Category Archive : Health Fitness

People with busy lives often find themselves receiving sub-par nutrition. It’s not always easy to eat healthy when you lead a busy life. If you try to prepare enough healthy meals each day to get your recommended daily allowance of essential vitamins, minerals, and nutrients, you could end up burning every spare moment preparing meals. Things get even slower when you’re trying to eat a healthy diet that promotes muscle gain. If your goal is to burn body fat and gain muscle, there are even more nutritional requirements to consider at each meal.

One of the most important parts of a lose fat/gain muscle diet is getting adequate protein. Ready-to-drink protein shakes are an alternative that many people use to get the protein they need every day. These protein shakes take all the guesswork and work out of eating a diet that contains enough protein to build muscle mass and decrease body fat stores. Instead of having to prepare and eat several chicken breasts every day (although chicken breasts and other protein foods should be a regular part of your diet), it’s much easier and more efficient to get protein from ready-made protein shakes. to drink.

protein powder

Protein powder supplements are another product that can make it easier to get adequate protein. Protein powders are usually made up of whey, casein or egg proteins. Supplement companies refine milk or other foods into the highest quality protein in powdered form. The process of separating this muscle-building protein from other food components involves heating the food until separation occurs. As the protein is separated from the rest of the food source, it is collected through a filtration device and then further processed to powder form. While most of us will never see this process or worry too much about the details, it’s always helpful to understand where your food and supplements come from.

Once the protein becomes mixable, flavorings are added to make it easier to drink. There are some unflavored powders available, but they are not the most popular supplements on the market. An unflavored powder is quite bland and difficult to drink, especially when compared to ready-to-drink shakes, which generally taste great and often provide superior protein.

There is nothing wrong with powders, but they can be a bit of a pain to drink every day. Even the best-tasting protein powders are often difficult to mix with liquids, so the end result isn’t always as pleasant to drink. When it comes to providing high-quality protein, the popular powders can certainly get the job done, but they generally don’t taste as good as the ready-to-drink protein drinks available today.

Ready-to-drink protein shakes are more convenient

One of the hassles you avoid when drinking ready-to-drink shakes is cleanup. Anyone who has had the experience of cleaning up after a great protein powder shake knows the mess powdered supplements can cause. Most of the powders collect in the shaker cup and stick to the sides. Blenders or shaker cups that have been used to make a protein powder shake often end up covered in sticky clumps of protein powder. The really bad part is that you have to clean these masses several times a day if you are a regular protein powder user.

Ready-to-drink shakes require no mixing or blending. These supplemental drinks are already mixed in the container you buy them in. No need to measure powder or liquid and then try in vain to get the powder to dissolve. Ready-to-drink protein shakes are smooth, pre-mixed, and often taste great. Best of all, there’s no cleanup after you’ve finished drinking a ready-to-drink protein shake. You get all the muscle building protein you pay for and no scraping or cleaning shaker cups or blenders to do. Simply put, ready-to-drink protein shakes are the convenient alternative to the traditional powdered protein shakes of the past.

No more wasted protein

The aforementioned masses with protein powders are not just a hassle to clean up, they also represent wasted protein. When you pay for protein powder, you want to get all the muscle-building protein you paid for. The clumps that get stuck on the side of your cup may not seem like much, but day after day that amount adds up and before long you’re wasting much of the protein you paid for. Ready-to-drink protein shakes eliminate the waste protein that accompanies the use of protein powder. You get the exact amount of protein you paid for and you don’t end up throwing precious protein down the drain.

Ready-to-drink protein drinks are much easier to use on a daily basis than powders. Protica Profect and Proasis are excellent protein injections that are very comfortable to use. Profect provides 25 grams of high-quality protein in a great-tasting pre-mixed protein drink. If you’ve dealt with the hassle of making multiple protein shakes every day to get the nutrition you need, you’ll love how convenient these ready-to-drink liquid protein shots are. When you head off to work in the morning, you can have a few of these shakes with your lunch and you know you’re covered for the day when it comes to getting the protein your growing muscles need.

a beautiful belly

Almost everyone has a belly and in the United States 65% of them are bigger than they should be. A big belly is a health risk. The bigger your belly, the higher your risk of heart disease, diabetes, cancer, and stroke. Women are at higher risk when their waist measures 37 inches or more in circumference. Men are at higher risk when their belly is 40 inches or larger. Get out your tape measure and assess your risk. How did you do it? Time to get to work on that gut.

An easy stomach to wash

What if I told you that if you did 33 crunches every day, your belly fat would melt away? I would be lying It’s really 34. Just kidding. There is no magic number or exercise that preferentially burns belly fat. Exercising a part of the body to make it thinner is called spot reduction. Unfortunately our bodies don’t work like that.

When you exercise you burn calories. Some of those calories come from fat. We store fat all over the body and when needed we take a little from here and a little from there. It seems like the last place you lose fat is the place you’d like to lose it first. The famous last five pounds always seems to be on your belly. Seeing the six pack requires patience, persistence, and a disciplined diet.

Eat for a six pack

Eat all the chocolate chip cookies you want and have ripped abs. Ha! Desire. Creating a washboard stomach requires burning stored body fat. Burning stored body fat requires you to be in a calorie deficit. You know what that means: eating less than you need. Prepare to feel hungry on your way to the perfect stomach. Eating less than you need is not easy. Here are four tips to help you eat fewer calories than you need and still feel great.

1) Hydrate. When you feel hungry, drink some water. Try to drink a quart of water 10 minutes before eating. Drinking water helps you feel full. Drink up to a gallon of water a day.

2) Fill up on fiber. Choose foods that are high in fiber and low in calories. Celery, lettuce, cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, kale, Swiss chard, and spinach are examples of low-calorie, high-fiber foods. Include these types of foods in all your meals.

3) Fruit snack. Fruit is also low in calories and high in fiber. Most fruits also contain a lot of water. The combination of water and fiber makes fruit a filling, low-calorie snack. When you’re hungry, grab an apple, an orange, a plum, a peach, a pear, a mango, or an apricot.

4) Exercise. Exercise is a great way to reduce your appetite, take your mind off food, and burn extra calories. Sometimes a brisk 10-minute walk is enough.

In addition to eating right, you will also need to exercise. Exercise not only burns calories, but also makes you stronger and healthier.

Exercise for big abs

To get rid of the belly, you can do two types of exercise: cardio and strength training. You should strive to get at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity cardio every day of the week. Depending on your state of health and fitness, you can do more or less. A full-body strength workout consisting of a set of 10-12 exercises with 12-15 repetitions done 2-3 times per week would be perfect. Here are three exercises specifically to strengthen your core (your abdomen and lower back):

the float

If you want a flat stomach, the Hover will be your new best friend.

The muscle you work doing this exercise is called the Transversus Abdominus, TA for short. It is the muscle that actually allows you to flatten your tummy. The TA fibers run from the front of your body to the back of your body. When you tuck in to button your jeans, you are contracting your AT.

The Hover is also one of the best exercises to prevent lower back pain. The TA is your own backup belt.

Your TA is also important in keeping all your abdominal organs in place. When all your organs are where they should be, your digestion improves and your energy levels increase. Your TA is your deepest core muscle and stabilizes your spine as you move. So if you want to stand taller, move more gracefully, and have a flatter stomach, strengthen your core with a daily Hover.

So here’s what Hover can do for you:

o Flatten the stomach

o Helps eliminate back pain

o Strengthen and stabilize your core

o Improves your digestion and energy level

o Improve your posture

How to hover:

Begin by lying on your stomach with your elbow directly under your shoulder.

Curl your toes under and lift your body off the ground.

Pull your belly button in toward your spine.

Remember to breathe.

To make the hover a bit easier, you can do it on your knees instead of on your toes.

If you need more of a challenge, you can put up one foot.

Try to float for at least a minute.

back extension

While this doesn’t work the stomach, it is a crucial core exercise. To have a strong stomach you need a strong back. You have your back muscles and your stomach muscles and your spine in between. In order for your spine to stay healthy, it needs a balance of strength from front to back. Doing stomach exercises without good back extension sets you up for low back pain. Low back pain is the second most common reason people visit their doctor. So, do your back extensions.

How to do a back extension:

Begin by lying on your stomach with your arms extended at your sides like the wings of an airplane and your palms facing down.

Take a deep breath. As you exhale, lift your head, chest, and arms off the floor as high as you can.

Keep your chin tucked down so the back of your neck stays long and in good alignment with the rest of your spine.

Raise your hands up and squeeze your shoulder blades together.

Inhale as you come back down to the ground.

Try 15-20 back extensions.


While crunches won’t flatten your stomach, they will make it stronger. We can all use a little more force. The abdominals work a muscle called the rectus abdominis. The rectus abdominus is your six pack muscle.

How to do crunches:

Begin by lying on your back with your knees bent and feet on the floor.

Cross your hands over your chest.

Take a deep breath. Then, as you exhale, slightly tuck your chin into your chest (this helps support your head and prevents neck injury) and slowly, using your stomach muscles, roll over, bringing your head closer to your knees.

Go slow and focus on really feeling this in your stomach. Try 15-20 repetitions.

Tips to take:

If you want to have abs that show, focus on eating right every day and exercising consistently. Keeping track of how many calories you eat in a food journal is a great way to hold yourself accountable for eating right. Be patient with yourself. Six-pack abs don’t appear overnight. Enjoy the trip!

Discovering the right walking shoes will not be as easy as shopping for the latest and greatest footwear on the market. Obviously, it is more than this since you are offering the best protection and care for your feet. If you want to enjoy your walks, you should consider Ryka shoes, which are specifically designed to enhance your walking experience.

People walk for unique reasons, but often it’s to get their heart rate up and clear their head. It is the most effective approach to strengthen both your family and your heart. Relaxing and meditating are two main reasons why people walk around the block. Other people do it as a form of physical exercise to improve their heart and burn calories. Regardless of the reason, it should be done in style and comfort, which is exactly what Ryka offers.

Two of the best features of these shoes would be the design and affordability. These shoes are specially designed by women for the distinctive characteristics and requirements of women. Since athletic shoes sell for under $100 and most styles are priced under $50, these can easily fit any budget. Also, there are a wide variety of colors and styles to choose from. These shoes are also available in dressy and casual styles.

We all need exercise and most of us aren’t getting enough of it, so now is the time to start a fitness routine with an activity you love. The exercise can be performed in many ways. Whether he likes group exercises or solo workouts, you’ll find there’s something out there for everyone and Ryka offers shoes that will give him the comfort he needs and enhance his appearance.

Ryka offers a complete collection of walking shoes, sandals, running shoes, and water shoes. Most people look for footwear that is both stylish and easy to wear. In my opinion, absolutely nothing can make a day better than being healthy and comfortable, so grab a pair of these shoes for your morning walks.

Whether or not you consider yourself a good singer, and let’s be real, most of us do, we all love to sing well. It’s an accepted and fun part of life and a great way to communicate.

The best part is that your voice doesn’t have to be fantastic to begin with and everyone can learn to make a happy sound. Singing is healthy and provides many benefits for the mind and body, so whether you’re singing in the car or in the shower, at a karaoke night at the pub, or in a church choir, let it out, sing well and have fun.

By singing we can show deep feelings and this has an incredible release in stress levels. It makes us relax and distracts us from whatever might be bringing our spirits down. In general, a singing session makes us feel much better.

The medical profession strongly believes that singing is a good form of aerobic exercise for the abdominal muscles, lungs, and blood circulation. Singing with and without music is used as therapy to treat people suffering from many types of physical, psychological or emotional illnesses or traumas and is a regular component of treatment for people who have suffered strokes resulting in speech problems. Singing is a great help for communication, breathing and rhythm.

Within the UK especially, it is becoming increasingly popular for older people to participate in community groups where choirs are part of the agenda and they will find themselves singing anything from hymns to modern songs. Getting together to sing a good song does them a lot of good.

Take, for example, The Zimmers, the British rock group that is made up of forty elderly retirees. They have just released a cover of the famous chart topping song My Generation, originally performed by The Who, and have quickly become a worldwide hit, their popularity spreading to the US and even beyond. Originally created as part of the BBC Television documentary on how older people are treated in the UK. the results of the program have given new meaning to the word retirement for members of this group.

For many retirees, these kinds of singing groups are a lifesaver and they really want to get together with their friends. Many have no family or perhaps their children and grandchildren have moved away, so forging this kind of friendship with others of a similar age gives them a sense of belonging and can only improve their health. They will come together to sing familiar songs from their early life that may well spark happy memories of youth and special times past, making them feel much better about themselves. According to studies carried out in the United States, it has been shown that singing improves breathing, posture, voice and life expectancy.

So no matter what your age, sing your heart out and reap the benefits of good health, healing and happiness!

Good sleep is vital to our health and happiness. We automatically look and feel better, are more productive in our daily tasks, and are generally happy to be around after a good night’s sleep.

When our sleep is disturbed, on the other hand, even the most basic daily activities can seem like a burden, we are in a bad mood and our appearance suffers as well. Some sleep experts believe that a lack of sleep may be responsible for up to 40,000 traffic accidents each year.

But why do so many of us regularly wake up so tired and sluggish in the mornings, despite getting enough sleep? Experts have different opinions about how much sleep we need, but it’s the quality of sleep that seems to be most important.

Sleep is divided into two basic levels, light superficial sleep and deep REM (rapid eye movement) sleep. It is during this deep sleep that the repair and restoration of the body takes place. The muscles of the body are totally relaxed, the body is replenished and we wake up in the morning refreshed and full of energy.

So how can we get REM sleep to wake up refreshed and rejuvenated?

An excellent natural remedy for a great night’s sleep is Black Seed Oil or Nigella Sativa Oil. This ancient remedy has been used for thousands of years for a variety of ailments, including sleep problems. Research suggests that it may help us achieve the stage of deep sleep that we all need for optimal health and happiness. But the use of premium quality cold-pressed organic black seed oil is recommended for optimal effect.

Black seed oil is an all-natural insomnia remedy that works completely differently than other herbal products in that it does not cause drowsiness. It is a holistic sleep therapy that works best when used consistently over a long period of time. Black Seed Oil naturally balances and harmonizes the body, resulting in better sleep, reduced stress, and better energy levels, which obviously also makes us look our best.

How does black seed oil work?

According to experts, when we sleep long and deep, our body produces a hormone called human growth hormone or HGH. This is known as the ‘fountain of youth’ by many as it has such profound anti-aging benefits as improving energy levels, boosting the immune system for firm, smooth skin and thick, shiny hair. Black Seed Oil acts as a precursor to deep sleep which, in turn, triggers the body to produce HGH or “the fountain of youth”.

Many people notice an immediate difference just by taking 1 teaspoon of Alive Earth Black Seed Oil 1 hour before bed, while for others it can take up to 2 weeks to kick in.

Have you been looking for help to lose weight? Then pull up a chair and buckle up, because this is what you’ve been looking for.

In this article, I will show you three methods I made to help me lose weight quickly and easily. First, I took photos to compare the before and after. Next, I kept a journal to write down the negative triggers that were interfering with my weight loss. Finally, I ate fruits and vegetables, a minimum of 5 servings a day.

After reading this article, you will be able to start your quest to look more attractive and be healthier.

1. Take photos of me to compare before and after

No one likes to think of themselves as fat, even if they know they are overweight, but I found that acknowledging your fat is a must! I looked in the mirror, studied the flaccid little rolls that hung on my waist and announced it for what it was: FAT.

I was convinced that this recognition and honesty with myself was the first step in helping me lose weight by developing the willpower it would take to correct my appearance.

But I went a step further. I took a picture… fat and all.

I studied that photo. He made sure that he was unhappy. I let that be my motivation to stick to my diet.

2. Keep a journal to write down negative triggers that interfered with weight loss.

To help me lose weight, every day I would not only write down what foods I ate and how much, but I would also write down how hungry I was before eating and my emotional state.

By doing this every day, I became more aware of my eating habits. It allowed me to see bad behaviors and negative emotions that pushed me to overeat.

I reviewed the portion sizes of the foods I ate and discussed my behavior patterns that I could change to be healthier.

A food journal was one of my key resources in helping me lose weight.

3. You ate fruits and vegetables every day, a minimum of 5 servings per day.

I knew that none of my techniques would help me lose weight if I didn’t eat properly. This meant that I ate fresh fruits and vegetables every day, at least 5 servings.

The first benefit I found to eating lots of fruits and vegetables is that they are low in calories.

The second benefit is that they are very healthy for you, they are packed with vitamins, but they also have cancer-fighting antioxidants and a great natural source of fiber.

The third benefit I discovered was that because of all the fiber they contained, they filled my tummy up so I felt full faster. This would help me lose weight since I didn’t have to suffer a lot of hunger pangs.

Now you know the three necessary items that I used to help me lose weight. And you can do it too.

First, take photos of yourself to compare before and after. Second, keep a journal to note negative triggers that interfere with weight loss. Finally, eat fruits and vegetables every day, a minimum of 5 daily servings. If you ignore these three required elements, you are setting yourself up for failure, so put these elements into practice and you can look more attractive, be healthier and achieve your goal.

A healthy diet is one that is rich in nutrients and low in fat, sugar, salt, and cholesterol.

Fruits and vegetables are very low in calories and therefore eating more fruits and vegetables instead of meats will quickly reduce your weight. Also, some fruits and vegetables like lettuce and zucchini are best eaten raw. Other vegetables also require less cooking time to retain their original flavor and nutrients.

Making a quick and easy vegetable meal can be just as nutritious and delicious. Below is a good example of a simple yet delicious meal that only takes 10 minutes of prep time and 15 minutes of cook time.

sweet corn delight

Servings: 6

Preparation Time: 10 Minutes

Cooking time: 15 minutes


  • Sweet corn – 200 g
  • Green chili (finely chopped) – 1 no
  • Ginger (finely chopped) – 11/2 teaspoon
  • Garlic (finely minced) – 11/2 tsp
  • Soy sauce -1 teaspoon
  • Tomato and chili sauce – 2 teaspoons
  • Cornmeal -1 teaspoon
  • Bell pepper – chopped -2 ​​tablespoons
  • Oil – 1 teaspoon
  • salt and pepper to taste


Mix the soy sauce, chilled tomato sauce, and cornmeal with 2 tablespoons of water in a bowl and set aside. Heat the oil in a nonstick skillet and add the ears of corn and sauté over high heat for 5 minutes. Add the green chile, ginger, and garlic and sauté for another 3 minutes. Then add the cornmeal and sauce mix. Mix well over high heat until the sauce covers the baby corn. Add the bell pepper, add salt and pepper and mix well. Serve hot. A great side dish to enjoy!

Note: The ingredients used above are not only low in calories, but also have beneficial values ​​for health. Ginger is considered to have some cancer-fighting properties and garlic may be somewhat protective against heart disease. Adding ginger and garlic from time to time in our diet is quite helpful in leading a healthy life. Tomatoes protect the heart and studies suggest that regular use of tomatoes can cause reductions in prostate and other types of cancer.

Man boobs are ugly, embarrassing, can cause a feeling of loneliness, and can often be treated without surgery. They affect nearly four hundred million men worldwide. No wonder the keyword how to get rid of man boobs is searched for over five hundred times a day on search engines. You’d think how many people who are afflicted with man boobs wouldn’t scoff at it as a medical condition.

Well, the truth is that almost all of these man boobs cases are not actual cases of gynecomastia or breast tissue formed in an adult male. Most cases of man boobs could be cured simply by taking better care of yourself. Getting rid of man boobs couldn’t be simpler for most. A man suffering from gynecomastia with a body fat greater than thirty percent would often lose his man boobs through diet and exercise. If a person still has man boobs below fifteen percent, additional measures may be needed. Lowering the body is usually all that is needed in most cases to get rid of man boobs.

How can you know your body fat percentage? Look no further than your local gym, a simple caliper test and you can know your body fat in minutes. These calipers can also be purchased online if you want to better track your fat loss progress.

Losing gynecomastia may require major changes to a person’s diet. High-calorie, non-nutritious foods should be the first thing to cut out: beer, pizza, twinkie, the two creamers in the coffee, the sugary sodas. Instead, drink water, eat whole foods, no box, eat fruit for snacks, drink your coffee black like a man with no boobs,

As far as exercise goes, cardio is the name of the game in the fight against male boobies. We need to burn body fat and lose weight. Cardio should be done at least three times a week at a moderate pace for at least half an hour. Here is a list of cardiovascular activities.

riding a bicycle




Those are just a few of the many different forms of exercise to get your heart pumping and burn body fat. Best of all, you don’t need expensive gym equipment or any fancy exercise equipment to get a good workout.

I get variations on this question quite a bit. People ask me if there are bars they can buy at the supermarket that are as effective as Medifast bars. I have a definite opinion on this, which I will share in the next article. I’ll also describe some of the features that I think make these bars so effective in helping you understand what attributes you might want to look for if you’re trying to find an alternative.

Some of the features that make Medifast bars effective: I realize that it may seem more convenient to get your diet foods from the same place you buy your groceries. But having all the features of these bars is a tall order for most mainstream products.

Let’s take a look at Medifast bars to compare apples to apples. For the purposes of this article, I am going to talk about the crispy bars. This product contains 110 calories, 3 grams of fat, 12 grams of carbohydrates, 2 grams of sugars, and 11 grams of protein. As you walk the aisles of your store, I suspect you’ll be hard-pressed to find another bar that is so low in calories, carbs, and sugars while maintaining a high level of protein. But, to get a closer look at the point, I’m going to take a look at a couple of popular bars that are readily available and, at least by most people, considered pretty healthy.

Comparison of two popular diet bars in supermarkets: First, I’ll look at the Special K protein snack bars. In terms of calories, this one is pretty comparable. He only has 110 too. And it has 3.5 grams of fat. But, where it deviates a bit, at least in my opinion, is in its sugar content and low amount of protein. This product contains a high content of 11 grams of sugar and only 4 grams of protein. It has 15 grams of carbohydrates.

Now, let’s take a look at Kashi’s Go Lean Protein Bar. This product has much more calories at 180. It contains 30 grams of carbohydrates, 13 grams of sugar, 5 grams of fat, and 9 grams of protein. As you can see, the sugar, calorie, fat and carbohydrate content is higher than you would like. It also has the lowest protein content of any product I’ve seen.

Many of the so called protein bars are not as good for you or as effective for weight loss as you might think. And, when you look at your ingredients, you’ll often see that one of the first ingredients listed is some form of sugar. For example, you might see corn syrup or honey as one of the first items. If you look at Medifast bars, you’ll see protein instead.

People often have the perception that store bars are cheaper and are just as effective. But I hope this article has shown you that many of them are high in sugar and carbohydrates while lacking in protein. If you accept that eating fewer calories and carbohydrates while increasing your protein intake is important to your weight loss success, then you might also suspect that Medifast bars are more likely to help you achieve this based on their nutritional information. And they’re not that expensive either. Yes, you have to order them online, but this is a pretty quick and easy process.

If you are interested in women’s fitness, here is a resource that will definitely help you. The site is, you can find an online community that offers all the healthy tips, recipes, workout routines and motivation you need to get fit. There are a number of informative articles that give you helpful advice on fitness, diet, exercise, sex, health and nutrition, while the online community gives you the inspiration and support you need to motivate yourself to change and maintain a lifestyle. healthy.

The site is specifically aimed at women’s health and fitness. All exercise routines are designed specifically for women and to work with the female body. Personal Trainer Karen Ficarelli offers a blog showcasing her passion for helping women achieve their fitness and health goals by covering a wide range of women’s health issues including nutrition, sex, exercise, diet and the need to relax and rest properly. If she becomes a member of the site, she will be able to find a healthy way to lose weight and keep it off for the rest of her life. A comprehensive site not only helps her find a healthy way to lose weight, but also gives her the motivation and inspiration she needs to lose weight and keep it off for the rest of her life.

All exercise routines are easy to follow and use real life tips and recipes that you can use to engage your whole family. This website focuses on bringing out the best in women through free health and fitness articles. Thirty minutes a day and this website are all you need to be successful with your health and fitness routine.

The website also offers useful dietary tools that allow you to lose weight and keep it off. There are several articles offering diet and nutrition advice for women of all ages. Each recipe is healthy and delicious, as well as being low in fat, cholesterol and sodium. In this way the whole family can benefit from eating better and getting in shape.

Fitness 4 Her is a gathering place for women looking for help with their health and fitness plan. It’s all brought to you by personal trainer, Karen Ficarelli, who demonstrates her passion for women’s fitness through free articles posted on the website geared toward women of all ages and athletic abilities so they can lose weight and keep it off with tips, articles, recipes and workouts

Diet articles teach portion control with a five meal a day plan. Other free articles take an honest look at why sex plays an important role in women’s health. There are daily articles that can help you increase her motivation and keep you determined to reach your weight loss goals.