Category Archive : Health Fitness

(Not the movie starring Harrison Ford as CIA agent Jack Ryan)


Headphones 2Running with headphones on results in reduced awareness of your physical surroundings. If you’re running on the treadmill, tap the playlist. When you’re outdoors, being less than fully aware of your physical surroundings compromises your personal safety. Like it or not, all runners (especially women) must run defensively at times. Hearing aid users range from being less attentive to completely ignoring other people, cars and dogs, all of which are potential attackers who pose a real threat to a runner’s physical safety.

Last month, Runners World online published a story about a teenager wearing headphones who was hit by a car and seriously injured. He was running a 10K night race and took a wrong turn, veering off course and onto an open road. He didn’t hear the runner behind him yelling a warning.

A little closer to home: Last year my teenage daughter and I argued about wearing headphones while running. She insisted that she could hear what was going on around her, with or without headphones. I waited until she left the house to run. I put on my running shoes and went after her. I ran after her. She was absorbed in her music, unaware of my sudden presence. I tapped her on the shoulder, startling her away from her. She’s lucky; Dad is a confident guy.

What does my body tell me?

When you are in tune with the melodies, you are not in tune with your body. When we run, our bodies give us valuable information. We learn what a certain rhythm feels like, how our breathing, heart rate, and muscles respond, especially when the rhythm is pushed. We continually integrate this data, making the appropriate physical and mental adjustments in response as we run. When we run and receive the same cues we experience during training, we can remain calm and in control because we know we have previously experienced the discomfort of running faster and have dealt with it. Headphone users can easily miss the subtle cues from their bodies and the race-day lessons that flow from them. It’s hard to listen to music and your body at the same time.

Am I missing a beautiful experience?

Last May, my wife and I volunteered as race stewards at the Toronto Women’s Half Marathon. The off-road tour traversed a section of Toronto’s scenic park system. An old woman was walking past me. She stopped and astutely remarked, “Those women (referring to some of the runners wearing earphones) are running through beautiful nature but won’t enjoy the birdsong or the smell of flowers.” Yes, she was right on her first point… and probably on her second point as well.

“I run by feeling the textures of the earth beneath my feet. I don’t know of a time when I was more alive or more intimately attached to the physical world.” Roger Robinson, columnist and author.

The sounds and smells of running outdoors in natural surroundings, one of the great joys of running, are no match for iPods.

Hopefully some readers will think twice before reaching for their headphones when out for a run.

The Holy Grail Body Transformation Program has answered my prayers. Finally there is a program that can lose fat and build muscle at the same time. Losing fat and building muscle at the same time is a bit tricky. It’s not really at the same time. It is actually within the same time period. For example 2 weeks, 1 month, 7 weeks.

The Holy Grail Body Transformation Program takes everyone’s goals into account. Everyone has different fitness goals, so Tom Venuto has created 4 goals for you to choose from:

  1. Focus on fat loss
  2. Focus on building muscle
  3. Focus on fat loss with a secondary goal of building muscle.
  4. Focus on building muscle with the secondary goal of losing fat.

Cyclical diet and timing of nutrition

The main focus of The Holy Grail is the cyclical diet and the timing of nutrition. I know that you are probably confused with these terms. Cyclical dieting is simply cycling your diet. A normal fat loss diet would have you in a caloric deficit for the entire diet. The Holy Grail Body Transformation Program is all about cycling your diet so that you are in a caloric deficit or a caloric surplus for shorter periods of time. Depending on the goal you choose. Different targets will have different amounts of time in a surplus or deficit.

The nutrition timing section focuses on when you need to fuel your body and what nutritional aspects, such as protein, carbohydrates, and fat.

Results to wait

The results you can expect with this program depend on 4 factors:

  1. How long you have been training: the longer you have been training, the slower your muscle gain will be. Beginners will gain muscle much faster.
  2. Your muscle memory: It’s easier to regain muscle you’ve lost than to build new muscle.
  3. Your Genetics – This has to do with your body type. Some body types will gain muscle faster and others will be more gifted in the area of ​​fat loss. We are all different, but some people are simply gifted in these areas.
  4. Drugs will also play a factor in your results. Some people will take drugs like steroids to increase their muscle mass or other drugs to speed up fat burning. This is definitely NOT the way to go. You can do everything without drugs.

If you really want results and are determined to get them, then none of these 4 factors should get in the way of you getting the Holy Grail body transformation you want.

The Holy Grail Body Transformation Program also includes:

  • Cardio and resistance training information and recommendations.
  • The lifestyle factors that will affect your transformation.
  • A Question and Answer section with questions from the Holy Grail Transformation Program 1.0. Tom answers the best questions he received to help clarify what’s on the show.
  • Meal plans for carb cycling.
  • A calorie cheat sheet. This is to calculate how many calories you should consume.
  • A food database with its calorie and nutrient information.
  • A one week training program.

The Holy Grail Body Transformation Program is a program that teaches you the nutrition you need to lose fat and build muscle at the same time. This is not a book about workouts and exercises to burn fat and build muscle at the same time.

Most athletes wouldn’t even consider using dumbbells for cardio. In fact, most athletes don’t even use weights at a fraction of their full potential. Well, that’s about to change… if you decided to take my advice.

Training programs are traditionally divided into resistance training (such as weight lifting) and cardio (such as jogging, rowing, or biking). Or these two types of workouts are done on separate days. And without a doubt, most exercisers choose aerobic exercises like jogging, biking, and rowing for the cardio part. I don’t see people lifting weights when it’s time for cardio.

Over the last year, most trainers (myself included) have moved away from aerobic exercise in favor of anaerobic exercise. Anaerobic exercise is high intensity exercise for short periods of time, repeated. Think sprint intervals.

Evidence shows that anaerobic activity is better than aerobic activity for improving endurance, strengthening the heart and lungs, and even burning fat. Not to mention, it helps you become more athletic and preserves your hard-earned muscle. Unfortunately, not many athletes have made the switch because they have been programmed to do aerobic training in their “target heart rate zone.”

So it’s no surprise that the jump to dumbbell cardio hasn’t caught on. A dumbbell cardio workout is when you do a series of dumbbell exercises in a circuit with as little rest as possible between exercises. I also call them “dumbbell intervals” because you do one interval of exercise, followed by rest, and then more intervals.

Dumbbell cardio is a better choice for a great cardio (and full-body) workout for many reasons. First, and the simplest reason, is that you don’t need expensive equipment like stationary bikes, rowing machines, or treadmills. All you need is a set of dumbbells and you’re ready to go. This is also great if you work out in a crowded gym (yuck!), where the cardio machines are in constant use.

Second, dumbbell cardio activates your heart and breathing using your WHOLE body, not just one part of your body like your legs. Your heart has to pump blood to the muscles in your legs, core, and upper body. This prepares the heart for more real-world activities than just jogging.

Third, aerobic exercise works against building your physique. Yes, it burns fat while you do it… but it also tells the body to do whatever it takes to lose weight. This means that your body also sacrifices muscle to reduce weight. On the other hand, using dumbbell cardio sends the signal to get rid of fat, but in a way that preserves muscle throughout the body because they are needed to complete workouts.

So, the next time you’re looking for a great cardio workout that will really help you build a lean, athletic, high-performance body, skip past the cardio machines and grab a pair of dumbbells instead. Also, you may find how effective dumbbells are as a complete training tool. Try dumbbell cardio instead of boring aerobics.

It’s no secret that exercise is something that should be a part of everyone’s lifestyle. The reasons or motives for exercising can be different for each person. Some want to lose weight and burn fat. Some want to build muscle. Some want to improve health and performance. But regardless of the reason for exercising, everyone wants the “best” exercise program.

This is where the problems begin. What is the “best” workout? And the fact is that there is no training program that is right for every person and every goal. So instead of trying to find the ultimate, absolute best workout… use the workout that’s best for you and your goals.

In my opinion, using free weights and bodyweight calisthenics is the best way to exercise for almost any goal. So, whatever exercise program you decide is right for you, it should include both bodyweight and dumbbell exercises. This is why…

Exercise is all about movement

Unfortunately, when people think of exercise, they think of muscles. “This exercise works this muscle.” This way of thinking originated and became popular among bodybuilders and is now mainstream. The problem is that most athletes are not bodybuilders.

The truth is, exercise is all about movement. It’s about being able to move your body efficiently. It’s also about being able to move around other objects, of a variety of weights. That’s why bodyweight calisthenics and dumbbells are great for training the body to move with or without weighted resistance.

Bodyweight calisthenics is perfect for training movements without weight

Many people have been trained to think of exercise as weight lifting and cardio. Use weight lifting to improve strength and build muscle. Everything else falls into the vague category of “cardio” and improves heart and lung function. This is the wrong way to think about it.

Just think of all the challenges of work, sports, and life that require the ability to move your own body. The real world is full of challenges that don’t fit into the cardio/weight training format. So, use bodyweight calisthenics to train your body to move the way it’s supposed to move… without added resistance.

Dumbbells are perfect for training heavy movements

The other type of challenges you will face in sports, work, and life require the movement of a heavy object. And most of the time, this movement will be done with both limbs in unison, one at a time or alternately. So, train yourself for these real world challenges using dumbbells as your weighted resistance.

The furthest from real world training you can get is using gym machines. Being strapped into these machines trains muscles, not movements, and only makes small improvements to real-world skills. You want to perform great outside of the gym, right?

As you can see, the combination of bodyweight calisthenics and dumbbells is perfect for training the body to move in both weightless and weightless situations. This will not only improve performance for real world challenges, but will also create great looking bodies. To better prepare you for the challenges of bodyweight and dumbbell training, your body will shed that ugly fat, build athletic muscle, and improve cardiorespiratory endurance. So, if you’re looking for the “best” workout, look no further than calisthenics and bodyweight dumbbells.

One of the most important actions you can take to facilitate your success as a cyclist is to stay properly hydrated during all of your workouts and events. You can do it by following 3 easy steps:

1. Determine your hydration needs. Generally speaking, you should drink 4 to 8 ounces of fluid every 15 minutes, depending on your sweat rate. For most people, this adds up to about one bottle per hour (more on a hot, humid day). This is perhaps the most important step you can take to ensure a successful trip. Dehydration has a dramatic and negative effect on cycling performance. For example, dehydration of just 2% of your total body weight can affect performance. Dehydration of 5% can reduce work output by up to 10%. As a general rule of thumb, take two full bottles on each trip, especially if it’s a hot day. For hot rides of more than an hour, consider using a hydration system. This has a double purpose. First of all, it allows you to comfortably transport a large volume of liquid. Second, by freezing the water (or filling it with ice), the hydration pack can help lower your core temperature. Remember, it is very important to practice using your hydration pack before a major event or competition. They can be a bit cumbersome.

2. Weighing before and after training. Get in the habit of weighing yourself before and after each workout. This has two purposes. First, it helps you determine your sweat rate. A 60 minute workout is a good indicator. If you’re two pounds lighter after a workout, then you’ve lost about 32 ounces of water. Second, it helps determine how much fluid you need to drink per hour. In this case, the goal for future workouts (under similar hot and humid conditions) is to drink 32 fluid ounces per hour. Frankly, not everyone is going to drink that much, so drink plenty of fluids before and immediately after your workouts. Remember, your goal should be to weigh the same after your post-workout hydration and nutrition as you did before your workout.

3. Decide what to drink for a particular workout or competition. For events or workouts that will last an hour or less, water is sufficient. For resistance exercise lasting more than an hour, use a sports drink to replace carbohydrates and electrolytes. There are many to choose from and most of them work effectively. Just make sure they contain around 6% to 8% carbs and some sodium for electrolyte replacement. To determine which drinks work best, select three and try each one in a similar type of workout or event (eg, same intensity and duration). First, determine if any of the beverages cause gastrointestinal upset (eg, bloating). If one of them does, remove it from the consideration (note: drinks with more than 8% carbs may be more likely to upset your stomach). Second, you need to consider taste. You are more likely to use a drink if it tastes good.

Follow these simple steps and you should always be well hydrated for your cycling workouts and events.

You may be aware of the growing obesity epidemic among American adults, but did you know that obesity in children is also on the rise? This is an issue to be aware of, especially if you have small children in your home.

The KTLA news Health Watch recently reported that 1/3 of the children in this country are obese, which is a very alarming statistic. If action is not taken regarding their food/drink choices and the amount of physical activity, these children are likely to face health-related problems much sooner than expected.

So, if you know your family consumes an excessive amount of chips, sodas, cookies, not to mention frequent fast food excursions, it may be time to make a change that will impact not only you and your spouse, but also also to their children.

By instilling the importance of healthy eating along with its benefits to the body, your children will grow up with a greater respect for healthy living. Simply put, the way your children eat and drink in their youth is likely to continue as they become teenagers and adults. The unhealthy habits that children have when they are young will often stick with them as they get older.

Depending on your children’s ages and current eating habits, getting them to eat healthy may or may not be difficult to implement. You may even need to show them pictures or videos about the consequences of obesity and what can happen later in life if they are not health conscious in their youth to motivate them to make a change now. You know your family best, so you may need to get a little creative to make this work for everyone.

A fun way to start developing healthy eating habits at home is to make it a family game.

First, think about the most important changes you want to start making in your family’s nutrition. What would you consider to be the least healthy eating habits your family/children have? Focus on that first.

Set a short-term goal, such as not having sodas, chips, or unhealthy fast foods for a month. If everyone in your family sticks, everyone will win a reward, like a miniature golf trip or an ice or roller skating excursion.

Discuss it as a family and come up with something you all agree on so everyone is motivated to continue the healthy eating challenge.

If you feel like a month is too long to start, take it a week at a time. Then, on a Sunday afternoon or evening, everyone gets a little treat, like a trip for frozen yogurt or a movie night with popcorn.

You can lengthen the time frame as everyone gets used to the new healthy eating habits, and naturally increase the amount of the reward accordingly. In other words, after successfully completing a one-week challenge, try a two-week challenge next, then a three-week challenge, etc.

Finally, come up with a creative name for your family challenge, such as “The Healthy Harpers” or simply “Our Healthy Eating Goal.” Make a poster or printout that you can place in a visible, high-traffic area to help serve as a reminder for everyone in your family to adhere to it.

You can even use daily stickers or stamps (especially for young children) to keep track of when healthy eating habits have been maintained. Another fun way to keep score is by using marbles in a jar. Each member gets to put a marble in the jar at the end of a day of healthy eating. When the jar is filled to a certain point, the prize is won.

Making health a top priority in your family requires planning and a willingness to try something new. Your children may have some whining or complaining, but don’t give an inch if you’re determined to improve your family’s health because it will be worth it.

You are in charge of your home and know in your heart that the decisions you are making now will help your family in the future. Remember, your house means your rules, but now your healthy eating rules.

Healthy meal of the week: Crock Pot Turkey Meal

Healthy Leftover Idea: Turkey Thanksgiving Treats

In preparation for the Thanksgiving holiday, here’s a fantastic meal using the handy crock pot, also known as a slow cooker, that makes it a breeze to whip up a delicious turkey. To top it all off, below is a fabulous homemade cranberry sauce recipe with a twist (courtesy of my dad) that just might become your go-to dish for the upcoming holiday season. Don’t be surprised if your family and friends start begging you for this cranberry sauce recipe.

Plus, there’s an easy-to-make leftover idea appropriately titled Turkey Treats for Thanksgiving that you can use if you find yourself with some food afterwards. This is a great way to have all the flavor of Thanksgiving in the palm of your hands when you have to go to work the next day!

Healthy meal of week 34

Necessary equipment

– Crock Pot (slow cooker)
– 2 pots for stove
-wooden spoon
– baster bulb (optional)

preparation time

– 10 minutes

Time to cook

– 3.5 hours (for 3 pound turkey)


(4-6 servings)

– 3 pounds of turkey (with bone)
– 1 onion
– 1 can of chicken broth
– 1 12 oz. bag of blueberries
– 1/4 cup of white sugar
– 1/4 cup of brown sugar
– 2 garlic cloves
– 1/4 cup Triple Sec (liqueur)
– 1 apple
– 1 orange
– olive oil
– Instant Pot Mashed Potatoes (made according to instructions on the box)
– seasonings: garlic powder, seasoned salt and pepper

For Leftover Thanksgiving Turkey

– Lettuce
– Multigrain Sandwich Treats (100 calories each)


Here’s an easy way to make delicious turkey in your slow cooker. This sampler meal used a 3-pound bone-in turkey breast that fit perfectly in our 3-quart crock pot. If you plan to use this recipe for your Thanksgiving meal where you may serve more than 10 people, increase the ingredients and time accordingly. In other words, this 3 pound turkey took 3.5 hours to cook in the crock pot, a 6 pound turkey should take about 7 hours, etc. The time may be less if you use the highest setting for the entire time and/or depending on how well done you prefer your turkey meat to be.

1. Open the turkey package and cut off any excess or hanging skin. Leave the skin in place that is still attached to the turkey. With clean hands, lightly coat the entire turkey with a little olive oil. Next, rub seasoned salt, garlic powder, pepper, and 1/4 cup brown sugar down both sides of the turkey.

2. Coat the inside of your slow cooker with olive oil. Cut the onion into thick slices to layer in the bottom of the crock pot. You should have a good platform for the turkey to rest on. You may need to cut an onion slice or two in half to make them fit snugly. Pour in the can of chicken broth, add 1/2 cup of the hot water, then place the turkey on top of the onion pieces. Place two garlic cloves on top of the turkey and cover with lid. Turn the slow cooker on HIGH and set the timer for one hour.

3. When the timer goes off, turn the setting to LOW and reset the kitchen timer (or your phone timer) to 2.5 hours. You can also use a syringe to carefully squeeze some of the broth all over the turkey. Do this periodically if you want to help prevent the turkey from getting too dry, just be careful not to press too hard so you don’t strip all of those good spices from the meat.

4. When you are ready to make the fabulous cranberry sauce, in a pot over high heat, bring 1 cup of water along with 1/4 cup of white sugar and bring to a boil. When it boils add 12 oz. bag of cranberries and bring back to a boil. Once it boils, reduce to a simmer and add a handful of chopped oranges and apple slices (both peeled) along with 1/4 cup Triple Sec liqueur. Stir occasionally for a total cook time of about 15 minutes. You’ll see the blueberries slowly turn from round berries to a pasty mush, which is a sign that they’re almost done. You may need to shred any leftovers if you want.

5. Finally, the last and easiest part of the meal is the mashed potatoes. If you bought an instant-style or microwave-style brand, just follow the directions on the container so you’ll have them ready about the same time the turkey is done. Remember, these usually take only about 5 minutes to prepare, so you may want to save these for after the turkey has been sliced ​​and diced.

6. When the turkey is done, carefully remove the cooking portion from the crock pot and drain with a colander or ladle, whichever is easier and more convenient (and safer) for you. Allow the meat to cool slightly before using a knife and fork to slice the turkey for yourself and your family.

7. When everything is ready, serve up a portion suitable for everyone and enjoy your tasty Thanksgiving meal.

Healthy Leftover Idea: Turkey Treats for Thanksgiving

This is a very easy way to have a Thanksgiving meal in one treat. The only additional items you’ll need to purchase are your preferred type of lettuce (if desired) and low-calorie healthy bread like these Sandwich Thins used in this example that weigh in at just 100 calories for two slices. If your market does not offer this brand, something comparable will suffice.

To make these delicious Thanksgiving treats, all you need to do is open up the slices and place a couple pieces of washed and cleaned lettuce on one side, then brush the other slice with a layer of cranberry sauce. On top of the cranberry sauce, top with sliced ​​turkey pieces, making sure no bones remain inside. Finally top with a tablespoon or two of mashed potatoes and then top with the other slice of bread that has the lettuce on it. Presto, a Thanksgiving turkey treat that’s ready to enjoy right there or wrapped in a piece of foil to take to work the next day.

*Note: If you don’t like a cold sandwich, you can always microwave it on high for 20-30 seconds.

Choosing the right longboard can be confusing. There are so many different styles, sizes, and shapes available, and as a beginner, it can seem overwhelming. Even if you’re an intermediate or experienced rider, there’s plenty to choose from.

To make things easier, start by understanding your preferred driving style and the most common ways. That way you can choose which board you need. The better you understand styles and shapes, the easier it will be to choose the right longboard.

What is your longboard riding style?

Cruising and Carving [Beginner]

  • It is used for a fun form of general purpose transportation. It’s a board that can turn wide so you feel like you’re surfing on concrete. It will take you from A to B and has smooth rides.

free style [All levels]

  • This is one of the oldest, original styles used in skateboarding. Freestyle driving involves a lot of technical tricks on a flat surface. It’s all about creativity: dancing, fun rides, sliding, board tricks and regular walks. This style is fine for both beginners and advanced longboarders.

free ride [Intermediate]

  • This is for performing downhill maneuvers, for example, fast sliding at various speeds and technical tricks in quick succession.

Downhill [Advanced]

  • Speed, speed, speed! This style is used to go down the hill as fast as you can. Bombing the hills and going fast while staying in control. You are using a crouched position for more speed. If you’re a beginner, it’s best to take it easy with this style until you gain some more experience.

Which longboard shape should you choose?

Depending on the style you choose above, you can now see the shapes. there are 2 generals longboard shapes in which all designs fall. Both shapes are for beginner, intermediate, and advanced riders.

directional: these boards are meant to go in one direction: forward. The most popular is pintail.

Symmetrical: These tables look the same no matter how you look at them. The rear looks the same as the front. These boards are commonly used in freeride and freestyle.

The boards come in different deck styles for every style of riding. Here are the top 3 common deck styles:

  • Cruiser: The board is flat and these are the most popular.
  • Descending – The board “drops” between the wheels and is very low to the ground making it very stable, ideal for cruising and free ride activities.
  • Lowering: Trucks mount through the dash, which lowers the bed, for long haul rides, free rides, and descents.

Both directional and symmetrical boards come in these 3 deck styles. As you can see, there is some overlap between the shapes and riding styles. In the end it is your personal choice which one you like best. Many ways are correct.

If possible, try out a few longboards before you buy, so you know which one suits you best. What is the best board for your friend does not have to be the best for you.

Go shred it and have fun!

As the song says, ‘He’s a fool taking it easy by making the world a little bit colder.’ But he was playing well. I didn’t want to be caught believing in fairy tales. I was an intellectual, whatever that really means. I now call that state of being cognitive dissonance. A fancy term for closed-minded.

He knew that there was evil in the world. But I thought the humans did a pretty good job being evil without the help of supernatural entities. That was until I came face to face with one.

I was on a course called Ultimate Healing taught by a shaman from the West Country in England. OK, so he wasn’t entirely closed minded! It was quite an amazing course. We fasted for a month eating only organic raw products and taking minerals from the Dead Sea. This had the effect of greatly increasing our electronic voltage. We are electromagnetic beings and life is measured by voltage. Without voltage, we are dead. The shaman, among other things, was an iridologist. He could treat the body, mind and emotions by analyzing the patterns in the iris. Then, as his assistants, we co-facilitate ourselves by pressing on the acupuncture meridian points that the shaman instructed, according to his diagnosis. The combination of pressure and increased voltage had the ability to release stuck energy from the caduceus coil of cells. Energy is encoded with information. We are basically Encrypted Energy. That is why we have to control our thoughts.

I saw some amazing things happen. As the coded Energy was released, people experienced physical, mental and emotional transformations. A woman had been born with a severe spinal curvature. Now in her fifties, she made her be in a perpetual state of leaning forward. This began to move before our eyes as if her spine were made of putty. I started to see the colors of the electromagnetic field around people and how it is influenced by emotions. A woman speaking of her children began to flood green light from her hands, the color of the heart chakra.

There is a point that you can press on the top of your palate that releases the Energy present at your conception. We all got to experience the emotion present in our designs! Cleaning, cleaning, cleaning until you are your original essence, your manifested cosmic blueprint with all its inherent qualities.

There was a girl who was there at the behest of her mother. She had been hospitalized for schizophrenia. Her mother believed there was something more to working with her daughter. More on that…

The course was two weeks. The first week it was the cells of the body, the second week the skeletal system. She couldn’t have anything left after two weeks unless his thought patterns recreated his condition. Controlling thought is harder than traversing dimensions!

The young shaman sat against a wall eating the healthy version of Twinkies. His grandmother had been a Hungarian shaman and had trained him since he was a child. He too had trained with the Hawaiian Kahunas. The final test is that you take poison and you have to transmute it with your mind. If you can’t, the older shamans take care of you and give you an antidote. Probably in earlier times you died.

We reached the last day. Skull. Suddenly, the girl let out the most piercing and earth-shattering scream you have ever heard. And, I get, like in the movies, the room got freezing cold. The shaman did a kind of catch-and-take as gleefully as if he were hitting a home run in a junior league baseball game. He had been hiding up there in his head.

When it was over, the girl said that she had seen herself in a previous life with a suicidal depression and that was when it penetrated her. What I now know, from other interesting experiences, is that once they get a hold of you, they can really influence your thoughts and feed on you.

Another time I was on an absolutely fascinating course called Genome Healing in Australia. This was based on the teachings of Grigori Grabavoi.

This was again working with Energy but in a different way, more with organs and geometry. All manifestation is based on geometry. Our Universe, for example, is based on fractal geometry that creates a vector balance in harmonic intervals. (Is this the music of the spheres? The heavenly choir?) Quantum theorist Nassim Harramein explains it very well. Links below.

Again, another way to interact with Energy to influence, clear, and correct the personal manifestation of mind/body/emotion in a holistic way to align with the highest potential for one’s highest good and the highest good of all. But there was a guy there who wasn’t easy to deal with. In fact, he swore a lot. When I looked at him, his face looked pale and very tense. I only knew that he had a certain problem…

This continued throughout the day. At one point she began to make a gurgling sound. Demon release. Ok, partial release. I went up to the lovely facilitator and said, I think he has demons. I knew something was really wrong and I didn’t quite know what to do as he was becoming disruptive. She didn’t see the paleness and tightness, so I realized that she, for some reason, was able to sense her condition when she was hidden from others. Anyway, he started to figure it out for himself and had a massive gurgling release after much screaming. I watched them fly across the room… like Ghostbusters!

Granted, it wasn’t green, it was clear and not that sharp, but I could see and it had substance and intent, and it was terribly creepy!

One flew close to my face because I knew I could see it. They flew out the window and all the lights in the building went out and shortly after we heard that the lights had gone out at the airport and other places.

The facilitator made us all take a break and cleared the energy field in the room with her assistants. Meanwhile, the wind was whipping outside.

Everyone got settled, we went back and resumed. As strange as it sounds, well maybe not so strange, in that way the Universe lays down teachings for us, the facilitator wanted to show us how we could channel the elements. So, a woman volunteered and communicated with the wind. She then sat next to my roommate, who immediately got sick and threw up. What happened is that the demons had come back into the room with the whipping wind, towards the woman who was speaking and then towards my roommate who, being very pure of heart, immediately vomited them out.

At this point there was chaos, people were leaving, people were scared shitless, no one doubted that something weird was going on and said that the demon possessed person was in a state. Too shy to say it out loud (or too scared not to be cool), he was decreeing loudly and silently that IN THE NAME OF CHRIST THE DEMONS MUST BE DEFEATED NOW, because that’s one of Christ’s job descriptions, TRUE? He is the demon destroyer of all time. Well something worked.

It was installed and the two very capable assistants took it away and worked with it. Using some of Grabavoi’s amazing techniques, they were able to create geometric energetic vessels to encapsulate and dispose of the last few demons. More screams. And finally relief. For the first time in his life, this young man could breathe. He was a really lovely person! It turned out that he had been conceived in the darkest ritual imaginable and had a torturous childhood with severe abuse and had also been a dark wizard in a previous life and these entities had been his servants. He had taken a (very) wrong turn.

Good magic is intention plus Unconditional Love. That is what we call a miracle, but miracles are actually within natural laws that we are not yet aware of. Bad magic is the same Life Force that is used to deal damage. It’s all about intention.

So do I believe in demons? Yes. To avoid them we must live in the highest state of Virtue possible. I’m serious. I think much of the massive increase in the teen and adult suicide rate is due to this, but we’re all too cool to consider it as a factor. Good?

I hate to admit that a lot of that biblical ‘storm and stress’ stuff is correct, but I believe it is. Avoid the seven deadly sins: Sloth, Despair, Anger, Greed, Lust, Pride and Vanity. I think we can include Envy in there as well. Lust and passion are two different things. lust goals. I’m sure despair is there to warn what it can lead to, à la our friend in the first story.

Develop the Virtues: Faith, Hope, Charity, Kindness, Honesty, Integrity, Courage, Courage, Discretion, Loyalty, Endurance and Compassion (and many more: Creativity, Love, inspiration, etc.). Build your house of Virtues and the magical Gifts will come. We can learn to invoke the Gifts in any way, but if we haven’t built a solid foundation of Virtue, we can stray.

I personally don’t drink alcohol or smoke or take drugs, not just for this reason. When you start experiencing ecstatic states, you don’t want to mess with them because nothing feels better. I have also ‘seen’ with my second sight heavy drinkers covered in layers of muddy dust. We are in a Unified Field. What do you want to connect to?

Your conscience is your most precious possession, and your body. Take good care of them and treat them like the miraculous gifts of Grace that they are.

In the words of Jesus, love your God with all your heart, mind and soul and love your neighbor as yourself. That covers it. If the G word puts you in a semantic state, replace it with LIFE.


And don’t bother being cool. It’s so much more fun being hot!

With love, Stephanie

(c) The metaphysical muse

Nassim Haramein speaking about the Unified Field, a truly brilliant quantum physicist who advanced our perception of reality:

Fractal geometry and the tetrahedron, a great article on how our Universe is made:

P90X is an exercise program developed by fitness expert Tony Horton to help people get fit and totally transform their bodies in just 90 days. One of the exercise videos on the system is called Kenpo X. Not many people may know what Kenpo is, especially if you are unfamiliar with martial arts or are a beginner to the exercise. Let’s take a closer look at what exactly P90X Kenpo is.

You may be wondering what exactly Kenpo is. Kenpo or Kenpo Karate as it is often called is a combination of martial arts. Use different punches, kicks, and blocks in a fighting aspect. In the P90X training, learn the different punches and kicks used in common forms of Kenpo.

The P90X Kenpo workout is one of the few in the program that does not require weights or resistance bands. It’s a pure cardio workout designed to get your heart rate up and into the extreme fat burning zone. Also work to improve your coordination and balance with the different combinations and sequences of martial arts. If you are not coordinated when you start the P90X training program, after doing Kenpo you will have great coordination.

Tony Horton teaches you different martial arts moves that can actually be used for self defense. He delivers a variety of different punching and kicking sequences to keep his body burning fat while also working his muscle to build lean muscle mass. He will learn combinations that include hooks, jabs, uppercuts, and crosses. He will also learn kicks like knee kicks, back kicks, and roundhouse kicks. Tony Horton also teaches you different locking techniques with lunges and squats. He then combines all of these different aspects and forms a high-intensity cardio workout.

If you’re just getting started with exercise, it may be tempting to try and go all out with P90X Kenpo training, but that’s not a good idea. Instead, you want to make sure to go at a pace that is comfortable for you at first, until you have developed some physical stamina and also coordination for the movements. There are many turns involved in training and it can be very easy for you to turn wrong and be out of commission for several days. The P90X system does a great job of explaining how far to push yourself with workouts and when to start doing advanced movements.

People who have done the P90X system always say that Kenpo training is one of the most fun workouts they expect. It’s a mix of just lifting weights and doing regular exercises like push-ups and pull-ups. P90X Kenpo training can not only help you burn fat, but also teach you important self-defense moves.