Category Archive : Health Fitness

Have you ever been told that high protein diets are bad for you? Maybe you’ve even heard someone say that high protein will cause kidney damage. It is obvious that talking about diets rich in protein is controversial, even among experts. But we’re not talking about “high” protein diets that cut out carbs. That is really an unbalanced diet. In reality, we are talking about including healthy servings of lean protein at every meal and snack that includes a healthy serving of carbohydrates and essential fats to make the perfect diet plan. It is important to eat a complete lean protein with each meal. Although research shows that a high protein diet is completely safe in healthy individuals and contributes to a healthier body, it is very difficult to get adequate amounts from the typical three meals a day. Typically, eating lean protein meals for breakfast, lunch, and dinner alone is not enough. You may also need to include a protein in your snacks. Also, eating protein with all meals, including snacks, eliminates an unbalanced diet.

You wonder why protein is so good for the body?

Well, there are many reasons, but here are some of the healthiest and even fat loss-maximizing benefits:

  1. Protein is thermogenic and can lead to a higher metabolic rate. It requires 25 to 30 percent of energy for metabolic processing (ie digestion, absorption, and assimilation), which is much higher than carbohydrates at 6 to 8 percent and fats at 2 to 3 percent. This means more fat loss while dieting and less fat gain from overeating.
  2. Protein increases glucagons, which is a hormone that combats the effects of insulin. In addition, it helps decrease the production and storage of fat in adipose and liver cells. This also means more fat loss while dieting and less fat gain from overeating.
  3. Protein increases IGF-1, which is an anabolic hormone that increases muscle growth. A higher IGF-1 saves muscle during dieting and increases muscle mass during overfeeding.
  4. By increasing protein while reducing carbohydrates, LDL cholesterol and triglycerides (the bad fats) are lowered while HDL (the good fats) are increased.

I’m not sure what lean protein sources to include?

Well look no further. These are the cleanest or healthiest sources of protein available, so try to include them on your menus:

  • Meats such as lean beef, skinless chicken breast, white turkey, bison, venison, and pork tenderloin.
  • Fish like salmon, tuna, cod and mackerel.
  • Egg whites.
  • Low-fat dairy such as cottage cheese, Greek yogurt, feta, Parmesan, or string cheese.
  • Non-animal sources such as tofu, tempeh, soy burgers, soy jerky, soy sausage, or seitan.

When you’re on the go and don’t have time to prepare a meal, you might even want to try a milk protein supplement like whey, casein, or milk protein blends.

How much protein should you eat??

While not everyone likes to count calories and macronutrients, an easy method for calculating protein serving size would be to use the “eyeball” method. The size of a protein serving for a woman is usually between 20 and 30 grams or the size of her palm. For men, a serving size would be 40 to 60 grams or two palms. Each serving of protein should be supplemented with a serving of complex carbohydrates, such as dark green or colorful leafy vegetables, or metabolism-boosting fruits. Metabolism-boosting fruits can include apples, pears, grapefruit, or berries. Whole grains can supplement a couple of protein servings a day, which can include oats, brown or wild rice, or sweet potatoes.

Also include a serving of essential fats with your protein: olive oil, flaxseeds, avocados, olives, walnuts, and almonds. The perfect diet plan combines all the healthy options for protein, carbohydrates, and essential fats. Do you have a problem with fatigue? What about weight loss? It has been difficult? Then eat lean protein meals throughout the day and watch your energy soar! More so, watch the scale go down and your clothes get baggy. Make sure you eat lean protein at all your meals and rule out the unbalanced diet. With balanced meals, you’ll be healthier, perform better, and even look better. Balanced meals are the perfect diet plan.

suplimente pentru imunitate

Sistemul imunitar este o parte a corpului muncitoare dedicată să ne protejeze de bacteriile, virușii și alți agenți patogeni care pândesc în jur. Menținerea acestui important sistem sănătos și funcțional este o prioritate care poate fi realizată printr-o dietă corectă, să dormi suficient și să te speli pe mâini în mod regulat, precum și prin suplimente îmbogățite cu nutrienți. Deși este imposibil să eliminăm fiecare germen din viața noastră, aceste produse vor oferi corpului tău sprijinul suplimentar de care are nevoie pentru a te proteja pe tot parcursul anului.

top 10 suplimente pentru imunitate

Cu un amestec de extract organic de fructe de soc negru și alte ingrediente care întăresc imunitatea, acest supliment este conceput pentru a menține apărarea naturală a organismului puternică. Produsul nu conține aditivi, umpluturi și gluten, ceea ce îl face potrivit pentru adulți și copii de toate vârstele. Gustul dulce și acidulat al acestui supliment îl face ușor de adăugat în sucuri, smoothie-uri și alte alimente.

Vitamina C este o vitamină solubilă în apă despre care se știe că ajută la prevenirea răcelilor și la scurtarea duratei oricărei boli pe care le puteți contracta. De asemenea, funcționează ca un antioxidant, protejând împotriva daunelor radicalilor liberi care pot duce la cancer, boli de inimă și îmbătrânire.

Top 10 suplimente pentru imunitate

Un alt ingredient cheie pentru stimularea imunității este zincul. Mineralul ajută la producerea de celule albe din sânge, care sunt esențiale pentru prevenirea și combaterea infecțiilor. Puteți obține zinc dintr-o serie de surse alimentare, inclusiv stridii, carne de vită, porc și pasăre, năut, leguminoase, legume cu frunze verzi și nuci. Cu toate acestea, poate fi dificil să obțineți cantitatea zilnică recomandată de acest mineral doar prin dieta dvs., așa că este adesea necesar un supliment.

Ultimul nutrient esențial de reținut este seleniul. Acesta este un oligomineral care stimulează activitatea practic a tuturor brațelor care întăresc sistemul imunitar ale corpului. Puteți găsi acest compus în fructe de mare, cereale integrale, semințe de floarea soarelui și nuci braziliene. De asemenea, este posibil să obțineți seleniu prin suplimente alimentare sub formă de capsule, tablete sau pastile.

Atunci când alegeți un supliment pentru promovarea imunității, este întotdeauna înțelept să verificați reputația producătorului și să citiți recenziile clienților. Căutați un supliment care este testat de terți și care nu conține ingrediente artificiale sau alte componente inutile. În plus, asigurați-vă că vă consultați medicul înainte de a adăuga un nou supliment la rutina dvs. pentru a vă asigura că este sigur și eficient pentru dvs.

Cele mai bune stimulatoare de imunitate provin de la producători de renume, cu un istoric dovedit de a produce produse de înaltă calitate, susținute de știință. Aceste produse sunt de obicei fabricate în unități aprobate de FDA și sunt testate pentru calitate și siguranță înainte de expediere. Aceste suplimente sunt adesea formulate cu alte ingrediente care le pot spori eficacitatea, cum ar fi probioticele pentru a ajuta digestia și pentru a îmbunătăți absorbția acestor nutrienți în fluxul sanguin. Pentru rezultate maxime, urmați instrucțiunile de dozare care vin cu suplimentul ales. Cu cât încorporezi mai mult aceste produse în stilul tău de viață, cu atât sistemul tău imunitar va fi mai puternic. Acesta este cel mai bun mod de a preveni bolile comune, cum ar fi gripa, reducând în același timp oboseala de a le face față. Aceste suplimente vă vor asigura că sistemul imunitar al corpului dumneavoastră este capabil să funcționeze la maximum și să minimizeze riscul de infecții care v-ar putea derai planurile de viață.

You’ve probably heard stories about how celebrities can gain and lose weight so quickly and easily and jump from role to role without much difficulty. Sometimes they share with the public how they lost weight so fast, but there are some secrets they don’t want you to know. The fact is that most training programs on the market today are ineffective and just some marketing schemes for these companies to make money off of you. Is Arnel Ricafranca’s 6 pack abs program just another useless training program or is it a real deal?

Most of the commercials on television for diet programs and fitness equipment are not really what they appear to be. If you don’t already know, those sexy, muscular models he saw are just actors who were hired to say anything to get him hooked on publicity. In fact, I’m pretty sure most of those models don’t even use the products to get that type of body. They probably worked hard in the gym and stuck to a strict diet program to get those results.

Arnel Ricafranca 6 pack abs instant workout program, in my opinion, is one of the best programs out there. The main reason is that Arnel Ricafranca was fat before starting this abs training system and you can actually see real photos and videos of him. If you really want to lose fat and get six pack abs, you’ll want to see real evidence and results not from models but from regular people like you who lost fat and gained muscle.

The only celebrity weight loss secret that Arnel Ricafranca will explain to you is about motivation. Has he ever put in 100% of his effort to burn fat and lose weight? If the answer is no, Arnel will make sure you get that motivation and energy to help you overcome your hump and start changing your life forever.

What I liked the most about this program that really gives me that boost to lose weight is the 1 on 1 week by week training program. You will not be suffocated with all the information at once because Arnel will send you such a program every week Like a meal plan. You will no longer get discouraged by reading long and boring e-books, instead Arnel will provide you with a complete video course that you can follow or download to your iPod.

Hives, also known as urticaria, is a skin condition that results in red and sometimes itchy bumps on the skin, which is usually caused by allergies to certain foods or medications. Common allergens that cause hives include dairy, fish, nuts, flavorings, food additives, preservatives, aspirin, etc. It can also occur due to stress, viruses, insect bites, and environmental toxins.

The main symptoms of hives are intense itching and a burning sensation on the skin followed by the formation of rings or large patches and swelling on the skin. There are several home remedies and natural treatments for this skin condition that are quite helpful in treating the problem. Let’s take a look at some of the commonly used natural remedies for hives.

home remedies for hives, urticaria

Camphor – Camphor mixed with coconut oil works as an effective home remedy for hives. Local massage with this oil helps relieve constant itching.

Chironji with honey – Mix chironji or pistachio seeds with honey and take a teaspoon as a home remedy for 2-3 times.

Ginger – Ginger is a valuable home remedy used to treat a wide range of foods. Take 5-10 ml of fresh ginger juice or 1-2 grams of dried ginger powder along with water.

Baking Soda – Take approx. 10 to 20 grams of sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) and mix with 250 ml of plain water. Please use this solution as a local application in the affected region.

Turmeric – It is a wonderful natural healing agent. Beat up some raw turmeric and take half to one teaspoon of turmeric powder mixed in a glass of warm milk once or twice a day.

Mint – Prepare a mixture of 5 grams of mint in water and filter the solution. Add some sugar and drink this solution daily in the morning and in the evening. Hives will be cured by drinking this twice.

Sesame Oil – Sesame oil is another useful home remedy for hives. Insert cotton soaked in sesame oil into the anal region to cure hives.

Flaxseed Oil: Mix two parts flaxseed oil (linseed oil) and one part camphor (kapur) in a glass bottle and close with an airtight cork. The camphor will dissolve in 10 to 15 minutes. Now apply this oil on the affected area.

Margosa (neem) – Chew on a few fresh neem leaves every day. Continue this remedy until they taste bitter, because in hives they do not taste bitter. Alternatively, you can also chew 6-7 fresh green neem fruits. For young children, give two fruits rubbed in 12 grams of water to cure hives.

I hope these remedies help you in the natural treatment of hives. All these remedies can be easily followed at home.

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide health advice and is for general information only. Always seek the views of a qualified health professional before embarking on any health program.

Copyright © Ryan Mutt, All Rights Reserved. If you want to use this article on your website or in your ezine, please activate all URLs (links).

P90X, or Power 90 Extreme, is a 13-week intense exercise program that is gaining popularity among those looking to get in shape fast. Many people experience great results with this exercise program, but it’s important to be careful when starting any new physical activity. The strength and flexibility demands of P90X can lead to back pain for those who are not yet at a high level of fitness when they start the program.

P90X comes with 12 DVDs that focus on strength training, cardio, and stretching. The program can be individualized by selecting the DVD rotation that supports your training goals.

Internet forums are full of people asking for advice on how to avoid back pain during P90X. Many identify the following exercises as the main causes of back pain.

Ab X Ripper

This 15 minute workout is done 3 times a week. It involves a series of exercises designed to build abdominal muscles quickly. Many exercises that target the abdominal muscles cause back pain by creating stress in the lower back.

One particular exercise performed during Ab Ripper X can create tremendous stress on the lower back and hips: the Fifer scissors. The exercise consists of lying on the floor with your back slightly off the ground and your legs in the air doing a scissor kick. The weight of your legs creates resistance in your abdominal muscles, building strength. The abs are also working to keep the upper body off the floor.

When your legs are in the air, your hip flexors and not just your abs are working hard to support them. The hip flexor muscles pull on the pelvis and force it to lean forward, which increases the arch in the lower back. This can cause significant strain on your lower back muscles.

Watch the video at for tips on how to reduce pelvic tilt during the Fifer Scissors exercise. In general, it’s a good idea to tailor Ab Ripper X to your individual needs, performing fewer repetitions at first, pausing the DVD when necessary, and eliminating exercises that cause pain.

Dreya roll

The Dreya Roll is an exercise at the end of the Core Synergistics segment of P90X. You can see it interpreted here: This is a very high-intensity workout that many reviewers say can’t be done at first. The force required to push your body from a sitting to a standing position is supposed to come primarily from your core. This presupposes a lot of core strength; when that strength is lacking, you’ll likely find yourself curling your lower back to push your upper body forward for momentum to push up. This strains the muscles of the lower back.

Many people report leaving this exercise entirely until they have progressed through the program and have developed significant core strength. If lack of strength requires you to alter your form to perform an exercise, it is best to leave the exercise out until it can be performed correctly.

plow position

YogaX is part of the P90X program. While this may seem like an easy and relaxing component, it is full of poses that only advanced yoga practitioners could achieve. One of them is the plow position. From a shoulder stand, lower your legs overhead to the floor until the tops of your lower legs are on the floor and your knees are next to your head. This requires great flexibility from the spine and the muscles and ligaments from the lower back to the neck and shoulders.

Attempting to do Plow Pose the first few times with YogaX can lead to muscle and ligament strains in the upper body due to overstretching. Many other yoga poses require strength that you may not have at first. Respect yoga as a form of exercise and don’t do it thinking that all poses are possible at first.

Muscle tension is the main danger to the back during P90X. If you continually overexert yourself, you also risk damaging the joints and discs in your spine. Tailor the training to your needs and don’t try to keep up with the video instructor at first. Take your time, take breaks when necessary, and eliminate workouts that put excess stress on your back.

We all want an attractive and healthy body. Unfortunately we all store fat, we store fat in various places. The abdomen and hips are the places where it is stored the most. The belly is one of the most problematic areas.

On top of that, it gets in your way and your clothes don’t fit you anymore, it’s also one of the most unhealthy places to accumulate fat.

Belly fat is dangerous because it increases the possibility of contracting diseases such as diabetes and heart and vascular diseases. Do you have abdominal fat and want to burn it? Then read this article so that you know what to do to get rid of it.

How can you burn that belly fat?

One of the problem areas where many people want to lose fat is around the belly. Do you want this too? There are various commercials on TV or on the Internet that promise you a tight stomach. Promises that you don’t always get rid of belly fat. Don’t be fooled by commercials like:

  • Train your abs for 8 minutes a day for a tight stomach

  • Superfoods that help you lose fat

Don’t be fooled by the commercials above. These products or training are not going to help you burn belly fat. It is often nonsense. After reading this article you will know how to lose fat. I’d like to share this information with you, but you’ll have to work through it yourself.

The truth about abs

If an ad appears promising you’ll grow a tight stomach in a week, then you know it’s nonsense. A short workout will not help you change your body drastically.

It takes enough training and hard work to achieve it. It doesn’t happen overnight. You must be willing to work for this.

Some facts about the abdominal muscles:

1. Everyone has abdominal muscles. Maybe you have a stomach and you think you don’t have abdominal muscles.

2. You also have abs, they just aren’t strong, trained and visible. But you can change that.

3. You can’t turn fat into muscle. It’s good to know that you can’t turn fat into muscle. Fat always stays on top of your muscles. If you only train your abs you will not lose the fat from your abs.

4. Abdominal muscles can only be seen with a low percentage of fat. If your fat percentage doesn’t drop, you’ll never build abdominal muscles. To grow a six pack you have to eat healthy, train hard and get enough rest.

Local weight loss doesn’t work.

It is not possible to lose weight only in one place. If you just want to lose stomach fat, it’s good to understand that this doesn’t work. Workouts that are only suitable for a specific body part don’t work.

These exercises are good for training your muscles but they will not help you lose fat in a certain place. Now that you know this, you naturally want to know how you can lose your stomach fat.

This depends on a number of things, such as your age, your gender, your weight, and your genetic predisposition to developing fat. Therefore, these are parts that you cannot influence due to certain workouts. For men, this often means they develop belly fat while women store fat on the hips and abdomen.

Losing this fat is not that easy. Now that you know this, it is necessary to come up with a good plan that will greatly reduce your fat percentage so that you can finally burn that belly fat.

healthy food

To help you even better, we’re sharing a few tips to get you started today. Keep in mind that this won’t change in a day, you’ll have to adjust the way you eat to really get rid of that tummy.

  • Keep a food journal to find out what you eat every day. Counting calories isn’t necessary, but it can make you more aware of what you eat every day.

  • Get in the habit of eating vegetables with every meal. Put cucumber slices on your cheese sandwich, have a tomato in the middle, and refrigerate with carrot or bell pepper.

  • Eat enough protein because it is good for building muscle. Make it a habit to eat an egg as a snack and eat enough fish and meat every day.

  • Fats are important building materials that must be ingested. This refers to healthy fats like nuts, olive oil, and avocado. Keep using your common sense, eating nuts all day is also not healthy due to the many calories.

enough exercise

Healthy nutrition is an important part of developing a tight stomach. The rule of thumb is that a healthy body consists of 80% healthy food combined with 20% exercise. There are some basics to moving in the right way so you lose that belly.

no more abs

Maybe it feels good to do crunches, but this doesn’t work. Crunches won’t help you lose your stomach. Performing crunches is even unhealthy for your posture. Because your muscles are trained in a certain way, your back will suffer.

train large muscle groups

If you want a tight stomach you should stop doing abdominal exercises. With many abdominal exercises, you have the feeling that your abdomen has been trained, but it seems that it has not. The muscles are isolated in most abdominal exercises.

Compound exercises are suitable for training the abdominal muscles. Think exercises like deadlifts, squats, push-ups, pull-ups, and lunges. A long walk also helps you train your abdomen.

good abdominal exercises

Do you enjoy doing abdominal exercises but want them to take effect? Then perform the following exercises to get a firmer abdomen.

  • 1. The farmer walks lifting heavy objects where he trains the whole body.

  • 2. The plank is the best exercise to train the abs.

  • 3. Ab Wheel, an enhancement to the plank exercise, to get even firmer.

Do the following to lose fat:

  • Eat healthy foods, the basis of a toned body lies in a healthy, nutritious and low-fat diet. Take plenty of time to prepare healthy meals.

  • HITT training (High-Intensity Interval Training) is a short period of training in which you exercise intensely. With this training, you strengthen a large group of muscles, which in turn helps to lose the belly.

  • Enough rest, when you lose weight you need to rest. So make sure you get enough sleep and make time to relax.

When do you see results?

Eating healthier and getting enough exercise will make your body stronger and fitter.

You will see results after a short period of four to six weeks. By weighing yourself and checking your fat percentage, you will discover that your body is changing. For men, the fat percentage should be less than 15% to create a six pack, and for women, it should be less than 25%.


The Washington Post reports that large numbers of obese soldiers are being fired for failing fitness tests. To the extent that soldiers are expected to maintain a high level of conditioning for physically demanding tasks, this policy does not seem unreasonable. However, it raises questions and some objections, including how were the soldiers who were fired in the first place allowed to get fat? Presumably, the obese people in the Army kept getting one more chance, time and time again, after failing the annual testing protocols.

I’m going to summarize the facts of the matter and then offer a REAL wellness alternative. I think there’s a better way to deal with obese soldiers than to fire them and let them go out in the cold, with no special opportunity of a positive nature. My solution avoids humiliation and financial hardship. All service personnel deemed unfit for duty must be given a special opportunity to meet Army performance standards. An effective program that makes this possible will be more humane than layoffs and will save the considerable cost to taxpayers associated with recruiting and training replacements. I am going to outline a positive REAL welfare boot camp idea that could allow departing troops to re-qualify for service.

Why the looting?

One reason for firing obese soldiers is financial. The Army has to cut, reduce its budget by reducing it from 570,000 today to 490,000 by 2017. If cuts have to be made, what better place to start than with the weakest links, the heart attacks that are about to happen? Did you know that of all the reasons for rejecting recruits, the number one factor is obesity? In the Washington Post story, overweight troops are seen as a national security problem. The severity of the problem is increasing. In a two year period, the number of obese soldiers tripled! Two years ago, more than five percent of the Army, 86,183 members of our fighting force, was obese.

How are we going to police the whole world if so many of our invaders are so out of shape? As of November this year, “1,625 soldiers were fired for being out of shape.” This is almost 16 times the number of discharges for that reason in 2007. (Source: Ernesto Londoño, Rising number of militarysbedingforfallingfitnesstests, Washington Post, December 10, 2012).

The first large reductions in morbidly obese soldiers occurred after Desert Storm. In 1991, just over 3,000 troops were laid off. It’s worth noting that it’s not just uniformed personnel affected by the obesity factor: no fewer than seventy-five percent of civilians who wanted to join the force were weight-related ineligible. Additionally, a quarter of those who qualified on the BMI assessments were unable to pass the physical fitness requirements, according to the Post report.

How pathetic is that?


The design of the REAL wellness curriculum would require a period of research and evaluation by the military involving a variety of health promotion consultants. My hope is that, unlike workplace wellness programs at the corporate level, there is little to no risk reduction or medical management; there are VA and other resources available for these services. REAL Wellness Boot Camp would focus on all four foundational areas, tackling all sorts of life-enriching topics such as value studies, meaning and purpose, change theory and practice, resilience, mindfulness, relationship and communication skills and the like.

Even if the obese army folks facing the boot don’t lose enough weight to return to the service or simply decide not to return after graduating from welfare boot camp, the experience will still be invaluable. It will help troops deal with the usual transition issues. These include problems associated with depression, post-traumatic stress, and a variety of life changes that occur during long periods of separation from family, the job market, and civil society. If the idea caught on in the military, why stop there? How about modified versions of the REAL Wellness Boot Camp for juvenile delinquents, drunk drivers, couples in crisis, etc.?

As for the military version created to deal with outgoing obese soldiers in the enhanced and highly civilized boot camps, I will volunteer to design the initial program and participate in all physical endurance training activities. But with some conditions: no jumping out of planes or required obstacle courses with explosions and real bullets flying overhead. Let’s keep the fitness focus on swimming, biking, running and other sensible and peaceful things.

Good wishes and be well.

Last year I had several clients who stubbornly started the Atkins diet despite my warnings. I immediately saw almost profound results in her weight loss. I reminded them it was water weight loss and warned them about the stress on the kidneys and the risk of high cholesterol.

During this time, I was mastering my yoga practice as a full vegan, but found that my immune system had been deeply compromised and I was currently on my third cold of the fall season.

Atkins was again in the media due to the results of a new study indicating a reduction in cholesterol. I went to the Atkins book once again with a more open mind and decided to give the diet a try. I liked the view contrary to the AMA’s current position on the low-fat diet, which seemed to be producing a growing obesity society. Atkins’ take on sugar as the culprit for getting fat, not getting fat, made sense and the extra work of all protein for the kidneys…is benign. He wanted to use his diet as a tool to completely rid me of sugar.

I started with the high protein, low carb aspect of the diet. As I reintroduced animal proteins into my diet, I could feel myself getting stronger and the colds finally stopping. I also saw my abdominal muscles begin to open up and swell again. The winter cold was not as painful as it had been during my vegan diet.

So I mustered up the courage to start including fats in my diet, including bacon, egg yolks, cream cheese, heavy cream, whipping cream, even bacon rinds. I would marvel daily that I ate these “forbidden foods” only to wake up the next day lean, trim. I couldn’t believe this, result! I loved to eat all these foods so familiar but banished from… childhood

I was in full swing eating the high fat, high protein, low carb diet at the time the photos were taken on my website. I felt strong, but I had no energy!!! My walks on the beach were lethargic, I had to force myself to go the extra mile. I was skinny but felt like a stranded whale. My love affair with Atkins continued for a few more months. I followed her prescriptions religiously from her.

Eventually I had to add more carbs, I needed more energy. By carbs I mean vegetables, salads, and whole grains. At this point I regained the full two pounds that I had lost on Atkins. Body fat went from 16% to 18%, my energy was better. After 7 months I decided it was time for a blood test and to my horror I found that my cholesterol, which had always been around 150, had shot up to 300! Fortunately, my HDL to LDL ratio was still at a healthy level. By forcing myself to exercise, I kept my HDL levels up.

I immediately started drinking hot lemon juice with cayenne pepper every morning to cleanse my blood. I have now cut out all high fat foods and am once again back to square one of moderation and balance. A balanced diet. It takes a little more discipline, but my energy is back and I can now eat the same meals as my husband, so dinner preparation is easier. My weight hasn’t changed since I gradually introduced carbs. I avoid at all costs “white foods” flour, sugar, milk. I drink unsweetened soy milk. I avoid food in packages, boxes and bags. I feel a thin layer of fat, but that’s okay, it’s winter, I need it, and in summer, the heat always melts it. I am completely off sugar and alcohol to keep my blood sugar down.

Wouldn’t you like to know how to lose abdominal fat and finally be able to reach your ideal weight?

Well, after reading this article, that is exactly what you will be able to do.

But, before I give you the exact steps to achieve this, I would like you to know that this information is based on real life experiences. These are the exact same steps I took to go from 285 pounds to my own ideal body weight of 175 pounds.

This was 15 years ago and I have been able to maintain this weight using this approach. I am not trying to brag or brag by writing about what I have accomplished. I just want you to know that this strategy is very effective, especially if you are like me, and you were born with a very slow metabolism, have a strong desire to eat delicious, high-calorie foods, and hate to engage in any type of physical activity. .

Here’s how to lose belly fat and reach your goal weight:

1) Decide exactly how much you want to weigh when you reach your ideal body weight and what percentage of body fat you want to have at the end of your weight loss journey. For a man to have a flat stomach, his body fat percentage should be around 10%, and for a woman around 15%.

2) Weigh yourself and measure your body fat percentage with a skinfold caliper. Write these numbers down somewhere, so you can keep track of them on a weekly basis. This is one of the secrets of how to lose abdominal fat and reach your ideal weight.

3) Calculate your TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure), which is the number of calories your body can realistically burn during the day. To do this, be sure to use the Katch-McArdle formula, which takes your lean body mass into account, and multiply it by your activity level. This calculation will let you know how many calories you can burn during the day.

4) Choose an effective ratio of macronutrients that you will use to calculate the percentage of carbohydrates, protein, and dietary fat that you will consume during the day from your meals. To start, you can use any amount from 50-30-20 to 40-40-20.

5) Take the daily maintenance calorie intake you calculated in step 3 and multiply it by your chosen macronutrient percentage. For example, if your TDEE is 2,000 calories and you have chosen the 50-30-20 macronutrient ratio, then you will consume 1,000 calories from carbohydrates, 600 calories from protein, and 400 calories from dietary fat.

Then divide these numbers by 4 for your carbohydrates, by 4 for your protein, and by 9 for your calories from dietary fat.

In this example, you’ll get 250 grams of carbs, 150 grams of protein, and 44 grams of dietary fat. This will be the exact amount of macronutrients that you should consume in all your daily meals.

6) Once you have these numbers, your next step will be to choose the number of meals you will eat for the day. The optimal number of meals to consume daily is four. In this example, we would take the numbers in step 5 and divide them by four.

This would give us the following numbers for each meal: carbohydrates 250 calories/62 grams, protein 150 calories/37 grams, and dietary fat 100 calories/11 grams.

7) Your next step should be to eat these four meals every four waking hours. And his first meal should be eaten as soon as possible after waking up. This is how to lose abdominal fat and reach your ideal weight through an effective nutrition strategy.

And be sure to drink plenty of water throughout the day and avoid drinking too many calories from beverages. If you drink beverages, be sure to count the calories they contain and add them to your daily calorie intake.

But, we are not done. There are a few more important steps to creating a flat stomach that you can be proud of!

8) Once you are using an effective nutrition strategy, your next step is to implement an effective exercise strategy. The first part of an effective exercise strategy is cardiovascular training.

Pick a simple aerobic activity like walking and start doing it at least four times a week. This can be done outside or inside on a treadmill. The weather and the safety factor must be taken into account when choosing where you will do this physical activity.

Start with 10 minutes per session and gradually increase by adding five minutes per week. As you gain some experience, you can choose other cardio training exercises to ensure your body doesn’t adapt and still burn as many total calories as possible during each workout.

9) Once you’ve started burning unwanted body fat through aerobic exercise, be sure to start using weight training three times a week to maintain your current muscle mass. This is very important, because it will help you maintain your muscle and keep your metabolism elevated during the weight loss phase of your program.

You can start using simple exercises at home at first. Push-ups, sit-ups, shoulder raises, dumbbell overhead extensions, dumbbell curls, calf raises, etc.

Without using weight training to maintain your muscle, it will be very difficult to create irreversible long-term weight loss success. This is especially true for women, who do not really like to use this physical activity.

10) Watch your weight loss program daily. As soon as you stop producing the fat loss results you’re looking for, it means it’s time to change your approach. And all you have to do is try another nutrition and exercise technique to keep your body burning unwanted body fat and burning as many calories as possible.

This is how to lose abdominal fat and reach your ideal weight. If you were born with a slow metabolism, you will have to keep doing it for the rest of your life. As soon as it stops, the fat will just come back.

The motivation to walk this path comes from focusing on the vision of your future self and, at the same time, focusing on your current reality in relation to this vision!

Powerlifting, bodybuilding, and powerlifting have come a long way since they were first popularized in the 1970s. Gyms were tough, almost exclusively with barbells, dumbbells, and benches. The workouts were 3-4 hours long and everyone was trying different techniques, different exercises, different tempos, and different rep ranges. And in the off-season, most were on a ‘See Food’ diet – if they saw food, they ate it!

“No pain, no gain” was their rallying cry, and they were no strangers to pain. The pain from overstretched and overstretched muscles was joined by pain from failed exercise variations, nutritional errors, lack of sleep, insufficient rest and recovery, but they learned to overcome it if they were motivated enough. Every gym-goer in the past has comedic horror stories about the aches and pains they worked through and the toll those days took on their health. And, now in their 60s, 70s, and 80s, many lament what those exercises did to their knees, hips, back, shoulders, and spine. But they’ll also tell you that if they had the chance to do it all over again, they sure would.

But while No Pain, No Gain was a fitting slogan for the 1970s, today’s reality is “No Brain, No Gain.” A lot of research has been done in the last 40 years on all aspects of weightlifting and exercise, and there is now anecdotal empirical evidence from those who have stuck with it through the various evolutions of the sport. Great strides have been made in the fields of biology and kinesiology, nutrition (and especially sports nutrition), progressive resistance, hypertrophy, and even exercise equipment itself.

Step inside today’s typical commercial gym, and once you get past the recumbent bikes, stair steppers, treadmills, ellipticals, and other cardio devices, you’ll likely see twice as much space on the gym floor dedicated to exercise machines. than to the revered old free weights. And while male gym rats will always scoff at machines, it’s possible to put together a full-body workout for new members using just those machines, to provide the initial results they seek in a safer, more controlled, and graduated environment.

Now we know that gym gains can be tailored to your goals: increased strength for weightlifters, bigger muscles for bodybuilders, improved cardiovascular capabilities for runners and endurance athletes, and programs to help you lose fat or gain lean weight. , as you prefer. There’s still nothing to do the workouts for you, but an incredible array of aids to make sure you’re on the right track for YOU.

Professional athletes, weekend warriors, and regular gym goers have also learned a lot more about nutrition and healthy eating. The traditional dinner of meat, corn, and potatoes is now likely to be replaced by chicken or fish paired with sweet potatoes and broccoli or Brussels sprouts. Breakfast can be oatmeal and egg whites instead of sugary cereal straight out of the box. And while your nutrition may be based on meal plans, paleo, IIFYM (if it fits your macros), or vegan options, they all share one main goal: making sure your ratio of protein, carbs, and healthy fats is in balance with your goals and that your total caloric intake level aligns with your plan to lose fat or gain muscle.

Yes, today’s training has changed, definitely for the better. Knowledge of progressive resistance and periodization of training have allowed us to eliminate most of the unnecessary pain of being regularly active in the gym, and advances in kinesiology have taught us better ways to move the plank to avoid repetitive stress injuries. and better protect soft tissues. and joints that keep our bodies working properly. Far from being overly muscular, most weightlifters today have a better range of motion without pain in their joints than the general public will.

And for advanced intermediate lifters and seasoned pros there are advancements, too, but if you’re reasonably new to the art of powerlifting, leave the bands, chains, overreaches, and supercompensation for a few more years. Don’t compare yourself to those who have been doing this for years. There’s a reason it took them years to get there. Instead, take ‘before’ photos when you’re ready to go and compare them to new images every 3-6 months. The truest tests are how your clothes fit, how you feel when you wake up each day, how much energy you have, and how soundly you sleep each night.

The best news? Most of the new knowledge you need to achieve your goals is at your local library and even at home, thanks to the Internet. These days, it’s easy to walk into a gym for the first time and know enough to get started, safely. If you can afford a good personal trainer and have access to one, that can get you off to an even better start, but be careful. Don’t blindly hire the biggest lifter in the gym, or you may end up with someone whose drug use masks poor knowledge, experience, or technique. Ask around at your gym and see who others recommend.

And above all, never stop learning. New research on weightlifting is emerging every day, and while there is way too much to keep track of, pick a few experts and follow them on their blogs and on social media; you will learn much more that way than by buying many magazines full of articles tailored to selling supplements. A strong and healthy lifestyle is a marathon, not a sprint, and proudly carry the motto “No Brain, No Gain” with you!