Month: March 2022

1) Have an “All or Nothing” mentality

“Without pain there is no gain”

“Give him ALL you’ve got”

“Feel the Burn”

“If you’re not sore, you’re not working hard enough”

“110% effort all the time”

Some of you may make good progress with this mindset, and some of you may need to think this way to break through plateaus or make it to the gym. But if you constantly live by these quotes, or something similar, you’re likely to stall with your lifts, your weight loss/muscle building progress, or just hate lifting weights (because most people don’t like being heavy). sore 24 hours a day, 7 days a week) .

This doesn’t mean you should never press hard. There will be days when you have to give 110% in the gym. But I am mainly referring to those who leave the gym and are not able to sit down, climb stairs or raise an arm without pain and discomfort after each session. You know who you are.

It is possible to burn out very quickly if your goal is to go all out in every gym session.

You must find a balance for yourself, physically and mentally, when you go to the gym. Some days may be your “all or nothing days” while others may be a day to work out and not kill yourself.

2) Thinking you need to be in the gym every day (or you need to do cardio every day)

You don’t need to be in the gym 7 days a week to reach your desired fitness goals.

Most people get great results with just 3 days in the gym (as long as they put in the necessary work). However, if you like to be in the gym 7 days a week and it’s not a problem for you, go 7 days a week. It’s just that sometimes people force themselves into the gym when they know for a fact that they don’t want to be there because they’re too tired from all the other gym days, which will only create an unhealthy habit. Or maybe they just don’t have time, but keep telling themselves they “need” to go to the gym, which will continue to stress them out because they missed that extra day they “planned” to go. .

As for cardio, if you do it every day for fun, keep doing it. However, if you have created this thought that the more cardio you do in a week, the better and faster the results you will get, you will be disappointed. Very disappointed. Not just because you spend a ton of time doing cardio and hate every second of it, but because cardio isn’t the best option for fat loss. You’d be better off using that time to design a better diet that suits your lifestyle and fitness goal while using a combination of weightlifting and conditioning instead of cardio to cut down on the time you spend in the gym and improve your workouts. results.

Also, our bodies are pretty amazing at adapting to stressors (cardio, weight lifting, etc.). So if you do cardio continuously for long periods of time, several times a week, you will adapt and become more efficient.

What does that mean?

Well, if you started out doing 50 minutes of regular, steady cardio burning 200 calories (this isn’t exact, just an example), your body will get “better” at doing cardio and you’ll burn fewer calories for the same amount of cardio. This is pretty annoying because your goal is to burn calories, right? So you will have to do more to burn than you used to. When using a conditioning weightlifting program, there are several ways to change the stressor (increase weight, reps, sets, decrease rest, etc.) so that the body does not adapt and becomes so “energetically efficient” when compared to regular low-intensity cardio.

3) Being afraid of gaining muscle or getting “too big”

Increasing muscle mass and decreasing fat mass is what everyone praises. They just don’t know.

This creates what some call, “toned, curvy, lean, etc…”.

To increase muscle mass, you must lift weights. You should also increase the amount of work you do over time.

You can increase the work by increasing the weights you’re lifting, increasing the total number of reps you’re doing (increasing the reps per set or keeping the same reps and increasing the number of sets), or a combination of both.


3 sets of 10 with 100 pounds

We can increase the amount of work we are doing with these 3 options (colored in red):

3 x 10 with 105 pounds = 3,150 pounds
3×12 with 100 pounds = 3600 pounds
4 x 10 with 100 pounds = 4,000 pounds
If the goal is to build more muscle, I would personally choose the 4×10 option due to more overall reps and work being done. However, if you’re short on time, I’d suggest options 1 or 2.

By increasing the total work you can do (we refer to this as “volume” = weight in pounds in the example above), you’ll expend more energy (calories). You will also expend more calories at rest with more muscle mass compared to if you had less muscle mass.

More calories will be expended to fuel more muscle mass and do more work. You will be able to consume a higher number of calories while dieting for fat loss compared to someone who is not lifting weights or doing a good amount of work. Would you complain about eating more while bending over?

“Getting Too Big”

First of all, you need to seriously engage in training, programming and diet in order to grow. Most gym goers generally don’t have the desire to put in the amount of mental and physical work to get “too big.” But then again, everyone has their own idea of ​​what “too big” is.

So I’ll just say this:

If you think you’re getting “too big,” all you have to do is drop out of the gym a little or eat a little less. You’re not going to get stuck with huge muscles.

4) Do exercises to lose fat in specific areas

You want your abs to show.

You want your lower arm to not be so flabby.

You want your love handles to disappear.

You want definition in your thighs.

“We get it, you want to peek out.”

Doing crunches will not show your abs.

Doing triceps extensions will not reduce sagging under the arms. (It’s a mix of your triceps muscle hanging down with a bit of fat covering it, so it will never go away completely)

Wrapping a waist trainer will not reduce fat around your love handles. (But it will temporarily make you look slimmer)

Leg extensions will not define your thighs. (We will because you will build quad muscles)

You cannot target certain areas of the body to lose fat mass unless you have liposuction. Please don’t go down that road.

I need you to get creative for a second and imagine fat as a single giant cell surrounding your body (this is just an example). There are certain areas of the human body that store more fat than others. For example, we tend to store more fat in our midsection compared to our calves. So there may be 1 inch of fat in the calves but 2-3 inches of fat in the midsection. When we lose fat, that single fat cell gets a little smaller. You can’t target where it gets smaller, it just gets smaller everywhere. So now you may have ½ inch of fat in your calves but 2 inches of fat still in your midsection.

YOU CAN’T DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT. So it’s best to keep doing what you’re doing when you hit the gym and stop worrying about targeting specific body parts for fat loss.

5) Expect results without paying attention to diet

Most people think that going to the gym is enough to get the desired results.

Some people will find that they CAN get away with it and not have to worry about what or how much they eat.

Most other people will find that they CANNOT get away with it and fight back. They will try to do more in the gym, and often end up thinking that since they did more, they also deserve more “rewards” (food, ice cream, wine, you know what I mean). This causes them to consume more calories than they were already consuming and prevents any kind of fat loss (if that was your original goal). Then they keep fighting or think “nothing works” and give up.

Don’t be that person. My advice when starting in the gym:

Spend your first 2-4 weeks making a habit of going to the gym. It can be 2, 3 or 4 days a week, as long as you are realistic with your lifestyle and don’t create any issues with your schedule.
Once you’ve gotten into the habit of sticking to a regular gym schedule that doesn’t affect your lifestyle, spend some time educating yourself on the science of fat loss.
Once you understand how fat loss happens, you can look at different diet methods that suit your lifestyle.

* Please note that this is not a quick fix. This is a lifestyle change. If you are going to try a diet “temporarily”, you will only get temporary results. If you want to lose fat and keep it off, you need to understand the process of how fat loss works and create a change in your eating habits to fit your goal and lifestyle.

*Try not to take the gym and diet at the same time. This will stress and overwhelm him very quickly.

6) Not having a gym plan

Lastly, having a gym plan makes all the difference in the world. Have you ever gone to the gym, warmed up on a treadmill, and then wondered, “so what should I work on today?” So maybe you hit some arms, some ab machines, then stretch and voila.

What are you doing next session? What weight did you use on the ab machine in the last session? How many reps were you able to do?

Sure, this can be fun for a while and I definitely don’t expect a newcomer to jump right into an exercise program. But having a program will give you direction and give you something to improve on. Tracking his workouts, sets, reps, and weight will show you the progress he’s made over time. It will also give you an idea of ​​the areas you’d like to focus on (such as increasing your squat or deadlift) and help you better plan your next lifting session. You don’t have to follow a super complex schedule or record every little move you make. But keeping track of workouts here and there and going to the gym with a plan will help you a lot more than going to the gym without a plan.


– You don’t have to kill yourself every session. But don’t be a fag and don’t force yourself.
– It is not necessary to force more days of gym to obtain good results. But if you enjoy it and it’s not affecting you mentally or physically and it’s not ruining your lifestyle, then do 4, 5, 6 or 7 sessions a week.
– Don’t be afraid of muscles.
– YOU CANNOT choose where you want to lose fat. So stop trying to target specific body parts with a fancy workout you saw on Instagram and start focusing on getting stronger and getting more work done.
– Some of you can get good results just by going to the gym with no change in diet. Most of you will need a plan for both the gym and the kitchen. Don’t expect crazy results if you’re not doing the necessary work.
– Having a training plan will give you better results VS not having a training plan. So plan.

Love, this four-letter word with many components is simple yet complex. In some aspects, you may experience feelings of bliss and joy, but in others, it can leave you jaded. I remember conversations about love and how this culprit could make me lose. People would advise against such an experience claiming that it will make you do dumb things.

How does that “thing” called love compare you to being a fool? That is not attractive in any way. Needless to say, I wasn’t entertained by love because of the negative connotation it sometimes has. These wrong words of wisdom made me afraid to experience it. Consequently, when I played with love, I did my best to keep my feelings in check. I would tell myself that he needs to love me more than I love him. This would prevent me from experiencing harm should the relationship not last.

Then one day it happened. I went too far, let my guard down too much, and so I was experiencing love and enjoying it. I found that being vulnerable and naked without limits was not so bad, until the BIG BREAKUP. That indescribable love abruptly ended leaving me heartbroken. I felt that I had experienced panic syndrome. I thought “LOVE SUCKS!” How quickly I returned to the lessons learned from my youth. I was angry and briefly, the breakup made me feel bad even about myself. I always thought I was pretty solid when it came to my self esteem and self esteem, but unknowingly I was slipping into low self esteem and lack of self love.

After that brief horrible phase in life and some self-reflection, I got it back. I found a deep appreciation for myself. Self love is the first love!

“You yourself, as much as anyone in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection” – Buddha

I really got to a great place in life where I love myself a little bit. I am grateful for my appearance, my quirks, my style, and my imperfections. I learned to take time for myself and pamper myself to the fullest. So yeah, I’m pretty awesome!

Once I reconnected with that need in life, only then was I ready and ready to face love once again.

Self love is not selfish. You cannot truly love another until you know how to love yourself- Author unknown

I thought about the past situation and had an epiphany that love doesn’t suck at all. Love, in fact, was not the villain. Ernest Hemingway said it best

“Better to lose and love than never to have loved at all.”

I made the decision to remember the advantages of love versus the consequences of a broken promise. The emotions and feelings that I felt or feel when I am in love are incredible. I choose to focus on the glass half full and am careful not to lose sight of that optimism. There is hope for a person despised by love because there was hope for me. Since that failed love I have loved again and again and again. You understand.

With each opportunity to love, I have learned to love even better. I am truly a self taught hopeless romantic and a lover of love. I acknowledge my feelings and emotions. Some would say that love is not a feeling, but I disagree. I feel the love in my heart just as I felt that lack of love. I created a new gratitude for this so-called bad thing. When you are given the opportunity to love and when love is reciprocated it can be a wonderful adventure.

If you are sick of love, you should revisit this amazing feeling/emotion. You get what you put in, so I challenge you to keep an eye on what you’re showing. If you feel that love always fails, I guess it always will. If you believe that love is an illusion, the love you experience is likely to be just that. I encourage you to give it another try because we’ve all had epic failures when it comes to love, but it’s your choice how you want to remember it.

I am going to give you 5 effective ways to get rid of cellulite fast. The areas of your body where you have cellulite are deficient in oxygen and nutrients. The solution is to increase your oxygen intake on a regular basis and consume the right nutrients and the cellulite will melt away.

Your body is designed to consume oxygen so it can be delivered to your cells in your muscles, nerves, organs, and skin. Imagine someone who is in great shape with good muscle tone, maybe some definition. This is a person who has oxygen-rich blood, and as a result, their muscles, organs, and skin work efficiently and it shows. When your cells don’t get enough oxygen and nutrients, toxins build up and your body retains water. To lose inches and melt away cellulite, you need to get more oxygen and nutrients into your cells. When you do, you will begin to feel empowered and see yourself as a different person. Here are some very effective ways to increase the flow of oxygen and nutrients to your cells and organs:

1. Get more vitamin C. This essential nutrient is found in many fruits and vegetables like oranges, lemons, limes, grapefruit, broccoli, and tomatoes, to name a few. Vitamin C can greatly reduce water retention and toxin buildup, thus making cellulite disappear. It is a powerful antioxidant and helps your body release waste. Vitamin C also allows your body to absorb more iron, allowing it to carry more oxygen to your cells. You can also take vitamin C supplements. Vitamin C may allow your body to absorb more of the other vitamins and minerals you consume, including calcium. A calcium deficiency can result in poor skin tone and cellulite and water retention.

2. Reduce sugar intake. A high sugar intake causes your body to lose important vitamins and minerals, such as calcium, chromium, zinc, and B vitamins. I enjoy some sweets and I don’t recommend you stop eating them all together, but I do suggest you find ways to eat sweets with less frequently. Consider substituting fruits and vegetables for sweets, which help reduce water retention.

3. Get more lean protein. If you’re not already consuming adequate amounts of protein, make it your goal to get more. You don’t have to overdose on meat to experience the benefits, just aim for 5 to 10 ounces per day, depending on your needs. It will improve your digestion as long as you don’t mix too many other foods with it. It causes your body to secrete hydrochloric acid to break it down into molecules that can be absorbed through your intestines. Hydrochloric acid also helps kill bacteria in food and the digestive tract. Lean protein helps your body convert fat into muscle. It will have a considerable impact on cellulite reduction.

4. Walk or do another type of exercise. Walking is a very easy way to transport more oxygen and nutrients to the cells. Exercising, regardless of the type of exercise, will also increase the rate of oxygen and nutrient uptake by cells. Exercise burns fat and releases water retention. Walking is a slower form of exercise and is therefore very effective at burning fat. All exercise will increase oxygen and reduce cellulite. Also, consider incorporating weights into your workout. A little goes a long way. You don’t have to lift a lot of weight and you don’t have to spend more than 10-20 minutes 2-3 times a week to see results.

5. Flax oil. This oil greatly reduces water retention and increases the rate at which your body burns fat. Flax oil is known to increase levels of brown fat. Brown fat increases metabolism and burns white fat, thus reducing cellulite. You can buy capsules quite cheaply if you don’t want to eat flaxseed oil in your food. Flax oil is delicate and cannot be heated. Make sure you don’t cook your flax oil. I put flaxseed oil on my food after I cook it or eat it with a salad.

The blue book value of a mobile home is exactly what it sounds like: a numerical value found in a book. In the past, there were several books. Today, there is only one book that contains the blue book value of mobile homes. It’s called the NADA Manufactured Home Assessment Guide. This guide is what professionals use to determine the value of a manufactured or mobile home. The blue book value of a mobile home is calculated using a variety of criteria. This criteria may include the geographic location, make, model, size, and age of the home in question.

Even if you can access this manual, it’s a good idea to have a professional appraiser do the work for you. The formula for calculating the value of your mobile home can be quite complicated. The book value will be more accurate for mobile homes and areas that are considered average in nature. It also depends on the position of the real estate market in your area. Because this is such an in-depth process, you must rely on the services of a professional if you want things done right. There are certain reports you can purchase online that help you determine the market value of your manufactured or mobile home.

When you buy or sell a mobile home, the value of the blue book will come into play. Most lenders require book value when it comes to financing people who need a home loan to purchase their mobile or manufactured home. If you’re not ready to hire a professional appraiser to come to your property, you can request an appraisal online. You will need to provide detailed information about the property for the online appraisal service to use. These types of services and reports give you an accurate idea of ​​the book value of your mobile home so you can decide whether or not to sell. Mobile homes don’t often appreciate in value, but this isn’t a hard and fast rule, rather a more general one.

This guide examines the legality of the eBay VeRo removal procedure. If you trade on eBay, you may know what it’s like when one of your competitors asks eBay to remove their listings based on alleged copyright violations. What happens when you follow eBay’s procedures to fight back but they don’t work? This guide explains what other legal options you have to prevent your competitor from doing this.

If you’re a small business selling products through an online auction site like eBay, you’re all too familiar with how frustrating it can be when faced with false takedown notices from a rival merchant claiming that your auction listing infringes your copyright. Rights. Unfortunately, these types of fake takedown notices under eBay’s VeRO program are becoming more and more common, and are often not legitimate.

You make a living selling your products on eBay through e-commerce, but eBay VeRO takedowns lose you profits and customers to your competitors or other third parties who issue fake takedown notices. You have tried to fight to avoid these bogus takedown notices by filing a counter notification in eBay’s VeRO program, but eBay has just accepted the accusations made in the takedown notice that you have infringed the rights of copyright owners .

The Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) was enacted by the US Congress to stop copyright infringement that occurs through the illegal reproduction of copyrights on the Internet. It was designed to encourage cooperation between copyright owners and online service providers, such as Internet service providers, and other online intermediaries, such as eBay, so that they are not held liable for copyright infringement. copyright, but only if they take immediate action to remove the allegedly infringing material. This is known as “safe harbor” protection, and eBay’s VERO program was developed to try to comply with the DMCA provisions for claiming immunity.

When the copyright owner contacts the service provider, ISP or web hosting company to provide details of the infringement, the service provider who receives an infringement notice has the right to disable the website Therefore, if eBay believes the takedown notice is valid, it can to disable your auction. By taking such action, eBay is protecting itself from infringement. eBay doesn’t have to do much research to determine that material is infringing.

However, under the provisions of the DMCA and equivalent provisions in other jurisdictions, you have the right to be notified that allegedly infringing material has been removed and you have the opportunity to send eBay written notice that you believe your material has been incorrectly deleted.

As an eBay merchant, you know that you have the option to file a counter notification if you have good reason to believe that the removal is unfair or illegal.

The problem is that service providers are under pressure to remove materials to protect themselves from liability. Although eBay provides a means of explaining to eBay merchants how to reinstate their auctions, the reality is that eBay does not properly investigate the counter notification or rejects it in error. You unfairly receive a negative mark on your name as a merchant that can build up and can eventually get you suspended from eBay even though you were the innocent party.

Takedowns based on alleged copyright infringement are often false, fraudulent, and an abuse of the law. Fake abusive takedown notices often happen because companies want to control who sells their product. Companies also want to prevent sellers from competing with their authorized dealers and trust that the smaller seller won’t know or go to the trouble of fighting a fraudulent takedown notice. Your rivals will also submit takedown notices to try and eliminate their competition. The DMCA makes it very easy for unscrupulous marketers to submit false takedown notices.

You can do something if eBay doesn’t protect you. You can file a legal action as if you were the victim of a fraudulent removal on eBay. You may have a number of causes of action against the seller depending on the jurisdiction in which you file your legal action. You may have an action for misleading and deceptive conduct, interference with contractual relationships, defamation, and violation of Australia’s DMCA equivalent copyright legislation (Copyright Act)

This guide explains how an eBayer in Chicago recently did exactly that to prevent a competitor from submitting VERO takedown requests to eBay alleging copyright infringement on products they never held a valid copyright on. Copyright protection extends to certain products of the mind, but it was not intended to extend to industrial designs or ‘useful articles’. If you have reason to believe that a third party is trying to protect something that is not subject to copyright law and eBay has not properly investigated your claims, you can go to court and seek an injunction to prevent a person from continuing to issue copyrights. removal notices.

A US court recently heard an eBay merchant’s application for a temporary restraining order against a rival eBay merchant, holding that the eBay merchant who had submitted the notice did not have any valid copyright in the items. that they had sent notices to eBay that led to their removal from competitors’ auction listings.

The Court recognized that the defendant had violated s512(f) DMCA by knowingly and materially misrepresenting that the plaintiff’s eBay auctions contained infringing material. The court held that the plaintiff would likely succeed as the defendant did not have a valid copyright in his furniture as it was a “useful article” of commerce and not subject to copyright protection.

Due to the risk of harm to the Claimant arising from the suspension of his activities and the loss of goodwill and clients, the court considered that, in general, the injunction should be granted. The Court held that issuing the order would be in the public interest. The Court also made a comment indicating how permissive eBay was in simply removing policies based on the content of an allegation of infringement, thus reversing the normal burden of proof that falls on the plaintiff to fire an allegation of infringement. intellectual property.

However, the reality is that legislation like the DMCA and the practical operations of business often mean that Internet service providers, online auction sites and content hosts unfortunately have to be the police, the judge and jury under the DMCA and do the best job they can. to respond to requests to remove material. Errors can happen.

The case serves as a reminder that EULAs and TOS do not always comply with the law and that one should always look beyond the terms of service when evaluating whether or not a website is compliant with the law.

EBAY routinely suspends user accounts and auction listings at the request of a VERO member. The VeRo Program established the Verified Rights Owners Program to allow rights owners to easily report and request removal of listings that offer items or contain materials that they claim infringe their intellectual property rights.

This is an easy method for rights owners to request eBay auctions be removed without having to prove that the owner of the auction is infringing on the owner’s intellectual property rights, be it trademark or copyright . Notice of alleged infringement is treated by eBay as equivalent to evidence. VERO is a means for rights holders to take a short cut to shut down any merchant. There is little due process for alleged copyright infringement by a VERO member. A court order is not required for an eBay Program Participant to notify eBay to close a vendor.

eBay has framework guidelines and policies that describe items that cannot be listed on eBay and may expose you to risk. These include items prohibited by law, those prohibited by eBay policy, and reported by a VeRO program participant. All the rights holder has to do is follow the removal procedure. They don’t have to prove any of their accusations in a court of law, unless of course you do what Design Furniture did and hold them accountable.

Any item that violates eBay policies or infringes the copyrights of others may be removed and some listings will be removed as the language or photos used in the item title or description violate eBay policy. This means that some items you may have purchased from a store, or even possibly eBay, may not be allowed or may be removed due to listing policies.

This requires auction users and sellers to prove their innocence, which is granted automatically until such time as the intellectual property owner obtains a court order proving otherwise.

Online video services such as YouTube have developed a notification mechanism to be eligible for safe harbor protection against secondary copyright infringement charges. eBay has been using a similar procedure since 1997, a year before the DMCA was enacted. However, the amount of power given to the VeRO member leaves the system very open to misuse.

Rights holders have been using VeRO to suppress a vibrant secondary market for their products and to restrict competition. There is a counter notification procedure, as required by the DMCA, members who wish to object to removal must go through a process whereby they have to make every effort to engage eBay in the counter notification process. If the rights holder claims that the right that is being infringed is a trademark right and not a copyright that is being infringed, eBay will not send a counter notification to the user.

Notifying eBay of an infringing item is very easy, and a business only needs to fax a form, at which point an email address will be provided to speed up the process. Many non-copyright holders misuse the VeRO process to have competing interest auctions eliminated. eBay states that it does not tolerate anti-competitive use of VeRO. Violation notification is very easy.

Just three notifications from a VeRO member could lead to the suspension or termination of an eBay user account and infringement claims, and even if there is a successful counter notification, infringement claims remain on the account holder’s record.

DMCA Law s512(f) provides for punishment for a false accusation through the VeRO program, but there has not been a single case where this has occurred, despite studies showing that 30% of ads requiring claims to be expunged present a question for a court to consider. . Thirty percent of the notices required removal of claims that made an obvious connection to whether certain material was copyrighted or whether a valid defense existed.

The Raiders and Vikings conclude Week 1 of the NFL preseason with the debut of ESPN on MNF tonight in Minnesota at 8:00 ET. Home teams went 11-4 SU but only 8-6-1 this first week and in a stat that shouldn’t come as much of a surprise, 11 of 15 games fell behind (I’m counting Saturday’s Saints/Titans game that fell 19-16 in the lower category, as the game opened 37 but closed at 34 1/2 in places). Throw an under in the HOF game and his 12 unders in 16 games.

My bye for Monday is against the NY Mets over the Phi Phillies at 7:05 ET. After completing my second consecutive 3-1 Saturday and Sunday in MLB, I open the new week with my 15* NL Favorite of the Month. Although I lost my game total in last night’s game, I have opened the NFLX season by winning THREE of four sides. Don’t miss my 15* MNF Game of the Month tonight.

Brad Childress makes his coaching debut for the Vikings in this, the last of 10 new head coaches this year to do so. Art Shell is also new to Oakland this year, but he made his debut in 2006 at the HOF game on Aug. 6. Teams with new head coaches this year have gone 5-4 SU and ATS so far, barely giving any leads. The current lineup for tonight’s game is Minnesota favored by three points with a total of 36.

The Jags scored the most points in the highest scoring game of Week 1 (31-26 over the Dolphins). Four teams totaled more than 400 yards of offense in Week 1, led by Atlanta’s 423 yards in the Falcons’ 26-23 victory over the Patriots. New England also gained more than 400 yards in that game (407), joining the Rams (404 against the Colts in a 19-17 win on Thursday) and the Saints, who just surpassed the 400-yard mark with 401 in its 19-16. beat the Titans on Saturday.

The Jets, Packers, Redskins and Seahawks tied for Week 1 lows, all scoring just three points. Three teams did not gain 200 yards in their Week 1 games. The Chiefs gained just 172 yards in their 24-14 loss to the Texans (Saturday), the Browns gained just 179 in their 20-7 loss to the Eagles ( Thursday) and the Jets had just 185 yards in their 16-3 loss. loss to the Bucs.

Detroit’s 20-13 victory on Friday ended Denver’s four-game preseason winning streak. That modest streak was actually the longest active preseason winning streak of any team. The longest active ATS winning streak also ended in Week 1, when the Browns saw their seven-game ATS streak end with a 20-7 loss at Philadelphia on Thursday. The 49ers, who beat the Bears 28-14 on Friday, now own the longest active ATS streak with five consecutive coverages.

The Colts saw their preseason losing streak extended to seven with Thursday’s 19-17 loss at St Louis and Kansas City matched the Colts’ seven-game losing streak on Saturday when they lost at Houston to the Texans, 24-14. . However, the Colts covered their loss, making them 2-5 ATS during their slide. As for the Chiefs, their SU loss on Saturday was also their seventh straight ATS loss, the longest active preseason streak.

MLB ratings

The Dodgers don’t have the longest active winning streak in MLB, but it’s hard not to recognize the team’s incredible 15-1 run since July 28. Of course, what makes his current streak even more incredible is that it was directly preceded by a post-All. Star break slide from 1-13! LA owns a 2.42 team ERA over the last 16 games with their starting pitchers throwing at least six innings all but twice. Since their 11-game winning streak was snapped last Wednesday, LA has won four straight one-run games.

Surprisingly, the 53-64 Cleveland Indians open the new week with the longest active streak in the MLB, having won six straight games. The Rangers are just behind the Indians with five straight wins (neither team plays tonight). The Indians’ surge has pushed them out of the basement in MLB’s “money line” rankings, as at minus $1,908 for the year (at $100 per game), they are $89 better than the (Pirates (minus $1,997), who by the way, swept the Cardinals over the weekend.

MLB’s longest active losing streak is owned by the Devil Rays, who lost all six games this week in Seattle and Oakland, respectively. Tampa has now lost 17 of its last 18 road games, including going 1-15 since halftime. The Giants have lost five straight, 16 of their last 19 and 13 of their last 14 on the road. Joining the Giants with five straight losses are the Detroit Tigers.

The Tigers were 76-36 before their losing streak, which is now the second longest in the last 30 years (since 1977) by a team that was at least 40 games over .500 at the start of the streak. . The 1993 Giants were 89-48 before losing their next eight games. Detroit’s lead in the AL Central has now shrunk to just 5 1/2 games over the White Sox, a team that was a season-high 10 games behind the Tigers last Monday.

Things don’t get any easier for Detroit tonight, as the Tigers open a three-game series at Fenway against the Red Sox (7:05 ET) as part of MLB’s 11-game schedule for Monday. The Red Sox swept the Orioles over the weekend, ending a five-game winning streak and opening the week just one game behind the Yankees in the AL East.

Speaking of the Yankees, they will conclude their four-game series with the Angels at Yankee Stadium tonight at 7:05 ET (Lackey vs. Johnson). The Angels have taken two of the first three games, including a 5-3 win on Sunday. The Angels, now 53-50 against New York since 1996, are the only team in the Joe Torre era to have a winning record against the Yankees.

Jered Weaver improved his career record to 8-0 in the win and became just the third pitcher in the past 100 years to go undefeated in his first 11 major league starts and win at least eight of those games.
Whitey Ford (1950) and Livan Hernandez (1997) were both 8-0 at that point in their careers. No pitcher has posted a better mark in his first 11 major league starts since Hooks Wiltse, who won each of his first 12 for the 1904 Giants.

While Jered was making history this weekend, his older brother Jeff posted his 100th career loss (83 wins only) in the Cardinals’ 3-2 loss to the Pirates on Saturday.

Ness Notes is available Monday through Friday at 1:00 ET.

If you are looking to take a vacation and are not sure where to go, you can consider Warrnambool, Victoria in Australia. There is so much to see and do in this city and the experience will be truly unique.

If sightseeing is your thing, the opportunities here are sure to please. Drive up to Cannon Hill and park your car. Then head out to enjoy panoramic views of Lady Bay and Lake Pertobe. Enjoy a grilled lunch and relax in the rotunda.

You also won’t want to miss the Warrnambool Botanic Gardens. Designed in 1879 by William Guilfoyle, these gardens feature winding paths, beautiful trees, a lily pond that is home to ducks, and a rotunda where local bands play. Fletcher Jones Gardens is also a colorful garden complete with a wishing well, waterfall, and Jones’ old traveling wagon.

If you are traveling with children, you can spend a whole day at the Lake Pertobe Adventure playground. This giant playground is home to boat rides, flying foxes, big slides, and a maze. Several lakes are located within the park with walking trails to enjoy. When everyone is hungry, visit the picnic areas and covered grills. Lake Pertobe is also a place to take part in many sporting activities. Lawn tennis, mini golf and a track are available here. Nearby is a skateboard park.

When the night comes, you can go to the city. Warrnambool Entertainment Center is a full cultural complex where guests can see live opera, ballet, musicals, comedy and theater. After seeing a show, dine at one of the many restaurants that range from family diners to upscale bistros and trendy cafes. There are also some bars and pubs, to have a drink and dance.

Of course, no trip here would be complete without a little whale watching. Whales are commonly seen playing and exploring the area. People can see them from land, sea and even train.

For the adventurer, the region is a great place for fishing and diving. Whether you like to explore fresh or salt water, there’s a lake, bay, inlet, or section of ocean to please. He will not only enjoy fish, corals and other aquatic life, but will also be able to explore the Ship Wreck Coast with all the necessary equipment. This region is protected by a “no fishing” rule, but there are other places where crayfish and other fish can be caught.

One last thing to do before you go is to visit Allansford Cheese World. Here, you can sample locally produced, award-winning cheeses, as well as enjoy breakfast, lunch or a snack. Complement the cheese with a glass of local wine. You’ll also want to visit the World Cheese Museum, where you’ll see a history of farming and farm life.

A visit to this exciting city is sure to please anyone of any age. From adventurous aquatic exploration to relaxing tourism, the possibilities are seemingly endless. Just be sure to plan a trip that’s long enough to see and do everything. Time goes by fast here!

One of the most frequently asked questions flag football coaches ask is how to attack a zone defense. In fact, it was that very question that led me to start selling my Headache Offense and Unbeatable Defense online over a decade ago. I decided to come up with a set of plays just for this article to show how easy it really is to beat a zone defense.

Here is an example of how you can move the ball vs. a 2-3-2 zone in a 7-man blocking league. All three plays attack the “bubble” under Safety and between linebacker and cornerback. This is a very vulnerable part of zone defense.

play #1
[Link to play diagrams found at bottom of article]

LSE – Post-corner run with the initial break at a depth of about 7 meters. Make sure the pole portion of the route points to the opposite sideline at a depth of about 20-25 yards. This is important, as you will see in the next move.
CSR – Route of the pole with the break at a depth of 5-7 meters.
RWO – Square en route about 5 meters deep. The ball will be thrown into the “bubble” area.
Center – After an initial block, execute a hook route 5 yards above the LT.
Quarterback – The readings are simple.

1) Look at the “bubble” first and if it’s open, move to the RWO that meets it.
2) If the LB threatens the bubble, go to the center. If the Safety threatens the bubble, move to the RSE position in the shaded area of ​​the diagram. Pass a bullet calmly.
3) If the FS moves to help cover the RSE, just drop to the back corner of the LSE.

Now, what happens if the strongside Corner follows the RWO, anticipating the route? That brings us to the next move.

play #2
[Link to play diagrams found at bottom of article]

LSE – Exactly like the post-corner of the previous play, but without the second serve. Continue posting through the field until you are out of bounds.
CSR – Run a post exactly as you did on the previous play, except about 12-15 yards away it breaks off the sideline at a point 2-3 yards below your break.
RWO – Run a square as before, but before reaching the center of the field, turn around and sit in the “bubble”.
Center – Same as the previous move.
Quarterback – Execute this play only when looking at the corner following the RWO in the inning box.

1) Read the RWO first and make sure the Corner follows it. If it doesn’t, go to the RWO in the “bubble”. If you do, read the SS.
2) If Safety is not in position to defend the RSE’s outside opening, pass him. Since the Corner vacated the outside area, it should be open.
3) If the Safety is in tight cover with the RSE on his break, pass the LSE downfield for a big win! Make sure you hit it slow.

If the LI is inside the “bubble”, move to Center. If the corner backs into his zone before going to the RSE, go to the RWO in the “bubble.”

play #3
[Link to play diagrams found at bottom of article]

Here’s another way to attack that same “bubble”.

LSE – Execute either a streak or a post similar to the previous play.
CSR – Execute a 5-7 yard hook.
RWO – Execute a 5-yard hook, bandage by squaring the shoulders and making eye contact with the QB. Then quickly break the field upstairs on a streak.
Center – Same as the previous move.
1) Start by reading the RWO and (assuming it’s not open) faking the hook.
2) Then read the SS. If you’re not in a position to plug the “bubble”, move on to the CSR. If the SS is in a position to cover it, read the scratched RWO. The safety read needs to be very quick as you don’t have much time to get to the hook and go.

Of course, if the LB is in the “bubble” it goes to the Center. And if both the RSE and RWO are covered, skip to the LSE downfield.

As with any game, you need to practice with every possible read the QB can do so the reads become second nature. That way you don’t have to “think”, you just have to “react”. If you just put a QB under center with no detailed reads, you’re bound to miss. You can’t expect a quarterback to be able to look at 4 or 5 different receivers and find the open guy (unless, of course, he has a Joe Montana on his team). It’s like telling a checkers player to “get the king” in a game of chess!

But, if you teach your quarterback exactly what to read and how to react, then you don’t have to have a brilliant caller, you just need to have one who is willing to practice. Of course, that means you can’t have too many moves or you won’t be able to execute them properly. That’s why you should pick the most powerful plays that can be effective when played over and over again vs. the same team

Beating a zone defense is about strategy, not athletics. It’s about thinking better than your opponent. Start drawing zone defenses on sheets of paper and try to find the weaknesses in them and brainstorm how to exploit them. If you start using your brain, you can easily dismantle any defense zone you face!

[Play diagrams can be viewed HERE]

Microsoft Windows is a family of operating systems for personal computers. In this article we analyze the history of Microsoft operating systems from 1985 to the present. The development of the Microsoft Windows operating system as we know it today began in 1981. Although its release was announced as early as 1983, it would not appear commercially until two years later.

Microsoft is working on the first version of a new operating system. Interface Manager is the code name and is considered the final name, but Windows prevails because it better describes the boxes or “Windows” of computing that are central to the new system. Windows is announced in 1983, but it takes a while to develop. Skeptics call it “vaporware.”

In 1985 Microsoft Windows 1.0 was named after the computer boxes, or “Windows” that represented a fundamental aspect of the operating system. Instead of typing MS-DOS commands, Windows 1.0 allowed users to point and click to access Windows. In 1987, Microsoft released Windows 2.0, which was designed for the Intel 286 processor. This version added desktop icons, keyboard shortcuts, and improved graphics support.

Microsoft released Windows 3.0 in May 1990 offering better icons, performance, and advanced 16-color graphics designed for Intel 386 processors. This version is the first version to provide the standard “look and feel” of Microsoft Windows for many years. Windows 3.0 included Program Manager, File Manager, and Print and Game Manager (Hearts, Minesweeper, and Solitaire). Microsoft released Windows 3.1 in 1992.

At the time, computers were not as advanced as they are today, so if consumers experience problems, repairs could be costly and time consuming. Problems like memory failures and virus infections were common and people had no choice but to hire a computer repair engineer to do a repair on the computer.

Released just as interest in PCs was about to skyrocket due to the pending public release of the World Wide Web, 3.1 would be the first operating system most people would browse the Internet with. 3.1 was faster, had a drastically improved user interface, and the ability to run more programs at once without crashing.

Meanwhile, Microsoft continued to develop Windows NT. Microsoft hired Dave Cutler, one of the main VMS architects at Digital Equipment Corporation (later acquired by Compaq, now part of Hewlett-Packard) to develop NT into a more capable operating system. Cutler had been developing a sequel to VMS at DEC called Mica, and when DEC dropped the project, he brought the expertise and some engineers to Microsoft. DEC also believed that he brought the Mica code to Microsoft and sued him. Microsoft eventually paid $150 million dollars and agreed to support DEC’s Alpha CPU chip in NT.

Windows 95 introduced the “start” button, which remains a mainstay of the operating system more than fifteen years later. It also ushered in the recycle bin, “plug and play” hardware, long file names (the maximum went from eight to 250 characters), and perhaps most importantly, a platform designed for 32-bit applications. Windows 95 saw the debut of Service Packs and Internet Explorer, but was also widely regarded as a buggy, unreliable, and unstable program.

Windows 98 offers support for several new technologies, including FAT32, AGP, MMX, USB, DVD, and ACPI. However, its most visible feature is Active Desktop, which integrates the web browser (Internet Explorer) with the operating system. From the user’s point of view, there is no difference between accessing a document that resides locally on the user’s hard drive or on a Web server on the other side of the world. Windows 98 has some nice features above for repairing computer problems. We can recover data if we lose it in Windows 98. So computer repair is a bit easy for this version.

Often abbreviated as “W2K,” Windows 2000 is an operating system for business desktop and laptop systems for running software applications, connecting to Internet and intranet sites, and accessing files, printers, and network resources. Microsoft released four versions of Windows 2000: Professional (for business desktops and laptops), Server (both a Web server and an office server), Advanced Server (for line-of-business applications), and Datacenter Server (for high-end computers). traffic). networks).

The merger of the Windows NT/2000 and Windows 3.1/95/98/ME lines was achieved with Windows XP (code name “Whistler”. “Odyssey” was the code name of the successor to NT, which was canceled and merged with Windows 9x’s successor at the time, “Neptune”, and became “Whistler”), released in 2001. Windows XP uses the Windows NT kernel; however, it ultimately marks the entry of the Windows NT kernel into the consumer market, to replace the old 16-bit branch. Windows XP has a few more features and makes computer repairs easier.

Windows Vista offered an advance in reliability, security, ease of deployment, performance, and manageability over Windows XP. New to this release was the ability to detect hardware issues before they occur, security features to protect against the latest generation of threats, faster startup time, and low power consumption from the new sleep state. In many cases, Windows Vista is noticeably more responsive than Windows XP on identical hardware. Windows Vista simplifies and centralizes desktop configuration management, reducing the cost of keeping systems up to date.

Windows 7 made its official debut to the public on October 22, 2009 as the latest in the 25-year-old line of Microsoft Windows operating systems and as the successor to Windows Vista (which had in turn followed Windows XP). Windows 7 was released alongside Windows Server 2008 R2, the server counterpart of Windows 7. Windows 7 enhancements and new features include multi-touch support, improved Internet Explorer 8 performance and startup time, Aero Snap, Aero Shake, support for virtual hard drives, a new and improved Windows Media Center, and enhanced security.

As Windows operating systems have developed and become more intelligent over the years, computer repairs have become less frequent. In fact, Windows 7 has almost eradicated software-based computer repair when it comes to corrupted files and crashes in operating systems. Windows 7 automatically scans removable drives without using Antivirus. Therefore, computer repair is less necessary with the advancement in Windows systems.

Windows 8 is a completely redesigned operating system that has been built from the ground up with touchscreen use in mind, as well as near-instantaneous capabilities that allow a Windows 8 PC to load and boot up in seconds instead of minutes. . . Windows 8 will replace the more traditional look and feel of the Microsoft Windows operating system with a new “Metro” design system interface that first debuted in the Windows 7 mobile operating system.

“It’s all in your head”

Something is not right. You are fighting. It’s not your fault. It’s right where you are right now.

Perhaps you are due to give a speech and are dealing with a primal, gut-wrenching fear.

Or maybe, it’s 4 am and you’re wide awake for the fifth night in a row because you overspent, didn’t tell your partner, and guilt is gnawing at you like a rat in a box.

Or it could just be old biochemistry punching you repeatedly in the face with no obvious end point.

At one time or another I have been a victim of all of the above and MANY MANY more. I am currently saying goodbye to a 6 month stretch of the last one. (However, it’s more of a see you soon.)

But never, at any time, (however sincere or well-meaning), has it ever been nice, comforting, or helpful in any way, shape, or form, to be told:

“It’s all in your head”

It is? Really? Wow, thanks for that. Okay then, just what… change my head, take it out, turn it off?

I mean, wow.

Of course it’s in my head. Where else would she be?

Everything is always happening in our heads (brains, minds, consciousness – choose your definition)

Sure, we live in an intersubjective world.

My actions affect yours and mine.

But we experience them alone, through our own filters, and instantly superimpose our own thoughts and biases on them. You’re doing it now, right?





And that’s why the #1 skill every copywriter should POSSESS is the ability to enter the conversation in the mind of a prospect.

Do you want it to sound cool and edgy? Call it mind control.

Do you want to know it for what it is? Call it common human decency.

Call it whatever you want.

The ability to break down barriers, bypass BS detectors, know what the other person is thinking, feeling and asking, at any given moment is what makes you stand out above all the buttoned up pollies and their sound bites, Mega Corps and their catchy jingles and an endless supply line of self-obsessed salesmen looking for money and selling their wares on social media.

Because here is a truth:

No one woke up today wanting to spend money on your product, be interrupted by your emails, and spend their finite time paying attention to you and your marketing pitch.

We have strong defenses. The man who says yes to everything will be broke before breakfast is finished.

Therefore, your ability to capture attention and generate sales is directly related to the empathy, security, recognition, belief, desire, and the urgent and deep sense of need that you can generate in your prospect.

You do this by hacking their internal monologue, confirming their worldview, or for advanced practitioners challenging them to change it.

And it works because…

Everyone’s favorite subject is themselves.

It’s like Dale Carnegie said in How to Win Friends and Influence People, and I’m heavily paraphrasing here:

“Do nothing but ask people about themselves and they’ll think you’re the most interesting person they’ve ever met.”

(Side note: this works almost 100% of the time, and is a fantastic tool for anyone who is socially anxious at a party. Just ask people about themselves, keep the conversation going, and you’ll be the most exciting conversationalist and attractive. at the party until a mother flipper drops her pants”).

Back to that:

There are several tricks you can use to get into the conversation in your prospect’s mind, and they should be infused into almost every element of your copy, from the headline to the closing.