Category Archive : Relationship

Sometime in the spring of 1991, I was in a meeting. Now mind you, I had been to many meetings before, but this particular meeting brought new meaning to me. You see, at that point I started to understand what people were reading, at the beginning of the meeting. How It Works, The Serenity Prayer, The Promises, etc. all started to make sense, in plain English terms. Before that I only heard echoes of words, that didn’t make sense to me. The many years of alcohol and drugs, my brain was damaged beyond repair, I thought. People would sometimes say, “Chuck, maybe this is the best you’ve got.” The fear of getting worse and ending up like one of those street guys was enough to motivate me not to drink. However, there were times when I thought what the use was and wanted to give up, but never did. No matter how bad I felt or how difficult life seemed to be, I never gave up. I knew deep down that this was my last and only life without alcohol. I couldn’t see myself without drinking, but at the same time I knew that alcohol would send me to a death worse than dying. You see my last drunk wanted me to die, my wife left with our son. Life as she had come to know it, for it was a living hell. I arrived the next morning. even after drinking enough to put the average guy in a coma or even kill him. He knew that drinking would never kill bread. It made things worse. Somehow, some way I needed to go on. I have to be better than I am now. If only I could see something to show me, there’s something good about not drinking besides not drinking. Yes, I felt better in the morning. Yeah, I didn’t come up with an alibi for my whereabouts the night before. Neither fines nor accidents, I wanted to feel loved and useful. I wanted to like I wanted friends, but most of all I wanted someone to tell me if I’m better and doing better, because frankly, I just didn’t know!

Meanwhile, while I was thinking about all this, the meeting started and continued. It’s time for announcements. Oh boy, here we go with the same boring blah blah about open talks and social events that I was too afraid to go to. This old man stands up and walks to the front of the room, next to the podium, and takes a deep breath. It seems as if he is trying to stifle his emotions, as if he is announcing the death of his mother or another close relative. No, instead his eyes are full of stars, a big smile crosses his face, and he says, “I remember when this young man first entered the fellowship of Alcoholics Anonymous, he was devastated. He was scared and angry, he felt hopeless and asked me to help him. We work together through the Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous, and he is a different man. So it gives me great pleasure, and would you help me congratulate Steve P., who is celebrating a year sobriety?” he fell, and my eyes went wide and teary. I felt something in that hallway, I’ve never felt it before. I’ve never seen anything like it in my life ever. Steve was smiling like the old man, his sponsor , and tears were streaming down his face. He had this bronze token in his hand like it was a gold medal from the Olympics. Everyone was shaking his hand and hugging him. I heard Steve tell his story in previous meetings and to me he had become so much worse than me. The first thing that came to mind was, if Steve can do it, so can I. He said his sponsor not only walked him through the Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous, but she also made coffee and helped set up his home group meeting. His sponsor added that he was also the group’s president. Well the gears started turning in my head. If I want to get what Steve got, I’ll have to do what Steve did.

The following Sunday I arrived at my home group early and asked Ray and another guy to help me set it up. They said sure! I felt a little on the important side, because I thought only certain people were allowed to be coffee makers and set up meetings. Plus, it seemed like anyone willing to help clean up could do it. On Thursday, in the same meeting room, Ray and another guy were making coffee and I asked if I could help again. Ray showed me how to make the coffee and set up the area where we put the coffee, cream and sugar. This went on for a few weeks and I was finally given the key to the salon, Ray and Bob saying I was ready to handle a lot of responsibility. I could handle the responsibility myself. I just looked at the keys and got scared and proud at the same time. They told me to pray and ask for GOD’s help and I will be fine. Before my first meeting as a coffee maker and facility manager, I did as I was told and everything turned out great. Ray was chairing the meeting by then, and I watched as he did it, because he hoped to be chair one day. Hit the gavel, ask for a minute of silence for those who suffer, choose people to read “How it works”, The promises, etc. You know it’s a lot of responsibility.

A couple of months passed, and Ray came to me and said that he was going out of town to visit his mother, and that I would serve as president until he returns. He was beaming with pride and as scared as he was, I accepted responsibility. I did the same thing that Ray did. I handed out the readings, called the meeting to order, which meant that I asked for a moment of silence for all those who were suffering and began the Serenity Prayer. I stood there scared and proud, thinking to myself, “I finally feel like someone.” The following week, Ray called and said that he couldn’t make the meeting because he was still visiting his mother and that he needed a special favor from him. I’m thinking to myself, here I am, the coffee pot, the facility guy, what’s next? Now he is secretary and treasurer and now he wants me to do what? I know I’m a hyperactive guy with endless energy, but come on, enough is enough! Although Ray’s voice was different this time. He said, Chuck, this is a very important task and a great honor. I want you to give Danny his 9-year-old token. Danny, was a man whose wife had died because she had started drinking again and he came close to drinking himself but somehow managed to stay sober. Danny, he said things that helped me in meetings, and I thought it would be weird if I was the one to give him his sobriety anniversary gift, after all, he hadn’t even been sober for a year. What about Gary B., I said? Chuck, it was Gary’s idea for you to give Danny his token. You’ll do fine

On Sunday, I made coffee. I organized everything for the AA meeting, while rehearsing my speech. I wanted this to be as perfect as possible, and it sounded pretty good too.

The meeting went on as usual. He called for a moment of silence, and had to yell at the guys behind to shut up, that a meeting was starting. Readings over, I’m still rehearsing my speech, in my head for the umpteenth time. Finally it was time to make the announcement. I held the token in my hand and rubbed all the sweat on my shirt. I said, starting to choke, “It’s my great pleasure to give Danny F. his nine-year token.” People stood up and applauded. Hell, I didn’t think it was that good. Danny walked over to me. I gave him the token. He hugged me! Oh Lord! Why do men have to hug each other? Yes. Someone yelled, “How did you do it? He let me go. Thank GOD. He said, by the Grace of GOD, the 12 Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous, my Sponsor Ray, and you guys. I stood there with tears in my eyes. my face and I didn’t care Giving someone an anniversary token is like letting them know you’re there for them and giving them that pat on the back that so many of us need from time to time, congratulations and thank you all at the same time.

Another month or so went by, now it was March 3rd, next week will be my one year anniversary, as long as I don’t drink. At every meeting I attended, people would ask me how I was doing. They must have known, I was afraid of not making it. For the last year, I was going through a divorce and hadn’t seen my son, now 3, while he was trying to stay sober. All of this really hurt me. I kept making coffee, organizing the meetings in my home group and chairing them as well. Ray, was treasurer and secretary. Funny how it worked that way. He was sure there was some kind of conspiracy afoot. I thought of Danny. He never gave up and never gave up. I thought of Steve P. he never gave up and never gave up. I thought about how I was able to give my little brother a 5 year old token. Finally, March 10th arrived and what a long day it was before the meeting began. All I did that day was think and look at the clock. It was finally 6:00 pm and I got to the meeting room earlier than usual, because I couldn’t bear to wait any longer, doing my home group AA duties would help me kill time and I felt safe there. I made the coffee, set up the coffee area, set up the meeting books, before I knew it, I was at the front of the meeting and asked, “Is there any announcement for the good of AA? My sponsor Gene, a big celebrity, just ask the lawyer, he stood up with a big giant smile on his face, he stood up and started talking as he walked towards me, “It gives me the greatest of pleasures, to give this little one, who has grown in this program and fellowship of Alcoholics Anonymous, their One Year Symbol.” People stood up, cheered, yelled “How did you do it? “He hugged me. Why do these guys keep hugging me? I just said, ‘Thank you.'” I didn’t do it, we did it! “

I will never forget that day as long as I live. It’s been over twenty years since that day, and I haven’t found the need for a drink since I came to Alcoholics Anonymous, and if I had, it certainly wouldn’t have been necessary.

Favoritism or Equality?

It really is impossible to treat siblings equally. Each child will have different feelings and difficulties at different times in their life. Good and sensitive parenting means giving each child what he needs. To do so, a parent must evaluate each situation for each child.

Treating each child differently can be difficult for many parents. Most of us have been raised to believe that if we don’t give in kind we are playing favorites. Consider the lengths to which one mother went: “My two sons used to watch Sesame Street together. Naturally, they both wanted to sit on the same side of the couch. My solution for the seating arrangement was to set a timer for them to switch places. positions every five minutes. Now, this mom recalls, “I thought they would become best friends because I was treating them the same, but actually they became more involved in who gets what. The sofa split becomes symbolic of their relationship. They started fighting over everything. To this day, I also get headaches when I hear the kitchen timer go off.”

Parents often tell me that the concepts of equality and favoritism are even more complicated because in their hearts they don’t feed the same way from every child. A father explains his preferences for his eldest son: “We are much more alike. He is diplomatic and well-liked. On the other hand, my youngest son does all kinds of things that I am afraid to do. He is more fun and creative than I.”

It often helps to look ahead. No matter how much we want to erase our own histories and past preferences, we can’t. Why are our feelings for one child stronger than our feelings for the other? Were you, the firstborn, always jealous of the second son? Were you labeled the impossible brat or the brilliant saint who could do no wrong? Were you the sheltered baby?

How do you know if you are favoring one child over another? Take a step back and you’ll probably find yourself feeling passionate sympathy for your favorite son in a sibling fight. One father explains how he was reliving old battles from his childhood: “He identified me so much with my younger son that in the midst of their fight he called my older son by the name of my brother, who constantly fought with me.”

Parents often overreact by helping the child with whom they most identify. For example, if you’re the firstborn and you’re still fighting your younger brother, you might be overprotective of the older son. One mother reports that she often sided with her eldest daughter because as a child her mother had always stood up for the baby, not her. “I was having these intense emotions, out of proportion to the situations, feeling old, unresolved anger. My youngest daughter’s feelings were badly hurt; she felt abandoned. I couldn’t understand why she was always jumping to her sister’s defense.” .

It can help to remember, especially when you’ve fed a child a lot more, that your feelings toward each of your children will constantly change and grow. The child you identify with the most today will not necessarily be the child you feel the most for tomorrow.

(Barbara Katherina, second cousin of Johann Sebastian Bach and older sister of Maria Barbara, Bach’s future wife)

My dear sister, Maria Barbara, have you heard the news? Our JS has just been given permission to go to Lubeck to hear the celebrated organist Dietrich Buxtehude at St. Mary’s. He has been talking about this trip for so long and now the city council has given him four weeks right during Advent to go to Lübeck. Of course, he has asked our cousin, Johann Ernst, to fill in for him here in the Neukirche, so the music will continue as usual. JS tells me that he is going to walk the 200 miles to hear the great Buxtehude and his Advent Abendmusik concerts.

Finally, just when he had almost given up hope and was beginning to think that the rumor was true that Johann was going to marry Herr Buxtehude’s eldest daughter, Anna Margareta, in order to obtain the post of organist in Lübeck, he returned. Did you realize that he was gone sixteen long weeks from his post in the Neukirche? Let me tell you, the authorities knew how long Johann Sebastian had been gone and they are angry. They have argued and argued with JS but he does not apologize for his behavior and the length of his absence. And really, why should I? Our cousin Johann Ernst took a rather pleasant place in the Neukirche while he was gone.

Maria Barbara, were you at church yesterday? Did you hear what our JS played? I think it was an organ piece with our favorite chorus “How Brightly Shines the Morningstar” hidden in all those different sound sections somewhere. Our old serious congregation really didn’t like it, did they? I think our JS learned a lot from Herr Buxtehude and Herr Scheidt while he was in Lübeck, didn’t he?

Then, to make matters worse, did you hear the accompaniment to the anthem he played on LOBT GOTT, IHR CHRISTEN? Boy, was it hard to sing that anthem with that wild backing, if I do say so myself. Why did I hear people complaining all around us. They really were confused. Some even said they couldn’t hear the tune. I imagine that all that novelty ornamentation is not going to sit well with all those serious men.

Maria Barbara, please tell me you weren’t the woman someone heard singing to JS’s organ accompaniment in the church choir the other day. If it was you, you’re in so much trouble! First, you a woman actually in the choir and second, horror of horrors, you were even heard singing in the choir! Just think of the mess you’ve created for our dear Johann Sebastian now, and just as things were starting to calm down a bit. What were you thinking?

Oh, have you heard that he’s looking for another job? And why would our Johann need a different job? So that he can finally settle down and what? Marry you, Maria Barbara? Is that what you’re thinking, my dear little sister?

(The story above is one of a dozen vignettes from the organ and multimedia program, Bach and Sons, hosted by concert organist Dr. Jeannine Jordan.)


Ironing is a task that must be completed, but very few want to do it. It can be complicated, time consuming, and a single mistake can mean the entire garment needs to be ironed again. The next time you iron; remember how lucky you are with this brief overview of ironing.

What is ironing?

Ironing is using a hot object to remove wrinkles from clothing. The reason for ironing is simply to make clothes look neater, newer and fresher. It can also be done to kill fleas/lice etc, but more often than not, it is simply the visual appearance of the clothing.

The reason why ironing works is actually quite scientific, and here comes the scientific part: the molecules in the clothes actually change when heat and weight are applied, causing them to align and stretch. As the cloth cools, the molecules stay in the same position.

The history of ironing

Long before your modern steam iron, people were heating up “iron” weights in their kitchens and using them to iron clothes. Before that, people have tried to remove lines, wrinkles, folds from clothes with wood, heated stones. The first electric iron was created in 1882 by Mr. Seeley, who called it an “electric iron”. Other names for an iron include a clothes iron, flat iron, or straightening iron.

Today’s irons have evolved to use steam and special coatings to make it much easier: the iron will glide and the steam will superheat the clothing to make ironing cotton and other fabrics much easier.

the ironing board

An ironing board is an iron’s best friend – modern boards feature fabrics and materials that are used for both sides of your clothes at once, saving time. Remember to make sure the board has these characteristics, as some cheaper boards will be nothing more than a sheet of wood covered with a material. These will not give you any of the benefits of the new designs.

Most men don’t know anything about what women really want in oral sex. They think their reading of the latest and greatest 21 year old virgin male owned and edited website will give them some good information. It’s not going to happen, this woman gives you the real secrets.

Preparing for the engagement

While I know guys hate foreplay and just want to get on with it to get into the action, you have to. It’s not even for the romantic aspect of it all, it’s a physical necessity. Her lady needs to be properly prepared for her body parts. You jump right into something and you can be sure that you will end up with a frustrated lover. It only adds about 5 minutes of gameplay to get him in a good mood. It helps if she’s wearing underwear that you bought her and you just took it off.

The explicit act

You want to start off gently and lick the labia majora with a few well-placed strokes. Then make a quick transition to massaging the nerve endings of the clitoris with your tongue. Do not touch the clitoris with your hands, it completely kills the soft sensations of the mouth. If you ever hear women talk about why they love a woman’s touch it’s because of the savagery of a man’s hands when she makes love. Keep your hands out of the equation.

Work your tongue back and forth, left to right, over the clitoris, in an almost smooth motion. You have to do this for about 15-20 minutes to get her into a state where she can experience multiple pulsating orgasms. Don’t give up early, most average lovers do, and if you want to part with them, then you can’t.

The advice that only a woman can give you

One trick that will drive your lady completely crazy during this entire process is if you insert a finger into the vaginal canal while this is going on. Not putting your finger on the clitoris is the rule, but this is not there, and it works wonderfully. Don’t even move your finger, just leave it there, the pressure it induces will be enough to send shock waves through her when you climax.

Do you have continuous or intermittent “lump in the throat” sensations? This condition is also known as Globus Hystericus in medical terms. In this article I will explain what it is. I will also teach you a simple method to ‘possibly’ eliminate the lump in the throat sensations that can be very annoying.

Globus Hystericus always shows up as a tight feeling in the throat, often, but not always, causing a sensation as if something is stuck in the throat.

Most people will experience a “lump in the throat” when faced with something sad or happy, such as during a birthday party and sad movies or perhaps when something very upsetting happens. This is the result of the ‘flight or fight’ response and is completely normal. These anxiety reactions are created to help us at times when there is a real threat.

But most of the time it can also appear in moments of stress and sadness. In any case, if you experience Globus Hystericus constantly, even when no real danger is present, it could mean that you are suffering from inappropriate anxiety levels. In other words, you could have an anxiety disorder condition.

What happened during Globus Hystericus is that the throat muscle starts to contract around the throat area. That’s all. You need to understand this fact carefully so that you can manage the condition properly to prevent an anxiety attack from happening. Your throat is NOT closing or you will not be able to breathe or eat. It is simply a symptom of anxiety. It is harmless and curable through the anxiety elimination program.

If you need a “quick fix” that can help you manage Globus Hystericus, I’ve listed these 7 steps to help you quickly relieve lumpy sensations;

  1. Try to sit in a quiet place. Get a warm face cloth and hold it against your throat and neck for a minute.
  2. Put away the face cloth and stand up straight with your back against a wall. Tilt your head back as much as you can, but make sure you feel comfortable doing it. You should now feel a stretch in your throat. Hold this position for five seconds.
  3. Slowly tilt your head to the left and then to the right, still holding the stretch in your throat. Take 5 seconds to make a complete turn from left to right. Do this exercise 10 times.
  4. Place your hand on your throat in the position where it meets your chest. Try to locate the two “stringy” muscles that run on either side of the Adam’s apple and disappear behind the chest bones. After that, use one or two hands to firmly massage any tension in those muscles. Do this for 2 minutes.
  5. If you find more stiff muscles in the neck, on either side of the trachea, simply massage them to relieve the tension.
  6. Now do the head rolls again for another 5 repetitions and relax.
  7. Allow your muscles to relax by sitting still for a few minutes. Get up slowly and walk around.

These exercises may not have an immediate effect, but if you can do them regularly throughout the day, they can have a dramatic effect.

Setting up an aquaponics system is a lot of fun. Getting the right fish to put on is one of the crucial steps. To find out which species of fish to keep in your pond, you must first ask what their intentions are in keeping fish. If you are raising fish to eat, you may want to choose a different species than if you are raising them simply to feed your plants.

What fish are best for aquaponics? You have many options and you might do well with one of the following:


They live in streams, rivers, ponds, and shallow lakes. Their main food source is algae or any other food of plant origin. They grow very fast and reproduce a lot. They can be preserved as food since they are a very rich source of protein. They are very popular with commercial and artisanal fishing. Tilapia requires warm water and is therefore not suitable for areas with freezing conditions.

jade perch

This is a native Australian fish that has the highest levels of omega three oils of any other fish in the world. The omega 3 oil contents are very high, a factor that is causing growers to try extracting the oil after discovering that people don’t like such high amounts. This species is very suitable for aquaponics because it grows very fast and produces many eggs that hatch in large numbers during the warmer periods. They are omnivorous and do well in warm water.


Trout is another good aquaponic fish that does well only in cold water. It tastes great and is great for cold areas that experience winter for months. To grow well, this species needs pristine water conditions. Breeding this species means that one has to make a proper selection of plants to grow in the culture bed because most aquatic plants prefer warmer water temperatures. However, they grow very fast as they have a very high feed conversion ratio and eat very well. They are carnivorous, so it is necessary to feed them with commercial pellets. They may develop cannibalistic tendencies where they eat their own or other species of fish.


This species has some similarities to trout, but instead of requiring cold water like trout, they do well in warm water. They grow very fast and are good to eat. They are carnivals and will cannibalize each other or other species of fish. The bigger fish tend to eat the smaller ones. You will need to sort them by size to keep the little ones alive.


In situations where one does not have enough space to keep fish for food, the goldfish fits the bill. Goldfish are cheap, easy, hardy, and have the ability to withstand fluctuating conditions. Their aesthetic value is also very high, which makes them ideal for your garden. They breed in a tank, but you’ll need to cover it with plants first.


Most freshwater fish are edible and will provide you with vital proteins and vitamins. Whichever species you choose for your aquaponics, you need to take good care of it. Observe them regularly and take note of any form of stress. If there are any dead fish in the aquatic pond, they should be removed immediately as they decompose very quickly and can poison the water.

There’s a lot of noise right now about the Internet of Things (or IoT) and its impact on everything from the way we travel and shop to the way manufacturers keep track of inventory. But what is the Internet of Things? How does it work? And is it really that important?

What is the Internet of Things?

In short, this technology connects any device to the web and many other devices. In simple terms, this is a complex network of things connected to each other. This network collects and shares data and information.

Devices include a number of objects, such as smart microwaves, autonomous cars, wearable devices, and complex sensors, to name a few.

How does it work?

Devices with embedded sensors connect to IoT platforms that integrate information and data from a number of commonly used devices. Powerful analytics are then used to share actionable information to address specific needs.

IoT platforms can identify useful information and information that can be ignored. The information can then be used to identify patterns, provide suggestions, and flag problems before they occur.

For example, if you work in a car manufacturing business, you may need to find out about optional and important parts.

Based on the information and analytics offered, you can make processes much more efficient. Furthermore, smart systems and objects can also help you automate some tasks, especially when these tasks are mundane, repetitive, and time-consuming in nature. Let’s take a look at some real life examples.

Use of IoT in your own residence

Suppose you get up at 7 am to go to your office. Like most people, you can set your alarm to wake you up at the right time. This works until something bad happens. For example, your train may be cancelled. Now you have another problem. You have to drive to work but you’re already late. To make matters worse, the rain begins to fall.

Now, if you use an IoT alarm clock, it will automatically rest based on these factors. The watch will calculate the distance you need to travel and suggest an alternative route.

IoT in your car

Once you wake up to the alarm, you can drive to work. You won’t just be heading to the garage. However, what would you do if you have an emergency? If you have a connected car, your vehicle will share information with other people in the vehicle. Another component will collect data from the sensors and pass the information to the manufacturer’s platform. Also, the manufacturer can make use of the vehicle data to provide you with the information that you can use to repair the car by sending the information to the nearest dealer.

In a nutshell, this is your introduction to the Internet of Things and how it can help make your life easier. Hopefully, you will be able to take full advantage of this technology in the future.

“Just a simple wedding” – sometimes it can start like that. This is the plan; get married, spend only what is necessary, and then work out the nitty-gritty details of living together, spending life together, working, saving, planning for a family, and enjoying your time together.

“It has to be the wedding of my dreams”, and it can start like that too. The bride and groom can be optimistic about the cost, planning ahead and deciding that yes, they can afford a beautifully designed wedding that is unique and perfect for them.

But in both scenarios, the final cost of the wedding can come as a huge surprise.

Little things add up to big things

The problem often arises when “little extras” are added, often without incorporating the cost of those extras into the running total. Brides and grooms can say yes to those extras because they seem so cheap, just a few dollars more than the total (particularly in the context of the total!).

But many of those little extras have to be thought of in terms of multiplying them by the total number of guests.

Then another little extra will be added because it looks so beautiful or adds just the right touch.

And then another little extra because the bridesmaids and groomsmen really need to be properly thanked.

Then another extra because it combines very well with this or that.

And then another, and then another, and before you know it, those little extras have blown up the original expense to the point that it’s become financially difficult to manage the whole thing.

Looking beautiful: personal spending that can get out of control

Tradition says that the family of the bride (although today it is usually the bride herself) pays for the wedding dress. While some brides opt for the less expensive options, many don’t, and of course, all brides want to feel beautiful on their wedding day.

If the wedding dress is going to be a major expense, the bride needs to sit down and calmly think about all the expenses involved in her appearance. Will she wear a veil? What jewelry will she wear? (Will this be an additional expense or will she be wearing jewelry that she already owns?) What shoes? What underwear? What makeup? (Will this be done professionally?) What hairstyle? (Again, will this be done professionally?)

What about the headdresses and makeup of your assistants? (It’s normal for the bride or the bride’s family to pay for this, although bridesmaids are traditionally expected to buy their own dresses.) What about gifts for the bridesmaids and gifts for the groom?

The bride should decide on the budget before spending even a penny on any of these. It is absolutely fatal for the budget to start “impulse buying” anything related to the wedding.

Carding expenses, Photography, Reception and more

Not to mention the stationery (cards – engagement party invitations, wedding invitations, thank you letters, business cards, order of ceremony or order of service), newspaper advertisements, trousseau, bouquets for bridesmaids, bachelorette party or equivalent, musicians’ fees, additional entertainers’ fees, costs related to decorating the wedding venue, wedding venue rental, photographs (and video if also chosen), a wedding ring for the groom if he’s going to wear one, wedding transportation (to and from the ceremony and reception), and the big one: the reception (venue, food, and drink). All of these are traditionally paid for by the bride’s family or by the bride herself.

That does not mean that the groom does not have expenses, on the contrary.

From bouquets to honeymoons

Traditionally, the groom or the groom’s family is expected to pay for the groom’s attire, groomsmen accessories (boutonnieres, ties, gloves, etc.), groomsmen gifts (and ushers as well) , the fee for the Registered Marriage Celebrant, gifts for the parents of the bride and groom, flowers for the mother of the bride and mother of the groom, flowers for the bride (corset, bouquet, etc.), the wedding ring engagement (of course), the bride’s wedding ring, the cost of the engagement party and the cost of the honeymoon.

Decide what is necessary

It makes sense to stop and think before spending ANY money: what is really necessary? And who is going to pay what?

Remember that the above costs are traditional: it is not unusual to find the families of the bride and groom agreeing to split the costs in half, or for a family more able to bear the cost to pay more than the other family. If both the bride and groom have been working for a considerable amount of time, then again, it’s not unusual for both of them to be able to foot the costs between themselves rather than their families paying.

However, the costs must be paid, nothing must be purchased, not even a single invitation card, without planning the budget beforehand. You can do without some things. Some things can be made instead of bought. Some things can be splurged; some things can be saved. Some things, while beautiful, are simply not necessary if it means cutting back on other, more essential things.

What is the most important thing in a wedding?

Speaking as a Marriage Celebrant, it should come as no surprise that I firmly believe that by far the most important thing is the ceremony itself: its structure, the vows, the wording of the ceremony, the creation and sculpting of the various elements (music, readings, other ceremonial aspects) of the ceremony to create something unique and perfect for the couple. Any celebrant may appear, smile, say the necessary legal words, and then pronounce the couple as husband and wife. For a simple ceremony that focuses primarily on just getting married, there are inexpensive options like what I call “Simple Standard Ceremonies”: the basic ceremony booked in the Marriage Celebrant’s office with brief but meaningful vows.

For a ceremony that aims to exemplify the importance and beauty of vows through sight and sound, as well as legality, a top-notch Wedding Celebrant is more important than anything else.

No two celebrants will create the same ceremony, carry it out in the same way, leave the same memories for the couple. That’s why it’s important for couples with this type of ceremony in mind to research registered marriage celebrants to find the quality, style, and creativity that best suit them.

The place is also important, the clothing is important, the artists or the music chosen… everything is important. But how everything is woven together regarding the VOTES is by far the most important thing.

Ten years from now, when you think about your wedding, do you think you’ll remember the color of the bridesmaids’ bouquets more vividly? Or the taste of the dessert at the reception? Or the style of the invitations? Will the memory of the horse and carriage that brought them to the wedding venue be what will keep that day alive in their hearts?

Of course it won’t be… It will be the vows, how they looked into each other’s eyes and the promises were made, how the vows were part of a ceremony that was presented with warmth and softness and meaning, how each word added to the brilliance of the promise of that day, how everything from the music to the poetry to the moment you heard the words, “You can kiss the bride,” were woven into a wonderful memory of love and commitment.

Where can you cut corners?

If your total budget for your dream wedding has you desperate, start with the things you’d really love to have but absolutely don’t need to have. You may find it more helpful to first identify what is NOT optional and identify whether or not it can justify cutting back on essential expenses. Will it affect the most important thing if it does, or won’t it? Circle the five things that matter most to you and work from there.

You’ll find that it works wonders for keeping your wedding ceremony within a reasonable and workable budget, so you don’t start your marriage with unmanageable debt that puts a strain on your relationship. Remember, if you spend TOO MUCH on making it look pretty, you are in danger of forgetting that the heart of any wedding has nothing to do with the color of the aisle ribbons or the chairs – it’s all about the words and the promise and love

Chennai is known to get into a festive mood since the month of Navratri and with Deepawali, people are already having a lot of fun. But during this busy schedule, going for gifts and cakes from Pondy Bazar or T-Nagar or any other big mall can be hard to brave the crowds and heat.

The bustling city during the festival months for one, and yet you might want to order your special surprise cake for midnight delivery. If you are at one of the major IT companies in Tidal Park and have hardly any time for cake shopping, ordering cakes online would be the best option for you!

Birthdays and anniversaries technically mean cutting cakes, and if you are in Chennai city to celebrate the birthday of a friend, cousin or even your parents, a small gift and a beautiful cake will make the day even more special for them. . Your dad might also appreciate if you save time and order his special sixth birthday gift and spend some quality time with him. This is the reason why online portals are at your rescue if you are in the beautiful and sunny city of Chennai.

What are the gifts you will buy online?

If your boyfriend is in Chennai he is Deepawali and you are in Dubai or Australia. However, you want to uniquely gift him with a bouquet of roses, along with a midnight birthday cake delivery and then visit online shops for cakes and cake delivery. The website also offers a wide range of other gifts for various occasions to give to someone very close to your heart.

  • Cakes: Birthday cakes, heart-shaped cakes, shaped cakes, 2- or 3-tier cakes, and many other types are best when the mood is festive. So just log in and select the cake you want for your dear friend or family member. Whether you want to deliver the round or heart-shaped cake to Adayar, Vadapalani, Mylapore, Basin Bridge, Ashok Nagar or even Egmore, just choose the right location and your loved one will get the surprise cake delivery in Chennai.
  • Flowers: Some expressions and feelings are so subtle that you would rather express them with flowers. Red roses with dewy freshness and lingering fragrance, carnations and orchids for teachers and elders whom you respect are also available on the online gift site.

Any festival or any day becomes a special day when your beloved remembers you and treats you in a special way. Sending a gift is a very thoughtful gesture and now with such online portals, it has become very convenient to send gifts online.

Such online gift sites also offer stylish and fashionable garments for men and women, perfume and anniversary gift baskets, chocolates and even special festival gift baskets for anyone in Chennai city.