Month: September 2022

Behaviorism is a school of psychology that emerged in the 20th century. Behaviorists believe that human behavior is the result of reinforcement and punishment for certain behaviors or is the result of a response to environmental stimuli. The earliest example of behaviorist ideas dates back to Edward Thorndike’s Law of Effect in 1905. The Law of Effect states that “responses that produce a satisfactory effect in a particular situation are more likely to occur again in that situation, and responses that produce an upsetting effect are less likely to reoccur in that situation.” This is the principle on which conditioning is based.

Conditioning is the process of psychologically manipulating an animal or person to behave in a particular way. Ivan Pavlov (1902) was the first person to attempt conditioning with his dogs and therefore his type of conditioning is known as Pavlovian Conditioning or Classical Conditioning. Later, BF Skinner (1948) would extend this idea with his work on rats and develop Operant Conditioning. It was the combination of classical and operant conditioning that became the basis of behaviorism.

classical conditioning

Ivan Pavlov first discovered conditioning when he was working on gastric function in dogs. He collected and analyzed their saliva, but noticed that the dogs salivated before they were given food and even when the person feeding them approached. Pavlov realized that dogs had come to associate their feeders with the food itself and began experiments to examine this.

Pavlov noticed that dogs had responses to certain stimuli that were genetically programmed into them. For example, dogs salivating when presented with food would be an unconditioned response (UR) and the food itself would be an unconditioned stimulus (US). It would then be possible to pair a neutral stimulus (NS) with the unconditioned stimulus (US) to produce a conditioned response (CR). A higher pairing frequency of neutral stimuli (NS) and unconditioned stimuli (US) makes conditioning more likely to occur.

For example, Pavlov (1902) rang a bell (NS) just as the dogs received food (US). This causes the dogs to salivate (UR). After enough pairings, the dogs come to associate the sound of the bell with the presentation of food, so the sound of the bell was enough to produce salivation. The sound of the bell had become a conditioned stimulus (CS) and salivation had become a conditioned response (CR).

Extinction, Generalization and Discrimination

Conditioning, in this way, is more effective if the neutral stimulus (NS) slightly precedes the unconditioned stimulus (US). If the unconditioned stimulus (US) produces a strong reaction, conditioning will occur more quickly. Also, in a process called extinction, the conditioned response (CR) caused by the conditioned stimulus (CS) will weaken over time if it is not strengthened by pairing the conditioned stimulus (CS) with the unconditioned stimulus (US). Conditioning can also be generalized. That means that a stimulus similar to the conditioned stimulus (CS) will produce a weaker conditioned response (CR). However, if presented with a neutral stimulus (NS) that is similar to the conditioned stimulus (CS), the dog may not react. This means that the dog has discriminated the neutral stimulus (NS) and requires a closer stimulus to produce the conditioned response (CR).

emotional conditioning

Emotional conditioning refers to instances of classical conditioning that produce an emotional response. It is about associating neutral stimuli (NS) with stimuli that naturally produce an emotional reaction. The types of conditioned responses (CRs) caused by emotional conditioning include our fears and phobias, the products we buy, and can even produce drug cravings in former drug users. A phobia can be induced when a neutral stimulus (NS) precedes an adverse one such as the rat phobia that Watson and Rayner (1920) produced in Little Albert. The products are neutral stimuli (NS) that can be converted into conditioned stimuli (CS) that elicit an emotional response. They do this by associating themselves with celebrities and desirable life situations in advertising.

Operant conditioning

Operant Conditioning is a type of conditioning developed by BF Skinner (1948) through his experiments with rats. Based on Thorndike’s Law of Effect (1905), operant conditioning postulates that behaviors that are followed by a positive state of affairs are more likely to be repeated in the future. The difference is that Operant Conditioning allows the subject to operate on her environment and introduces the ideas of reinforcement and punishment into the conditioning.

Reinforcers are things that create a “positive state of affairs.” Therefore, they increase the probability that a response will be repeated. Primary reinforcers directly satisfy a biological need like comfort or food, and secondary reinforcers are things that become associated with the primary reinforcer through classical conditioning. There are two types of reinforcement: positive reinforcement and negative reinforcement. Positive reinforcement is receiving something positive to increase the likelihood that the behavior will be repeated, such as being paid for working hard, which makes one more likely to work hard. Negative reinforcement is the removal of something negative to increase the repetition of the behavior. For example, if pressing a lever prevents you from getting electrocuted. This is also an example of escape learning.

If a subject learns to carry out a behavior to stop a negative experience, it is said that he is carrying out escape learning. Furthermore, if a subject learns to perform a behavior to prevent a negative situation from occurring, she is said to be engaging in avoidance learning. If a subject cannot perform behaviors that stop or prevent negative situations, he can become depressed. He has experienced slanting helplessness which was examined by Martin Seligman (1974) and his experiments with dogs.

Reinforcement schedules

As with classical conditioning, a behavior can undergo the process of extinction. Different schedules of reinforcement have a strong effect on the speed with which a behavior is adopted and the rate of extinction of the behavior. Ferster and Skinner (1957) created new schedules of reinforcement and examined their effect on response rate, the rate at which the behavior was repeated, and extinction rate, the rate at which the behavior ceased. The 5 reinforcement schedules are: Continuous, Fixed Rate, Variable Rate, Fixed Interval, Variable Interval.

Continuous Reinforcement: Continuous reinforcement is where the behavior is reinforced each time it is performed. It has the slowest response rate but the fastest extinction rate.

Fixed Ratio Boost: Fixed rate reinforcement is where the behavior is reinforced at a fixed rate, such as every 3 or 5 times the behavior is performed. It has a fast response rate and a decent extinction rate.

Variable boost ratio: Variable-rate reinforcement is where the behavior is reinforced in varying proportions, such as an average of every 5 times the behavior is performed. It has a fast average response rate and the extinction rate is very slow. It is the best method to condition behavior.

Fixed interval boost: Fixed interval reinforcement is where the behavior is reinforced after a fixed time, such as every 5 minutes. The response rate and extinction rate is average.

Variable Interval Boost: Variable interval reinforcement is where behavior is reinforced at random time intervals. The response rate is fast and the extinction rate is slow.


Punishments are things that cause a negative outcome to decrease the frequency of the behavior that preceded it. Punishment is most effective when it is administered immediately after undesirable behavior, when it is applied consistently, and when it is intense enough to repress the behavior. Punishment generally suppresses rather than extinguishes behavior and does not help people develop more appropriate behaviors.

There are two types of punishment: positive punishment and negative punishment. Positive punishment is the addition of something negative, like punishing someone. Negative punishment is the removal of something positive. For example, taking away someone’s freedom for committing a crime.

Positive punishment can often be confused with negative reinforcement. The distinction lies in how negative reinforcement increases the occurrence of a behavior because it allows the subject to escape from an adverse situation. On the contrary, positive punishment decreases the probability that a behavior will cause an adverse situation.


Ferster, C. B. and Skinner, B. F. (1957). reinforcement schedules.

Pavlov, IP (1902). The work of the digestive glands. London: Griffin.

Seligman, MEP (1974). Depression and learned helplessness. In RJ Friedman and MM Katz (Eds.), The Psychology of Depression: Contemporary Theory and Research. Washington DC: Winston-Wiley.

Skinner, B.F. (1948). Superstition’ in the pigeon. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 38, 168-172

Thorndike, E. L. (1905). The elements of psychology. New York: AG Seiler.

Watson, John B. and Rayner, Rosalie. (1920). Conditioned emotional reactions. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 3, 1-14.

Nano and Nexty: Are these the real and practical cash alternatives? Let’s find out!

Blockchain is no longer modern geek talk! Bitcoin revolutionized the way many of us viewed currencies, ledgers, fund transfers, and transactions. The beauty of all virtual currencies is that almost every one of them is trying to address a problem. And this is where our currency of interest, Nexty, comes into play. During the writing, the similarity of the Nexty platform with Nano-XRB will be compared to obtain a better understanding of this platform.

In very simple terms, the Nexty platform is presented as a transaction system that will eliminate the concept of transaction fee while ensuring ultra-fast transfers to facilitate its users. Apart from this, the transfers are lightning fast because the transactions do not require the miners to perform a confirmation as is the case with other virtual currencies like Bitcoin etc.

However, according to the white paper published by the creators of Nexty, the main use of Nexty is for newly established e-commerce companies to help generate public funds. Since there is no transaction, lightning-fast transfer (2 seconds! And that’s practically real-time), and confirmation fee, fundraising will be less of a hassle. The coin surgically targets e-commerce stores because that will cultivate an ecosystem where these stores will accept NTY coins from shoppers.

The concept behind NTY is to make everyday online transactions a seamless experience. The team behind NTY is made up of established Blockchain developers and vendors. Some of the team members have 10-12 years of full development and marketing experience.

Some of you might argue that Nano, formerly known as Railblocks, XRB, is already performing the same functions as NTY. The XRB coin is a bit unique in that it uses their proprietary block lattice data structures. Because of this, each Nano account has its own blockchain which reduces latency for fast transfer. Apart from this, the XRB is efficient in terms of energy and resources and does not need a high-end GPU system for the execution of transactions. However, Nano does not come with a smart contract capability. Smart contracts are meant to exchange triggers for any crypto currency. These contracts help exchange funds, real estate, stocks, or any tangible or non-tangible entity of financial value. Smart contracts also eliminate the need for brokers while seamlessly bringing our crypto to asset exchange. Other than this one difference, NTV and XRB (Nano) are more or less identical. Another important capability of the Nexty platform is its integration within existing eCommerce applications such as Joomla. According to the NTY developers, the integration takes 3-4 hours maximum.

To strike a balance between the supply and demand of the NTY, the platform comes with a built-in smart staking program. This program offers bonuses and credits on the purchase, sale and ownership of Nexty. The system is intended for investors and daily users at the same time.

The capacity of the Nexty and Nano platforms is enormous. Imagine a world where cryptocurrencies replace conventional wallets and transactions are fast! For example, if a merchant accepts BitCoin, he may not deliver the goods and services to you before multiple minors confirm the transaction. And now re-imagine paying for goods and services through currency that is quickly transferred with no transaction fees, regardless of any minor verification!

A foundation that is not properly waterproofed can lead to a number of problems throughout the house. Aside from having a sticky, rotten and smelly basement, a damp basement can lead to wood decay, mold and mildew, and poor indoor air quality inside the home, as moisture and radon from the basement can leach into the dwellings. A dry basement can also be guaranteed as usable space, while a wet basement is a waste only. However, how could you waterproof your basement without trenching around the outside?

For basement waterproofing, the main thing you need to do is fix cracks in the basement walls and floors. For various types of breaks, there are unique solutions to repair the problem. Hydraulic cement can be used to fill the gaps in the bonding posts.

Settlement walls are often powered by fortified mooring posts. These mooring posts often protrude from the establishment, and no matter how much they are fixed externally, sometimes the seals wear or are not done well. Hydraulic cement is a simple solution for this. However, you mix it yourself, a small amount at a time, as it dries quickly, and then trowel it over any cracks or breaks. It dries very quickly, so make sure you have everything set and ready before you start.

For cracks in the floor and where the floor meets the walls, concrete repair is a decent decision for these. Clean the crack completely, get a concrete repair tube, and embed the substance into the crack. There are several types of concrete repair, however, a polyurethane fix will last longer and work better than a silicone or other mix. Be that as it may, polyurethane is more expensive than other mixtures. For large cracks or other types of cracks or dangerous cracks, for example, those in areas where the reinforcement axes meet the building wall, it is best to hire a professional organization to solve the problem.

When all the cracks settle into the foundation studs or walls, there are paints, coatings, and sealants that can help waterproof. Waterproofing paint is an acrylic formulation that doesn’t actually waterproof, but it prevents minor leaks and provides a moisture barrier by anticipating water dispersing through walls. It opposes the settlement of mold and mildew in view of this moisture barrier. To apply it, you actually paint it, the same way you would a regular paint.

Today we will tell you more about how you can simply keep your home healthy with perfect basement waterproofing!

Home is the place where we feel safest. When you return home, everything seems fine. Therefore, it is essential to ensure that you maintain a healthy home.

Mold and mildew are pests that often thrive in homes when conditions are right. Parasites thrive where there is moisture and little or no light. Therefore, they are usually found on damp or poorly ventilated bases.

Mold and mildew can cause genuine medical problems for the occupants of your home. Some medical problems attributed to mold include respiratory problems such as asthma, hypersensitivity, brain aches, blocked sinuses, throat irritation, and eye disorders.

Ensuring your home is free of mold and mildew is essential. The attached tips will help you keep your home healthy:

Secure your bathroom: A lot of moisture in the house originates from the bathroom. Hot shower water is an important source of moisture. Therefore, it is essential to ensure that the bathroom is kept dry and ventilated. You can introduce a smoke extractor to circulate the air and evacuate the air with humidity. Be sure to spread the towels out or hang them up to dry. Choose a shower window trim that dries effectively.

Use fresh fabrics: Mold spores spread noticeably everywhere and around the house. When they touch natural material, they can begin to develop and grow in the right conditions. Therefore, it is imperative to ensure that these spores are expelled from the texture and upholstery. Fabric should be washed frequently in hot water when possible. Upholstery should be vacuumed before cleaning.

Clean carpets or rugs: Carpets are ideal breeding grounds for mold and mildew. Make sure your floor coverings are vacuumed frequently. This will drive the spores out of the ground coverings.

If your cover is already stained with mildew, clean it with a laundry cleaner and water solution. Use a soaked material that absorbs these cleaning responses to touch the gamut that is recolored. Make sure the cover is placed in a dry area where the wind blows openly to ensure it dries completely.

Ventilate your house: Ensure that your house is properly ventilated. Opening windows and using fans was important to boost airflow inside the house, especially in sweltering, humid climates.

Moisture control for your basement is critical. Moisture in your basement can cause real medical problems for the inhabitants of your home. It can also cause real basic problems, making your home unsafe.

People often misunderstand moisture problems. The result is that they are often not treated legitimately. Seeing how moisture can get into your basement, in any case, will allow you to better control it. If you are facing any water seepage problem, you should contact a professional waterproofing company like ours and have your house completely waterproofed.

Every day new phones with all the new features keep flourishing in the world of smartphones. Big ‘megapixels’, Monster ‘RAM’ and Sexy ‘unibody aluminum’ leave no stone unturned to attract customers. If you don’t know which phone to buy, this article will surely solve your dilemma. Here are some of the best mobile phones this year that celebrate everything from beautiful screens to innovation and everything in between. The following supermodels have something different enough that makes them stand out. And that’s why they stand out.

List of the best smartphones in 2016

Here are some of the shiny slabs of wearable goodness that won our hearts in 2016. Let’s dive into the smartphone pool and decide which mobile suits your requirements and budget.

Most attractive: Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge

Pick the pretty perfect smartphone: Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge. It’s blooming beautiful! Beginners will no doubt be attracted by the enticing curves of its curved screen. The beautiful solid metal and glass construction is sure to freeze your attention. The phone will amaze you not only with its design, but also with the rocking power under the hood. Powered by a 1.6GHz octa-core processor and 4GB RAM, Samsung S7 Edge is sure to deliver a divine experience. The phone runs Android 6.0 and is powered by a 3600 mAh non-removable battery. Capture incredible images and videos with its 12-megapixel main camera on the rear and a 5-megapixel front shooter.

A really cool smartphone: OnePlus 3

OnePlus 3 has managed to grab the “best phones to buy” headlines quite easily by offering 6GB of RAM, Snapdragon™ 820 Qualcomm® and Adreno™ 530GPU display. Born of amazing technology, design and innovation, the new metal smartphone is carved from premium aluminum. Under the hood, the smartphone runs Android 6.0.1 and is powered by a 3000mAh battery. It comes with a Dash Charge technology to give you a day’s power in just half an hour of charging. You won’t be disappointed with the 16 MP camera that features ultra-fast shutter speed, fast autofocus and advanced stabilization methods to capture stunning photos or videos. OnePlus 3 really offers incredible value for money.

More modular and innovative: LG G5

The magical LG G5 is the world’s first modular smartphone to offer a unimetal body and fingerprint sensor technology. G5 is powered by a Qualcomm Snapdragon 820 SoC, 4GB of RAM, and 32GB of expandable storage. Its ‘always on’ screen allows you to see important notifications without waking up the phone. One of the highlights of the phone is the ‘slide-in battery compartment’. The same trick applies to the camera grip – ‘LG Cam Plus’, which provides a great way to take pictures. LG G5 has been awarded “Best New Smartphone” at the GSMA GLOMO Awards MWC 2016.

Refurbished Smartphone: iPhone 6s Plus

Apple has taken the technology world by storm again with the launch of the iPhone 6s Plus. The new ‘Rose-Gold’ 6s Plus offers incredible force-sensitive 3D touch technology for maximum security. The ‘Live Photos’ feature on the phone will now breathe life into your still image. Now you can capture beautiful images, shoot brilliant 4K 1080p HD video with brilliant camera quality. Manufacturers have left no stone unturned in the design of the phone. The model is made stronger from a new 7000 series aluminum alloy with a 5.5-inch LED-backlit widescreen display. Fast navigation, power-packed performance with ‘Proactive’ Siri, and iOS 9 – it all makes iPhone 6sPlus a game changer.

Omnipotent: HTC 10

HTC 10 is a beautiful thing. The phone surpasses all its previous models with a simple, minimalist style and smooth curves. It runs Android 6.0 Marshmallow with the Sense 8.0 skin on top. HTC 10 offers everything you’d expect from a modern smartphone: unparalleled performance, great 24-bit high-resolution sound, optical image stabilization on the front and rear cameras, 4K resolution video recording, stellar two-hour battery life. days and much more.

Budget King: Lenovo Moto G4 Plus

Lenovo Moto G4 Plus is a great budget mobile phone for all your needs. Priced at Rs 14,999, the mobile flaunts a very attractive display with a rigid and sturdy build. It has a 5.5-inch Full HD screen. The vibrant and punchy screen offers a great experience for playing games and videos. G4 Plus runs Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow OS, powered by a Qualcomm Snapdragon 617 chipset. You get two options, a 16GB variant with 2GB RAM and a 32GB variant with 3GB RAM in terms of memory.

The Prodigious: Nextbit Robin

I love the pastel blue color and refreshing angular shape of Nextbit Robin. In an ocean of black, aluminum, rounded-corner smartphones, the unusual Nextbit Robin is an absolute delight. Circular perforated speakers look great. It’s a huge plus for YouTube addicts without headphones. The phone offers unlimited storage as it focuses on automated cloud storage. Mobile is quite laudable for breaking the mold of smartphones.

Every year, during the first ten days of May, the Coppiette Festival is held in the town of Marcellina, about thirty kilometers northeast of Rome, in the province of Lazio. Organized by the Committee of the Butteri (mountain shepherds), it reflects simultaneous celebrations dedicated to the Virgen del Ginestre. However, the committee is less concerned with the hunger of the soul and more with the hunger of the stomach.

Coppiettes are dried strips of meat, cured with salt and pepper, then seasoned with fennel and pepperoncino (Italian hot peppers). Southeast of Rome, in the province of Frosinone, locals include garlic and white wine to make coppiette ciociare. This is a simple meal and was part of the staple diet enjoyed in the past by farmers and humble peasants alike. He has some close relatives. Coppiette would have been interpreted as ragged by the pioneers who opened up the American West in the 19th century and by the native Indians the settlers encountered. The Dutch voortrekkers (literally meaning forward shooters) who made the great trek across South Africa to escape the British in the 1830s and 1840s relied on something strikingly similar: they called it a biltong.

Its appeal is not hard to understand. These dried meats are rich in protein and residual fat. They also have high levels of salt added during the drying process to inhibit any bacterial activity. The tired and hydrated Lazian farm worker, after a day in the fields, chewed on coppiette and was quickly revived with a concentrated injection of energy and nutrients. These meat ‘sticks’ were reduced to almost nothing in his pocket; they were also inherently stable because all excess fat and moisture had been removed. Tucked away in the dark corners of a backpack or pocket, they can last for days or even months.

Then and now, the raw material with which the sausage is made depends on the place. Cowboys and Native Americans cut strips of beef and game including buffalo, deer and elk. In South Africa, biltong made from beef remains the most common variety available, but today the Afrikaaner also uses ostrich and game species such as kudu, wildebeest and gazelle. In the Lazio region of Italy, the horse and donkey were the common options available. Today, most coppiettes are made from pork.

However, with their aversion to pork, the Jewish community makes their own version with beef. A good butcher could sell you some coppiette with meat sourced from the prestigious Maremmana, a breed of cattle raised in the Maremma, an ancient swampy area that straddles southern Tuscany and northern Lazio. If you visit the small town of Genzano, the residents can offer you their own rare specialty with donkey meat.

In times past, no part of the animal was wasted; Butchers today, and those who still do so at home, focus on the fibrous muscle tissue that surrounds the ham, shoulder, or abdomen. Strips 10-15 centimeters long and 2 centimeters thick are cut from the body and seasoned in wooden vats, before being cooked gently for half an hour in a wood-fired refractory brick oven. Excess water is drained off and the meat is baked for a further half hour before being left to dry for up to 48 hours in wire racks.

Coppiette, like its South African relative biltong, differs from jerky in this respect. While the latter is sun- or fire-dried, the more traditional biltong and coppiette are air-dried in the cold winter months. Lazio makes its specialty throughout the year and in other months it follows the cecina method and uses a special drying room. In both cases, the dried meat is tied with string in pairs, or coppiette (meaning ‘little pairs’), and left to mature for two months. After a very light final smoking, the finished product is bagged or packed in trays ready for sale in taverns, butcher shops and wine bars.

Isn’t it great that there are so many ways to get financing for real estate investment projects today? That’s important since sellers want to get paid for their houses when they sell them… right? Now, just because there are what seems like endless sources of funds doesn’t mean those funds are easy to get… or when you can get them… they’re easy to pay for. The borrower is required, in many cases, to “jump through hoops” to end up with the funds he needs. Credit Approval, Appraisals, LTV/ARV… and they still don’t usually get it. All they need is “skin in the game”.

Good debt vs. bad debt

Most real estate investors are familiar with the expression “Good Debt vs. Bad Debt.” The problem is that most don’t fully understand the difference. My daughter knew the difference when she was 8 years old. I remember when we went to lunch and she went from asking me to do “more and less” to doing story problems. So, in the interest of “training her early in life,” I gave her story problems involving business. she would accidentally Learn about everything from expenses to earnings…including the differences between good and bad debt His understanding was so complete that he could recite the definition and, more importantly, explain it when asked.

Unfortunately, today we are not taught any of this in school. We are taught to be spenders/savers instead of investors/entrepreneurs. In other words, we are never taught how “money works”, but we are certainly taught how to “work for money”. Knowing the difference between good and bad debt isn’t brain surgery, but the negative effects of ignorance can be enormous. The difference is very simple. Bad debt costs you money, good debt makes you money. Yes, it is that simple.

What the banks know that we don’t

Banks are well aware of the difference. Just look at the difference between what they “pay” you (and I use the word “pay” very loosely) for your deposits, and what they “charge” you when they “sell” your credits. Understand that the business of banks is to sell credit. They also know and understand the saying: “Own nothing, but control everything.” They live for it. The fun thing is that with the use of non-taxable debt, the real estate investor can do the same thing. They can almost become their own bank.

Bad debt costs you money, as the net result is that you end up with less than you started with. Good debt makes you money because the net result is that you end up with more than you started with. In business, you are comparing profits and expenses. In our personal lives, we’re comparing income to, well, “Income Substitute”…sometimes referred to as Credit Cards.

Obvious examples of Good Debt would be things like SF rentals, multi-family rentals, commercial properties, and other appreciable cash flow assets. Examples of bad debt would be the credit cards mentioned above, boats, RVs, etc. The value of our own house is not an investment. It does not generate money for us, it costs us money to build it. Now, if we take advantage of it as a loan, it becomes debt… what kind of debt depends on what it is used for. Keep in mind that I’m not saying we should all go out and refinance our homes, withdraw the equity and invest. If you decide to do that, you don’t have my blessing. You are putting your home at risk. Not intelligent. Particularly as there are many other safer ways to obtain funds to invest.

The Power of Compounding… Duplication on Steroids

Banks understand all this. They leverage their assets/deposits into credit/debt. That is, credit to them and debt to you. They own nothing and, in fact, can take advantage of credit, actually selling you “virtual money” at many times the “face value” of your asset on deposit with them. This topic is for another time. For this discussion, understand that the bank is exploiting the power of Duplication. In reality, they are taking advantage of what Albert Einstein called the “Greatest Invention of the 20th Century”… compound interest. He went further by stating that those who understood it (banks) live off those who don’t (the rest of us).

Do you want a very powerful example? start with a penny… only 1 cent. Then, for the next 30 days, double it. So day 1 would be 2 cents, day 3 would be 4 cents, day 4 would be 8 cents, and so on. Do it on paper. It will have a much bigger impact on you. Which is the answer? Try it. You’ll be surprised. What you will be seeing is an example of Composite at its finest.

So how do we as real estate investors do the same? Can we do the same? The answer to the second question is a resounding Yes! The answer to the first question is, you guessed it, with the use of non-taxable debt.

The Power of Debt with No Lien… Compounded on Steroids

How do you ask? Easy. First, remember that the typical financing used in real estate investing is bond-capable debt. There’s a link of some sort on the asset… the property we’re buying. When we use non-taxable debt, there is no lien on the property. In fact, there is no link to the property. This is important. This is what makes this work. This is what makes us our own bank. How?

What’s the first thing that happens at closing, after the mountain of paperwork is signed? The answer is that the seller’s original lender is paid. In other words, the Link is paid. The seller doesn’t even see the money. Wouldn’t you like to at least touch it when selling… even for a minute? How about doing more? How about being able to re-use that over and over? If you can. That answer was for all those who read this and say “you know you can’t”. Here’s why… and how.

Let’s take a look at typical property financing. First, a loan is taken out and we purchase and rehab the property. We turn the house around, and when we sell it, we do two things: 1) We return the original financing (link); 2) We make a profit (hopefully). Now, to move forward, we need to get new funding and deal with the “App Triplets” again. You know, new Application, Appraisal and Approval. All expensive, slow and without guarantees.

Now, if it were a non-taxable form of debt, we wouldn’t need to pay back the money we borrowed… at least not right away. This also means that instead of just walking away with our profit to use, we walk away with all proceeds from the sale. Selling a house for $75,000 with $50,000 in taxable debt and walking away with only $25,000… profit. Sell ​​that same house with unencumbered debt, and we’ll walk away with the full $75,000…less closing costs. What would you rather do?

Turn “bad debt” into “good debt”

Well, before I continue, I need to respond to all the readers who say “I still have to pay the debt”. In fact, I have upcoming monthly payments that are usually very high due to the nature of the terms in most NLDs. So what I do is fund a cash reserves as part of the NLD. Tea cash reserves is your silent partner whose sole role is to make the monthly payments until you can build your system to be self-supporting and self-sufficient. Combine the earnings from the first few flips and buy/rehab a second “Flip House”, which will also reuse those funds over and over again as there would be no debt on that second house…you bought if for all the cash. The idea is to NEVER use the principle for anything other than the cost of the next Flip House. You are working with two “inverted houses” now after that second inverted.

Flip these two houses, combine the two winnings and buy/rehab a third Flip House. Again, you will reuse the costs of the three houses to buy/rehab the next 3 Flip Houses online. You now have three lines of Flip Houses. no matter how many times you try to spend the principle… they keep giving it back to you. Now, this is where the real fun begins.

While you have been developing your system, your cash reserve is shrinking to nothing. So, it’s about time you gave it back, don’t you think?, and “buy” more time. Keep in mind that these payments you’re making from the cash reserve are actually paying off the debt… or it doesn’t work, so when you’re calculating how much to put in the cash reserve, keep that in mind. Now for the real fun.

As I said, the cash reserve is “no more”, so pay it back…with one of the winnings from one of the three flip houses. What do you do with the other two benefits? Purchase/rehab a “holding house” for cash flow…with all the cash. Then continue flipping the three Flip Houses, over and over again, using the “earnings only” to buy more houses with “Cash Flow”, with everything in cash, occasionally repaying the cash reserve until the debt is paid off. .. and you are completely debt free.

The story of the tape… Einstein was a pretty smart guy

Question #1: How many times do we pay for these funds?

Answer: Ounce… we just didn’t pay it all back at once, as we would have if it were bond-capable debt.

Question #2: How many homes can we use these funds for (remember, we’re only going to pay them once)?

Answer: I don’t know. I’ll let you know when I stop reusing them.

We become our own bank. We are now leveraging our own money for ourselves, at no additional cost. Every time we repurpose these funds, at no additional charge, we drive down the cost of debt per household. This means that we have also just calculated the initial cost of this type of financing. insignificant.

Einstein was right. Composing is a beautiful thing. When combined with non-taxable debt, it can be a “gold mine” for real estate investors.

Many people write down great quotes that they come across while reading or surfing the internet, and collect these quotes in a notebook or computer file. If you haven’t been collecting your favorite quotes, start now. This article presents three ideas on how you can use your motivational and success quotes once your collection is ready.

Put them somewhere visible

Choose your favorite success and motivation quotes from your list and write them on index cards. You can pin the index cards to your bulletin board, hang them on your refrigerator, or tape them to your bathroom mirror. The idea is to be constantly exposed to these quotes and the ideas they present.

share them

Do you have a friend or family member who is going through a difficult time? Share your list of success and motivation quotes with them to help inspire them. One way to enhance the list of quotes you’re about to share with your friend or loved one is to search for images online and add them to your document. That way, they’ll have something inspiring to look at when they’re feeling down.

You may even want to share your quotes on social media, like Twitter or Facebook. Many people enjoy reading the quotes that others find inspiring. Your dating list is very likely to help you gain new followers on your favorite social networking sites.

Add them to your email signature

By adding your favorite quotes to your email signature, you’ll be helping to inspire everyone you email. Also, what you choose to include in your email signature says a lot about you, and a quote about determination, hard work, and pursuing your dreams sends a positive message about you to others. People might even respond by sending you their favorite quotes.


Dust off your notebook full of motivational and success quotes, or start creating a list of these quotes if you don’t already have one, and use them in the three ways described above. Of course, an additional way to use your motivational and success quotes is when preparing a report or presentation. In fact, I’m sure you can find many other ways to use these quotes.

Farberware cookware has been a part of numerous home kitchens around the world. This brand has been consistent in delivering energy-saving and efficient cookware to reputable homes, restaurants, and public eateries. These are the pros and cons of buying this kitchen gadget for home use.

Farberware has been in this industry for nearly a century. From professional use to home cookware, Farberware’s transition catered more to regular home cooks for professional results. It is easy to use even for practicing chefs and regular use in the kitchen.

Most of the Farberware cookware line is very stylish to fit the needs of your modern kitchen. The wide range of pots, baking utensils and other kitchen utensils are made with excellent materials and fine finishes.

There are also replacement parts for Fabeware cookware. Unlike most standard cookware, Farberware allows you to get the most value for your money by extending the use of its quality products. So if your Farbeware cookware is broken, just browse their site and find what you need.

Classic stainless steel cookware has been a popular product for cooking. Farberware cookware uses a unique material to bring out the quality flavor and results of a professional chef. Most Farberware kitchen appliances are made from 18/10 stainless steel with unique features. Most of their pans have a dense aluminum base that speeds up the heating process and even distribution of heat. Farberware’s design is best suited with epicurean-style lids that help retain flavors.

On the other hand, Farberware cookware can be a bit pricey for some people. Most of their pans are around $130 a set. Even though this is a nonstick pan, there is still a tendency for food to stick to the pan when preheated incorrectly. To avoid this, you may want to use low to medium preheat levels for at least a minute or two.

In general, it is necessary to determine the advantages and disadvantages of a certain product. With Farberware cookware, the pros outweigh the cons entirely. This brand fits almost any food that is healthy, safe and efficient. It may be helpful to check out customer reviews to learn more about how you can get the most out of the Farberware line of cookware.

It seems that we treat fathers, both ours and the father of our children, differently on their Special Day than we treat mothers on Mother’s Day. Maybe it’s because we’re wired differently. (I mean, seriously, when was the last time the man in your life asked for flowers, chocolate, and dinner out? And do men eat chocolate?) But breakfast in bed, whether it’s just piping hot coffee served with The New York Times, equals that cake and strawberries covered in whipped cream we ordered on our mom’s tray. I have found that men deeply appreciate any simple gesture of love made on their behalf. The little morning romp my kids had with their dad today (with coffee, handmade cards, poems, and wrapped gifts) did more to get him going than anything else we could have done. He would say, “We won’t forget you this year, Dad.” (Honestly, we forgot a couple of years ago…)

Father’s Day has its origin in Mother’s Day. When a thoughtful Sonora Louise Smart Dodd listened to a sermon on Mother’s Day, she felt that fathers deserved as much appreciation and attention, even for a day, as mothers. She approached her minister in Spokane, Washington in 1909, with the idea of ​​a special Father’s Day sermon in memory of her own father, William Smart. Widowed during the birth of his sixth child, William was a single father to that newborn baby and the couple’s five older children. Now that she was an adult herself, Dodd was very appreciative of the personal sacrifices her father made during those many years of child-rearing, and she wanted to honor him in June, the month of her birth. Since her minister couldn’t respond quickly enough to honor her exact birthday (June 5), she scheduled her father’s thank you sermon for the 19th, or the third Sunday in June.

And so the first Father’s Day sermon was preached on June 19. Other historians claim that Dr. Robert Webb celebrated the first Father’s Day at the Central Church in Fairmont, West Virginia in 1908; still others claim that the gold watch inscribed “Original of Father’s Day” belonging to Harry Meek entitles him to the holiday. However, in 1916, President Woodrow Wilson officially approved the idea, in 1924 President Calvin Coolidge officially endorsed it, and in 1966, President Lyndon Johnson officially issued a presidential proclamation marking the third Sunday in June as Father’s Day. But it was not until 1972 that it was declared a national holiday. And, interestingly, it is a uniquely American holiday; other countries celebrate it, but only in America do they place it on our national calendar.

The way we celebrate the day is as unique to each family as parents are to their own children. While Mother’s Day has its own set of expectations: flowers, chocolate, and gifts, Father’s Day offers more spontaneity. Like dad himself. Oh sure, there’s the proverbial tie. Gold socks. But because parents have hobbies and sports interests that range from one end of the spectrum to the other, the day is celebrated with a plethora of activities. Golf? To fish? Relax with a coffee and a good book?

My husband and I went into town today. The weather was as perfect as we had ever seen: blue skies and 78 degrees with no humidity. We attend worship services downtown, followed by a picnic lunch on a patio right on 7th Avenue. A long walk through Central Park was not only exciting; the perfect sky served as an umbrella for the hundreds of New Yorkers who threw Frisbees, played volleyball, smooched their honeys, and basked in the warmth of the sun on blankets spread out on the open expanse of grass.

I was acutely aware throughout the day of the unique role my husband plays in our family, as well as in shaping our children’s vision of fatherhood. He is our provider and our protector. However, he is much more. He is a fellow nurse. Not necessarily the first one my kids would run to with scraped knees, but the one I would run to when the emergencies came home. He is the one who took our three-month-old baby to the hospital for an initial biopsy (without anesthesia) when we learned she needed an emergency colostomy; the one who answered the phone call when a boy ran (a mile) away from his house and was discovered by our local police; the one who was by my side this week when I had a brief medical scare. He is our rock.

He bears the financial burden on our family, a direct result of the decisions we made together nearly twenty years ago. And when the going gets tough, he gets going. Rising before the sun, traveling through suburban New York City traffic, he fights for results, odds and margins all day, every day. With rarely a word of complaint or frustration.

Most parents have learned to deal with the harsh realities of everyday life. They have had to. My own seventeen-year-old son came downstairs a couple of weeks ago, walked into the kitchen and said, “I figured it out. You go to school, you get good grades so you can get into a good college, get a job.” Work like crazy and then you die.” Hardly the carefree perspective he would have preferred, but an assessment of some of the reality of being a man.

On Father’s Day, and every day, we need to be more aware of the generous efforts that the fathers in our lives make for us. We need to be aware of the sacrifices of their personal time that they make on a daily basis. That they rarely have time for lunch with the boys, a game of tennis and sauna in the morning or bridge in the afternoon. That they have liability issues that we may never fully appreciate. They have superiors to honor, subordinates to lead, and colleagues to inspire. That they have results, quarterly quotas, measures of profitability and responsibilities of the shareholders. Fighting traffic on an empty stomach. And take planes early in the morning with very little sleep.

The parents in our lives would surely travel to the ends of the earth for you and their children… if they knew they would be greeted by several pairs of open arms on the other side of the front door.

Let’s hope that parents around the world understand the unique role they play in our lives, in the lives of their children, and in today’s culture in general. Let’s hope that on Father’s Day, fathers everywhere felt special. Let them know, deep down, that their efforts on our behalf are fully acknowledged, truly appreciated, and deeply appreciated.

I’m a Zumba instructor and I love trying other intense cardio exercises.

In this article, you’ll find my review of Turbo Fire, as well as information on where you can get it and other Beachbody fitness programs at a great price.

I first saw Turbo Fire in an infomercial one night while flipping channels. What drew me to watching the entire commercial was the dance music hits and the fun moves that went with them. The moves also seemed to be mixed with cardio and resistance training. This was a big plus in my book.

At first you definitely have to go slow to learn the moves as they can go pretty fast.

This program is great because there is a ‘New to Class’ option which is like a tutorial for some of the moves.

When you start the actual workouts, you just jump in and go. There is no stretching exercise at first; just a brief warm-up. This is the same for my Zumba classes and I love how my heart immediately starts pounding. I feel like I’m definitely getting a better workout.

Turbo Fire is a combination of kickboxing and dance moves which is what makes it so much fun.

If you’ve done Zumba before, this program is like Zumba on steroids. It’s much more intense and will tone you up a lot more than just having a regular cardio workout.

HIIT classes offered by Turbo are like intense fat burning workouts. And the best part is that you get 3 DVD’s full of these great little exercises.

There are also 2 Fire EZ classes. These classes are not as intense, but they hold their place in the program while still offering a good portion of the exercise routine.

With all the intense classes that come with Turbo Fire, Chalene (TF’s fitness guru) definitely didn’t forget about stretching classes. Stretching is essential after warming up your muscles, and Turbo gives you a good 40-minute routine, as well as a 10-minute stretch included with every workout.

For those of you who have never done HIIT classes before, this program comes equipped with a preparation program to be prepared for these workouts.

I found the toning classes to be some of the best I’ve taken so far. Chalene definitely prefers pushups, and her pushup routines will definitely get her upper body in shape.

Kickboxing includes jabs, crosses, hooks, uppercuts, round-house and push kicks, pump its, zigzags, and many other forms.
There are also a couple of new moves named after this product, as well as other new combinations and variations on older ones.

There are a fair amount of plyometrics (jumping) exercises, so it’s best to make sure your knees are in good shape before getting too involved in this program.

The music chosen for this set of exercises is excellent. There are many hits from the 70’s, 80’s, 90’s and modern dance all included. You’ll get songs like “Push It,” “Bad Girls,” and “Proud Mary.” You’ll also hear great artists like Donna Summer, Flo Rida, Tina Turner and many more.

Where To Get It At A Good Price.

As you can probably see from my review of Turbo Fire, the program is absolutely great. The only thing that put me off was the price.

The good thing was that I was able to get all the training on Amazon for a really great price. Even better, the show came with other cool stuff.

Although this program is on the more expensive side of fitness DVDs, it is definitely worth it. I have never been in better shape.