Category Archive : Shopping Product Reviews

Digital media has exploded, and Google reported that 2015 marks the year that web searches performed on mobile devices have surpassed desktop searches in 10 countries.

Mobile has grown so rapidly that it is now the leading digital platform for media consumption. 62% of total digital media activity comes from tablets and smartphones combined, 54% of that activity comes from apps alone, according to Comscore.

As of April 21, 2015, Google indexes mobile apps, allowing them to rank in search engine results. Read SearchEngineLand’s article on app search engine ranking. What does all this mean for you and your business? You need a mobile app!

What are the benefits of having an app for your business?

As mobile marketing continues to grow, more and more companies are jumping on the bandwagon of mobile apps to connect with consumers “on the go”, drive more traffic, generate repeat business, increase sales through better product promotion and, what is most important, to be available to your customers, on their mobile devices, 24×7.

Having an app for your business takes marketing efforts to a whole new level. Apps aren’t just for big companies like Amazon, eBay, and Wal-mart anymore. Small and medium-sized businesses are now improving their marketing strategies and expanding their customer reach with mobile apps.

Today’s technology has given us the entire world at our fingertips! Mobile phones have made public phones and most landlines obsolete as we can take them with us wherever we go. That gives companies a huge marketing advantage. Let’s see the benefits that a mobile application offers your company and your customers:

1. Strengthen your brand

2. Increase your visibility and accessibility on mobile devices

3. Build relationships and loyalty with your customers

4. Generate repeat business with app tools like coupons and loyalty cards

5. Boost social media strategies

6. Connects you with consumers “on-the-go”

7. Increase sales with push notifications

8. Your products/services are easily accessible to your customers 24×7

9. One-touch access to your contact information

10. Provide directions to your location anywhere your customers are

11. Quick appointment scheduling for your clients

12. An app is more easily accessible and loads faster than a website

13. Increase customer engagement and provide value

14. Customers have easy access to your social media posts

15. Stand out from your competition

Why a mobile app is better than a website

Simply put: an app loads and runs much faster! It takes just a second to launch, while a website can take much longer, especially if the mobile user has poor reception. Mobile-optimized websites serve an important business purpose, but they don’t replace the need for apps. Let’s look at a side by side comparison:

• Mobile apps give you near-instant access to the content you need, websites don’t.

• Mobile apps appear in app stores, websites don’t.

• Mobile apps can keep your business in direct contact with your customers through push notifications, websites don’t.

• Mobile apps are always visible on the home screen of your mobile device, websites are not always visible

Do you see the power that mobile marketing apps have to offer? With features like push notifications, you can reach your customers instantly with significantly less time and effort than snail mail sales ads, not to mention significantly lower advertising costs. But the biggest benefit a mobile app has to offer your business is the return on investment.

Apple’s App Store has over 100 billion downloads a year, that’s almost 274 million downloads a day according to Statista! Statistics from the Wall Street Journal show that in the first quarter of 2015, the Google Play Store had 70% more app downloads than the Apple Store. Now is the time to take advantage of the mobile application market! The more users download your app, the more people you can reach to offer sales, product promotion, events, launches, you name it! The app market is booming and growing. Are you already convinced?

Just remember, mobile apps are quickly becoming the standard component of businesses large and small. Choosing an app today can lay the foundation for the future of your business and help put you on the fast track to continue to grow, build your customer base, and earn more money!

The International Vinegar Museum is located in Roslyn, South Dakota.

Here’s a list of cool things vinegar can do:

Use vinegar in a steam cleaner to reduce soap bubbles.

Mix vinegar with linseed oil and use it to clean your wood.

Clean the glasses by wiping each lens with a drop of vinegar.

Soak new propane lamp wicks in vinegar for several hours. Let dry before using. The wick will burn longer and brighter.

A mixture of salt and vinegar will clean coffee and tea stains from china.

To refresh vegetables, soak wilted vegetables in 2 cups of water and a tablespoon of vinegar.

Boil eggs better by adding 2 tablespoons of vinegar to the water before boiling.

Marinating meat in vinegar kills bacteria and tenderizes the meat. Use a quarter cup of vinegar for a 2 to 3 pound roast. Marinate overnight, then cook without draining or rinsing the meat. If desired, add herbs to the vinegar when marinating.

Vinegar can also:

Kills grass on walks and driveways.

Increase the acidity of the soil. In hard water areas, add a cup of vinegar to a gallon of tap water to water acidic plants like gardenias or azaleas. The vinegar releases iron into the soil.

Cool cut flowers by adding 2 tablespoons of vinegar and 1 teaspoon of sugar for every quart of water.

An open dish of distilled white vinegar will help remove paint odors from a room.

Salad dressings, sauces, marinades, ketchup, mustard, and pickles are made with distilled white vinegar.

Soothe a sore throat with a mixture of apple cider vinegar, water, and honey.

Soak your feet in white distilled vinegar to stop athlete’s foot.

Drink a teaspoon of distilled white vinegar to stop hiccups.

Pantyhose last longer when rinsed with water containing 1 tablespoon of white distilled vinegar.

Massage with distilled white vinegar on our scalp, rinse, then with normal shampoo and see the dandruff disappear.

Word game addicts, crossword addicts, and Will Shortz fans everywhere are in luck if they have an iPhone or iPad. The App Store has games to satisfy any word puzzle craving. Of course, Words with Friends gets all the attention. However, with so many games to choose from, there’s a lot more than Word with Friends to keep you busy while you wait for your opponents to make a move.

Whether you prefer to make, find or guess words, try some of these games to keep your fingers and mind busy at the same time. Increase your skills and when you return to Words with Friends, your “friends” won’t know what happened.


If you’re more into challenges when playing a Scrabble-style game than your “Friends” can offer, you can always get the original. The Scrabble app allows you to set the difficulty to easy, normal, or hard. “Easy” is really easy. “Normal” will follow the average player. Beware of “Hard” which will beat the average player consistently, but will also make the average pay better. Playing on the “hard” setting is a good way to improve your defensive playing skills.


A unique word game, Moxie is a word building game. Given a series of letters, you must place each letter on one of three boards, where it forms and re-forms three different words. Keep building words and keep scoring points. Destroy a word and lose points. For example, build the word “fun” and then change it to “run” when an “R” appears. Better have a strategy for when the “Q” appears!


Like many other word spin games, the object of this game is to find all the words of three letters or more that can be made from the given word. Unlike most other games of this type, Jumbline can be played with five, six, or seven letter words. Most games only offer six letter words. Jumpline also allows you to adjust the time limit, even without offering a time limit, which can give you the satisfaction of finishing a long list of words starting with a seven-letter word.

book worm

Like the online game of the same name, this app features a random letter board. Connect strings of letters to form words and earn points. As those letters disappear, the columns go down and new letters are added. There are also premium slots that add urgency to the game. The strategy here is to avoid using too many common letters at first, because that will increase the concentration of difficult letters later, making it more difficult to form new words.

Crossword Lite

While the New York Times Crosswords app offers a better pedigree, it does require a paid subscription. This app offers puzzles of moderate challenge. Crossword Lite is the free version of a larger app and comes with 40 puzzles. It’s very easy to handle, which can be a problem with crossword puzzles on an iPhone’s screen size. Toggle between horizontal and downward or easily switch to a list of all tracks.

Anyone remotely awake and aware can see that significant changes are occurring in our world right now. Some people will find them disturbing because they are seeing these changes in what used to be considered a reasonably predictable and stable society. If you take a deeper look at what society has become, you will see a very different story. What we may have perceived as security is far more sinister. The media is deliberately feeding us propaganda to make us believe that we have reasons to be afraid, reasons to agree with the fight against “terrorism” and support the unnecessary invasion of countries that have done nothing to harm us. More tortuous control through social services is perceived to be for our own well-being; schools are controlling the free minds of our children with concepts like “vaccines save lives” so that they grow up appreciating the pharmaceutical industry. We are subtly “mind controlled”.

In every area of ​​our life there are unnecessary controls and systems that interfere with our own personal freedom. We are watched by cameras from every street corner and people already have microchips implanted. We believe this is for our own protection and appreciate being “cared for” properly. We were recently told of a surgeon who routinely implanted a microchip every time he operated on a patient. It was only when he retired that his successor found a chip in one of his patients who needed more work on her hip replacement. What else don’t we know?

We are coming to the end of an era that is governed by a planetary “planning” influence. It started about 400 years ago and has 17 years left before we move on to the next 400 years, which is about “freedom and love”; then we move on to the Age of Aquarius. What is happening now is that we have gone to the extreme with the planning of towns, cities, schools, councils, health systems, banks, insurance companies, transport systems, work, who lives where and why. Planning is the way thousands of restaurants in our capital cities get food delivered from the farm to the central collection point, to the wholesaler, to the restaurant supplier, and finally to the restaurant. At each stage a cost is added. Our whole life is organized and we are told what to do. Money rules this age. Most people seem to like being taken care of in exchange for being paid; but it means that we are not free, we are not individuals, we are simply a homogenized group of people who receive the same treatment. Even our legal system is tortuous, but I won’t go into that now. Graeme is doing a great job of finding out how much fraud actually happens. I leave it to him, but I personally love it when he tells me about it. I recently read the Mary Croft book that everyone needs to read. It is a free download and will open your eyes. Go to spiritual economy (dot) net and click on Mary’s Book.

As we move into this age of planning 400 years ago, we can see how life became more organized. Schools were being created to educate people so that they could earn a proper living by being part of this organizing process. The Industrial Revolution was a key piece that highlighted this era. For example, an author at the time, Robert E. Lucas, wrote “For the first time in history, the standard of living for the masses of ordinary people has begun to experience sustained growth…Nothing like this economic behavior has happened before.”

This is what happens when we enter a new era. It carries a planetary influence that affects each one of us; our behavior changes. The transition is gradual; over a period of about 50 years, our behavior gradually changes to new influences. We evolve; that’s what our genes love to do. Before the planning age, we lived in a very mind-oriented phase; back then we were meant to be mental beings. But when we went from that influence of the mind to the influence of Planning, we became nine-centered beings instead of seven-centered beings and it was the beginning of our awakening process. This is what Ra Uru Hu, the developer of Human Design, had to say about the change:

We are here to be deeply, deeply aware. We are here to be nine-centered beings, not seven-centered beings.

Are you willing to make a change in your life?

It all comes down to the mind. The seven-centered being was all mind. That natural order has now been lost. The culture of the past is deeply embedded in the mind.


We have a biomechanically different way of being. The mind is not in control. The current program is all about discovery.”

For the last 400 years we’ve been trying to make that shift where we’re not in the mind, but we’re more aware of our body’s response mechanisms. We are not mental beings; we are spiritual beings experiencing what it feels like to be in a body. It’s just an experiment. Until we know it’s just an experiment, we’ll stay in that mental place and try to make life work the way we think we want it to.

Of course that can never happen. Mental plans are not reliable and therefore cannot work consistently. Maybe 50% of the time they do. But we know it’s a gamble. All the organizing and planning that is going on right now is just someone’s idea that may or may not work. A new government enters and plans change. All they are changing is the way the people of the country are controlled.

Right now, we’re measuring ourselves against outdated targets; we are living by a system that is no longer relevant. We are being mentally processed by schools, governments, and other organizations that we allow to have authority over us. We seek success through outdated beliefs, but we cling to the past because we perceive it as safe.

By 2027 our lives will be very, very different. If you like planning and organization, control, dependence on the state, and lack of any need to be conscious, then you will find it difficult to survive in the new age. If you want freedom and love, and a more personal level of organizing your own life, that’s what we’ll see in the next era. There will be no financial institutions, there will be no health system, there will be no social services that attend to those in need, there will be no planned cities or town halls.

Living within the conditioned world of “not-me” as most of us are, it is not easy to see what is really going on. Opening our eyes and being awake allows us to see the truth. The bodily senses tell us that it is the truth, although the mind will try to convince us otherwise. The mind loves to win, but it has no idea of ​​the truth; only the body knows the truth. Stepping back from the struggle and allowing life to flow naturally removes an enormous amount of stress from our lives. Stress prevents us from living in the body where we should be.

The transition to the next age when the sleeping phoenix will rise from the ashes will be much easier when we can let life unfold; when we can see the gift in each situation and know that there is correction in that process of development. Those who insist on staying as they are, bowing to the unnatural and unnecessary legal structure of the planning age in the belief that it is correct, will find it very difficult in the years to come. Many people have approached 2012 with some level of curiosity. It is a turning point when the last Maya possessing a particular genetic stream dies and begins to usher in this new era. December 21, 2012 is relevant as a mutative change point. Life as we used to know it has already started to fall apart; those who depend on the state for survival may need to find other means of livelihood; families will have to take care of their own. It may sound harsh, but it will be a much more community-oriented, loving, caring, and yet very individual way of life. We will need to know who we are and how to survive.

Today’s communities find it difficult to allow the natural hierarchy to take place: when we know who we are, when we feel safe and solid about our own survival, then we are much more willing to share and let the natural leaders take over. . If we think we have something to prove, then we want to be in charge; we are competitive and greedy. When we know that only 30% of the population has this competitive gene, we can put aside the need to prove ourselves and just be ourselves.

There are people who enjoy serving the needs of the tribe; they will be the people who make sure we have the food, shelter, and heat we need. Others will be teachers; sharing his wisdom, knowing what practical advice is needed; others will show the way forward. If we don’t know our own role in this future; if we want it to stay the same so that we’re just robots, cogs in a wheel, then we won’t enjoy the process. If we can shake off the shackles of the current age, move from the space of the mind to the body, the place of the heart, we will find the greatest potential for freedom in all the ways we can ever imagine. Are you willing to start your own experiment to find out who you really are?

Finally, here is more from Ra Uru Hu:

“The mind will try to make the decision as to whether or not you are willing to change. We are not like 7-focused beings. Our mind in these 9-focused vehicles is not here to be in charge. In the end, it’s just about you and your battle with your mind. The journey for generators is to discover the sacred answer. It is incredible, of immense value and will always take care of you. The mind is only for measurement. It does not know what it is for. It has no idea who you are.

How afraid human beings are of not being able to fend for themselves. How ignorant are they that they don’t know how to fend for themselves, that you give up your life, you give up your promise, your purpose, your potential, and you throw it away for what: an illusion? When the Human Design came into the world, it came to herald the presence of this transitional form of nine centers. This is who we are and we have to discover it. We have to nurture it, and not for a general result, but so that each and every one of you can experience the uniqueness to which you are entitled. You have a right.”

If you are willing to be a part of this process, start by finding out if you are a Generator or otherwise. 70% of the population are Generators; they are the ones that are needed to do the work that is needed in the world right now; Help people wake up. You can find a lot on the Human Design website jovianarchive(dot)com. I recommend going to the ‘Newcomers’ section to download a free pdf file of ‘The Differentiation Lectures’

You can only gain wisdom; Nothing to lose. We learn to never judge others because they are not like us, and never to take anything personally. We revel in our own uniqueness and settle into the body because we can now like who we are and let go of those who are not right for us. The concept of “people pleasers” is simply not relevant anymore when we are authentic. People respect our authenticity without questioning it. The whole process is great!

Both Google and Apple have been pushing to grab most of the smartphone market share. And the career takes more than 5 years. When it comes to direct sales, Apple devices run in circles around Android devices. However, nowadays things have changed and the sales of Android devices are on the rise. This is clearly due to the advantages that Android and Android apps offer. Let’s read more about it.

1.Open ecosystem

Unlike Apple, you can choose to download apps from a source other than the Google Play Store. This is the freedom you can’t enjoy with an iOS phone or tablet. You can go to an app developer’s website and install any app from there. For example, you can download and install apps from F-Droid, Getjar, Appstore, and Amazon, just to name a few.

Of course, there is some risk in getting third-party apps, but you are not forced to install apps from a single source. So, you have a choice here.

2. Cheaper apps

If you have a smartphone, you need apps to get the most out of your device. For iOS users, apps may not come cheap. However, if you’re on Android, you can choose from millions of free apps. So, you don’t play anything for them. Also, even if you want to get paid apps, they are very cheap. On the other hand, iOS apps cost a minimum of 69p. So this is another advantage that you can enjoy if you opt for this operating system.

3. Customizable user interface

Since day one, Google engineers and developers have been working together to make the US of Android as customizable as possible. As a result, you can see that the current operating system has tons of widgets that can be easily customized. You can place them anywhere in the user interface where you can get access to other things, like media sources, calendar, and email, to name a few. Therefore, this addition makes it easy for you to adjust the user interface based on your professional needs.

4. flexible

If you are an app developer and want to put your app on the iOS app store, you need to submit your app. The company is very strict when it comes to incorporating software into its platform.

On the other hand, Android is open and offers a Software Developer Kit (SDK) that works on many platforms. Therefore, it is easier for companies to develop applications and release them on Android for users to download.

5.NFC support

iOS is not NFC-enabled even though there is a lot of potential for NFC. For example, this feature can help with cashless payment systems like Google Wallet, which encourages use to be a cashless society. Also, NFC can be used to automate tasks.

So, if you love downloading and installing new apps for free, we suggest you go for an Android phone because Android offers all the benefits mentioned above. I hope this helps.

Sometimes when you’re watching TV, you can’t hear the sound very well. Luke Skywalker and Han Solo are rescuing Princess Leia, the blasters are rumbling, the Wookiee is howling, and you can’t hear a thing. Maybe Luke said “I’m here with Obi-Wan Kenobi” or maybe he said “Would you like fries with that?” You just can’t tell. So you turn up the volume and turn it up and turn it up but you still can’t hear it and now your husband is yelling that he’s too loud. Finally, you start to wonder if maybe it’s something more. Maybe his hearing isn’t what it used to be. But there is still a question: how to know if the problem is really the ears?

There is a simple solution. You can take a hearing test. There are many different types of hearing tests, and they come in many different shapes and sizes.

One tried and true method that you can use to measure your hearing is the audiometer test. It is usually given to people seated in a soundproof room. This booth is a lot like the room musicians use to record their music because it is completely soundproof. The person receiving the procedure will wear a pair of headphones that are connected to an audiometer. A licensed audiologist plays a series of tones at specific frequencies and volume levels to each ear independently. As you perform the test, you will indicate by raising your hand or pressing a button whether or not you heard the sound. The results are plotted on a graph and, at the end of the procedure; the audiologist will be able to determine the degree of hearing loss she is experiencing.

Another hearing test is called a tympanogram. In this test, the air pressure in the ear canal is varied using a small probe placed in the ear. This will tell your audiologist how well your ears and other muscles, tissues, and structures in your ear are working. In this case, if there is a perforation in your tympanic membrane, you will be able to tell and can take steps to correct it. This measures your actual ear and whether or not all parts of your ear are working properly.

The last hearing test that might be administered is an acoustic reflex test. A probe is placed in your ear and a loud tone is played. This will estimate whether or not your stapedius muscle is working and whether it can contract to protect your ears from loud noises. You want to make sure there is nothing wrong here as it could indicate an injury to your ear or a faulty reflex contraction that could be preventing your ears from working properly.

There are many hearing tests you can take to find out why you’re not hearing at optimal levels. Get your results back today and enjoy Star Wars at full volume!

Have you ever wondered what the Internet really is? Well, I did for a long time because, at its core, it’s a pretty weird technology. The Internet is defined as a global system of interconnected computer networks that uses the standard set of protocols to provide access to billions of users around the world. This, of course, is too superficial a definition for my taste.

Generally speaking, computers that are connected in some way fall into two large groups: WAN and LAN. LAN stands for Local Area Network and WAN stands for Wide Area Network. Local area networks are defined as two or more connected computers sharing certain resources in a relatively small location. WAN is basically what we know as the Internet, or rather, the Internet is the largest WAN out there. Wide area networks are connected by telephone cables, optical cables, or wireless communication technologies.

With that said, we can now discuss how devices that are connected to a network communicate with each other. The Internet communications infrastructure consists of the hardware that communicates through various layers of software that control the architecture of the network. The basic minimum description of these connections is as follows: you connect to your ISP (Internet Service Provider) network which then connects to a larger, sometimes non-commercial provider, and that, after a few more iterations of connections (mostly two more), connects to a NAP (network access point). NAPs are governed by tier-one service providers who essentially “sell the Internet” to lower-tier providers. Trades between NAPs, on the other hand, do not involve monetary transactions, as they all adhere to peer agreements. These are the basics of routing technologies. The service providers themselves and Internet users communicate through protocols that are more difficult to explain (and understand). Despite the challenge, Mr. Brinkerhoff does a great job of explaining the protocols simply in his educational video. (

The Internet is often formally referred to as a highly complex and highly engineered heterogeneous system. Surprisingly though, despite the complexity of the Internet, it is extraordinarily robust and that is very reassuring since we as modern humanity depend on the seamless connection of billions of electronic devices that independently receive and transmit packets. of data that is individually processed according to a set of protocols and then recorded on a massive network – the World Wide Web.

Are you stuck on what type of content you should post on your blog? There are so many post types you can use to help you find the right content that will engage your audience and help you convert visitors.

video content

Just because you have a blog doesn’t mean all content has to be written. You can also add video content. To help the search engine find your content, write a good description, fill in that alternate information, and give the video a relevant name. You can also add a transcript.

Well placed images

Don’t forget to add images to your blog post that help enhance the meaning of your post and grab the attention of your visitors. Remember to give the image a relevant name. For example, don’t name it “IMG423”; give it a descriptive name like “steakcookingdemo” instead.

“How To” Content

Everyone loves to read good content and tutorials. Anything that you can show your audience how to do is fodder for a good tutorial post. You can add images, text, and video to enhance the usefulness of these posts.

Industry News

Keeping up with industry news is a great way to show how knowledgeable you are and provide that information to your readers without them having to look elsewhere. If they see that you are a good all-in-one provider for the information they need, they will come to you first.

controversial content

Sometimes you want to stir the pot. The reason is that it can make your content go viral. But do this with caution. If you can cause good controversy and not negative controversy, that’s even better.

List of articles

The article you are reading right now is a list article. This is a great way to provide information in chunks that people like to read. Reading content without headers can be hard on the eyes and make people click. A good list is easy to read and write.


These are helpful types of content that you can use as content upgrades to help people transition to your list. Add them to the content you’ve already created where relevant and request a registration to get the download.


Any niche offers the opportunity to earn a little extra income by doing reviews and linking to the product you recommend in the review. Sometimes a company may decide they like the reviews you’ve done on their own and ask to work with you by offering free products as well.

Problems and solutions

This is a great type of blog post that is very interesting to your readers. If you can describe a problem and then tell them about the different solutions available (including yours), they can click the link to the offer and you’ll earn money.

You’ve heard of people who are so good at sales that they could sell ice to an Eskimo, water to a fish, and prescription glasses to a blind man. Every business wants to hire such a salesperson for their products or services. Great sales producers like this are invaluable to the companies that have them.

For many businesses, the sell-at-all-costs approach can often come back to bite. The good salesperson is doing their job, but a problem arises when the products or services don’t live up to the sales rhetoric to attract the buyer. It is the result of a seller who oversells and overpromises but the products or services do not (or cannot) meet the buyer’s expectations.

This frequently happens with search engine optimization companies. It’s easy to tell people what they want to hear: “19 days to #1!” “Ranked in the top three!” “First page placement for all your key phrases” is something else to be able to fulfill such promise. In a previous article I debunked SEO’s top ranking guarantees. Others in the industry have discussed this topic quite extensively and even Google has weighed in with its own statement, saying that “no one can guarantee a number 1 ranking.” There are still many “SEO” companies that insist that they will magically make your site appear in the number one position. The truth is, they could actually achieve this, but for keywords that no one actually searches for, or for a very limited amount of time until their site gets banned in the process. And if the SEO doesn’t deliver on these promises, he or she will simply point you to the many loopholes that are spelled out in the fine print in the contract.

The SEO industry is aggressive; Every SEO’s motive is to convince potential customers that the services he or she provides are above those offered by competitors. This is why so many exaggerate with the promise of spectacular results that may or may not be achievable. Few SEOs go out of their way to provide a truthful assessment of what is possible and on what kind of timeline. New sites will take a year or more. Competitive industries require a larger budget. And, poor websites… well, top rankings can be achieved, but you may need to make drastic changes if you want to improve conversions.

SEOs who are honest with potential customers find that they lose many who are looking for a quick fix, instant results, or a guarantee. But they’ll also find that those who become customers have a better understanding of what’s at stake, how long it will take, and what kind of results to expect. And if you’re honest and capable, you’ll always be able to meet and often exceed customer expectations.

My company strives to inform our clients that we set benchmarks for achievement within the first year of your campaign. Today, 70% of our customers are performing better than expected, and more than 80% are performing at or above expectations. Yes, that means that 20% are currently performing below expected levels, but this is not necessarily a failure rate. It actually reflects the percentage of clients that aren’t performing as well as we expected, but many of them have shown significant improvement in targeted traffic and ROI since the start of the campaigns.

But this is something most SEOs won’t tell you, especially those who make pie-in-the-sky claims. They know they have oversold their service and have largely underperformed. When our clients call to inquire about their performance on the leaderboard, we provide them with an honest assessment, including letting them know if we think they should perform better. We’re also letting you know that your site is being aggressively tested, tuned, and linked and we hope you’ll be up and running at or above benchmark levels soon. We are rarely wrong.

We are guided by the Scottie Principle, based on Scottie from the original Star Trek series, which is about underestimating your capabilities and then overcoming it. While the client may expect certain results in higher rankings, you can achieve more if you really helped them increase their sales and ROI. If you can do that, top search engine rankings don’t matter as much because the customer is busy driving the new sales they get as a result of optimization and marketing efforts.

SEOs don’t need to go overboard by making promises and raising expectations beyond their ability to deliver. Those who educate clients, provide an accurate assessment of expectations, and then work aggressively to achieve results beyond those expectations will find that they have less to worry about getting their next client to replace the three who just left. Instead, the focus can be on developing and maintaining a strong, profitable relationship with each client for years to come.

You’ve heard of people who are so good at sales that they could sell ice to an Eskimo, water to a fish, and prescription glasses to a blind man. Every business wants to hire such a salesperson for their products or services. Great sales producers like this are invaluable to the companies that have them.

For many businesses, the sell-at-all-costs approach can often come back to bite. The good salesperson is doing their job, but a problem arises when the products or services don’t live up to the sales rhetoric to attract the buyer. It is the result of a seller who oversells and overpromises but the products or services do not (or cannot) meet the buyer’s expectations.

This frequently happens with search engine optimization companies. It’s easy to tell people what they want to hear: “19 days to #1!” “Ranked in the top three!” “First page placement for all your key phrases” is something else to be able to fulfill such promise. In a previous article I debunked SEO’s top ranking guarantees. Others in the industry have discussed this topic quite extensively and even Google has weighed in with its own statement, saying that “no one can guarantee a number 1 ranking.” There are still many “SEO” companies that insist that they will magically make your site appear in the number one position. The truth is, they could actually achieve this, but for keywords that no one actually searches for, or for a very limited amount of time until their site gets banned in the process. And if the SEO doesn’t deliver on these promises, he or she will simply point you to the many loopholes that are spelled out in the fine print in the contract.

The SEO industry is aggressive; Every SEO’s motive is to convince potential customers that the services he or she provides are above those offered by competitors. This is why so many exaggerate with the promise of spectacular results that may or may not be achievable. Few SEOs go out of their way to provide a truthful assessment of what is possible and on what kind of timeline. New sites will take a year or more. Competitive industries require a larger budget. And, poor websites… well, top rankings can be achieved, but you may need to make drastic changes if you want to improve conversions.

SEOs who are honest with potential customers find that they lose many who are looking for a quick fix, instant results, or a guarantee. But they’ll also find that those who become customers have a better understanding of what’s at stake, how long it will take, and what kind of results to expect. And if you’re honest and capable, you’ll always be able to meet and often exceed customer expectations.

My company strives to inform our clients that we set benchmarks for achievement within the first year of your campaign. Today, 70% of our customers are performing better than expected, and more than 80% are performing at or above expectations. Yes, that means that 20% are currently performing below expected levels, but this is not necessarily a failure rate. It actually reflects the percentage of clients that aren’t performing as well as we expected, but many of them have shown significant improvement in targeted traffic and ROI since the start of the campaigns.

But this is something most SEOs won’t tell you, especially those who make pie-in-the-sky claims. They know they have oversold their service and have largely underperformed. When our clients call to inquire about their performance on the leaderboard, we provide them with an honest assessment, including letting them know if we think they should perform better. We’re also letting you know that your site is being aggressively tested, tuned, and linked and we hope you’ll be up and running at or above benchmark levels soon. We are rarely wrong.

We are guided by the Scottie Principle, based on Scottie from the original Star Trek series, which is about underestimating your capabilities and then overcoming it. While the client may expect certain results in higher rankings, you can achieve more if you really helped them increase their sales and ROI. If you can do that, top search engine rankings don’t matter as much because the customer is busy driving the new sales they get as a result of optimization and marketing efforts.

SEOs don’t need to go overboard by making promises and raising expectations beyond their ability to deliver. Those who educate clients, provide an accurate assessment of expectations, and then work aggressively to achieve results beyond those expectations will find that they have less to worry about getting their next client to replace the three who just left. Instead, the focus can be on developing and maintaining a strong, profitable relationship with each client for years to come.

Transferring songs from your iPod to your computer can be a bit confusing without the necessary knowledge. In this article, I will give a short and easy step by step guide that will help you to accomplish the task.

Step 1 Using a USB cable, connect your iPod to your computer. If you are using a Windows 8 operating system, the ‘File Explorer’ dialog box appears. If you don’t see the ‘file explorer’ popup, go to the ‘Start Menu’ and click ‘File Explorer’.

Step 2 – In the ‘File Explorer’ dialog, check ‘Devices with removable storage’ and click the ‘iPod icon’.

You will see a screen with a list of folders. In that list, look for ‘iPod_control’; If it’s not available then;

Step 3 – Click ‘View’ at the top of the dialog, then ‘Options’ (a folder options popup appears), click ‘view’ on it, run the ‘advanced settings’ list ‘ and locate ‘Hidden files, folders and drives’.

Step 4: Click the box next to ‘Show hidden files, folders and drives’, then click ‘Apply’ and then ‘OK’.

After this procedure, the ‘ipod_control’ folder will be seen in the dialog containing the folder list above.

Step 5: Right-click on the ‘ipod_control’ folder and open it; this opens a bunch of folders.

It’s music we’re concerned with, so go through the list and locate ‘Music’.

Step 6: Double click on ‘Music’ and a list of other folders will appear. Locate the folder containing the songs of your choice, by clicking on the individual folders you see, eg ‘F06’, ‘F02’, etc.

When you confirm the folder that contains the songs you want to transfer to your computer, right-click on it, scroll down the drop-down menu, and click ‘Copy’.

If you just want to copy the songs anywhere on your computer, go to where you want to store them, right click and ‘Paste’.

However, if you want to store them on your iTunes, then;

Step 7; Open the ‘iTunes’ application on your computer, click ‘Edit’, ‘Preferences’, ‘Advanced’, make a note of the default location where iTunes stores files on your computer.

Step 8: Go to the ‘Start Menu’, click on ‘File Explorer’, ‘Libraries’, ‘Music’, ‘My Music’, ‘iTunes’, ‘iTunes Media’ and on the right side of the page, right-click and ‘ Paste the previously copied file (F06).

Step 9 – Right click on the file you just pasted, go to ‘Properties’ in the dropdown, a dialog appears, uncheck the ‘Hidden’ tab in the attributes section of the dialog, click ‘ Apply’ and ‘OK’ .

Finally: Go back to the ‘iTunes’ app, click ‘File’, ‘Add Folder to Library’, ‘Music’, ‘My Music’, ‘iTunes’, ‘iTunes Media’, ‘F06’ and your music will appear on your iTunes.

This procedure may not work for ‘iPod Touch’; there is another way that would help to transfer music from your ‘iPod Touch’ to your computer. Otherwise it works fine. Go ahead and try it.