Category Archive : Health Fitness

Beans are affordable and versatile, making them a great salad ingredient. They are also very nutritious! Beans are an excellent source of antioxidants, B vitamins, minerals like copper, iron, magnesium, potassium, and zinc, as well as fiber and protein. Regular bean consumption also reduces the risk of many health problems such as diabetes and heart disease.

Here are 3 delicious bean salad recipes that everyone will love:

Tropical Bean Salad

What do you need:

  • 1 lime, grated

  • 1/2 tomato, seeded and chopped

  • 1/2 cucumber, seeded and chopped

  • 1/4 red onion, chopped

  • 2 cups of black beans

  • 2 cups of chickpeas

  • 3 tablespoons olive oil

  • 2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice

  • 2 tablespoons chopped fresh cilantro

  • 1 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper

  • 1/2 teaspoon salt

In a medium bowl, whisk together the lime zest, lime juice, olive oil, and cilantro, then season with salt and pepper. In a salad bowl, combine the tomato, cucumber, onion, black beans, and chickpeas. To dress on a salad bowl. Toss to coat and serve immediately.

Honey Bean Delight

What do you need:

  • 2 garlic cloves, minced

  • 2 cups of red kidney beans

  • 2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar

  • 2 tablespoons of olive oil

  • 2 tablespoons of honey

  • 1 teaspoon dried basil

  • 1 teaspoon dried sage

  • 1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper

  • 1/8 teaspoon hot sauce

Place the beans in a salad bowl. Add garlic, apple cider vinegar, olive oil, honey, basil, sage, black pepper, and hot sauce to the bowl. Mix until all the ingredients are well combined and the beans are covered with the dressing. Serve immediately.

Peaches and Beans

What do you need:

  • 2 chopped peaches

  • 1 avocado, peeled, pitted and chopped

  • 1 red bell pepper chopped

  • 1 jalapeno pepper, seeded and diced

  • 1/4 red onion, chopped

  • 2 cups of black beans

  • 1/2 cup chopped fresh cilantro

  • 2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice

  • 2 teaspoons of extra virgin olive oil

  • 1/2 teaspoon ground cumin

  • sea ​​salt to taste

  • In a salad bowl, combine peaches, red bell pepper, jalapeño pepper, onion, black beans, and cilantro. Season with ground cumin and sea salt. Add avocado to bowl and drizzle with lemon juice and olive oil. Toss to coat. Let rest for 8-10 minutes before serving.

Substitute beans for your vegetables from time to time to add variety to your salads. These easy bean salad recipes are the perfect way to up your salad game – healthy and delicious at the same time!

A fat belly is considered more risky than fat in other parts of the body. Studies show that belly fat leads to elevated blood pressure, cholesterol levels, blood sugar, and heart disease. Because of this, it can be said that waist circumference and fat distribution are more important than actual weight in predicting health risks.

It is also believed that a fat belly can develop due to increased stress. During stress, the cortisol hormone is produced in large amounts. This in turn increases the storage of fat in the belly. Therefore, a reduction in stress is also an important factor that contributes to the reduction of weight around the abdomen.

If you are prone to adding fat to your belly, then watch your calorie intake against your needs. This prevents weight gain and therefore you will be less prone to belly fat.

If you already have a fat belly, start a healthy weight loss program that includes a balanced diet according to your needs, an exercise routine to be followed rigorously and of course reducing your stress levels. Try to eat a high-fiber food that will reduce hunger pangs. Make informed decisions when choosing your strategy to lose pounds. Read diet books and then make a wise decision. Above all, have a strong commitment to stick with your program because belly fat doesn’t drop overnight, no matter who tells you to. Keep trying daily and over time you will surely see results.

ierburi pentru păr strălucitor

Șamponul cu usturoi și ierburi este una dintre cele mai bune modalități de a-ți menține părul sănătos și strălucitor. Este, de asemenea, o modalitate eficientă de a trata problemele cu mătreața și scalpul.

Sampon cu usturoi si plante pentru par stralucitor

Șamponul cu usturoi este o soluție naturală pentru a promova creșterea părului și a încetini căderea părului și a fost folosit de secole. Ingredientul cheie al șamponului cu usturoi este alicina, care ajută la combaterea bacteriilor și ciupercilor de pe scalp.

Alicina demolează, de asemenea, ciuperci precum P ovale, despre care se știe că provoacă fulgi albi, și dermatita seboreică legată de Malassezia, care se bucură de uleiurile secretate de scalpul tău.

Șampon cu usturoi și ierburi pentru păr strălucitor

Pe lângă proprietățile sale antibacteriene și antifungice, usturoiul poate ajuta la prevenirea căderii părului și la stimularea recreșterii prin stimularea circulației sângelui. Acest lucru se datorează vitaminelor și mineralelor pe care le conține.

Aceasta include vitamina B-6 și C, care ajută la creșterea producției de colagen. În plus, este bogat în seleniu, care ajută la creșterea nivelului de keratina din părul tău.

Alți nutrienți care se găsesc în usturoi includ fosfor, fier și zinc. Aceste minerale ajută la stimularea fluxului sanguin și vă fac părul mai puternic, mai sănătos și mai rezistent.

Cel mai bun mod de a folosi acest tip de șampon este să-l masezi în păr și scalp înainte de a-l clăti. Acest lucru va lăsa în urmă un strat protector pe păr și pe scalp, care va ajuta la prevenirea daunelor ulterioare și la promovarea șuvițelor sănătoase, groase și de lungă durată.

Unele dintre cele mai bune șampoane cu usturoi sunt făcute fără ingrediente dăunătoare și sunt sigure de utilizat pentru toată lumea. Aceste produse conțin extracte din usturoi și alte ierburi naturale care sunt renumite pentru capacitatea lor de a stimula creșterea părului.

Șamponul Tresan Revitalizing & Refreshing Garlic este o opțiune excelentă pentru oricine este îngrijorat de scalpul uscat sau cu mâncărimi, precum și de părul deteriorat de la vopsire, albire sau coafare la căldură. Formula este infuzata cu pantenol, usturoi, urzica alba, nasturel, rozmarin, musetel, brusture si pin.

De asemenea, este formulat cu Complexul de Fitelenă, care ajută la întărirea foliculilor de păr, protejând în același timp părul de stresul mediului. Este ideal pentru toate tipurile de păr și este o opțiune excelentă pentru persoanele cu păr vopsit, deteriorat sau subțire.

Nunaat’s Garlic Magic Shampoo este o formulă sigură și blândă care poate fi folosită zilnic pentru a preveni căderea părului și pentru a îmbunătăți sănătatea părului. Nu conține formaldehidă și clorură de sodiu și conține extracte hrănitoare din plante care s-a dovedit că promovează creșterea părului și controlează mătreața.

Sulful din usturoi este vital pentru promovarea creșterii părului, deoarece ajută la formarea cheratinei. De asemenea, conține o mulțime de antioxidanți, care ajută la protejarea părului de radicalii liberi și stresul oxidativ.

Usturoiul conține, de asemenea, vitaminele A, C și K. Acestea pot ajuta la promovarea producției de colagen, care este necesar pentru stimularea creșterii părului.

De asemenea, puteți aplica ulei de usturoi pe păr și pe scalp pentru a vă hrăni pletele. Acizii grași esențiali din acest ulei sunt buni pentru prevenirea mătreții și stimularea creșterii părului.

Improve conditioning, increase muscle development, and propel your physique to new heights!

While these moves may seem more suitable for the playground, they are actually beneficial for those of us who are a few years past playing time.

These explosive activities are collectively called “plyometrics.” Simply put, plyometrics works to train your muscles to produce the greatest force in the shortest amount of time. “Athletes use plyometrics to develop muscular power, rapid force production, and dynamic agility in fast movements,” says William Kraemer, professor of kinesiology at the University of Connecticut. “Almost every sport these days incorporates some form of plyometric training into their regimen as it improves total body power in movements like jumping and throwing, punching and starting.”

The great thing about plyometric training is that an athlete can tailor a program to improve their own particular sport. For example, if you play basketball, you’ll want to focus on your vertical jumping and shooting skills. If you’re a soccer enthusiast, you may want to be more lower-body intensive. Even recreational bodybuilders can benefit from adding some plyometrics to the mix. “Plyometrics hits certain fast-twitch muscle fibers that aren’t hit by other lifting exercises,” says Kraemer. “It also helps increase your power output by improving the rate of force production, a benefit you won’t get unless you’re doing Olympic-style lifting.”

So why not kick back and play around with plyometrics? It offers complete conditioning, improved power, increased muscle development, and is almost guaranteed to propel your physique to new heights.


Start with the lightest medicine ball available, usually 2-4 pounds, and slowly progress to a heavier ball. If you don’t have a training partner, use a solid wall or floor to throw the ball.


Stand sideways to your partner with knees slightly bent and feet shoulder-width apart. Hold the medicine ball with both hands at waist level directly in front of your body and rotate it with your torso, hips and shoulders as far away from your partner as possible. From this rope position, unwind hard, swinging the ball and throwing it to your partner. Complete all reps on one side before switching to the other.


Lie on your back with your knees slightly bent, feet flat on the floor, and lower back naturally arched. Have a partner stand behind you and hold a medicine ball across your upper chest. Catch the ball as your partner drops it, absorbing his weight by bending your elbows and wrists and lowering it slightly toward your chest. Push the ball up immediately, tossing it straight into the air for your partner to catch.


Stand facing your partner with your knees slightly bent and your feet shoulder-width apart. Hold the medicine ball with your arms fully extended and elbows slightly bent, and raise it above and slightly behind your head. Avoid arching your back and hyperextending your shoulders. From this position, contract your abs, lats, triceps, and shoulders and forcefully throw the ball toward your partner.


Begin in the push-up position with your hands shoulder-width apart, abs tight, and back flat. Lower your body to a point a few inches above the ground, then explode up and off the ground, slamming your hands into the air below your chest before landing with your hands back in their original position. Immediately move to the next pushup and repeat, keeping ground contact time to a minimum for optimal training effects.

The training

working out



Break time

side shot

2-3 (per side)


2-5 minutes

bench push pass



2-5 minutes

Overhead Throw



2-5 minutes

push-ups claps



2-5 minutes


Begin your lower body plyometric conditioning with the least number of sets and the maximum amount of rest. Minimize the time your feet are in contact with the ground between repetitions for maximum performance.


From a standing position, jump as high as possible and use your abs and hip flexors to bring your knees as high as possible toward your chest. Land soft-kneed, compress slightly, then immediately move into the next jump, keeping ground contact to a minimum.


Stand on a 12-inch box, step, or other stable surface and step, not jump, from the box to the ground, landing with both feet simultaneously. Compress and absorb the impact by bending your knees and hips, then immediately jump up into the air, jumping as high as possible and landing soft-kneed.


Think of this as a power jump. With each jump on each side, exaggerate the movement with all parts of your body, raising your knee as high as possible and swinging your arms as aggressively as possible to jump as high and as far as possible. Instead of doing reps here, you’re aiming for distance, so with each jump, jump up and forward as far as you can until you’re moving 20 yards.


Stand with your knees slightly bent and at the same time jump up and turn 180 degrees to face the opposite direction. Land on both feet and compress as if you were going to jump again, but hold this position for a count of two before exploding and turning to face the starting direction.

The training

working out



Break time




2-5 minutes

depth jumps*



2-5 minutes



20 yards

2-5 minutes

180 degree jumps



2-5 minutes

*Try to do this towards the beginning of the workout, as it is particularly tiring.


During the first two weeks, take the time to learn the exercises, simply going through the movements of the exercises slowly and completely to master them. Do one set of each, leaving 2-3 days of rest in between for full recovery. After those initial two weeks, start powering yourself up to max effort, keeping your sets to two and your reps to 3-4.


As your production improves and increases, you can increase your reps to six and your sets to three.


Now aim for the moon. She tries to jump higher, throw farther, and cover more distance with each and every rep. You can drop back into the 3 rep range for a while as your body again has to adjust to a stronger stimulus. But don’t be discouraged! It only gives you a higher standard to aspire to in the coming months.


Since plyometrics works very specific explosive muscle groups, it pairs well with resistance activities like cardio training and/or low-key weight training on the same day. “Just do them first, and make sure you’re fully rested before doing them again,” says Kraemer. “If you’re tired, you won’t be able to give it your all and you won’t be training the right muscle groups.”

Allow at least two rest days between plyometric sessions to ensure full recovery, remembering that the more exercises you do, the longer your recovery interval will be. If you choose to do plyometrics more than twice a week, limit your exercises per session to 1-2 instead of 3-4 to ensure adequate recovery time.

Also avoid doing more than two plyometric sessions per week for the same body group. If you are doing upper and lower body plyometrics on both days, be sure to choose different exercises for each session. “It also changes the order,” Kraemer suggests. “If you do lower body first on day one, do upper body first on day two.”

For all your exercises, keep the rep range fairly low. “Generally, stick to 3 to 6 reps per set, depending on how grueling the exercise is,” says Kraemer. “If you can get more than that, you’re probably not doing it right, you’re not recruiting the muscles you’re trying to target, and you’re generally wasting your time.”

Most important of all, remember to rest completely between each set of plyometric exercises. “You have to realize that this is not a conditioning program or an endurance test, this is a neurological recruiting activity,” says Kraemer. “You’re working at your best every time and you have to fully recover to be able to work at your best on the next set. You almost have to learn to be lazy!”


  • ALWAYS Do a 5-10 minute dynamic warm-up such as biking, walking, jogging, or jumping before beginning your plyometrics.
  • STRETCH after plyometric exercises and not before. “You’ll stretch the elastic component of your muscles, which will reduce your ability to produce maximum power,” Kraemer notes.
  • WAER Sports shoes with good lateral stability, adequate arch support, and a non-slip sole.
  • TRAIN on forgiving surfaces, such as a good shock-absorbing track, basketball court, or grassy area.
  • OWN the form is imperative. For lower body exercises, land lightly on the balls of your feet, bending at the knees and hips to avoid injury. (If you hear punches, slaps, and general loud noises coming from your foot area, you’re landing too hard!) When performing your upper body exercises, avoid hyperextending your shoulders and elbows, and focus on recruiting your upper body muscle. core (abdominals, lower). back and obliques) to add power.
  • KNOW your limits and listen to your body. If you’re too sore or tired from a previous weight lifting session or plyometric training, forgo additional plyometrics in favor of some cardio or light strength training until you feel less fatigued.

The biggest lie ever told

For years we’ve all heard all the dire warnings repeated over and over again about how sweating in a sauna suit can cause death, sweating will dehydrate the body, likely cause a heart attack, increases the chances of fainting, and in general, it is not healthy! Afraid of sweating? Do not be! The question to ask yourself is: Is this fact or fiction?

The problem with this type of warning is that as “thinking” people, we have never taken the time to stop and “think” to ask the so-called experts, WHY? Why is it dangerous to sweat in a sauna suit? Sure we’ve heard the same run-of-the-mill information repeated over and over again, but have you ever bothered to investigate the effects of sweating yourself? My wild guess is, probably not! Because like most people, you tend to go with the majority. It’s that human nature thing about all of us, where we want and need to fit in with the “crowd” because we want to be accepted. After all, if some doctor or “expert” tells you something like “sweating is bad for your health”, you believe it. But remember this, what is the general warning about doctors and experts? To always have a second and third opinion, right? Good!

The health benefits of sweating

According to Dr. Jacquline Krohn (2000) “Our bodies are like sponges that absorb the chemicals we are exposed to. Much of that toxic concoction is shed through the skin in sweat. In fact, sweat often has a higher concentration of trace elements such as nickel, cadmium, and mercury than urine.”

What you may not have heard is that most people sweat when they exercise or exert themselves, and this type of sweating is natural and healthy (Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research 2009).

The cause of sweating comes from your body’s temperature regulation system, specifically your sweat glands. Your skin has two types of sweat puffs: eccrine puffs and apocrine puffs. Eccrine tassels are found over most of their body, opening directly above the skin surface. Apocrine glands also cover most of your body and develop in areas where hair follicles are abundant, such as the scalp, armpits, and groin (Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research 2009).

When your body temperature rises, your autonomic nervous system stimulates your eccrine glands to secrete fluid onto the surface of your skin, where it cools your body as it evaporates. This fluid (sweat) is composed mainly of water and salt (sodium chloride) and contains trace amounts of other electrolytes; substances that help regulate fluid balance in your body, as well as substances such as urea (a nitrogenous compound found in urine produced through the breakdown of protein or toxins). Source: Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research 2009.


What does this all mean? IF YOU SWEAT YOU LOSE WEIGHT!

The myth exposed!

So if sweating is so natural and healthy for you, why is everyone always advising against sweating in a sauna suit?

Because some people may abuse a great modern invention like the sauna suit and try to lose all their weight in one day by wearing a sauna suit for too long. Admit it, you know some crazy people who think they can put on a sauna suit for 24 hours and sweat out ten years of bad eating habits. This is the dangerous part of sauna suits, ignorant people also have money to buy them; unfortunately there is no law against a jerk buying a sauna suit.

Lack of basic intelligence and inability to use common sense is the biggest danger factor, not the sauna suit itself.

Big question: How do I know I’m dehydrated if I’m not a doctor?

simple answer: Do you need a doctor to tell you when you are thirsty? NO. Your body has a natural alarm that alerts you when you’re dehydrated: IT MAKES YOU THIRSTY! When you feel thirsty, drink water or an isotonic drink. By drinking water or sports drinks, you prevent dehydration. Remember, it is recommended that you drink up to 8-8 oz glasses of water a day for good health.


Sauna suits are great for sweating out toxins from the body and for losing weight, and not just water weight. Sauna suits are basically designed to duplicate the same effects that you would get from sitting in a sauna at the health spa.

The advantages of the sauna suit is that it’s convenient, you don’t have to spend an hour sitting in a steamy sauna exposing all your personal issues to some ugly guy or eccentric girl who forgot to shave or who smells like rotten feet. yuck! Admit it; there is absolutely no privacy in a public sauna.

In a personal sauna suit, you can get moving and do fun things like walking the dog, cleaning your house, running around the block, reading a book while walking on your treadmill, roller blading, dancing, window shopping at the local mall and! the list of fun activities goes on! At the end of your activity in your sauna suit, you can reap the benefits of seeing how much dirt, grease, salt, toxins, and weight you have excreted while having fun. The only downside to sauna suits is that they look like garbage bags because they are made of cheap plastic that usually rips and tears after a few uses. Hopefully one day someone will make a half-decent looking sauna suit. But in the meantime, any sauna suit on the market will do.

How cool is that? Weight loss can be really fun!

You’ve heard the saying, “There’s nothing like a good sweat!”

Common sense:

The sauna suit is just like any other exercise or gym equipment. Please use with caution and do not overdo it! If you know you have certain health problems or physical limitations, check with your doctor first. If you do not have health problems or limitations, consult your doctor. If it’s 115 degrees F outside, you naturally wouldn’t put on a sauna suit and go for a run, that would just be stupid! Again, use your common sense people! If your doctor says it’s okay to exercise, then it should be okay to exercise in a sauna suit. That sounds logical, right?

After all, you want to speed up and take advantage of the body’s natural fat-burning process, aka: SWEAT!


Many people who call themselves experts will tell you that working out in a sauna suit will only make you lose weight; that once you rehydrate your body by drinking water and sports drinks, all the weight will come back.



This is where I want you to start using your own brain to process information. I’m going to give you the benefit of the doubt and ask you to use your own common sense, critical thinking skills, and ability to think logically for a moment.

If you go to the gym and work out, sweat a lot, lose weight, drink water and sports drinks to rehydrate, and then go home or go out with friends and have a nice, sensible dinner.

Does that mean all your training results are null and void? NO.

Does that mean that because you drank some water that is ZERO CALORIE, you have regained the five pounds of fat you lost? NO!

Has your doctor ever told you that once you start an exercise program, you shouldn’t drink water or eat food because you’ll only gain the weight back? NO!

They tell you to eat healthy, drink lots of water and stay active!

Are you supposed to go hungry and thirsty because you exercise and care about your health?

Of course not!

things to remember






When someone tells you the same old lie that you only lose water weight by wearing a sauna suit, I give you permission to ignore them! They are lying to you!

The 2lbs of fat you burned working out in a sauna suit won’t come back after drinking water!

Food is what makes you gain weight because it has fat and other energy-generating nutrients. The energy from the food you eat is what gives you the strength to move and burn calories from fat; if you don’t exercise and sweat well, you’re not using food for energy and therefore not burning fat!

When you work your body out in a sauna suit, you speed up your metabolism and burn calories from fat, not water!

Makes sense???


Most people sweat when they exercise or exert themselves, and this type of sweating is natural and healthy (Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research 2009).

  • Sauna suits are great for sweating out toxins from the body and for losing weight, and not just water weight.
  • A sauna suit will help you burn fat by heating up the body and speeding up your metabolism!
  • Fat loss will be permanent if you are consistent with your exercise routine using a sauna suit

Here are 13 really weird diet tips that have been shown to help you lose weight. Many of these are very easy to apply and do not require much effort.

1. To determine how many calories you need to eat, multiply your lean body weight by your lean body weight, which is calculated as your weight minus body fat. You can park this on your own.

2. Acupuncture suppresses appetite and has found that people have lost an additional 10 pounds of fat over three months. So self-pricking is useful in more ways than one.

3. Cinnamon is a fat burner. Add 1/2 teaspoon a day and you can lose up to 2 pounds a month. Sprinkle on fruit, peanut butter toast, or any other favorite food.

4. Don’t eat lunch at your desk and you’ll eat 250 fewer calories than those who work during their lunch. Practice mindful eating.

5. Laughing will burn 280 calories in 15 minutes. So watch funny YouTube videos and lose weight.

6. Carrot juice is another fat burner. Drink a glass a day and it will help you lose 4 pounds in 12 weeks. The reason? It has a high fiber content.

7. Taking calcium pills will make you lose 2.6% more fat than those who don’t take them. It will also keep colds away and is protective against additives in your food.

8. Listen to fast and loud music, it increases your energy and prevents fatigue. Oh, and burn the calories. So get it going.

9. Get strong on red meat; muscle burns four times more calories than fat. Red meat is full of protein that is needed to build a lean physique. With more muscle you will burn more fat sitting around playing video games than those who are not as strong.

10. Exercising at sunrise will cause you to lose more weight faster than at any other time of the day. It forces the body to use its stored fat for fuel. Exercising later in the day uses the energy from what you just ate.

11. Eating red bell peppers has a chemical that will speed up your metabolism by 25 percent. Spicy is a way to warm up.

12. Eliminate stress. Stress is one of the main causes of overeating. Pause, breathe and continue.

13. Don’t go alone. Work out with a partner or friend and you’ll likely lose a third more weight than if you did it alone. Because? Human beings are social creatures and it is a powerful motivator. This will also force you to go in and train as there is peer influence.

If you can combine all of this into your day, it will add up to a significant amount. These are little tricks that no one ever tells you to lose weight quickly.

If you want to feel more energetic and younger, a six pack workout might be just what you need! There are many myths about exercise routines and aging, and they are just that: myths. There is no reason why someone 50 and over can’t train to have the same body as someone younger. All it takes is determination and the use of the practical solutions presented in this article.

Myth 1 about Six Pack training for older adults:

Losing strength and flexibility is a normal part of aging.

This myth is only true if you stop exercising. What is true is that as people age, their bodies do not produce hormones in the same amounts or with the same frequency as before. This reduction in hormones makes people feel sluggish and tired as they age. The old saying “if you don’t use it, you lose it” is very true in this case. Regular six-pack workouts with resistance bands (you can move up to weights when you feel ready to start) and regular aerobic exercise will increase overall well-being and give you a renewed sense of vitality you once had.

Myth 2 about Six Pack training for older adults:

“I have had or have (name a disease) and I can’t take it anymore”

This is also normally an incorrect assumption. Regardless of their current physical condition, people have the ability to change and improve their fitness level at any age and regardless of persistent physical limitations. It is simply a matter of tailoring the exercise to suit the individual and their limitations. This is where your health care provider can come into play by suggesting programs or exercises.

If there is difficulty with balance or walking, there are six-pack training exercises that can be done from a seated position, and this includes aerobic exercise. Standing cycles can be used to both increase range of motion in the legs or add some needed aerobic activity. Upper body cycles typically found in rehab centers or gyms can do the same for your upper body. After a while, many people find that they can progress to walking, first with help and then over time without any help. Balance exercises can include something as simple as holding on to a counter and lifting one foot off the ground.

Myth 3 about Six Pack training for older adults:

“It just doesn’t matter anymore, I’m not trying to impress anyone”

This is by far the hardest attitude to get over unless you realize it’s just an excuse! It is important, not only for you, but also for your loved ones. Exercise is a known mood lifter, and the ability to be able to do things without help can be a good motivator to return to or start exercising even in later life.

An excellent example is Jack LaLanne. Before his death at age 90, he was fully active and engaged in life. He was in excellent physical condition, did not become ill or forgetful, and was strong and vigorous until his death. He had the physique and appearance of a man 1/4 his age and his attitude as well. I watched an interview with him about a year before he died and he emphasized how important it was to keep pushing and striving for fitness goals and good nutrition. He said that those were the main reasons why he was still in such incredible shape and that he was convinced that anyone could do it if he simply wanted those results.

A good abs workout focuses not only on your abs, but also on your mind and heart.

With recent trends in obesity and expanding body size, nutrition and weight loss have become popular topics in everyday conversation. The ever-expanding diet industry has spawned numerous wacky nutrition products and tips to capitalize on our growing obsession. Many of these “fad diets” make pseudoscientific claims that appeal to people eager to lose a few pounds. The focus around a particular food group or secret health food gives many of these diets the mystique to become popular. In recent history, one of the most popular fad diets has focused on consuming only grapefruit.

The Grapefruit Diet, also known as the Hollywood Diet, originated in the United States in the 1930s. The diet centers around the claim that grapefruit has extraordinary weight-loss properties, such as a fat-burning enzyme. . The grapefruit diet is considered unhealthy by most nutritionists due to the lack of essential vitamins and minerals and the low number of calories (less than 1,200 calories per day). On the other hand, incorporating a grapefruit into every meal can prove beneficial to a healthy person’s diet, as long as the dieter is not allergic to grapefruit or is taking medications that interact with citrus.

The grapefruit diet is a low-carb diet that typically occurs on a two-week cycle (12 days on the diet with 2 days off) that is repeated until desired body weight is achieved. Proponents of the diet suggest that grapefruit helps burn body fat when eaten with foods high in dietary fat. Consequently, the diet includes the consumption of meat, eggs and fish, while restricting the consumption of sugars, sweet fruits, grains and other sources of carbohydrates. For best results, the diet calls for three meals high in fat and protein, supplemented with a grapefruit, and with a daily caloric intake of less than 1,200 calories.

The diet gained popularity in the 1970s after being mislabeled “the Mayo Clinic diet.” Although the Clinic had no connection to the diet, the brand helped make the diet popular. In the 1980s, the diet was reduced to just 10 days on 2 days off, earning it the nickname “10-day, 10-pound diet.” A 2004 study conducted by the Florida Citrus Department looked at whether grapefruit could help with weight loss. The participants were encouraged to eat half a grapefruit with each meal and exercise regularly. The results were encouraging: Several participants lost more than 10 pounds over 12 weeks. Keep in mind that the study focused on adding grapefruit to a healthy diet, not adopting a normal grapefruit diet. However, several people claim short-term success with the diet, but long-term weight loss maintenance still requires the adoption of a healthy lifestyle.

Weight loss is one of the hottest topics in history. Everyone seems to be trying to lose weight these days. Most diet programs are about weight loss, and body weight is often used as an indicator of physical progress. But, this is a wrong approach.

Losing fat should always be your ultimate goal, and reducing excess body fat is what you should be concerned about. Weight loss and fat loss are NOT the same thing! Many people confuse the two terms, often believing they mean the same thing, when in reality weight loss and fat loss are very different from each other. This article will help you understand how weight loss is different from fat loss, and how fat loss is far superior to weight loss in almost every way.

What is weight loss?

(Weight loss = Muscle loss + Fat loss + Water loss)

Weight loss is trying to reduce total body weight. It simply refers to a lower number on a scale.

Your body weight is made up of all the parts of your body such as muscles, fat, bones, water, organs, tissues, blood, water, etc. When you lose weight, you lose some… fat, muscle, and water.

You lose fat but very little and along with the fat you lose muscle and some water. The more you reduce your calorie intake, the faster you will lose weight and the more muscle mass you will lose.

Do you know that your muscle matters? Loss of muscle affects your health and overall appearance.

When you lose weight too fast, your body can’t keep up your muscle. Because muscle requires more calories to sustain itself, your body begins to metabolize it so it can reserve the incoming calories for survival. It protects your fat stores as a defense mechanism to ensure your survival in the event of a future famine, and instead uses lean tissue or muscle to provide you with the calories you need to keep your vital organs, such as your brain, heart, functioning. heart, kidneys and liver. If you get to a point where you have very little fat or muscle, your body will metabolize your organs to keep your brain working, leading to heart attack, stroke, and liver and kidney failure.

As the body loses more muscle mass, the overall metabolic rate of the body decreases. Metabolic rate is the rate at which your body burns calories and is determined in part by how much muscle you have.

So the more muscle you have, the higher your metabolic rate will be; the less muscle you have, the lower your metabolic rate and the fewer calories you’ll burn. This explains why it is crucial to protect your metabolic rate and not lose muscle mass.

Loss of muscle also leads to loss of tone under the skin, leaving it smooth and shapeless, without shape or contour. If you lose weight too quickly, your skin won’t have time to adjust either. Also muscle is what gives you strength and its loss means a weak body.

With weight loss, you shrink in size and become a smaller version of yourself with a frail frame and sagging skin.

Weight loss works in the short term to make you smaller, but it is temporary, almost everyone recovers and regains the weight. This forces you to look for another diet. And then another, and another, because eventually they will all fail.

What is fat loss?

(Fat Loss = Loss of Stored Body Fat)

Fat loss is trying to reduce total body fat, that is, the percentage of your total body weight that is made up of fat.

The correct approach to fat loss is to exercise smart and eat smart in a way that maintains muscle and is focused solely on fat loss.

The muscle you have isn’t there forever. If you don’t feed it and don’t use it, you lose it. A proper plan with the right mix of resistance and cardio training with proper progression and a proper nutrition plan to support it can help you achieve this. Exercise only increases the burning process, but it doesn’t just melt fat on its own; if you don’t create a deficit and overfeed the body, you won’t touch the stored fuel reserves. On the other hand, if you drastically cut your calories and don’t feed your muscle properly or exercise and use your muscle, you’ll lose it. Fat loss is all about finding the right balance.

With fat loss you maintain muscle and keep your metabolic rate high. It also develops stronger connective tissue, smoother skin, and stronger bones and joints. With fat loss you transform your body.

Fat loss is a lifestyle approach where you give your body what it needs without depriving it or surprising it with the threat of starvation. You get to see slow but steady steady progress.

It may sound strange, but it is possible to lose weight without seeing a change in your weight. This happens when you lose body fat while gaining muscle. Your weight stays the same, even if you lose inches.

Let’s see how this happens.

The fatty tissue is very loose and not dense. It takes up a lot of space in your body. While the muscle is denser and takes up less space. When you lose fat, this space is freed up and you may notice a loss of inches. If you are following a consistent strength training program, the gain in lean muscle tissue will balance this loss of fat and the weight will stay the same. Because muscle takes up less space than fat, you lose inches and start looking more toned, lean, and shapely.

A consistent strength training program followed by lean muscle tissue gain will balance this fat loss and the weight will stay the same. Because muscle takes up less space than fat, you lose inches and start looking more toned, lean, and shapely.

Myth: “Get fit” means “Lose weight.”

Truth: Getting fit means reducing your body fat percentage!

Unlike women, men are very lax in their skincare routine. Most of them are satisfied with just cleaning. They tend to shy away from moisturizing products, sunscreens, and exfoliants. As a result, your skin is damaged by the daily effects of external aging.

You should encourage your man to update his anti-aging routine. Otherwise, he will soon have to suffer the brunt of skin aging. Here are some tips that can help:

1. Look for an all-in-one product.

Most men look for products that are easy to use. They do not like to use different products for different purposes. It is more ideal to look for a product that contains complete ingredients that can meet your various skin care needs.

I recommend a product that contains CynergyTK, Phytessence Wakame, and Nano Lipobelle HEQ10. CynergyTK is an ingredient that has been carefully extracted from sheep’s wool. This is one of the most ideal sources of keratin. Keratin is a form of complex protein with the ability to enhance collagen production. It can maintain or recover the elasticity and firmness of the skin.

Phytessence Wakame is a type of seaweed that can help preserve healthy levels of hyaluronic acid. This acid is vital for the lubrication of collagen fibers. Keeping collagen fibers properly nourished is one way to thwart the aging process.

Nano Lipobelle HEQ10 is an antioxidant that can protect skin cells from the damaging effects of free radicals. This antioxidant is unique in that it is made up of smaller cells. Your cells will work to penetrate deeper into the skin.

2. Encourage your man to take grape seed extract every day.

This shouldn’t take long. Grape seed extract is beneficial for the integumentary system and the whole body. This can really help reduce eyestrain. It also contains powerful antioxidants that can combat the harmful effects of free radicals. It also helps prevent the rapid deterioration of collagen fibers.

3. Instead of watching movies, give your husband or boyfriend a relaxing massage.

Here’s a nifty idea on how to do that. Use a soft bristle brush. Run the bristles of the brush gently over the surface of your skin and let it glide in a circular motion. This will improve blood circulation and help release tension. Also, this technique can help remove dead skin cells. Helps unclog pores.