반적인 모발 건강을 개선하는 것을 목표로 합니다.

광주 룸살롱의 헤어디자이너들은 고도의 훈련과 경험을 바탕으로 손상된 모발을 되살리기 위해 첨단 기술을 활용합니다. 갈라진 끝을 제거하기 위한 복원 헤어컷이든, 모발 변색을 해결하기 위한 부드러운 색상 교정 과정이든, 헤어 스타일리스트는 고객의 모발의 건강과 웰빙을 우선시합니다.

또한 광주 룸살롱은 집에서 헤어 트리트먼트 결과를 유지하는 것의 중요성을 잘 알고 있습니다. 오래 지속되는 혜택을 보장하기 위해 헤어 스타일리스트는 트리트먼트 후 관리에 대한 귀중한 조언을 제공하고 적합한 헤어 케어 제품을 추천하며 각 고객의 요구에 맞는 맞춤형 헤어 케어 루틴을 제안합니다.

우수성에 대한 약속과 고객 만족에 중점을 둔 광주룸살롱은 광주에서 손상되거나 과도하게 처리된 모발을 위한 헤어 트리트먼트를 찾는 개인에게 이상적인 선택입니다. 광주 룸살롱은 전문 지식, 프리미엄 제품 및 개인화된 접근 방식을 결합하여 고객이 건강하고 윤기 있고 관리하기 쉬운 모발을 즐길 수 있도록 모발에 활력을 주고 복원하기 위해 노력합니다.

Spring is the time to cleanse the liver and gallbladder! This is how you can easily do a good cleaning at home without expensive programs or pills.

Note: before you do any organ cleaning, it is necessary to clean the colon or large intestine. There is no point in cleaning any other organs if the colon is obstructed or blocked. The waste from the other organs will not be eliminated, but will be forced to recirculate and may be deposited in some other part of the body.

So, before you try this gallbladder/liver cleanse program, get some colonics (or enemas at least), drink at least 2 quarts of plain water a day, and include mostly vegetables and fruits in your diet or some other good source of fiber. daily for a few weeks.

Bail: If you suspect you may have gallstones, do not attempt this cleanse. An ultrasound can tell if you have them, as well as if you feel a sharp pain when you press your ribs on your gallbladder.

With that being said, here are the steps to follow for a simple and natural gallbladder and liver cleanse:

Step 1. From breakfast on Sunday to lunch on Friday, drink at least a quart of apple juice or cider (a quart and a half, if you weigh more than 160 pounds) every day. It must not contain sugar or additives or be concentrated. Organic is definitely preferred.

The effect of so much apple is to soften the sludge that tends to accumulate in the gallbladder, which creates improper processing of fats, leading to gas, bloating, heartburn, etc.

Make sure your water intake stays high and your overall diet is light: nothing fried, not a lot of beef, never pork (as it’s too dense and takes too much energy from your body to process).

An optional Step #1 is to eat nothing but apples and drink lots of water from Wednesday through lunch on Friday, for those who want to shorten the program. But you may experience headaches on the first day or two of an apple fast, as your body begins to detoxify.

Step 2. Three hours after your lunch on Friday, dissolve 2 teaspoons of Epsom salts (or disodium phosphate, if you can get your hands on it) in about an ounce of hot water and drink. It is extremely salty and can be followed by a few ounces of freshly squeezed grapefruit juice to chase it down. Do not eat other foods after lunch or for the rest of the day. Of course, keep hydrating.

Step 3. Two hours later, repeat Step 2. Keep your water intake up. The effect of the salts is to clear a path for the bile and sludge to pass through later and not get stuck anywhere.

Grapefruit or lemon juice is good to drink during this time, as it helps to alkalize the bloodstream to offset the acidic condition that detoxification produces. If you have a citrus sensitivity, you can find alkalizing products at a health food store, or put a half teaspoon of baking soda in each glass of water on Fridays and Saturdays.

Stage 4. Just before bed on Friday night, mix a half cup of unrefined olive oil with a few ounces of grapefruit or lemon juice and shake well. Drink it. If you feel queasy after this, a few sips of Coke or Pepsi will settle your stomach.

step 5. Lie down immediately and lie on your right side with your right knee raised toward your chest for 30 minutes. This position keeps the oil in the stomach long enough to send a message to the gallbladder that the fats are on the way.

Fats signal the production of bile. A lot of fat makes the gallbladder ballistic. When you lower your leg after 30 minutes, the gallbladder literally convulses to expel enough bile and, brokenmud comes out too!

In fact, I felt this happen. After sliding my leg down, I felt a kind of tug for several seconds in that area, while I spit out the mud.

Now go to sleep. You have earned it.

step 6. First thing the next morning, she again dissolves two teaspoons of Epsom salts in about two ounces of hot water and drinks. Follow with a few ounces of grapefruit or lemon juice, if you liked it this way.

Do not eat for one hour after drinking this. This second purge pushes the sludge and toxins that were released last night out of the system.

It would be better if you could stay near a bathroom for the rest of the day, maybe the whole weekend. Do not make too many plans to leave the house, dedicate this weekend to your health.

What you’ll soon see removed are greenish, gelatinous bits floating in the bowl, from the size of grape seeds to cherry pits. This is the bile sludge surrounded by olive oil.

Be glad that they are no longer in your body. You’re seeing years of good health added to your life, and the little sacrifices you’ve made in the past few days are more than worth it.

Other benefits you may notice are a gradual elimination of upper back pain, especially in the right quadrant, such as the shoulder and neck area. Cleaning out the gallbladder also frees up the liver, the most vital organ we have for the 500+ things you do every day.

This is a great program to do every few years, as the poor quality of our food (unless you buy organic or grow your own) and the high levels of toxicity in our environments can really stress our digestive systems. Herbal programs can be used every spring, but none of them give the great washing results that this program does.

1688 구매 대행사는 제품 진위

1688 구매대행은 중국에서 물건을 구매할 수 있도록 도와주는 서비스입니다. 이러한 대행사는 소싱에서 배송까지 모든 것을 처리할 수 있습니다. 또한 판매자의 진위 여부를 확인하고 제품이 고품질인지 확인할 수 있습니다. 그들은 대량으로 제품을 찾고 가격이 적절한지 확인하는 데 도움을 줄 수 있습니다. 또한 공급업체와 가격을 협상하고 더 나은 거래를 할 수 있도록 도와줄 수 있습니다. 또한 전체 프로세스를 처리하여 시간을 절약할 수 있습니다. 그들은 대량으로 주문하기 전에 고려할 제품 샘플을 제공할 수도 있습니다.


제품 진위 여부를 확인하는 첫 번째 단계는 공급자의 사업자 등록 정보가 올바른지 확인하는 것입니다. 판매자 프로필에서 확인하실 수 있습니다. 회사명, 등록자본금, 통합사회신용코드, 등록기관을 명시해야 합니다. 또한 사업 범위와 운영 기간도 표시해야 합니다. 또한 사기 위험을 줄이기 위해 사업체는 최소 3년 동안 운영되어야 합니다.

정보를 확인한 후 해당 업체가 국제 무역을 할 수 있는 권한이 있는지 확인해야 합니다. “예”로 표시되어야 하며 유효한 사업 운영 증명서를 제시해야 합니다. 또한 등록된 주소, 연락처 전화번호 및 팩스 번호가 있어야 합니다. 또한 확인된 결제 수단이 있어야 합니다.

1688 구매 대행사는 제품 진위 여부를 어떻게 확인합니까?

1688 구매대행을 고려하고 있다면 경험이 많고 평판이 좋은 곳을 찾으세요. 평판이 좋은 대행사는 중국 공급업체와 오랜 기간 협력해 왔습니다. 또한 필요한 연결을 신속하게 찾을 수 있습니다. 또한 가져오기 프로세스 중에 발생할 수 있는 모든 문제를 처리할 수 있습니다.

1688의 공급자가 합법적인지도 확인해야 합니다. 그들 중 다수는 미국에 기반을 두고 있지 않으므로 신뢰할 수 있는 상품 공급원인지 확인해야 합니다. 또한 평점이나 리뷰가 낮은 판매자로부터 구매하는 것을 피해야 합니다. 마지막으로 회사 로고의 진위 여부와 Integrity Link의 승인 여부를 확인해야 합니다.

또한 평판이 좋은 1688 에이전트가 신뢰할 수 있는 판매자 목록을 제공합니다. 그들은 또한 당신에게 무료 제품 검사를 제공할 것입니다. 또한 중국 공급업체와 소통하는 데 도움이 될 것입니다. 또한 제조업체 및 배송과 협상하는 데 도움을 줄 것입니다. 이것은 장기적으로 많은 돈과 시간을 절약하는 데 도움이 될 것입니다.

1688 구매대행은 무료는 아니지만 귀하의 비즈니스에 좋은 선택이 될 것입니다. 중국에서 제품을 소싱할 때 시행 착오가 필요하지 않습니다. 또한 제품을 구매하기 위해 여러 매장을 방문할 필요가 없기 때문에 비용과 시간을 절약할 수 있습니다. 또한 품질과 신뢰성이 높은 제품을 대량으로 찾을 수 있도록 도와줌으로써 경쟁력을 확보할 수 있습니다. 이를 통해 더 큰 시장 점유율을 확보하고 수익을 높일 수 있습니다.

Various books, magazines, and websites present and discuss some marketing strategies for large and small businesses, such as jewelry manufacturing. Here are 10 selected practical, actionable and useful marketing tips:

1. Create quality assorted layouts that your audience can choose from quickly and easily, this would save them time from going to the mall just to find one that appeals to them and suits their tastes.

2. Showcase your jewelry designs at as many local events as possible ie trade shows, bazaars and festivals so that you get local exposure. But be selective; choose an event that is an appropriate market for your items, one that promotes a positive image for your jewelry. Keep a list of these events to schedule your exhibit sites.

3. Create unique jewelry designs that can be given an appropriate catchy name that will excite and intrigue. Specialized designs may have a specific theme created to appeal to a specific age group. that is, the “my only love” jewelry design can become popular among both single and married couples. Further explanation of the meaning behind the design could make it a gift item meant to send a specific message or symbolize a personal sentiment. With this you will create a specific receptive market for your merchandise.

4. Lend some of your statement jewelry to a selected friend; ask them to use it regularly. This is a free public display and marketing campaign. Provide them with brochures and business cards to hand out to the people who will be accessorizing the jewelry. For each item sold, your friend receives a commission.

5. Connect with professional women who love to wear outfits to match their professional wardrobes. Sell ​​your items directly at your offices, home or parties. Offer to speak at their organizations on topics related to the jewelry business, such as jewelry making, jewelry selection, and jewelry wearing. Word of mouth is an effective and free marketing campaign.

6. Approach trendy boutiques like bridal boutiques, beauty salons, spa, massage and fitness centers that may be interested in displaying your jewelry items. You can offer them designs that they can brand with your store name, but only if you’re not interested in creating a brand for yourself. You can sell your pieces at wholesale price.

7. Use the Internet to market your merchandise to online buyers. Professional-quality, clean, well-focused photos of your jewelry designs online will entice customers to purchase your items.

8. Professionally designed flyers and business cards for store owners and professionals who may be interested in jewelry making and jewelry business. Offers of consignment deals or a commission benefit are marketing options to consider.

9. Showcase your products on high-traffic sites in your area. A corner booth is the best place to display. Display mirrors should be available for customers to see how you will look in them.

10. However, the most important tip that cannot be overlooked is to create fresh and updated designs. People always want something modern, stylish and new. This is the best thing about making jewelry; Slow-selling items can be repurposed, repurposed, and recycled into a new fashion piece to increase profitability.

Jewelry making is fun and profitable. There are various free jewelry making tutorials found on websites. These are sites that teach skills and techniques in jewelry making. Once mastered, jewelry making can be a profitable part-time or full-time job.

Many of us always want to set up a home-based business where we can work from the comfort of our home and earn a handsome residual income. So, we have listed here ten effective home based business ideas to start a home based small business. Why do we say these “effective small home based business ideas”? Because these are all ideas that are tried and true, and we actually make money through these ideas at one point or another.

1- Develop a niche affiliate site

A niche website is a small website that only targets a single market segment. There are hundreds of thousands of niche websites on the web. You can search for a segment of your interest or expertise, and then create an engaging website with high-quality content. Choose products based on high turnover and attractive commissions from affiliate sales on your website. Promote your site for targeted traffic and then track the results.

2 – Get Paid Through Online Paid Surveys

Online paid surveys are a popular and easy way to build a stream of residual income for you and your family. Every global company is spending heavily on market research and consumer behavior patterns. They hire survey companies to conduct market research for their existing and future products and services and pay handsomely for people’s opinions. So it’s easy to choose trustworthy survey companies and fill out surveys for a convenient way to earn money from home.

3- Sell on Craigslist and eBay:

Craigslist is an online garage sale site. It’s free to post your listings on craigslist, and sometimes you don’t even need to worry about shipping and packaging; people come to your house and pick up the items they bought for you. You can sell anything on craigslist or eBay, from your old garage items to your unique little handmade items. You can find a clientele for almost anything on these sites and you can earn money for yourself and your family.

4 – Design a website:

If you are running your own website or blog, then you will be familiar with WordPress and can learn how to build websites using readily available WordPress themes and how to fix them. You can offer these services to other people by learning some customizations like changing color schemes, designing simple registers and banners, making small changes to the design, etc. This way you can easily create and sell unique websites for others and you can earn residual income.

5 – Earn money as a virtual worker

You can sign up with websites like to offer your services to individuals and small businesses. has different categories such as content writing and social media. You can earn money by completing small tasks like writing a product review, posting comments on blog posts, and being a fan of a Facebook page, etc.

6- Earn through ads on your website or blog:

If you are running a website or blog that has a reasonable number of daily visitors, then you can earn by placing ads on your websites. Quality content and high traffic site can bring you a good stream of advertising revenue through CPC and CPM campaigns. In these ads, you will be paid per click or impression of the ad placed on your website. You can place any good ad network like Google AdSense so that ad campaigns can enjoy extra money through ads.

7 – Speculation of domain names:

Speculating and registering domains is a popular and easy way to make money online. It is about creativity and thoughtfulness of the person. People find and register domain names, which seem valuable, and wait for the moment when someone approaches them to sell that domain name in the future. Such domains are parked on pages that clearly state that these domains are for sale and also mention the owner’s contact details. Meanwhile, these owners place flashy ads on the parking pages and earn ad money.

8 – Be a freelancer:

If you have any experience in graphic design, programming, writing, market research, data entry, or any other simple administrative work, you can offer your services through freelance websites like and These sites offer a fantastic platform for people who want to work online. Just join any of the reputable freelance websites, offer your services in any category and start earning without spending a penny out of your own pocket.

9 – Offer transcription services:

The transcription service is the procedure of creating data in the form of text from recorded voice calls and conferences. If you have extraordinary listening and writing skills, then you can offer your transcription services on the web and you can earn a good amount based on your work.

10- CPA Marketing:

Cost per action marketing means getting paid when a specific action is taken through your referral link. Referral money can be from $1 to $25 depending on the type of action taken. This is a quick way to generate cash by referring people. It is highly recommended to use trustworthy websites after proper research.

A few months ago I had a conversation with a resident physician who had signed a contract with a hospital in Pennsylvania to begin a one-year fellowship in the fall. However, less than 90 days before the fellowship was to begin, the hospital “revoked” the contract citing his conviction for theft under ten years. The hospital took this action despite the fact that (1) the resident had truthfully completed her employment application by, among other things, correctly answering that she had no felony convictions; and (2) the misdemeanor conviction has nothing to do with her fellowship duties as a physician.

Last month I spoke with a banker who used to work for a national bank in California and got promoted at the same bank in Alaska. She had worked for the bank for years in California, she had passed her previous background check and had been bailed out. However, within weeks of her starting her new job in Alaska, the bank “discovered” that she had a misdemeanor marijuana charge of eighteen, dismissed in Delaware. The bank proceeded to fire her from her for this dismissed charge.

Beyond the jobs of a random doctor and banker, these anecdotal accounts reflect a persistent and pervasive societal problem: How can ex-felons overcome their criminal records in an effort to secure and keep employment? Approximately 600,000 men and women are released from prison each year. In addition, millions of people charged with criminal offenses are resolved each year without the imposition of jail time (eg, charges dismissed, acquittals, probation). In order for these adults to care for themselves and their families, contribute positively to American society, and not reoffend, they need to find and keep gainful employment. Unfortunately, your criminal record can be a major obstacle to your efforts to go to work.

For the most part, these people have to rely on the enlightenment of their prospective employers. Most workers in the United States (with the notable exception of the great state of Montana) are hired on an “employment at will” basis. Under the employment-at-will doctrine, a company may decide not to hire a prospective employee at-will for any reason, as long as the reason does not violate applicable law (eg, an anti-discrimination statute) or contract (eg, eg, a collective bargaining agreement).

As a consequence, if a company refuses to hire an applicant or decides to fire a worker because of their criminal record, the employer likely has the legal right to do so. In most jurisdictions, it does not matter whether the underlying criminal offense was minor, did not result in a conviction, and/or has no factual relevance to the underlying job functions. The employer retains the right to exercise this prerogative of employment at will in this regard.

Fortunately, a significant minority of states have taken legislative steps to ameliorate this harsh reality for workers with criminal records. Fourteen states prohibit discrimination against any form of ex-offender discrimination in the workplace. Arizona, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Kentucky, Louisiana, Minnesota, New Mexico, and Washington prohibit discrimination against ex-felons in public employment. Five other states—Hawaii, Kansas, New York, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin—prohibit this form of employment discrimination in both public and private employment. (In addition, several municipalities, for example, San Francisco, CA, have restricted the ability of employers to rely on criminal history information to make hiring decisions.)

For individuals with criminal records covered by one of these anti-discrimination laws, prospective employers cannot legally deny them employment based on that record in the absence of a “reasonable” or “direct” relationship between that record and the proposed job. For example, a physician resident in Pennsylvania may have a legally cognizable means to challenge the denial of a hospital fellowship based on an unrelated ten-year misdemeanor theft conviction. Similarly, under state anti-discrimination law, a banker in New York could successfully challenge a discharge based on an eighteen-year marijuana charge.

In contrast, however, a prospective banker in any of the five aforementioned states would likely have no remedy if he had an embezzlement conviction in light of the alleged causal relationship between the nature of the conviction and the duties of the wanted. position. It’s also worth reemphasizing that this “relationship test” matters only in the aforementioned states that have prohibited or restricted discrimination against ex-offenders in public and/or private employment. Consequently, regardless of the nature of their criminal history, a similarly situated job applicant seeking work in most states would not have any potential means of direct legal remedy because these states do not prohibit this form of discrimination in the industry. public or private.

If you have a criminal record and are seeking work in one of these states without a discrimination prohibition, you may have other options available to you to ameliorate the potentially adverse impact of your record on your job search. For example, people charged with less serious misdemeanors (eg, disorderly conduct, fare hopping) and who have relatively clean criminal records may be able to convince a judge to accept a provision of “pretrial probation” or “PBJ” in lieu of a sentence without jail time. . In essence, a PBJ or “stet” provision places the underlying criminal matter on hold for one year. If during that one-year period the defendant does not commit another crime, then the underlying charge is dismissed. (However, if the defendant commits another crime during this probationary period, the prosecutor can charge him with this second crime and seek a conviction for the first crime.) The main advantage with a PBJ is that the defendant avoids a conviction appearing on his or her record. When conducting employment background investigations, many companies only focus on beliefs. The absence of a conviction can only improve an individual’s prospects for possible employment.

If (1) a person can settle a criminal charge with a dismissal, a nolle prosequi or “nol pros” motion (i.e., a motion from the state’s attorney refusing to prosecute the charge), a PBJ or stet, or a does not convict a similar provision, or (2) a person is found guilty only of a specific disorderly conduct offense (eg, disorderly conduct) or a single nonviolent criminal act, then he or she may request to the court to expunge the criminal record. “If a worker with this type of criminal history can successfully expunge their record, then the state will remove reference to this criminal activity from court, police, and motor vehicle records and files. Additionally, the effect of the expungement order allows that the affected person “truthfully” deny the existence of the charges or convictions described above when looking for a possible job.

If you have a more substantial criminal history (eg, a “serious” felony conviction), then you may want to explore other alternatives in an effort to erase or minimize the effect of your record on your job search. Generally, if an ex-offender has served his sentence, stayed out of trouble for the required period of time, and has led a productive life in the meantime, then he or she can apply to the state clemency board or state clemency board for clemency. a similar state agency. . With a pardon, the ex-offender can request that her criminal record be expunged. (In some jurisdictions, the underlying records are automatically expunged with the issuance of the pardon.)

Also, similar to the process of obtaining clemencies, some states allow ex-offenders to petition the sentencing court to “vacate” their convictions based on the completion of the sentence and their years as a law-abiding and productive citizen. Once the conviction is vacated, the ex-offender can request that his criminal record be expunged.

If a person with a criminal record is unable to successfully apply for a pardon or vacated conviction, they may want to explore whether they can obtain a “certificate of relief from disabilities” or “certificate of good conduct.” Essentially, executive branch agencies in certain states (eg, New York, Illinois) issue such certificates to qualified ex-offenders in order to “create a presumption of rehabilitation with respect to the offense(s) specified therein.” See NY Correct. Law § 753. An employer or licensing agency in the issuing state is required by law to “consider” the applicant’s certificate when making a hiring or licensing decision. See NY Correct. Law § 753(2). Accordingly, such a certificate can significantly enhance an objectively rehabilitated ex-offender’s chances of obtaining employment and/or obtaining a professional license (for example, a barber’s license).

In short, if you have a criminal record of any kind, you’ll want to explore any and all avenues to remove the existence from your record or minimize the record’s impact on your employment options. Those with minor “juvenile indiscretion” charges for misdemeanors or convictions on their record should find the process of clearing their record relatively straightforward, if not easy. For those of you with more serious criminal histories, this path may be more arduous, but potentially doable. Considering that many employers can and do engage in unvarnished discrimination against ex-offenders, regardless of the underlying disposition of the offense and your overt rehabilitation, these post-trial steps can only help improve your employment prospects.

Similarly, if you have encountered other difficulties in the workplace, you can also seek a solution. You don’t have to endure abuse in silence. You have rights!

When seeking technology grants, one should consider the pros and cons of targeting the federal government for technology grant funding for non-profit companies. When looking for funding for programs, I think there are three advantages to focusing on the federal government: 1. Money is safe, 2. There is easy access to information, and 3. Larger orders, therefore more profit. Whereas, three disadvantages would be: extensive offer proposal, considerable amounts of paperwork during contract maintenance, and the competition is great.

The first advantage I listed is that the money is safe. If my company were to win a business contract from the government, I would surely get paid. It would eliminate the late payment or collection process that we currently have when dealing with smaller entities or individuals. The second advantage of targeting the federal government is that the government can provide easier access to information for its contractors through up-to-date Internet sites, which are not always accessible with smaller providers. Finally, the third advantage I see is that bigger orders equals bigger profit. Securing a government contract would likely be a substantial order and win for our company that would be worth whatever hurdles we may have to overcome in the long run.

The first downside I see in targeting the federal government is that there will most likely be an extensive bid proposal process. We have submitted offers for local providers that do not even compare to the possible hundreds of pages that a government proposal could contain. This would mean many physical hours spent preparing the bid for the proposal. Second, I think a big disadvantage for my company if we were to get a government offer is that there would be a considerable amount of paperwork involved to keep the contract. The government is under the public eye and therefore sets strict regulations that providers must follow, which includes a lot of paperwork! Again, this would involve many hours to keep up with this obligation. The third disadvantage that I think is that the competition would be tremendous. Although governments are asked to favor smaller companies, I think the competition between those smaller companies would be very great. I feel that my company would be disadvantaged compared to other competitors simply because, first, we are not a depressed company, and second, we are not a minority-owned company.

With all of this being said, I would advise my company leaders to “go for it.” I think they should pursue a government contract and I justify this by saying that I think the pros outweigh the cons in our situation. I think the potential benefit alone would justify my recommendation. However, before making the final decision to proceed, I would also recommend to my company that they review our current budget and ensure that the cost of the additional hours involved in preparing the bid proposal is affordable even if the contract is not awarded. adjudicates. Then, of course, if the contract is awarded, the cost of maintaining documentation must also be considered.

This is how to invest in gold

Are you wondering how to buy gold? Many people want to invest, however they don’t know how to start. The simple truth is that there are many techniques to start investing in gold. Here are some of the most common ways to buy gold, as well as the pros and cons of each, and tips.

1. Physical gold

Without a doubt, buying physical gold is one of the most frequent ways that people spend money on gold. Regarding how to invest in gold, there are many things to understand about buying physical gold. Here are a few:

how to achieve it

Buying psychic gold is really simple as it is the best way it sounds. You acquire gold items, such as jewelry, coins, collectibles, and almost other things. The purpose of most investors is usually to hold their physical gold and then sell it to a gold dealer or other type of buyer.

People have several options regarding where they can buy physical gold. They can buy them in store or online. Whenever they find the gold, they will have to store it and hold it until they are ready to trade it at a higher price. When gold prices rise, investors may consider selling their coins.

The benefits

The first advantage is that physical gold can be a tangible asset, and history indicates that the value of gold tends to increase over time. Very few investments are tangible and also have a high probability of going up in price, even though the economy is not doing too well. If you want a great investment that you can easily keep, watch while staying within your possession, then look no further than investing in physical gold.

The second advantage is that physical gold cannot be hacked or erased. Today, people have countless assets that they can invest in and they usually stay in line. A piece of gold by hand does not need internet or electricity to work or anything like that. It really is a foolproof investment when it comes to protecting you from hackers.

Your third advantage of buying physical gold is that you simply don’t have to be a professional. Do some quick research on the price of gold, and then research gold dealers. You can then find the gold items you want to keep, and then sell them when you’re ready. It’s as easy as that.

The cons

First, buying psychological gold can be expensive. Depending on where you buy it from, you may want to pay commission fees. Even when you buy it from a private seller, you can bet that gold will probably be expensive. If spending large amounts of cash up front isn’t for you, then you might want to think twice about buying gold, but overall, gold is definitely worth investing in.

The second scam is to store the gold. No matter what kind of gold pieces you get, if you bought them outright, then you are in charge of storing them. You need to be careful how it is stored, otherwise you may be putting your gold in danger of being stolen, damaged, and even lost.

Past greater than physical gold, when stored by itself, will not earn interest. You should secure the gold until you decide that it is an opportunity to sell it. If you’re looking to earn a bit of interest on your gold items, then buying physical gold and storing it yourself is probably not the best option.


Buying physical gold is quite easy. It is also simple. Just be sure to do as much research on gold dealers as possible before you decide which guy to do business with, and be sure to research current gold prices because you need to try and find good deals on gold pieces. All of this may be seen as common sense advice, but trust us once we say that it comes in handy when it comes to buying gold.

2. Gold futures

Gold futures are standardized contracts and are generally traded on specific exchanges. Gold futures allow investors to obtain a single amount of gold (for example, 100 troy ounces) at a price that has already been predetermined. However, the delivery takes place at a future date.

How to buy gold futures

The first thing you should do is open a brokerage account. You will find brokers that deal specifically with futures trading, so take your time in choosing one. You can then trade gold futures and how it works is that you have to deposit the absolute minimum money in order to open a trade. When the price goes in the right direction, then you will be able to make a profit, but you will make a loss when it goes in an unacceptable direction.

The benefits

First, you simply won’t have to store anything. As mentioned above, you have to find storage space when you buy physical gold. With gold futures, this is not a challenge.

Second, lower amounts come to mind with the future of gold. During the time of making a deal, you will only be asked to pay a certain amount of cash. The other countries as soon as the agreement is signed.

Another great thing is that there is a good amount of liquidity. On top of that, however, you can trade gold futures. This means that there is the possibility to generate and withdraw profits regularly.

The cons

There are only a few cons. One includes that there is great risk in trading anything, and gold is no different. The risk of default can leave the most experienced traders in the trenches.

Additionally, gold prices can fluctuate greatly on a daily basis. It is simple to earn money, but you can also easily lose it. Remember, the price of gold may be attractive at the time of signing the deal, but it may drop as soon as delivery is made.

A third scam is the volatile market. One day the markets may be fine and the next day they could crash. Before long, there may be a phase as soon as the markets don’t move much.


As for tips, it’s about opening a trading account with a great broker. You can find dozens and lots of brokerage accounts, so shop around as many as possible. Find one that gives you good advice on trading gold futures, and then one that doesn’t charge a number of fees. The more brokers you compare, the more effective you will be.

Also, research gold prices for a couple of weeks before investing in gold through futures. If the prices seem to be stable, then go ahead. If there is an excessive amount of market volatility during these two weeks, consider waiting until things become more stable.

3. Gold ETFs

Gold ETFs are a fantastic replacement for gold futures. You will not own contracts, but will buy shares of any ETF. In turn, it will be open to gold, so they can be called gold ETFs.

How to do it

You can get a brokerage account through a broker that allows you to trade gold ETFs. You will then be able to select the gold product you wish to purchase. It’s as elementary as that.

The professionals

One of the best reasons for gold ETFs might be to act as a hedge against inflation. This is typically the truth with many gold-based investments. If you own gold ETFs, they are used to protect your assets against inflation and currency fluctuations. Gold is definitely a safe investment and if you buy the right ETFs you will be doing yourself a huge favor.

Second, it is an extremely easy task to trade gold ETFs. You will only be asked to invest in a single unit of gold, that is, in respect of one gram of gold by weight. Also, it is possible to trade ETFs through your ETF fund manager or even your stock broker.

The third benefit is that you can take a look at the stock exchanges and find out how much gold is selling for. This can be done at any time. If you think the prices are great, then go ahead and buy something; if not, you can wait until the prices are a bit more attractive.

Another benefit can be the tax side of things. The only taxes you spend are taxes on short-term or long-term capital gains. The long term is gold that is held for a year or more, while the short term is less than a year.

The cons

One downside is the fact that ETFs can be expensive. They may actually be more expensive than other investment styles, but they are often more lucrative. It is your decision to decide whether or not it is worth buying gold ETFs. That is actually the only major disadvantage associated with buying gold ETFs.


If you can, consider investing large sums of capital or get into the habit of trading regularly. The reason is that ETFs tend to be more profitable than other types of gold investments. Basically, you can end up building a lot if you are prepared to trade regularly or invest big money.

Another helpful tip is to generally never choose a fund manager or ETF product as the fees are the only one. Do some research to find out exactly how it has performed in recent years. If everything looks good, choose that fund, if not, keep looking for another fund manager.

4. Purchase of gold mining businesses

This may be the best way it can sound. It requires the purchase of mining companies that extract gold. Basically, you are buying shares in gold mining companies.

How to make it happen

You can get a stock broker or an investment firm. They can take their funds and invest them in gold companies of their choice. A different way to do it would be to join an internet stock trading platform and spend money on gold deals that are listed on the platform. You buy a certain number of shares and then sell them when you make a profit.

The professionals

First, buying shares of gold mining companies is easy and therefore selling them. All you have to do is buy the number of shares you want and then sell them when you are ready to do so. In addition, you can invest in various companies and increase your chances of frequent profit.

Second, retail price swings can be huge, but they usually take a while to happen. When you are patient, you can definitely sell when these changes occur. Remember, in case a company does well and does things well then its shares could go up of course, if the price of gold is too high then it could end up doing just fine.

Third, buying stocks is easy for beginners. It doesn’t take a huge amount of knowledge to shell out, however some research on gold mining companies is usually needed. Just do a lot of research on various companies and find out what kind of financial reputation they already have before investing in them.

The cons

The risk is high because gold mining companies have a lot of risk, which can drive their shares down whether or not the gold price is high. Also, remember that gold miners put themselves in danger and the things they generally do can affect the cost of company stock as well. Investing in gold mining companies is just as risky as buying almost any other type of stock.


There’s only one really specific tip to remember. You should research various stock trading platforms and make sure that the ones you use have shares of gold mining companies available. Better yet, research gold mining companies and build a pool of them before looking into stock trading platforms. Then you could find out if those platforms offer shares in those companies.

This is how to spend money on gold. As you can see, you can find pros and cons to each form of investment method, so you may want to consider all the various methods of investing. So you certainly get to choose which technique to try.

Experiential Design

Whether you are designing a website, developing an app or building an immersive exhibit, user feedback is essential to understanding how your users interact with your product. It allows you to identify where they are confused, where the experience is frustrating and where it is delightful. You can collect this feedback throughout your design process, no matter which design method you are using (design thinking, human-centered design or otherwise).

Experiential design is an increasingly popular way to create an engaging customer experience. It is a broad term that encompasses several different disciplines, but at its core, it is about creating a memorable experience for your customers. Whether you are creating a museum exhibition, a new retail store, or a brand activation, Experiential Design can be used to communicate a story and create an emotional connection with your audience.

Have you ever walked into an office space, a restaurant, or an airport and immediately understood what the company or organization was all about? This was likely the result of an experiential design project. Whether the space was infused with imagery, music, or interactive elements, these spaces were designed to pull on your senses and convey a message.

The Role of User Feedback in Experiential Design

While the use of this type of design is primarily found in museums and art galleries, it is becoming more prevalent in other areas as well. From large event spaces to airports, more designers are choosing to incorporate experiential design into their projects in order to engage and connect with their audiences.

One of the biggest differences between experiential design and other contemporary perspectives is that it takes the user into account. Unlike some designers who base their work on trends or aesthetics, experiential design is all about meeting the needs of your users. This is why getting feedback from your to-be occupants is so important.

The goal of a good experiential design is to produce delight for your user, so it’s important that you provide them with feedback in an immediate and meaningful way. For example, if you’re designing an interaction that uses a touch screen to navigate through your product, it’s best to give the user immediate feedback on their actions. Research shows that even a delay of 100 milliseconds is noticeable and can frustrate your user.

In addition to identifying what aspects of your product or service are delightful, user feedback can help you pinpoint areas that need improvement as well. You can gather this feedback through forums, surveys, or focus groups. It’s also important to remember that most user feedback is skewed towards the negative, so it’s important to take this into consideration when analyzing your data.

While many companies are using experiential design to create more engaging interactions with their audiences, others are still working to figure out how to implement it into their marketing and branding efforts. To get started, consider the following three major questions before you kick off an experiential design project:

Whether we like to admit it or not, the current “bigger is better” trend, particularly when it comes to celebrity-wearing diamond engagement rings, is having an impact on what we buy.

According to Celeste Ohrens of New York Diamond Traders, “In the six months after J.Lo’s engagement to Ben Affleck, we sold more pink diamonds than we had in the previous six years!”

And despite the fact that THAT engagement ring has been replaced by another equally stunning piece of jewelry, copies of J.Lo’s six-carat pink diamond are still selling well at many online jewelry stores.

When Marilyn Monroe breathlessly purred “Diamonds are a girl’s best friend” (as if we didn’t know that already!), I have no doubt that women all over the world secretly coveted the baubles Mrs. Monroe, but such extravagant displays of excess would have offended the sensibilities. of any self-respecting 50s housewife.

Not so today. We’ve come to expect the ultimate in quality and quantity, and if that’s the equivalent of wearing a 3-carat diamond ring similar to the one worn by our favorite celebrity, more power to us!

Whether celebrities are seen as arbiters or slaves to all that is considered elegant, the engagement rings that adorn the left hand of stars like Catherine Zeta-Jones, Madonna and Ashley Judd attest to the fact that the choice of design of the ring is influencing (or is influenced by) current trends.

Jewelers like David Feinstein of Feinstein & Co, Boston, say, “The hottest look in engagement rings right now is the resurgence of old-cut diamonds and we’re desperately trying to keep up with the demand,” making the ring Catherine Zeta-Jones’ 10-carat vintage marquise-cut diamond ring, Madonna’s 3-stone Edwardian ring, and Ashley Judd’s antique pavé-set diamond ring are favorites when it comes to replicas.

Diamond size is also influencing today’s styles, and according to the Diamond Information Center, the traditional one-carat diamond solitaire engagement ring has now grown to three and four carats.

One only had to witness the jaw-dropping display of jewelry at this year’s Oscars, worth some $40 million, to reinforce the notion that in the minds of most celebrities “bigger is better.” Never mind that their precious loot had to be returned to the vaults they came from the next morning.

But our growing fascination with all things “bling” begs the question “What about the poor fool who has to PAY for this excess?” The traditional yardstick for any potential suitor to determine how much he should be willing to pay for an engagement ring was set arbitrarily at three months’ salary, which is fine if he’s earning a healthy six-figure salary. But try telling Joe Schmo, whose monthly budget doesn’t extend much beyond local Thai takeout, that he’s out to make what could be many thousands of dollars, and you’ll see his face (not to mention his wallet) fall apart.

Which brings me to my last point. The value of your engagement ring is not simply measured in monetary terms. nor is it measured by whether your best friend’s diamond is bigger, whiter or more extravagant. And it’s certainly not measured by whether it looks like J.Lo’s newest accessory (and I mean the ring, not the husband!)

Your engagement ring is a measure of the value of your relationship and what it means to both of you, now and in the future. It’s symbolic of everything the two of you share, whether you’re wearing a 2-carat stone or a cheap copy.

Just remember, your local jeweler is probably a remodeling genius, so you can always upgrade later!