Category Archive : Health Fitness

Everyone wants to have a good night’s sleep. It helps you stay healthy, alert, and impacts your overall quality of life. On top of that, it also helps you live a purposeful life.

Do you want a life where you play with your passion, play with your heart, and live the life of your dreams? In short, a life you love, without reservations, explanations or apologies.

If it’s time to say, “Yes!” to a life full of purpose, then the first thing to talk about is sleep.


If he sleeps!

As busy professional women, they know they can push their bodies, eat unhealthy foods, skip the gym, and still be completely successful in their business or career.

However, it’s quite another thing if you start messing with your sleep cycle.


Because messing with your sleep cycle means you’re messing with your brain. And messing with your brain is a big problem.

Not Getting Enough Sleep Affects How Your Brain Works

Have you ever thought about what happens when you fall asleep?

Although it may seem like you’re turning off and ‘turning off’ at night, the brain is doing the opposite: it’s turning on.

In the 1920s, scientists considered sleep to be an inactive brain state. They thought the brain turned off during sleep and restarted when you woke up.

Not so!

Scientists now know that the brain goes through patterns of activity throughout each sleep period. In fact, it is sometimes more active when we are asleep than when we are awake.

The effects of interrupted sleep, not getting enough sleep, and general sleepiness wreak havoc on the brain.

Here are 10 problems associated with impaired brain function:

1. Thought processes slow down.

2. Memory deteriorates.

3. The ability to learn and retain information decreases.

4. Slow reaction times.

5. Your mood fluctuates.

6. Feelings of irritability, anger, and frustration increase.

7. You are less likely to eat healthy or make good lifestyle choices.

8. Doing everyday activities becomes more difficult.

9. You have a higher risk of depression and anxiety.

10. Not getting enough sleep becomes a chronic way of life.

Then tell me: How can you love your life, find your passion, follow your heart, or live the life of your dreams with a brain that doesn’t function in a way that allows you to live fully?

4 stages of sleep

A night’s sleep has a predictable pattern.

Stage 1: As you begin to fall asleep, you enter NREM (non-rapid eye movement) sleep. Throughout the four stages, NREM includes 75% of all sleep.

This is called “light sleep” and is characterized by slow rates of electrical activity in large numbers of brain cells.

Stage 2: About 90 minutes after falling asleep, the first REM (rapid eye movement) sleep occurs. REM sleep cycles about every 90 minutes, getting longer the more you sleep. REM included 25% of all sleep.

During REM sleep, your brain shows activity patterns similar to when you’re awake.

Stage 3 and 4: This is when the deepest, most restful sleep occurs. Blood pressure drops, muscles relax, and tissue growth and repair occurs. In addition, hormones are released, specifically human growth hormone (hGH) that stimulates growth, cell reproduction, and cell regeneration.

As sleep progresses, you will experience both NREM and REM sleep.

Getting a good night’s sleep is so important to your functioning that when this sleep structure is disturbed, the effects are immediate.

Do you need a sleep plan?

John J. Beckley, the first US Librarian of Congress, said it best: “Most people don’t plan to fail, they fail to plan.”

Every day, I work with busy professional women, just like you, who have big plans for their lives. These are strong, confident women with aspirations and things they want to achieve. And every time, they say the same things. They feel as if something physical or emotional is getting in their way.

When I hear those words, the first thing I do is assess their sleep patterns.


Because everything we do well starts with a dream.

4 Healthy Sleep Habits for Busy Professional Women

As a Certified Holistic Health Consultant, my joy comes from inspiring busy professional women to pursue their dreams and live a life of purpose. For that to happen, your brain needs to function properly. And that requires sleep. Sleep is food for the brain. Here’s how to establish a healthy sleep habit:

1. Personal agreement.

You have to block 7-8 hours of sleep on your calendar and decide that everyone and everything else revolves around that.

According to the National Sleep Foundation: “Adults ages 18 to 64 need 7 to 9 hours of sleep. Adults 65 and older require 7 to 8.”

2. Regulate your sleep.

What scientists know by studying the patterns of electrical activity in the brain is that while your body sleeps, your brain cycles through two main patterns: NREM and REM sleep.

Your brain cannot function properly with irregular sleep patterns. His brain is designed to know when to wake up, stay awake, and come down. Lack of sleep regulation diminishes your brain’s ability to experience a purposeful life.

3. Develop a bedtime routine.

Your thoughts can keep you awake at night and decrease the quality of your sleep. One of the reasons for the night thoughts is that his brain has not received the signal that it is time to shut down to rest. A bedtime ritual, something you do each night to promote relaxation, can make all the difference in calming your thoughts.

Develop a bedtime routine. Take some time to relax before going to bed each night. Some people read a book, listen to soothing music, or soak in a warm bath. Use your bedroom only for sleeping.

4. Give your body what it needs for physiological balance.

Your body likes to be in a state of internal balance. This is called homeostasis and indicates a stable internal environment.

In order for you to get a good night’s sleep, your vitamins, minerals, hormones, and neurotransmitters must be in balance for deep, restful sleep.

You have to take sleep seriously. It is the easiest, safest and most effective brain medicine in the world. You deserve to follow your heart and have the life of your dreams. Living a life full of purpose begins with a good night’s sleep.

Trying to lose 50 pounds in 11 weeks may seem like a daunting task, but I assure you, it can be done.

I’m assuming you’re not interested in using weight loss pills, appetite suppressants, surgery, or any other crap to lose 50 pounds in 11 weeks, which is a good thing…because I hate that stuff. Don’t get me wrong, they do have their place in certain situations, but in most cases, they are an unnecessarily extreme measure.

When you consider that a gastric bypass operation can cost between $25,000 and $35,000 US dollars, you have to ask yourself if the advice some people are given to have it done is the best for them or for the surgeon and their pocketbook.

Trying to lose 50 pounds in 11 weeks can be a difficult challenge, but there are a few things you can do to make your life easier.

Here are 5 top tips to follow when trying to lose 50 pounds in 11 weeks.

1) Believe in yourself / set goals

The first and most important thing is to be in the right frame of mind. This may sound strange since you already know that you want to lose 50 pounds in 11 weeks… what do I mean?

Well, don’t worry, I’m not going to cast you as Tony Robbins and have you jump around in a state of euphoria (although there is some truth to that). Rather, I’m saying that you need a clear picture of where you want to be and focus on it. You need to feel like you’ve already lost 50 pounds in 11 weeks… think about it… how does it really work? feel. Are your coworkers inspired and envious of your new body and transformation? Do you have the confidence you lacked to ask out that sexy guy or girl you’ve had in mind forever?

Just by imagining it in your mind you will be able to set goals for your success and believe that you can and will lose 50 pounds in 11 weeks. Goals will be the checkpoints on your journey, self-confidence the fuel that keeps you going.

2) Find a good coach and surround yourself with good like-minded people

This is an essential and often overlooked part of trying to lose 50 pounds in 11 weeks. Many people don’t realize that the people they surround themselves with play a big role in their self-confidence, their attitude, and their overall motivation and determination. It has been said that a person is the average of the 5 or 10 people with whom he associates the most, and this refers to health, wealth, ambition, aspiration, relationships, family, etc. This is not a hard and fast rule, but I feel there is some truth to it.

Trying to lose a lot of weight quickly is going to be demanding, and so you want to surround yourself with positive, supportive people, and not people who are hoping you’ll fail, so they can say “I told you!”

Now, I’m not saying you should give up and avoid your family and friends, but rather find people who have similar goals and who understand your situation. Finding people who have been where you are now and have achieved their goals can give you a real boost to do the same. Why do you think things like Weight Watchers clubs are so successful? It’s because they bring all these people together and help each other.

Where can you find these people? There are plenty of forums online where you can find people who are trying to lose weight. Just going to Google or Yahoo and typing something like “weight loss forum +” (without the quotes) will produce all sorts of great stuff. There are also plenty of online weight loss and fitness programs that you can follow to lose 50 pounds in 11 weeks.

The same is true of your coach, coach, or training program that you choose to follow. Are they supportive but ambitious, pushing you when the going gets tough? If not, find one that is.

3) Eat a healthy diet

Obviously, diet and nutrition are fundamentally important when it comes to losing 50 pounds in 11 weeks. Consuming too many calories will mean that always gain weight, period. Therefore, you will need to create a caloric deficitby consuming fewer calories than you burn, forcing your body to burn fat stores and use them for energy.

Finding the right diet is important, and many people do it the wrong way. Starving yourself is a big no-no. You may lose a few pounds in the first few days, but it won’t last as your body will go into starvation mode and slow down your metabolism to burn less fat (it’s your built-in survival mechanism), making it even more difficult. to lose 50 pounds in 11 weeks.

So what can you do? Eat more! Yes, eating smaller meals more regularly will keep your metabolism at a higher rate, and this, combined with exercise, will help you lose pounds faster.

Green fibrous vegetables like broccoli, green beans, asparagus, and lettuce are great healthy foods that can really help you burn fat, and it’s almost impossible to overeat them. Eating more of them at the end of the day along with a good lean protein like chicken breast is one of the best ways to lose weight as quickly as possible and lose 50 pounds in 11 weeks.

4) Follow a good exercise plan

Without exercise, even the best diet plan in the world will have a hard time helping you lose 50 pounds in 11 weeks. You need to exercise to get the maximum benefit from the caloric deficit we mentioned above. He will create the furnace where he will burn off those unwanted kilos.

Regular exercise also helps your mind, confidence, and overall health. By tightening, toning, and growing muscle, it also helps your body burn fat faster. Did you know that muscle can actually help you burn fat? So the more muscle you have, the more fat you can burn, because your metabolism will work faster with more muscle.

Find a good training and exercise plan, with a good variety of cardio work for your overall fitness, resistance and toning exercises like push-ups and crunches, and some light weight training.

5) Take care!

This is the most important and often the hardest thing when it comes to losing 50 pounds in 11 weeks. The best diet, workout, trainer, and goals mean nothing without the little action of going and actually doing it. Things may get tough over the next 11 weeks, but sticking with it and sticking to it will show results and you’ll be amazed at what you accomplish. Once you see a bit of success, you’ll hunger for more and then it’ll be so hard to stop the momentum you build up, that 50 pounds in 11 weeks will seem like a doddle!

The 2,000 calorie diet plan limits a person’s daily food intake to 2,000 calories. This is almost close to the normal number of calories a person consumes in a day. But the difference between a 2,000 calorie diet plan and a normal daily meal is that the 2,000 calories in a diet plan come primarily from fruits, vegetables, nuts, and other nutritious foods rather than foods that contain saturated fat. Following the 2000 calorie diet will keep you healthy, energetic and energetic. With this 2,000 calorie meal plan, your chances of losing weight and keeping it off are better because you don’t have to worry about adjusting calories and food after you lose the weight. Contrary to normal conceptions, a healthy diet like this can also be very tasty, so sticking to the diet plan will not be a difficult task at all. Consequently, all the necessary pieces to achieve healthy weight loss and maintain a perfect body shape fit right into the 200 calorie diet plan.

Examples of 2000 calorie diet plans:

Generally speaking, a 2000 calorie diet plan can be made using two servings from the fruit group, seven servings from the grain group, eight servings from the vegetable group, three servings from the dairy group, and eight servings from the meat and beans. . This equates to about six ounces of grains, two and a half cups of vegetables, two cups of fruit, five and a half ounces of meat and beans, three cups of milk, and six full teaspoons of oil. On a 2000 calorie meat plan, you should limit sugar intake, avoid trans fat, eat plenty of whole grains, limit saturated fat intake by consuming monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. Plus around 20% to 35% of your calorie intake per day should come from dairy products. Now we will look at two simple and tasty 2000 calorie diet plans that will give you an idea of ​​how the actual diet should be framed.

Diet Example 1:


Two scrambled eggs, two slices of bacon, two whole-grain toast, a single cup of skim milk, and a serving of jam and preserves will make the ideal breakfast for a 2,000-calorie diet.

Morning Snack:

The morning snack can be anything of your choice, but the total calorie content of the morning snack should be around 100 calories.


You can have whatever you want for dinner, as long as the total calorie count for lunch is around 450 calories. Three crispy tacos would be a great lunch option.

Afternoon snack:

Enjoy any dairy product for a snack. Low-fat cottage cheese, low-fat cheese, and low-fat yogurt are some suggestions. Just keep an eye on the caloric content so you don’t exceed 110 calories.


Three ounces of steak (roasted, grilled, or grilled), one small baked potato, margarine, half a cup of beans (baked), whole wheat bread, and a mixed lettuce or spinach salad with a squeeze of lemon, a table spoon of grated cheese, a slice of tomato and cucumber and a 60-calorie salad dressing of your choice.

Bedtime snack:

You can have a bedtime snack of a cup of skimmed milk mixed with half a cup of strawberries.

Diet example 2:

Breakfast: (570 calories)

Three white and one yolk tortilla with chopped onion and garlic, two slices of wholemeal bread with jam, non-fat natural yogurt and a small piece of fruit. This will make the delicious breakfast for a 2000 calorie diet plan.

Lunch: (530 calories)

Lunch includes chicken pasta salad, four tablespoons of whole wheat pasta, and fruit juice worth 90 calories.

Snack: (200 calories)

Two slices of malt bread with a thin layer of butter.

Dinner: (800 calories)

Chili Con Carne, salad with light dressing and a small low-fat fruit trifle.

Whatever diet you follow, be sure to drink plenty of fluids. Water is the best option to keep your body hydrated. You can also drink generous amounts of green tea and other calorie-free beverages. I always gave a strict no to alcohol, coke and even diet coke. Drinking plenty of fluids with fewer calories flushes your body of all toxins and keeps your body’s metabolism going.

This 2000 calorie diet does not provide very low calories like other diets and is therefore quite reliable to follow. But it’s always safe to check with your doctor or dietitian and tell them about your diet plans and get their approval before starting your diet. This will put your mind at ease as you will be sure that you are on the right track. Happy diet!

Have you ever been in the area? Whether it’s baking cakes, golfing, driving or singing, we’ve all been to the area. And now we can get into the weight loss zone and body sculpting. We just need to get into the “hot zones” with our weight loss exercise.

On Saturdays I train a couple of guys who work in the banking industry. These guys often work 15 hour days during work and have young children, so they only get to see me for exercise once a week.

And that means I have to make it count.

Fortunately, their Type A personalities make it easy for them to get results…as they’re engaged, focused, and ready to hit the gym.

So how do I make training as effective as possible? Well, as I mentioned in one of my advanced training article series, I focus on 4 training “hot zones”:

behind the legacy

upper back



Take care of these areas using multi-muscle exercises and you’ll boost metabolism throughout your body in about 15 minutes. In fact, with the right selection of exercises, you can train the entire body in 2 movements.

This is how our workouts generally go.

Like everyone else, we start with a bodyweight warm-up exercise, always beginning with some form of overhead squat.

Overhead squat (holding a band or bar)

push up

Lunge (holding 1 second at the bottom)

inverted row

These 4 exercises prepare the muscles of the 4 hot zones for a more intense exercise. Next, we move on to traditional turbulence training strength supersets.

A1) Squat or leg press

A2) Bench press or chest press with dumbbells

Tip: Increasing the width of the squat allows the lifter to push the hips back more and allows for more work and results for the glutes and hamstrings.

B1) DB Row or Seated Row

B2) Hamstring curl

And now, from here to the end of the session, everything else is “sauce”. We’ll be doing Pullups, DB Split Squats (even though he dreads this exercise), Ab Wheel, Chins, and Dips, just to name a few of our “go to” exercises. Even some arms at the end for fun. You always have to have a little fun, and it’s a nice reward for beating the wicked split squats.

But again, if you don’t have a lot of time but need a full body workout, all you need to do is make sure you hit those 4 “hot zones” in your session.

Making training simpler, but more effective.

Diabetes can be a nasty disease. Constant monitoring is needed, it can cause heart disease, vision loss, poor circulation with possible amputation of limbs, and more. In short, it’s nothing to waste time on.

Our bodies need energy and carbohydrates are the fuel that creates the energy our bodies run on. Control your carbohydrates and you can control your diabetes. That’s why diabetics have to watch portion sizes, meal frequency, and count calories.

So what are carbs anyway? Carbohydrates or (carbs) are glucose. Sugar, starchy foods like potatoes, pasta, grain-based foods like bread and cereal are “high” carbohydrate foods. Dairy products, fruits, vegetables, and many beverages can contain carbohydrates. (Just as a side note, it used to be thought that sugar and glucose were the only way to bring diabetics out of diabetic shock when they passed out… Now it has been discovered that “Milk”, the peanut butter added to glucose tablets put enough sugar into the bloodstream to herald diabetic shock).

After eating any type of carbohydrate, it is broken down into glucose and enters the bloodstream. Protein and fat won’t have as big an impact on blood sugar as carbohydrates.

Carbohydrate counting is to more consistently control the amount of glucose entering the bloodstream to stabilize blood sugar levels. Everyone starts with basic carb counting, no matter how long they’ve had diabetes or what their ultimate carb counting goal is.

Simple Carb Counting

Try to eat the same amount of carbohydrates at the same time every day. For example, if you eat 4 carbohydrate choices, or 60 grams of carbohydrate, for breakfast, you should eat that amount for breakfast every day.

By keeping carbohydrate intake constant, we can keep blood sugar levels in check. That doesn’t mean you have to eat the same thing at every meal every day. Vary your food selection, but keep the same amount of carbohydrates as the day before.

two ways to count

Carbohydrates can be counted in two ways: by grams or by choices. When working with carb options, remember: 1 carb option = 15 grams of carbs.

How many carbohydrates should I consume?

Each person’s carbohydrate needs vary based on factors such as height, weight, age, activity levels, and medication. The following is a GUIDELINE, about a general guideline!:
3 to 4 choices per meal (45 to 60 grams) for women
4 to 5 choices per meal (60 to 75 grams) for men
1 to 2 options per snack (15 to 30 grams)
If you need help determining your carbohydrate needs, consult a dietitian.

Read the nutritional information, they are there for a reason.

The Nutrition Facts label on food packaging tells you what you need to count carbohydrates. Look at the SERVING SIZE and TOTAL CARBOHYDRATES (in grams):

Serving size is based on one serving, not the entire package. Multiply the number of servings by the total grams of carbohydrates and you know how many carbohydrates you are eating. Sugar is included in total carbohydrates. All carbohydrates raise blood glucose in a similar way.

Weight loss difficulties take their toll on everyone at one time or another. I don’t care what anyone else says, but it does. I know for myself that I have suffered over and over again to lose weight. Every time I feel like it’s another battle.

Here are some tips I’ve learned to help lose weight and keep it off in the long run and live a much healthier and better life.

Stay Motivated – A lot of times when people go into this journey they lose focus and get demotivated. That is the simple truth and the matter. It’s hard and sometimes it almost seems like it can never be done. I’ll be the first to tell you that if you have the desire and motivation to stick to an active diet and exercise plan, you can lose weight and keep it off without starving your body.

Here are some tips to lose fat:

Working can change your life in more ways than one. Here are some free weight loss tips:

Walk at least 30 minutes a day
see a coach
sit in a sauna
get a personal training partner
closed circuit training
boxing training

drinking water
Eat fresh green vegetables every day.
walk at least 25 minutes a day
Count your calories and eat no more than 2,500 on any given day.
Write everything done. It is extremely important for weight loss that you document your progress every step of the way.

This is the only exercise you need to remember to lose weight.


If you can walk at least 25 minutes a day, then you are on the right track. Maintain this type of work ethic and you will start to see results in 30 to 60 days.

Many women worry about lifting weights for a lower body workout thinking it can cause them to develop bulky leg muscles that look unsightly and manly. The good news is that weight training doesn’t have to make you look bulky. If you plan your exercise program properly, you can use weights as part of your exercise program to achieve lean and toned legs.

However, you need to be careful or you may find that you start to build lower body girth, which is definitely not possible when doing leg slimming exercises, so learning the right way to tone your legs is vital. You don’t need to join a gym as you can adapt these exercises to slim down your legs and ensure you have toned legs at home.

Let’s look at some main points to keep in mind.

do more reps
Keep the rep range a little higher when doing your leg exercises. To build serious muscle mass, I would use a 6-8 rep range. So for leaner, leaner, longer legs, use a 10-15 rep range instead of lower reps.

Some women will do up to 20 repetitions, however there is not considered to be much benefit in going beyond 15 repetitions exercises to slim down the legs. If you’re doing 20 reps, you may not be using a heavy enough weight.

These dumbbell repetitions can easily be performed at home to tone your legs at home. Use leg weights that can be strapped to your legs, and exercise in your usual repetition positions. You can buy them in all different weights.

Be sure to use a challenging but lighter weight
To avoid developing thick, bulky legs, make sure your legs are challenged with the weight you’re using, but that the weight isn’t extremely heavy, as this will bulk up your legs rather than just tone them.

Weight lifting promotes an increase in body size, so you should avoid this to achieve the look of slim legs. Use a weight that allows you 10-15 reps, at which point you’ll start to experience fatigue. As mentioned above, if you can get to 15 reps and feel like you can keep doing reps, that’s your cue to increase the weight slightly to make it more challenging.

Use plyometric movements
Focus on plyometric movements to avoid bulky, muscular legs and use exercises to slim down your legs. This means including plenty of exercises in your regimen, such as jump squats, lunges, and other rebounding moves. These are fantastic for adding lower body strength to your legs without generating a huge amount of bulk. These exercises will also help increase your metabolic rate and help you burn calories, so it is another advantage to use them. Again, these types of leg slimming exercises can be easily done at home.

Control your diet plan
Finally, be sure to monitor your diet and calorie intake. Consuming too many calories can encourage muscle growth, so you could end up with slightly bigger legs and not the toned ones you’re looking for.

If you are using a diet plan or reduced calorie diet plan to lose fat, you will never be able to build bigger muscles anyway, since you are not providing an excessive amount of energy to build new muscle.

Keeping your diet in check prevents any bulk from happening while you are using the leg slimming exercises.

Here are What Diet’s top tips for creating long, lean, toned, lean legs instead of thick and bulky ones.

Imagine that it is between 3 and 4 in the afternoon, your child has returned from school and the many extracurricular activities and is hungry. While you want to keep them full until dinner, stop and think for a minute before you grab that conveniently packaged snack from the counter. Do you really want to give your child an artificial food snack with additives? Certainly not!

Wouldn’t it be great if you could find some quick and interesting recipes to make for your kids, while being sure you’re giving them something they love to eat, yet nutritious?

The simple solution is: add almonds!

These nuts are not only a great snack option, but they are also convenient and provide a host of nutrients like vitamin E, riboflavin, fiber, protein, and many others. In other words, almonds are a healthy alternative to a variety of readily available unhealthy snacks. Plus, since these nuts are tasty and crunchy, they can also satisfy your child’s sensory cravings.

Here are some super delicious yet nutritious recipes that you can try for your children:

badam custard

Custards have always been a favorite of little humans. With the addition of almonds, you can add this to the list of healthy kid-friendly snack recipes!

Serves 2

Preparation time: 20 minutes

Cooking time: 15min


Almonds (roasted) – 200gms

Milk -500ml

Sugar -100gms

Egg yolk – 6no

Vanilla essence – 3ml

Cornmeal – 25gms


Blanch the almonds and make a smooth paste, reserve. Mix the egg yolk and cornmeal in a bowl, set aside.

Boil sugar and milk. Then add a little warm milk to the egg yolks and beat, set aside. Keep the milk on low heat, add the warm yolk mixture and cook for 5 minutes.

Continue stirring and pouring in the almond paste and place in a refrigerator. Serve cold.

Nutrient analysis




76.8 grams

full fat

174.7 grams


28.6 grams


81.2 grams


29.3 grams


163 grams













Vitamin E


Almond Cookies

This quick and easy recipe not only gives you delicious cookies, but it will also leave your kids asking for more.

Serves 2

Preparation time: 20 minutes

Cooking time: 15min


Flour – 1kg

baking powder – 1/2 teaspoon

Lemon zest -2 tablespoons

Salt – a pinch

Butter (unsalted) -700 gms

Powdered sugar – 300 g

Almonds (finely crushed) – 200gms


Mix the cream, butter and icing sugar well. Add all the dry ingredients.

Form balls and coat in crushed almonds.

On a greased baking sheet, bake the cookies at 170 degrees Celsius for 20 minutes. Attend.

Nutrient analysis




151.6 grams

full fat

693.8 grams


252.2 grams


179.7 grams


44.7 grams


1060 grams


24 grams











Vitamin E


Badam Elaichi Smoothie

This is one of the easy to make recipes that gives you loads of goodness from ingredients like elaichi, badam, honey and cardamom.

Serves 2

Preparation time: 10 minutes

Cooking time: 15min


Milk – 3 cups

Almonds (peeled and chopped) – 1/2 cup

Honey – 1 tablespoon

Cardamom powder – 1/2 teaspoon

Saffron – 5 strands.

Vanilla ice cream – 2 scoops (optional)


Mix all the ingredients and grind in a blender. Foam and serve cold, garnished with almond flakes.

Nutrient analysis




38.8 grams

full fat

82.8 grams


22.7 grams


35.6 grams




78.1 grams













Vitamin E


Paneer Badam Ka Cheela

This Indian recipe, which almost every Indian household is familiar with, can be a great snack recipe for kids to eat mid-meal.

for 4 people

Preparation time: 10 minutes

Cooking time: 20 minutes


Kiss – 2 cups

Baking powder – 1/4 teaspoon

Salt – ½ teaspoon

Ajwain – 1/4 teaspoon

Red chili powder – ½ teaspoon

Oil – 3 tablespoons

for the filling

Paneer (puree) – ½ cup

Badam (chopped) – 1/4 cup

Roasted Jeera – 1 tsp

Salt – ½ teaspoon

Green pepper cutlet – 1 no

Ginger cutlet – 2 teaspoons

Green coriander chop – 1 tablespoon


Make a thick dough with besan, salt, ajwain, red chili powder, baking powder, and water. Stand aside.

Mix all the ingredients for the filling well.

Heat a nonstick frying pan and spray a little oil. To batter a little and spread finely. Let cook on one side and then gently turn. Cook quickly on this side and flip immediately.

Now scoop out the filling with a spoon and place it in the center horizontally. Fold the cheela like a dosa or a cigar.

Remove and serve hot.

Nutrient analysis





full fat






















Vitamin E


Toasted Almond and Tomato Uttapam Pizza

A Western twist on a popular South Indian recipe can be all the excitement your kids could ask for, before or after their playtime.

Serves: 1 person

Preparation time: 8 – 10 minutes

Cooking time: 12 – 15 minutes


Uttapam dough – 75ml

Almonds cut in half (unpeeled) – 15 g

Seedless and chopped tomato – 10 g

Chopped onion – 10g

Chopped ginger – 2g

Chopped coriander – 2g

Pizza sauce – 5g

Grated Parmesan cheese – 3g

Salt to taste

Refined oil – 5ml


Pour the uttapam batter into the center of a hot nonstick skillet. Sprinkle the chopped tomato, onion, ginger, and cilantro evenly on top. Flip the uttapam upside down to cook it from the top for about a minute. Then, flip it over and brush on the pizza sauce. Add the almond halves and flip, one more time.

Then, remove it from the pan and sprinkle it with grated Parmesan. Cut it into 4 pieces like a pizza. Serve hot.

Nutrient analysis





full fat






















Vitamin E


Badam ki Kheer

This popular desert accompanies most Indian food preparations at home during festivals. However, since it is prepared so infrequently, children love it much more.

Do not hesitate to make your children happy from time to time by preparing some kheeron regular days.

for 4 people

Preparation time: 10 minutes

Cooking time: 20 minutes


Desi ghee – 2 tablespoons

almonds – 1 cup

Green cardamom powder – 1/2 teaspoon

Rice – 3 tablespoons

Milk – 1lt

Grapes – 1/2 cup

Sugar – 150g

Almond chunks – 1 and 1/2 tablespoons


Soak the rice for half an hour. Soak the grapes in water for 15 minutes. Blanch the almonds, remove the skin and grind them into a paste, adding a little water.

Heat a pan and add desi ghee. Now lightly sauté the almond paste over low heat for 1 minute. Add the milk and bring to a boil. Lower the heat and add the rice. Cook for 15 minutes or until the rice is overcooked and the kheer thickens. Add sugar and raisins. Decorate with almond slices.

Nutrient analysis




70.6 grams

full fat

169.4 grams


34 grams


52.3 grams




298.7 grams













Vitamin E


Almond and Soy Milk Smoothie

A healthy recipe to serve to your children, at any time of the day, a glass of this shake can provide them with the goodness of soy milk and almonds that can provide essential nutrients such as protein, calcium, and many vitamins and minerals.

for 4 people

Preparation time: 15 minutes

Cooking time: no cooking time


Almond Flakes – 100g

Soy milk – 750 ml

Honey – 150g

Whole almonds – 350g

Banana – 200g


In a mixing glass, take the whole skinless almonds, add the soy milk, honey and banana. Crush and decorate with toasted almond flakes.

Advice: Add a berry flavor as available to enhance flavor.

Nutrient analysis





full fat






















Vitamin E


You’ve been told for decades that saturated fat will kill you. Even medical and health professionals have believed this to be a “fact.” However, did you know that this “fact” has never been proven? In this article, you’ll learn why saturated fat can actually have some amazing benefits.

I have written many times in the last two years about the misconceptions in society about saturated fat and the misperception in the media and with MOST health and medical professionals that saturated fat is bad for you.

If you’ve seen it in some of my articles, I’ve even shown you why saturated fat can even be GOOD for you in some cases, despite the fact that every health and fitness professional in the world accepts the false belief that that are not healthy for you. .

I have to say I was pleasantly surprised to FINALLY see a reputable editor have the guts to publish an article about why everyone in the world can be wrong about their beliefs about saturated fat and its health effects.

I got my new issue of Men’s Health magazine recently, and they had a really detailed 6 page article on the faulty research in the past on saturated fat, and some new emerging research showing why it may actually be better for you than what I would never have conceived.

I have to give them credit… the article was very well researched and presented in an easy to understand format to summarize where studies in the past have gone wrong and why recent studies show that everyone may have been wrong for the last 5 decades about saturated fats.

I suggest you read the entire article if you can. If not, I’ll try to give you a brief synopsis of the findings here, since it was a long article…

First of all, did you realize that even though you’ve been told by doctors, nutritionists, dieticians, fitness professionals, and the media that it’s a FACT that saturated fat is bad for you, this “FACT” never really has been tested?

It’s not really a “fact” at all. It was a hypothesis! This goes back to a flawed research study from the 1950s, where a scientist named Ancel Keys published a paper blaming dietary fat intake for the growing phenomenon of heart disease worldwide.

However, there were major flaws in their study. For one, in his conclusions he only used data from a small fraction of the countries where data on fat intake versus heart disease death rate was available. When the researchers went back and looked at data from all countries where data was available, there was actually no relationship between fat intake and deaths from heart disease. So his conclusions were actually false.

Second, blaming fat intake for heart disease was only one factor considered. Other factors, such as smoking rates, stress factors, sugar and refined carbohydrate intake, exercise frequency, and other lifestyle factors, were not considered.

Basically, his conclusions, which blamed fat intake for heart disease deaths, were really just a shot in the dark as to what the possible cause might have been, despite all those other factors I just mentioned, plus of many others, they may be the most prominent cause. .

Unfortunately, the Keys study has been cited for over 5 decades as “fact” that saturated fat is bad for you. As you can see, there’s certainly nothing real about it.

Since then, there have been many other studies attempting to link saturated fat intake to heart disease. Most of these studies have failed to correlate ANY risk from saturated fat. A couple of them made feeble attempts to link saturated fat to heart disease, however the data was later shown to be flawed in those studies as well.

Do we really have evidence that saturated fat can be good for you?

Well, let’s consider some examples…

Did you know that there are several well-known tribes in Africa… the Masai, Samburu and Fulani tribes… where their diet consists mainly of raw whole milk, large amounts of red meat and cow’s blood? Despite their very high intake of saturated fat, they show extremely low levels of body fat, and heart disease among the natives of the tribe is virtually non-existent.

Now, most critics of this example will say that it has to be related to superior genetics… however, this is not true, like when they studied the tribesmen who had moved from their native lands and started to eat more modern diets, their blood chemistry. soared with risk factors for heart disease.

This is also true for the inhabitants of certain Pacific island countries. Several studies have shown that certain Pacific island nations had VERY high intakes of total fat as well as saturated fat from tropical fats such as palm, coconut, and cocoa. Despite the very high intake of saturated fat and total fat, these island natives were typically very lean and heart disease was virtually non-existent.

However, when the researchers followed up on islanders who had moved away from their home island and adopted a typical Western diet, factors for heart disease were through the roof.

In fact, did you know that while eating saturated fat raises bad LDL cholesterol, it actually raises good HDL cholesterol even more, therefore improving your overall cholesterol ratio, which has been shown to be more important than just total cholesterol level (actually total cholesterol is an almost useless number…inflammation is the REAL problem, but that’s a whole different topic).

Another fact to highlight in favor of saturated fats…

Saturated fat is made up of several different types… the 3 most common types are stearic acid, palmitic acid, and lauric acid.

Stearic acid is found in animal fat and cocoa at higher levels. Research continues to show that stearic acid has no negative impacts on heart disease risks. In any case, it is neutral or beneficial. In fact, your liver breaks down stearic acid into a monounsaturated fat called oleic acid, which is the same type of fat that makes up most heart-healthy olive oil. I bet you didn’t know!

Lauric acid is also beneficial. Not only has it been shown to significantly increase levels of good HDL cholesterol, but it is also missing from the diet of most Americans and has even been shown to have some powerful immune-boosting effects. It is even currently being studied in HIV/AIDS research to help improve immune function in patients.

Tropical oils like coconut and palm are the best sources of beneficial lauric acid.

Palmitic acid is the other main component of saturated fat and has also been shown to increase good HDL cholesterol to the same extent, if not more, than bad LDL cholesterol, making it neutral or beneficial, but certainly it’s not bad for you.

So if all these researchers have tried so hard over the years to point the finger at saturated fat, but still can’t show a correlation between saturated fat and heart disease risk, what are the REAL guilty of heart disease?

Well, here are the real causes of heart disease risk:

  • Trans fats (artificially hydrogenated oils)
  • Highly refined vegetable oils such as soybean, cottonseed, corn oil, etc. (inflammatory within the body, and typically throws off the omega-6/omega-3 balance)
  • Too much refined sugar in the diet (including high fructose corn syrup)
  • Too many refined starches like white bread, low-fiber cereals, etc.
  • tuxedo
  • stressful lifestyle
  • Lack of exercise
  • Other lifestyle factors

So why does it seem like so many attempts over the years have tried to place the blame on saturated fat? so it used to be mainly animal fats and tropical oils in decades past…

Hmm… Do multi-billion dollar industries really have an influence on the way data is presented to the public? I think you know the answer to that! And don’t even get me started on the cholesterol drug industry! Again, I digress.

I hope this article has opened your eyes to the truth about saturated fat and how you have been misled over the years.

The real FACT is that saturated fat is a neutral substance in your body, and even beneficial at times, not a deadly risk factor for disease. The REAL risk factors are the ones I mentioned above.

Keep in mind that this does NOT mean that eating 5 pounds of bacon for breakfast every morning is good for you, and that you should only eat foods high in saturated fat. Rather, you still need a balance for optimal health…this means fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, healthy meats, eggs, and small amounts of whole or sprouted grains.

Again, unhealthily raised animals are not good for you…this is the case with most commercially raised, grain-fed meats. On the other hand, wild game meats, grass-fed meats, chickens, and free-range eggs (preferably organic) are healthy animals, and therefore meat is generally healthy for us with better omega-3 ratios. to omega-6 than standard commercial meats.

Let’s face it, unless you’re blessed with the genetic makeup of a professional bodybuilder, chances are you’re like many of us, a hard winner. You can’t beat the curse of the hard winner. Whatever you do, you can’t seem to build or retain any solid muscle mass. Therefore, as you begin your muscle building odyssey, it is important that you set realistic goals. The first thing you ask yourself is:

1. How much muscle mass can you really gain?

Setting the goal of achieving the weird muscle mass of the ‘body men’ that grace the bodybuilding magazines is bound to end in disappointment and failure.

But calm down. Yes, you can build solid muscle mass.

With the right training methods, you can beat the curse and transform your tough physical gains.

You will be able to build significant muscle mass… although within the limitations of your genetic makeup and body type. You’ll build solid, healthy, well-defined muscles that will make you the envy of your friends.

It might even make you a girl magnet! But hey, I don’t make promises.

2. The best exercises to get it right. You have now decided that you really can gain solid muscle and set realistic goals. What are the best bodybuilding exercises to do?

First of all, the main focus of your workouts should be free weights. Free weight exercises that provide a high level of neuromuscular activation. This sounds a bit complicated, but it simply means exercises that involve more than one joint action. Multi-joint compound exercises that use more than one muscle group and involve stimulation of major muscle groups.

Squats or heavy leg presses that engage the quadriceps muscle group, gluteus maximus, and hip flexors.

Flat bench presses engage the pectoralis major, front deltoids, and triceps.

The deadlift engages the quads, glutes, hip flexors, erector spinae (lower back)

Bent-over rows engage the latissimus dorsi, trapezius, rear deltoids, and biceps.

Military presses engage the muscles of the shoulders and the triceps.

Of course, there is a place for the use of resistance machines and certain isolation exercises like barbell curls, leg extensions, leg curls, and calf raises. But I must emphasize that the foundation of your routine should be compound exercises.

3. How often should you go to the gym?

The maxim, more is better, is not true when it comes to the effort you need to put in to build muscle mass. I recommend that you do not go to the gym more than 3 times a week. It’s important to realize that you don’t build muscle while training. What you are doing is stimulating your body and muscles to respond to the workload they are subjected to. They respond to this stimulus by growing stronger and bigger. Growing while you recover. Your time away from the gym provides this.

Working out three days out of seven gives you four days of recovery. You may think this is too much. Mistaken. You are not a professional bodybuilder, full of steroids. Unless you have The Wolverine’s enhanced mutant resilience, you can’t keep hitting the gym five days a week, tormenting your body and nervous system with ridiculously insane workouts. Then the luxury of being able to retire home for a power nap after downing a gallon of muscle shake and, of course, your steroid shot.

What you are is a hard winner. An ordinary boy. You have to hold down a regular job and perhaps take care of a family, with the usual stresses and strains that this entails. You can also hang out with your friends, the occasional party and night out. All these everyday activities of men consume your recovery time. They provide strains and strains that can be deadly to your goal of building muscle mass.

So the bottom line is that you need all the recovery time you can get.

4. How long should your training last?

I highly recommend that your workouts do not exceed one hour. This includes a short cardio and stretching session. You may think, ‘Man, I don’t want to do this Peter Parker stuff’ But be warned, cardio and stretching are your warm up. Warmed up muscles work more efficiently. The risk of injury is also greatly reduced. I have been training for over 20 years and my worst injury to date, a torn calf muscle.

5. The importance of nutrition to gain muscle

To be big, you have to eat big. Your body will need plenty of top-notch nutrients to fuel those workouts, aid your recovery, and build those muscles. I do not suggest that you eat large meals that leave you bloated and your digestive system overloaded. What you should do is eat up to 6 meals a day, every 3 to 4 hours. You may find it a bit difficult to do so due to lifestyle limitations, but hey, sacrifices have to be made!