Category Archive : Digital Marketing

Writing 100% original SEO content is important for the writing of all website content. Google generates about 80% of online traffic for all web content writing, writing, and blog posting services. So SEO is crucial for every blogger and it cannot be ignored.

Good content is not enough to get found in search results, but writing search engine friendly content is important to get followed and found. So if you write and post on a blog or write content on a website, then it is important to write content that can be easily optimized. Here are some tips for web content writers and bloggers to help them become visible on search engines.

Choose keywords carefully

A keyword is a word or phrase used by people searching online for a specific service, information, or product. Therefore, it is important to use keywords carefully and place them strategically and wisely in your content. Meta tag your keyword and use it in your blog title as well. Try to avoid excessive use and unnecessary repetition of keywords.

Promote your blog with a sitemap

A sitemap page helps the search engine spider to crawl and look around your website conveniently and guide users to your blog easily. A sitemap links all the pages of your website through a featured link.

Develop Permalinks and Blog URLs

Before posting a blog on your website, always make sure that the URL assigned to your website contains keywords from the blog content.

create links

Make sure that other pages on your website along with the home page are linked to your page. Outbound links can also be created alongside links created within your blog pages. This helps build links back to your website. Another way to build links is to add helpful comments on other’s blogs along with a link to your blog or website for other users. Be alert to avoid spam, otherwise all your efforts will end in vain.

Write 100% original SEO content

Always write original and new content for your website. Posting interesting and new content will help you increase your search engine rankings and will also increase traffic to your website along with repeat visits.

Use social bookmarking widgets

Social bookmarking tools allow your blog visitors to share your blog on the social networking websites they use regularly, which in turn increases traffic and also creates backlinks for your website.

Follow the above tips while providing web content writing services or while writing website content and get SEO optimized easily. Never forget to write 100% original SEO content to get more visitors and traffic to your website.

If you’ve been on the internet for an extended period of time looking for trading options, eventually you’ll come across someone promoting GDI to you. So this article is to answer some of the basic questions about GDI. Is this business opportunity a scam? Do they have a worthwhile product or service? What is the potential of this opportunity? I will try to answer these questions as objectively as possible.


If you’ve made it to this article, you’re probably already considering whether GDI is a serious business opportunity or a scam. To determine if GDI is a scam, the first question one should ask is whether they are marketing a worthwhile product or service or are they just another MLM or pyramid designed to take your money without giving you anything but promises of great rewards and riches. . The answer is yes, they have a genuine product/service. In this case web hosting.

The described service

They provide a web hosting service. It is true that you can get free web hosting on the net, in fact this very article is an example of a free web host and you can get good results from them, but there are a number of things you sacrifice.

First of all, if you are using a free web host there is always some sort of cost, they normally require you to run free ads on their site. (web1000 is an exception, but you can’t even put banners on it and its editor is painful to use).

While having ads on your website at first may not seem like a problem, consider this, if you want this site to be your main portal and business hub, you may end up advertising your biggest competitor, not a smart move. You do not own your site. You can own the intellectual stuff, but if the free web host changes their rules, goes out of business, or simply updates the way their system works, there’s nothing you can do about it. Even with Blogger you have to share your AdSense income with them 50-50. That is why I recommend that if you really want to have an online business, your main site is one that you own and that means paying for it. Also after I lost 48 blogs overnight because Blogger felt they didn’t all fit their terms of service, you learn: you get what you pay for.

In the case of GDI this means $10 per month. It’s US dollars so if you’re in Australia like me that’s not so great, if you’re trading in euros or pounds that’s great for you. For that, you get a website, 10 pages (plus a comment and guest page, 12 total), 10 email addresses and a domain name, it also includes a domain/site builder, domain and email forwarder. , use your own. web builder, parking service. However, each page can have a large amount of data. The 10 email address means that if you have 10 different businesses, affiliate programs or whatever, you can dedicate an individual email to each one and can, with forwarding, even arrange to have them forwarded to a single box. .

The other big advantage is the ability to choose a domain name. Most of the good .com names are long gone. Also, in the case of many of the other endings like .au, .us, .uk, etc., many companies exist solely to buy the best domain names to sell to someone else at greatly inflated prices. GDI with .ws avoids this pitfall by ensuring that the domain name is not sold as a separate entity, but only with the web host. This stops domain name grabbing in its tracks. .ws is still new and now is the time to get the domain name you want. There is no additional $20 annual fee just for domain name registration.

The Business Opportunity

The fact is that not everyone needs a web host. Let’s examine why one has a website. Typically, one has a website for one of two reasons: BUSINESS or PERSONAL.

In the case of personal websites, many people want their own personal email addresses and have a website for various reasons, from keeping in touch with family with an open letter, to expressing their beliefs or opinions on a world stage, to satisfy your own ego and sense of importance, create photo albums, join a community, etc. Some people will pay $10 a month to have a website. As time goes on, I think this will increase as more and more people get to know the web and want to have their own address/place on the web. With the highly transitive nature of the human population moving more than ever before in the history of the world, one of the best ways for people to keep in touch with friends will be through the network. Consider how many people from the school you know twenty years later. Have you moved from city, state, country? If so, you’ve probably lost contact with them. If you wanted to track them, how would you do it? I know I would do it through the web. This will become easier as more people have personal web pages.

In the case of a business website, most of the businesses have a website to further advertise their business, some also have direct sales on the net, and some are nothing more than internet based businesses, for example, Ebay. . In the case of a website for a company, you would think that what GDI offers is not big enough to meet your needs. Except for a landing page, redirect page, or just the domain name, GDI is intended for the small business Internet user. That’s not necessarily a bad thing, but it is a fact that influences the business opportunity. If GDI wants to grow further, it will need to consider offering reasonable upgrade packages for the bigger players.

For a first time small business wanting their own 6 page website GDI is not a bad option as it also gives them a secondary source of income.

It has the potential to be a good source of income, since each person you bring in receives $1 a month. It’s really not a huge amount, you’d need 10 people just to pay your hosting fee, but the winner here is that you get $1 for every person who submits up to five levels, the power to leverage the work of those below you is what attracts here. That can result in some good returns. You won’t become a millionaire overnight, but you can have a great income stream.

You may be thinking, I was too late and missed the wave of GDI. No, I don’t think so, not at the moment this article is being written. GDI members now number in the tens of thousands, it won’t be until it reaches hundreds of millions that the wave will subsidize. I don’t think the new customers will completely dry up either, because every year more and more tech-savvy students are finishing school, believing that they each need their own modern gadgets, including mobile phones, email, and even their own personal website. For kids who spend $50 more a month just on cell phones, $10 a month for their own website is nothing. I am waiting for the day when you no longer send a resume to a potential employer, but just give them your web address and they can search your life themselves. So I think the potential of GDI is long term yes after the initial wave there will be an eventual slowdown there is no infinite possibility there are 6 billion people on the planet once most of them is a client you have reached the finite limit. Any company, unless it has plans to further develop a service or introduce new products, knows that a market reaches a saturation point where growth slows. It is not so good for an MLM company since your customers are also your business partners. Any MLM that wants to be successful must sell a product that needs replacement over time, i.e. tupperware (where did I leave that lid, oh well, time elsewhere and order another), or offer new services or products to the same descending lines.

There are numerous ways to advertise GDI online. I myself am not a great salesperson. I hate cold calling, I hate knocking on the door, I hate feeling like I’m invading someone’s personal space or appearing pushy. That’s why I love internet advertising. Buyer is in full control, not a pushy seller, doesn’t like the sales pitch, go somewhere else. There are several programs set up to advertise GDI for you, programs like turbo GDI and Hits2U, both of which are profitable.

In short, if you need a web server, GDI is an option, especially around domain names, if you don’t need a web server and don’t know anyone who does, it’s probably not for you.

Let’s face it: SEO is not easy for any company. It becomes even more complicated when you have limited money, time, and resources. According to the latest Cluth Survey “More than 36% of small businesses already have an SEO strategy and the remaining 23% plan to develop one.”

To maintain and develop a long-term SEO strategy, it’s important for small business owners to understand how best to measure their SEO success. As a small business owner, if you’re looking for ways to see if your SEO strategy is working, here are three SEO success metrics that might come in handy.

  1. Traffic Retention

  2. Backlink Quality

  3. conversion rate

Let’s take a look below at how these three metrics can help you measure SEO success.

  • Traffic retention to measure quality search audiences

Every business wants to draw quality traffic to their website. Here Google Analytics plays a crucial role. It is one of the effective measures to know what type of audience you want to target and what type of audience is visiting your website. There are two metrics in particular that can help small business owners decide the quality of their search traffic. These are – Scroll Depth and Bounce Rate.

  • while scrolling Depth determines how far down your visitors scroll down on specific web pages. If they scroll down the entire page, it means your audience is interested in reading the topic.

  • Bounce Rate refers to those searchers who visited a single page of your website but then left your site without browsing other pages.

  • Backlink quality defines the impact of inbound links

The quality of a backlink is measured by the total number of links from sites with a high domain authority. To know the quality of the backlinks used on your site, you need to make sure that they are relevant and backed by new domains that can have more impact.

Although you can’t control all the links that come to your website, you can target the quality of those links through guest post outreach. Make sure your goals include websites that offer domain authority, a new audience, and website relevance.

3. The conversion rate offers information about the effectiveness of the SEO strategy

Conversion rates play an important role in measuring small business performance metrics.

It lets you know how well you are achieving your SEO goals, along with the extent of success.

SEO success largely depends on generating as many leads as possible. The conversion rate is the total number of website visitors that are converting into your leads. By tracking this, small businesses can easily measure the impact of their SEO on their revenue.

wrapping the post

Every business needs context and time to measure and achieve SEO success. By understanding the right metrics to measure SEO success, you will surely lead the race and become a winner.

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To complete a full competitive analysis, you need to know the competitive landscape. You must know who your competitors are. Prepare an overview of your competitors, their strengths and weaknesses. Position each competitor’s product against your products. Understand the needs and preferences of the customers you are competing for.

When considering your competitors, determine what are the similarities and differences between their products and yours. You should also consider how their prices compare to yours and how well they are doing. You must have a specific plan to compete. For example, you can offer better quality services, lower prices, more support, or easier access to services. It should address the following basic questions:

o Define your target market.

o Determine the size of the target market.

o Dig deeper into your specific segment within the target market.

o Define the size and revenue opportunity your segment represents.

o Determine how fast the overall market and your specific segment are growing.

o Learn what factors are most important to your customers, such as price, technology, ease of use, or new uses.

o You must know the most important characteristics of your industry. Is it driven by high or low volume? Is it capital or labor intensive? Is it seasonal?

o Identify and profile your target customers by their consumption budgets and how they make decisions to purchase a product.

o Identify your direct and indirect competitors and understand their impact on you.

o Identify the characteristics that differentiate your product from that of the competition.

To tackle the basics, you need to know where to find industry and competitor information. Information is available from the Federal Department of Commerce online or in the library. You can check Edgar Online and business websites for required financial filings. Look up an industry trade association and industry publications. Go to Hoovers Online or Bacon’s to find trade publications in your industry. You can also look online at or the North American Industry Ratings at

Once all the basic issues have been addressed and your competitive research is complete, you should be able to describe all of your competitors and their strengths and weaknesses. You must be able to clearly articulate what is different about your product and why customers will choose your product over the competition. You should also be able to describe your target market and target customer and what will motivate them to buy your product. Finally, you must be able to explain how you will gain and maintain a sustainable competitive advantage.

Copyright 2006. All rights reserved. Indigo Business Solutions is a registered trade name.

You may have heard “the peacock danced fantastically in the jungle”, but you may be believing “until I see something happen in front of me, I can’t believe it”. Do you have an idea what I’m talking about? Yes! You are right, if you have something inside you, and nobody knows it, in today’s world it is not worth having. In the world of digital marketing and the harrowing competitive environment, you have to be very careful. You take care of even a single update on your social networking site. Have you ever noticed, why you are so careful? Because you are very brand conscious, and here I am not talking about the brands you wear or use, here I am talking about “Personal Branding”. You have been doing everything you can to make yourself smarter and more presentable. You may have everything you need to turn heads. But if you are not making your mark effectively, then you are like the same peacock that danced fabulously BUT in the “jungle never seen”.

So, there are some checkpoints to your successful corporate odyssey and personal branding that you need to worry about…

professional skill

Summary: Your updated resume plays the most important role in your personal brand. It is the first entry ticket that allowed your successful entry into the current organization and will give you the next invitation and entry into another organization as well.

LinkedIn: We generally ignore some fields on our LinkedIn profile. There are no fields that define your complete personality such as your interest, type of group you follow, number of certificates you have done, honors and awards you have, causes you care about, your publications, etc. We do not update our profile if we have completed any certificates or earned any awards while working with the current organization. We wait until the moment when we need to change our company, that is pure suicide for your personal brand.

Briefcase: Today we live in the era of “soft copies”, where things on paper no longer exist. There are no free platforms where you can create your own website or portfolio. This could be a common platform where you can link each event of your professional life. Regardless of your field, you can showcase your potential and promote your personal brand through your online portfolio or website.

Business Skills

Organizational involvement: Your office is not a hub of the human machine, there must be some activities other than official work that you could engage in. If you don’t participate in activities like weekly quizzes, competitions, or corporate social responsibility, then at some point you’re putting yourself on a back bench that would leave a scar on your personal brand.

Cause and Volunteer: The world is very dynamic and we are exploring new opportunities everywhere. Sometimes we don’t care about our environment. Always try to get involved in a social cause or a required topic as a volunteer that shows your leadership ability.

interest: The office is not your limit, you may have some other skill that you can enjoy and hone outside of the office. Imagine any official or unofficial meeting happens and you show your performance, which was also in your interest, it gives you extra points for a strong personal brand.

Attitudinal Ability

Communication: Communication is something that gives you a special place in your organization. If you know how to speak, when to speak and what to speak; you can stay on top of your organization. Written communication is just as important as verbal communication, because it fills your absence and your written words become your voice.

Appearance: Sometimes we think that clothing does not play an important role in representing your attitude. But we forget that our dress says the first word about our attitude. Selecting the right dress for the right situation builds your personal brand.

Idiom: In general, we are very relevant during the interview. We use very selective words when we speak and we use very sophisticated language, but by the time we get into work, we become very informal with our language. We take it for granted, we think that our partner and the management do not realize it. But until the moment you come to know that your attitude is wrongly assumed, it is too late.


Client: The relationship with the client or clients ensures your positive position in your organization. We must give priority to building trust with our clients, because this is the most valuable factor that enhances the personal brand in your organization.

Colleagues: Sometimes we forget to behave correctly with our colleagues or colleague. They are our brand ambassadors in the organization. You can’t be the same person for everyone. You have to be very careful with all individuals.

Management: Do not always consider management as an initial problem. They will also promote you. At some point you may not like management policies, but if you care about your personal brand, try to establish a positive relationship with management. They carry a lot of weight for your brand.

Liveliness in the digital world

Social networks: Social media is being a hot spot for all kinds of brands, so how could your personal brand stay intact? If you are connected with your colleague, try to be more cautious, because sometimes your updates don’t define your personality, but people take it differently. Here, you can go with separate social media IDs if you don’t want to leave a single stone unturned for your personal brand.

Thought process: The type of links, updates, comments and photos / videos that you upload to the digital world, make your image. So you have to be very vigilant while updating anything. Here, you don’t have to be formal all the time, your sense of humor and witty comments play an important role in defining your personal brand, because your updates and comments reflect your thought process.

Networks: Your list of friends plays an important role in building the image. People will judge your personality from your network. On LinkedIn, connections are a game changer, he is responsible for a bigger relationship and a bigger business deal. So be very careful when making your network.

Generally all the points are common and I am sure you must have encountered all those points before. But the big question is that knowing and being known are two different situations, like “the peacock dances in the jungle” and “the peacock dances in the city”. Personal branding makes you a fantastic seen dancer. So let the world see your presence!!!

You need to build an email list of leads and customers. You constantly need to add new prospects to fill your sales funnel, and once someone buys a product from you, that person is more likely to buy something from you again in the future.

A great way to expand your email list is to run an online contest. Contests not only allow you to create something useful and beneficial for your audience on a particular topic, they also create more engagement, usually on a daily basis, with your target market.

You can create a contest or competition where everyone has to submit their email address to enter.

Who is your target audience?

If you don’t know who your target audience is, you can’t do anything from creating content, developing products, or running a contest. Knowing your target audience allows you to know when, what, why, where, and how you will move forward. Everything you do is about your audience and what kind of value you can provide them.

The objectives of your contest

One goal, in this case, is obviously to grow your email list. But do you want to promote a specific product to the list you create? Do you want to launch a new product and make sales? Know the goals of your contest so you can make sure you’re doing what needs to be done to reach that goal.

The right tools for your contest

There are many tools that you can use for contests. Each social platform has its own approved contest software. If you want to run a contest on Instagram and Facebook, check out ShortStack.

Market your contest

Don’t run a contest without also adding the marketing element. Think of it as you would any product you want to launch. You’ll want to post some ads online and share widely across all social media platforms. Social networks like Facebook and Twitter are absolutely perfect for promoting your contests and getting entries.

Follow up

When the contest is over, follow up with everyone. Announce the winner and interview him. I also interviewed the top three entries. Send pre-planned emails to everyone who entered and everyone who registered during the contest.

Hosting a contest to grow your list is a great way to achieve your list growth goals. Treat the contest like you would any other product to promote it, launch it, test it, and improve it for next time.

From shooting squirrels in your backyard to calling coyotes in Arizona. Most hunters don’t care if it’s spring or fall. Hunters will take the time to seek out and catch their game. What better way to capture the action of your entire hunting adventure than with a helmet camera. Capture your hunting route videos with the best cameras available on the market. One of the most important decisions in the camera buying process is choosing between single-wired helmet cameras and multiple wired cameras. Obviously, the bigger question is how many cables do you want to deal with? Learn to be a better hunter by recording your tactics and the behavior of the hunted.

The other thing to consider is the quality of the low light videos. With a sub .1 lux monochrome camera, night video will remain black and white. The VIO Pov is a proven quality camera with clarity and resolution that makes the image much clearer. Image quality also varies between camera brands and lighting conditions. It is also important to consider the scope of the object you are recording. Using a lens with a wide field of view, such as 110 degrees, will ensure a stable shot. With this helmet camera system there is no need for bulky recorders, battery packs and no tangled cables. The compact recording unit connects to the camera head via a single watertight detachable cable. Instantly play back recorded videos and watch them on the built-in 2-inch LCD screen or on your TV. Transfer files to your PC via the USB port for editing and publishing. Outdoor hunting video cameras are weatherproof and will withstand the harshest of weather conditions. Operating temperatures for these cameras range from minus 14 degrees to more than 122 degrees Fahrenheit. Using this hunting video camera system with a remote control will save you time and effort. A remote allows you to hunt, rather than fiddle with your camera when you see your target.

A helmet camera makes a great gift for the outdoor hunting enthusiast in your family’s hunting club. Whether you’re bird hunting, boar hunting, moose hunting, trapping or fishing, be sure to record every last moment on video with a helmet camera. When buying a helmet camera, it is recommended to contact a reputable and established dealer, with a toll-free number for any questions and special holiday prices. A friendly and helpful voice will assure you that your helmet camera purchase will be handled with attention to detail and care. Happy hunting!

Local SEO for Lawyers

Ranking well in local search is an important aspect of local SEO for lawyers and attorneys. In general, search engines will favor sites that are located in the area. Another important factor for local SEO for attorneys is prominence. In local search results, Google favors businesses that are popular and prominent. As such, a local SEO strategy is a great way to promote your firm’s website and attract more local clients.

Content creation is another important part of Best Lawyer SEO Expert and attorneys. It not only helps increase rankings but also establishes credibility. Attorneys should write a detailed description of the legal services they offer. Also, avoid making SEO mistakes that will damage your business’ credibility and online presence. By following these SEO tips, your website will appear on top of local search results.

Your website should be optimized for local searches and should include links to relevant and informative content. Your content must be unique to your area and be readable. Use content marketing to create high-quality content that your target audience will find valuable. This can be done through a combination of blog posts, white papers, and core website pages. The more relevant your content is to your area, the more chances your website will attract new clients.

Local SEO for Lawyers and Attorneys

Another way to enhance local SEO for lawyers and attorneys is to ask clients to leave reviews. These reviews will boost visibility and build trust among the local community. Furthermore, Google favors businesses that make use of Google reviews. By building up positive reviews, attorneys and lawyers can establish their reputation as an authority in their area.

Another way to increase local search engine visibility is to optimize for mobile devices. Many users search on their mobile phones using voice-activated search apps. In addition, Google uses GPS systems to determine a person’s location. Thus, law firms that optimize for mobile devices can get a huge advantage over competitors.

In addition to optimizing for mobile search, attorneys should ensure that their website is categorized in the appropriate category and includes the right image. Incorporating keywords in the description of their law firm can also help boost relevance. A legal firm should monitor competitor websites and report any listings that violate Google My Business guidelines.

Pay-per-click advertising is an excellent way to target a local audience. These ads are displayed at the top of relevant search engine rankings. They are also shown near the searcher’s location. This can help law firms convert leads into clients. These ads can even be customized for each city, depending on the location of their offices.

Another important factor for local SEO for attorneys and lawyers is consistency across all the online profiles. Inconsistency can frustrate potential clients. An official business address and area code will help Google know that a law firm is based locally. A building citation can also help boost visibility.

YouTube has made video posting a great way to earn money and also to promote your business or service globally. It has gained significant popularity as high-quality video recording becomes less expensive. All you need these days is a decent standalone camera or a good smartphone and you can create some footage to rival big budget video. It’s all about creativity and a good angle to forge a response from your potential viewers.Startup

Before you start imagining yourself as the next Danny Boyle, you better research what kind of video you want. Are you looking to make direct money or are you looking to use your video to promote engagement? Sometimes it is common to be doing this for both reasons. What and why you film and post on YouTube determines the type of content you upload. Looking at the direct or indirect revenue from your video, it’s clear that the measure of success is the number of views and shares of your video. So what goes viral? We can never really predict what will happen, but based on past trends we can make some educated guesses. Even if your video doesn’t become a worldwide hit, you can still cash in on camcorder revenue and a little extra bucks for your troubles.


Depending on the purpose of the video, you can build interest by presenting facts in an authoritative way to keep the viewer informed or curious, and adding outside clips that relate to your topic when appropriate. If you go for the lighthearted casual approach, keeping your video entertaining and fun while still relating to your area of ​​business is key to your success. Use informative tutorials or ‘how to’s presented with a tongue-in-cheek attitude to increase your viewing numbers. Humor is always a good angle. There are many free video editing tools that would create nice graphics for your clip, text sliders, and integrated audio that is easier to create and add than you think. A video review works well for direct sales or promotion if it is well organized. Short, sharp and quick is the way to go. Remember, online viewers have a very short attention span. You have the first 8 seconds to keep the viewer in your space. Start with a bang and keep things interesting by cutting out any irrelevant bits.

Sell! Sell! Sell!

If you sell a product or service, it pays to get customer testimonials that can be embedded on your website. It goes way beyond text testimonials, as anyone can make a mock testimonial in a matter of seconds. Not only will this improve your YouTube representation, but it will also be useful material that can be edited in your other business – a video ad!

If you’re introducing a new product or service, you can shoot an accompanying how-to video, giving both your business and your new device a boost. Publishers and authors do it all the time. Offer useful information on the topic to which your product is related. Tell your viewers things they don’t know and then present your product without too much of a struggle to sell.

The dollar razor club clip continues to trend as the benchmark of all YouTube trading-focused videos. A total cost of $3,000 and a few unemployed staff members helped Michael Dubin gain over 5 million views and a huge sales of $1,00 worth of shaving bars. It is an example of what the imagination can do to make your message go viral. You got a huge fan base, but also getting a 3% global sales conversion is nothing short of great. Look at the success of Dollar Shave Club.

As a good starting point, make a fun commercial video that showcases your company culture or typical customer scenario. Showing footage of your busy work environment, fulfilling orders, or demonstrating the benefits of your business would need entertainment or impact to turn a viewer into 10 or 20. A good video is only great for getting a single viewer to respond or engage. But to go viral it has to be funny, controversial or very informative. A video that your viewers share on social media is what you want. That is the true meaning of a viral attack spread by those who are exposed to it. We advise that controversy traffic be left to professional marketers or those who are just looking for a crowd of viewers and nothing more. It can produce risky results.

For those new to posting on YouTube, it’s probably best to be yourself. Be sure to present your unique selling point. As tempting as it is to hire a glamorous blonde as your spokesperson, this tactic usually succeeds in turning people off, so put some real people in front of the camera and let your clients see that they can trust you. Successful videos that have worked like a dream for creators are often makeup artists, business coaches, quirky retailers, and entertainment web companies. Music has also enjoyed commercial exposure on YouTube, and we’re not talking about a big artist or record label. Dub FX was a dub artist who plied his trade for a few pounds on Camden and similar European streets. Footage of his performance on YouTube garnered massive views and now let’s say he was christened at Glastonbury.

click and buy

New media technology is not sitting idle, especially when it comes to finding ways to create direct sales as you interact with the media. Some started the idea with product placement while watching a clip on YouTube. You can now click on an item highlighted in the videos and purchase the item through the click link. The setup is much cheaper than when the technology was in Beta a few years ago. You can have the program running on your YouTube video from £20 for a monthly package. A good way to more or less set up a YouTube store is to have a dropdown catalog with audio commentary and some interesting images to keep the viewer engaged. Your content should grab the viewer’s attention and keep them there. If it’s fashion, talk about trends, tips, and styles, add a few celebrity photos, and then put your items on display. The same goes for services. You can have clickable scrolling text as you introduce your unique service. Order now, reserve your spot, and other call-to-action phrases can earn you some direct revenue.

Ranking and AdSense

YouTube is a great vitamin for your Google health. Search engines and web ranking of your web presence can do wonders for browsing engagement and commerce. Once you’ve uploaded your video, be sure to enter a title, description, and tags. Once you’ve managed your established keywords and phrases with supporting descriptions, you’ll be well on your way to getting a bit of a traffic boost courtesy of Google. Your video should get a few hundred views if you take advantage of strategic links and spread the word on your social network or from your website. Your video should start showing up on Google, based on your keyword phrases. Website clicks enjoy a healthy percentage of video searches commonly connected to YouTube. Page ranking with the help of your video on YouTube is therefore worthy of great consideration. Research how AdSense works and the income from here can be realistic and consistent. YouTube makes payments into a Google AdSense account, and once you’re fully enrolled in the program, you’ll also be able to run Google ads alongside or above your videos. This can generate additional income through pay per click and affiliate earnings, and all you have to do is keep your video content up to date and enjoy the earnings. Apart from direct payment, there are other ways you can build your reputation on YouTube to develop other sources of income. You may be selling some products on eBay or you need to get more visitors for your income-generating blog; It makes sense to include a link to your site. You can interact with other companies in your industry and offer to endorse their products in your videos, for a 5-10% commission on top of what YouTube pays you, or simply join an affiliate association. Do this without intermediaries, affiliate companies and your commission is yours alone.

The partner program

The Partner Program is where your videos really start to work for you. Once you’re a partner, you can expect to earn around $2.50-$5 (£1.56-£3.13) for every 1,000 views of your video, and while this doesn’t seem like much at the moment, if you manage to create the next viral sensation you generate million views, you can expect to earn a lot of dotcom for your hard work. Consider making money selling scrolling text embedded in your video. A certain number of viewers is all the proof needed to have a platform for a related business to be interested in. Product placement and endorsements as part of the content are effective means of promoting the business of a paying advertiser, large or small.

fan currency

Make your uploads unique and positively different and you are sure to create a dedicated following of fans. Video marketing is not a get-rich-quick scheme and can be unpredictable to some extent; patience and careful planning should help. The videos can be a lot of fun to make, and once they start generating income for you, they’ll likely continue to do so month after month. Feed your fans, feature videos from others who have some sort of connection to yours. By the time you’ve built a library of 15 or more videos, you should be getting a good number of views per video. Once all of your videos reach a minimum of 1,000 views each, YouTube will contact you to ask if you’d like to apply to become a partner.

Posting videos on YouTube is a very public thing. Therefore, you must be clear about the permission and terms for posting a video. Play it safe and make sure you have permission where appropriate so you don’t find your good work to be an exercise in vain. Situational footage where you testify with your video is exempt in some cases, so it’s a good idea to know what the parameters are for this. Make sure your video doesn’t infringe someone else’s copyright. Please take a few minutes and read YouTube’s guidelines. They are also there to protect their own good work from others; You would need to know when your copyright interests have also been infringed. See YouTube’s copyright advice and guidance. Earning money through YouTube has more options than we are used to. It’s up to you to put together compelling material and manipulate the revenue once the viewing numbers start to pick up. It’s an open playground, let’s start filming.

There are various ways to promote your website online, some of which just need a bit of your time, while others burn a small hole in your pocket. It goes without saying that if you can own and build a website, promoting and marketing it online will not be a big deal.

Basically, my online marketing strategy revolves around these few points:


Search engine marketing (SEM) refers to an Internet marketing technique that involves promoting websites by increasing their visibility on search engine results pages. It basically involves two methods:

a> Pay Per Click (PPC) Advertising

b>Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Pay-per-click is a method of paying a search engine to show your website more often in search results when a user searches for content, while SEO is the method where you manually modify or rewrite the content. content of your websites to achieve higher rankings. search engine results pages.


It is a form of marketing in which media and content are created and published to communicate and acquire potential customers. The content can be in the form of images, newsletters, how-to guides, case studies, etc. The main objective of content marketing is not to sell a product directly, but to keep in touch with existing and future customers and provide them with the necessary and useful information to earn their loyalty. The most common and traditional form of content marketing is to write descriptive articles or advertising content on sites like EzineArticles, Squidoo, ArticlesBase, GoArticles, etc. Some of them even pay to write articles.


Social Media Marketing is a way to popularize an event, product, service, brand or company with the help of social networking sites. It is a free marketing method because it depends on the quality of the content and how much readers share it. The most common social media marketing platforms are Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Google+, MySpace, etc. Most of these sites offer a page dedicated to your company that can be used to promote your company, product or service. Also, word of mouth and user actions play an important role in doing the same.


Mobile marketing, as is obvious from the name, is the form of marketing where cell phones are the bridge between a business and its customers, or prospective customers more often than not, where customers receive personalized and tailored information, offers or It is about the product or services. There are many forms of mobile marketing, but here we will limit ourselves to the most common and effective methods.

a> SMS: There are many bulk SMS providers that, unlike telecommunication companies that have a limit on the maximum number of SMS sent, allow users to send a large number of SMS and guarantee delivery. Therefore, this bulk SMS service can be used to send messages related to products and services to a large number of users in a very short time, and it is also highly profitable.

b> App-based marketing: As the use of smartphones increases, the use of mobile applications has also increased proportionally. So the concept is to make mobile apps for iOS, Android and Symbian platforms and distribute them for free on the online app market. Sending push notifications adds to the advantage as users receive alerts and notifications about new products, services or information instantly.


It is a direct marketing method where commercial messages are sent to a group of people through emails. Mailings may be sent to a database of existing or potential customers for the purpose of promoting a new or old product or service, or to provide a deal or offer to solicit repeat business or instant business. Most of the time, companies send out promotional emails where they offer a limited time offer and customers get a discount if they avail the services or products within that period. Sending out online newsletters at regular intervals also brings a sense of loyalty to existing customers.


There are a number of online classified sites where we can post ads for our products and services for little or no cost. Classified sites may be recognized or active locally, nationally, or internationally. Considering the Indian online market, the ones that come to mind are Quikr,, Olx… and the list goes on. Locanto and Craigslist are two of the giants of the international online market, needless to mention that there are many more in this category. Each of the ads you post on these sites stays active for a set period and then you must renew/repost them or post another ad if still needed.


Link exchange refers to the method in which the administrators of two (or more) websites agree to display each other’s advertisements or links on their own site for their mutual benefit. The method also involves the process where multiple administrators or webmasters register their site with a central website that serves as host and provides reciprocal links to participating websites to display on their pages. So, if you sign up for link exchange programs on such a site, the link to your website will be placed on a number of other similar ranked websites, and in turn you must place your links on your own site, simple , It is not like this? Generally, this service is free as it is based on the principle of reciprocity, both parties benefit mutually and almost equally, but sometimes you need a bit of your fortune if you opt for premium and fast services.


Discussion forums are a great way to advertise to a group of targeted customers. Online forums/discussion forums are present for almost every topic you can think of, so in this place you get a group of people who are really (and only) interested in the same topic, product or service that you are offering. . So everyone in that discussion is your potential customer, all you need to do is throw high and hit at the right time. Google and yahoo also have their own dedicated Q&A/discussion forums, writing and promoting your articles where you can get good results.


Written, print, or text media are all good forms of marketing, but short videos about your services or products are a great form of marketing. Here, people only need to watch your video for a few seconds, or maybe minutes, and understand what they really mean. In this way, they quite easily skip the traditional and comparatively boring way of reading the advertisement, newsletter or promotional messages. The most common platform is YouTube, where you can upload your own personalized videos for free, or opt for a paid promotion where very short promotional videos (by YouTube) are inserted among other videos that may be a little known to people and, therefore, Therefore, there are more chances for people to watch the promotional videos.


Web directories or link directories are the directories on the world wide web (www) that link to other websites and classify websites based on their content. In simple words, directories are not search engines but simply an online directory that displays the list of websites based on categories and subcategories. There are a plethora of web directories offering free, paid, reciprocal and affiliate links based on your choice. If ranked correctly, directory listing is a great form of online marketing. DMOZ, Yahoo, Digg are some of the famous online directories.


Discounts always attract customers, even if they don’t have much to do with the product. They stop to take a look at what is on offer. Sometimes this paves the way for the person to think deeply and consider taking advantage of the deal just because they’re getting it at a great price. There are many websites where services/products are offered at discounted prices. Consider checking out Snapdeal, Groupon, Timesdeal, and a few others.


After all these efforts, if there is still a problem in the sales process, affiliate marketing is always there to promote direct sales of the product or services, where a small part of the profit is given to the publisher or supplier who promotes sales. It is a performance based marketing system and the affiliate earns a percentage of profit for selling or helping to sell an item by applying any of the above mentioned marketing techniques or their own techniques. One of the common ways is to place advertising links or banners on others’ sites with their permission, and if a sale occurs from their website, we must pay them a defined amount or percentage.

With a bit of experience in website publishing and promotion, I hope that these factors can be really helpful when you are trying to do some marketing for your new website. Forgive me if I forgot to mention something important, of course you can comment and rectify if I have made any mistakes. Hello.