Category Archive : Health Fitness

pentru articulații sănătoase

Există multe suplimente naturale care pot fi folosite pentru a vă îmbunătăți sănătatea articulațiilor și pentru a reduce durerea cauzată de artrită. Acestea includ suplimente care sunt făcute din ierburi, alimente și minerale. Cheia este să le luați în mod corect și în dozele potrivite.

suplimente naturale pentru articulatii sanatoase

Fructele și legumele sunt bogate în antioxidanți, care pot ajuta la prevenirea inflamației. În special, antocianinele din fructele roșii și violete pot ajuta la reducerea markerilor inflamatori, cum ar fi proteina C reactivă. De asemenea, este important să obțineți suficientă vitamina K în dieta dvs., deoarece acest nutrient vă poate ajuta să vă mențineți articulațiile puternice și sănătoase.

Ananasul și roșiile sunt bogate în bromelaină, care este un nutrient care reduce durerea cauzată de osteoartrita și artrita reumatoidă. De asemenea, sunt bogate în vitamina C și licopen, care s-a dovedit că protejează cartilajele și oasele. Uleiul de pește este un alt supliment popular pentru articulații, deoarece conține acizi grași Omega-3 despre care se știe că au efecte antiinflamatorii. Grăsimile din uleiul de pește pot îmbunătăți circulația și pot crește fluxul de sânge către articulații, reducând rigiditatea și durerea.

Suplimente naturale pentru articulații sănătoase

Midia cu buze verzi, o crustacee din Noua Zeelandă, este, de asemenea, bogată în acizi grași Omega-3 și s-a descoperit că are proprietăți antiinflamatorii. De asemenea, este bogat în acid hialuronic, un fluid care lubrifiază articulațiile. Remediile pe bază de plante precum ashwagandha, turmericul și boswellia serrata pot fi, de asemenea, utile pentru persoanele care se confruntă cu dureri articulare din cauza artrită. Ele pot fi luate pe cale orală în capsule sau tincturi, sau aplicate local cu creme sau unguente.

De asemenea, este important să rămâneți hidratat. Apa ajută la reducerea umflăturilor și la lubrifierea articulațiilor, mai ales atunci când stați în picioare pentru perioade lungi de timp. Ar trebui să bei aproximativ o jumătate de uncie de apă pentru fiecare kilogram cântărit zilnic. Luarea unui supliment oral din planta echinaceea poate ajuta la ameliorarea inflamației și durerii afecțiunilor articulare, cum ar fi guta sau artrita. Este disponibil sub formă de unguent sau în ceai și s-a dovedit a fi eficient în unele studii.

S-a demonstrat că extractul de semințe de tamarind are un efect antiinflamator și este considerat a fi o alternativă naturală la unele dintre cele mai scumpe medicamente pentru articulații. De asemenea, se crede că poate reduce stresul oxidativ și poate ajuta la conservarea cartilajului articulațiilor.

Pentru a obține cele mai multe beneficii, extractul din semințe de tamarind trebuie luat de cel puțin două ori pe zi și împreună cu o dietă echilibrată și un program de exerciții fizice. De asemenea, este recomandat să consumați o mulțime de fructe proaspete, legume și cereale integrale pentru a oferi organismului dumneavoastră vitaminele, nutrienții și alte substanțe necesare pentru o sănătate optimă a articulațiilor.

Un somn bun de noapte vă poate îmbunătăți, de asemenea, sănătatea articulațiilor, deoarece permite organismului să repare micile rupturi musculare care apar în timpul zilei și să reducă inflamația articulațiilor. Dacă vă străduiți să vă odihniți bine din cauza simptomelor artritei, luați în considerare suplimentarea cu melatonină.

Este important să vă faceți cercetări înainte de a încerca orice supliment nou, mai ales dacă luați un medicament activ, cum ar fi steroizi sau un medicament biologic pentru afecțiunea dumneavoastră. Adresați-vă medicului dumneavoastră și farmacistului să vă ajute să găsiți cele mai bune suplimente pentru afecțiunea dumneavoastră și să discutați despre doza și posibilele efecte secundare ale oricăror suplimente pe care le aveți în vedere.

The German diet will help you lose 15 kilos fast and easy. This diet was developed by German nutrition experts for overweight women to solve their health problems quickly and safely. With this German diet you can lose 15 kilos in 13 days.

This diet is very simple but it will not totally eliminate the feeling of hunger, you will still easily feel the feeling of hunger. If you’re okay with being hungry from time to time to achieve your goals, this diet is for you. On the other hand you will feel the energy awakening in yourself, use it for physical activity or to do some physical exercises.

Here is the diet plan:


Breakfast: 1 cup of black coffee or tea without sugar and 1 small toast of black bread.

Lunch: 2 boiled eggs, 80 g of spinach mixed with 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil and 1 tomato.

Dinner: 100 g of skinless boiled chicken breast, 150 g of vegetable salad based on tomatoes and green onions mixed with 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil.


Breakfast: a cup of black coffee or tea without sugar and 1 small toast of black bread.

Lunch: 200 g of tomato and white cabbage salad mixed with 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil, 1 orange or 2 tangerines, 1 large apple or some plums.

Dinner: 2 boiled eggs, 200 g of boiled skinless chicken meat, 80 g of green salad.


Breakfast: 1 cup of black coffee or tea without sugar and 1 small toast of black bread.

Lunch: 1 hard-boiled egg, 200 g of boiled carrots mixed with a teaspoon of vegetable oil, 100 g of low-fat cheese.

Dinner: 250 g of apple, tangerine, banana, pear or any other fruit salad.


Breakfast: 1 glass of natural apple juice.

Lunch: 250 g of fried (fry without oil) or boiled fish, 1 tomato, 1 apple.

Dinner: 150 g of vegetable salad made from any vegetables and mixed with 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil or lemon juice.


Breakfast: 1 glass of natural carrot juice.

Lunch: 200 g of roast chicken (without oil), 100 g of vegetable salad made from any vegetables.

Dinner: 2 boiled eggs, 100 g of carrot salad made from boiled carrots mixed with lemon juice.


Breakfast: a cup of unsweetened tea and 1 small toast of black bread.

Lunch: 200 g of fried beef (without oil), 150 g of white cabbage salad mixed with lemon juice.

Dinner: 100 g of carrots mixed with 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil, 150 g of low-fat cheese.


Breakfast: a cup of unsweetened tea and 1 small toast of black bread.

Lunch: 200 g of boiled skinless chicken.

Dinner: 300 g of any fruit (apples, pears, plums, oranges, etc.).

For another 6 days, repeat the diet plan starting on day 2.

It is necessary to follow the German diet as it is without changing the sequence of dishes or the menu. It is recommended to consume a large glass of water before each meal.

If you think you will be able to follow this diet plan and it is very easy for you, try another German diet that will help you lose pounds surprisingly fast, but still it is recommended to try German diet plan 1 above.

It is very simple but it is a monotonous diet. Here it is:

Every day it is necessary to eat 4-5 apples, 1 orange, 80 g of low-fat chicken, 2 small pieces of black bread or 2 small slices of black bread. The duration of this diet is 2 weeks.

Since they are omnivores, they like many different types of food, including meat. Some of the foods that Sugar Gliders, in general, seem to enjoy include, but are NOT limited to:

Apples, applesauce (baby food formula only), apricots, bananas, berries, bread, cantaloupe, carrots, cherries, corn, dates, dried fruit, eggs, figs, grapes, honey, molasses, insects, lettuce (romaine or leaf only, Head or Iceberg can cause diarrhea), mealworms, meats (lean turkey, boiled chicken, skinless, and feed mice), melons, nuts (assorted, unsalted, and raw), oranges, papaya, peaches (not the pits, they are toxic), peanut butter, pears, pineapple, prunes, pure fruit juices, raisins, strawberries, sunflower seeds, sweet potatoes.

I do not suggest broccoli cauliflower or cabbage due to the gas producing properties once ingested, no one likes to have gas, even Sugar Gliders.

One of the things that might work well for you is to have a few different containers and chop different fruits and vegetables into each one until they are full. Then all you have to do each night is open the containers you want to feed from and cut up some of the pieces you want to feed. I would like to add here that I consider it cruel not to feed some kind of insect (at least) during the week. In the wild they will eat fruits and animals and should not be denied that while in captivity. It doesn’t have to be done every day, but it should be done often.

Sugar Gliders can gain weight more easily in captivity due to the lack of movement they would experience in the wild. Babies born to overweight parents can sometimes be born blind or with vision problems caused by fatty deposits in the eyes. This can be corrected with a controlled diet and measuring weight with a small scale. One of the things that help cause this condition is feeding it lots of nuts, which are high in protein and fat. To reduce your weight you need to reduce your fat and protein and try to increase your exercise. It can take a few weeks to lose weight.

Don’t get frustrated when trying to feed your pet. They are peculiar with their diet, as they can voluntarily accept a food for a few days and then not take the same after a week and then eat it the following week. The bottom line is that everyone has their own personality and tastes, and it will take time to figure out what they like. You may find it easier to go to your local grocery store and buy a bag of frozen mixed greens and use them alongside fresh fruit. You should also make sure your Sugar Glider has fresh water every day. Keep in mind that tap water may not be the best, as it is usually treated with chemicals to clean the water.

A couple of suggestions I’ll make regarding any type of feeding bowls would be that you should at least have a bowl that won’t tip over or spill easily. Most sugar gliders will tend to climb onto the bowl and perch on the edge of the bowl. If the bowl is not heavy enough to support your weight, it will tip over and the food will spill out causing a mess or creating a situation where the food falls through the bottom of the age and the Sugar Glider will not be able to eat. Another suggestion that has worked well for me is to have a type of feeder that hangs on the side of the cage. I have done this because as the Sugar Glider goes up around the cage it will excrete and the droppings will fall to the bottom of the cage hitting anything in its path including the food bowl. My feeders are located at the top of the cage with enough space for a Sugar Glider to sit, on the edge, without feeling uncomfortable while eating. This prevents them from climbing on top of the food (most of the time) and reduces the chance of them getting on the food.

A sample Glider formula that works well is as follows:

Adult formula:

  • 4-8 ounces applesauce
  • 1/2 cup Gerber dry cereal (for protein)
  • 1/4 cup rice
  • 1/4 cup oats
  • 1/4 cup honey
  • 4 ounces plain nonfat yogurt
  • 4 ounces isomil or secure more
  • Apple or orange juice to make soup

Puree in blender until liquid forms and place in ice cube trays and freeze and feed 1-2 times per week. Take out one for morning feeding and one for afternoon feeding. Discard after 5 hours. It is also a good idea to offer them some type of solid food, as this will help keep their teeth and gums clean and healthy.

Some people suggest feeding once a day in the evening, while others will feed twice a day. The method you choose should depend on your Sugar Gliders. Are you still hungry in the morning? Feed them a small amount in the morning or give them a little more at night. If I give mine too much food, they tend to make their cage dirty, so I feed them less at each feeding, but I feed them twice a day. Try mixing up a few things that your Sugar Glider likes and is good for him, mix and freeze. You can get a couple of ice cube trays pretty cheaply and use them for freezing.

Bow Flex has created an extensive line of exercise equipment for the home. They have complete home gyms; tread climbers and even free weights. All of these have a place in a good overall exercise routine; however, some are better for the baseball player than others.


To play baseball well you will need strong legs, back and arms. You’ll also need a fair amount of stamina to go with the strength you build. Each part will need to be properly worked to give you full performance.


In baseball, no matter what position you play, you need a strong arm to throw, however if you’re going to pitch, this is even more true. There are two ways to get the muscle tone you’ll need for throwing, free weights, and the different exercises available with the home gym.

o Triceps Push Down

o Seated biceps curl

o Sitting wrist extensions

o Preacher Curl

or many more

These and other exercises available with the Bow Flex home gym will help you increase your strength and flexibility.


Your back is a very important part of your core and as such should not be ignored during strength and flexibility training. A Bow Flex home gym can also help you strengthen this area of ​​the body.

o Lying side pulls

o Lower back extensions

o Lying Shoulder Raise

o Wide straps

All of these are great exercises to strengthen your back and prepare you for the rigors of baseball.


One of the most important parts of a baseball player’s body is his legacy. They need to be strong and flexible. This means that along with regular training, you’ll also want to stretch. Everyone from the pitcher to the catcher uses their legs quite a bit. Bow Flex Home Gym Exercises:

o Leg extensions

or Squats

or lunge

o Aversion to legs

o Seated hip extensions

leg press

o Eversion of the ankle

o Ankle inversion

These and others are good exercises for building muscle strength and flexibility. However, it is important that you do not focus on building massive muscles, as a ball player you want lean and athletic legs, not a bodybuilder.


Finally, to play baseball you need to be able to run at the drop of a hat, or hit, as the case may be. You can run a little or a lot in a game, the point is you never know, so you’ll need to engage in a good cardio workout to be prepared. Ball players will tell you that most practices you will spend half the time running. Make sure your workouts on the Bow Flex get your heart rate up and give you a cardio workout.


As with any program, all the exercise in the world won’t help much if you don’t eat right and get enough rest, you’re fighting a losing battle. A Bow Flex can help you get into good baseball shape if you wear it often and correctly.

Nutritionists talk about the benefits of gelatin for health and beauty.

Tasty, refreshing and easy to prepare, gelatin has been treated for many years as a food for children. But after several studies, experts say that it brings health benefits to people of all ages, working, for example, as an important source of collagen, a protein that contributes to the strengthening of nails, joints, hair and for skin hydration.

Consumed regularly, gelatin helps reduce blood cholesterol levels, triglycerides, and glucose control. This is good news if you are trying to lose belly fat because this simple food will play an important role in getting rid of bad fat in your body, especially around the stomach area. The food has properties that strengthen the bones and prevents the body from diseases such as osteoarthritis and osteoporosis. Also, gelatin can help slow down the aging process of the skin.

According to research from various institutes, around the age of 25 our body begins to decrease the production of collagen and therefore the substance must be sought elsewhere. Combined with other foods, gelatin can be of great help in the fight against aging and abdominal fat. With high levels of collagen, the skin becomes firmer, manages to stay hydrated and is less likely to develop wrinkles, keeping hair and nails strong.

There is a type of gelatin that is much more effective than normal ones. It is known by the name of hydrolyzate and is pumped with collagen. This protein is responsible for the firmness of the skin and provides substances that accelerate metabolism, that is, fat burning. By the age of 25, the body produces about 70% of collagen. Eventually, the body is no longer able to maintain the strength of the skin and hair and nails. At age 50 production falls to 30% of the ideal. Therefore, the more powerful the gelatin, the better. The hydrolyzate is low in calories and, like the others, reduces hunger. It gives a feeling of fullness. This sends the satiety information to the brain longer. This product is incredibly powerful when it comes to losing belly fat. See below the difference between these two types of gelatin.

common jelly

It is a delicious and refreshing dessert. Thus, it reduces anxiety and satisfies cravings for sweets.

It contains about 4.3% collagen and the light version 4.9%.

hydrolyzed gelatin

It is not a dessert. In addition to being consumed in powder form, there is a capsule version.

It has an average of 85% collagen, 20 times more than the conventional one.

Remember that there are no miracles to make you lose abdominal fat. Do your part and use the tips as leverage. You have the option and the responsibility to lose abdominal fat not only for aesthetic reasons but mainly for health reasons.

Vegan breakfast can be delicious, nutritious and quick and easy prepare! that’s right, you whose You have to feel miserable and deprived when you eat your vegan breakfast – there are so many tasty options to choose from! Below are some easy and healthy meal ideas and recipes that you can prepare for your own vegan breakfasts in the morning!

Vegan juices for breakfast

Why not, for starters, squeeze a couple of oranges or lemons into a glass to make your own fresh juice? Or, if you have a juicer, you can make a really healthy concoction to leave you feeling energized for the day! Try the following juice recipe: 3 apples, 2 carrots, a ginger nut, 1 beetroot, and 4 stalks of celery. If you have a really good juicer, you should be able to make your juice in less than 10 or 15 minutes. Add more apple for a sweeter juice or more ginger for a grater juice. if you just want fruit In your juice, you can skip the vegetables and juice your favorite selection of fruits like apples, pineapple, papaya, and berries. Again, adding a little ginger nut will make your fruit juice delicious. tasty!

coffee tea

Most people around the world enjoy a cup of coffee or tea to accompany their breakfast. Vegans are no exception! Take your coffee or tea blackor with some soy milk gold rice milk. if you like a little sweet, use stevia, brown sugar, molasses, maple syrup, or agave nectar. Be careful with regular refined sugars, as they can leach bone char, a non-vegan substance.

Vegan no-cook breakfasts!

If you you’re not in the mood to make breakfast, there are many other super easy vegan breakfast options you can choose from. Accompany your coffee and tea with some toast (vegan bread from the supermarket or herbalist) with jam, vegan chocolate cream (from your herbalist), or simply vegan “butter” (soy spread). Otherwise, just eat a bowl of vegan cereal (there are many options and brands available today) with soy milk, rice milk, or coconut milk. Or just have some freshly chopped season’s fruitmaybe topped with a little soy or coconut milk yoghurt and a handful of walnuts gold almonds.

Vegan Cooked Breakfasts

You can easily make some vegan pancakes for your breakfast, if you have a little spare time. And don’t worry, your pancakes will taste delicious, even without eggs and cow’s milk! For an easy vegan pancake recipe, your ingredients will be: 1 cup of flour, 1 tablespoon of sugar, 2 tablespoons of baking powder, a pinch of salt, 1 cup of soy/rice milk, and 2 tablespoons of oil. Stir your dry ingredients together in a bowl, then add your wet ingredients and mix until smooth. Pour pancake batter in large spoonfuls into a hot, greased skillet, flipping pancakes when bubbly. They usually take about 2 minutes to cook per side. And voila! Serve your pancakes with agave nectar, Maple syrup gold molassesand cover with fresh fruit! Delicious!

You can also search for delicious healthy vegan cake recipes, muffin recipes or vegan slice recipes, which can eat for breakfast if you feel like it! You can find so many recipes online nowadays, so you should have no problem find some really delicious vegan cake and muffin recipes. There is nothing better than enjoying a nice slab of cake et a cup of coffee for breakfast not every day, of course, but only sometimes. really makes life so good.

You can also make yourself the vegan ‘bacon and eggs’ breakfast, which is actually quite quick and easy to make. buy some mock bacon from your local grocery store and cook according to package directions. I also bought some tofu mix to make”scrambled eggs” – add a little onion and garlic to enhance the flavor. Fry a little Tomatoesand put some bread in the toaster Now you can enjoy your gourmet bacon and eggs, toast, and fried tomatoes! Hey, who said being vegan was bored was so wrong!

So you see, there are loads of healthy and easy vegan breakfast recipes and foods that you can make yourself, no fuss! Just learn a little more about your options and you can enjoy your vegan breakfasts and other meals throughout the day. much more! Vary your diet regularly so that it is fun and so that your meals do not become boring.

Clearly not many people know about the mobile spa as a theme for any type of party or as a feature at large events like sales conventions and dealer nights. Some party themes are already overused and don’t offer the same excitement as before; therefore, you need new ideas to make your parties memorable and talked about. A mobile spa theme for your party is a novel idea and it is becoming very popular right now. In fact, it is estimated that in the US alone there are at least 500 companies that offer these types of parties. Why is it quickly becoming popular?

There are several reasons and the most popular ones why this is a great idea are the following:

  1. It is a unique opportunity to show your guests and friends that you really care about them. Services offered by this type of party provider include massages, foot spas, manicures and pedicures. There are even those who offer yoga and pilates classes. With these party features, you are really pleasing your guests.

  2. There will never be a dull moment here. Think about the bonding moment it will create between your guests and friends. This is a good way for you to catch up with each other. You can imagine stories they hear from each other as they choose the best nail polish or share tips for the home while relaxing with a massage. You can just lay back and enjoy the free treats provided by the host through the mobile spas.

  3. It is healthier and more relaxing. Who wouldn’t want a free back rub? Who doesn’t enjoy a foot spa as a party favor? Who doesn’t like pretty fingernails and toenails? Yoga and exercise lessons are also definitely better instead of eating high cholesterol and high calorie foods and drinks.

  4. It is a matter of general sponsorship. Even children can enjoy the manicure and pedicure sessions. Young adults, on the other hand, may find yoga and Pilates lessons interesting and could be the beginning of an inspiration to lead a healthier lifestyle. Husbands or male romantic partners will definitely enjoy the massage to relieve stress on their body, which is better for them than eating too much meat and drinking too many bottles of alcohol.

  5. Because it is mobile, the entire group does not need to be brought to hotels or spas and facilities. You can hire spa providers for in-home services. Although it can be expensive, you should consider the health benefits you get, even if it only lasts for about an hour.

Feel free to call any mobile spa provider now if you want to host a unique party where your guests are not only well fed but more relaxed and go home stress-free with many memories and stories to remember. They will definitely look forward to your next party. Who knows, they might request the same theme for their own parties.

When it comes to losing weight, there is no shortage of information on the Internet.

And while some of the information is really good, the vast majority just doesn’t add up. Especially when it comes to nutrition and female fat loss.

With that being said, these are the two biggest mistakes women make when trying to lose weight.

Mistake #1 – Drastically cutting calories

Women are often under the impression that they need to eat 1,000 calories or less per day to lose weight.

To do this, they reduce carbohydrates, eliminate fat from their diet, and give up foods like grains and dairy products.

Does this sound familiar?

Yes, you will lose weight if you cut calories that drastically.

But the weight loss will not last long.

After a few weeks you will hit a wall and your results will suddenly stop.

This is because you are not giving your body enough food to survive.

Yes, you need to reduce your caloric intake to lose weight.

But you don’t have to do it in such a drastic way.

In fact, you can eat a lot more than you think and still lose weight.

Over the next week, keep track of everything you eat. You can use a notepad or MyFitnessPal.

This will give you an idea of ​​where you are starting from.

Next week reduce your caloric intake by just 300 calories. This will put you in a deficit and you will start to lose weight.

And the best part is that you won’t have to starve yourself or give up your favorite foods.

Mistake #2: Doing Too Much Cardio

Women often go to the gym and spend hours on the treadmill. The idea is that the more cardio you do, the more calories you’ll burn.

And the more calories they burn, the more fat they’ll lose.

Doing countless hours of cardio will initially lead to weight loss.

But once again, that weight loss won’t last long.

Worse still is the fact that you will start to lose muscle mass. Once that happens, you will have no definition and no form.

In fact, you’ll end up looking lean and stretched instead of lean and sexy.

So cut it out with all you cardio ladies.

Instead, you should lift weights and do HIIT training.

The good thing about HIIT training is that it is short but extremely effective.

With this type of training you can get a great workout in as little as 10 minutes. And trust me, you’ll burn massive calories and sweat like never before.

Despite what you might think, low back pain is rarely caused by where it hurts. Most people and their therapists believe that it is. That’s why they want to heat, rub, crush, vibrate and slice the place where it hurts the most.

In fact, you can tell how good a therapist is by watching where they go in search of the cause of the pain. Just hitting the spot where it hurts sends out a huge amber light.

Surprisingly, lower back pain is simply a symptom that some of the bones in the lower back are out of alignment. Your immediate task is to get them back in line. Do that and there’s a good chance the pain will go away.

When vertebrae become misaligned, ligaments, tendons, and muscles are stretched beyond their pain threshold. The core of the disks is squeezed and the disk collapses. Often the nucleus hits the spinal cord. That’s when the bread really begins. You can’t sneeze or cough without feeling like you have a red hot poker stuck in your back. You can’t lean over the sink to brush your teeth. You can’t bend down to put your socks on.

So what causes the vertebrae in your lower back to go out of alignment?

Answer! If the pelvis has become misaligned, it is very likely that the bones above it have also become misaligned.

Treat the pelvis as the base of the bones above it, and consider this analogy. If the foundation of your house shifts, the walls will crack. You can patch up or paper over the cracks, but you’ll probably have to keep patching and papering up until the kingdom comes. The solution is to shore up (and square) the foundation so that it does not move.

So the precondition for an aligned spine is an aligned pelvis.

So what causes the pelvis to become misaligned?

Answer! Tight calf flexors, hamstrings, gluteals, and hips.

Which brings us back to the question of what are the best exercises to relieve low back pain?

Answer! Flexibility exercises that impact pelvic alignment, particularly exercises that loosen tight calf muscles, hamstrings, gluteals, and hip flexors.

But that’s not the whole story. You also need to strengthen the entire musculoskeletal ecosystem by regularly going to the gym and exercising, or if you’re reluctant to lift weights, start with a regular, systematic home strength training program that includes sit-ups, push-ups, squats, and the Superman Back Arch. .

It makes sense to have a strong enough body to keep the bones of the spine aligned correctly.

Interestingly, one of the best predictors of low back pain risk is the ability to do push-ups. As you do pushups, your core muscles get stronger, front, back, and core.

If you’re looking for goals for sit-ups, push-ups, and squats, 20 of each is good, 30 is better, and 40 is best. Build the Superman back arch up to a couple of minutes of gentle ups and downs without your chest or legs touching the ground.

The final piece of the lower back exercise puzzle are some relaxing exercises to settle your spine, exercises where you lie on your back with both legs bent at 90 degrees and your lower legs resting on an ottoman. . This is known in the trade as the static back exercise and lying in this position for 20 minutes will provide temporary relief from back pain and, over weeks and months, will help the vertebrae gradually come back into alignment. .

Another relaxing ottoman pose is to lie on the floor with one leg on the ottoman and the other stretched out over the stream for 20 minutes, then switch legs. This is the supine snout stretch. Over 20 minutes, the hip flexors will gradually relax, allowing the vertebrae to come back into better alignment over weeks and months.

If you are diligent, you will spend a couple of hours on the floor each night while watching TV, reading a book or just falling asleep with the fairies doing the flexibility and relaxation exercises.

The strength exercises you can do after walking, shuffling, jogging, swimming, cycling… in the morning.

Now, just as Rome wasn’t built in a day, your back pain wasn’t caused in a day. For most people, it happens over decades, due to poor sitting posture and a lack of strength and flexibility exercises. Being 20 or more kg overweight does not help.

Nor does back pain heal in a day. Depending on how misaligned your pelvis and the bones above it are, it can take a couple of months for you to experience real relief and up to a year before you can say, “My back pain is gone.”

But the good news is that if you start doing something now, there is an 80% chance for 80% of people to get 80% good nick back within a year. If you have back pain, chances are good.

In the meantime, stay tuned, highly tuned, and start a serious strength and flexibility training program right away.

In recent years, we’ve seen a plethora of fitness and diet trends. With so much information, it’s often too overwhelming to make an informed decision about what really works. In any business, sales and profits are the main source of income for any corporation. Marketing departments spend millions of dollars researching how to increase sales of their products. What has been found is that celebrity endorsed products can substantially increase profits. In exchange for the endorsement, the celebrity charges compensation for their image.

Often, they allow the company to use their image or name without actually using the product or service. Because millions of dollars are spent on market research, they know exactly what will trigger your emotions to make you buy their product or service. However, the consumer is left to figure out what is true or false. So how do you decipher the conflicting information about exercise and diet?

Start with the knowledge that there are many answers that can be based on many factors. These factors include your genetics, your body mass index (lean muscle versus fat); what you eat (caloric intake) determines how much you burn, your cardiovascular activities, and most importantly, your lifestyle. Lifestyle is defined as your job and the daily activities you do throughout the day. So how can you decide what is best for your personal individual fitness goals at your current fitness level?

Let’s start with step number 1:

1. Determine your fitness goals

To determine your fitness goals, consider your current fitness level and lifestyle. Are you currently doing any physical activity? Physical activities include:

A.Walk your dog


C. Wash your car

D. Take a flight of stairs

E. Walking briskly

If your lifestyle does not include any of the examples similar to the letter AD above, your fitness goals should include more cardiovascular activity. Beginners should include 15-20 minutes of cardiovascular activities 2-3 times per week. Intermediate to Advanced should include 30-90 minutes 3-4 times per week. Cardiovascular is defined as designed or executed to cause a temporary increase in heart rate (to improve cardiac function and reduce the risk of heart disease).

A cardio workout includes the use of treadmills, stationary bikes, and other equipment used to increase your heart rate. For more information on how to calculate your target heart rate, you can visit

2. Write down your fitness goals and post them prominently.

Make sure the goals are realistic and that the weight loss is no more than 2 pounds per week.

IN . Include realistic weekly weight loss goals.

B. Post goals in an area where you spend most of your time.

C. Post goals in a visible place like the refrigerator, bathroom mirror, or dashboard.

3. Create a weekly eating and exercise plan.

A. Without a timeline for achieving your fitness goals, your plan will remain a dream.

B. If you’re always on the go, pack snacks so you always have healthy snacks.

4. Enlist the help of positive friends and family to hold you accountable for reaching your fitness goals.

IN . Only tell positive family and friends who will encourage you to reach your goals.

B. Lose weight or tone up is not easy. The less energy or negative thoughts you have, the greater the chance of success.

5. Consult the New Food Pyramid to compile a nutrition plan.

Visit for additional information on building your plan.

A. Plan weekly meals using the new food pyramid.

B. Sidewalk from fast food restaurants until you reach the middle of the road.

C. DO NOT CONFUSE WEIGHT LOSS WITH NOT EATING. (Weight loss is often achieved through drastic measures including starvation and liquid diets, but the damage done to your body isn’t immediate. Your body needs fuel to function. Not fueling your body properly can wreak havoc on your organs over time).

6. Establish a consistent training schedule.

Enlist the help of a certified professional personal trainer to teach you proper exercise technique. Or enlist the help of a responsible partner and both of you research proper training techniques.

IN . Consult a physician before beginning any training regimen.

B. While at the gym, focus on your workout and limit socializing.

vs. As you exercise, be sure to breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth.

D. Stay hydrated throughout your workout.

E. Stop immediately if you feel pain or discomfort.

F. Don’t overtrain to reach goals early.

7. Weight gain didn’t happen overnight, so losing those extra pounds won’t happen overnight.

A. Be patient with your success and every day is a day to achieve those daily goals.

B. Stay positive knowing that fitness is a journey, not a destination.