Category Archive : Health Fitness

You’re not alone. That is the number one thing to remember. Losing weight can be difficult and a depressing problem for many people. Let’s talk about some weight loss facts and explore some helpful weight loss tips and secrets. Did you know that obesity is increasing all over the world? It is also one of the number one contributors to heart attacks and strokes. That’s why getting a proper education on nutrition and diet can benefit you. It is important to know that a lack of proper nutrients and vitamins can lead to loss of energy and depression.

A major problem for many people trying to lose weight is that they make the common mistake of starving themselves. Vitamins and minerals are essential if you want to be slim and healthy. Finding the best weight loss supplement or supplements is important, especially when losing weight. Many people don’t realize how important proper nutrition can be. Did you know that you can find amazing and affordable weight loss supplements online and at most drug stores? These types of supplements can include: various pills, diet shakes, other liquid drinks, and even powders.

The main thing you’ll want to do is talk to your nutrition professional for the best information and advice on supplement use. They can help you choose what is best for your unique body. The truth is, there are many wonderful and effective programs out there to help you lose weight.

However, keep an open mind and always keep your head up with a positive attitude. You will need to finish your program once you start to be successful and reach your goals. There are several different types of programs to help you, but some of the best ones for burning fat and calories are usually those that require aerobic and cardiovascular exercise. Raising your heart rate and sweating out those unwanted fat calories can greatly reduce body weight and increase energy levels. You will have to do that to get rid of the extra kilos. You can also discuss this with your healthcare professional to ensure you make the best decisions.

There are endless plans and programs that can help you. Did you know that many programs offer healthy eating plans designed especially for you? In many cases, the plan and programs work together to help educate you and help you lose weight. For example, a class on ratios may be taught as part of your adjustment program. This can help you decide the right amounts of food to eat at one time. Believe it or not, these plans can help you reach your goals faster.

There are hundreds of effective diet plans. You can always look up your diet options. You can also explore them online. Whether you want to try diet pills or just eat less; many resort to diet drinks and a light dinner. Others may not change what they eat but how much they eat. Some might decide to join a fitness club. It doesn’t matter, always talk to your doctor or fitness instructor before starting a new diet or exercise program.

When I started working out, I was interested in two main muscle groups. The biceps and abs. So I did a lot of experimenting with all different types of bicep exercises and bicep growth strategies.

I am not going to include bodybuilders, references or studies in this video because all I can accurately tell you is my own personal experience of growing biceps. To be honest, that’s really all anyone can tell you. There is a big problem with the strategy of applying a solution that worked for one individual to a large group of people. The problem is the fact that we are all different, so you will have to work what I give you into a plan that works for you. Some people have developed their biceps like I have, and other people have developed them completely differently.

My biceps grew bigger by doing 3 important things.

#1 Ass Heavyweight.

#2 Preacher curls.

#3 Supersets and dropsets.

Let’s start with the first one for building big biceps and probably the most controversial of the three. Big ass weight. When I used to do bicep curls, I can tell you that my form was far from perfect. I would grab as much weight as I could to do about 5 good curls, the next five could range from a slightly sloppy shape to a full Harlem shake.

I know I get it, everyone says you have to maintain perfect form and isolate your biceps and use only your elbow joint… and keep your elbows tucked in to your ribs… That’s not what worked for me. my. .

I’m not suggesting that you walk into the gym and pick up the heaviest weights you see and start throwing them. All I’m suggesting is that you don’t fall into the trap of standing there at 30, week after week, concentrating on your perfect bicep curls and not seeing any results. See if perfect form curls don’t work for you, all I’m saying is take a weight that you start out with good form, but on the 10th rep you have to cheat to lift it. If you don’t have to cheat at all, then you’re not reaching for failure, and I’ve found that failure is the #1 way to grow muscle.

The second thing that really helped me build big biceps was preacher curls. Preacher curls do an amazing job of isolating the biceps. This makes it easier to know that your shoulders are not involved in the curl. The preacher curl will keep your form in check while using a heavier weight. It also has something that has always helped me build bigger biceps. When you do the preacher curl, you can feel it really work. I’ve always felt it more than just doing standing curls.

Last but not least are supersets and dropsets that help you build big biceps. The supersets were very important in growing my biceps. I liked to start with an inward-grip EZ bar preacher curl for 10 reps and then superset a wide-grip EZ barbell curl for 20 reps with a lighter weight. By the way, in case you’re wondering what my biceps training structure was, I’ll give it to you, but understand that you may have to do something completely different to stimulate your biceps. For me it was a total of 6 heavy sets after the warm up. And then 3 more sets after that I did with supersets or dropsets. In general, for the biceps I always do 10 or more repetitions.

There are other things I didn’t talk about today because you’ve already heard most of them 500 times. Things like supinating your hand or turning it around as you come up to work at the top, trying to only use your elbow joint, lowering the weight slowly, and focusing on getting your biceps working the entire time.

One thing I want to say is that you will never build big biceps without a great diet plan. When I was trying to build bigger muscles, I would sometimes eat up to 9 times a day. I would wake up in the middle of the night to have a whole milk protein shake.

Just a few weeks ago, three men suffered a heart attack while running the Los Angeles Marathon. Two of them died.

Tragic, yes, but I’m not surprised. I have been warning my patients about the dangers of long-distance running for years.

In today’s Health Alert, I’ll show you how to avoid this unnecessary heart risk. What kind of exercise strengthens your heart and also increases your lung volume?

The Basics of Heart-Healthy Exercise

Nature shaped your heart to adapt to challenges. By doing so, your heart removes unused capacity. If you train your heart to adapt to longer “cardio” intervals, such as in a marathon, for example, you force your heart to sacrifice strength, power, and reserve capacity.

However, strength, power, and reserve capacity are exactly what your heart needs most to keep up with the demands of the real world.

There is only one way to increase strength in your arms or legs. And that is physically challenging his power. Your heart is the same. You need to challenge its power, not its duration, to make it stronger.

We get a great source of data on heart health from the landmark Harvard Health Professionals Study. The researchers followed more than 7,000 people. They discovered that the key to exercise is not duration or resistance. it is intensity. The more energy a person exerts during exercise, the lower their risk of heart disease.

High-intensity exercise can also help you live longer. Another Harvard study compared vigorous and light exercise. Those who exercised more vigorously had a lower risk of death than those who exercised less vigorously.

The best way to achieve high-intensity workouts is to break your activity into short bursts. You can use any activity that challenges your heart. My favorites are swimming, cycling, running, and elliptical machines.

I swap my patients around with each other to keep it fun and reduce the chance of “overuse injuries.” What you use will depend on your level of fitness. The most important strategy is to increase your challenge gradually over time.

Your ready-to-use PACE® program

About ten years ago, I developed a more effective program for strengthening the heart. I call it PACE® for Progressively Accelerated Cardiopulmonary Effort. It has produced dramatic results in my patients.

PACE® focuses on short bursts of exercise. I call them intervals. Break your exercise into short chunks, then gradually increase the intensity as your conditioning improves. When you do this, it is more enjoyable, more effective, and safer than longer exercise at a lower intensity.

Here’s a five-interval workout you can get started right away:

Int 1 Idle Int 2 Idle Int 3 Idle Int 4 Idle Int 5 Idle

2 minutes 2 minutes 90 seconds 2 minutes 60 seconds 2 minutes 40 seconds 2 minutes 30 seconds 2 minutes

Do the first interval at a low to moderate intensity. Then rest. But when you “rest,” I don’t mean stop. Your rest interval should be slow and easy, like you are walking.

In the second interval, increase the intensity. If you’re on a stationary bike, for example, you can increase the resistance to make it harder to pedal.

As the duration of the interval decreases, the intensity should increase. By the time you do the thirty second interval, you have to give it everything you’ve got.

If you haven’t exercised in a while, do it slowly at first. As you improve, give yourself an extra challenge each time you train.

To your good health,

Al Sears, MD

PS: This is also a superior way to burn fat. After four to six weeks, you will see your belly fat begin to disappear.

Food therapy should be followed under the supervision of your doctor. Check your sugar level frequently so that sugar levels do not exceed the recommended level

Foods to Avoid

It is always advisable to avoid some foods if you are diabetic such as refined sugar, sweets, syrups, glucose, jam, molasses, fruit sugar, ice cream, cakes, pastries, sweet cookies, chocolates, soft drinks, condensed milk, cream and fried foods. Fats such as butter, ghee, and hydrogenated vegetable oil should also be avoided. White sugar and white flour should be drastically reduced. Avoid all processed foods, junk food, pastries, cookies, preserves and preserves. They contain harmful preservatives and a lot of salt. Avoid soft drinks as they have a lot of sugar. Try to avoid fried foods from your diet.
Smoking results in depletion of oxygen in the body. It will result in the body needing less oxygen to metabolize glucose. Therefore, smoking should be avoided.

foods to limit

Salt intake should be kept to a minimum. You will get enough salt from the vegetables and fruits you eat. Reduce foods of animal origin, especially red meat. Reduce birds and egg. Reduce caffeine and alcohol. Do not drink tea and coffee more than 2 cups a day. Try replacing it with green tea or herbal teas like parsley tea, cranberry leaf, tea made from young walnut leaves, water in which bean pods have been cooked is good for diabetes.

Do not consume alcohol on an empty stomach. Fasting alcohol can cause low blood glucose, or hypoglycemia. Foods that should be eaten in moderation are honey and other natural sugars such as palm sugar, dates that can be used instead of white sugar. Remember that these should be consumed in very little amount only. Pasta, coconut, other nuts, unsweetened juices, eggs should be limited. You can substitute it with whole grain, unpolished rice and soy products. Try to eat whole wheat bread instead of white flour. Fats like olive oil and peanut oil are more recommended than hydrogenated fats. Low-fat foods such as skim milk and low-fat homemade cottage cheese can be taken in moderation. You can also substitute it for yogurt. Seafood and fish can also be taken in moderation.

Food to take

Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day.
An alkaline diet with natural foods is recommended. Whole grains, fruits, nuts, vegetables, and dairy products make a good diet for diabetics. Raw vegetables can be taken in large quantities. Cooked foods have been found to raise blood glucose more than unpeeled raw foods. Cooking destroys many of the enzymes and some vitamins and minerals.

Eat at least five fruits every day. Fruits such as grapes, pomegranate juice, Indian mulberry, banana, granny smith apples, figs, blueberries, blackberries, kiwis, and citrus fruits are recommended. It can be taken as a snack. cucumber, lettuce, onion, garlic, green beans, cucumber, radish, tomato, carrot, leaves; turnip spinach, cabbage and Jerusalem artichoke are good for diabetes. Colored vegetables are good for the functioning of the pancreas. Drink unsweetened fruit juice. Brewer’s yeast and sprouted alfalfa and mung beans are good for the body. The green plantain can also be cooked and eaten.

Most important of all is to eat a high fiber diet that reduces the need for insulin. It releases energy into the body slowly. Diabetes has also been found to decrease and may even disappear in people who eat a high fiber or whole foods diet. High fiber diet has more chromium and chromium is very good for people with diabetes.
Eat plenty of potassium-rich foods such as raw peanuts, tomatoes, bananas, melons, dried peas, potatoes, apple cider vinegar, skimmed milk, wheat, but do not take potassium supplements.

Include soluble fiber in your meals like barley, oats, almond flour, dried beans, kidney beans, cooked black beans, peas, cereals, chickpeas, Bengal gram which has a low glycemic index, black gram, lentils, and corn or chickpeas for help. significantly in lowering blood sugar levels. Soy products such as tofu, tempeh, soy milk, soy powder, bean sprouts, nuggets, etc. they are also very good at containing the neurological complications of diabetes. You can make bread with any of the whole grains. Get plenty of soluble fiber into your diet. When you eat a lot of bread, cereal, and starchy vegetables, you will get enough starches, which is very helpful for diabetes. Insoluble fibers, found in bran (oat bran, wheat bran), whole grain breads, whole grains, and nuts, act as intestinal scrubbers by cleansing the lower GI tract. Fiber cleanses the intestinal tract by moving food out so it doesn’t sit there and rot. Butter milk and yogurt diet are very beneficial.

Useful herbs and vegetables

1. Bitter Gourd (Karela): Momordica-charantia bitter gourd or bitter melon juice contains plant insulin and should be taken 2 ounces 2 times a day on an empty stomach. It has been found to be very effective for diabetes.
It can be cooked like any vegetable and eaten.
Bitter melon powder can be made by drying. Take bitter gourd powder 1 teaspoon daily on an empty stomach.

2. Taking half a teaspoon of cinnamon a day can help prevent the onset of diabetes. Even steeping cinnamon sticks in your tea could also benefit non-diabetics who have a blood sugar problem but don’t know it.

3. 30 grams of fenugreek seeds can be soaked in a glass of water overnight and after 12 hours take it and grind it into a paste with the soaked water and drink it on an empty stomach.
2 teaspoons if the powdered seeds can be taken with water or milk.
You can add fenugreek to anything you cook.

4. Eating up to 3 grapefruits a day has also been helpful.

5. 1 tablespoon of amla (Emblica officinalis) after removing the seeds, extract the juice and mix with a cup of bitter gourd juice and take daily for 2 months on an empty stomach.

6. Gymnema Sylvestre a traditional Ayurvedic herb whose leaf should be taken up to 4 grams per day.

7. Mulberry Seeds or Jamun Seed Powder (Jamun’s scientific name is Eugenia jambolana or Syzygium cumini L) are very good for diabetes. Take 1/4 teaspoon with 1 teaspoon of honey for 50 days.

8. Eating freshly crushed raw garlic 3-4 grams a day lowers blood sugar. You can wash it down with a glass of water.

9. Neem seeds daily 2 times per pinch. Taking one gram of neem leaf a day helps in diabetes.

10. Bael (Aegle marmelos): The leaves of the bael tree when chewed are very helpful in diabetes. The pulp of this fruit can be dried and taken in doses of 5 to 10 g per day.

11. A pinch of pure turmeric powder mixed with amla (Indian goose berry) juice and eat every day on an empty stomach.

12. The use of turmeric and gooseberry in equal amounts in the form of powder taken with warm water is very helpful in this regard. These activate the pancreatic cells and more insulin is produced.

13. Black color wild jeerakam cumin seeds 60g in 1 liter and boil and reduce to 1/4 liter and take half divide it into two equal parts and drink one part in the morning and one part in the evening 2 times a day .

14. Grind (Bacopa monnieri) Bhrahmi and add a teaspoon to milk and drink.

vitamins that help

Supplements in natural forms are more conductive to the body.
Magnesium supplementation has been shown to improve insulin sensitivity.
Vitamin C: 500 mg is recommended. Vitamin E: This vitamin is very valuable for diabetes. A daily dose of 200 iu of vitamin E is recommended for fifteen days.
Chromium: Whole grains, seeds, mushrooms, corn oil, and brewer’s yeast are relatively good sources of biologically valuable chromium.
Vitamin A:. Take a dose of 15,000 IU every other day.
Vitamin B: Avoid large doses of vitamin B because this vitamin interferes with the absorption of insulin by cells.

things to do

Controlling your weight is the best way to treat diabetes. Exercise improves the body’s response to insulin. An exercise program should be started only on the advice of a doctor to avoid unnecessary complications. Walking, light games, jogging, and swimming are also good.

Yoga can help a lot. To relieve stress, meditate once a day for 10 to 40 minutes. Yogic asanas like Siddhasana, Vajrasana, Talasana, Yastikasana, like Yogamudra, Hastapadasana, Paschimottanasana, Chakrasana, Ustrasana, Bhujangasana, Sarvangasana, and Viparitakarani, like halasana, shalabhasana, dhanurasana, Pratipaksabhavana, and shavasana will also be beneficial.

Look at everything you’re doing in the gym right now. Think about the hard, brutal and long workouts you endure on a daily basis. Next, look at the food you throw down the hatch on a daily basis. Now look at your results. Think about the strides you’ve made in the gym over the past year. Are they satisfactory? Now, consider what kind of rest you would have seen if you had given your body a separate and individual “growth period” each day in which new muscle was built!

Plan your next year. Will you continue to advance with the same slowness? Are you intrigued to see what kind of weightlifting or bodybuilding gains you can achieve with a daily “power nap”? Naps are a great way to provide your body with energy for the second half of the day, as well as give your body a brief “growth period” where new muscle growth can occur outside of your normal sleep window. 8 hours at night. Bodybuilders grow when we rest, and a midday break is amazing for generating more new muscle growth.

before after? What time is the best time to nap? Do you want to sleep before your workout, providing a fresh and well-rested body for the gym? Or is it better to complete your workout and immediately enjoy a big meal rich in smart carbs and slow digesting carbs, then go to sleep? This question can be answered based on your available options with work, school, family, etc. However, if you have the ability to sleep at any time, then you should give them both a try. Record your results and decide which time period offers the best results in the gym!

Making time for a nap can be difficult. If you’re a stay-at-home parent, this should be pretty simple. When the child sleeps, YOU SLEEP! Granted, he may already be sleeping at the same time from exhaustion. Use this time to grow, because as you know, your child is already using this time to grow! Don’t forget to eat before you crash. If you run your own business, as many young bodybuilders do (must be something about that Type A personality and work ethic), then you should be able to schedule a ‘meeting’ every day around 12:30 and give yourself adequate time to recover in the morning

The duration of the nap will depend on the individual. Some lifters will benefit from 20 minutes and some will enjoy a full 90 minutes. If you use anabolic steroids, you already recover faster from your workouts, so you may get the impression that a nap won’t do you much good. However, he grows bigger when on steroids, and another growth period during the day may be ideal for this!

Whether you’re a natural or steroid user, a bodybuilder or powerlifter, using power naps will make you bigger and stronger faster than you can imagine!

If you’re going on a backpacking trip, your goal is to pack light. Remember, you will be carrying that weight most of the time. But that doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice things, you just need to have a lightweight package. With the right organization, you’ll be able to carry all your essentials without having to break your back carrying your backpack.

Follow these effective tips for packing light:

Pack the right clothes

Choosing the type of clothing and footwear to bring will have a huge impact on your backpacking trip. Not only will it do a lot for your comfort on the trail, but it will also affect the weight of your pack. When choosing clothing, opt for lightweight synthetic materials. Not only do they weigh less than most materials, but they’re also great at wicking away moisture and sweat. Please do not bring cotton or denim, they are not good on the trail and also become very heavy when wet.

Also, get rid of the boots; instead go for trail runners as they are more comfortable and lighter.

drink everything

All hikers and backpackers know that having enough water on the trail is a must. You also know that the water you carry is a large part of the weight of your backpack. What you can do is drink at the water source, then fill your bottle with enough to get your next one.

dry your gear

Dew and moisture can cover the entire surface area of ​​your tent, adding a few ounces to its weight. It might not sound like much, but your clothing, tarps, and other camping gear are probably covered as well, adding more weight to your pack than you realize. Be sure to dry them before storing!

Go for a down sleeping bag

Compared to a sleeping bag made of synthetic material, a down sleeping bag is lighter and more compact. It’s also warmer, which is great for backpacking. Be sure to pack a good quality dry liner to keep it from getting wet!

distribute the weight

If you are backpacking with family or friends, there is no point in everyone bringing their own cooking equipment, their own tent, etc. Estimate your cooking and sleeping settings and share the load among your group members. So each one carries less!

Follow these 5 effective ways to pack light for your next backpacking trip and you won’t have to worry about the weight of your backpack!

The land on this “hike” is under the jurisdiction of Vermilion Cliffs National Monument. Do not look or collect here. I see that “Tom” was at the Eastern Sand Hills Crack on New Year’s Day 1932. He left his mark. So it was not a National Park. LEAVE NO TRACE. At first I left “hike” in parentheses. Michael Kelsey calls this area a hiking area. It’s an independent route-finding fight from start to finish here. It’s sick, brutal, twisted, nasty (and rewarding). I love him. You can do it? You’ll know in no time.

Okee Dokee, Michael Kelsey is the only one writing about this hike, so go ahead and buy his book so you know which mile marker on the highway. 89A at the Arizona Strip to detour onto. He now he throws the book in the trunk and reads this.

Kelsey is almost 70 years old and apparently still walks at a rate of seven miles per hour on vertical inclines. Congratulations Michael, I see that you are as dangerous as ever. I bought your new 5th. Edition of “Hiking and Exploration of the Paria River” and the photos are in color! But you’re still dangerous. While kids won’t need inner tubes in this one, they will need a respirator. So not only is this hike as bad as you want it to be, but MK is also as bad as you want it to be. Again, the great thing about this guy is that he goes where no one else goes (and can sometimes get you on the trail, but not on this hike).

Oh I mean I’m almost 60 and this is my second time doing the Eastern to Northern Cracks Loop. I am in excellent condition. It takes me twice as long to do things as Kelsey.

Most 30 year olds can’t keep up with me.

The walk: 6 hours, and we walked almost non-stop, ten minutes for lunch. Route # where you turn north off 89A is #1396. The parking lot at Jacob’s Pool is 2 miles north on this sand road. The Jeep came to within 1/8 mile of Jacob’s, where the last ravine collapsed. Get out of your car! Look north at Vermilion Cliffs. No, not to the northwest on a wide sand slide. There is a narrower sand slide to the north. That’s right, it’s not scalable. That’s the lingo for “you can’t scale”. Now just to the east of this sand slide is a sand HILL. It is scalable. You are aiming for the eastern end of this sand hill. You won’t be able to orient yourself again until you’re on it. We’re going to loop counterclockwise. You will see why. It’s brutality but easier. Michael is full of blah blah, but never mind Rachel Lee’s old brownstone. There are around 50 ancient ruins and they don’t have lockers. So, from Jacob’s walk, the old path to the east along the fence. You are right about it being washed out when you turn north. You are looking for the main spring as he says. cattail! That’s what you’re looking for! There is only one place with many cattails! Now he talks about an “emerging hiking trail.” What does that mean? Emerging from your chest as the “Alien”? I once had an album called “Emerge the Litter”. Does it have something to do with the group “The Litter”? No, he is not cairned as he says. About 6 people a year do this hike and they are all “hard core”. It is likely that none of the 6 will arise here exactly when you are here. We don’t need stinking badges. From the cattail head northeast. The hike is brutal here and it doesn’t get any easier. Go home if you can’t hack sand and ball bearings anymore. Start early in the morning and you will be able to see the northeast for the sun. Eventually, about an hour from where you parked (at Jacob’s), you’ll come to the sand hill. Remember you want the east end. There’s an intermittent trail here and there on the sand hill and maybe a cairn somewhere. At 1 1/4 hours the trail you should be on crosses a wash on a huge black rock to the right. Now in a few minutes the trace disappears. Look, this is a hard core independent expedition. The correct way may be to go up the washing “stairs”, but we opted to go up because we were going to have to go up.

If you want to follow me, take the clay-facing alluvial fan to the left. Do you want to go home now? The “Eastern Rift” is now obvious to the northeast and also points in that direction. Directly for me. You are on the right path if you see the lizard petroglyph climbing up the wall to your left. This was at 1 hour 50 minutes. Michael counts 6-7 panels of petroglyphs. There is more than that. The second panel (also 2 hours left) is 6 cute Bighorns. At 2 1/4 hours you will see what looks like dam (lots of dead juniper as well) as you continue up. You can do it. I am 60 years old. This dam-like thing is what Kelsey calls a “constructed cattle drive.” Go up the wall and turn left on the trail for about 5 feet where it ends. Now straight up again to the top (lots more cool pets). 2 1/2 hours to the top. Of course, Kelsey gets in and goes back to her car so fast. What BS for most mortals! Still, leave a large cairn at the edge when you emerge (there’s that word again) from the rift, in case you get lost and have to go back down.

Whats Next? Stay west along the edge. What is known as walking the flat, easy edge in “Paria River Hiking and Exploration” is anything but. I’m no Jack Kennedy, but I’m pretty sure I can easily walk over the edge. This rim walk is through loose sand, over and under rock formations, through dark paths, blah blah. Anyway, get to an unused two track track (Bingo, MK is right at this landmark) in 1 to 1 1/2 hours from Eastern Crack. It took us 1 1/4 with our 10 minute lunch. In the two-way look over the edge to the west. That is where you will descend. Let me explain something to you. Walking would have been easier about 1/4 mile inland from the rim, but we wanted to keep facing our and Jacob’s Jeep because we have learned NOT TO TRUST MICHAEL KELSEY. If you haven’t reached both tracks in 1 1/2 hours, head back to your huge cairn and ride down Eastern Crack.

Follow the trail away from the edge (north) for 5-10 minutes. When you turn directly north away from the edge, you are turning directly south. It’s a bit disorienting when you reach the drop down. The standard three-legged trapezoidal petroglyph tells you that you are in the right place. I will now begrudgingly give credit to the AUTHOR. He correctly marks the Northern Crack rock art, which will keep you from thinking you’re lost. The drive to Northern Crack took us 1 1/2 hours! You’ll get for-off “cliff” 3 or 4 times, but you’ll manage. The Ancients did it, I did it and you will. Security every time is left. You’ll make it because you don’t want to go up Northern Crack again, I’m thinking. I never said “nasty” as often as when going down this slide, but you’ll still understand that counter-clockwise was the right choice for this hike. Loose, dangerous and demanding. Don’t lose focus here whether you’re tired or not. Focus on work.

We finally landed at the bottom. Each hiker had a gallon of water to start. He should have gone. Now the first break in the entire hike occurs after 5 1/2 hours. Walk south on the relaxing flat wash. Upon reaching a fence line, exit the wash to the left. Go through a hole in the fence and walk cross country to your vehicle. 1/2 hour after arriving at the wash at the bottom of Northern Crack, he is drinking ice cold water in his vehicle.

MK did this loop in less than 4 hours. Give me a break. I have been a fan of hiking for 20 years. The guy is crazy… and he writes hiking books. Maybe I’m in awe of the way he knocks me down. I’ll turn a corner. No, he’s crazy.

Oh, never attempt a hike that Kelsey says took her 7 hours. You have been warned. DON’T BLAME HIM, HE IS JUST “THE AUTHOR”.

What are empty calories?

Empty calories refer to the amount of energy present in certain high-energy foods, which have low nutritional value. In such food products, the energy comes mainly from processed carbohydrates or fat, and sometimes even from ethanol. Typically, an empty calorie will contain the same amount of energy as normal calories, but it is poor in its nutritional benefits such as a lack of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, dietary fiber, and antioxidants. Empty calorie intake leads to weight gain and should therefore be avoided by all those who want to lose weight. Some examples of food products with empty calorie content are soft drinks, jellies, ice cream, candy, candy, margarine, white rice, white bread, butter, lard, alcoholic beverages, beer, wine, and greasy junk food like hamburgers, pizza, hot dogs. , Fried chicken and French fries.

Are all calories the same?

The answer is no; all calories are not created equal. It’s a common myth in the fitness world that losing or gaining weight is simply a matter of how many calories you’ve consumed and how many you’ve burned; that is to say, a calorie is the same if it is obtained from proteins, fats or carbohydrates. But this is not the case. For example; Just consider two groups: Group A consumes 2,000 calories from pizza, soft drinks, hot dogs, and coffee, while Group B consumes the same 2,000 calories but from vegetables, fruit, chicken, fish, and oatmeal. Now, would you say that the calories in group B are better than those in group A? This is because the nutritional value of the calories ingested by Group B is much higher than Group A, which makes it different.

Does the body process all calories in the same way? For example; 100 calorie pack vs. 120 Cal for a banana?

It was widely believed until now that all calories are processed and metabolized in the same way in our bodies. But scientific research shows otherwise; Our bodies react very differently to calories depending on their source and how they are consumed. Calories from different sources, such as protein, fat, and carbohydrates, are similar in their energy content, but the body processes each one differently. This is because the body has to expend different amounts of energy to process and metabolize different nutrients and calories; more energy is expended to process protein than carbohydrates and more energy is expended to process carbohydrates than fat. Therefore, 120 calories from a banana adds fewer calories to your body than a 100 Cal pack.

Does the body digest calories in the same way at different times of the day?

It was believed that time has nothing to do with how our body digests calories and therefore you can eat at any time of the day without worrying. But a recent study has revealed that there is, in fact, a bad time to eat. Although there are conflicting reports, there is enough and more circumstantial evidence to show that poor eating habits and wrong timing definitely affect the body in the way it processes and metabolizes calories. Although the body’s digestive process remains the same, frequent late-night eating has been observed to lead to weight gain and other digestive problems compared to people who dine early. But none of this has been fully proven, so the question remains moot.

When it comes to hormones, testosterone is considered the king hormone. In men, testosterone is produced primarily in the testicles. In women, testosterone is produced in the ovaries, although in much smaller amounts. Testosterone production in the body begins to increase significantly in late adolescence and begins to decrease after the age of 30. Testosterone is the main sex hormone and has a great effect on muscle mass and bone density, body fat levels, mood, and redness. production of blood cells.

Low testosterone levels can cause a wide variety of symptoms, including weight gain, low sex drive, low energy, depression, and low self-esteem. While testosterone levels naturally decline as you age, there are a number of ways you can boost your testosterone levels to maintain optimal levels of this critical hormone.

Signs and symptoms of low testosterone:

(in men)

  • Little interest in sex (low libido)

  • Unable to maintain or get an erection

  • unable to build muscle

  • Depression

  • Lethargy, weakness, and low energy levels in general

  • inability to concentrate

  • low motivation

  • unexpected weight gain

  • Hair loss

  • Decreased strength during exercise.

  • Signs of gynecomastia, an abnormal increase in the size of the breast tissue

(in Women)

  • Tired

  • Depression

  • Decreased muscle and bone mass

  • Difficult to focus

  • weight gain

  • painful intercourse

If you are experiencing at least 3 of the above symptoms consistently, meaning they are present every day, and you have been experiencing them for more than a few weeks, see your doctor for a testosterone level blood test. , then take the following steps…

How to increase your natural testosterone levels:

  • Reduce your stress levels

In today’s fast-paced and fast-paced society, reducing your stress levels can be easier said than done. We worry about our jobs and kids and stress about finances and relationships. Research has shown that being chronically stressed increases cortisol levels. Cortisol is a stress hormone that your body releases in small amounts throughout the day in response to different stimuli. However, chronically elevated cortisol levels can cause your testosterone levels to plummet rapidly.

  • Get plenty of sun (vitamin D)

Vitamin D is known as the sunshine vitamin. In addition to having numerous health benefits, including helping with weight loss, it may also work as a natural testosterone booster according to a study by German researchers. Ideally, you’ll want to get at least 20 minutes of sun exposure per day to optimize your body’s vitamin D levels.

If you live in the far north, in a climate without much regular direct sun, and daily sun exposure is unrealistic for you, I recommend supplementing with a quality vitamin D product.

  • Supplement with Fenugreek

Fenugreek is a plant that has been used in alternative and Chinese medicine to treat various health conditions. Fenugreek is a plant that grows in the forest with pods containing small golden brown fenugreek seeds. It is commonly used as a spice and is sometimes found in personal care products such as shampoo and soap.

Fenugreek is a good source of several important nutrients, but its beneficial effects are mainly used to increase testosterone and libido. In one study, researchers provided 500 mg of fenugreek per day to 30 college-age men. The men combined fenugreek with an 8-week weight-lifting program and performed four training sessions per week, with half of them receiving the supplement.

When the researchers compared the fenugreek supplement group with the no supplement group, they noted a slight decrease in testosterone in the no supplement group and an increase in testosterone in the fenugreek group. The fenugreek supplement group also experienced a 2% reduction in body fat.

  • Don’t shy away from meat, eggs and butter

Meat, especially red meat, if it’s one of the leaner varieties like sirloin, top round, or London broil, is an excellent testosterone booster. This is because red meat is high in cholesterol, and cholesterol is a direct precursor to testosterone in your body. As with any other food, it’s important to choose only the highest quality meat you can find at the grocery store, this means grass-fed is a must, and organic if possible.

Regular or conventional beef does not have the same health benefits as grass-fed beef due to the difference in diet between feedlot and grass-fed or grass-fed cows. Like lean red meat, eggs are an excellent source of saturated fat and cholesterol that help boost natural testosterone levels.

We all know that playing professional soccer requires a great commitment both physically and mentally. However, the same can be said of the food commitment and good eating. Your diet will depend on your performance both on and off the soccer field; more before and after the game.

Below are some specialized soccer meals for a week. For professional soccer players.


  • Breakfast: 1 cup of powdered chocolate milk, breakfast cereals and a banana.
  • Lunch: Spaghetti, beef fillet with potato and tomato, and fruit salad.
  • Snack: Ham sandwich and orange juice.
  • Dinner: Vegetable soup, tortilla, rice and apple pie.


  • Breakfast: 1 cup of powdered chocolate milk, toasted bread with olive oil and tomato, and orange juice.
  • Lunch: Lentil beans, breadcrumb chicken fillet with mushrooms, and a yogurt with sugar.
  • Snack: Peanut butter sandwich and a fruit juice.
  • Dinner: Mixed salad, Salmon in sauce with French fries and strawberries with cream and sugar.


  • Breakfast: 1 cup of powdered chocolate milk, toast with butter and ham, and a fruit juice.
  • Lunch: Rice with vegetables, breaded pork loin steak with lettuce and yogurt with sugar.
  • Afternoon snack: Sub or cheese sandwich and an orange juice.
  • Dinner: Mix of vegetables with peas with ham, grilled chicken with lettuce and corn, and yogurt.


  • Breakfast: a glass of milk with chocolate powder, cookies with butter and jam, and orange juice.
  • Lunch: Cooked beans, Fried fish with lettuce and tomato, and Pineapple with honey
  • Snack: Ham sandwich.
  • Dinner: Vegetable and shrimp puree and grilled garlic and natural yogurt with sugar.


  • Breakfast: 1 cup of powdered chocolate milk, Toasted bread with olive oil and tomato, and fruit salad.
  • Lunch: garden salad, rice with calamari in its ink and a pastry cream.
  • Snack: Cottage cheese with honey and banana.
  • Dinner: Noodle soup, baked sea bass with roast potatoes and two kiwis.


  • Breakfast: 1 cereal yogurt, homemade sponge cake and a natural orange juice.
  • Lunch: Pasta carbonara, beef steak with fresh tomato and corn, and two mandarins.
  • Snack: Serrano ham sandwich with fresh tomato and fruit juice.
  • Dinner: vegetable soup, swordfish with mashed potatoes and a yogurt with sugar.


  • Breakfast: 1 cup of powdered chocolate milk, a croissant with jam and natural orange juice.
  • Lunch: Fried eggplant, grilled chicken with mixed salad and an apple with cheese.
  • Afternoon snack: Egg omelette (preferably yoak)
  • Dinner: Spinach cream, Baked chicken with roasted tomato and a natural yogurt with sugar.