Category Archive : Relationship

To position yourself for a good sandbox game, you can’t retreat to your corner and turn your back on challenges that make you want to do exactly that: turn your back.

You must face the circumstance.

Walking away is not a sign of weakness, in fact, building a “golden bridge” for someone to reframe your walking away from a hard stance to be open to their ideas is a technique to help you keep moving towards a better solution. .

For example, you can ask for their opinions or ideas, give them options to choose from, or let them know that you are willing to continue to find solutions together.

Take advantage of their input with your ideas.

This strategy could help them take ownership of the settlement process and save face with their colleagues and counterparties.

One thing I learned from the Harvard Negotiation and Leadership Program is that when it comes to tough negotiations, people often want to “save face” with their colleagues and counterparts. Although it is important to save face and look good to yourself and others, it is especially difficult when the parties to the relationship or negotiation have taken a hard line.

Another example is my friend Bernie from the Ford dealership down the road where I live. He mailed a card to a customer who, after shopping around, decided not to buy his car from Bernie. The card had a gold bridge on the front and the inscription encouraged the gentleman to consider the Ford dealership if he ever needed another car. The man came the following week and bought his wife a car, saying he thought Bernie would have been mad at him for shopping elsewhere, but the card proved otherwise.

There is always a win-win solution when you are looking for the highest and best for all parties involved. If you can’t find your way, give me a call, because the high cost of conflict is avoidable and the proceeds can be used for better things.

Recent research on the human brain provides parents with powerful new evidence to possibly explain the sometimes irrational, illogical, and impulsive behavior of adolescents. Brain researchers can now scan the living adolescent brain to observe and examine why these curious and mystifying creatures make so many impulsive and self-centered decisions, which can sometimes even lead to risky behavior.

It turns out that brain development during adolescence is radically more active and dynamic than previously thought. During these years, the part of the brain that requires a person to make responsible decisions, understand consequences, and process problem solving is under heavy construction and most of the time is dysfunctional. Although the brain is almost physically mature, the gray matter in the thinking part of the brain (prefrontal cortex) is still make connections. So, adolescents keep most of the information that reaches their brains being processed in the emotional part (limbic system).

Information processed in the limbic system, without the benefit of higher-level processing in the prefrontal cortex, can result in impulsive, self-centered, and perhaps even risky behavior. Due to this continuous construction in the thinking part of the brain, many times an adolescent is not able to fully process the information that is necessary to make responsible decisions. Combine this mental challenge with an adolescent’s temperament, maturity level, stage of development, and environmental impact, and you begin to understand why parents can find this time so exhausting and frustrating.

Realizing that important construction is taking place within the prefrontal cortex of the adolescent brain does not excuse inappropriate or irresponsible adolescent behavior. But understanding the adolescent brain is crucial to figuring out how to interact with it. For the teen, this time in her life can be a creative and emotional roller coaster with lots of thrills and chills (and maybe a few spills), but for the parent it can be nerve-wracking and scary. Healthy communication and effective discipline are what a teen needs to navigate this important time, especially since the brain is not yet necessarily ready or capable of facing all the inevitable challenges without support.

Every interaction with a teen will affect their brain development, helping the teen make connections in the prefrontal cortex. During this time of heavy construction, the adolescent brain needs focused and intentional support and teaching to help form and solidify these healthy connections. Parents can benefit from understanding that a lot of work can be done while the teen brain is still under construction, and with the right perspective and effort, a teen can learn to be less impulsive and self-centered and make better, more responsible decisions.

As parents decide how to most effectively communicate with the developing adolescent brain, it is vital to also consider who a child really is and what kinds of parenting styles the child is exposed to. Most of us are the result of an even dose of nature and nurture, and understanding the nature of who a child is and how their environment has affected that child can help parents formulate more effective techniques when dealing with challenging situations during parenting. adolescence. years. years.

The nature of an adolescent is a complex and fascinating combination of temperament, stage of development, personality, level of maturity, and social connection. In addition, parents should consider the adolescent’s emotional health (self-esteem) and relational health (the extent to which the adolescent’s closest relationships have had a positive impact on her development).

And then there are parenting styles. Healthy and effective parenting (described as empowering) can support positive adolescent brain development. Use healthy communication tools such as active listening, reframing, timing of teachable moments, me messages, etc. and effective discipline tools like setting healthy limits, consequences, pick and choose battles, few rules, etc. it can go a long way in helping the adolescent’s prefrontal cortex develop strong connections to enable responsible behavior.

To learn more about understanding the complex nature of who a teen is, how their brain develops and processes information, and to practice new and easy-to-learn healthy parenting tools, visit:

© 2008 Marty Wolner, BA, CPE, ICF, PACA

For some time now, I have been closely watching the performance of cryptocurrencies to get an idea of ​​where the market is headed. The routine my elementary school teacher taught me, where you wake up, pray, brush your teeth, and eat breakfast, has been modified a bit to wake up, pray, and then go to the web (starting with coinmarketcap) just to find out what crypto assets are in the red.

The beginning of 2018 was not a pleasant one for altcoins and related assets. His performance was affected by frequent opinions from bankers that the crypto bubble was about to burst. However, ardent cryptocurrency fans are still “HODLing” and, truth be told, they are reaping huge profits.

Bitcoin recently fell back to almost $5,000; Bitcoin Cash approached $500 while Ethereum found peace at $300. Virtually every corner was hit, apart from the newcomers who were still in the excitement stage. As of this writing, Bitcoin is back on track and is selling at $8900. Many other cryptocurrencies have doubled since the uptrend began and the market capitalization stands at $400 billion from the recent peak of $ 250 billion.

If you are slowly getting used to cryptocurrencies and want to become a successful trader, the following tips will help you.

Practical tips on how to trade cryptocurrencies

• Start small

You have already heard that the prices of cryptocurrencies are skyrocketing. You’ve probably also gotten the news that this upward trend may not last long. Some detractors, mostly esteemed bankers and economists, often call them get-rich-quick schemes without a stable foundation.

This type of news can make you invest in a hurry and not apply moderation. A little analysis of market trends and worthy coins to invest in can guarantee you good returns. Whatever you do, don’t invest all your hard-earned money in these assets.

• Understand how exchanges work

Recently, I saw a friend of mine post a Facebook feed about one of his friends who happened to trade on an exchange that he had no idea how it works. This is a dangerous move. Always check the site you intend to use before signing up, or at least before you start trading. If they provide a dummy account to play on, take that opportunity to learn what the board looks like.

• Do not insist on changing everything

There are more than 1400 cryptocurrencies to trade, but it is impossible to deal with all of them. Spreading your portfolio to a large number of cryptos than you can effectively manage will minimize your profits. Just select some of them, read more about them and how to get your trading signals.

• Stay sober

Cryptocurrencies are volatile. This is both his downfall and his blessing. As a trader, you need to understand that wild price swings are inevitable. Uncertainty about when to make a move makes you an ineffective trader. Take advantage of hard data and other research methods to be sure when to execute a trade.

Successful traders belong to various online forums where cryptocurrency discussions are discussed regarding market trends and signals. Sure, your knowledge may be enough, but you need to trust other traders for more relevant data.

• Significantly diversify

Just about everyone will tell you to expand your portfolio, but no one will remind you to deal with currencies with real-world uses. There are some bad coins you can deal with to get quick money, but the best cryptocurrencies to deal with are those that solve existing problems. Currencies with real world uses tend to be less volatile.

Don’t diversify too soon or too late. And before you make a move to buy any crypto asset, make sure you know its market capitalization, price changes, and daily trading volumes. Maintaining a healthy portfolio is the way to make huge profits from these digital assets.

“Head lice” is a term that strikes fear into the hearts of parents of school-age children everywhere. “What do I do now?” is the first thought of him. Take heart. Although head and pubic lice are now resistant to common chemicals that have been used to kill them in the past, there are new alternative treatments that will rid your child of this annoying pest.

The most common alternative treatment for head lice is to cover the child’s head with a thick oil or cream. Mayonnaise is a preferred option, although olive oil, conditioner, or vegetable oil will also work. The head should be covered with a shower cap and leave the oil overnight. By morning, the lice will have suffocated and can be removed with a lice comb.

The oil, tea tree oil, is a great treatment. This unique oil comes from a tree that grows in Australia. Few know all the wonderful benefits of the oil. Several companies make products that contain tea tree oil. We suggest a hair conditioner that includes a high component of this oil. Just like when you use mayonnaise, leave it on your hair overnight, then comb out the lice in the morning.

Another safe treatment method suggested to treat head lice in children is with nutrition, using brewer’s yeast and garlic. This method provides a desirable option for improving the skin and scalp, making it inhospitable to lice. This dietary change should be used with physical combing of the lice nits as well for complete treatment. The change can be only moderate with diet alone. Some research, in fact, is inconclusive about the effectiveness of the yeast and garlic method alone.

Last but not least is the traditional manual treatment. This method requires a lot of persistence and hard work, but the results are excellent and no chemicals are used. This method means committing to thoroughly combing the lice and nits out of the child’s hair every day for extended periods of time, possibly up to two weeks. It’s a labor-intensive process, but it’s a proven cure for even the most difficult cases. Before starting the manual treatment, you may also consider cutting your child’s hair, as it will be easier to manage with shorter hair.

With time and patience, you can eliminate head lice in your home and on your child with traditional, herbal, oil-based, or manual treatments.

Do you know what diseases to look for in your tomatoes? Keep your tomato crop in top shape by avoiding some common diseases:

early blight:

“Early blight affects tomato foliage, fruit and stems. It is caused by the fungus Alternaria solani. Symptoms include dark spots that have concentric rings. A bull’s-eye pattern may develop. Older leaves develop this first , and the leaves can fade to yellow.If the leaves die, the tomatoes are exposed and can get sunburn.

Cure: Affected tomato plants must be removed and all debris removed. This fungus is transmitted through the soil and will survive the winter. Therefore, anything that has touched an affected tomato plant should be removed, as it is most likely contaminated. You should use a hardy tomato cultivar and rotate your crops.

late blight:

Late blight is caused by the fungus Phytophthora infestans and affects both tomatoes and potatoes. It is especially dangerous if the weather is particularly cool and humid. Late blight was the fungus that caused the Irish potato famine. The leaves will have lesions and appear as irregular gray spots. If the weather is humid, white mold may appear around the spots. Once the tomato fruits become infected, they will develop dark regions that cover a large percentage of the tomato. The fungus can spread from one tomato plant to another by wind or rain.

Cure: Be sure to leave adequate spacing between tomato plants and avoid overhead watering, especially in the late afternoon or evening. Pull out and destroy affected tomato plants. Be sure not to use rotten potatoes in your compost, as it is a carrier of the fungus.

Bacterial wilt:

Bacterial wilt is caused by Ralstonia solanacearum, which enters the roots of tomato plants through wounds made by insects or natural wounds that occur where secondary roots begin to grow. The disease grows more easily in a warm, humid environment. Once inside the tomato plant, the bacteria multiply rapidly and fill the plant with slime. This leads to wilting of the plant, but the leaves remain green.

Cure: Bacterial wilt is very difficult to control as the bacteria can survive in the soil for several seasons. Be sure to remove infected tomato plants and the soil from affected tomatoes if possible. Crop rotation is known to help, especially with plants that are not affected by the bacteria, such as beans, cabbage, and corn.

southern blight:

Southern blight is caused by the fungus Sclerotium rolfsii. Usually the first symptom is tomato leaf drop, which is common with other wilts. Next, a brownish dry rot will develop on the tomato plant near the soil line. A white fungus will then begin to develop and lesions will develop on the stems. This in turn will cause the entire tomato plant to wither and die.
Cure: Unfortunately, the fungus can live for years in the soil, so if your crop develops, destroy the tomato plants and any soil they have touched. Also, rotating crops with plants that are not affected by the fungus could help, since you never know if all the contaminated soil was actually removed.”

Parenting today is very different from what it was in the days of our parents or grandparents. Some of us probably remember growing up in a home where Dad was, and his word was law. Moms, let alone children, rarely had a say in family matters!

But times have changed, and in fact, there is no better time than now to raise a child. So much information is immediately available to us. And with so many working moms and the changing profile of the family, the way we think and feel about parenting has completely evolved.

Today’s parents need to understand that children are even more curious and inquisitive. That’s why we need to listen to them, take a step back, let them explore the world and discover things for themselves.

In the end, this is how they will learn to be ready not only for school, but for life. Without a doubt, with positive parenting, you will see the difference in your children.

For all you new millennial moms out there, this is the one thing to keep in mind. Today is the modern moment and modern parenting should apply to every home. Positive and modern parenting will guide your child on the right path in the future.

There are many references and resources on the Internet for more information on modern, positive parenting. Get more information and this will be very beneficial for your child. Remember that the future of your child, the way she raised him, is in her hands.

At some point or another, we’ve all taken a test. The tests can be sweaty experiences. Can you even begin to imagine how Abraham felt when God tested him to sacrifice his only son, Isaac? Praise God that Abraham passed with flying colors. Now, why doesn’t he test his children’s knowledge of this great story with the following form of Bible revision?

This is what you do:

I took the story of Abraham’s trial and divided Genesis 22:1-18 into groups of Bible verses with which you will quiz your children. Read the portion of scripture I have listed, and then present to your class a list of the four items I have written next to each portion of scripture. You can list these items as written words, or you can collect pictures of each of the items. (I personally do the latter. Kids love pictures!) As you read the list, you will, of course, notice that one of the items does not belong. It is up to the children in your class to guess which item should not be on the list after listening to the Bible verses.

To turn this Bible review time into a game, simply divide your class into 2 teams. Let each team take turns guessing which item doesn’t belong. Award the team 100 points if they do it correctly. I have also included a bonus question for each portion of scripture that you can give to the team if they answer the correct item within a set amount of time, such as 15 or 30 seconds. If they answer the bonus question correctly, give the team another 100 points.

Here are your Bible review questions:

1. Read Genesis 22:1-2. List: Abraham, Isaac, mountain, fire

Additional question: What was the name of Abraham’s son? Answer: Isaac

2. Read Genesis 22: 3. List: Abraham, donkey, wood, 2 daughters

Bonus Question: What did Abraham 2 take from? Answer: 2 servants

3. Read Genesis 22:4-5. List: Abraham, Isaac, 2 servants, fire

Bonus Question: What did Abraham want the servants to keep? Answer: the donkey

4. Read Genesis 22: 6. List: firewood, fire, knife, canteen

Bonus Question: What did Abraham place on top of Isaac? answer: wood

5. Read Genesis 22:6b-7. List: wood, Isaac, fire, donkey

Bonus question: According to Isaac, what animal was missing for the holocaust? Answer: the lamb

6. Read Genesis 22: 8. List: God, lamb, Isaac, chicken

Bonus Question: Who did Abraham say would provide the lamb? answer: god

7. Read Genesis 22: 9. List: Abraham, altar, firewood, water

Bonus Question: What did Abraham build? Answer: an altar

8. Read Genesis 22:9b. List: altar, Isaac, wood, matches

Bonus Question: Who did Abraham bind or tie up? Answer: Isaac

9. Read Genesis 22:10-12. List: knife, angel, hand, daughter

Bonus Question: Who called Abraham and stopped him from sacrificing Isaac? answer: god

10.Read Genesis 22:13 List: Abraham, his son Isaac, ram, chicken

Bonus Question: What did Abraham sacrifice instead of his son Isaac? Answer: a ram

11. Read Genesis 22:14 List: Abraham, Lord, mountain, desert

Additional question: What name did Abraham give to the place where he almost sacrificed Isaac? Answer: “the Lord will provide”

12. Read Genesis 22:15-17a. List: stars, sand, angel, Bethlehem

Bonus Question: What would God make as numerous as the stars in the sky? Answer: his descendants

13. Read Genesis 22:17b-18. List: cities, nations, offspring, farms

Bonus Question: Why did God bless Abraham? Answer: Obeyed God

Just a couple of tips –

1. This Bible review is based on the NIV translation, however, other translations would agree just as well. Just be sure to make the necessary changes to fit your version of the Bible before playing.

2. Don’t forget to shuffle the list of items. I have always listed the last item as the one that does not belong. Have fun!

The arguments in favor of this approach are generally strong in terms of convenience. This type of activity is already common, be it webmail (Hotmail, Gmail, Yahoo mail, etc.), Flickr (photos), Megaupload (file transfer), Delicious (bookmarks), etc. Plus, there’s the security aspect of the software of keeping everything hosted, where regular backups and software updates keep all your information. This is something that doesn’t happen often on PCs, a lot of information is left behind when updates are made. However, there is a comparatively weak argument regarding the economics of the cloud computing approach. Many of these applications are currently free, so the prospect of migrating all your information from your PC to some remote server doesn’t make long-term economic sense from the perspective of the large entity. How are all the computers in the cloud paying for?

Richard Stallman, founder of GNU, the open source software foundation, speaking to The Guardian about cloud computing states: “It’s a scam… It’s worse than stupidity, it’s a marketing campaign.”

get off my cloud

Going back to the issue of how these services are going to be paid for. Stallman remains convinced that the charges will start small and then escalate. As corporations (Google and IBM are the two most vociferous proponents), their financial performance will undoubtedly be long-term, with less attention paid to short-term revenue and far more interest in global market share. Google’s unofficial motto, “don’t be evil,” is surely being put to the test employing such a strategy. Maybe it’s time to send the phrase off to a back room for storage. It’s reminiscent of the IBM of yore, when the world would only need about a dozen computers (or clouds in this case), all owned by Google (with help from IBM). Disturb these bouncer owners and you could affect the future of your business. These ‘cloud masters’ may find themselves in a position to pick businesses that will do well and those that will fade into obscurity. Which sounds feudal and undemocratic to me. And possibly evil.


Of course, there are other issues, particularly those related to user privacy. I know who’s watching on my PC – it’s who I give permission to and even then, it’s probably just a login. With your information in a cloud, who knows who might be looking into your private information? Won’t the physical location of the cloud dictate the laws governing who can access the information? You don’t know and probably won’t know where it is or who has access to it.

The argument for it is like emptying out your home and keeping everything in a big airplane hanger down the street. When you want something, they send you a car and you can get what you want. The only problem is that I am sure that someone is using my things when I am not there and on my way home, on my last visit, I saw a notice that said: due to the costs associated with the maintenance of this service, it will be necessary to impose a small fee starting next week and in very fine print at the bottom: a much higher fee at peak times (weekends, when everyone really wants to use the service). That’s probably how they finance it.

old hat

This is an old strategy: the lightweight network computer was a buzzword 15 years ago. It offered a cheap price point with little functionality (much like IBM’s ‘dumb’ terminals of the 1970s). You got a very simple PC with nothing stored locally and you paid for the use of the software on a remote server, just as you used it. That way you could get a PC for $300. It fizzled out and died as a concept, despite the backing of all the major players. It’s interesting to note that the $300 price tag was met with fully-functioning PCs and laptops anyway. It’s a warning from history that even if you ignore the corporations’ advice, you might still get what they promise.

I will keep my laptop and programs local, and I will post information on the Internet whenever I want. I understand the argument that in business one must continually expand or risk being replaced, but corporations that embrace this ‘take over the world’ philosophy always end up looking like hackneyed Bond villains. Look on the bright side of Google: when cloud computing fails to spark long-term user interest. You can dust yourself off and start unofficially using that “don’t be evil” catchphrase again.

All day care centers, public or home based, have policies for determining if a child is too sick and/or contagious to be around other children. The list can be long, and if parents are unaware of the illnesses that can keep their child out of daycare, they could be in for a nasty surprise. These suggestions should help any parent prepare for a sick day.

When is your child too sick to go to day care?

The list of illnesses that can prohibit a child from daycare is long, but necessary to protect other children from getting sick too. The most common reasons a child is sent home is due to illness or parasites. This generally includes fever over 99.9, vomiting, rash, severe ‘whooping’ cough that produces thick green or yellow mucus, cold (especially with fever and runny nose), strep throat, conjunctivitis, chickenpox, scabies, and having lice. Check with the supplier their regulations.

When can your child return to daycare?

Usually, with a doctor’s note, your child can return to daycare when their symptoms have been absent for at least 24 hours or they have been on antibiotics for the same amount of time. This will ensure that no other children are exposed to the disease and that no other children have to stay home or take medicine. Again, be sure to check with the provider for their requirements.

What are the consequences of a child being sent home from daycare?

Not only will the parent have to leave work to pick up their child, but often the daycare will still charge for the days their child is absent, especially from in-home providers. Larger centers may charge a fee for cleaning and disinfecting your child’s assigned room. If there is no one else to care for your child, he will also lose wages for the days he must stay home with your child until he can return to daycare.

What can parents do to lessen the impact of a sick child?

First, keep in mind that all children will get sick. To keep illness to a minimum, wash and sanitize your hands often. Teach children to cough into their elbow and not their hands to reduce the chance of passing germs to others.

Second, create a backup plan. Arrange to have a friend or family member on your child’s approved list, and make sure they are willing to pick up and care for your child until you get home from work, also ask if they might be available for the duration of the disease. Find out if your employer will allow telecommuting while your child is sick.

Third, don’t be a hit-and-run parent. If your child is sick, activate the backup plan, or the provider will call you and you will have to pick up your child anyway. This is why the backup plan is so important, it leaves other options open besides giving your child cold medicine to mask his symptoms and hoping the provider doesn’t realize he’s sick.

A working parent faces many challenges every day, at work, at home, and at their child’s daycare. Planning for the unavoidable illness will reduce stress on the parent, provider, and child. As an adult, try to remember what it was like to be sick as a child. Would you have wanted to leave your warm bed to face a noisy and crowded place, or would you rather just be able to rest in peace and quiet until you felt better?

I recently came across a lovely bedroom design. The interior designer had carefully transformed the brief into a stunning interior space. I thought I might as well share what I saw with all you avid interior design lovers out there.

Let’s start with the floor. A beautiful walnut tone was used on the floor in a continuous pattern. The material used for it was laminated wood flooring covered with melamine. The floor thickness was 8mm with a bottom layer of plastic and foam to cushion and absorb the weight. Although not as classic as real wood flooring, laminate flooring is a great alternative to hardwood flooring as it is very cost effective while still providing a pristine look and feel. I personally love adding laminate flooring to most of my interior design projects and currently have a clear vapor beach shade installed in my bedroom.

Then come the walls. All the walls in the room were covered in a Dark Wenge shade. A 4mm natural veneer layer was used on top of a 12mm plyboard attached to a 50mm by 50mm natural wood frame. The wooden structure was made of pine wood but fir can also be used for it. The natural veneer skin was derived from wenge wood, and after a few coats of polishing and a melamine topcoat, the look it gave it was truly amazing. To add more depth, grooves 6 mm wide and 12 mm deep were left at horizontal intervals of 3 feet each. The wall to the left of the bedroom had a roll-up projection screen attached to it. The folding rod of the projection screen was conveniently hidden in a niche in the false ceiling.

Now comes the bed. The bed was almost 3′ high. To get on the bed you would have to climb two levels of side boards about 1’6” deep. The vertical face of the sideboards was covered in Wenge wood in keeping with the theme of the room. The upper face of the dresser was an interesting combination hat that I had not seen before. A wood frame was placed and milky white frosted glass was then recessed between the 1’6” by 1’6” frame openings. White tube lights were placed under the glass to illuminate it from behind. Once the lights were on, the effect it produced was incredible. At the top of the multi-level dressers comes the mattress for the bed. The mattress in this case was at least 12 inches high. The interior designer topped the mattress in high-thread-count white sheets, while he added a maroon-brown satin sheet for added contrast. The headboard of the bed had cove lights behind it in orange and yellow. An LED strip was used to create this effect.

The wall at the back of the bed was an interesting farce of randomly sized wenge paneling sticking out of a wenge paneled wall. All panels were backlit via cove lights of a shade of yellow. Tube lights in sizes ranging from 1′ to 4′ were used to create the desired effect.

The ceiling used throughout the room was simple plaster. There was so much going on in the room in terms of design elements that it was best to leave the ceiling flat, which the designer rightly did. To illuminate the room, 4” diameter recessed spotlights were used.

This unique bedroom is ideal for wood lovers and people who like to sleep in loft beds.