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One of the ironies of modern life is that we can spend more time connected, yet sometimes we end up being less present to each other.

You may be in the same room with a group of friends, but each of you is busy texting or talking on your phones.

If you feel like you’re missing something, you might be right. Relationships are more satisfying when you give others your undivided attention and share your true self. Try these ideas to be more mindful in your personal and professional interactions.

Be more attentive:

1. Slow down. Forget about your to-do list and be more aware of what is going on around you. Take some time off each day to avoid feeling overwhelmed.

2. Stop multitasking. Studies show that our brains can only focus on one thing at a time, for the most part. Let that be the person you are talking to.

3. Set priorities. Make your days more manageable. Spend your time and energy on activities that you consider meaningful.

4. Turn off your phone. Try creating some tech-free zones.

5. Listen carefully and make eye contact. In a conversation, show others that you care about what they have to say. Actively listen by nodding your head and offering appropriate comments and questions. You communicate with both your eyes and your words.

Be more authentic:

1. Clarify your purpose. If you want others to know you, it is important that you understand yourself. Identify what matters to you and what you want from life.

2. Provide validation. Communicate your acceptance and appreciation. Even when you disagree, you can show others that your opinions and feelings are valid and valuable. Try to see a situation from their perspective.

3. Ask for help. Be willing to ask for support and help. Tell others what you need.

4. Express gratitude. Remember why you have to be grateful. Keep a gratitude journal and tell others about the positive impact they have on your life.

5. Have deep conversations. Be open to going beyond small talk. When you reveal personal information about yourself, you give others the opportunity to be more vulnerable as well. Find friends who want to explore spiritual and philosophical topics.

6. Extend forgiveness. Let go of past resentments and disappointments. Focus on the positive aspects of your relationships and resolve to move on. You will feel calmer and happier.

Discover the rewards of being fully attentive and authentic. When you reduce the distractions that come between you and those around you, you will change the dynamics of your relationships so that you feel more centered and loved.

Communication happens all the time, even when you don’t speak. Did you know that only 7% of communication is transmitted through words? What happened to the other 93%? 38% comes from our tonality, voice, tempo and timbre of our voice and 56% communicate through body language. So even if you’re saying, ‘I didn’t say a word!’ He could have said so much more with his actions.

Clear, open and continuous communication is essential in any relationship. It is essential for any relationship. Let’s take a look at the possible reasons why you might break if you don’t communicate:

1. Resentment: Without clear communication, resentment towards your partner will start to build up. You can feel that by the way they interact with each other. Are you short fused? Do you lose your patience often?

If the resentment continues to fester, it will turn to anger and sooner or later make the relationship unbearable.

2. Lack of confidence: Lack of open and honest conversation undermines trust. Keeping important secrets to yourself will affect your connection, whether you consciously realize it or not. Research has shown that many couples can tell if their partner has cheated even if they have not confessed.

The less trust you have in your partner, the more insecure and unhappy you will become in your relationship.

3. Reduced privacy: Not sharing openly and communicating about your inner self will reduce your intimate connection. In the long run, this will affect your intimacy and your sex life with your partner. It is very likely that one or the other member will seek intimacy elsewhere.

4. Disconnection: All of these points lead to a growing disconnect. Another form of disconnection is when partners are building stone walls. Stonewallers stop talking during a conflict and give their partner the “silent treatment.” 85% of cheaters are men, but this does not exclude women! Building stone walls is the last step in sliding into marital disaster and consolidates disconnection from your partner if done over time.

If you want to save your relationship, think about your communication and start talking. It does not mean that you will always speak softly, kindly, and calmly, but it is better to speak while arguing than not to speak at all.

Porn may have been the best thing he discovered when he was 12 and found a Playboy under his father’s bed, but can it be true that pornography is actually negatively affecting him now? Porn and masturbation have had their time and place, but now I’ll give you reasons why they need to go.

1. Porn / masturbation drains your energy.

After you ejaculate, you lose many vitamins, including vitamin C, calcium, chlorine, cholesterol, citric acid, creatine, fructose, lactic acid, magnesium, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, vitamin B12, and zinc. When you masturbate frequently, you can use up too much of these sources and make you feel drained.

2. Giving up porn / masturbation can make you stronger.

When you don’t masturbate frequently, the vitamins you retain in your body can give you a feeling of strength and well-being.

3. Pornography / masturbation can cause erectile dysfunction or premature ejaculation.

According to addiction. com, too much porn can reconnect your body to primarily react to porn, so when you have a real partner in front of you, your body won’t react like it’s supposed to.

4. Porn can make your brain desensitized to real sex.

As noted in the example above, porn can confuse your brain and cause you to not enjoy real sex as much.

5. Porn / masturbation can kill your motivation.

Too much porn / masturbation can lead to feelings of tiredness and lack of motivation. When you’re addicted to porn and ejaculation, it sometimes kills the motivation to go out there and fight for the things you really want.

6. Porn / masturbation can make you addicted to “instant gratification”.

Pornography / masturbation, like many other habits in life, are a form of instant gratification. If you develop the habit of frequent porn / masturbation, you are 3 times more likely to eat unhealthy and stay up later watching TV, which can lead to very unhealthy habits.

7. Pornography / masturbation can take us away from other incredible experiences.

Porn and masturbation can leave you thinking about sex all the time, even at unwanted moments. Instead of enjoying a nice sunset or dinner, your mind may be flooded with sexual thoughts, preventing you from fully enjoying the moment you are trying to experience.

8. Pornography or masturbation can make you awful.

With so many varieties of porn today, porn viewers are bound to see things that normally never happen in healthy sexual encounters. When you see material like this, it is subconsciously planted in your brain and you think about it throughout the day. When you think about sex so much, it can affect the way you interact and can even make you look creepy.

9. Pornography / masturbation can make you appear lifeless.

According to reports from a group of people who decided to quit porn and masturbation on, users report that when they quit porn / masturbation they noticed more color in their eyes, dark spots around the eyes than disappeared, more color on your skin, and even acne reduction / elimination.

10. Pornography / masturbation lowers testosterone.

According to an article in Browse. com testosterone levels were higher when abstaining for 3 weeks compared to ejaculating regularly.

11. Giving up porn or masturbation can boost your energy.

Anyone looking for why you have no energy but can’t seem to find a cure, try staying abstinent for a month. People who abstain report significantly higher energy levels when they quit porn / masturbation.

12. Giving up pornography or masturbation can get you a girlfriend or boyfriend.

If you decide not to ejaculate from porn / masturbation, your body will start looking for other ways to satisfy its desire, be it through wet dreams or looking for a mutual partner. People who quit porn / masturbation report that the opposite sex notices them more.

13. Giving up porn or masturbation can make you more productive.

With the new energy of quitting, people have reported using their time to start more productive ventures.

14. Giving up pornography or masturbation can save your marriage.

If you are married and decided to quit porn and masturbation, getting rid of other sources of sexual pleasure usually leads to paying more attention to your partner. Users on have reported that quitting porn / masturbation has “saved their marriage.”

15. Giving up porn or masturbation can make you more disciplined.

Quitting this habit requires self-control, and when you quit, you may find that you have self-discipline in other areas as well.

16. Giving up porn / masturbation can make you different from any other boy / girl.

They say that about 95% of men masturbate regularly, and when you quit smoking, it can give you a mental and physical “advantage” over other men or women.

17. Pornography / masturbation can cause anxiety / social depression.

Abstainers have reported that after quitting porn / masturbation, their social anxiety and / or depression greatly reduced or disappeared. The science behind this is unclear, but it may be due to unconscious social fears of feeling like you are hiding something.

18. Quitting porn / masturbation frees up your time.

When you give up porn or masturbation, you will have more free time to devote to other endeavors.

19. Giving up porn / masturbation can make you feel better spiritually (if you like that)

In many religions, sexual immorality or pornography is considered a sin, and leaving them will lead you to feel closer to your spiritual goals.

20. Pornography / masturbation can give you an unrealistic view of how women want to be treated.

Many times the consumption of pornography begins at a young age, and before learning to truly interact with other women, instead, they are being trained by videos of pornography where the women are clearly abused. Children can grow up believing that women should be treated as sex objects rather than people.

21. Giving up porn / masturbation has led to feelings of fulfillment.

Abstainers report that they feel more complete as a person when they quit pornography or masturbation.

22. Giving up porn or masturbation can improve your sex life.

After you quit porn / masturbation, your sex life can improve by being more present with your partner.

23. Giving up pornography or masturbation can make you more enjoyable.

People who have given up porn / masturbation report that they are more sociable and that others come and socialize with them more often than when they used porn / masturbation.

24. Quitting porn / masturbation can give you more confidence.

Without the feeling of hiding anything sexually and the buildup of extra protein / vitamins in their body, people have reported feeling more confident after quitting porn and masturbation.

25. Giving up porn or masturbation can make you feel more.

Others who have quit porn / masturbation report feeling more emotions after quitting smoking.

26. Pornography / masturbation can disrupt your reward circuit.

Porn and masturbation can disrupt your reward circuitry, teaching your brain that sex is just a click away.

These are just some of the effects of porn / masturbation.

One of the first vibrators to appear on the sex toy scene, the bullet vibrator continues to be a huge favorite, thanks to its versatility as a vaginal and clitoral vibrator. A small and discreet sex toy, the bullet can be used against the clitoris or inserted vaginally for G-spot stimulation.

A great option for those just starting their sex toy collection, the bullets are easy to use and generally come with a simple on / off button at the base of the vibrator (although, some of the newer models do come with a remote control with cable featuring a selection of speeds and vibration patterns). These vibrators are 3 inches long, making them a great sex toy for travel.

Simple and effective, you will love the way the various functions of bullet vibrators count. You can wear them on your own or make your partner have fun. Not only can they be used on the clitoris and G-spot, you can also try it for anal (outdoor) play, on the lips, breasts, or any other erogenous zone that needs attention.

Available in different sizes, the one common fact that all bullets share is their shape – they look like bullets (thanks for pointing out the obvious!). It doesn’t matter if they are longer, thinner, mini or resemble an egg, they always retain their bullet shape.

The bullet vibrator is perfectly shaped to fit into a variety of silicone sleeves, harnesses, dildos, or simply to put on a pair of panties. It runs on two AA batteries and gives off some pretty impressive vibrations. They last for many years, making them a good investment for your toy chest.

Here are some proven ways to use your bullet vibrator.

Solo play:

Find a secluded place where you feel comfortable. Relax, feel sexy, and keep the lube close by.

1.Using it on your clitoris:

For those who like direct and strong clitoral stimulation, they can place the bullet vibrator lengthwise between the labia and over the clitoris. If you prefer less direct stimulation, place the vibrating bullet in the palm of your hand. Then move your hand over your lips and over your lips. Hold the bullet vibrator firmly in place or rock it in circles.

two. Using it on your G-Spot:

Before you begin, apply some lubricant to yourself and your bullet vibrator. Start by moving it around the outside of the vaginal opening. Since this is an extremely sensitive area, you will want to go slowly in order to get the most out of it. Once you are good and sexed, slowly slide the vibrating bullet inward (1-2 inches toward the front of the body) to obtain G-spot vibrations.

3. Slip it inside your panties:

If you’re feeling daring, put a bullet in your panties while you’re out and about (talk about multitasking). The smaller bullet vibrators are lightweight and are held in place by the fabric.

Partner Play:

1. Place the bullet vibrator between you and your partner during intercourse and fit it between your pelvis.

2. You can take turns giving each other a massage, just place the bullet in the palm of your hand and massage.


You might feel it when that horny stud across the room at the gym gives your lover “the look.” You could experience it if your ex boyfriends ever cheated on you and then you project it onto your current man. Or you can experience it if you are in an “open relationship” and you know your partner is “cheating.” Whatever its form, jealousy can take on many different faces and can kill your relationship if not handled properly. If you are the one afflicted with jealousy, it can torment and consume you, robbing you of all security and satisfaction. If you are the partner of a jealous lover, your frustration at having to “walk on eggshells” and constantly reassure your guy about your commitment to him can be maddening.

Jealousy is not bad in and of itself. It is a feeling and all our feelings are fine; it’s what we do with them that can make the difference between relationship calm and relationship storm. Jealousy can benefit your partner in its slightest way. But if it’s a pervasive, recurring theme that seems to dominate the climate of your relationship, it can sabotage your future together and cause a lot of pain and pain. This article will address some of the dynamics involved in jealousy and offer some tips for you and your partner to overcome and defeat them.

Jealousy and its causes

Jealousy can be defined as a feeling that arises from a perceived threat to your relationship. It almost always involves fear: fear of losing abandonment or losing your partner, fear of being replaced by someone else, fear of ceasing to be important enough and being excluded, etc. This has a significant impact on self-esteem and leads to insecurity and the use of self-destructive behaviors to ward off these painful feelings and gain a sense of control (although it never achieves that and creates vicious cycles of the same dysfunctional behavior over and over again). Counterproductive behaviors can include spying on your partner, excessive attachment to him, constantly questioning his whereabouts and activities, among others.

What are the causes of jealousy? There are “internal” and “external” causes. Internal causes can include low self-esteem and confidence (believing that one is unattractive or unworthy of having a healthy relationship), a past history of experiences that created mistrust, and beliefs that one will be single forever if they lose their partner. External causes may include how the partner acts (expressing interest or flirting with another person) or the actual involvement of a third person in the relationship. “Factors that appear to affect susceptibility to jealousy include the duration and stability of the relationship, the maturity, dependency and level of self-esteem of individuals, their expectations of emotional gratification, and the perceived availability of alternatives to the primary relationship. (Neidig and Friedman, 1984).

Low levels of jealousy can be positive for your relationship. It can be a sign that something is “wrong” between the two of you. It can help partners feel cared for and be an indication that they are not taking each other for granted. It can also increase communication, engagement, and sexual intensity. “Jealousy becomes problematic when it is expressed indirectly, compulsively experienced, irrational, or leads to extreme levels of vigilance and control” (Neidig & Friedman, 1984).
The main consequence is that it also leads to a severe breakdown in the level of trust and intimacy between the two men, core ingredients that are necessary for a healthy relationship to last. And the other paradoxical effect of jealousy is that it can create the most feared and feared outcome: the end of the relationship.

Tips to beat the beast of jealousy

If you are the one who suffers from jealousy …
* Acknowledge your jealousy. Avoid minimizing or denying its existence. Recognize that you are not your jealousy, it is part of you, an aspect of you that you can learn to handle. Admitting its power over you is the first step to conquering it.

* Identify the cause of your jealousy. What feelings are behind your jealousy? Work on developing more effective ways to deal with these specific emotions.

* Keep a journal and write about your experience of jealousy and what it means to you. Ask yourself questions such as:

Do I trust my partner and believe what he says?

Am I projecting my own problems and feelings onto him and blaming him? What is my jealousy really about?

What hurts? What is missing in my life?

What are the consequences of my jealousy? What do I get from him that may be perpetuating it?

· Are my feelings of jealousy rational or irrational? Are they based more on actual threats or insecurities?

* Identify triggers for jealousy and avoid them or find ways to cope in a healthy way.

* Live in the present. Your partner is not your ex-boyfriend. Learn to control your anger and mourn past losses and hurts.

* Refrain from obsessing and compulsively questioning your partner’s behavior. Control your own thoughts and always compare your motives and feelings with reality.

* Realize that you are responsible for your own thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. You create your own interpretations and perceptions of events and situations. Learn to identify and challenge irrational thoughts and beliefs and to develop affirmations or coping statements to write on flashcards as a reference to help you through difficult times.

* Practice relaxation techniques to help you deal with your anxiety.

* Make sure you have a separate life from your partner to reduce dependency and bring more fresh air into the relationship. Communicate with your friends, develop your support system, and find social outings that inspire a sense of fun and purpose.

* Develop your self-esteem by taking safe risks that increase your confidence and allow you to see the strengths you have.

If you are the partner of a jealous lover …
* Be patient and endure during this difficult period. Understand how painful and difficult it is for your partner and feel empathy and validate their feelings. Provide guarantees of your love, but do not enable their behavior.

* Take care of yourself. Practice good stress management for emotional well-being.

* Identify the ways you could support your partner and show how much you value it. Explore your own behavior to determine if you are reinforcing your lover’s jealousy in any way.

And finally, together as a couple …
* Identify if jealousy is rooted in an underlying problem in your relationship. Missing? Are there any unmet need that require your attention?

* Don’t make assumptions! Avoid mind reading and always check the feelings or thoughts that you may have between you.

* This is a great opportunity to open communication channels and see if it is necessary to renegotiate, create or eliminate new limits or “relationship rules”.

* Make your relationship a # 1 priority! Spend lots of quality time together and participate in activities that will reinvigorate your bond and restore some of that damaged trust and intimacy.


Jealousy doesn’t have to rule your life. Commit to aggressively minimizing their influence so that more energy is available for your own personal care and to enrich your relationship. These are the things that really matter. So smash that bastard before he has a chance to contaminate what you two have worked so hard to build. Turn that jealousy into passion for you and your partner and in no time you will no longer hear the evil whispers of Jealousy. You can do it!

* Reference: Neidig, Peter H. and Friedman, Dale H. (1984). Spouse Abuse: A Couples Treatment Program. Champaign, IL: Research Press Company.

© 2005 Brian L. Rzepczynski

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Brian Rzepczynski, certified personal life coach, is the gay love coach: “I work with gay men who are ready to create a roadmap that will lead them to find and build a lasting partnership with Mr. Right.” To sign up for the FREE Gay Love Coach newsletter full of dating and relationship tips and skills for gay singles and couples, as well as to check out current training groups, programs and teleclasses, visit

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There is a constant battle between acne and the environment. While acne breakouts may only last for a time, the scars that remain can last much longer. Acne scars go beyond the skin: they can cause intense emotional and psychological stress and can even inhibit social freedom. Various treatments have been introduced to remove acne scars.

However, in some severe cases of scars and pitting, more drastic removal measures may be required. Alpha hydroxy acids, such as glycolic acids, can be used to progressively remove scarred skin and stimulate the natural production of clear, smooth skin. It also stimulates collagen production, leading to younger, more supple skin. In the long term, these peels can make acne scars invisible, depending on the severity of the scars.

How to use glycolic acid peels

Glycolic acid is a mild acid that occurs naturally in various fruits. It works by making the top layer of the skin dry and peel off, which improves skin rejuvenation. Glycolic acid peels come in different concentrations depending on the extent of the scars and skin type, and the concentrations can range from 10% to 80%. While these peels can be used at home, it is recommended that they be used only under the guidance of a qualified dermatologist for a limited period of time as directed. In extreme cases of scarring, some dermatologists combine glycolic acid peels with mild abrasive techniques to smooth severely scarred skin.

If you have a problem with mild scarring, the milder form of this acid can be used. For example, your doctor might recommend this acid in a concentration of 12% in a gel or cream base. Used over time, your skin will appear smoother and more toned. For more extensive scars, a 20-80% acid concentration may be required. In these cases, it is recommended that you be treated professionally as you could end up damaging your skin. While glycolic acid peels do treat scars effectively, you should be aware that scars that have damaged multiple layers of skin may not be completely removed by these peels.

When using glycolic peels at home, be sure to use them only as suggested by your dermatologist. It is generally recommended to apply the cream base containing the exfoliation to the skin for approximately three to five minutes each day to start. Wash your skin with cold water and avoid wearing makeup for at least two hours after this. A mild moisturizer can be used if your skin is very dry or flaky.

If you are concerned about acid side effects, wash your face with water mixed with a little baking soda. Baking soda is an excellent neutralizer of all acids. Mild peeling, redness, and skin sensitivity is natural after using glycolic acid peels. This usually goes away after a few days of use. In addition to exfoliation, glycolic acid also has the ability to attract moisturizers to the new layer of skin that is revealed after exfoliation. While there are temporary side effects, the long-term results are definitely worth it.

If you’ve been diagnosed with bulimia nervosa or think you may have bulimia, you may be wondering “what is the recovery rate for bulimia nervosa?” Bulimia nervosa is actually a mental disorder. Symptoms: Usually it involves bingeing and then some kind of behavior to compensate for the binge and avoid gaining weight.

Usually the compensation for this binge is purging, which is vomiting, but there may be other ways to compensate for it. So if you binge but don’t purge, it doesn’t mean you don’t have bulimia.

Also, people with bulimia nervosa symptoms usually purge or vomit to avoid weight gain, but a person who purges after eating is not necessarily bulimic. Bulimics are generally of normal weight or a little overweight or a little underweight. Therefore, it is usually not possible to tell whether a person is bulimic or not by looking at them.

Also, a person who purges or vomits after eating may not have bulimia if they do not maintain a healthy body weight. They may have what is called anorexia nervosa, purge type.

What is the recovery rate for bulimia nervosa? The rate of recovery will depend on the type of treatment and the treatment program chosen. Overall, between 55% and 85% of people who receive treatment for bulimia go into remission within 90 days. But the relapse rate occurs frequently and about 14% to 26% still meet diagnostic guidelines for bulimia months and even years later.

Therefore, one of the important factors once it has been determined that you have bulimia nervosa is choosing the best bulimia treatment program to ensure the best recovery rate.

You can find good treatment programs in your area. By contacting your doctor, you can get good referrals. Or, you can search online for bulimia or eating disorder treatment centers or programs near your home. You want to find competent and professional people who are experts in treating eating disorders. Natural treatment is the best.

You will need to assemble a team of clinical psychotherapists, dietitians or nutritionists, eating disorder physicians, and eating disorder therapists. Support groups are also helpful. All of these can be part of a program that is the best way to do it. If you can’t get into a program, you can build your own team by starting with your family doctor and getting referrals.

Thousands of people with bulimia nervosa have made a full recovery. So what is the recovery rate for bulimia nervosa? Although we know the percentage or statistics of this eating disorder, it will depend on the treatment program. Please continue to do your research to fully understand this eating disorder and what you can do about it. If you have bulimia or think you may have it or another eating disorder, know that you can recover. You can do it!

The average human head has approximately 100,000 hair follicles and each follicle can grow about 20 individual hairs during a person’s lifetime. The severity and nature of baldness can vary greatly; It does vary from male and female pattern alopecia, alopecia areata, which involves the loss of only part of the hair on the head, and alopecia totalis, which involves the loss of all hair, to the most extreme form, alopecia universalis, which involves the loss of all hair from the head and the entire body. It is normal to lose some hair every day, but men, women, teens, and children can experience excessive hair loss.

Temporary hair loss can occur in areas where sebaceous cysts on the head are present for a week to several weeks. Poor digestion, parasites, and nutrient deficiencies like iron or biotin deficiency should not be overlooked as possible causes. Some drugs or medications can also cause hair loss, which improves when you stop taking the medication that is causing the discomfort; Some of the drugs that can cause hair loss include blood thinners, drugs used for gout, chemotherapy drugs used for cancer, too many vitamin A supplements, birth control pills, retinoids used to treat acne and skin problems, drugs for blood pressure and antidepressants.

One type of baldness is called traction alopecia, which is most commonly found in people with pigtails or braids that pull the hair too hard. In the past it was believed that baldness was inherited from a person’s maternal grandfather; While there is some basis for this belief, in reality both parents contribute to the likelihood that their offspring will suffer hair loss. If the thyroid gland is overactive as in Grave’s disease or underactive, the hair may fall out; treating thyroid disease will help remedy this.

When hypothyroidism causes hair loss, there will be thinning of the outer third of the eyebrows. Yeast infections of the scalp can cause hair loss in children, which is sometimes easily treated with topical antifungal medications. Some skin growths and tumors can also induce localized baldness.

Sometimes surgery is another method of reversing hair loss and baldness, although it can be considered an extreme measure. Regular aerobic exercise can help keep androgen (male hormone) levels naturally lower while maintaining overall health, reducing stress, and increasing SHBG. Very little evidence has been done on the possible long-term effects of minoxidil in women.

Propecia (Finasteride) and Minoxidil (Rogaine in the US and elsewhere like Regaine) are drugs that have been reported to have shown some success in partially reversing the loss, but side effects should be considered. Surgical methods used include hair transplantation, when the hair-producing follicles are taken from the back and sides of the head and injected into bald or thinned areas. Conventional and natural remedies and hair loss treatments range in price from free to expensive.

Try a more natural form of treatment if possible; taking medications for hair loss requires many months of exposure to chemicals. Propecia is available by prescription; It comes in pill form, is only approved for male use, and it may take up to six months before you can tell if it is working. There are literally hundreds of hair loss products that are used as hair loss remedies and treatments.

You can try using double strength herbal sage tea as a hair rinse or applying it to your scalp every day as a tonic. An Asian remedy for hair loss: rub sesame oil on the scalp every night, cover it with a hat or an old towel; in the morning wash with a good herbal shampoo and rinse with a solution of a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in a liter of water. There is the garlic oil remedy for hair loss: at bedtime, prick two garlic pearls, spray the oil on the scalp, massage, cover with a cap, shampoo and rinse in the morning.

Be sure to try all remedies on a small area first and check with your hair loss doctor or skin specialist before trying any natural home remedy if it includes any irritating ingredients. The Russian Honey and Vodka Remedy for Hair Loss: Combine a tablespoon of honey with a vodka jigger and the juice of a medium onion; Rub the mixture into the scalp every night, cover with a cap and shampoo in the morning. Taken orally, saw palmetto is a herbal DHT inhibitor that is often said to be cheaper and has fewer side effects than finasteride and dutasteride; Unlike other 5-alpha-reductase inhibitors, saw palmetto induces its effects without interfering with the cellular ability to secrete PSA (protein specific antigen).

Polygonum Multiflorum is a traditional Chinese cure for hair loss; If the plant itself is useful, the overall safety and quality control of imported Chinese herbs can be questionable; just order from a reputable provider. The olive oil and rosemary remedy for hair loss: use equal amounts of olive oil and rosemary oil; Combine them in a bottle, shake vigorously, massage into scalp, put on a cap and shampoo in the morning. Another remedy is to massage the scalp every night with an oil made up of one part rosemary oil and two parts almond oil.

The Honey Onion Juice Remedy for Hair Loss: Make a hair growth elixir by combining 1/4 cup onion juice with a tablespoon of honey; massage the scalp with the mixture every day. The raw onion remedy for hair loss: take half a raw onion and massage the scalp with it; cover head overnight, shampoo and rinse in the morning. Beta sitosterol, which is a component of many seed oils, can help treat BHP (benign prostatic hypertrophy) by lowering cholesterol; But be careful, consuming large amounts to get small amounts of beta sitosterol can exacerbate male pattern baldness.

Consider choosing one of the less harmful, topical, natural home remedies (the kind you make at home) and trying it on your scalp for at least 30 days. And focus on boosting your immune system to give your hair the best chance to grow back. Make sure to keep your scalp in good condition at all times.

If you want to increase your levels of sexual desire and pleasure and also last longer in bed, you must take the best natural sex pills. These pills work for both genders and can not only help you enjoy great sex, but are also good for all your health levels.

Both genders need to produce the natural hormones testosterone and nitric oxide to enjoy great sex, and below we will see why these natural substances are so important and some natural remedies to help you boost levels, resulting in more sexual energy.


Testosterone is necessary for both genders and is necessary for energy and mental alertness and when you have high energy levels, you will also have a strong libido and better sexual stamina.

If you want to increase testosterone in the body, there are a number of natural cures that will work and 4 of the best are the following herbs proven in China and the herbs are: Ginseng, Horny Goat Weed, Tribulus, and Tongkat Ali. These herbs will not only improve physical health, but also help reduce stress, which can leave you unable to focus or enjoy sex.

Nitric oxide

Nitric oxide helps more blood enter the sex organs and makes them hard. The man needs its natural substance to have an erect penis, while the female sex needs it for the pleasure of orgasms. There are three proven herbs that you can take to get more blood to your sex organs and harden them, and there are Ginseng, Horny Goat Weed, and Cnidium that work quickly to get blood where it’s needed quickly.

Best Herbal Sex Pills – A Natural Way To Enjoy Great Sex

The above are just a few examples, of herbs, the best sex pills for men and women, and if you use them, you will have more energy, enjoy better mental focus, and of course, enjoy better sex.

Layered hairstyles have always been a popular and sexy look that practically anyone can successfully pull off. Layered hairstyles are sleek and beautiful and can create a level of volume for even the finest hair textures. The feature that many women love about their layered hairstyle is not just how good they look, but how easy they are to maintain, there is very little maintenance or products required to create this natural and sexy look. No matter how long or short your hair is, layers are always a great option.

Short hair: The best thing about having short hair for 2008 is that texturing is very popular! By choosing to have layers in your short hairstyle, whether you have a bob or something similar, you have the fun option of being able to create fun and messy looks with great products like the Pantene Pro V line of texturizing sprays, gels and pomades. You can choose to have the ever popular side bangs if you are happier with bangs or no bangs. Whether you like to flip your hair or just create that extra volume from below, the options with this type of hairstyle are practically limitless.

Medium hair: You can also achieve the textured look with medium hair lengths, of course not to the extent of short hair, but the options are still there. The back of the hairstyle is usually tapered and the sides are layered and the bangs are again optional. The bangs add great framing for any facial shape, making this hairstyle perfect for anyone to try. This longer look allows you to sometimes pull your hair up and leave it loose and textured for the rest of the time. You still have the option of waves or curls, but it can be a bit more difficult to achieve depending on how many layers you have.

Long hair: Long, choppy layers can make your hair very thinner and straighter if you have thick, uncontrollable hair. Layers allow you to have the long locks that you love, but created with a sense of definition and style that long straight hair cannot achieve. You can choose to have long, blended layers for your hair or shorter and shorter layers for that added definition. Either way, this style has a way of framing your face, no matter what facial shape you have.

Depending on the type of layers you choose, you will find that all you need is a quick dry in the morning and that is the degree of maintenance for your hair. For shorter layered hairstyles, there is a bit more work involved to achieve the defined, textured look you may want. Of course, the more you work on your hair, the faster you can achieve the look you want in the morning with little effort.

It is important to discuss the details of your future layered look with your stylist because while this style is quite versatile, there are some hair textures that may not react positively to this style. The great thing about layers is that they will always grow out, so if it turns out that it wasn’t what you wanted or you’re tired of keeping your layers short, let them grow! The hottest look of 2008 is the straight look and this can be achieved by layering your hair. In fact, this makes it easier to straighten your hair and keep it straight all day. Consider these layered hairstyles next time you go to the barber.