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Get the keys that help millions unlock the door to an exciting and exciting life and also transcend the typical baggage of divorce in the highlights of Part 1 of my radio talk for Lasting Love with Janet Bray Attwood.

Janet is the NY Times best-selling co-author of The Passion Test: Discovering the Effortless Path to Your Destiny. She has helped millions of people find the easy and exciting path to the life you love.

Hadley: Passion is the key to your destiny. Let’s help people who want even more love and excitement in life. Let’s help people go from where you are now to where you want to be, reaching the peak of passion, pleasure and performance in life and love.

When you embark on a new journey, you need a new map to guide you. His new map is The Passion Test. It has helped millions of people effortlessly find their way to an exciting, fun, and fulfilling destination. Janet, tell us how you were guided to find an effortless path to your own destination during an early trip to India.

Janet: He guided me down one of my paths, which was interviewing teachers from all over the world. At The Passion Test, we say that when you are clear about what you choose to show in your life, it will, and only to the extent that you are clear about it. That was something that I was very clear about, because it was a great love of mine, since I went to India more than five times.

Hadley: Aren’t you in India now?

Janet: Right now, I’m in Germany with Chris Atwood, my co-author of The Passion Test. He is also my ex-husband, my best friend, and my business partner. I stay with his wife, his wife’s mother, and his two daughters. I am his godmother.

Hadley: It’s amazing how you and Chris can go through a divorce, and end up being loving and friendly business partners, godmother to your ex-husband’s children, and friend to his wife. How did you make that happen?

Janet: The world is the way you are. The world will reflect to you how you are with yourself. Both Chris and I have practiced TM mediation for many years. That really helped with the transition from getting divorced. We did not go to war with each other. We just realized that the relationship as we knew it was over.

We also knew it was crazy for people who had fallen in love, who had said, “I love you forever” and then just because something goes wrong they decide they can’t see each other again and become mortal enemies. . Chris and I found that crazy.

Here’s someone he loved more than anyone else in the world. Just because they didn’t do things your way or you didn’t do things their way, you think you can’t be in the other’s world. We think: “How sad is that.”

Chris and I also practice Byron Katie’s work.

Hadley: I love your “change procedure”.

Janet. It is a process of undoing limiting beliefs. Byron Katie says that when you are attached to how things should be instead of how things are, you will feel one of three things: pain, separation, and suffering.

Chris and I are strong advocates of consciously loving what is. So don’t let the concepts ruin your world. It is a concept that an ex-wife cannot be the best friend of a new wife. When we allow these concepts to take over our world, our world becomes very small and very limited.

Byron Katie says that until you can say to a loved one walking out the door, “Honey, let me help you pack,” you’re still not there. Love is unconditional when you allow someone to walk the path they need.

Hadley: You make it sound easy, but that was the hardest journey I’ve ever taken in my life – getting to the point where I could wish my husband the best after he left.

Janet: If you think about it, it’s harder to hold onto your pain, separation, stories about what others have done to you.

Hadley: That pain can be fatal if you don’t release it.

Janet: So walk from the place where there are no victims here. You create your reality. See that every moment is a gift. That sounds trite but true. The Universe is configured so that each moment serves in some way.

Nobody said it was easy. However, it is much more difficult not to be that loving presence and hold on to that pain. You can let it go and do it in a way where you come out of your gut that I want for you what you want for yourself. Until you get to that place, it is more painful than not.

Hadley: I agree. It is good to thank your best teachers for giving you the lessons that you needed to learn at the time, to see with new eyes.

Janet: And you can use tools like Byron Katie’s work to undo limiting beliefs that will change your life in minutes. Using the passion test is a tool. The reason you wake up dissatisfied with your life is that you are not making decisions about how to do your own inner work, because the world is the way you are. If you are love inside, you attract love.

They are all a reflection of where we are right now. So dive into the cracks of the soul and forgive, surrender, appreciate and undo, letting go of the concepts that create terrorism in the mind.

Hadley: You are an inspiration to everyone. How do we find clues on the best way to an exciting and exciting life?

Find out in Part 2, the highlight of my radio talk with Janet Bray Attwood for A Lasting Love.

One thing to consider is the size of your tent or caravan. I use tents all the time, even during the winter months. A tent is one of the easiest things to choose. When considering the size of the tent, you need to consider a few things. One thing to consider is how much space do you want or need? I prefer to have a bigger tent to have room for all my gear and room to change or move. Some people, especially hikers, just want enough space to sleep and store their gear. Long-term camping is all about comfort and fun, hiking is about keeping your gear lightweight and portable. For camping, you need to consider how many people you will have with you. The more people, the bigger the tent or multiple tents. The good news is that most tents have a capacity ration and that helps with picking up. I usually look at the capacity and divide it by 2 so there is room for everyone to move around and put their gear away. It also allows for extra space if it starts to rain and you can’t keep all your gear dry outside.

Another thing to consider is cooking at the campground. There are many options for cooking while camping. You can use the grill provided, cook over an open fire, or bring a propane stove. All of these options will work for anyone while camping. Usually I will have a 2 burner propane stove and grate to put over the fire. This allows for more cooking options and more cooking area. Using charcoal is good, but you need to make sure you have enough for 3 meals a day and if you are camping for an extended period of time, charcoal takes up a lot of space. You also have to worry about keeping it dry. With propane you have little cans that you can buy and you don’t have to worry about keeping it dry. The propane stove provides a constant temperature cooking area. Propane stoves also come in many different styles for your convenience when cooking. You can also pack your home grill, allowing you to have a large cooking area. I have seen cooking platforms for propane stoves that allow you to cook away from the table and have space to place your food and all your prep items. The metal fire grill is a very good way to cook and you can use firewood from around the campsite for fuel.

While cooking, you need to think about what kind of pots and pans you will use. I prefer to use cast iron pans and steel pots. Everyone has their own preferences about what they wear. Cast iron is great if seasoned properly. Allows for a large cooking area over a fire pit or propane stove. Regular pots and pans are just as good. Now you can get cheap sets or expensive sets to go, but the best way to do that is to take old pots and pans from home. That way you can throw them away if you screw them up and get more bang for your buck by reusing old items around the house. You can also buy really good games at thrift stores for very little money.

Sleeping gear is another thing any camper needs to look at and discover the best items for you to bring. Sleeping gear can be anything from sleeping bags to cots to air mattresses. What you need or want depends on the level of comfort you want to have when camping. When choosing a sleeping bag, you have to think about the climate you are going to. If you are camping in an extremely cold area you need the right bag and if you are in a warmer area you need a lighter bag. If you plan to do a lot of camping, you should consider a bag that can be adjusted to the climate you are in. Choosing a crib or air mattress is all about comfort level. I like air mattresses because it is like sleeping at home. I’ve used cots before, but that was when I was in the military. They can be very comfortable if you use some type of foam pad. A crib keeps you off the ground and allows air to flow between you and the ground. A crib is also a good way to save space inside a tent. You can store your gear underneath and keep your tent a little tidier. They also allow for a personal sleeping area when there are a lot of people in the tent. An air mattress acts as a floor insulator and helps keep you warmer. They also take up more space but allow for more sleeping area.

Your campsite is another thing to consider. Do you want a portable tent to cover the table? Do you need camping chairs? Do you need something to do while camping? Now it is amazing to have a portable tent at any camp or sporting event. They allow a quick place to protect yourself from the weather or the sun. They also allow you to cover your gear while camping. Now, with a portable tent, you should think about having one with or without a screen. If you want, it’s a great idea to keep all mosquitoes away while you eat or just hang out. Without one, you risk being bitten by mosquitoes. So this is not a really big topic, but it helps to have one at camp. IF you need to think about furniture, there are many options. You can choose a regular chair or one that is like a recliner. Choosing a chair is all about how much you want to spend and comfort. I usually choose the $ 5 chair because if it breaks I won’t be mad and it’s cheap to replace. Now what to bring to pass the time. You can bring whatever you want, but I have some ideas that I always bring back. You can bring corn hole and ladder ball. These two games can keep everyone busy for hours. Then you can bring a deck of cards, one, and some board games. You can also bring fishing rods and your bikes.

Camping is a great way to spend time with your family and enjoy the outdoors. I try to go camping three or four times a year. When choosing gear, make sure it’s something you want. Don’t buy the things a salesperson tells you too. Do your own research and make it fun to get your gear. Let your kids help or just surprise them.

Sarcoidosis is by nature an autoimmune disease, but most people don’t really understand what this means. At the end of this article, you will learn about the history of the disease and natural treatment options. Towards the end of the article, we will look at recent developments that offer hope to those with sarcoidosis.

In autoimmune diseases, the body activates the immune system and puts it into “combat formation” to fight a nonexistent enemy. It ends up causing damage to your own cells through inflammation.

So what are the natural treatment options?


In Florence, Italy, a study was conducted on the use of melatonin to treat sarcoidosis. After the 2-year case study, almost all the patients had produced a significant improvement and some were even symptom-free.

What is melatonin?

It is a hormone that our body produces naturally and mainly regulates sleep. This is why your levels peak at 2am. Melatonin also scavenges free radicals, improves sex steroid production, and reduces tumor growth.

Controversy about the safety of melatonin in autoimmune diseases: This controversy is due to the fact that melatonin actually, by its nature, stimulates the immune system. Studies show that melatonin can inhibit cytokine production and reduce inflammation. Much research is being done to determine if it is safe to use melatonin in autoimmune diseases.

Oregano oil

Over the years, oil of oregano has been shown time and again to have a powerful anti-inflammatory effect (due to the presence of terpenes, a natural anti-inflammatory agent). It is used in massage to relieve joint pain and in steam inhalation treatments for the airways.

Ayurvedic treatment (traditional Indian medicine)

Ayurvedic treatment of this condition aims to reduce tissue damage and prevent complications from the resulting fibrosis. Some of the herbs used here include Amalaki (Emblica officinalis), Gokshur (Tribulus terrestris), Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera), and Tulsi (Ocimum sanctum).

Ayurveda also aims to improve the immune status of the body. The herbs used here are, among others, Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) and Tulsi (Ocimum sanctum).

Breakthrough in research

The problem with sarcoidosis is the lack of knowledge in modern medicine about the causes of the disease. But lately, interesting news has been reported about the discoveries of the underlying chemical imbalance and its causes. Based on this, a new holistic treatment protocol is created with an astonishing reported success rate.

President George Bush, well known for his mispronunciations, once said, “I am known for altering one or two syllables.” Despite laughing at the plethora of Bushisms over the past eight years, even the best American word writers mispronounce their fair share of words.

Americans are somewhat tolerant of pronunciation errors when the errors involve foreign phrases, place names, technical terms, dialectical differences, or infrequently used idioms. However, for various reasons, we require uniform pronunciation of some words. Below are our top 40 reasons for pronunciation pets, in no particular order.

1. Library says “lie-brair-ee”, not “lie-bear-ee”. [No, it’s not libarian either]

2. Nuclear is pronounced “nook-lee-er”, not “nUke-U-ler”. [Ode to Bush]

3. February is said “Feb-roo-air-ee”, not “Feb-U-air-ee”. [Frequently misspelled, as well]

4. Orange is pronounced “or-anj”, not “are-anj”. [Orange you glad you know this?]

5. The prostate is said “shrimp state”, not “shrimp rectum”. [Unless you are lying down]

6. Height is pronounced “hite”, not “hite with a ‘th”. [That “e-i” or “width” must confuse us]

7. It probably says “praw-bab-lee”, not “prob-lee”. [Or some say “praw-lee”]

8. Ask is pronounced “ask”, not “ax”. [Please tell me before you ax me.]

9. The pronunciation is pronounced “pro-nun-see-a-tion”, not “pro-noun-see-a-tion”. [But pronounce]

10. Athlete is pronounced “ath-lete”, not “ath-ah-leet”. [Despite the ath-ah-leets foot commercials]

11. The strategy is said “strat-uh-gee”, not “stra-ji-dee”. [Though we never say “stra-ji-jick”]

12. Aluminum is pronounced “uh-loo-mi-num”, not “al-U-min-um”. [Brits have their own version]

13. Etcetera (etc.) is said “et-set-er-ah”, not “ek-set-er-ah”. [Not “ek-spe-shul-lee” either]

14. Supposedly pronounced “suh-po-zed-lee”, not “su-pose-ub-lee”. [Or “su-pose-eh-blee”]

15. The difference is said “difference”, not “difference”. [Often misspelled due to this error]

16. Naughty is pronounced “mis-chuh-vus”, not “mis-chee-vee-us”. [You’ll look this one up]

17. Mayonnaise is said “may-un-naze”, not “man-aise”. [“Ketchup-catsup” is another matter]

18. Miniature is pronounced “mi-ne-uh-ture”, not “min-ah-ture”. [Who drives an Austin “min-uh”?]

19. Defined it says “de-fuh-nit”, not “def-ah-nut”. [For define, it’s “di-fine” not “dah-fine”]

20. It is often pronounced “off-ten”, not “off-on”. [Probably just sloppy pronunciation]

21. Internet is said “In-ter-net”, not “In-nur-net”. [Not “in-ner-rest-ing either]

22. Edibles is pronounced “grow-sir-ees”, not “grow-sure-ees”. [It’s not “grow-sure” either]

23. Similar is said “sim-ah-ler”, not “sim-U-lar”. [But Websters says “sim-ler” is fine]

24. Escape is pronounced “es-cape”, not “ex-cape”. [It’s not “ex-pres-so” either]

25. Losing is said “luze”, not “loose”. [Think “choose,” not “moose”]

26. Temperature is pronounced “tem-per-ah-ture”, not “tem-prah-chur.” [Cute when kids say it]

27. The jewelry is said “jewl-ree” or “jew-ul-ree”, not “jew-ler-ree”. [More syllables won’t get you more carats]

28. Sandwich is pronounced “sand-which”, not “sam-which”. [Or “sam-mitch” either]

29. Real estate agent says “real-tor”, not “real-ah-tor”. [Similarly, it’s “di-late,” not “di-ah-late”]

30. The asterisk is pronounced “ass-tur-risk”, not “ass-trik”. [It’s not called astar, by the way]

31. Federal says “fed-ur-ul”, not “fed-rul”. [Use all syllables to ensure all federal holidays]

32. The candidate is pronounced “can-di-date”, not “can-uh-date”. [It’s not “can-nuh-date” or “can-di-dit”]

33. The hierarchy is said “hi-ur-ar-kee”, not “hi-ar-kee”. [It’s not “arch-type”; it’s “ar-ki-type”]

34. Niche is pronounced “nich” or “neesh”, not “neech”. [This one drives some people crazy]

35. Sherbet is said “sher-bet”, not “sher-bert”. [I’m sure, Burt]

36. The prescription is pronounced “pre-script-tion”, not “per-script-tion”. [andprerogative, not “per”]

37. Arctic is said “ark-tik”, not “ar-tik”. [Not “ant-ar-tik-ah either]

38. The cabinet is pronounced “cab-uh-net”, not “cab-net”. [Likewise, it’s “cor-uh-net,” not “cor-net”]

39. Triathlon is said “tri-ath-lon”, not “tri-ath-uh-lon”. [Not “bi-ath-uh-lon” either]

40. Forte is pronounced “strong”, not “for-tay”. [But Porsche does have a slight “uh” at the end]

And for the culinary snobs among us … It’s “bru-chet-tah” or “bru-sket-tah”, but it’s definitely not “bru-shet-tah”. And it’s “headphone row”, not “gear row” or “hee-roh.”

Many of the pronunciation errors described above are made by people with poor decoding and syllabification skills.

This is an important Skyrim cheat guide that you shouldn’t be without. Skyrim is the fifth episode of a series called “Elder Scrolls”. It is a real gamer game that can be played on a PC, PS3 or Xbox. The idea of ​​the game is to become the best dragon slayer. With the setting based on medieval times, it really captivates the player by making them feel like they are really there.

Here are some good Skyrim strategies that can help you along the way.


Crafting is a good way to increase your skill level. Make sure to collect everything you can from everywhere. In some of the elaboration recipes, flowers, moss and roots are used. These can also be sold to companions who will help increase the level of your wealth.


Sneaking around is a very fast Skyrim strategy. In most buildings, you can find a sleeping area or corner to crouch down and simply move back and forth to increase your level of stealth.

Weapons and armor

Weapons and armor can be crafted in players’ forges to help increase their strength level; not to mention helping you defeat the dragons.

Dragon screams

The dragon screams are almost essential in this game. You need the dragon’s cry to help kill the dragon, and you have to kill the dragon to get his soul back; which is the way to gain dominance to achieve your ultimate goal.

Skyrim’s strategy

As with almost all of these types of games, Magic is a great Skyrim strategy. You need to be able to enchant people or objects to increase your mastery skills. Most magic schools can help you do this, and of course you can buy potions and spells along the way to help.

Skyrim Combat

Many of Skyrim’s strategies have to do with combat. This is why you should always have a Skyrim cheat guide. The better fighter you are, the further you will go, but to become a good fighter you will need to increase your one- and two-handed combat skill levels. Always be on the lookout for weapons that can be bought or crafted. As in everything, the guy with the most weapons wins. One thing Skyrim allows is stealth-based combat strategies. These work very well to increase your assassination ability.

Guardian stones

New to Skyrim’s list of strategies are the Guardian Stones. This stone can be found throughout the world of Skyrim, either by themselves or in groups of three. By activating one of these stones, your player can receive a power or bonus. But you can only activate one stone at a time. The game has thirteen stones in the entire kingdom.

Skyrim Maps

The map will prove to be very useful for strategizing Skyrim. It can be used to trace where you have been and can show you places to go. Always follow the map and keep a mental picture of it, after all this is medieval times.

Skyrim skill levels

Depending on your preference, one could base a pretty good base around thief skill level. It includes pickpocketing, picking locks, talking, and sneaking around. These are very easy to achieve and will help increase your levels very fast. Alchemy is also among that ability that allows the player to make potions and poisons. A little different in this episode is that the thief does not carry equipment to create his potions and poisons.

Warrior is another skill level available in Skyrim. The warrior’s Skyrim strategies are to master his six skills to reach higher levels and become the ultimate dragon slayer. This player must master blacksmithing, heavy armor, blocking, and archery. Most of Skyrim’s strategies haven’t changed much. Stay alive; increase your skill level by learning trades or making recipes. And soon you will become the Ultimate Dragon Slayer.


You follow one of six unique Vault Hunters, each with different abilities: Axton the Commando, Salvador the Gunzerker, Maya our resident Siren, Zero the assassin, the two DLC characters, Gaige the Mecromancer, and Krieg the Psycho on their quest to stop Handsome Jack and Hyperion, find adventure and the best team on Pandora.

Before we get into the story, I want to spend a little time with our playable characters, their different abilities, and backstories:

First is Axton, our command, who like Roland uses turrets. A former Dahl sergeant, dishonorably discharged for his personal glory in search of roads and sentenced to death by firing squad. His ex-wife / commander recommends that he not attempt to escape to one of the many locations beyond Dahl’s reach, which he does, then heads to Pandora after hearing one of Handsome Jack’s commercials. Depending on the tree you use, your turret can heal you, set off nuclear blasts, or even spawn a second turret.

Salvador, the Gunzerker, in my opinion, is the Brick of this game, using two pistols instead of his fists. Born and raised in Pandora, he loves violence (and steroids, which causes his 5’4 ″ height), but has aimed it at bandits and other outlaws. However, prior to the events of Borderlands, he too is willing to die for his actions, but before doing so, Hyperion attempts to take over his city. After defeating the invaders, Salvador becomes interested in the vault, after interrogating (torturing) the last survivor.

As I said earlier, Salvador’s skill is to shoot, which means firing two weapons at once, so the location of the weapon for him is key. A good method is to keep a Slag Gun on each rotation. Their skill trees range from weapon buildup and damage, firing time extension, ammo regeneration, and healing.

Zer0 is the Assassin of the game, sort of like Mordecai’s hunter with his sniper rifle skill, but without Bloodwing. A hit man, dealing with common and political coups, is disillusioned when his victim fails to defend himself, even after Zer0 demands it. A waiter tells Zer0 about Pandora after he bemoans her lack of interest lately.

Not much is known about Zer0, even its gender may be a lie. It gets its name from the scratch displayed on its faceplate. There is also much debate as to whether or not Zer0 is human, given his body type and lack of fingers. I’d like to think it was possibly a RAT, or genetically modified in some way, although it is speculated that Tanis knows its origins.

Zer0’s ability is deceptive, creating a hologram of himself to distract enemies. His skill trees involve strengthening his sniper rifle’s use and critical damage, strengthening his ability to deceive and combat, and strengthening his melee attacks. Very useful since his melee weapon is a sword.

Maya is one of the 6 mermaids, like Lilith, although her ability is to phase lock, lock an enemy in a bubble and damage it. She was given to The Order of the Impending Storm when she was identified as a Mermaid when she was still a baby. She was secretly trained until she was revealed as a goddess to the followers of the orders. She later found out that they were actually using her to extort money from followers. Maya kills the monks who raised her and decides to go to Pandora to learn more about Sirens and finally explore.

Maya’s ability can be excellent at cooperating, playing the role of a healer. With his ability to block a teammate from the fight for your life, heal them by shooting and heal everyone by phase-eliminating an enemy. Like the other mermaids, she can also deal elemental damage, even creating some out of thin air.

After the game’s release, we were given two DLC characters, Gaige and Krieg. Both completely new and unique to the game. Here is his summary.

Gaige is a high school student who made an anti-bullying robot for her science fair. While making the robot, he cut his arm quite deeply, so instead of healing it, he cut it off and made a cybernetic one to digitize his robot, at that point called DT. He later discovers that the school bully found his blueprints for DT and sold them to the local police. Enraged, she finishes DT, with claws and digitized lasers, and renames him Deathtrap.

At the science fair, her bully’s father has bribed the judges, giving Gaige third place. His thug begins to gloat and push Gaige, prompting Deathtrap to protect Gaige with his digital claws. When the claws hit him, the bully, for lack of a better word, exploded. Gaige was sent to the principal’s office, where her worst fears are confirmed, she will be expelled and arrested. His father creates a distraction, with a golf cart and lots of gas, and Gaige escapes to a ship heading to Pandora. There he hopes his intelligence can be appreciated.

Gaige uses Death Trap, his robot companion that can attack with claws, lasers and explosions, it can also regenerate your shields and those of your teammates. That doesn’t mean that Gaige herself can shoot, she has a lot of fun and unique abilities. Depending on the tree you use, you can trade precision for damage, have bouncing bullets, and cause electrical and burn damage.

Our final character is Krieg the Psycho, basically one of the bad guys turned vault hunter. Not much is known about Krieg’s past, other than that he is considered the property of Hyperion, although small glimpses of the man he was before can be seen with his inner voice. Before the events of Borderlands 2, he roamed the badlands looking for bandits and other fighters to come out with his bloodlust. He tries to avoid non-combatants / innocents as his inner voice threatens to kill him if he does.

He meets Maya, his inner voice thinks she can help him, so he tries to call her out, but screams about poop trains instead. Maya, thinking that he is a normal psychopath, engages him in combat and does not see the RATS approaching behind her. Krieg’s inner voice can finally shout a warning to Maya, before decimating her attackers. At the end of his intro video, you can see him on the side of the train heading to the Windshear Waste, explaining how he got there.

His ability is The Buzz Ax Rampage, your melee damage increases by 500%, you recover completely with each kill, the speed increases by 33% and you get the ability to throw your buzz ax. Depending on the tree you choose, you can upgrade your melee abilities even when you’re not rampaging, add explosive damage, and deal elemental damage. Krieg’s abilities also alter the fight for your life, where he can drop a grenade and gain double experience from kills, or throw dynamite at enemies to try and regain health.


Our game begins when our game’s main villain, Handsome Jack, discovers that the train that takes you and your fellow Vault Hunters is a trap. They find you out of nonsense, from Borderlands one, who decides that you will be his ticket out of his frozen wasteland prison. You travel through the Windshear Waste, where you encounter some new additions to the Borderlands baddie team, Bullymongs, and your first boss fight Knuckledragger.

Claptrap later takes you to Liar’s Berg, where you meet one of the new characters, Sir Hammerlock, where, after doing a few more missions, you finally arrive at the sanctuary, where you can meet various Borderlands characters. The old Vault Hunters are back, and more developed with great personalities.

Compared to its predecessor, Borderlands 2 has definitely gotten better. From character customization, Borderlands you have to choose hair, shirt, and pants color, while in 2 you get tons of color schemes to play with and head customizations. You can get these customizations by shopping by doing certain missions, enemy drops, and ammo machines.

The weapons have also improved a lot, they are more accurate, brightly colored and stronger. The launchers in one were weak and did more damage to you than you, here … well, if you shoot yourself, it will still take a large chunk of your health, but it could be a one-hit kill in your favor too . Sadly, the Atlas weapons company is gone, but we get the elemental Maliwan instead (perfect for Maya). The rarity levels remain the same (white (most common), green, blue, (rare) purple (rare), orange (legendary), and light blue (pearl / mega legendary).

The main story is so immersive and you really get attached to these characters. There were several parts that made me cry. There are so many twists, turns, and surprises that it always makes you guess, even if it’s the first, the second (True Vault Hunter mode), or the third (Ultimate Vault Hunter mode). Another fun bonus is that they brought back the Catch-A-Rides and, of course, Scooter. You get your basic two-seater racer, with many more color options, and a new edition, the Bandit Technical, which could even carry for gamers, has a turret and you can also use your normal weapons on it, this also has many customizable colors.


The co-op mode is great, there is no tether (unless your teammate has the menu open), you can complete separate missions and you both get the rewards. The advantage (or disadvantage if you don’t like a lot of difficulty) is that the more teammates (only two per system, four in your party total), the stronger the enemies and the rarer the loot. A personal recommendation for us if you are cooperating, have a mermaid in your team, especially if you are doing a slaughter dome challenge, even if they take her out, she can still shoot you back to health from the sidelines.


Something you might want to invest in is the Game of the Year edition, or all the downloadable content, not just Gaige and Krieg. In the GOTY set you get both characters and four expansion games, they all take place after the main story, so if it’s your first game, save them for last. The GOTY expansions are: Captain Scarlett and Her Pirate’s Booty, Mr. Torgue’s Campaign of Carnage, Sir Hammerlock’s Big Game Hunt, and Tiny Tina’s Assault on Dragon Keep. I know there is more DLC, but I only have experience with these four. After completing each DLC, you will get an exclusive head and skin.

Captain Scarlet and her Pirate’s Booty takes you in search of Captain Blade’s lost treasure. You meet Captain Scarlet just after arriving in the strange city of Oasis, where she asks you to join her in her search for the lost treasure.

The second DLC, Mr. Torgue’s Carnage Campaign, features Mr. Torgue, of Torgue’s weapons. He has found the next vault, so to decide who can open it, he organizes a brutal fight until the tournament of death. In this DLC you get a ton of Torgue gear, along with certain heads and skins.

The third campaign is Sir Hammerlock’s Big Game. It wasn’t as well received as the other DLC, and I can see why. It begins as a hunting trip with Hammerlock, which turns into dealing with a cult of Handsome Jack. Sadly, the story seems a bit thin, with some parts unnecessarily difficult and some ridiculously easy. Honestly, I played it to complete it.

The fourth was Tiny Tina’s Assault on the Dragon Fortress, my personal favorite. While our current Vault Hunters interrogate a Hyperion spy, the Originals play a game of Bunkers and Badasses to pass the time. The story is such a wild fantasy, and I never felt it dragged on, it manages to include most of the characters. Since it’s from Tiny Tina’s mind, you know it’s wild, entertaining, and you never know what anyone will say.

Gartner estimated that the total number of laptops sold globally in 2011 was around 60 million. The figure grows at an annual average of around 15%. There is a great deal of energy that goes into the making and operation of these laptops. The power consumption of a laptop can be controlled and optimized in many ways. One of the most popular ways is to use end-user power consumption options offered by most manufacturers. They allow optimized consumption and put the notebook into standby or low-power mode when idle. However, one of the simplest ways to effectively reduce power is to keep your laptop clean. If dust accumulates, the system cannot cool itself effectively, increasing risks and energy consumption.

So how do we keep the laptop clean? Let’s understand that there are two goals to keep the laptop clean. One, it keeps the laptop looking new. Two, the laptop performs optimally when it is clean and well-maintained. There are different components of the laptop that need attention. We briefly discuss them one by one:

• Exterior: The exterior casing of the notebook should be cleaned with a dry cloth. If the case is not cleaned for a long time or is dirty, a damp or slightly damp cloth can be used. If there are stubborn stains, rubbing alcohol or rubbing alcohol can also be used specifically on the stained area.

• Keyboard and Mouse Pad – The keyboard is probably the most contaminated part of the laptop. Before we start cleaning the keyboard, we must completely turn off the laptop. Different manufacturers attach the keyboard to the case in different ways. We should consult the User Manual to find out how it is fixed and how it can be removed for maintenance. Some keyboards may not be removable. The exterior can be cleaned in the same way as the exterior of the notebook. The interior can be vacuumed or cleaned with compressed air or simply sprinkled with a dry cloth.

• Motherboard, Case, and Shell Openings – The motherboard is a very critical component of the laptop. A soft brush or tweezers can be used to clean the dust that accumulates in the recesses of the case. The box openings should be cleaned effectively and regularly. Any clogging of the openings through which the laptop draws cold air can create performance issues in the laptop. In case we are using compressed air to clean these openings, then we must be careful. These openings can house fans that can be damaged by compressed air.

Meteor Strikes are a new addition and only available with The Sims 3 Ambitions Expansion for added fun and mayhem. The best part about them is that they happen randomly. Some players who have played for months haven’t even experienced one yet, but they exist and they do happen. Electronic Arts claims that meteor strikes will remain a rare occurrence, but there have been reports of players using no mods or cheats and getting hit twice 15 minutes apart.

So far it is speculated that you can cause one to occur if you spend a lot of time outdoors and look through the telescope. It is not yet clear if the bad luck trait helps trigger a meteor impact, but there have been many reports to support that the bad luck trait was not active in Sims who died or experienced meteor strikes.

I had a Sim killed by a meteor while standing outside in the backyard for over a day. He had set his needs to static (while trying to activate the “Oh My Ghost” opportunity). Suddenly I heard a hiss as if something was falling from the sky and my Sim would automatically try to duck and cover while standing. He was killed by the meteor and his ghost spawned an orange and charcoal gray color.

In fact, you can save a Sim from being hit and killed by a meteor. When the meteorite impact occurs, there will be a warning hiss with a shadow on the ground of where the space rock is going to land. You need to get your Sim out of the shade. You would think your Sim would be safe indoors, but this is not the case because meteor impacts can land on top and go through houses as well. If a meteor hits your Sim, just keep a Death Flower handy and you can trade it with the Grim Reaper to spare your life. Meteorites will not kill babies and young children. The great thing about meteorites is that space rocks have a sale value. After analyzing them, they can be worth anywhere from $ 200 Simoleans to $ 4,500 Simoleans.

The downside to these events is that after the rocks fall, there will be fires on the lot that will need to be extinguished and you will need to replace the exterior items, furniture, plants and trees, doors and windows. Even the terrain / ground will have a large hole that will need to be adjusted.

For twenty whole years of my life I lived in ignorance without having seen the sun or the moon, but today I have finally seen the Ray and I feel holy and blessed now. Akira Kurusawa, the man behind Japanese classics like Rashomon and Ran, rightly said years ago that living in a world without having seen a Satyajit Ray movie is similar to living without having seen the sun or the moon; Almost every movie I’ve seen feels down after living in Ray’s world. It is a momentous experience to see the debut work of the late Bengali director Pather Panchali, one that impacts deeply into the very core of your soul in a way that makes you feel afterwards as if you have lived two lives: one before you saw Pather Panchali and another later. He accomplishes the remarkable feat of invoking his senses to a higher state of consciousness; The experience of watching Pather Panchali is similar to reading Leo Tolstoy’s War and Peace or James Joyce’s Portrait of a Young Artist or some of the best achievements of William Blake or Emily Dickinson, or watching Meryl Streep’s iconic twist as Sophie Zawistowski in Sophie’s Choice. The feeling is so powerful that it took me more than an hour to return to my original state; the hardest part for me was returning the DVD to the movie rental store because I knew the true value of what I was holding. May God bless the guy who recognized the value of Pather Panchali years ago and preserved the original prints so that today’s world can have a chance to be transported to the precious little magical world of Apu, the protagonist of the film.

This little world is black and white to the outer eye, but the film is so richly shot and composed that it colors our mind with the most exquisite palette. The opening credits, which no one who can’t read Bengali would understand, still captures the spirit of Pather Panchali through Ravi Shankar’s playful, whimsical and yearning tabla rhythms and sitar strums; only Michael Danna could mesmerize us in 2012’s Life of Pi with an equally evocative score. Ray’s world opens up not with Apu or his sister Durga, but with the film’s most antagonistic character, the spiteful neighbor of the Apu family who adores the early morning tulsi plant. Satyajit follows her when she realizes that Durga, Apu’s unborn sister, is stealing fruits from her yard. Durga runs through the woods to her shanty house and hands the fruits to her senescent great-aunt, Indir Thakrun, after saving milk for her three kittens. Ray then cuts to the neighbor who scolds Durga and curses her family for raising a thief; In an excellently composed sequence, Ray is able to capture her seamlessly, the lady listening on the balcony of the adjoining house listening to her and Durga’s pregnant mother, Sarbajaya, and her empathic friend collecting water from the well behind the house of the neighbor, within earshot of the woman. bitter spiel. Sarbajaya confronts her daughter for stealing fruits and then reprimands Indir Thakrun for encouraging Durga’s bad behavior. Indir Thakrun leaves the house temporarily, frustrated by Sarbajaya’s complaints, but returns soon when Sarbajaya gives birth to Apu.

A couple of dissolutions take us a few years ahead and we now see Apu as an innocent schoolboy who has more affection for his sister Durga. Her family is barely able to meet her basic needs, with Apu’s mild-mannered father, Harihar Roy, too lax to ask for his fair share of his employer; Nor is he capable of doing much as a playwright. This situation makes it especially difficult for Sarbajaya to handle household needs, as she herself does not like begging others for money or any other help; therefore, it is even harsher on Indir Thakrun, who sometimes, like Durga, takes food from Sarbajaya’s kitchen without permission. There are two sequences at different points in the movie that include Harihar and Sarbajaya; They both hold the same stance in the sequences, but while in the first sequence Harihar gives Sarbajaya a more optimistic image to appease her, in the second he sounds less enthusiastic while Sarbajaya seems more concerned about her future. Apu is still too young to be affected by family problems and we only see him enjoying his childhood days with Durga and her friends. Durga is a great support to everyone, including her mother, who reacts violently towards Durga when the same neighbor at first accuses Durga of stealing her daughter’s bead necklace. Family problems persist after Harihar travels to a nearby city to find work and tragedies follow one after another; The only hope of the family, as Harihar said in his letters to Sarbajaya after he left, is to leave everything in the hands of the Grace of God, keeping in mind that everything is going for the better.

For Satyajit Ray, every image and every sound, both on and off the screen, is important. It is his prowess as a film visionary that conveys the film so well that it baffles you to know that it is his first film. I read one of his books, a compilation of his essays and theories on the film, and he mentions that his inexperienced crew hadn’t even operated a camera before filming Pather Panchali, so the first half was a bit choppy in editing. I have no idea what you are talking about here because in my eyes, each image was seamlessly stitched together. For me, I was not capturing images but creating images on film; It’s hard to express how beautifully it captures Sarbajaya’s gradual collapse on film without using superlatives. And his cool image is complemented by the background score by Ravi Shankar, which includes the sound of bells ringing during a joyous sequence with a candy man and also during some of the haunting moments; It reminded me of Edgar Allan Poe’s brilliant poem The Bells. Pather Panchali shines and Satyajit is the Ray of Light.

The Avatar of Trang-Oul is a 5-piece set designed to be worn by a Necromancer. However, any class can use the helmet, body armor, gloves, and belt, but only a Necromancer can use the class-specific Shield. Unlike other sets, each individual item in the Avatar of Trang-Oul is decent and offers relatively good bonuses.

These are the five elements and their individual analysis in the whole:

Note: The partial bonuses for each item are listed multiple times because you get a partial bonus for every other item in the set. For example, with Trang-Oul’s scales, you receive + 50% lightning resistance if you have two other items in the set. If you have the entire set activated, Trang-Oul’s scales grant you 25% resistance to physical damage.

Trang-Oul Costume (Bone Face Set)

Defense: 180-257

Minimum force: 106

Level requirement: 65

25% faster shock recovery

Replenish Life +5

+ 80-100 Defense

+150 Mana

Attacker takes 20 damage

Analysis: one of the weakest elements of the set. It adds a nice boost to characters using Mana, but after Level 65, you shouldn’t have a problem with Mana. The 25% Faster Hit Recovery mod is good, but its biggest drawback is that it lacks resistance improvements.

Trang-Oul Scales (Set Chaos Armor)

Defense: 857

Minimum force: 84

Level requirement: 49

+ 150% Enhanced Defense

Requirements -40%

40% faster running / walking

Poison Resistance + 40%

+100 Defense vs. Missile

+2 to summoning skills (necromancer only)

Lightning Resistance + 50% (3 items)

Damage reduced by 25% (full set)

Review: Chaos Armor generally has a very high strength requirement, but the -40% Requirements mod makes this armor more accessible. 40% faster run / walk is rare in bulletproof vests, but pair it with a nice pair of boots that have a nice run / walk faster bonus and you’ll be flying around the place. Add to that a very nice + 40% Poison Resistance and +100 Defense vs. Missile, and you have decent armor. Use two other items and you even get a whopping + 50% Lightning Resistance.