Month: March 2022

Posture sounds like a cold, technical word. But the posture a vocalist assumes makes a big difference in vocal skill and effectiveness. Here are some guidelines for posture during the live performance:


  • DO NOT LEAN FORWARD toward the audience in such a way that your ribcage is squeezed forward; this will also cause problems with support and breath control. If you lean forward, lean from the hips to keep your ribs wide open.
  • DON’T TIGHTEN YOUR RIB CAGE by slouching when you sing while playing the guitar, keyboard, drums, or other instrument.

DO —

  • Stand or sit TALL and FLEXIBLE.
  • Play your instrument with your CHEST OPEN! Move towards the mic with your feet and body so you can lean back a bit, not forward!
  • Stand or sit so that your weight is BALANCED ON YOUR BUTT.
  • FEEL THE GROOVE – Allows a dance move in your feet, legs and spine. This will also transfer energy to the hips and buttocks, resulting in more correct breathing support (vocal force should come from the pelvic floor).
  • Move TOWARDS THE MICROPHONE STAND (causing you to lean back and open your chest) when using an articulated stand while standing, singing, and playing. This advice is VERY important. If you’re using a straight stance, make sure you get close enough that you don’t have to lean forward and lock your ribs. Or take the stand in your hand and tilt it towards YOU. Or better yet, get out the mic and use it to help you balance. Don’t tilt your head to follow the mic, bring the mic to him!
  • Use CONFIDENT BODY LANGUAGE… This is not an arrogant posture. It’s a take care of business stance that tells your audience that you have something good to give them!
  • Keep your HEAD BACK, CHIN LEVEL, neck loose, and when reaching for a high note, pull your head level. slightly by the side.
  • TALK WITH YOUR HANDS!…they are connected to your arms, shoulders, spine, rib cage and eventually your diaphragm. This is a good stage presence, too. just make it look real…make sure your hands are part of what you say or sing. Don’t let them become dead weight pulling your ribs down and in.

The posture you assume says a lot. Make sure it communicates confidence, courage, freedom, and connection. Your audience will not only see and hear the difference, but your voice will FEEL the difference.

A treasure trove of fascinating and puzzling planets has been found orbiting distant stars beyond our Sun. Of these bizarre worlds, there is a class of enormous gas giants called hot jupiterswho stand out from the crowd as some of the strangest planetary beasts of all. hot jupiters they spin rapidly around their turbulent parent stars and close into toasty orbits, and as such are too hot to support life. These huge, exotic “weirdos” are fascinating as well as mysterious, and nothing like them exists within our own Solar System. In January 2020, astronomers announced their new observations showing that the hottest of them all is also the strangest. In fact, this hottest known hot jupiternicknamed Celtic-9bis classified as a “Ultra-hot Jupiter.” The roasting, tormented giant world undergoes planet-wide meltdowns that are so severe that they rip apart the molecules that make up its exotic atmosphere containing ionized atomic iron and uniquely ionized titanium.

as a Jupiter ultrahot, Kelt-9bIt is one of several known varieties of exoplanets belonging to the distant family of an alien star that inhabits our Milky Way. It weighs nearly three times the mass of our own Solar System’s giant banded Jupiter, and orbits its stellar parent about 670 light-years from Earth. Sporting a roast surface temperature of 7,800 degrees Fahrenheit, Kelt-9b it is hotter than some stars. This planet has the distinction of being the hottest yet discovered.

Now, a team of astronomers using NASA’s infrared Spitzer Space Telescope –– which ended its successful mission in January 2020 – announced that they have found evidence that the heat is too hot even for the molecules of this strange planet to remain intact. Molecules of hydrogen gas are likely to be torn apart on the dayside of this faraway, scorching world, unable to “stick” back together until the severed fragments of their disjointed atoms travel to Kelt-9b cooler night. Normally sequestered refractory elements can survive as atomic species, including singly ionized and neutral atomic iron (Fe and Fe+) and singly ionized titanium (Ti+).

Even though Kelt-9b The night side is still roasting, it’s a bit cooler than the day side, and it’s cool enough to allow hydrogen gas molecules to gather and re-form. This happy situation lasts until the hydrogen molecules travel back to the intense heat of the dayside, where they again break apart and the cycle begins again.

“This type of planet is so extreme in temperature that it’s a bit separate from many other exoplanets. There are a few other hot jupiters and super hot jupiters that are not that hot, but hot enough for this effect to occur,” explained Megan Mansfield in a NASA statement dated January 24, 2020. Press release from the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL). Ms. Mansfield is a graduate student at the University of Chicago and lead author of a new paper revealing these findings. Tea JPL is in Pasadena, California.

These new findings are published in Astrophysical journal letters, and reveal the vastly improved sophistication of the technology and analysis required to investigate these very strange and mysterious distant worlds. Astronomers are just beginning to be able to observe the atmospheres of exoplanets, studying the molecular mergers of the brightest and hottest ones.

The best and the brightest, and the most attractive

KELT-9b orbit the afternoon Type B/early type A star KELT-9and the hot gas giant was discovered by astronomers using the Kilogram Extremely Small Telescope (KELT) in 2017.

The surface temperature of KELT-9b mother-star is 10,170 K, this is unusually hot for a star that hosts a In transit planet (a planet floating in front of the dazzling face of its parent star, as seen from Earth). Before the discovery of KELT-9bonly half a dozen type A stars were known to harbor planets, of which the warmest, Wasp-33it is significantly cooler at 7430 K. No b-type stars previously it was observed that they were surrounded by a planet. KELT-9b it travels a circular but highly inclined orbit around its star, and roasts a mother 0.03462 astronomical units (AU) of his stellar father. A FOR it is equal to the mean distance between the Earth and the Sun, which is approximately 93,000,000 miles, and its orbital period is less than 1.5 days.

KELT-9b it is an enormous gas giant world weighing 2.8 times the mass of our own Solar System’s banded giant, Jupiter. However, KELT-9b the density is less than half that of Jupiter. Like many others of its roasted kind, KELT-9b it is tidally locked to its parent star. The outer limit of its atmosphere almost extends its lobe rock. This means that the melting planet is undergoing a rapid atmospheric escape fueled by the extreme amount of radiation it receives from its turbulent and sizzling star.


KELT-9b it will always maintain its categorization as an uninhabitable planet. Astronomers became aware of its very harsh environment in 2017, when it was first discovered.

At astrophysical journal letter paper, the planetary science team used the spitzer space telescope to get temperature profiles of this hellishly roasted world. Before his mission was over, spitzer was able to take measurements of subtle alterations in KELT-9b heat. The observations, repeated over many hours, allowed spitzer to detect alterations in that world’s exotic atmosphere as the planet showed itself in phases as it revolved around its parent star.

That allowed the team of astronomers to glimpse the difference between KELT-9b day and its perpetual “night”. In this case, the planet hugs its star in such a close orbital hug that a “year” – one orbit around the star – takes just 1 1/2 days. This means the planet is tidally locked, perpetually showing only one face to its dazzling stellar parent. On the far side of KELT-9b, the night never ends. This is comparable to the way Earth’s Moon shows only one side of our planet.

Gases and heat travel from one side of KELT-9b the other. An important question for scientists trying to understand the atmosphere of alien planets is how radiation and flux balance each other.

Computer models are important tools in such studies, revealing how these atmospheres are likely to behave at different temperatures. The best scenario for the data obtained from KELT-9b it is one that includes hydrogen molecules that break apart only to reassemble. This process ends dissociation and recombination.

“If you don’t take into account the dissociation of hydrogen, you get very fast winds from [37 miles or] 60 kilometers per second. That’s probably not likely,” Ms. Mansfield commented on January 24, 2020 JPL press release.

KELT-9b it does not experience large temperature differences between day and night. This suggests a flow of heat from one side to the other. In addition, the “hot spot” on the dayside, which is assumed to be directly below this planet’s host star, was displaced from its expected position. Astronomers do not know the reason for this. It remains yet another tantalizing mystery to solve in this very strange, wonderful, very strange distant world.

Your cat’s tail can tell you a lot about your cat’s mood. I love studying my cats and observing them over a long period of time. I realize that I am learning more about them through their body language, which helps me understand them better. I also love people watching as their body language is just as interesting and tells me a lot about our society.

Your cat’s tail can be moved in many different ways. There’s the gentle twitch that Cassie uses when she’s eating. Then there is the slow ‘wagging of the tail’ when she is lying on my lap being petted. It will often speed up the wave or make it stronger if I am cross stitching or reading and not paying enough attention to it. She will also put her tail on the book so that she stops reading and can pay more attention to it. This is a deliberate action on her part.

The body language of cats is fascinating. So is the body language of any animal, including humans, which is why I love studying them. And the tail is a special part of cats’ body language and a wonderful tool they use to communicate with us.

If you notice that your cat’s tail is standing on end, it is most likely that she is scared or angry and is trying to appear bigger. Usually the fur will be on end for the same reason. If the tail is erect, your cat is happy and content, while a tail hanging between the legs means that he is not happy with something or that he is submissive with an alpha cat. One who is waving back and forth at an angle means that he could be teasing and not interested in you at all right now. It’s the cat equivalent of being ‘fingered’ by a cranky, uncooperative teenager.

A hooked tail means your cat wants to be friends but isn’t too sure of you, and one that’s straight and pointed at a 45-degree angle shows another cat that she doesn’t feel threatened but doesn’t really know the newborn. arrived. . She is ready to be friends when the tail is at this angle.

If your cat is sitting and wagging his tail from side to side, he is telling you that he is excited, angry or irritable. He will need to be careful and watch for other body language cues, such as hissing or flattened ears. If the tail simply wags when it is sitting, it means that it is alert and interested in what is going on around it. This might be a good time to start playing with him or to teach him a new trick.

A downward sloping tail means your cat could become aggressive and if you notice the tail sticking out slightly before slanting downward, be careful as this means your cat is feeling cornered or defensive and could quickly become aggressive and attack.

I love seeing my cat’s tail sticking back as it means my cat is in a good mood. She doesn’t feel aggressive or worried about anything, life treats her well. Even better is to see his tail up and trembling slightly, as this means that he is happy to see me.

Study your cat as often as you can. You can learn a lot about his mood just by watching his body language, especially tail language. And I suggest you teach these tail wag meanings to your kids as soon as possible. It might help prevent scratches and bites if they understand when to walk away from an angry cat. You’ll be surprised how much cats use their tails to communicate.

As long as there are personal and business websites, there will be hackers who, for unknown reasons, think that hacking a website is a must-do. Personally, all of my websites have been hacked at one time or another in the last few years. It is a real headache to clean and rebuild a hacked WordPress website. I try to keep a good attitude and see it as a good time for a total redesign and also make sure to add more protection measures to keep hackers out.

My number one security resource is WordFence Security Plugin. I use the free version, which is great, but I know site owners who have upgraded and give it rave reviews. There are other ways to secure your site or blog.

How do hackers get in?

To protect your site from unscrupulous hackers, it helps to know how they get into it in the first place.

Be very careful when installing plugins

As you can see from the image, plugins are the biggest risk of a site attack. There are tens of thousands of WordPress plugins available. Unfortunately, more than half are equipped with a “back door” on their website.

How to keep plugins safe

The number one way to keep plugins secure is to make sure to update them as updates become available. WordFence is a great way to keep track of updates, you will receive an email when a plugin has an update available.

look at the details

There are some red flags that should serve as a warning against using a plugin.

  • Visit the developer’s site. Check that it is there and that it is up to date with new details about using the plugin and make sure there is valid contact information. Tip: If it’s been a while since a plugin update was issued, it’s likely that the developer no longer supports it.
  • It is best to download any plugin from the official WordPress site. The plugins listed there will probably be safe. Avoid downloading plugins from an unknown source. This is one way hackers will get in. They ask you to install their amazing plugin which is guaranteed to attract customers. Or that’s what they tell you it is, they actually ask you to do the hard part for them. The plugin likely contains the tools they need to hack your site.
  • Do some research on the developer of the plugin. Look for the author name and plugin name and put “malware” or “hack” after it and see what comes up.

The second access route for hackers

The second most common way WordPress sites get hacked is a brute force attack. This type of attack is the ultimate guessing game. It can take hours to find your site’s username and password, but it’s a pretty simple way to get in and do some damage. Use some of these tips to keep them at bay and off your site.

  • Use two-factor authentication. Using this method, users must know their password and have their cell phone ready to receive a secret number. WordFence premium has this feature and it is a foolproof way to protect your site.
  • Choose a unique username. It is no longer a good idea to use Administrator or Admin. It is also not recommended to use your domain name. Instead, choose a username that a would-be hacker can’t easily guess.
  • Change your password often. This is just one more way to sustain a brute force attack. Your software may come close to guessing your password, but if it’s changed frequently, that shouldn’t be a problem.

Simple maintenance keeps your site secure

Take simple steps to keep your WordPress site secure. Clean your site frequently. Get rid of plugins and themes you no longer use. Keep your themes and plugins up to date. Install reliable security to keep hackers out. If you’ve never had to redo a 5 year old site, be happy! If you’ve had to clean up a mess left behind by an attack, learn from the mistakes and security gaps. Lock down your site just like you lock down your home.

They say that food takes you straight to the heart of a man. Well, believe this is true for one and all, not just men! So when your belly longs to experience a foodie rollercoaster ride or enjoy good times with your family or friends and you’re too bored to go to the kitchen, what do you do? You search for the best restaurants in Melbourne to satisfy that craving of your heart.

Each city has its own charm and the local cuisine sometimes really adds up wonderfully. There are many restaurants in Melbourne that will take you to a whole new world of deliciousness. From pasta and continental cuisine to burgers, seafood and more, you’ll find it all here!

If you are looking for restaurants in the port of Melbourne, then you cannot miss the Waterfront Port Melbourne, where you can enjoy authentic seafood while immersing yourself in a relaxing atmosphere.

If you want to try Croatian or experimental European food there, you have to try the Dalmatino, which boasts an eccentric setting with wooden ceilings and exposed brick walls. Not forgetting the delicious variety of food they offer.

Ciao Cielo is another gastronomic wonder for romantic couples featuring delicacies from Italy. When you are out with friends and looking for a good place to just relax and have a few drinks with some interesting conversations, The Graham is one of the best restaurants in Melbourne where you can relax and have a beer at the elegant cocktail wood. Pub. This one has gotten a lot of attention in a very short amount of time, you’d like to know why it’s creating such a stir.

When you’re looking for a quick bite or have planned a brunch to celebrate your day off, the Petty Officer offers a tasty and modern homemade Aussie brunch in a unique setting adorned with black and white décor. Melbourne’s Best Restaurants You Must Visit!

Find a bit of Japan in Melbourne at Moshi Moshi. Apart from traditional Japanese cuisine, the paintings on the walls will make you forget that you are in Melbourne.

Looking for something exotic by the sea? The Third Wave Cafe will reignite a new wave of excitement with its array of tempting cuisines. Nothing can end like this without a good sugar rush.

Melbourne Bakehouse will make you want to come back for more of its delicious desserts and sweet treats.

There are many more interesting restaurants in Melbourne that will help you reach someone’s heart through their belly! The word is called “Explore”, you never know, you might find another gem on one of the streets of Melbourne.

As a child growing up in Fort Chambly, Quebec, I would occasionally hear stories about George Foote Foss’s (my grandfather’s) invention. Sometimes I would listen to these stories as my father shared the details with friends and neighbors who visited our home. However, the stories I heard the most came directly from my grandfather, as we visited him frequently. I fondly remember, sitting on a stool near his feet as he sat in his large, comfortable chair, recounting the steps he took to make adjustments, plan, and ultimately build a gasoline-powered car, which would be the first in Canada, later nicknamed: “The Fossmobile”.

In the early 1960s (I was only 7 years old), I remember everyone around me talking about a renewed interest in his achievement. It was then that he received two honorary memberships: one from the Montreal Antique Automobile Club (VACM) and the other from the prestigious Antique Automobile Club of America (AACA). Only two Canadians have received this latest honor. The other Canadian to receive this was Colonel Robert Samuel McLaughlin who founded the McLaughlin Motor Car Company in 1907, which was one of the first major automobile manufacturers in Canada.

With these two initiatives, there was a swarm of media attention and I remember being shown newspaper clippings, many of which I still have in my possession today. Not only were photographs and articles written about his honorary memberships, but many of the local newspapers also reprinted his earlier writing, “The True Story of a Small Town Boy,” originally published in 1954, by The Sherbrooke Daily Record.

Having a relative with historical significance meant that most of his descendants ended up using the history of his invention and the various publications about it, as the subject of school projects. I remember using her story as a topic for one of my school projects, both of my kids did, and just a year ago my 6 year old granddaughter did a “show and tell” at her school on the story of her. invention.

George Foote Foss (September 30, 1876 – November 23, 1968) was a mechanic, blacksmith, bicycle repairman, and inventor from Sherbrooke, Quebec. During the winter of 1896, he developed a four-horsepower single-cylinder gasoline automobile. In the spring of 1897, he completed his invention: the first gasoline-powered automobile ever built in Canada, later named the “Fossmobile.”

It was in early 1896, during a trip to Boston, Massachusetts, to purchase a turret lathe for his expanding machine shop, that my grandfather saw his first automobiles. These cars, electric sedans, were rented for $4 an hour. He paid the fare to go for a ride, but unfortunately, after only a half-hour ride, the batteries died.

Returning to Sherbrooke, he decided to build a car that would solve this problem. My grandfather drove his car in and around Sherbrooke, Quebec for four years. He later moved to Montreal, Quebec, where the car sat idle for a year before selling it for $75 in 1902. He had earlier turned down an offer to partner with Henry Ford, who later formed the Ford Motor Company. He turned down the offer, as he believed that Ford’s Quadricycle vehicle was inferior to the Fossmobile. He also refused financial backing to mass-produce the Fossmobile, citing his inexperience in doing so, as he was only 21 at the time.

I am often asked if I know if my grandfather regretted not partnering with Ford or not mass-producing his invention. From everything I remember hearing him say, he has no regrets. He lived a simple life and I heard him say on more than one occasion that “you don’t live a long life with the stress of running a big business.” He died at the age of 92, so perhaps his theory was correct, at least for him.

I recently reopened the Foss family archives to better understand and accurately document my grandfather’s remarkable achievement. My goal has been to find ways to share this historic Canadian event with automotive enthusiasts, historians, and future generations of Canadians. To this end, I established a business, as a means of building networks, fostering collaboration, and sharing important historical memories.

As the grandson of George Foss, I have talked to some visionaries and am seeking the help of other potential “Antique Car Restoration” experts for a very special project. The goal is to use reverse engineering (reproducing an inventor’s or manufacturer’s product) to create a “Tribute Car”, emulating as closely as possible the specifications of George Foss’s invention of the first gasoline-powered car built in Canada: the Fossmobile. There are no original drawings, so the Tribute Automobile will have to rely solely on close scrutiny of the original Fossmobile photos.

I have started the process of sourcing vintage parts from the era, hoping to build this car, replicating parts only when absolutely necessary. I will oversee this process and collaborate with auto historians and experts. Along the way, the journey will be documented, while ensuring attention to detail.
The hope is to honor my grandfather’s legacy and bring to light this important chapter in Canadian history. Upon completion, this Tribute Car will be a tangible embodiment of the first gasoline-powered automobile built in Canada. There is a growing interest in displaying the complete Fossmobile Tribute at classic car shows. However, it will eventually be donated to a Canadian museum to improve history education for current and future generations.

Whether you own a startup or inherit one, you can’t deny the fact that social media will now be an essential part of your marketing strategy.

However, it is very easy to go wrong on social media and this can have a negative impact on your brand. Therefore, we will give you a quick summary of the top five ways through which you can make your strategy work.

Here are 5 things businesses can implement to maximize the effectiveness of their social media campaigns:

  1. Plan your social media marketing strategies

Many business owners think that social media marketing basically means creating a new account and sharing a couple of updates. They apply the same theory across multiple social media channels and expect the same results. They think: “If you build it, they will come!” When they fail to establish themselves, they instantly give up thinking that social media is not working. However, the harsh reality is that they did not formulate an actual plan.

  1. Schedule your social time

Stability is the name of the game when it comes to social media marketing. The timing and frequency chosen to post is crucial. You’ll need to keep an eye on current trends and alerts that are relevant to your business, and keep track of what your customers are doing and saying. Regularly interacting and having conversations with your customers is necessary. Rule of thumb: Allocate at least two hours a week to every social media site you’re on!

  1. Interact with your customers

Focus on connecting and engaging with your customers. A business can engage with customers and prospects by promoting their updates, sharing what they say, mentioning them often, answering their questions, asking them questions, inviting them to events, asking for feedback, or sending them a direct message. Frequently engaging with customers and regularly promoting what they share ultimately leads to higher customer satisfaction and higher sales.

  1. Content is still king

Writing and sharing high-quality content with your audience and potential customers should be one of your top priorities because of the key role it can play in how you communicate with your readers and get your message across. A great article will attract people organically and they will stick around much longer.

  1. Be funny

Last but not least, your social channels should be useful; however, they must also be relevant. Everyone loves to laugh and bond; so take the time to engage your audience by playing on words or through funny jokes or pictures.

There is so much information available online; therefore, listening to advice from a true and renowned expert will point you in the right direction. Focus on your goals, create high-quality content, and stay up to date with the latest trends.

Many people, when purchasing a piece of jewelery for babies or children, have little idea of ​​the size of their little one’s wrist, ankle or neck.

Because children vary greatly in size, particularly the size of their wrists and ankles, use this guide, which provides average sizes with some give and take, when shopping for an infant bracelet, children’s bracelet, teen bracelet, a necklace or anklet.

Let’s start with baby bracelets. If possible, buy a baby bracelet that has a growth extension because babies grow very quickly in their first year and you’ll want your gift to be worn for as long as possible.

Newborn Cuff: A newborn cuff should be a minimum of 4.7″ (12 cm) plus the extension.
Toddler Cuff: About 5.1″ (13 cm)
Preschooler Cuff: About 5.5″ (14cm)
Children’s bracelet from 5 to 10 years: 5.9″ (15 cm)
Tweenager Bracelet: 6.3″ (16cm)
Teen Cuff: 6.7″ – 7.5″ (17cm – 18cm)

Children’s necklaces can also be purchased in different lengths with extensions, but here is a general guide:

Baby necklace: 12″ (30.5 cm)
Toddler Necklace: 13″ (33 cm)
Preschool Necklace: 14″ (35.6 cm)
Necklace for children ages 5 to 10: 15 to 16″ (38.1 cm to 40.6 cm)
Tweenager Necklace: 16 – 17″ (40.6 cm – 43.2 cm)
Teen Necklace: 18″ (46 cm)

Children’s anklets sometimes have extensions for growth but being looser, having that extension is less important. Anklets that hang slightly over the top of the foot or are neatly gathered around the ankle look great.

Newborn Anklet: Infant Anklet (up to 12 months): 5.5″ (14 cm)
Preschool Anklet: 7.5″ (18 cm)
Anklet for children from 5 to 10 years: 8″ (20.3 cm)
tweenager anklet: 9″ (23 cm)
Teen Anklet: 10.2″ (26 cm)

If the child is large for his age, allow another inch. Also, when purchasing baby or children’s bracelets that are thick, such as European-style beads or pearls, allow another half inch of length.

Buying earrings for babies and children is easier because they don’t vary much in size, except that they are generally smaller than adult earrings and the stems are a bit shorter than adult styles. The thickness of an earlobe does not change much during childhood. Just check that there are no sharp edges on the earrings. Look for infant and children’s earrings that are sized so they don’t overwhelm the earlobe. Earrings purchased for school-age children should be small and inconspicuous, and preferably not hoops.

People sometimes ask me if there is a way someone can replicate the medifast diet on their own. I find that many people who ask this question feel like they can save some money by doing this. In my experience, not only is this not the case, but finding healthy foods that are low enough in calories, carbs, and sugars while still being high in protein is a very difficult task. And in my opinion this will be necessary to get the results you would get with medifast. You’ll need to be able to get into ketosis the same way you would diet, and this combination can be quite difficult (and expensive) to find at the supermarket or health food store. To prove this point, in the next article, I’ll show you some comparisons between medifast foods and popular grocery store items.

Find something comparable to Medifast Oatmeal: Probably the breakfast I enjoy the most on this diet is oatmeal. I know some people ask me if something similar can be found on the market, but if there is an alternative, I haven’t found it. Diet oatmeal has only 100 calories, 15 grams of carbohydrates, one gram of sugar, and 11 grams of protein. In contrast, the Quaker brand has (depending on the flavor) 120 calories, 27 carbohydrates and a high content of 12 grams of sugar. There are only 3 grams of protein. If you look around, you will probably see that it is very difficult to find a similar oatmeal with the same proportions.

Is there such a thing as the Medifast Brownie?: If there is, I haven’t found it either. The diet brownie can be served warm and tastes pretty decadent, but it only had 110 calories, 15 grams of carbs, 8 grams of sugar, and 11 grams of protein. Of course, this product is a bit higher in sugar, but this is taken into account in the diet and I can’t imagine finding another brownie product that is as high in protein and low in sugar. I am very impressed that you can eat a brownie while following this diet. Not only that, but there are no restrictions on this meal. You can enjoy it quite often if you like it.

Are there compatible Medifast shakes?: This is the question I get asked the most. And I have looked at several, which have not lived up to my criteria. The 55 shakes found in the Women’s Basic Pack are just 90 calories, 15 carbs, 8 sugars, and 11 proteins. Compare this to the special K shakes which have not only 180 calories, but also about ten more grams of sugar and about 16 more carbohydrates. Some of the Slim Fast shakes contain a massive excess of 200 calories, 20 grams of fat and 40 grams of carbohydrates.

Grocery Store Bars vs. Medifast Bars: This diet has a maintenance bar that is limited to just one per day because the calories, carbs, and sugars are a bit higher. But crisp bars, which are pretty good too, are not limited in this way. Like the other foods, they barely exceed the 100-calorie mark and only have 12 carbs, two sugars, and 11 grams of protein. Compare that to a bar like Kashi’s or special K that has between 11 and 13 grams of sugar.

People often ask me things like “does that extra 10 grams of sugar or carbs really make a big difference?” In terms of ketosis, it really can. Every gram counts here and it’s very important to get the right ratio of these things with a high enough amount of protein if you’re trying to get into fat burning mode. And, because you can have these differences at each of the six meals, over the course of the day, you can really see a very big difference in what you’re eating.

Do you really save money at the grocery store?: As I said, many people are looking for an alternative because they are trying to save money. In my experience, almost anything that is even remotely comparable will be a very specialized product that will be much more expensive than typical groceries. Since with coupon codes you can often cut the cost of medifast meals to just over $2, you may not save as much as you think, if at all, depending on where you live. Not only that, you may still walk away with more calories, carbs, and sugars (and less protein) than if you followed the diet.

Do you throw salt over your shoulder, avoid going under stairs, or leave something for good luck when you move house? Have you ever wished on a star? Superstitions have been passed down from generation to generation since time immemorial. Here are some that you may recognize and some that may be new to you. Some you will believe, others you will reject, others with which you can have fun.

Apples: You’ve heard: “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” Or, that if you peel an apple into a long strip and recite the letters of the alphabet as you do so, the letter you have reached when the peel breaks is the first initial of a future lover! Or, if you cut an apple in two, without cutting a seed, your wish for love will come true.

Bats – If a bat approaches you, someone is trying to bewitch or betray you. If someone hits you or enters your house, it is a sign of death or bad luck for someone you love.

Bees: Bees bring news and you have to notify them of any death. If the bees buzz before the beginning of spring, it means that it will be colder. If they stay in their hive it means rain.

Bridges: If you make a wish while crossing a bridge, it will be granted within a year. It’s also considered good luck if you’re walking under a bridge when a train passes over it, even more so if the whistle blows.

Brooms: If you pass a broom under someone’s feet, that person will have bad luck for a year. Keep a broom behind the door to sweep away the witches. If a child starts sweeping, he can expect visitors and never step over a fallen broom, pick it up.

Birds: If a bird flies into your house, it usually means good luck or good news to come. If the bird is black, then bad news is on the way. To steal a bird’s nest is to bring sadness. If you hear an owl, expect news of a death. Shooting a bird means that you will have bad luck for the rest of the year.

Candles: Many superstitions have been forgotten since the advent of electricity, but we still put candles on a cake and make a wish when we blow them out. Did you know that a strong and straight flame means the arrival of a stranger?

Cats: If a cat washes its face and paws more than three times, it can expect company. Black cats bring luck, gray cats even luckier, but white cats bring disease. Some people believe that if a cat follows you, you can expect some money soon. If a black cat crosses your path, it is said that he brings bad luck; however, there are ways to counteract this, one is to go home and start over; another is to take 12 steps backwards!

Christmas: A child born on Christmas Day is supposed to be lucky and can understand the language of animals. In the northern hemisphere, a white Christmas means fewer deaths in the coming year, a lack of snow means the opposite.

Clover: Finding a four-leaf clover is lucky. Putting it in your left shoe guarantees this luck.

Coins: It is considered lucky to carry a coin with the year of your birth. The Scots believe that if you put a coin in each shoe on New Year’s Day, you will have money all year.

Dogs: Many people believe that a howling dog is a sign of death. If a strange dog enters your house it is considered lucky although some people believe otherwise. A dog lying at the door looking out is a sure sign of a visitor. If his dog is watching, then someone is about to leave for the day,

Eyes, ears, eyebrows: They all have the same meaning when they itch or irritate. Right means spite, so if your right ear burns, itches, or rings, it means someone is saying bad things about you. The left is for love, so if your left ear, eye, or eyebrow itches or twitches, someone is talking lovingly about you.

Nails: It is considered lucky to cut your nails on a Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday, but unlucky on a Friday. When you trim your nails, be sure to dispose of the clippings so no one can cast a spell on you.

Flowers: Saying it with flowers takes on a whole new meaning when you consider the following: Carnations are for fidelity; daisies say you’re sorry; honeysuckle means constancy; lilies say “you are the only one for me”; the roses say I love you; violets indicate hope and marigolds represent wisdom.

Gloves: Dropping the gloves means disappointment. You can avoid this by letting someone else pick them up for you.

Hair: Cutting your hair when there is a new moon means that it will grow faster. A lock of hair is considered lucky. Some people believe that rain makes your hair grow faster. A loose hair on your shoulder means a letter before the end of the week. If you drop your comb while combing your hair, it means that you will have an argument with the first person you meet.

Hands: If the palm of your left hand itches you will receive money, if your right hand itches it is time to pay money. Another superstition says; when two people share the same basin to wash their hands they fight before the end of the day.

Hats: It is considered unlucky to wear a hat indoors or to place a hat on the bed.

Horses: Two white horses are considered lucky. Horseshoes are said to bring good luck if hung over the door with the ends pointing up. Most horseshoes have seven nail holes; the number seven is believed to be protective.

Houses: When visiting a house, never leave through the same door you entered, if this is not possible, do not be led out of the door! If a door opens by itself, you can expect a visitor. If you get blocked and get in through a window, you must open the door, then get out through the window and back in through the door, otherwise bad luck will beset you for the rest of the year.

Insects: Busy ants predict bad weather. Ladybugs bring good luck. Killing spiders brings rain. Finding a spider on your clothes means a letter, money, or both.

Travel: If you return after leaving, you can expect frustrations throughout the day. To avoid this, turn around three times before heading home, and then take a different route to your destination if you can. Some say that it is an omen if you start a journey on the 13th of the month, but whether it is a good or bad omen is not mentioned.

Mirrors: Breaking a mirror means seven years of bad luck (we’ve all heard this). Did you know that it is considered unlucky to look at yourself in a mirror by candlelight? Once the bride has dressed, she must not look back in the mirror. Don’t look in the mirror holding an animal.

Moon: Some say it’s lucky to look at the moon over your left shoulder. A halo around the moon means rain. It is considered good luck if you first see the moon through the branches of a tree.

Nails – If you find a nail with the point facing you, you will have good luck for the rest of the day.

New Year’s Day: Having empty pockets on this day means having little or no money all year long, but drinking every last drop from any bottle is considered good luck! Having someone tall and dark as the first to visit you is considered lucky…

Noses: some say that if your nose itches it means that a fool will kiss you; others say that you are preparing for a fight. Body language devotees will say you’re lying. If your nose bleeds for no apparent reason, some say you’re in love!!

Numbers: Who among us can say that they don’t have a lucky number or two?

Opals – Believed to bring bad luck, but if you were born in Libra, this is your birthstone.

Peacock Feathers: Peacock feathers are traditionally considered unlucky.

Playing Cards: Dropping cards can bring bad luck. Cards considered unlucky include the Nine of Diamonds (the curse of Scotland). The Four of Wands (called the devil’s bedpost); and the ace of spades (often referred to as the death card if drawn while the cards are being cut). To change your luck, ask for a new deck, or get up from the table, turn around three times and rejoin the game (it may look a bit stupid doing this in the Casino, but “who cares”.

Peas: If you find a pod with nine peas in it, it’s considered a good omen, so make a wish and toss the pod over your right shoulder as you do so.

Pins – see a pin, pick it up, all day good luck. How many times have you recited this little rhyme?

Pictures: When a picture falls it means bad luck. If it is a photograph or painting of someone, tragedy could soon befall that person.

Rabbit’s Foot: Unlucky for the rabbit, but considered lucky by many.

Rainbow: Make a wish when you see a rainbow and your wish will come true. If you see a rainbow on a Saturday, good luck is on its way to you.

Rats – We all know that rats leave a sinking ship, but rats leaving a house have the same meaning! Catching two rats in one trap is considered lucky!

Rings: A birthstone ring is said to bring good luck. It is considered bad luck to remove your wedding ring in public.

Shirts: Wearing your shirt inside out means you’re going to have a bad day ahead of you, but if you leave it on and wear it inside out, it’s supposed to bring good luck.

Shoes: It’s considered bad luck to put new shoes on a table, but it’s considered luck to throw an old shoe at a newlywed, one of the reasons shoes are traditionally tied to the wedding carriage.

Skirts: Kissing the turned-up hem of a skirt is supposed to bring luck to the wearer. If your petticoat hangs under your skirt you must make a wish before adjusting it or you will have a bad day ahead.

Slippers: It is supposed to be unlucky to cross slippers as it brings a bad encounter into the house.

Scissors: If you drop scissors, you should step on them gently before picking them up to avoid arguments. Hanging your scissors on a nail or hook brings good luck. If someone gives you a pair of scissors, give them a coin in return.

Snails: Seeing lots of snails, or snails crawling to higher ground, is a sure sign of rain.

Spoons: Dropping a spoon means a visitor. Dropping a big soon means a whole family or visitors. Dropping a knife means that a strange man will call. Dropping a fork signifies the arrival of a woman.

Stars: If you wish on a star, your wish will come true. A shooting star brings good luck.

Thirteen: The number 13 has a long history and has been considered unlucky for most of it. If 13 people gather at any one time, one is said to be dead within 12 months! Some consider Friday the 13th to be unlucky; others say it is a day to test all superstitions in an effort to break any curses.

Towels: How many believe that if they drop a towel, a visitor will arrive?

Umbrella: It is considered very unlucky to leave an open umbrella or to open it in a closed place.

Weddings: Losing a wedding ring can mean losing a husband/wife. If a cat sneezes at the bride’s house on her big day, it means it’s raining.

Wishbones: Many of us have pulled on a wishbone and made a wish while breaking off the largest part. Another superstition is that the person who gets the short piece will marry first or, if both people are already married, will attract a lover.

Wood: How many times have you: “knocked on wood” when you want something to come true?

Whether you believe in superstitions or not, you have to admit that at one time or another you’ve thrown salt over your shoulder, knocked on wood, or wondered if you’re tempting fate by walking under a ladder.