Category Archive : Relationship

Planet of the Apes, the original film with Charlton Heston, was produced in 1968 when I was a boy of just five years old. Back then, I was happy every time this sci-fi movie aired on TV because I was also passionate about the future of space exploration and the possibility of finding aliens on another planet. Yet it all seemed so surreal. Also, I thought it was impossible that apes could have ruled the world. Fifty-three years later, having rewatched the film, I am able to interpret the script from a different and mature perspective, while also appreciating the prescient power of the plot, which included poignant images and metaphors. It is not my intention to reveal everything that happens in this sci-fi movie. However, I like to point out some parallels with the events that are taking place at the beginning of the 21st century. As readers know, science fiction sometimes predicts the future and gives viewers ideas on how to improve technology and lifestyle. In this sense, Planet of the Apes is exemplary.

At the time of filming, viewers of the movie might have questioned the outcome of space exploration because the United States was in a race with the Soviet Union to reach the moon. In 1967, three astronauts lost their lives in a fire during a launch pad test, demonstrating the danger of such exploration and raising questions about safety. In school, as children, we read books about how we would one day travel to space, and on July 20, 1969, Apollo 11 took three American astronauts, Michael Collins, Neil Armstrong, and Buzz Aldrin, to the moon on a flight which lasted eight days, 3 hours and 18 minutes. Therefore, there was a lot of impetus to create science fiction movies that explored numerous possibilities.

At the beginning of the film, four astronauts, three men and one woman, find themselves in the middle of a journey towards an unknown frontier, space. First, Charlton Heston, who superbly plays the role of Captain George Taylor, sets the stage with his dictation from a journal, explaining how he and his crew have tried to accomplish the mission objectives. Then, finally, he settles in for a long nap, with the spaceship on autopilot. Not surprisingly, these men land somewhere in the middle of a lake, on a planet unknown to them. Having discovered that their crewmate died, the remaining three men know they won’t have long to live if they don’t find food. So, they embarked on this quest to find out where they are and how to survive.

Surprisingly, the spaceship had three men but only one woman. At one point in the film, Taylor says that the crewmate had been sent to repopulate the planet. One might find it strange that one woman, rather than two, was sent on the journey, calling into question the ability of humans to use foresight. However, they did not consider the possibility that she might die on the way. The fact that the team did not believe the woman’s death was a possibility represents the notion that people often prepare for the future without considering everything that can go wrong.. In real life, people tend to be optimistic and think that their lives will be better somewhere else when, in fact, life could be much worse on another planet or in the future. Therefore, human progress is not always guaranteed, especially when attention to detail is not paid.

First, Taylor’s team discovers that the mysterious planet in the film is ruled by apes, making viewers imagine that in real life, animals could rule the world if humans were no longer on the planet. These advanced apes speak English and also possess human characteristics, repeating unethical mistakes just like humans. Obviously, the apes in the movie mistreat humans, including a tribe of primitive pre-linguistic humans who don’t understand the language of the astronauts. Additionally, powerful primates use humans to conduct scientific experiments, often stuffing their bodies for museum display, allowing George Taylor to question such practices. Although he was dissatisfied with life on Earth years before his flight into space, Taylor now discovers that this new world is far worse than he ever imagined.

Taylor reads the ship’s calendar to indicate that her arrival on the planet is November 25, 3978, years after her 1972 departure. Taylor meets Nova, a mute woman who represents the simplicity and kindness of the pre-linguistic tribes. without technology, unable at that moment to threaten the planet. She is unlike the many sophisticated women she had known in the old world she came from. She follows him, trusts him, and does whatever he tells her with her expressions that she should make of her. She also embodies the simple beauty of a woman who doesn’t ask questions and does what she’s told.

Cornelius and Zira are two intellectual chimpanzees who care about finding scientific truth no matter where it leads. Zira, a chimpanzee, has a mind of her own and follows her sense of logic despite what the male chimpanzees dictate. Her main desire is to understand scientific truth wherever it takes her, without the religious dogma of chimpanzees. Her mind is genuinely open and willing to try to understand the connection between primates and humans. Cornelius, her husband, is an absolute pacifist, sympathetic to his wife, an intellectual genius versed in history, who represents both primate personified and open-minded male.

Still, Dr. Zaius, his supervisor, is an orangutan who uses religious primate doctrine to protect the world from scientific truth. Although he is well educated, the film does not reveal exactly where he and the other primates completed their studies.

The search for scientific truth versus covering it up for the sake of politics in this film is paralleled by governments denying the discoveries of objective scientists who wish to present facts. So many scientific facts are ignored that it would hurt the economy. In addition, influential people and companies have denied climate change, claiming that it is simply a natural process, and they still deny it. The film is prescient, warning that humans may still try to save the planet.

George Taylor finally discovers that he is not far from home in a place where life is turned upside down, with humans the lowest link. While Dr. Zaius believes that man will destroy everything, he sees nothing wrong with covering up the truth, editing it as he pleases for what he considers to be the greater good. As a result, both people and apes appear selfish, even if some are “different.” The result is a vast amount of dry and barren land, a population of apes going the same way as humans, perhaps ignorant of the truth. Knowledge is masked in a false truth to satisfy the needs of power, which is just as harmful as sheer ignorance. Planet of the Apes is a great classroom discussion! This movie is worth watching for its story, exceptional acting, and compelling costumes. Most importantly, it encourages viewers to ask a lot of relevant sociological and scientific questions, certainly intellectually stimulating!

Mono is a common trigger for adrenal exhaustion. During the treatment of mononucleosis, it is vital that the adrenal glands are considered as part of the plan.

After an illness like the Epstein Barr virus that causes mononucleosis or glandular fever, the body needs time to recover. Plenty of sleep, rest, pure and healthy food, sunshine and gradual exercise are essential. If these conditions are not met, the adrenal glands become fatigued or “burned out.” They are then unable to produce adequate amounts of hormones such as adrenaline, cortisol, and DHEA. The job of these adrenal hormones is to help the body cope with stress.

So what are the symptoms of exhausted adrenal glands? Well, the main symptom is low energy, lethargy, and constant fatigue. You may also notice dark circles under your eyes, reduced immunity, poor sex drive, premenstrual tension, sugar cravings, headaches, poor concentration, unrefreshing sleep, and a general loss of interest in life.

If you’re looking for mononucleosis treatments, here are some tips on how to treat adrenal exhaustion and make you feel better fast!

  • You should aim to get enough sleep. At least 8-10 hours of deep, uninterrupted sleep per night is required. An afternoon nap can also be very beneficial, but don’t leave it too late.
  • Regular meditation, yoga, or deep breathing can help your body deal with the stress of having mononucleosis and make you more resilient to whatever life throws your way.
  • Your diet should be low in sugar, white flour, coffee, alcohol, processed foods, tobacco, and drugs. These vices may make you feel better in the short term, but they will drain your adrenal glands and prolong your recovery if consumed regularly.
  • Supplements such as vitamin C, B complex, and magnesium can help repair the adrenal glands and aid in the treatment of mononucleosis. Omega 3 fatty acids from deep sea fish oils or flaxseed oil can help with fatigue. If you have anemia, it is important to take some iron.
  • Herbs such as licorice and ginseng can stimulate adrenal function and help treat mononucleosis. These herbs can be taken as teas, capsules, or liquid tinctures.
  • Light physical exercise will increase adrenal strength and stamina. If you’re not used to exercising, start slowly and gradually increase over time. If you are in the acute early stages of mono, rest until your body catches up. If you do too much too soon, you’ll end up back where you started.
  • Make time for laughter, fun, and joy in your life. These are great ways to reduce your stress levels when treating mono.
  • Be kind to yourself, don’t strive to always be perfect. You can reduce stress simply by learning to go with the flow.
  • Celebrate the achievements and victories in your life. During mono treatment, it may just be little things like enjoying a 10-minute walk, finishing a good book, or making a healthy new meal that you can celebrate—it’s a good start! Acknowledging your progress will help you maintain a positive attitude that helps you cope with stress and keeps your adrenal glands strong.

Ear training is especially important if you want to improvise, compose, or figure out song melodies and chords by ear. A good musical ear is an acquired skill, not a gift. And like other skills, it is acquired through practice.

The more we train our ear to recognize this connection, the more we enjoy playing music, because we learn to understand what we are playing. Here are some questions that I am often asked.

Who needs ear training?

All musicians need to train their ear to know what they are playing and to anticipate what they are about to play!

Why train the ear?

Because understanding the sounds we hear will be necessary to:

* Jam with other musicians

* To compose music

* Sing in tune

There are 3 qualities that every good jazz musician should possess:

* a great ear

* a strong sense of time

* has a unique sound.

While there are many different ways to approach these skills, the first two always require a certain amount of practice. Ear can be thought of as a muscle and, to some extent, must be trained as such. Improved ears will lead to better intonation, improvisation, ensemble playing, and transcription skills. With that in mind, here are three great ways to drastically improve your students’ ears, and hopefully their overall playing.

Associating a familiar melody with each interval is a quick way to learn the distinctive sound of an interval. For example, a melodic interval can be ascending or descending. Either way, it’s still the same interval. Now, you don’t want to get confused with interval inversions because a minor 3rd will still be a minor 3rd no matter which note comes up first.

Intervals can be classified as consonant or dissonant. I can tell you that it is much easier to hear the consonance or dissonance of the harmonic intervals than the melodic ones.

Here is a list showing the relative stability (consonance) or instability (dissonance) of octaves up to one octave.

Consonant: Perfect, unison, m3, P4, P5, m6, P octave.

Dissonant: m2, M2, +4. (o5), m7, m7.

Another soft approach is to describe hollow sounds, such as stark and earthy, Indian drones and Scottish bagpipes, or heavy metal rhythm guitars.

Hallow: Perfect unison, P4, P5, P octave. These would be perfect intervals and their inversions.)

Sweet: m3, M3, m6, M6. (third and sixth)

There are now active and passive methods for ear training. A passive exercise would be to play two notes in a row and listen to that interval. Sometimes you will be asked to name the next note.

Harmonic intervals can be drilled in the same way. These types of exercises can be performed with chords or with chord progressions.

Are you familiar with the underlying scales and “Do” mobile music theory?

It is essential that you learn to sing a chromatic scale. Since chromaticism is prevalent throughout modern jazz, this exercise will improve both intonation and students’ understanding of the genre. When singing through the chromatic scale, remember to use sharps going up and flats going down.

Ascending Chromatic Scale:

do, do#, re, re#, mi, fa, fa#, sol, sol#, la, la#, si, do

Do, Di, Re, Ri, Mi, Fa, Fi, Sol, Si, La, U, Ti, Do

descending chromatic scale

do, si, sib, la, lab, sol, sol, fa, mi, mib, re, reb, do

Do, Ti, Te, La, Le, Sol, Se, Fa, Mi, Me, Re, Ra, Do

target tones

Target tones are an essential part of any ear training regimen. They force students to listen not only to the tones of the chords, but also to the surrounding tones. Now, many students can sing a major scale correctly, but have some difficulty selecting specific intervals at random.

Regarding scales and scale degrees, the best way to practice this is by using target tones. Here are some exercises:

C, // C, D, C // E, D, C // F, E, D // C, G, A // B, C, A // B, C, B // C

Ear training leads to better intonation, improvisation, band playing, and overall transcription skills.

If you want to gain weight fast, pay close attention to the story of Joe Hise.

Way back in 1932, long before steroids were invented, Joe Hise gained 29 pounds in just 29 days.


That’s what most people thought. So Joe started teaching his methods to other people. Here are the results from it:

Mark Berry: Gained 50 pounds in 6 months.

Roger Eels: Packed on 35lbs of muscle in a month.

Norman Fay: Increased body weight from 156 pounds to 185 pounds in 30 days.

So how does this plan work?

In this plan, you will train three times a week on non-consecutive days. So, for example, Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

You’ll perform just three exercises: the standing barbell curl, the military press, and the 20-rep breathing squat.

The 20-rep breathing squat is a regular barbell squat, but you only perform one hard set of 20 reps. Between each repetition, you will take 3 deep breaths, completely filling your lungs with air with each breath.

This is the key to the entire system, as the breath squat forces your body to adapt and build muscle mass at an incredible rate.

This basic workout may seem too simple at first, but this exact plan has been turning skinny guys into heavily muscled men for decades.

To make sure your body has the proper amount of protein and calories needed to build muscle and gain weight, trainers of yesteryear who followed this plan drank a gallon of whole milk every day.

So if you need to gain muscular body weight fast, try this simple exercise plan for a month. Work hard and you too could gain a whopping 29lbs of muscle weight in just 29 days.

Howard Robard Hughes Jr., born December 24, 1905, was a true American original. Howard Hughes, a record-setting aviator, film producer and director, engineer, industrialist, philanthropist, and legendary womanizer, was, for all his incredible accomplishments, arguably the most eccentric, deranged, and lonely man in recent memory.

  • What made Howard Hughes a renegade but consummate maverick?
  • What master number reflected his extreme power and wealth?
  • What numbers indicate his womanizing ways?
  • Why was he so eccentric, deranged and lonely?

the maverick teacher

Throughout this series of rich and famous icons, the one master number that stands out the most and reflects a dynamic sense of originality and independence is the master energy 55-1. No number is more free and driven to be unique and accomplished than the double nickel master.

Having 55-1 on a chart is powerful, but Howard Hughes’ chart housed a trio of 55-1 on the following components: A. Material Soul B. Crown Pinnacle PE C. Middle Name PE Name Timeline , “Robard.”

The 55-1 in the Material Soul component of the Basic Matrix reveals a strong desire and an intrinsic need to be original, unique, different, alone. Occupying the Crown Pinnacle PE on Hughes’ chart, the 55-1 relentlessly lured him forward to express his desire for originality and be number 1 in everything he did. In addition, Hughes’s middle name, “Robard”, harbored a PE 55-1 age thirty-four to sixty-four. All this created a powerfully original and unique tristack of energy.

The number of wealth

Perhaps the most conspicuous number on the very rich lists is master builder number 22-4. Howard Hughes’ Basic Matrix houses a triple stack of this potent wealth creator: a double stack on his Life PE (his life role) and a single stack on his Soul. The Hughes Life Matrix contains a First Epoch PE and a Third Epoch PE 22-4. Hughes wanted to be rich, very rich, and his life gave him what he wanted. In fact, he once got annoyed when he was referred to simply as a millionaire. As he vociferously uttered, I’m not some paranoid deranged millionaire. Damn, I’m a billionaire.

love and romance

Howard Hughes had a reputation as a notorious womanizer and ladies’ man. He allegedly had affairs with such famous women as Katharine Hepburn, Ava Gardner, Bette Davis, Ginger Rogers, and others. He was officially married twice to Ella Rice and Jean Peters respectfully and reportedly a third time to Terry Moore, a claim he made after his death. (Wikipedia)

And what are the numbers of love and romance? The most powerful are 33-6 and 66-3. Hughes not only had a quintset (five) of 33-6 energy but a triset of 66-3. The 33-6 were in his first name “Howard” and in the PE positions of the four “R’s” in his full name. The 66-3 are revealed in the EP of “Howard” and the EPs in the two “Os” of “Howard” and “Robard”.

Together, this 33-6 power quintstack and 66-3 power triset combined to make a potent recipe for love and romance.

Eccentricity and seclusion

One of the most fascinating aspects of Hughes’s life was his eccentricity and reclusiveness. In corroboration, he described himself as paranoid and deranged. What numbers reveal this aspect of his life?

Linkage is the continuous appearance of the same number, numbers, or number patterns in a numerology chart. Life bond is when the same patterns begin at birth and continue until death. Hughes’ Life Matrix reveals a 9/7 Life-Binding IR (Influence/Reality) set on his 1st Pinnacle, 2nd Pinnacle, 3rd Pinnacle, 3rd Challenge, and 4th Challenge. This 9/7 pattern indicates inner turmoil, mental problems, potential chaos, shyness and reclusiveness (7) which is universally known and long term (9). Because the bond is lifelong, the 9/7 energies continue to grow endlessly, potentially becoming larger and, where appropriate, more severe. His own words reveal his extreme mental problems: The cabinet door must be opened with a minimum of 15 kleenexes!.


Howard Hughes was, in fact, one of the most interesting and intriguing characters of the 20th century. His great wealth, his original and achievement-oriented personality, his womanizing personality, and his eccentric personality were the hallmarks of his fame and fortune. Rarely has anyone’s behavior captured the imagination of the masses like yours. The master numbers 22-4, 33-6, 55-1, 66-3, as well as the life link 9/7 played an important role in his fate. ~ finished

what you see – This Pune Children’s Center is housed in a beautiful old colonial bungalow surrounded by abundant foliage and vines. It is a true delight at first sight. The school has two levels. On the ground floor is the play group class, while on the first level is the mini kindergarten and toddler class. Each classroom is decorated with posters and the walls are painted with popular cartoon characters such as Mickey Mouse, Winnie the Pooh, alphabets and numbers. Despite its proximity to the busy Deccan Gymkhana, this place seems blissfully devoid of noise and pollution.

what you get – This Pune Children’s Center was started by Neelima Ranade who is the director and owner of the school. He has vast experience in teaching and also has a degree in child psychology from the United States. The center has four programs to offer. The first is the toddler group, which is for children in the age group of 15 months to 2 years. This is a stage of transition from homes to the first school experience, so the focus is to get the children used to the school environment. The children are assisted by their mothers who are part of the various games and learning exercises. We noticed some children who were trying to get sand out of the ground in their buckets with the help of the teachers. We were informed that this helps in the child’s motor coordination and concentration. Classes take place every other day – Monday, Wednesday and Friday – from 10 am to 11 am.

We then got to take a look at the playgroup class for age groups two and older. These classes are taught from Monday to Friday from 9:15 a.m. to 11:15 a.m. The class begins with traditional prayers like the gayathri mantra gold Sarasvati Puja. They told us that in addition to regular English rhymes, they are taught hindi and marathi songs to give them a better understanding of the local languages. After initial learning lessons teaching the basics of the alphabet and numbers, they are given some kitchen replica toys. We saw some boys rolling chapattis like their moms and girls making tea for their teachers. Children are also potty trained in these classes.

The mini-kindergarten classroom is the largest and most brightly decorated of all. This class includes activities that would help them easily adapt to larger schools. They are taught to handle creative toys, building blocks, drawing, alphabet matching, stamps, and more. The books for all this are prepared by the teachers. They even have a 500-book library where children are read to. These classes are Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Every Friday they have a sing-a-song routine where the children sing their nursery rhymes to the sound of their music teacher’s instruments such as the table or the harmonium This session brings a lot of joy to young minds.

The last program is the Young Achievers program for children between the ages of four and six. It is an after school parenting program that consists of instilling manners, playing interesting games, fostering reading habits, and more. Neelima Ranade believes that up to the age of six children have strong grasping power and the things learned at this tender age stay with them forever. This after-school program is from 4:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays.

our verdict – The school does not believe in a fixed curriculum. So there is news in their programs on an ongoing basis. Their motto is to unite fun and learning, and the school feels like an extension of the home.

One of the most popular pages on our site is the page with more than 200 names for rabbits. It seems that when it comes to choosing a name for your buns, you never have enough to choose from!

So, here’s our AZ of the best to help you find the perfect one, whether it’s for the sassiest bun on the block, the sweetest bun on the street, or even the plumpest bunny in town… take a look at ‘X‘ for that!


Alfie, April, Autumn, Aria, Ariel, Amber, Annabelle, Andy, Avril, Loving


Bouncy, Bingo, Boston, Bonus, Bones, Bubble


Coconut, Rabbit, Coffee, Candy, Cookie, Crispin, Cherry, Casper


Dinky, Derek, Desmond, Dawn, Daffodil, Daisy, Denver, Dribble, Doodle


Eve, Elvis, Eunice, Eccles, Eggbert, Edna, E.T.


Floppy, Florence, Playful, Flower, Furry, Fluffy, Floppy, Floyd


Ginger, George, Georgina, Gong, Grumpy, Gizmo


Hector, Hugo, Humphrey, Herman, Happy, Hop-a-long, Hoppy


Isabella, India, Ian, Inky, Iris, Ivy


Jessica, Jumpy, Jooles, Juno, Jasmine, Jeppy


Kittens, Krispy, Kumar, Kevin, Ken


Lily, Lilbert, Lemon, Bun, Lester


Calendula, Maggie, Mavis, Mog, Mopsy, Mutti, Mandy Moo Moo, Muffles


Nigella, Nigel, Noodles, Nutmeg, Naughty, Neville, Nermal, Nellie


Oscar, Ollie, Otter, Odie, Odette, Ofelia


Peaches, Poppy, Pepper, Pluto, Pebbles, Precious, Pansy, Petal, Peter, Patch, Cheerful, Pookie


Queenie, Q-tip, Quentin, Quagmire, Quik (from Nesquik Rabbit)


Roger, Romeo, Ruby, Rascal, Rhett, Rory, Grape, Rinso, Ringo, Rose


Sven, Steve, Stumpy, Stan, Springer, Spotty, Spot, Snuggles, Scarlett, Snuffles, Snowy, Snowflake


Thomas, Titan, Thumper, Timothy, Tristan, Tickles, Twinkie


Ulysses, U tube, Uma


Vernon, Velvet, Violet, Victor, Valorie, Venus, Virgil, Vern, Vera


Wilbur, Wabbit, Wanda, Wendy, Wayne


Xenical (For the chubby rabbit in your life. Okay, we know, but give us a break. X is hard!), Xena, Xero, X-Ray


Yoodle, Yolanda, Yasmin, Yellow, Yentil, Yoghurt, Yuri, Yen


Zena, Zac, Zorro, Zeus, Zorba, Zane, Zippy

Dealing with difficult issues and having sensitive discussions is a part of life. However, when it comes to children, addressing these issues can be challenging. However, if you know how to approach and explain these difficult topics so that they can understand them in a thoughtful and age-appropriate way, discussions will be less stressful and the outcome will be better for everyone involved.

If you’re a parent, please take the time to review this set of general guidelines as well as more specific suggestions for handling certain topics to arm yourself for those challenging discussions that are sure to come.

General guidelines for explaining difficult topics

No matter what the topic, there are certain principles that can be applied. Knowing what they are will give you a good foundation for talking to your young children or teens.

Don’t overwhelm them with details. Let your child be the guide and follow his lead in how much information to give.

Remember to be age appropriate with the amount and type of information you share. The details that a teenager might handle would not be assimilated in the same way by a younger child.

Break down the data in a way that benefits or addresses the concerns of the child in question.

Allow children to ask their own questions and answer honestly. Encourage openness.

Incorporate your family values ​​into difficult discussions. If you’re not sure how you feel about a certain topic or conversation your child should have, be honest and share your mixed feelings with your children. It’s okay to let them know that you don’t have all the answers, but you can research the topic and try to find the answers they need.

If you want to chat with your child, plan an activity together and have the necessary conversation while both of you are busy at work or play.

While some issues can come out of the blue, some are predictable. So plan to talk to your child ahead of time about topics that are bound to come up. That way you’ll beat your peers on the topic!

Listen carefully to what your child says on whatever topic is being discussed. You’ll get clues as to how much to tell them or what they really want and need to hear: what their concerns really are. Be patient with yourself and with your child, talk as long as your child needs.

talking about divorce

If a child is concerned that their parents may divorce but their relationship is healthy, he or she needs reassurance. They also need to know that some arguments between adults are normal. The child simply needs reassurance that her family unit is stable and intact.

But if a divorce is looming on the horizon, the conversation will be very different. However, you should always start and end with ease. Tell them that they will always be loved and that will never change. Children should be reminded that no part of the decision to divorce is a reflection on them.

He always approached the general topic of divorce objectively with an explanation that it is a reality for many families.

Talking about the concept of being gay

Whether the topic comes up as a generality or a child asks about the same-sex parent of a friend or neighbor, the topic of being gay is another discussion that some parents are uneasy or unprepared for. This is an area where your values ​​can come into play, so you may want to approach it from a factual standpoint.

You can explain to your child that some people love another person who happens to be of the same sex. For a small child, this should be enough. For a teenager, the discussion of sexual orientation can be more complicated and fraught with legal and moral issues. No matter how you choose to handle this, be open and encourage your children to treat everyone as you would like to be treated. Remind them that whether a person is gay or not has no impact on their humanity.

Talking about the death of a parent or loved one

Death is one of the most difficult topics to deal with with children or adolescents. However, when faced with him, there is no shying away from him. Effective communication about the issue can go a long way in helping young people deal with loss.

Discuss the physical aspects of death, such as a disease that cannot be cured; injury that could not be repaired; and how bodies just stop working at one point. When it comes to the spiritual realm of death, values ​​and religion reign. He shares what his family believes. Comfort your children with the idea that death does not change love. Allow your child to openly express her feelings, be sure to provide a safe and judgment-free environment for her to do so.

Talking about strip clubs

When your child notices the strip club on the road on the way to school or church, she’s most likely in for another awkward conversation. Fortunately, this discussion doesn’t get too close, so it can be treated in general as you look at the choices some people make. Be sure to make it a life lesson. You can also explain that just as children have playgrounds, like amusement parks that are just for them, so do adults. Just tell the kids that a strip club is a place where some adults go to have fun.

Talking about sex, pregnancy and where babies come from

Talking to your kids about sex, pregnancy, and where babies come from is one of those inevitable discussions every parent should have. One of the most important things to remember is to be timely with that discussion. If possible, talk about it before your child finds out from her friends or classmates. Therefore, you would like to start early on this topic. As soon as questions arise, answer them honestly, with young children, keeping it short and simplistic is very important, not divulging more information than is absolutely necessary.

Keep in mind that before you decide to introduce any difficult subject with your young children or teens, have a game plan. Know how much information you want to share. Plan to be receptive to their input. And when topics come up unexpectedly, staying calm and honest will save the day. Share appropriately to create a well-balanced child who knows that they too can come to or seek help from their family to understand the difficult things in life.

This popular, beloved and active Barbie doll loves to play. So many creative people have given her hundreds of Barbie games that her daughter can choose, play and enjoy. There is a wide choice between classic games like tic tac toe, concentration and checkers, or action based games as well as princess Barbie games. If her daughter loves to dance, there are also Barbie dance games online for her child’s total enjoyment.

If you want your little girl to join the thousands of players playing Barbie games online, there are many on the Internet that offer these types of games, and among the most played is “Barbie Rapunzel”. In this game, princess Barbie Rapunzel will meet the man of her dreams, a young prince whom she would like to marry. The players here need to help her to choose the right jewels of her so that when the prince sees her, she looks so attractive. The “Butterfly” is another Barbie game adapted from one of her movies. In this game, Mariposa plays hide-and-seek with her many fairy friends. Fairies hide among other insects that fly around them, so if you are able to catch 10 fairies in a minute, you earn points.

Speaking of video games, “The Island Princess” is a very popular Barbie game among girls of all ages. This game is designed for PlayStation 2 and was taken from the movie of the same title. Barbie plays the role of Rosella, the princess of the island. The player can take on the character of Rosella, who progresses through the story by doing things like collecting items or crafting items out of native materials, such as baskets. This game allows the player to switch characters. If you get tired of playing Barbie, you can play other characters that are included in the movie. There are many challenges in this game that you need to be able to complete, as well as the other characters that you will discover.

The PS 2 version can accommodate multiple players of this Barbie game, which your daughter is sure to love because it’s more fun to play video games with friends. The game “The Island Princess” is easy to understand and follow, so you can be sure that players will do very well here. This game can be purchased and used with other game consoles such as Wii, including your home personal computer. Some gamers find the PS 2 to be a better version to use.

Are you looking for a perfect gift for your little girl for her birthday or this Christmas or just to give her something that she will surely appreciate and enjoy? Buy her a set of Barbie dolls. This will be a very good gift, especially if she is a big fan of Barbie doll.

There are hundreds of online games featuring Barbie and the games listed above are just some of the most played games. You can choose between princess games, dress up games or Barbie make up games. It will depend on you which one you choose.

If you’re wondering how to get rid of toenail fungus fast, you don’t need to look far. Onychomycosis (the scientific term used to denote toenail fungus) is a common disease that infects a person’s toes. In the United States alone, nearly 40 million men and women suffer from toenail fungus.

Most of the men and women in the United States who suffer from fungus under the toenails are in the age group of 50 to 70 years. This fungal infection begins in the nail bed before spreading to the plate and finally to the matrix.

Toenail fungus in the age group 12-18 years

After the outbreak of covid19 in early 2020, yellow toenail fungus, white toenail fungus, and black toenail fungus started increasing to monstrous proportions.

The pain caused by this condition is the root of the problems among young children between the ages of 12 and 18. Children as young as 6 have also been reported to suffer from toenail fungus infection. However, their cases are few and quite rare.

How to detect nail ringworm?

It is not very difficult to diagnose this infection. When you start to notice small yellow spots visible under your nail, it is a sign of a fungal nail infection.

These can also be white. As time passes, the patches tend to become conspicuous in their color and begin to peel the nail from its bed. As time passes, the toenail will become distorted and may begin to thicken. Another sign of nail fungus problem is pain in the area followed by drops of blood coming from under the toenails.

The fastest way to get rid of toenail fungus?

>>> Topical Agents: The fastest way to get rid of toenail fungus is to opt for topical ointments and creams. The main topical agents used are ciclopirox olamine and efinaconazole. You can also use terbinafine and itraconazole.

>>> Melaleuca: Clinical research studies conducted by small-scale industries have claimed that melaleuca or tea tree oil can have a dramatic impact in containing toenail fungus infection.

You should use tea tree oil that belongs to the ‘green’ grade. The application procedure is quite simple. You need to use a cotton swab and paint your nail with tea tree oil (after dipping it into the cotton swab). The application should not exceed two times in a single day.

>>> Oleiropein: This is an extract that is derived from the leaf of the olive plant. It is a good home remedy to get rid of toenail fungus infection. Olive leaf has antimicrobial properties and can be applied directly to the infected toenail.

The application of painting the nail with Oleiropein should be done twice a day. There is also an offer of consumer capsules. Do not take more than 2 capsules in a day It is suggested that you need to maintain optimal hydration levels while incorporating Oleiropein to treat toenail fungus.

>>> Vinegar: If you are wondering how to get rid of toenail fungus with vinegar, it is not a daunting task. The application is quite simple indeed. Take two small cups of water and then mix one cup of vinegar.

The water should be lukewarm and not cold. You should also take note of the fact that your affected foot should be soaked in this solution. The ideal period for this soaking procedure should not exceed 25 minutes.

>>> Ageratina Pichinchensis: The fastest way to get rid of toenail fungus is the application of Ageratina Pichinchensis. Extracted from the snake root plant (belonging to the sunflower plant category), Ageratina Pichinchensis is an effective way to treat this fungal infection.

The application procedure is maintained at three times a week for the first month. In the next month, you need to apply it only twice a week. It is a traditional treatment method that could prove beneficial in curing the infected nail.

>>> Oil Extracted from Oregano: The thymol content present in oregano oil is responsible for treating the fungus that infects the toenails. The oil extracted from oregano has antibacterial and antifungal properties.

To apply oregano oil, you need to dip a cotton swab into a bottle filled with this oil. Smear this liquid on the affected area and let it dry. Apply twice a day to obtain the desired effect.

>>> Crushed Raw Garlic Cloves: The fastest way to get rid of this infection would be to apply raw garlic cloves on the infected nail. Simply crush a few cloves and apply to the nail. Garlic is known to possess antibacterial and antifungal properties.

Impact of Covid 19 on toenail fungus

Men and women who have been infected with Covid 19 have reported developing Beau’s lines. This condition can be described as grooves and lines appearing at the top of the nail.

According to medical research analysts, it usually takes 6-8 months for Covid 19 patients for their nails to grow back and retain their original shape. It is a good idea to take a natural herbal supplement and plant extracts to get rid of toenail fungus.