Category Archive : Health Fitness

Erectile dysfunction does not have to be a life sentence. There are numerous ways to improve performance, and one way is to make sure you eat a healthy diet. Eating the right foods will ensure that you get the correct nutrients for optimal health. However, if you have a busy lifestyle and can’t always eat nutritious meals, you can always enhance your diet with vitamin supplements, which can help increase sexual desire and combat erectile dysfunction. Here’s the rundown on vitamins A through E, and how each can benefit you.

Vitamin A. This is a fat-soluble vitamin that plays an essential role in reproduction. You can get vitamin A by eating sweet potatoes, carrots, kale, mangoes, turnips, spinach, romaine lettuce, papaya, red bell peppers, and broccoli.

Vitamin B. The B vitamins are a group of water-soluble vitamins that are essential for the proper functioning of nearly every process in the body, including supplying energy, regulating hormones, maintaining a healthy nervous system, regulating cholesterol and triglyceride levels and the relief of stress and anxiety. Although it is possible to obtain supplements that contain all of the necessary B vitamins, the best source of the necessary B vitamins is through a balanced diet of meat, seafood, nuts, seeds, grains, fruits, and vegetables.

Each specific B vitamin is responsible for specific functions, the main ones being described below.

B1-Thiamine. B1 is essential for maintaining a healthy nervous system and for the function of important enzymes that help the body convert food into fuel. It is considered an anti-stress vitamin because it supports the immune system and improves the body’s ability to withstand stressful conditions.

Food sources of B1 include brown rice, peanuts, peas, sea vegetables such as candy flakes and kelp, wheat germ, rice bran, and most whole grains.

B2-Roboflavin. B2 aids in the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. It is involved in the function of the adrenal glands and in the production and regulation of certain hormones. Its role in maintaining an energy supply for the body is crucial, as it helps convert carbohydrates into adenosine triphosphate (ATP), a compound needed to store energy in muscles. Vitamin B2 also promotes healthy skin, muscles, nerves, heart, and eyes, the production of red blood cells and antibodies, and the absorption or activation of iron, folic acid, and vitamins B1, B3, and B6. . Vitamin

B2 is found mainly in meat, fish, eggs, vegetables, dairy products, and grains.

B3-Niacin. Niacin plays an essential role in the manufacture of enzymes, which aid in the metabolism of fats and proteins to provide energy for cells. It is also essential for the synthesis of various hormones in the body, including sex hormones, and helps regulate the digestive and nervous systems. Niacin is also effective in improving circulation and lowering blood cholesterol levels.

The best dietary sources of vitamin B3 are found in beets, brewer’s yeast, beef liver, beef kidney, fish, salmon, swordfish, tuna, sunflower seeds, and peanuts. Bread and cereals are often fortified with niacin. Also, foods that contain tryptophan, an amino acid that the body converts to niacin, include poultry, red meat, eggs, and dairy products.

B5-pantothenic acid. B5 plays an important role in sexual function. When taken with a supplement called choline, it helps the body make more of a substance called acetylcholine (also known as Ach). ACh is the neurotransmitter in the brain that transmits sexual signals down the spinal cord and onto the nerves that serve the penis. These signals trigger the body’s production of nitric oxide, which is essential for the dilation of penile blood vessels, allowing the penis to fill with blood. Studies have confirmed that with too little ACh, sexual activity decreases.

The best sources of B5 are yeast, liver, and eggs. Other good sources are peanuts, mushrooms, peas, soybeans, and soybean meal.

B6-pyridoxine. Vitamin B6 is necessary for the synthesis of neurotransmitters such as serotonin and dopamine. It also helps moderate the level of homocysteine, an amino acid normally found in the blood. There is evidence that elevated homocysteine ​​levels increase the risk of heart disease and stroke.

Excellent sources of vitamin B6 include spinach, bell peppers, and turnip greens. Very good food sources of vitamin B6 include garlic, tuna, cauliflower, mustard greens, banana, celery, cabbage, crimini mushrooms, asparagus, broccoli, kale, kale, Brussels sprouts, cod, and Swiss chard.

Vitamin C. Vitamin C is an antioxidant, along with vitamin E, beta-carotene, and many other plant-based nutrients. Antioxidants block some of the damage caused by free radicals, which occur naturally when our bodies turn food into energy. The buildup of free radicals over time may be largely responsible for the aging process and may contribute to the development of health problems such as cancer, heart disease, and arthritis.

Some excellent sources of vitamin C are oranges, green bell peppers, watermelon, papaya, grapefruit, cantaloupe, strawberries, kiwi, mango, broccoli, tomatoes, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, cabbage and citrus juices or juices fortified with vitamin C. Raw and cooked leafy greens (turnip greens, spinach), red and green bell peppers, fresh and canned tomatoes, potatoes, winter squash, raspberries, blueberries, lingonberries and pineapple are also rich sources of vitamin C

Vitamin E. Vitamin E is a fat-soluble vitamin that helps protect vitamin A and essential fatty acids from oxidation in the body. Studies have shown that vitamin E reduces the risk of coronary artery disease by limiting the oxidation of LDL cholesterol.

Vitamin E has also been called the “sex vitamin” as it plays an important role in the production of sex hormones, protecting them from oxidation and degradation. It has a protective effect on sperm cell membranes and may also help improve sperm motility.

Excellent sources of vitamin E include mustard greens, turnip greens, Swiss chard, and sunflower seeds. Other good sources include almonds, spinach, kale, parsley, kale, papaya, olives, bell pepper, Brussels sprouts, kiwi, tomato, blueberries, and broccoli.

Advise the typical woman trying to lose weight to add a day or two of strength training to her fitness plan, and she’ll think you suggested she inject steroids by the way you look at it.

“But I don’t want to look like one of those female bodybuilders!” she will respond often, alarm on her face. “I’m afraid I’m going to bulk up.” Now is the time to tackle this myth about her meaty bicep and find out what really happens when women add strength training to her routine.

First, let’s see what we really mean by strength training.

Getting the myth of strength training into a choke

When we really pin down the strength training myth, we find that it often starts with how many of us define “strength training exercises.” What typically comes to mind are monster men with rippling veins doing squats or bench presses with a Volkswagen-sized stack of plates on each end of the bar.

But that’s not all: you have to realize that strength training is not synonymous with powerlifting, powerlifting, or bodybuilding.

Yes, these sports rely on strength training exercise, but keep in mind that many other sports do as well. For example, the softball, volleyball, basketball, and rowing teams rely on strength training to achieve their goals, but they all feature fairly normal-looking male and female athletes.

When it comes to meat and gristle, resistance training is nothing more than contracting the muscle against opposing resistance, such as gravity, as is the case with weight lifting. The goal is to increase your anaerobic endurance, your strength, and/or the size (bear with me) of your skeletal muscles.

The resistance does not have to come from gravity; it can also come from hydraulic forces (machines), elastic forces (resistance bands), or the force of your own opposing muscles. (isometric).

Some of the strength training methods for women simply take advantage of your body weight. Think about your calisthenics routine or the most modern Pilates.

Don’t be afraid to stick with good old-fashioned weights, though; there is no reason to walk away from them. Just use lighter weights with higher reps. 10 to 12 reps per set is a good average for women, and you can increase the weight as you get stronger.

Wait, but what does “increase size” really mean?

I could almost see your eyebrow twitch when you read that resistance exercises increase size, your face narrowing in that “I told you so” look. But not so fast.

Some overweight women are deathly afraid of building strength because they look at their arms and legs and what they see doesn’t look quite flabby. It feels solid to the touch, and they probably see themselves as naturally bulky.

So if your arms are so beefy now, with little to no exercise, what will happen when you exercise them? They will get bigger, right? Well, no.

When you have a higher percentage of fat in your frame, it’s not just stored where it can be seen and pinched. It is also stored in your muscle. To imagine how this works, think of a well-marbled steak with tendrils of fat running through the meat.

So what this “marbling effect” does is make your muscle bulkier. But if you’re overweight and start replacing your fat with lean muscle, your muscles will actually look smaller! They’ll just get smaller and more toned, and that’s what you want, right?

Muscle mass and metabolism

The real good news about building muscle is increased metabolism. Did you know that a more toned and muscular body actually burns calories faster and more efficiently?

Most women think that all they need to do is create a calorie deficit and they’ll start to lose a few pounds, but adding lean body mass speeds up progress, even if it’s buried under extra fat. That lean mass will burn calories all day no matter what you’re doing.

As a result, the foods you eat won’t have as drastic an effect on your weight and appearance; It will still be a factor, sure, but by giving your body the resources to manage your weight, you won’t have to. work so hard to handle it yourself.

Other benefits of building strength

The benefits of adding resistance training to your training plan don’t end there. In addition to helping with weight control, it also reduces injuries, increases stamina, improves balance, sharpens focus, and reduces symptoms of chronic illnesses (such as diabetes, back pain, or arthritis). To continue, one of the most important benefits is that strength training not only prevents bone density loss but can actually increase it, thereby preventing and reversing the degenerative effects of osteoporosis.

the final representative

Look, this is what it comes down to. Even men who WANT to bulk up have to spend a lot of time in the gym and eat exactly the right diet to make hard gains. Otherwise, they just get more toned…and yes, their muscles may look a bit bulkier because their bodies are built that way.

But you are not a man; you are a woman. And losing weight while building strength won’t make you look like a bodybuilder. Do you realize how much work (and often drugs) it takes to get there? Your two or three days in the gym could never do that.

It will make you slimmer, confident, more toned. It will help you lose weight and improve your overall health, definitely.

And that’s exactly what you want. Work your muscles, and they will work for you in return. Strength training is vital for women too, believe me.

Gaining weight is an easy task, but losing weight can show you stars in the morning. Not everyone’s cup of tea. You have to go to the gym, exercise regularly, control your diet, which is the worst. You exercise and after that, you have a food craving, but you can only eat selected things. Here are some dishes you can eat while dieting that will fill you up and suppress your cravings.

whole eggs – Eggs are very satiating without having to eat them much, they are high in protein and nutrients and contain healthy fats. It also helps in building muscles. Hunger can be satiated with whole eggs and you don’t gain weight either. If you eat eggs for breakfast you won’t feel the need for a snack before lunch. There is a myth about eggs that they increase the number of calories, but it is false. Conversely, whole eggs burn more calories and reduce food cravings. You can consume up to 2 eggs a day while on a diet.

apples – “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” Furthermore, apples also have the potential to keep fat away. Apples have calories, but they are also full of water and fiber, which makes you feel full and is also effective in reducing feelings of hunger. The amount of pectin is high in apples which, combined with water, restricts the cells to absorb only a certain level of fat. Many doctors will suggest that you include apple in your diet if you are in the process of losing weight. If you consume an apple an hour before mealtime, you will find yourself cutting back on our intake.

Avocado – Avocado is an all-rounder. You can have them anytime with anything, be it salads or a main dish. They are rich in nutrients and healthy fats. They also help reduce fat, improve vision, and benefit your heart. It also has the ability to reduce food cravings. It is found in research that avocado lowers cholesterol, reduces belly fat. It is the perfect food to consume during weight reduction. You should maintain an average of 1 avocado per day. Avocado includes vitamin K, vitamin E, potassium, folate, vitamin C, copper, magnesium, and antioxidants.

bananas – Bananas are home to potassium and starch that aid in weight loss. After your training session, if you consume bananas, you will cover all the nutritional needs at that time. Apart from the dietary benefits, bananas can solve your digestion problems. They maintain your blood pressure, eliminating the risks of it shooting up or down. And studies have shown that it also prevents strokes in women over 30.

Integral rice – Resistant starch in brown rice, which is a healthy carbohydrate that burns body fat. Brown rice also takes care of the health of your heart. It is low in calories and makes you feel full after consuming it. It is also considered much healthier than white rice as it has brought more benefits to your body than white rice.

If you were to imagine your body shape and proportions, you would probably have a picture of broad shoulders and a narrow waist (or at least you SHOULD have this picture in your head). But you may not be focusing on the exact size of your shoulder compared to your waist.

To calculate your ideal shoulder size, you first have to know your ideal waist size. BUT to know what your ideal waist size is, you have to start with your height. The calculation goes from your height to your waist to your shoulders.

Your ideal waist size will be between 45% and 47% of your height. In other words, if you’re 70 inches tall, your ideal waist is between 31.5 and 33 inches.

This calculation is based on bone structure and a low level of fat mass. Once you have determined your ideal waist, the next calculation is your shoulders.

Based on all the research on proportion and physical attraction, we know that the ideal waist-to-shoulder ratio is a 1:1,618 ratio. Going back to our example of 70 inches tall and a waist of 31.5 to 33 inches, your ideal shoulder circumference would be 1.618 times larger than your ideal waist or 51 to 53 inches.

The ideal shoulder-to-waist ratio is only maintained when the waist is in its ideal range. In other words, having a waist that is 50% of your height and shoulders that are 1,618 times larger than this is not going to produce the proportions you are looking for. And in fact, you will find it very difficult to build your shoulders to this point to make up for most of your waist. This will also produce a shorter stalked appearance which is not ideal. Your best proportioned body shape should start by taking your height into account, otherwise there is no way to determine what waist size and shoulder size is too skinny and skinny.

Follow this pattern of measurements starting with your height –> ideal waist –> ideal shoulders and you’ll be on your way to building your best-proportioned body.

The Schwinn 203 recumbent bike may be my favorite of the many quality Schwinn models. But is the recumbent stationary bike right for you? I will describe some aspects of this exercise bike for you to ponder.

Schwinn as a company has been around since 1895. And unlike many other long-running companies that slowly changed industries as technologies changed, Schwinn has been building and evolving bicycles for all that time. So we’re talking about a bike manufacturer with literally over a century of experience.

In the last decade, Schwinn has made great strides in refining its stationary exercise bikes. His specialty has become the Schwinn recumbent exercise bike. Recumbent bikes have gained popularity primarily because many people can fit into an exercise machine that uses them. They put little stress on the back and knees and are very comfortable to operate.

Tea Schwinn 203 Recumbent Bike it is an update to the popular Schwinn 201 recumbent bike. They are basically the same model with the addition of a couple of key features.

The Schwinn 203 recumbent bike features 5 additional program modes compared to the 201. Four of these modes provide comprehensive control of your fitness progress, while the fifth mode allows you to create your own personalized workout and set your own specific fitness goals. physical.

The Schwinn 203 features the excellent and incredibly comfortable Bio-Fit Comfort Seat, neat grips with heart sensors next to the seat that take your pulse while you exercise, and a nice big LCD screen where you can see all the data you could possibly need. to measure your progress.

The monitor provides detailed information on RPM, Watts, Distance, Speed, Calories Burned, Interval Time, Resistance, Time Lapse and much more.

Tea Schwinn 203 Recumbent Bike it measures 56 inches by 25 inches and accepts up to 300 pounds of weight. This quality Schwinn recumbent exercise bike will give you years of rigorous, yet comfortable exercise in the safety and comfort of your own home.

If you or your loved ones have diabetes, healthy foods are vital to maintaining your blood sugar. Yes, it is true that you will need great self-control to stick to what a registered dietitian told you to eat, but if you want a quality and healthy life, following the diabetic food list is a must.

What is the recommended daily percentage of food?

Carbohydrates – about 50% to 60%

Carbohydrates are broken down into the simplest forms of sugar and glycemic index during the digestive process. If the glycemic index turned out to be high, this will cause the blood sugar level to rise rapidly, and you will develop insulin resistance, diabetes, and hypertension.

Checklist of Carbohydrate Foods Diabetics Can Eat

– Wheat bran, barley, oat porridge.
– Fruits: apple, berries, citrus, pears, peaches, rubard and plum.
– Vegetables: avocados, broccoli, beans, cauliflower, cabbage, carrots, cucumbers, celery, lettuce, onions, mushrooms, peas, olives, peppers, tomatoes and spinach.

Checklist of Carbohydrate Foods Diabetics Should Avoid.
– Breakfast cereals: such as sugar-coated cereals and cornflakes, white bread, cookies, cakes, bagels, pancakes, donuts, rolls, white and brown rice.
– Fruit – Plums, dates, watermelon.
– Vegetables – potatoes, broad beans, parsnip, swede

Protein: about 12% to 20%

Protein is made up of compounds known as amino acids, the building blocks of all tissues in the body.

List of protein foods diabetics can eat

– Vegetables – millet, beans, lentils, soybeans
– Nuts – pine nuts, peanuts and Brazil
– Free-range chicken and turkey (without skin)
– Non-intensive breeding – beef, lamb, pork and veal
– Chicken eggs (NOT goose or duck)

Fat: If you are diabetic, the type of fat is important to control your cholesterol level.

Fatty foods diabetics can eat

– Vegetable oils – sesame, pure olive, sunflower, soybean, avocado
– Blue Fish – Tuna, salmon, mackerel, herring
– Nuts and seeds
– Unsaturated Spreadable Margarine

List of fatty foods that you can eat in moderation

– Whole milk, but skimmed milk is preferable.
– Butter, cheese, cream, whole yogurt, frozen treats
– Meat – lamb pork and beef
– Poultry – chicken, goose, duck and turkey in battery
– Eggs, particularly battery farm chickens.
– Coconut oil.

Diabetics should avoid fatty foods

– All processed foods like scotch eggs, sausage pies and the like.
– Commercial foods that are fried such as French fries, French fries, and battered fish
– Margarine especially the hard one
– Commercial prepared foods such as cookies, cakes and sandwiches.

Fiber Our bodies cannot absorb some of the foods we eat if dietary fiber is absent from our system. Diabetics should also improve their intake of fiber-rich foods. Fiber is a great defense against intestinal disorders and colon cancer, as well as for better bowel function. It is generally recommended to eat five servings of fiber-rich fruits and vegetables a day.

Dietary fiber foods should eat

– Oats, oat bran, oatmeal, peas, fruit and barley beans

The list of foods diabetics can eat is by no means exhaustive. They are here to help you decide what and how much you can take to control your diabetes condition.

Aerobics is an intense workout that gives you massive results, but only if you do it patiently and regularly. It is really important to spend your time and energy positively to achieve the desired results when you start with such an exercise regimen. So before you start, you need to remember a few important things that will help you during these sessions.

1. Precautionary measures

If you have any chronic medical conditions (such as diabetes, high blood pressure, or arthritis) or any other risk factors (such as smoking or being overweight) and you haven’t talked to your doctor about exercising, you should do so before you start. your aerobic exercise regimen. Exercise is often an important part of treatment for such conditions, but you may have some limitations or special needs that your doctor can tell you about. You may injure yourself while performing some difficult steps during your aerobic training, so you need to discuss this with your doctor.

2. Essentials

Wear shoes that fit well and are capable of providing the right type of support for your aerobic activity and comfort for your body type. Wear appropriate clothing for exercise. Make sure you always carry a bottle of water and a towel with you during your workout. Sweat-wicking fabrics are recommended. Women should wear supportive sports bras. But no one should EVER wear rubber or plastic suits or belts, as they prevent your body from dissipating heat properly and can cause serious health risks from overheating and dehydration.

3. Know your limits

It’s unavoidable if you experience a small amount of discomfort during your aerobic exercise; in this way he pushes the limits of his body. Expect to have some sore muscles after a vigorous workout, and you’ll feel the cramps for a day or two. But at the same time, you should be aware that if you experience problems such as pain or pressure in your chest or neck, shoulder or arm, or notice that your heart begins to race or beat irregularly during your aerobic exercise, it is best to reduce speed immediately. Allow your heart rate to gradually slow down before coming to a complete stop, as an abrupt stop can cause problems with blood circulation and sometimes fainting. However, in cases of sudden severe pain, stop immediately and seek help.

4. Enjoy your workout

After taking care of all the essentials and becoming aware of your body’s limits, enjoy your workout to the fullest. Aerobics is an exercise best enjoyed with good music. Training always starts with simple stretching techniques; therefore, it is easy for anyone in the early stages to get up to speed with the steps. Initially, the steps are done with a fixed count, so it’s done effectively if you follow your trainer’s lead.

Don’t waste a second thinking about how to go to an aerobics session and start your training right away.

Have you ever woken up at night and you’re drenched in sweat? These cases are called night sweats. Wets clothes and bedding. This can be caused by too much clothing and bedding, or by sleeping in a warm room. Hot flashes are sudden periods of excessive sweating and a feeling of discomfort that intensifies the heat. Eating foods with a lot of spices, drinking coffee, stress and wearing tight clothes cause them. Hot flashes occur during the day while night sweats occur at night. Hot flashes and night sweats are symptoms of menopause. The symptoms of both are managed differently. Here are the differences between hot flashes and night sweats:

Do you experience night sweats?

This is excessive sweating at night. Different women sweat at different frequencies and rates. Night sweats do not allow you to have a peaceful sleep. Some women tend to blame warm clothing and overly hot rooms for sweating. But when you sweat during winter the question arises. This could be a sign of early menopause.

Our bodies have different reactions; some women may experience flushing of the upper body, nausea, and prolonged headaches. As menopause approaches, there tend to be hormonal imbalances in the body that are the cause of excessive sweating.

What causes night sweats?

With the first symptoms of menopause, estrogen rates fluctuate in the functioning of the hypothalamus. The hypothalamus is in the brain and has the function of regulating normal body temperature. With fluctuations, the hypothalamus causes the body to sweat excessively to cool down.

Hot flashes again?

This makes you feel uncomfortable. This is sudden reddening of the skin, sweating on the upper body, unusually hot skin, and a sudden increase in heart rate. Hot flashes occur during the day. Hot flashes are very worrisome signs prior to menopause. They occur differently in women and have different effects.

Know the factors that trigger hot flashes

Unhealthy lifestyles and habits can trigger hot flashes in women. Variables act differently on women. Staying in hot rooms and wearing tight clothing triggers them. If drinking alcoholic beverages and coffee makes you experience it, you should consult your doctor. Stress can cause you to experience hot flashes as you approach menopause. Foods with a lot of spices should be avoided if they cause hot flashes. Smoking has many health implications, so consider quitting if you experience it suddenly.

Management of hot flashes

Wearing clothes that fit well, this helps to avoid tight clothing. Using cotton products, this means using night clothes and bedding that are made of cotton. Drinking ice water at the onset of hot flashes will make you feel better by cooling your body. This works differently in women. Consider it if it works for you. It can become intense and difficult to handle. Consulting with your doctor will be a good option.

menopause treatment

Treatment of both symptoms is the same as treatment of menopause. The symptoms of menopause should not stress you out as they can be treated and managed. Menopause treatment for both is not the same and is administered differently. Here are various treatments both.

  • using hormones

Night sweats are caused by hormonal imbalances. Hormone replacement therapy is done to treat hot flashes and is commonly known as HRT. This uses synthetic hormones. The hormones act as a supplement to estrogen reducing the severity and occurrence of night sweats and skin flares.

  • Using a non-hormonal treatment for hot flashes

Some women might consider undergoing non-hormonal treatment. This can alter your appearance as the face and neck become red. This needs to consult with your doctor. The treatment only works for some women. Paroxetine and fluoxetine are optional products that have worked for some women. However, it is advisable to contact your doctor before trying any over-the-counter medication or supplement.

  • consulting mother nature

Women tend to try all possible ways to treat menopause. Some products work for some women and don’t work for other women. Red clover and soybeans are optional natural treatments for menopausal symptoms. Use these products only after consulting with your doctor.

  • Considering your lifestyle choices

The choice of lifestyle can sometimes cost us. Adopting a healthy lifestyle with a healthy and balanced diet helps reduce the effects of night sweats.


As we age, it is normal to experience menopause symptoms. This should not discourage us, consulting with your doctor will help. Living a healthy lifestyle lessens the severity of these symptoms. Learning to accept the onset of menopause will help avoid complications caused by stress. Women experiencing menopausal symptoms should avoid unhealthy lifestyles. Women should learn more about these two symptoms. Choose what is good for your body!

This is quite a common question as Medifast bars are extremely popular due to their pleasant taste and convenience. However, there are limitations on how many of one type of bar you are allowed each day. I will go into this in more detail in the next article.

The number of Medifast maintenance bars you can eat each day is limited: There are two types of bars available on this diet. The maintenance bars (which come in the green wrapper) and the crisp bars (in the yellow wrapper). The maintenance variety (which comes in chocolate mint, oatmeal raisin, and caramel pecan flavors) are limited to a single bar per day because they’re slightly higher in calories and carbs. If you ate more than one per day, this could increase your calorie and carbohydrate intake. It’s not worth a bar that puts you in danger of going out of ketosis or not seeing the weight loss you expect.

You can eat Medifast Crunch Bars like any other food. In other words, these are not limited: Fortunately, Medifast offers crunchy bars that aren’t limited. You can have more than one of these per day. In fact, you can eat the crispy bars just like any other food. This means you could theoretically have up to five per day (although I’m not sure why you’d want to, as there are so many other options available and this could get boring after a while). The Crunch Bar flavors are: Chocolate Mint, Caramel, Peanut Butter, Chocolate, Oatmeal Raisin, Lemon Meringue, Cinnamon Roll, Fruit & Nut, S’more, and Strawberry.

What is the difference between hold and crunch bars?: People often ask me what the big difference is between these bars. Well, as far as taste goes, the keeping variety has a slightly chewier texture. But the crispy bars taste pretty decent too. I tend to view limited bars as some sort of treat or dessert and unlimited bars as a no-go food. If you’re looking at it from a diet or ketosis standpoint, the maintenance variety has 170 calories, 5 grams of fat, and 22 grams of carbs. The crisp bars have 110 calories, 3 grams of fat, and only 12 carbs.

I find both products taste good. In fact, I know some families who substitute them for high-calorie candy bars or sweet snacks in their homes and even the children accept them. They don’t taste like your typical diet or protein bar, which means they don’t fall apart and don’t have the texture of cardboard. They also have no weird aftertaste or strong artificial flavors. You just have to remember that you are only allowed one bar with the green wrapper, but you really have a lot more leeway with the bar with the yellow wrapper.

What are isometric exercises? Simply put, they are a form of training that does not require any movement. When performing an isometric contraction, the joint angle and length of the muscle do not change. Isometric comes from the Greek word (not surprisingly) iso, which means “the same”, and metric, which means “length”. Even though there is no actual movement, tremendous force is applied that can result in huge gains in muscle size and strength. Isometric exercises have been a part of training methods like yoga and martial arts for thousands of years.

Isometric training works on the principle known as the “Synapse Effect.” This principle refers to the fact that the human body always strives to use the minimum amount of energy to do anything. So if you’re lifting weights, your body is constantly trying to use the absolute minimum of muscle fibers to move that weight. When you perform an exercise like the bench press, there is really only a split second where all the muscle fibers in your arms are used. This is why it is necessary to perform several sets and repetitions of an exercise when lifting weights.

However, with isometric exercises, this is not the case. By holding a static contraction, you are forcing all the muscle fibers to come into play for that particular exercise. This is not easy and requires tremendous concentration. A leading isometric training expert noted that the goal of this exercise is to “get to the last rep first.” This is a good summary of the isometric exercises that I have read.

To illustrate how effective this form of exercise can be, I want to tell you about the 1920 Springfield Frog Study. Here was the situation. At the end of World War I, the medical community had a problem. There were thousands and thousands of wounded soldiers who needed medical attention. However, there simply was not enough medical personnel or equipment to go around. There was real concern that with so many soldiers sick, they might lose the use of their limbs through lack of movement. How long could a limb remain immobile before irreversible atrophy occurred?

In an attempt to answer this question, the researchers assembled several frogs to test for this stunting problem. They took one of the frog’s legs and completely immobilized it, while leaving the other free. They left the frogs for two weeks, during which time they fully expected the bound, immobilized leg to wither away, while the freely moving leg was fine. Although that’s not exactly what happened…

However, to the astonishment of the researcher, the bound leg did not wither. To his astonishment, the immobilized frog leg became much larger and stronger than its freely moving counterpart. So much so, in fact, that when released, the frogs actually jumped lopsided! The researchers didn’t realize it, but they had discovered the power of isometrics and crunching. During the experiment, the frogs constantly tried to move their immobilized leg. They were using every muscle fiber to do it, giving him a tremendous workout. The free-moving leg didn’t have to do this, so it didn’t change much.

Isometric exercises are not as popular today as they were in the past, although they are still a fantastic form of exercise. I suspect one of the reasons for this is that although they seem easy to do, they are NOT easy to do. Performing an isometric contraction correctly requires complete concentration and maximum effort. Still, for those who put in the effort, the gains can be huge. If you are looking for a change in your training, you may want to try isometric exercises.