Category Archive : Lifestyle Fashion

Very few products come with an explicit “Not for use on the penis” sign. In general, most manufacturers expect consumers to be careful when choosing products for their delicate parts. Men with low levels of penile sensation may be so desperate for a solution, on the other hand, that they are willing to throw all caution overboard. Some of these men use anti-wrinkle creams containing alpha hydroxy acid in the hope that they can restore long-lost sensations. As these men quickly discover, this is not the best product for promoting penile health.

power in a bottle

Alpha hydroxy acid is the secret weapon of the wrinkle haters. A product containing this ingredient can exfoliate dead skin cells, allowing them to slough off and disappear to reveal the smoother, younger looking skin below. These products don’t alter how your skin works and can’t promote how fast skin cells grow, but they can help make your skin look a little softer and smoother.

All of these benefits may sound wonderful, but there is a downside as these products can also have a number of unpleasant side effects, especially when it comes to the penis. These may include:

1. Skin peeling

2. A burning sensation

3. Increased sensitivity to the sun

4. Itching

5. Redness

These types of side effects are more prevalent in products that have the highest concentration of alpha hydroxy acid, but unfortunately, manufacturers are not required to disclose this figure on product packaging. People with wrinkled faces may be willing to roll the dice and take the chance, but they can also place the product on hardened skin that’s designed to take a certain amount of abuse. As a result, they may not feel the damage being done.

On the other hand, it is important to be aware of ingredients that can cause pain and flaking, especially before putting them on the penis; Men should be wary of using something of unknown force when the very symbol of their masculinity is on the line.

understand the impulse

Men who think about using such products, in most cases, do not intend to be sadistic. They may not even be looking for a look boost from little Johnson below. Instead, they hope they can increase sensitivity rates by scraping off the dead cells that slow down the action of the nerve tissue lining the penis.

In theory, this is a good idea. Dead skin can function as a cap on the penis, diverting the action of light, simple touches. But scratching these cells can sometimes cause scar tissue to form, and that hardened tissue can also block pleasurable sensations. Also, alpha hydroxy products do not support the health of the nerves lining the penis. Some causes of numbness stem from a lack of nutrition and support for these nerve cells, and all the chemical peels in the world aren’t going to help alleviate that.

A penis health cream. (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil), instead, could be ideal for a man’s sensitivity plans. These products contain ingredients that will actually nourish your skin cells, so they’ll have the ammunition they need to bond and rotate properly. Vitamins can also help support nerve cells, so a man’s inner workings will work just as well as his outer parts. The application of these products is also pleasant, without the need for burning or stinging, and does not leave a feminine scent. In general, this is a better option when it comes to loss of penile sensation.

Body image refers to one’s own personal perception of one’s physical appearance based on self-observation and the reactions of others. Body image affects how you think and feel about yourself as a person. This image is not based on facts, it is psychological in nature and the image one has of one’s body is learned. Therefore, a bad body image indicates being dissatisfied and unhappy with your body and believing that others perceive you in the same way.

A widely held theory suggests that poor body image is due in part to a culture that values ​​appearance over substance and values ​​women more when they are skinny. The power of the media over the development of a poor body image is leading to the rise of more deadly eating disorders. Images of the “perfect” or “ideal” female body are everywhere. Celebrities are getting younger and thinner. Advertising in the media, including magazines, television, and the Internet, sends very dangerous images and messages, which further contribute to poor body image. You’ve seen it, “I’ve lost 20 pounds on this diet and can finally get back into my size 2 jeans. I feel great,” she says provocatively, looking vulnerable women in the eye. Media advertising even goes as far as placing these commercials on the channels our children watch. Then you hear the messages on the radio and they go something like this: “Ladies, are you constantly trying to lose that extra 10-20 pounds in your midsection that won’t go away no matter what you do? Well, our product promises this result and all.” all you need to do is call for a free trial.” Then there is the magazine advertising where the cover criticizes the celebrity who has gained a few pounds. or praise the actress who is withering to nothing. The advertiser then so subtly places these photos next to each other for even more impact. Media and advertising sell much more than products, they sell values, unrealistic expectations, and ideals of success and self-esteem.

It is clear that advertising in the media increases the pressure to become slimmer, more perfect and to conform to an ideal. The body image distortion begins to grow as she continues to compare herself to others and creates increasingly unrealistic expectations of herself. On an even more dangerous note, poor body image has the potential to become an eating disorder if these media hype tools continue to attract more and more of it. Losing 10 pounds, hitting the gym 5 days a week, limiting your daily caloric intake to a specific number no longer seems to be enough. It becomes a vicious cycle, this ongoing striving for perfection and control that never seems achievable or enough. It is important to emphasize that these advertising images do not cause the eating disorder, but they are a big contributing factor in shaping one’s body image.

By choosing to remain unaware of the profound seriousness of this ever-present influence, repetitive messages, and subliminal impact of advertising, we ignore one of the most powerful “educational” forces in our culture. Although the cultural demands placed on the body may change over time, these verbal and unspoken signals that come through all these media outlets of advertising continue to have a major impact on an individual’s self-esteem and sense of well-being. So, the next time you’re thinking about buying or simply choosing that magazine with the seductive image, or feel like clicking on that diet that promises you the world, or get stuck watching that commercial or show that confirms that you don’t it’s enough being you-STOP! Take a moment to see how you, too, are contributing to this growing epidemic of poor body image. Choose to make a difference in your generation and for generations to come.

Hair loss, breakage and poor quality (frizzy, dry) has become a major concern for every second or third adult or even teenager today.

Ironically, stress is one of the main causes of hair problems, and hair loss is an even bigger cause for concern.

Here is some medical jargon, which a person usually hears from the doctor or comes across while googling during their struggle with hair problem.

ALOPECIA means hair loss in places where it should normally be present: scalp, body.

Diffuse loss of hair from the scalp, commonly seen in women, referred to as FEMALE PATTERN HAIR LOSS/BALDNESS

MALE PATTERN BALDNESS / ANDROGENIC ALOPECIA is hair loss that favorably affects the temples, followed by the vertices. It is the most common form of hair loss, prevalent in 30-40% of young men.

TRACTION ALOPECIA- caused by improper pulling or hair – tight ponytails or hair accessories.

ALOPECIA TOTALIS- baldness in its entirety.

ALOPECIA UNIVERSALIS – loss of body and scalp hair.

ALOPECIA ARETA – patchy hair loss.

TELOGEN EFFLUVium is a scalp disorder characterized by thinning or hair loss and can lead to long-term baldness.

CICATRICAL ALOPECIA- is a type of alopecia where there is destruction of the hair follicles that leads to permanent hair loss; there may be burning, itching, pain, and redness of the scalp along with hair loss.

Hair loss, breakage, and poor hair quality can be attributed to a variety of other causes.

  1. Physiological conditions such as: pregnancy, postpartum period, menopause, lactation
  2. Scalp infections or inflammatory conditions: dandruff, seborrheic dermatitis, psoriasis
  3. Nutritional deficiencies: iron, vitamin D, C, A, E, B complex, especially B6, zinc, magnesium, selenium.
  4. Illness – Typhoid, Cancer, Liver Diseases
  5. Endocrine/hormonal disorders: thyroid gland disorders, kidney disorders, pituitary gland disorders, polycystic ovary syndrome
  6. Drugs- Antihypertensive drugs, corticosteroids, oral contraceptives, antidepressants, etc.
  7. mental stress
  8. Excessive use of cosmetics/hair products, hair accessories, and styling that may cause friction or dry hair
  9. genetic predisposition
  10. Environmental factor: pollution levels, toxins in water and air.
  11. Aging


  • By correcting the underlying condition: scalp infection, tapeworm, hormonal disease, etc., recovery of the underlying disease primarily ensures hair recovery. Sometimes a systemic disease can cause severe hair loss, which can be corrected with homeopathic medicines.
  • Hair Nutrition – Proteins, Minerals, Essential Fatty Acids. Hair, like most body tissues, is made up of protein and is required for the synthesis and repair of a number of micronutrients.
  • Avoid harmful agents-certain drugs, alcohol, nicotine (tobacco, smoking).
  • Avoid excessive use of dyes, cosmetics, hair styling products that can damage the hair root. The use of chemicals on the scalp and hair should be minimal so that the scalp is clean and the pores can breathe.
  • Scalp massage to improve circulation is a proven way to revitalize dry hair.
  • Mild shampoo to keep the scalp clean.
  • Medicines: a therapy that suits the needs and inclinations of the patients could be, conventional medicines, homeopathy, ayurveda and naturopathy. Keeping stress levels to a minimum ensures a healthy body.
  • Build strong immunity to keep infections away.


Homeopathy helps treat underlying causes such as hormonal imbalances, deficiencies, scalp infections, and even hereditary hair loss to stop or delay hair loss and promote new growth in both men and women.

With proper homeopathic medication, hair care and nutritional advice, hair growth, quality and density show dramatic improvement.


This is one of the most common indicated remedies for male pattern baldness. Hair loss in women after childbirth. Loss of hair from the beard, eyebrows and other parts is also an indication of Lycopodium. Hair loss associated with liver disease is well treated with this remedy.


Sepia is indicated in hair loss associated with physiological and hormonal disorders: pregnancy, lactation, postpartum, menstrual irregularities. Facial pigmentation or chloasma can often be seen in these patients.


It is another competent remedy for baldness in men. Alopecia in women, associated with hormonal disorders such as Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. Scalp infections like boils, tapeworm capitis, seborrheic dermatitis are also an indication for Silicea.


Calc Carb & Calc Flour is frequently prescribed for hair problems associated with hormonal disturbances in men and women, both of which corroborate with the respective constitution types.


It is indicated for alopecia areta, male and female pattern baldness. Also indicated for scalp infections such as dermatitis, psoriasis, etc.


Alopecia associated with childbirth, lactation and chronic diseases responds better to Natrum Mur. Triggered by an emotional event: grief, loss of a loved one, or emotional trauma leading to a depression-like state is a very prominent indication for this remedy.


This remedy is similar to Natrum Mur in its indications. Commonly indicated in alopecia universalis or totalis.


Hair loss in handfuls, hair loss in patches in men and women of the phosphorus type of constitution. Dryness, brittleness, and hair loss on other parts of the body are also an indication of phosphorus.


This is a nosode. Indicated for dry, brittle, brittle hair, associated with scalp conditions such as psoriasis, dermatitis, tapeworm infections.


It is indicated for dry and brittle hair that can break at the slightest touch. Alopecia or baldness in young men responds very well to this remedy.


It is often helpful for hair loss in women with PCOS. A patient of the Constitutional Apis Type responds readily to this remedy, whether it is given for hair problems, allergies, or any other ailment.


This remedy is indicated in a series of diseases with associated hair disorders. Scalp and skin infections, inflammatory diseases such as psoriasis, dermatitis and tapeworm capitis are competently treated and cured by Sulfur.

Other remedies often useful in the treatment of hair loss are Selenium, Staphysagria, Baryta Carb, Thuja, Medorrhinum, Ignatia, Kali Carb, Tuberculinum or any homeopathic remedy that suits the totality of the symptoms and the constitutional type of the patient. .

Here are 3 very important and useful “best sex tips for men” that will help you please any woman beyond belief.

1. Learn to last. Even if you think you can last a long time in bed, you may have a lot of room for improvement.

This is very important because it tends to be the number one complaint of all women who are not sexually satisfied enough. Many men simply cannot last long in bed. And the sad thing is that they do nothing to change that. Lasting long in bed not only leads to better sex for men, but it builds a huge amount of confidence which actually translates into picking up women much easier (knowing that you can please them beyond belief removes all worries and anxiety problems).

Tip: The way to learn to have sex longer is through exercises and some breathing techniques. There is one muscle you can exercise, commonly known as the “PC muscle,” which actually strengthens your control. Anxiety and excessive mental arousal can be greatly reduced by using slow, controlled breathing techniques during sexual intercourse.

Personal Experiences: Developing foreplay is a great tactic to last longer. If you give a woman enough pleasure before actual sex, then orgasm will be just around the corner and you won’t have to stress about lasting sex. Works on the pleasurable “erotic zones” of the woman’s body. Use her hands and mouth to pleasure yourself first, before you have actual sex.

2. Positions. Give this to the ladies, guys!

Guys can pleasantly ejaculate from almost any position, but women definitely prefer some positions over others, and get much more pleasure from these positions. The standard missionary position is actually very LOW on the totem pole for pleasing women, yet this is what most men will rush into without even thinking about it. Find a position where he knows she experiences great pleasure and make it her main position, but definitely change it to other female-friendly pleasure positions for variety’s sake.

Tip: If you’re not sure of a pleasant position to participate in, then look for the girl in the top position. This is always the favorite of many women. They have more control and can maneuver towards that “sweet spot” where great pleasure will be experienced. An added benefit to guys in this position is that you’ll actually end up lasting a lot longer than other positions. This is due to simple gravity issues. Think about it!

Personal Experiences: Use a pillow for support. Many positions can be “85% pleasurable” but there still seems to be a bit of discomfort that can keep the position from being all it can be. If you use a pillow to support your or your partner’s lower back or neck, it can lock you into the particular position, making it 100% pleasurable. I believe that a support pillow under the lower back when the woman is on top can greatly increase the pleasure for both of you!

3. Thicker penis. Notice I didn’t say “bigger penis”!

This is because it is not the length that matters to women, but actually the most pleasurable performance aspect of the penis is the length. thickness, or the size of “circumference”. This actually provides more pleasure for women during sexual intercourse. It’s the big secret to the ever-controversial question: “Does size matter?” The length doesn’t matter, but the girth definitely does! The good news is that men can improve their girth size by doing exercises, especially jelqing. The basics of this exercise consist of massaging the penis continuously for several series and repetitions. Each massage is actually a slow, controlled movement that begins at the base and ends just before the head. This increases the walls of the penis, creating a much thicker size which will lead to better sex as this is what women find pleasurable.

Additional Tips for Jelqing: The penis must be in a state of partial erection. Generally this refers to an erection of around 60%, not a full erection. Lubrication is also highly recommended. There is “dry jelqing”, but this should be reserved for the more experienced, and even then many advise against using lube. As far as a jelqing program goes, you should set aside 4-5 days a week for jelqing exercises and allow about 8 weeks for results to start showing.

The real estate boom in Colombia is definitely attracting more and more foreign real estate investors every day. The growth in the capital of Colombia, Bogotá DC, has been extraordinary. However, as in all markets, some places within the city have performed better than others. In addition, foreign investment in Bogotá Real Estate has been mainly focused on 7 high-profile Bogotá neighborhoods that are yielding the best results.

Next, we will list the 7 most attractive neighborhoods in Bogotá for real estate investors. But first let’s review how the city of Bogotá is actually divided. Bogotá has 2 types of divisions: Towns and Neighborhoods. Towns are large sectors that have many neighborhoods within them. Sort of like Burrows in New York City, but a bit smaller.

Bogotá Colombia is divided into 20 localities (Towns), each with many neighborhoods:

  • Antonio nariño
  • united neighborhoods
  • bag
  • calendar
  • chapinero
  • Bolivar City
  • Engativa
  • fontibon
  • kennedy
  • martyrs
  • Aranda Bridge
  • rafael uribe
  • San Cristobal
  • Santa Fe
  • go up
  • sumapaz
  • Teusaquillo
  • tunjuelito
  • usaquén
  • useme

Where should I invest in Bogota?

There really isn’t a best answer. However, based on current growth and demand, the neighborhoods below appear to be excellent candidates. For foreign real estate investors, coming mainly from the US and Europe, the 7 most attractive and profitable neighborhoods in Bogotá Colombia at the moment seem to be:

  1. Boy, (Chapinero)
  2. Cabrera (Chapinero)
  3. Rosales (Chapinero)
  4. Santa Barbara (Usaquen)
  5. Saint Lucia (Usaquen)
  6. Santa Ana (Usaquen)
  7. Chapinero Alto, (Chapinero)

It is interesting to note that these 7 neighborhoods only come from 2 locations in Bogotá; Chapinero and Usaquen. Both locations are located in the northeastern part of the city, where most of the country’s wealthy citizens live. Profitable Bogotá real estate opportunities abound in these neighborhoods and construction is prolific.

A possible explanation for why investments in these places are in higher demand

They are exclusive neighborhoods where housing is a little more expensive than in the rest of Bogotá but property values ​​tend to increase more quickly. The rental costs are also higher and will therefore lead to better streams of passive income for those who decide to go down that route.

What about real estate in other towns and neighborhoods?

Of course, there are also many other opportunities in different neighborhoods, such as Cabrera and Candelaria (being these 2 very popular tourist spots in Bogotá), however, these places mainly attract the younger and more adventurous crowd. Home prices have risen in these areas, too, but not as fast as in more elite neighborhoods, like the 7 mentioned above.

Commercial real estate opportunities in the 7 neighborhoods mentioned above are also plentiful. Foreign and multinational companies are rapidly migrating to these northeastern neighborhoods of Bogotá.

“It used to be that downtown Bogotá was the place to find international firms and multinational companies, but that has changed,” says Fabio Rodríguez, a social media strategist at’s Bogotá, Colombia office, who helps manage a large part of the real estate inventory of the firms in Bogota and states that “…more and more companies think of the North as the best place to have offices.”

Acid reflux is a condition in which acid in the stomach flows upwards, causing heartburn. It is very common nowadays due to eating disorders and extreme changes in eating habits. While there are a number of over-the-counter antacids that you can easily obtain, many natural home remedies have been shown to be just as effective with little to no side effects.

Vegetables, fruits, spices, and herbs have traditionally been used to treat health problems. They were the oldest form of medication. While most people rely on modern medicines for most of their ailments, many are now trying natural home remedies as they have been shown to be more beneficial. Over-the-counter medicines can cause very serious side effects when used for a long time; this can be avoided by using natural home remedies.


  • The pregnancy

  • eat a lot

  • Excessive intake of fatty foods

  • obesity

  • Alcoholic beverages

  • Caffeine

  • tuxedo

  • Hernia

  • Stress


  • swelling

  • Burning sensation in the chest

  • Nausea

  • burp

  • Vomiting or bloody stools

  • hiccup

  • Weightloss

  • Dysphagia or narrow esophagus

  • Sore throat or dry cough

The following are five remedies that you can try at home:

1. Chewing gum: Chewing gum speeds up the flow of saliva, which in turn washes away all the extra acid that builds up in the stomach and offers great relief.

2. Aloe vera: Aloe Vera juice is excellent for calming an upset stomach, drinking it can help get rid of unwanted stomach acids. It also reduces inflammation in the esophagus. It is recommended to drink half a cup of Aloe Vera juice before meals.

3. Sodium bicarbonate: Adding half a teaspoon of baking soda to a glass of water and drinking it offers instant relief. This should not be done regularly, as baking soda has a high salt content.

4. Carrot juice: Drinking a cup of carrot juice also offers quick relief. You can also drink cabbage juice as an alternative.

5. ginger: The mixture of lemon juice and ginger juice is excellent for controlling the acids in the stomach. To get ginger juice, you can crush ginger and squeeze it. You can also add a small piece of jaggery with the crushed ginger. You will have to suck the mixture until the juice reaches your throat. It will instantly get rid of heartburn.

To be healthy it is important to lead a healthy lifestyle. Natural remedies are a healthier option compared to over-the-counter medications. You can easily find natural remedies for most health conditions that are currently treated with over-the-counter medications.

Yams are recently being rediscovered as a great source of several essential vitamins and minerals. They are high in beta-carotene and vitamins B1 and B6, which are beneficial for people with heart problems. It works by repairing damaged blood vessels. Yams are also high in potassium, which is good for controlling cholesterol and blood pressure. Yams are also a great source of fiber, manganese, and carbohydrates, not to mention vitamin A, calcium, and vitamin C.

There is always a lot of confusion between yam and sweet potato. Technically, both are called or often referred to as sweet potatoes. But always remember that the flesh or inside of yams is orange in color. White sweet potatoes are white.

Due to the recent juicing craze, expect plenty of health benefits from yam juice. Daily consumption of yams can increase the body’s absorption of nutrients. It can also protect valuable enzymes that the body needs to have healthier cells and maintain the good condition of our body system. Juicing is so effective because all the vitamins and nutrients in fruits and vegetables are easily absorbed by the body because they are already in liquid form.

Control and weight loss

Recent studies were conducted at various universities in the United States and Japan. Studies revealed that one of the active components of Yams, diosgenin, inhibits the inflammatory responses of fat cells in the human body. It can help in weight control.

mental power

Recent studies published in the “American Journal of Chinese Medicine” in 2009 showed that yams have the ability to increase learning and memory capacity in the human brain. According to the study, after six weeks of yam intake, there was a significant increase in the cognitive abilities of the subjects. The unique antioxidant enzymes present in yams are believed to be responsible for the increased cognitive response.

Because of this study, many people are now hopeful about Alzheimer’s disease. He believed that with more research and studies, yam and sweet potato will one day give us the answer and medicine to cure this very debilitating disease.

healthy digestion

Yams have a fair amount of potassium. It aids in healthy digestion which is much needed for people with IBD or Irritable Bowel Disorder. Potassium’s role as an electrolyte is very important in stimulating smooth muscle contractions in the stomach and large intestine creating a healthy environment for good digestion. By adding yam to your regular diet, you can prevent IBD or prevent it from getting worse and eventually eliminate it entirely for those who already have it.

The Big “C”

Studies are also being conducted on the ability of the health components of yam to possibly cure cancer due to the many enzymes, vitamins, and minerals it contains. By juicing yams, you can actually get all of its health benefits with minimal loss of its nutritional values.


Vitamin A is one of the main vitamins found in yams. By squeezing it, you can be sure that your eyesight will be healthy (as long as you also follow the tips on how to keep your eyes healthy). Yams can even improve you if you are already having trouble with your visions.

The yam is a very humble vegetable (root crop). They are not expensive and can be found in most markets and grocery stores. But its nutritional value for health is so much that you simply cannot afford not to buy and juice it.

Most of the creams and lotions on the market are designed only to cover wrinkles instead of getting rid of them completely. Most of these products are made from cheap, synthetic chemicals that have little to no benefits to your skin, and sometimes even tend to have side effects.

However, there are certain techniques that will help you get rid of fine facial lines completely. The first and foremost thing to keep in mind is that using any and all wrinkle removal treatments is not the solution and this tends to damage your skin in the long run.

For several years, people have been under the misconception that skin care only involves the use of proper cosmetics. Well, to some extent this is true if you are interested in covering wrinkles. However, if you are interested in getting rid of embarrassing and demeaning facial lines, using cosmetics is definitely not the solution.

The reason for this is that these cosmetics tend to cover wrinkles without treating them, causing them to only intensify over time. By employing natural treatments, you can achieve youthful and firm skin, as natural ingredients tend to aid in the natural healing process. Also, natural treatments tend to be safer for facial skin than chemical products.

The three main components for healthy skin are elastin, collagen and hyaluronic acid and they tend to make the skin elastic, smooth, firm and hydrated. One of the main reasons for the appearance of wrinkles on the skin is the harmful rays of the sun. This is the reason why the skin on your stomach is wrinkle-free, smooth and firm. Creams that are chemical based only cover wrinkles instead of removing them completely.

These creams tend to suffocate the skin pores, hindering the natural excretion process in the body due to the thick, wrinkle-filling film of the cream. Therefore, such products do absolutely nothing to help improve the underlying cellular structure of your face.

However, natural anti-aging creams that contain vitamin E, jojoba oils, manuka honey, avocado and shea butter reach the deepest level of the skin structure of your face, proving to be more effective and safer than traditional products. chemical basis. . The basic reason for this is that natural ingredients tend to be more compatible with the skin and tend to speed up the natural healing and anti-aging process, thus it tends to acquire the desired results safely and permanently.

It should be noted that natural creams require some time to really manifest the desired effects. After a while you will definitely see the disappearance of wrinkles as your skin will be more radiant and firm.

I hope you have understood that you should not only cover wrinkles, especially when you can get rid of them permanently.

Self-awareness as both mortal and infinite feeds the paradox that drives a self-anchored desire to have physical children. This metaphor demonstrates the continuity within the elements of the holistic family as the intersection of dynamic forces: visible with invisible, tangible with intangible, and past with future. “Pro-creation”, literally the act of creation, is the natural process necessary to physically reproduce a child. This creative melody, also called making love or “making love”, works as a metaphor for the conception of the inner child whose essential quality is Love. This child is born as, and from, the “being in love” between God (man , masculine) and the goddess (female, feminine), literally the “make love” or love making love. The symbolic value in the traditional missionary position (man above, woman below) illustrates the spiritual father descending to the earthly mother to produce her spiritual child and family. This position affirms the goddess, that is, the woman, as that which contains, supports and carries the beloved child, personally before as the biological mother and organically after its birth in reality as the human body, as well as the Mother. nature and the Earth.

The idea that “man was created in the image of god” refers to the spiritual heritage and lineage of personality as the culmination of divine parents and who, through self-expression or “expressing themselves”, demonstrate this mirror effect. This interrelationship is responsible for the popular idea of ​​”mirroring” found in some self-help programs abbreviated as “what you don’t like in another, you don’t like in yourself.” While true in certain cases, this app relies on the external environment for its value and validity. Instead, personality expressing himself it reflects the communication and synergistic interaction between god and goddess, that is, our spiritual heritage as divine offspring. As the inner child, our self-expression and the way we live is literally a spiritual family photo revealing our self-awareness. How we perceive ourselves at a given moment, by an internally or externally defined identity, determines the artistic medium through which this portrait is revealed. Mirroring as a metaphor is also evident in that physical children often resemble one or both of their biological parents with comments such as “he acts like his father”, potentially having both cryptic and literal meaning.

Mothers who work outside the home demonstrate the reemergence of the goddess or sacred feminine in visible and tangible reality. Conventional thinking attributes the weirdness of housewives to the epidemic of social chaos and emotional insecurity. In reality, the working mother as a metaphor invites us to deliberately engage and express holistic family interaction in this world to ensure healthy psychic communication and therefore personal well-being. In daily life, the trauma of this process results from identifying with or invest emotionally in experiences, including emotional sensations. However, instead of finding safety in familiar emotions, these attachments produce isolating experiences that fuel a search for comfort and a sense of belonging with others of the same emotional history. As patterns repeat and experiences accumulate, consciousness retains a self-limiting facet as emotional need, rather than holistic understanding, determines a sense of personal identity. This relative view obscures internal familial influences so that the search for healing and answers is limited to personal history and environment rather than transpersonal insight, self-awareness, and awareness. Since human parents, surrogates for our spiritual ancestry, and their perceived shortcomings usually become the focal point of such a search, confusion and insecurity continue more often than they are resolved. As adults in metaphorical terms, a growing desire to quench dry hearts through family connection can cause parents to project their own personal emotional needs through investments (transference) in their children as reflections or extensions of themselves. Although it compromises individual and holistic well-being, this represents an unconscious knowing that calls for a foundation of self-identity as a manifestation of god with goddess.

Limited to the world of appearance, personal identity is generally shaped by emotional dependencies and tribal conditions. Because the emphasis is on biological, cultural, and racial or other tribally determined parameters, the internal holistic family is relegated to a purely psychological adaptation. To compensate for this myopia, religious philosophies encourage some form of “love your neighbor as yourself” approach to others. In psychological terms, healing the inner child it encapsulates the recovery of personal identity and is ultimately the quest to restore the holistic family structure. Emotional healing can foster opportunities to experience spiritual wholeness as a daily endowment from the ordinary world, facilitated through a structure of healthy internal family relationships. Any psychological work done with biological relatives can be interpreted as a metaphor for this individual process. As healing continues, an externally derived identity eases so that support and nurturing become natural and ongoing experiences orchestrated within the impenetrable safety of individualized spiritual family: a genuine homecoming that initiates and supports a prophecy. perpetual self-fulfilment of value and personal value. Wellness We really have come home.

The growing epidemic of anger, violence, fear, and depression caused by decades of separatist living is evident in today’s trends in music and entertainment, body piercing, and prescription drug use. This tendency is fueled by isolation, anxiety, and confusion. The persistent call to awaken the holistic vision between the invisible reality and the superficial facade that a material-oriented culture has created over the last 200 years appeals with increasing fervor: the responsibility of all who live in this period of transitory chaos is as much a load like a load. has privilege. Although spirituality transcends philosophy or religion, the current trend promoting family values ​​and religion as the solution to discontent in America is a metaphorical call to restore the integrity of the spiritual family structure. However, a cultural predisposition for tangible measurement values ​​appearance, competence, superficial conformity, and “political correctness” as criteria for approval and acceptance. These external safeguards undermine the integrity within the holistic fabric, compromising authenticity and blurring our family portrait, the results of which are easily visible through current social and individual behavior patterns. Without authenticity, the conflict between the visible outer world (Root Chakra) and the invisible inner world (Crown Chakra) produces stress-filled lifestyles that restrict the child’s loving expression (Heart Chakra). frequent in our culture, and one of the main causes of death.

Maintaining and nurturing the integrity in this spiritual unity is the unconscious longing that fuels each person’s desire to have or be part of a family. Cultivating holistic family appreciation, togetherness, and quality family time through meditation, prayer, energy practice, or another devotional practice facilitates self-awareness, a primary ingredient for overall well-being. The Art of Wholeness requires freeing ourselves from the shackles of ideas, beliefs, and emotional residue that restrict our true identity and genuine self-expression. Healing the widespread chaos in America requires releasing the pain and turmoil caused by this longstanding identity crisis and accepting our identity as the self-defined holistic family. The security found in this structure encourages us to provide the world with the realization of ourselves, others and the planet as divine children. Healing promotes awareness and awareness promotes a holistic life. Within this awareness, equality reigns and peace becomes a realistic lifestyle rather than the expected result of a weekend retreat: the future of culture, society and the planet as interdependent communities depends on it.

Our lives can be really challenging and sometimes our bodies get so exhausted that they just give up. There are many ways to rejuvenate ourselves from these stressful times and one of the most common methods would be to relieve pain with some form of sauna related therapies.

You can use steam baths, as well as various types of infrared saunas, as a great way to relieve your body of such tension. These warm boxes help us to sit back and relax; and while they rejuvenate us, they also give us time to reflect on our lives and therefore we’ll be better off when we get out.

You too can escape the cold.

If you live in a place where the winters are harsh, the pores in your body would be closed and therefore the skin would not breathe as it should. Plus, dirt and other particles won’t be able to escape since you’re not sweating.

Therefore, for the overall health of your body, it would be advisable to visit a sauna from time to time, as it would at least open up your pores and let your body remove unwanted particles.

Benefits of relaxing in a sauna

If you want to relieve your pain with regular saunas or other means, such as infrared saunas, you should definitely know about the benefits before you start:

Low blood pressure

We all know that a tense body has high blood pressure in general and that prolonged periods of high blood pressure can be harmful. So, when you visit a sauna and relax for a few moments, your blood pressure will drop overall and thus you will be healthier as well as relaxed.

Anxiety levels are reduced

Cortisol is the hormone that is the main cause of anxiety and it can be really destructive. Therefore, your goal should be to reduce the levels of this hormone in your body. The best way to do it is to let yourself go and not let any kind of problem affect you. A sauna would definitely help you achieve this state of peace and tranquility.

Thus, we see that saunas could have an overall positive impact on your well-being. Therefore, whenever you get the chance, you should definitely give it a try. Try to visit a sauna at least once every two months, if not more.