Category Archive : Relationship

This must truly be a Valentine’s story to beat all the others. In the heat and chaos of World War I, a young Polish soldier known as Stanislaus Omensky kissed his fiancée, Merna, before leaving for war. “I will dream of you,” he said. Neither of them knew that Merna’s dream would end up saving Stanislaus’s life.

In October 1918, in the last days of the Great War, Merna had a terrible nightmare. She dreamed that Stanislaus was groping his way through a dark tunnel that ended in a jumbled mass of rocks and wood. She watched him set down a candle to throw his strength against the blockade, and she collapsed back, crying.

Merna had the same dream several times and harassed the authorities in her native Czernak to try to help her find Stanislaus. With many thousands of soldiers missing or dead, they had no time for her. In the summer of 1919 her dreams changed. She now she saw a castle on top of a hill, with a tower collapsed in a mass of stone and beams. As she got closer, she could hear a voice calling for help. Again, this dream came back to her night after night. She told whoever she could and was met with skepticism and ridicule.

Merna set out to travel through the countryside where Stanislaus’s regiment had last been seen. She was penniless, she lived only on the kindness of strangers, but she refused to give up on her fiancé and dream of her. The area was filled with many ruined castles, but none matched the tower from her nightmare.

Then, on April 25, 1920, he reached the top of a hill near Zlota and jumped for joy. The castle that overlooked the city was exactly the one in his dream. She ran into the city, dusty and screaming, and collapsed by the fountain, excited and exhausted. When she woke up, she told her story to the townspeople and ran off to dig into the castle rocks with her bare hands. Everyone in Zlota knew that the castle had been damaged in the war, but they didn’t know what to make of Merna’s story. Still, many townspeople soon came to her aid, removing debris and rocks from the base of the tower.

For two days they dug and then came to an open area under the rubble. From the doorway came the faint cries of a pale, ragged Stanislaus. He and Merna met. The Polish soldier had been saved by the power of love and the strength of Merna’s conviction in his dream.

Stanislaus’ side of the story was just as surprising. He had taken refuge in the castle during a fight and was buried when artillery hit the tower. He found candles, water, cheese, wine, and hundreds of rats, and lived in almost total darkness for two years.

The Polish Army investigated and found that all aspects of the couple’s story were true. Stanislaus was honorably discharged, and the two married and lived, we can assume, happily ever after.

“The secret is not to dream,” he whispered. “The secret is to wake up. Waking up is more difficult.” -Terry Pratchett

Throughout different cultures, the rooster has been a symbol of many things, one of the most predominant being luck. Having some kind of Rooster in your kitchen is said to bring you luck and could make you feel good. Here is a little more information about Roosters and Rooster folklore.

First a little about Royal Roosters. They do not lay eggs and are not necessary for egg production, but are necessary if you want chicks. They are protectors of the herd and will defend the family from predators. They can be tamed and become devoted pets if handled and worked frequently.

They can sing at any time, even during the night. The song marks the territory, so the fewer roosters the less they sing. One rooster per flock is all that is needed. In fact, a chicken coop with more than one rooster is asking for trouble. You can have a subordinate rooster if it is smaller than the largest hen. Which means she runs the show.

On my favorite island of Oahu, wild roosters have reigned supreme for over a thousand years. I found it a bit strange when I was at a cookout eating chicken and a rooster came up and was standing next to my table. But wild roosters and chickens have been roaming free on this beautiful island for centuries. In fact, on Oahu, if you ask “Why did the chicken cross the road?” the answer would probably be “getting to the beach”.

In Portugal there is the Galo de Barcelos, the national symbol of Portugal. Which is a Rooster that symbolizes honesty, integrity, trust and honor. The town of Barcelos is well known for its pottery and the most popular symbol is the Rooster. There are tons of stories and folklore from different cultures about roosters. The Rooster symbolizes many different things.

I remember seeing a story on the news last year about a wild rooster that lived in Manhattan. He was wreaking havoc on the sleeping habits of nearby neighbors. An upstate farm rescue group swooped in and tried to catch the rooster. First trying to entice him with food, a female rooster and even a red blanket. The cunning rooster did not fall for any of these tricks.

Finally, a resourceful rescuer was able to capture him with a net. Now, instead of bothering urban sleepers, the cunning rooster is retreating upstate. With many girlfriends, fresh air and unlimited snacks. He’s not bad considering, whatever fate he must have escaped, to be wandering the streets and neighborhoods of Manhattan.

In Chinese astrology, people born in certain years have the sign of the rooster. These people are quick and practical thinkers who don’t like to take unnecessary risks. They enjoy a keen sense of detail and always seem to know what’s going on. Roosters are down to earth and love honesty. The rooster has a confident demeanor and yet is not easily fooled.

Roosters can be perfectionists and expect to be in control, especially when it comes to their appearance. They have high standards of dress, conduct, and neatness, and expect the same from others. Roosters need a partner who understands their conservative nature but is not too laid back. The Rooster should probably focus on valuing heart and soul over good looks. Appealing to the Roosters’ live-and-let-live logic can be a good method of dealing with the Roosters’ overly controlling ideals.

The rooster is a symbol of many things for many cultures. What I like most about the rooster symbol is that having one in the kitchen is supposed to be a symbol of luck, health and prosperity. Whether it’s a rooster clock, a cookie jar, wallpaper, dish towels, trivets, or just a ceramic rooster sitting on the back of the stove keeping an eye on the kitchen. Seeing a rooster in the kitchen not only makes me feel at home, it makes the whole kitchen warm, comfortable and inviting. I think I like it better because it gives me that nostalgic feeling, like when I was young, eating cookies in my grandmother’s kitchen.

An ovarian cyst is a small, fluid-filled sac surrounded by a very thin wall that develops within a woman’s ovaries. This commonly occurs in menstruating women and most of the time is asymptomatic and some go away without medical intervention. In the US, ovarian cysts are found in nearly premenopausal women and in up to 14.8% of postmenopausal women.

Although, for many women, an ovarian cyst can develop without symptoms, it is still very important to know if any of the following are observed:

– Pelvic or lower abdominal pain, which may start and stop and can be severe, sudden and sharp
– Irregular menstrual periods
– Sensation of lower abdominal or pelvic pressure or fullness
– Long-term pelvic pain after strenuous exercise or sexual intercourse
– Pain or pressure when urinating or defecating
– Nausea and vomiting
– Vaginal pain or spots of blood from the vagina
– Infertility

Seek medical attention if the following symptoms occur:

– Fever
– Abnormal pain or tenderness in the abdomen; or pelvic area
– Nausea and vomiting
– Weakness, dizziness or fainting
– Paleness or anemia (possibly due to blood loss)
– Abnormal or irregular heavy menstruation
– Abdominal swelling or unusual increase in abdominal circumference
– Abdominal pain if taking anticoagulants such as warfarin
– Increased facial hair similar to a male pattern
– High or low blood pressure not related to medication
– Excessive thirst or urination
– Unexplained weight loss
– Noticeable abdominal or pelvic mass

When a woman presents the following symptoms, she should go immediately to the emergency department of a hospital:

– Weakness, dizziness or fainting, especially when standing up
– persistent fever
– Severe pain in the lower abdomen or pelvis
– High or low blood pressure not related to medication
– Excessive thirst or urination
– Unexplained shoulder pain combined with abdominal pain
– Persistent nausea and vomiting

Ovarian cyst affects women of all ages. Although, in most cases, it is benign (not cancerous), some can also cause problems such as rupture, bleeding, or pain, and surgery may be required to remove cysts larger than 5 centimeters in diameter. Due attention should be given if any of the listed symptoms occur.

Chandra Ziegler’s new book Extraordinary Endurance: A Training Plan for the Marathon of Life is a unique book that gives the reader a glimpse into the beauty of its author’s soul as she tries to juggle the many aspects of life. While Ziegler is a marathon runner, hence the book’s title, running is only part of the content here. Ziegler shares stories about her many other sports-related activities, like skiing, but she also shares experiences from other aspects of her life, like being a teacher and a mother. His purpose in offering this potpourri of material is, as he states from the beginning, “to help propel you to live your best life. I want you to live your happiest life and achieve all your dreams. Do you know why? Because when each of us collectively is full of positive energy, we can change the world!”

Ziegler has been a fan of endurance sports from the beginning. In fact, he started training while he was in his mother’s womb; his mother won a ski race while she was pregnant with Ziegler. But beyond endurance sports, he realizes that we must endure the marathon of life, and we all, including athletes, need tools to stay positive and grounded through whatever ups and downs come our way. By supporting and encouraging others, we can be that positive example that changes the world.

Ziegler has organized the book into seven sections, each linked to a specific chakra. She explains the role each chakra plays in our lives as part of our “training plan.” She also includes training tips, meditations, poetry, and blank pages titled “Be Extraordinary” for the reader to jot down notes, draw, record miracles they witness, or capture anything that inspires them. The pages of the book are also decorated with colorful and fun illustrations by Melanie Bess-Haight that encourage the reader with a special energy to live life fully and creatively.

Extraordinary Endurance is too eclectic to discuss in detail, but I’ll share some of my favorite passages and some of the advice Ziegler offers. As a reader and book lover, I love beautiful books, and this book is certainly beautiful, I loved it when Ziegler described her own love of books and her dreams about them:

“I also dream of my personal library being organized in the order of the rainbow on bookshelves lining the walls of my house with a sliding ladder like the one Belle has in Beauty and the Beast. And I dream of turning an old school bus into a meditation retreat on wheels that I will call Pearl It will feature a relaxation area in the back with cushions, glow-in-the-dark stars and a diffuser with the perfect blend of oils to suit your needs It will feature book shelves, a mini kitchen to cook delicious nutritious meals, space to do yoga, comfortable places to sit and write, inspiring art and words of wisdom everywhere you will have everything you need to fuel your body, mind and soul. I remind people to ‘look for the pearl.’ If you can’t find a pearl, I’ll invite you to get on my bus and let you find one yourself.”
Searching for the pearl pretty much sums up Ziegler’s life. He has found the pearl in many places, from teaching to running. Running has especially helped her connect with her spirit on a special level. She states:

“I really crave the state of flow during a run or a ski where everything else shuts off…even myself. I’ve had out-of-body experiences during long runs, where I feel my true self, my spirit-looking down at my physical self from above. I love feeling that complete disconnection from all the distractions of modern life and all the chatter in my brain. It’s the feeling of being light and free and connecting with the earth beneath my feet and the air that sustains my lungs. In that state comes enlightenment, self-realization, the ability to tune into other realities, and complete clarity.”

Ziegler also knows that the pearl is not just about grounding ourselves or finding our own inspiration or fulfillment, but about taking what we learn from others. Part of that process for her is being a teacher. She has taught language arts in early kindergarten, kindergarten, second grade, title one, sixth, seventh, and eighth grades, and high school language arts at an alternative education center. But she also knows that true teaching goes beyond the school system into our life situations, and that the children she teaches will teach others, including her parents. She states:

“We need to use our spiritual gifts to do the most good we can, to lift others up, to build bridges, not walls. Amen? We are all connected. We are all members of the human race. We are all worthy of education, literacy, decency and love! That’s why I teach. To honor children, to make a difference in countless lives, to influence tomorrow’s change agents.”

Life is rarely easy, but Ziegler is always reaching for the goal of happiness and purpose, while learning and enjoying the journey. She calls on others to do the same, using the career metaphor as a larger reminder to the reader:

“You know what got me to that finish line? You could call it stubborn determination or something else. I call it love. I finished because I love myself. I show up and I don’t give up. I dream then I act. I did it for myself and no one else… When you love yourself enough, you finish what you start.”

I hope you love yourself enough to read this book and begin to see your journey in new ways. Part memoir, part self-help book, part diary, Extraordinary Endurance will inspire you to harness your inner strength, live your best life, and achieve all your goals, big and small. Do not miss this extraordinary reading journey.

You may have heard of the 3 day tuna diet and how it can make you lose 10 to 15 pounds fast. You may be so desperate to lose weight, but before you jump on this diet, there are some important things you really need to know.

The Three Day Tuna Diet is one of today’s favorite crash diets. Many people assume that there is no health risk with short diets like this. However, low-calorie diets often have adverse effects on your body’s metabolism. By using this type of diet, you may gain weight later and probably gain back more weight than you actually lost.

This is not a healthy diet as it stars your body. You only get about 978 calories per day. Low calorie diets will starve you for the first day. You’ll know after starting the three-day tuna diet. You will feel sluggish, you will feel cold no matter how many blankets you have, and some people even dream of food dancing right in front of them when they wake up. These symptoms are indications that your body is in starvation mode.

The 3 Day Tuna Diet is almost similar to a very low calorie diet or VLCD for short. The duration of three days is just an illusion. The truth is that you will be on and off this diet for a month.

This type of crash diet consists of eating foods that are not balanced and will not help you lose weight permanently. This diet only allows you small amounts of fish and chicken, some peanut butter, some vegetables, and an apple for dinner. If you follow all that, then you can also eat ice cream, which is not really a healthy diet.

A large portion of the three-day tuna diet is made up of refined carbohydrates that have little or no nutritional value. When you eat very low calorie foods that contain some bread and sugars, your food cravings essentially increase because there is more insulin production when we eat these carbohydrates.

Low calorie diets will only give you food cravings. After dieting for three days, you will most likely end up eating unhealthy foods for the rest of the week, as you are free to eat whatever you want. Studies done in the 1970s have shown that, on average, the 3-day tuna dieter will eventually gain as much as eight pounds within a few weeks of ending the diet. It may help him lose a few pounds at first, but in the end he will most likely gain back the weight he lost or gain back even more.

Dogs bite. Scottish terriers bite. It is without a doubt one of the worst behavior problems a dog can have.

The stories that owners tell about Scottish terriers biting show so many different situations that an encyclopedia could easily be written about.

There was the owner of a Scotsman whose shoes, hands and ankles were bitten every time he tried to leave for work. Another Scotsman just nibbled on a little boy who was playing with a ball for no apparent reason. Then there is this mischievous little guy who started acting aggressive to the point of biting whenever his owner tried to correct bad behavior. Other energetic Scottish terriers run around the house at high speed and snap at anyone who makes a move to stop them.

But why do they bite?

Good question. The first step in controlling your Scottish terrier’s biting habit is to understand the reasons why he started biting and continues to bite.

As with chewing, biting in young puppies can be related to the teething period. Biting is also part of their normal play behavior, often when they are with their mother.

As hard as it may seem to believe, your Scottie may snap or nip to get your attention. And she’ll keep doing it if she’s successful… Adult Scots can bite when they get too excited or bite when threatened. Scottish terriers can be possessive of their toys and food, and biting is their way of defending themselves against intruders.

Biting can also be a reaction to pain caused to them, such as if someone accidentally stepped on their paw. Other Scots develop suspicious or aggressive behavior towards strangers or visitors and this is when biting may occur for no specific reason.

Of course, your Scotsman’s acerbic clothing can have negative effects on you and your relationship. You can’t leave it outside or take it to crowded public places for fear of it biting someone, not to mention the problems it might have if it happens accidentally.

Your Scottish terrier doesn’t automatically know what’s acceptable and what’s not, so set limits by correcting him when he misbehaves. An aggressive habit such as biting should be attended to immediately.

So what can you do to effectively control your Scottish terrier’s biting habit?

1. First of all, show him your disapproval. with a strong, incisive command “no” or “don’t bite.” Then leave him alone and don’t look at him or talk to him.

two. If he bites while playing, give him a “don’t bite” command and stop playing immediately.

3. Use a spray bottle of water or make noise by shaking a can of coins or marbles along with a firm “don’t bite” command. Repeat this process as many times as necessary until he finally stops biting.

If the biting habit persists, consider getting professional help. Obedience training classes can go a long way in correcting most of your Scottish terrier’s behavioral problems.

Snow globes are great for any occasion or holiday, simply switch up what you use to create your scene. Just let your imagination run wild!

For example, make a harvest scene for Thanksgiving, a spooky haunted house for Halloween, a red heart for Valentine’s Day, or a colorful Easter/Spring display for the holiday of your choice.

Other themes might include a birthday or special event, a sports team, a favorite cartoon character or superhero, a seashell, or a Victorian motif, to name just a few.

Once you have an event or theme in mind, it’s easy to pull together the elements for a truly unique custom creation.



Clear glass jar with tight lid (pickle, bell pepper, jelly, baby food)

Small Ornaments, Figures or Waterproof Decorations

Distilled water or boiled and cooled water

Clear silicone sealant (aquarium sealant) or florist’s clay

Egg shells or foil confetti


Glycerin or Mineral Oil

Optional: Plastic cap to fit inside the jar lid,
Fabric, Ribbon or Lace Circle

1. Choose a clean and dry glass jar – A baby food jar is perfect for a toddler craft, bell pepper jars have a unique ball shape, and pickle jars are large enough to allow you to add various elements to your scene. Simply adjust your jar to your desired end effect. Remove labels and food residue.

2. Plan your Snowball Scene – Look for materials and inspiration in your sewing kit and craft supplies at home. You can make people, animals, trees, you name it, out of craft foam. Sewing accessories are also a great source for small decorations. Also consider miniatures at the craft or hobby store. Remember to shop the day after a holiday for lots of discounted items!

3. Secure the Figures and Decorations inside the jar lid with silicone sealant or florist’s clay. To raise the scene so it’s in full view, glue a plastic lid inside the jar lid or build up the area with a little more florist’s clay. Be sure to leave the edges clear so you have room to screw the lid on. Set aside to dry.

4. Prepare your “Snow” using the shell of a hard-boiled egg. Separate the shell from the membrane, place in a heavy-duty ziploc bag, and crush with a rolling pin. The finer particles will fall more slowly into the snowball and have a more pleasing effect. However, avoid crushing the eggshell into a powder, as it will simply float on the water instead of falling smoothly.

Depending on your theme, you can change your “snow” to go with it. Try themed confetti available at craft stores to add an interesting element to your creation. If you’re making a Halloween or Thanksgiving scene, look for foil confetti in fall colors. For Easter you can use foil flower confetti. For a sports theme, use glitter in the colors of your favorite team.

The possibilities are endless and ensure that you are creating a unique snow globe!

5. Fill the globe with snow – When you are satisfied with the snow globe scene, fill the jar with distilled water, leaving a small space at the top to accommodate the figures. Add several drops of glycerin to keep the snow suspended and floating properly. Mineral oil or baby oil can also be used in place of the water and glycerin.

6. Add snow and glitter. When adding eggshells, make sure you have enough to cover the top once it has settled to the bottom. Use silver glitter along with eggshells to make glittery snow – use one teaspoon of glitter for every inch of water. If you are adventurous, experiment with different effects. Use a drop or two of colored lamp oil to create a swirl effect. Add food coloring to the water or use different colored glitter.

Close the jar tightly and shake your snowball. Observe how the snow falls and the general appearance. Modify until you get the desired effect by adding a little more snow, glitter, or confetti.

7. Seal the Dome – When you are sure that the figures and scenery are arranged to your liking and that the proportion of water and snow looks good, add a drop of silicone sealant around the threads of the lid and close well.

8. Add Final Keys – For a more decorative, finished look, cut a circle of pretty fabric slightly larger than the jar lid. Secure it to the lid with an elastic band. Hot glue a piece of ribbon or lace over the elastic band.

You will be proud to display and enjoy your original.
winter crafts creating snowballs.

If you’re the parent of a teenager, chances are you’re always looking for teen parenting tips. After all, it’s a completely different game than it was “in the past” or even a couple of years ago, right? When “we” were teenagers, it was a whole different world, wasn’t it? Our parents told us what to do, how to do it, and when to do it, and we did it. If we didn’t do it exactly as we were told to do, we knew the result would be downright disgusting and not soon to be forgotten.

However, today, teenagers are a whole new breed. Their disrespect is unmatched, they don’t listen to a word we say, they live a life with no rules, and they’re just out of control in general. It’s no wonder so many parents are looking for teen parenting tips. People are desperate to find a way to take control of their families and get back on track with their teens. The good news is that it can be done, as long as you’re willing to put in a little effort. Let’s take a quick look at how things got as “bad” as they are, for a minute.

The Law – Now, I’m not saying I’m okay with “spanking” or using the threat of physical violence against your teen to get them to listen, but let’s face facts for a minute. Back in the “day”, even the thought of your dad coming home from work and finding out you were misbehaving was enough to make you play by the rules, right? These days, teenagers are not afraid of anything. They know you can’t spank them, physically restrain them or anything like that. If he does, the police will most likely be called. You may be laughing a bit at that statement, but kids have done it recently. The sad part is that in some cases, parents were arrested and charged with spanking their child.

Society: The way society is right now has taught our children, especially our teenagers, that it is okay to act a certain way. It’s okay for them to drink, smoke, steal, do drugs and any number of other things that we as parents don’t find acceptable. After all, what will happen if they do any of those things?

Relationships: At some point, the relationships parents had with teens changed from being parents and children to being “friends.” Evidence of this is all around us. In a tattoo parlor somewhere RIGHT NOW there is a father with his 16 year old son or daughter getting tattooed. At some party somewhere, right now there’s a dad coming through the front door with a case of beer for all the teens, to make everyone think the dad is “cool.”

The sad fact of the matter is that even if you are not one of the parents doing the wrong parenting, there is a good chance that your teen is exposed to those parents, or at least exposed to the children of those parents. So chances are your teen finds some of the examples I’ve given above to be acceptable and, to some extent, the way things should be. Because of this, responsible parents like you and me need some good parenting tips to get teens back on the right track. don’t make the mistake that things will get better on their own. Search, find, and follow some solid teen parenting tips to make sure your teen is on the right track.

People have different reasons for buying pendants, especially diamond heart pendants. For example, they are used as a gift, while others buy them with an investment point of view. So the reasons vary from person to person. Most believe that a heart pendant represents love and affection. They are an excellent option for different occasions, such as wedding anniversaries and Valentine’s Day.

Below are 4 reasons why they are loved by most people. Maybe it can help you make the right decision when shopping for your loved ones.

1. They are absolutely awesome

A heart-shaped pendant is an ideal gift if you want to make your wife happy on her wedding or birthday. In fact, it will make that day more memorable. Also, pendants can create memories that you will never forget. Made with precious metals like platinum and gold, these pieces of jewelry can make a great gift. Some are also encrusted with diamonds.

If you’re worried about price, know that encrusted diamonds won’t break the bank. Thus, they will not empty your pocket. This is the reason why many people have the budget to invest in them.

2. They are significant

These jewelry items have deep meaning for everyone. Some people think that pendants are full of love and affection. So, they can help a couple to strengthen their bond of love, which is the dream of all couples.

Apart from this, there are also some spiritual and religious meanings. According to some people, this heart shape represents love between human beings.

3. They express true love

Unlike other jewelry, pendants are meant to express real emotions and feelings of love. However, the same cannot be said for wedding/engagement rings as their use is limited to special occasions only.

Men usually consider the likes and dislikes of their ladies before purchasing a heart pendant. Generally, women of all ages tend to love gold, platinum, and sterling silver. Therefore, if you have no idea which one to buy, you can go for gold, platinum or silver.

You will be over the moon seeing the expressions on your lady’s face when you produce the pendant in front of her.

4. Lucky charm

Many women think that heart pendants are a symbol of good luck. In other words, this can help them deal with difficult situations in their life more easily.

Aside from this, some also believe that a pendant can help them keep bad luck away. We don’t know how much of this is true, but this is one of the many reasons women buy this piece of jewelry.


If you are going to buy a pendant for a special occasion, make sure you choose the right one based on your needs and budget. By following the advice given in this article, it will be easier for you to make the right choice. After all, once you know the reasons for doing something, you feel like it’s easier to get the job done.

Can you be a best friend and a mother to your child? I remember as a kid I went through that phase where I wasn’t happy with my parents. I didn’t really talk to them about anything that was really going on in my life or share my feelings. Over time, I really found a best friend in my mother. What a gift this was to me! We went to many places together like shopping, to the movies and at home we watched television together. How angry I was with myself for having wasted so many years not treasuring her or sharing my life with her.

When I had my children I promised myself that I would do my best to be not only a good mother, but also a better friend. My mother passed away at a young age by today’s standards and I was heartbroken to think of the time lost in my younger years. This would mark the path I set out to follow and it would be for my children what my mother was for me, who was my best friend.

To understand and follow this concept, of course, parenting must come first. There still has to be discipline and rules. This does not mean that you always say yes to your child when he asks you for something. This goes far beyond his usual daily family life. I have made an effort to truly listen to my children, yes this can be difficult at times, especially now that I have my teenage daughter telling me things that must almost make my eyes pop out of my head. Ever since they were little, I made it a point to go into their rooms and talk to them about their day, not just about schoolwork and what they were feeling at the time. When they told me secrets, yes, for the most part I kept them, unless it was something that really needed to be shared.

Whenever I could, I made it a point to spend time alone with them outside of the house. This could be a trip to the store or a meal, with just one of them so they would have me to themselves and talk freely. For my teenage son, I go to his room and have what we call “Pow Wow’s” where he can ask me anything and I do my best to answer his questions honestly. Now his friends come over and invite me into the living room to ask them questions they’re afraid to ask their own mothers. By gaining my daughter’s trust, we would continue to grow closer and closer. She knew I was someone she could turn to and wouldn’t judge me, but would listen and really help with experienced advice. I also got to be the designated parent to do all the driving for them, sometimes at crazy times I might add.

This is something that I was lucky enough to start very early with my children, this is not to say that it doesn’t work when they are older, as I am living proof that it does, having lost so many years of time with my mother as my best friend as well. Personally, I think maybe it would have happened before her if I had been more comfortable with her during those difficult teenage years. The years go by very quickly and there is no better time than today to make the effort, take the necessary steps and choose to be part of your child’s life, instead of seeing it from outside her world. Of course, remember that you are still the father, but with trust, time, and love, you might as well be best friends with him.