Category Archive : Health Fitness

When starting a fructose malabsorption diet, you should eat as simple as possible. Give your body time to heal. A simple and delicious recipe, very healing and easy to digest, is steamed fresh spinach and white rice. This is something you will be able to eat every day as long as you keep the portions small. Create a peaceful environment when you eat and never eat more than your belly can handle. Eat slowly. Enjoy every cock. The healing of the body begins from within. Meditate on love and peace in your life throughout the day. Learn proper breathing techniques and use them. Find time to relax each day.

You may or may not be able to eat the following foods. Not everyone can eat the same thing and because there are multiple intolerances that people can have, everyone is affected differently by certain foods. This is a guide. Remember to pay attention to your body and write everything down in a journal or food notebook. Spread out meals and snacks throughout the day. Portion sizes are crucial. Sometimes half a serving will be tolerated, but not a whole serving. Never eat more than one serving unless you know you can tolerate it. Start small, think good food. Also, always check the ingredients. Not all products are created equal, and often a product will change ingredients without notice. You should check the labels every time you make a purchase. Many foods and drinks contain HFCS. HFCS is a big no-no for fruitfuls. Remember that FODMAP’s have a cumulative effect on the body. You might be okay with a slice or a meal, but if they get a chance to attack you, they will. Keep them in check by knowing your limits and keeping portions small. You can heal yourself. You are halfway there. Give yourself a gold star. You are on your way to a bright, happy and full belly, rich in nutrition and satisfaction.

meat and protein

All meat is tolerated as there is no fructose or other fermentable carbohydrates present in the meat. Organic meat is a great option because it is not only healthier but also tastes much better. Be aware of additional ingredients, such as breadings, additives, fillings, and sauces, as they may contain FODMAPs. Be aware that some processed meats use lactose in the meats. Check with the deli. Fish and shellfish are safe as long as they do not contain intolerable ingredients. Always check the ingredients. It is best to prepare meals from scratch because then you will know what is in them. Eggs and tofu are adequate protein sources.

Safe Grains and Starches

There are many safe grains and flours that are suitable for the diet. They are often found in health food stores or online, especially in the gluten-free sections. White rice is the safest.

  • rice bran
  • gluten free flour
  • Cornmeal
  • oat bran
  • quinoa
  • potato
  • White rice
  • white rice noodles
  • white rice wrappers
  • gluten free pasta
  • Gluten-free oats or oats (Many prefer gluten-free).


Real sugar, also known as sucrose, is fine in small amounts. Be careful with 100% fruit spreads. They often use pear juice to sweeten them. Best to stay away from these as pears are a big problem for fruitbearers. Again, always check the labels.

  • Peanut butter (peanuts can cause difficulties in people sensitive to Candida).
  • Jelly
  • Jelly
  • Maple syrup
  • rice syrup
  • Dextrose
  • Smarties and sweettarts made with dextrose (Check the labels on smarties and sweettarts. Sometimes they use HFCS.)

Fresh fruit)

The amount of these fruits is very important. Do not eat more than the serving size of one small orange at a time. Space each serving out by at least two to three hours.

  • all berries; blueberries, blackberries, cranberries, raspberries, strawberries, etc.
  • Citric fruit; oranges, lemon, grapefruit, lime, tangelo, etc.
  • Cantaloupe
  • durian
  • papaya
  • Avocado (very small amount)
  • passion fruit
  • Ripe banana
  • jack fruit
  • carabola
  • Kiwi
  • pineapple
  • Rhubarb
  • Guava
  • grapes
  • sweet melon
  • Rhubarb
  • Khaki
  • Lychee


Once again, portion sizes are very important. There are variations between the sensitivities of individuals. This is just a guide. Pay attention to your body and use your food journal.

  • Alfalfa
  • Bamboo shoots
  • shoko
  • Chinese cabbage
  • Pepper
  • carrots
  • Mushrooms
  • Celery (small amount)
  • Zucchini
  • Tomatoes
  • choysum
  • Corn (small amount)
  • Cucumber
  • Endive
  • Zucchini
  • Tomatoes
  • potato
  • Eggplant
  • ginger
  • Sweet potato (small amount)
  • lettuce, iceburger
  • olives
  • Parsnip
  • pumpkin
  • silver beet
  • Spinach
  • Pumpkin
  • green beans
  • Turnip

Herbs, Spices and Seasonings

  • thyme
  • Extra virgin olive oil
  • Rosemary
  • lemon juice
  • lime juice
  • Basil
  • ginger
  • Pepper
  • cane honey
  • pure maple syrup
  • chives
  • asafoetida powder
  • sea ​​salt
  • cilantro
  • Garlic infused oil
  • Parsley


  • Tea
  • Coffee (regular and decaf)
  • herbal teas
  • Hot water with lemon (highly recommended)

Note: Caffeine can be a gastric irritant. You may want to minimize your caffeine intake if you suspect that caffeine is contributing to your symptoms.

Restriction of wheat and fructans

Wheat-based products are only a problem when wheat is the main ingredient.

When wheat is an ingredient in only small amounts, it’s usually not a problem unless you’re gluten intolerant or have celiac disease.

The diet for fructose malabsorption is low in wheat. You can eat rye, oats, barley, and small amounts of wheat or wheat ingredients. Gluten-free products do not contain wheat, so they are suitable for fructose malabsorption; however, you should still be aware of fructose ingredients like onion, honey, and fruit in these products. There are many wheat ingredients that are safe, since they do not contain large amounts of fructans.

These include:

  • Wheat starch
  • wheat thickeners
  • wheat colored candy
  • wheat maltodextrin
  • wheat dextrin
  • wheat dextrose
  • wheat glucose
  • wheat glucose syrup


Some people can tolerate low lactose cheeses. Some low-lactose cheeses include Swiss, Parmesan, Gouda, Colby, Provolone, Cheddar, Muenster, and Monterey Jack. Lactose-free milk and lactose-free cottage cheese are excellent sources of protein and calcium. Rice milk is another lactose-free alternative. Small servings of yogurt or lactose-free yogurt may be tolerable. Remember to use your food diary. You are a researcher and your intention is to find the healthiest diet for your unique body.

breakfast cereals

Remember to check the labels. HFCS is a popular ingredient in many processed foods, especially cereals.

  • Oats, plain (gluten-free if possible but not necessary)
  • Cornflakes
  • rice bubbles
  • rice puff pastry
  • rice flakes

Nuts and seeds (Suitable in very small quantities)

  • Pumpkin seeds
  • pinions
  • sunflower seeds
  • almonds
  • cashew nuts

I wish you a happy and healthy life of love and prosperity.

It’s that time of year again where some areas may have snow to play with! We don’t have any here personally, but I’m used to winters back east, and I can imagine what it must be like to play with your dog and kids in so much snow!

Chase the disappearing snow globe

This one is easy. Just make a snowball and show your dog how ready he is to throw it. He’ll probably chase him and stick his nose in the hole where he lands. Unfortunately, the snow globe will likely shatter on impact and he won’t be able to retrieve anything. At this point, you make another snowball and continue the toss and fetch cycle again.

I’ve played your game with Titan. He had a strong prey drive and chasing the snowball was exciting for him, he would stick his nose into each landing hole and try to get faster and faster, even trying to catch them before they landed; jaw clenching as he launched himself into the air. Most of the time he was too late and he stuck his nose in the snow hole after the snow globe he couldn’t find! He’d sniff and sneeze to get the snow off his nose afterwards, and he’d get ready to do it all over again with his nose covered in snow!

Have you done this with your dog? How did it turn out?

chase the sleigh

If you have kids playing with their sled or slide in the snow, it’s so much fun to have the family dog ​​chase them as they fly down the hill! Just make sure the bottom of the hill is gated off tight for your kids and dog. Every time the sled falls over, so does the dog – great exercise for both the kids and the dog.
We had a cocker spaniel with me who was younger who would chase us down our slide. Very funny!

Seek and find snowy
Do you have a dog with a high prey drive who likes to follow the scent and trail? This game is perfect and there are 2 ways to play.

You can hide behind a snow covered mound or bury yourself in some snow without the dog knowing. Then see if the dog picks up your scent and looks for you. Or call your dog to see if he can tell by sound and smell where you’re hiding.

You can also build a maze in the snow if you get creative and stop at the end, call your dog to see if he can make his way through the maze to get to you. Does he get it on the first try? Or get stuck in a dead end?

These games are great for more athletic, high-energy dogs, as they are as good for the brain as they are for the body.

Destruction of the snowman!

Build a snowman and have your dog knock it down! Digging in the snow is an exciting challenge because the texture is so different. Dogs will love knocking over the snowman knowing it’s owner-approved play.

snow angles with tails

You can also watch your dog rolling in the snow and creating a doggy angle while scratching his back!

Snow game for you and your dog

This article suggests 5 ways to play in the snow with your dog. You can teach your dog to chase snowballs, you can go sledding with your dog, you can destroy snowmen (that you built, not the hard work of community kids!) You can even make snow angles together! ! Let me know which ones you’ve tried and which games work best for your type of dog! Does your dog like snow?

Other articles on outdoor walks with dogs

Dog walking in the rain

Preschool is where the child for the first time leaves the comfort zone. It is then that for the first time they have to stay away from their parents. A preschool is designed to prepare children for the future. A nursery should be a place where the child feels at home. There are several preschool activities that help children feel safe and comfortable.

Preschool is the place where children learn to make friends and communicate easily with people. Helps develop the child’s foundation that will help him or her succeed in life. It is observed that children who have attended preschool have greater self-confidence. Preschool learning activities help improve child’s social skills and get better grades.

Preschool provides an opportunity for children to learn in a playful environment. Let’s take a look at all the benefits of preschool education for children.

Giving kids a good head start for kindergarten:

kindergarten is where the child learns the basics. Children here are taught in a fun way through preschool worksheets that aid in learning and development.

Children develop their social and communication skills –

Children interact with peers and teachers in a structured environment. Children learn to make friends and play with them.

Gives children the opportunity to take care of themselves –

Children learn the importance of time and things that must be done on time. Children are taught how to wash their hands, keep their toys in a proper place after playing. In some schools, children are also potty trained.

Provides an opportunity for advancement

Preschool gives children the opportunity to learn to follow directions and even learn to share. Teachers help children understand what they will learn in kindergarten with the help of kindergarten worksheets.

Helps in the development of literacy and math skills –

Young children are very observant and curious. By encouraging children to sing an alphabet song or by playing counting and matching games with children, you can improve a child’s math and literacy skills. Preschools engage children in activities that will help them learn and grow. Providing kids activities will help challenge a child’s mind and rack their brain for the answers.

The preschool provides children to improve their motor skills –

Various activities performed by the children under the supervision of the teachers help in the development of the fine and gross motor skills of the child. Children are encouraged to run, play or climb. Children are also taught balance and are even asked to string beads which aid in hand-eye coordination.

Preschoolers make sure that your child makes friends and enjoys all the fun activities that will help his social, emotional, and personal growth. The preschools will help provide a way for the child to learn what she will learn in the future. For example, by providing children’s worksheets, the child will have an idea of ​​what will be taught in the future in a fun way.

Muscular endurance is the ability of muscles to perform cyclical contraction dynamics for an extended period of time. Basically, the contractions are against some resistance. I will list and give a clear view on how to improve the muscular endurance within you in this writing.

The three forms of muscular endurance are:

Repetitive Dynamic Contraction – Example Rowing boating, bicycling, running, etc.

Continuous tension – Example Yoga and Meditation

Prolonged Intense Contraction – Football, Basketball, etc.

Muscle fibers are put in two forms, namely fast twitch fibers and slow twitch fibers. They are classified based on the speed of contraction and the rate of fatigue. The rate of contraction of slow twitch muscles is quite low compared to fast twitch muscles. Slow twitch muscles are relatively resistant to fatigue. Muscular endurance is generally acquired through slow twitch muscles. For example, let’s consider soccer, volleyball, or hockey. Here, a continuous swing of the legs is required.

Athletes need to possess a balanced muscular endurance, otherwise they are sure to get tired in the middle of the game. Here, muscular endurance in the legs is needed to support changes of direction, quick accelerations, quick stops, jumps, jumps, recovery, etc. Aerobic grip is acquired with few training programs. Various activities such as jogging, swimming, walking, and bicycling (continuous and repeated dynamic contraction of muscles) improve muscular endurance. Aerobics are also used for muscle endurance. It helps to enrich the aerobic capacity within oneself.

To conclude, muscular resistance acts to improve the cardiovascular system, muscular strength and, therefore, a perfect and strong body.

Trying to decide between Bowflex Max Trainer vs. a treadmill? The Bowflex Max is a new type of elliptical climber that is extremely popular right now.

But the treadmill is still the most popular type of fitness equipment overall, and it offers you some definite advantages as well.

So which is better for you? Here’s a review of 5 key differences between the Bowflex Max Trainer and a treadmill to help you decide:

#1 Calorie Burn

The Bowflex Max has the advantage here. In studies conducted at the Bowflex laboratory, Trainer Max burned to 2.5 times more calories than a treadmill (or a regular elliptical or stair climber).

In fact, test users burned up 600 calories in 30 minutes. Compare that to about 100-200 calories in 30 minutes that you burn on a treadmill (depending on incline, speed, etc.), and it’s a world of difference.

#2 Impact

Again, Trainer Max’s wins here are fine. Treadmills (especially when used for running) are very high impact. The force on your joints from landing on the belt can strain your hips, knees, back, and ankles.

However, the Max Trainer has almost no impact as your feet don’t leave the pedals in motion. In fact, according to the manufacturer, running on a treadmill produces up to 200% more impact than working out on the Max.

So if you’re more prone to injury or shin splints, the Max is a great option.

#3 Entertainment/tracking options

This is a tie, perhaps with a treadmill (depending on the model) having a slight advantage.

While the Bowflex Max trainer comes with several built-in workouts (including the main 14-minute high-intensity training interval), a treadmill in general tends to give you more workouts and entertainment options.

For example, you can find treadmills with built-in iPod docks, TVs, and even a web browser on the console.

On the other hand though, the Max Trainer M5 model comes with Bluetooth and you can sync and track your results with its app to see how far you’ve come. So there’s good tracking ability with the M5.

#4 Ease of use

The treadmill has a small advantage here. Walking on a treadmill is so simple that almost anyone can do it, regardless of age, weight, or level of coordination.

Even if you’ve never exercised before and are just getting started, you can still use a treadmill. Start slow and gradually build up as your fitness level increases.

The Max Trainer can also be used slowly; however, it is a bit more intense than a simple walking workout. Also, it may take a while for newbies to get used to the move.

#5 upper body

Coach Max wins here, hands down. With a treadmill, there’s really no way to work out your upper body, unless you buy hand weights and use them while you walk.

The Max Trainer has movable arm bars (similar to elliptical arm bars) that help you work your arms. Testing in the Bowflex lab showed that the Max arms were connected up to 80% more upper body muscles than even a traditional elliptical.

So what’s the bottom line for the Bowflex Max Trainer vs. a treadmill?

Well, basically it depends on you and what you are looking for. A treadmill can give you an easy workout with lots of fun entertainment and tracking options. It’s a great option for people who have never exercised before and are just starting out.

However, the Max Trainer has a much lower impact than a treadmill and can burn much more calories in less time. So you’ll see faster weight loss results on the Max than on a treadmill.

Plus, you’ll also be able to work and tone your upper body much more easily than you would on a treadmill.

Again, it depends on your goals and preferences. Whatever you decide to do, be sure to take your time, go at your own pace, and consult your doctor before beginning any exercise program. Good luck!

Setting and achieving weight loss goals is important for success. You need to have a plan for where you want to be in the future, and you need a road map to follow as you move toward your weight loss goal. Having achievable and measurable goals can make the difference between the success and failure of your program. Goals help you stay focused and motivated. You are making a transition to a healthier lifestyle. You need a plan to follow. That’s why setting achievable goals is so important to your short- and long-term success.

You should learn about the process of setting and achieving weight loss goals. These goals must be achievable and measurable. If they’re not realistic, you’ll either never get started or quickly get discouraged. A realistic goal would be to lose 2-3 pounds per week. Losing 10 pounds a week is not a realistic or achievable goal. Having such a goal will lead you to discouragement and you will quickly abandon your weight loss program.

It is important to seek the help and support of others when setting your goals. Talk to your doctor and get his advice. Talk to your family and friends about your ideas on how to lose weight and how you can get to the weight you want. The important thing is that your goals are achievable. Don’t make them unrealistic. Setting and achieving weight loss goals doesn’t have to be difficult if you can take a small step in the right direction every day.

Obesity rivals smoking as the number one cause of preventable death. One reason is the dramatic increase in diabetes risk that often accompanies weight gain. So, are you interested in starting a new diet plan, one intended to not only help you lose weight but also better control your blood sugar? You are most likely looking for the best options available. Two that you may come across as they are all the rage these days are the ketogenic diet and the paleo diet. Many people actually get confused between these as they tend to be similar so it can be hard to tell them apart.

Let us compare so you can see which one is right for you…
carbohydrate sources. First, let’s talk about carbohydrate sources as this is where the two diets differ wildly…

  • with the paleo diet plan, your carbohydrate sources will be any fresh fruit, along with sweet potatoes. Together, you can quickly achieve 100 grams or more of carbs between these two foods.
  • the ketogenic diet, on the other hand, your only source of carbs is leafy greens, and even those are restricted.

So, one of the most significant differences between the ketogenic diet and the paleo diet plan is that the ketogenic diet is deficient in carbohydrates while the paleo diet is not. You can make the paleo diet very low carb if you want, but it’s not the default. There is more flexibility in food choices.

Calorie count. Next, we come to calorie counting. This is also a place where the two diets differ considerably.

With the ketogenic diet, you’ll be counting calories and macros quite a bit. You need to achieve specific goals…

  • 30% total protein intake,
  • 5% carbohydrate intake and
  • 65% dietary fat intake.

If you don’t reach these goals, you won’t go into the “ketosis state,” which is the whole point of this diet plan.

With the paleo diet, there are no hard and fast rules about it. While you can count calories if you want, you don’t have to. Obviously, your fat loss results will probably be better if you control calories to some degree, since calories dictate whether you gain or lose body fat, but it’s not essential.

Fuel Availability Exercise. Which brings us to the next point: exercise fuel availability. In order to exercise vigorously, you need carbohydrates in your eating plan. You can’t get fuel availability if you’re not eating carbohydrate-rich foods, that means the ketogenic diet is not going to withstand intense exercise sessions. For this reason, the ketogenic diet will not be optimal for most people. Exercise is an integral part of staying healthy, so it is strongly recommended that you exercise and not follow a diet that limits exercise.

Of course, you can do the targeted ketogenic diet or the cyclical ketogenic diet, both make you include carbohydrates in the diet at some point…

  • tea targeted ketogenic diet makes you eat carbs just before starting your training session while
  • tea cyclical ketogenic diet it requires you to consume a higher dose of carbohydrates on the weekend, which are designed to sustain you for the rest of the week.

If you follow any of these, you can choose whatever carbs you want; it doesn’t necessarily have to be just sweet potatoes or fruit.

There you have some critical differences between these two approaches…

  • tea ketogenic diet is one that focuses more on macro tracking and is meant to help with fat loss while
  • tea paleo diet he focuses more on good food choices and health and hopes that weight loss will be the result.

Does anyone in their right mind know what to do about the effects of aging like wrinkled faces, sagging skin, and achy joints? If he answered yes, then he has bigger problems than I can help him with.

Mankind has been enthralled with the idea of ​​being able to turn back time or find a Fountain of Youth, and it’s no wonder growing old is a pain. I once saw a T-shirt that said: “Getting old is not for sissies.” That statement is so true. However, I have good news; It is never too late to take steps to reverse the aging process or at least slow it down. Many of the problems I just mentioned are created by the loss of collagen.

Collagen is the component in our body that basically helps us stick together. It is present in our skin, bones, cartilage and other connective tissues and is crucial for maintaining a youthful appearance and body. The reason many of us feel like we are rapidly going downhill when it comes to the aging process is because we are! Science has shown that from the age of 25 we begin to lose collagen at a rate of 1.5% per year, which means that by the age of 60 we have lost more than 50% of the collagen we had at the age of 25. It is no wonder that we feel old, we have lost more than half of the substance that protects our synovial fluids and cartilage from degeneration.

Wrinkles and sagging skin are the result of the loss of collagen in our skin, as well as other signs of aging, such as patchy dry skin. There are supplements that can help reverse this and slow it down.

Now that you understand how collagen holds us together and how important it is to our bodies, you should appreciate the need for supplements to help reduce loss. There are many different collagen supplements on the market today that work to help restore the substance in our bodies. You will start to feel less joint pain and see an improvement in skin condition after starting a supplement regimen.

Collagen supplements are completely natural and are not harmful to you in any way and the benefits of taking them include revitalizing your skin and keeping it healthy, reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, strengthening your nails, and improving the condition of your hair.

The best use of the supplements is to take them before exercise and strenuous physical activity, as they help increase energy and performance. These supplements also help rebuild lean muscle and aid in fat metabolism, helping you maintain and control your weight.

I recently received an email from someone who had understandably enjoyed a festive meal with their family over the weekend. She’d had fun, but she was worried that she’d “cheated” on her Medifast diet and that it was going to ruin her entire hard-loss and week’s weight loss. He wanted to know what was the best course of action to take after this. I will tell you what I told him in the following article.

First of all, everyone cheats. It is highly unrealistic to think that you will be able to skip every holiday and special occasion and not partake in normal things from time to time. Sometimes you can use a “lean and green meal” on these occasions. Many restaurants can certainly accommodate this. But, there will be other times when you simply won’t be able or even want to follow the plan (at least temporarily).

This is totally normal and there is no reason to get angry or completely derailed. One of the possibilities that can happen is that you go out of ketosis and have to go back in. (This should only take a few days or about the amount of time it took you to get to this point when you started the diet.)

Or, you may find that at the end of the week, you didn’t lose as much as the week before. None of these things have to be the end of the world. And there’s no reason to get upset or even change your routine. The best thing to do is resume your regular regimen as soon as you can. The real danger isn’t in cheating, it’s in cheating and eventually getting you off the diet. Many people get angry with themselves, get frustrated, and give up. This is the worst thing you can do. Cheating is not.

Because honestly, it’s the long-term cumulative effects that often make the difference. Think of it this way, if your goal is to lose 50 pounds of weight, realistically you can break it down to three pounds a week for about 16 weeks or a little over 4 months.

Now, within those 4 months, you may have days or even weeks that don’t go as well as others. But usually I find that you’ll also have days and weeks that go better than expected, so the average usually goes back to what you’ve been seeing all along. This has been my experience. So it’s also my opinion and my experience is that if you quickly resume your normal routine, you should be back in ketosis in a day or two and resume your regular pattern in about the same amount of time. It doesn’t need to be a big problem. And over the course of the 4 months in that example, most people will cheat multiple times with little to no consequence, as long as they don’t make a habit of it.

People often ask me if they should try to “make up” for cheating by eating fewer calories the next day. I don’t think this is the best idea. Just going back to the five Medifast meals and one lean and green meal should be fine, in my opinion. You shouldn’t cut your calories too much. Your body needs fuel and some calories to get into and stay in ketosis.

It is very important that you do not beat yourself up too much. You want your experience with Medifast to be a positive one and that you don’t mind staying. But if you get mad at yourself or panic over every little thing, you undermine your abilities. I’ve learned that there’s no need to overthink or get angry or panic if I’m having a bad day. I just dust myself off, shrug, and move on. And you know what? In the grand scheme of things, it hasn’t made much of a difference. My results are still very good and I don’t feel miserable worrying about a few days off.

The problems in life are largely due to some deep hidden reasons. The solution to these problems is often not a quick fix. A quick diet plan could solve your weight loss problems, but you will have to understand the benefits and side effects.

Our growth and development requires change. In order to lose weight effectively, you will need to make some healthy changes to your lifestyle. In this article, I want to discuss the benefits of using a 3-day diet plan. Before you start working on your 3-day diet plan, it’s important to remember:

“Rapid results require quick and efficient actions.”

3 years ago, I was trying to lose weight. She made a 6 month plan to lose 20 pounds. It was an easy goal. I didn’t have to work hard. Time passed quickly and with each passing day, I was busy with my routine life.

I couldn’t keep track of my goals and I have to admit that this is my biggest weakness. I didn’t join any gyms, so there was no one to motivate me and keep me on the weight loss path. I was against quick methods to lose weight. He considered them impossible.

Good friends!

That was my thought. If you are like me, then change your mind immediately. Because, I just lost 3 pounds. Quick relief requires quick changes.

Here is a list of benefits; you will get by following a 3 day diet plan:

  1. A short period of time of 3 days stands between you and your IDEAL body weight.
  2. You have to be fast and efficient. It’s only 3 days. You can’t waste much time.
  3. For 3 days, you will become regular with your meals and exercise plans.
  4. Most people consume fewer calories in a 3-day period. That is why weight loss is evident in such cases. You can easily lose 2-3 pounds in 2 days.
  5. If you are persistent, you can keep the moment going. He lost 2 pounds in 3 days. That’s GOOD, how about losing 1 pound in the next 3 days? Don’t try to lose more than 5 pounds in a month. Consult your doctor before making such decisions.
  6. This diet plan will put you on a fast and focused path. When you have a defined action plan, it is much easier to achieve your goals.

Before following any eating plan consult your doctor. What is good for one person can be bad for you. The information provided in this article is for educational purposes only.

Thank you for reading!