Category Archive : Health Fitness

If you haven’t spent time training with a stability ball, then you’re missing out on a fun and effective way to increase core strength, balance, and body awareness. There are more than enough sports-specific ball exercises in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.

The unstable surface of the balance ball puts more pressure on your core muscles and makes them work harder to stay balanced. Essentially, you’re correcting muscle imbalances by using different muscles in your midsection (abs, stability, and back) in a diverse way.

The stability ball is nothing more than a burst-proof plastic ball that expands when you fill it with air. To reach the correct density: less air is not as challenging, while more air makes it more difficult to balance. Choose a ball that suits your height. How do you know if it is the correct size? Use the board or sit on the ball with both feet on the ground. In this position, your hips and knees should form a 90 degree angle.

55cm = 4’11” – 5’4″

65cm = 5’5″ – 5’11”

75cm = 6’0″ – 6’7″

The stability ball provides many more benefits than just an amazing core workout; It will help strengthen weak muscles while giving overused ones a break while opening up range of motion in your knees and hips. It’s a great way to train movement and pressing if you don’t have an exercise partner.



This exercise performed on the exercise ball will build a strong core and back. Start with your feet on the floor and your elbows on the ball to start the position. Keep your back straight and focus on contracting your stomach muscles. Move forward to hold the position for one minute.


Doing crunches on the stability ball takes your legs out of the equation and makes your abdominal muscles do most of the work. Place the ball under your lower back and cross your arms over your chest. Curl up and contract your abs. lower back to starting position and repeat for desired repetitions.

ball ride

Build core strength and balance while learning to use the balance ball. Sit on the ball and slowly walk both feet forward as your back slides into the ball. Once your head and shoulders are resting on the ball, walk back until you are sitting up.


There are two ways to perform this exercise, with your hands on the floor or you can make it more difficult by placing your hands on the ball for support. As with the standard push up, you will raise and lower your upper body in a pushing motion. What makes this different, the balance ball makes it a total body workout due to the instability of the surface.

The stability ball is an effective, fun and inexpensive way to get a good workout. The functionality of this exercise equipment makes it usable by people of any fitness level. Incorporate the balance ball into your workouts to take advantage of one of the best ways to strengthen your core muscles and increase stability.

Adopting a healthy lifestyle sometimes requires a support system. Exercising can be much more fun when you’re with another person. And if you lack self-motivation, solo training and healthy eating can be a challenge. If you’re ready to lose weight and maintain a healthy lifestyle, you’ll need to adopt some healthy habits that will help you reach your goals. Here are six tips to help you adopt a healthy lifestyle and exercise regimen.

1. Plan your training schedule. Plan your weekly schedule just like you would for work. Make yourself and your health a priority. Schedule training sessions daily just like you would at a work meeting. Commit to going to your workouts.

2. Get a training partner. Family and/or friends are a great place to start. Having a training partner can help motivate, push, and guide you through workouts. Plus, exercising with another person helps keep you accountable. You’re more likely to stay on track when you have someone else counting on you for exercise.

3. Find a class that inspires you. What kind of exercise will you do in the gym? The most important thing at the beginning and throughout your healthy lifestyle is to participate in exercises and activities that inspire you to move. Do you love cardio dance classes, body sculpting class, or boot camp at your local gym? Determine which activity you would like to do more of and gravitate towards that activity. Also, classes are a great way to start exercising. The classes provide an instructor who will help motivate you and keep your workouts safe to avoid injury.

4. Get involved in an activity or club. Have you ever thought about getting involved in an activity like tennis, swimming, golf, softball, or a running club? Organized sports activities and clubs provide a great environment to exercise with like-minded people. Plus, sports groups and clubs are the perfect way to keep him interested, involved, and on a training schedule.

5. Set short and long term goals. First of all, it’s important to be realistic with your goals. Whether your goals are to lose weight, improve stamina, excel in a sport, or simply become more active, goals can be a great way to stay on track. Be sure to keep track of your progress as well. Whether you track your steps toward your goals or create a calendar or use an app on your phone, keep track of the steps you’re taking to reach your goals and what date you’d like to reach your goals. Everyone is different, and everyone’s goals should be specific to you, your fitness level, and your lifestyle.

6. Adopt healthy eating habits. Not only are your workouts important, but also healthy eating. If you want to improve your fitness level, lose weight, and become healthier, you’ll need to fuel your body properly. Be sure to hydrate, eat fresh, whole foods, and try to cut processed foods out of your diet. Plan your weekly meals, log your food daily, and remember to reward yourself at the end of each week for all your hard work. Remember, it’s about lifestyle, not deprivation.

A healthy lifestyle does not happen overnight. But with a consistent exercise routine, healthy eating, and healthy habits, you’ll be one step closer to your goal. Sit down and establish an exercise program and a healthy eating program. Being prepared can help keep you on track and ensure you stick to your new healthy regimen.

Are you overweight? Have you noticed that every time you try a new diet, it works for a while, and then you gain weight again? Do you know friends who just can’t stay on track or lose those extra pounds even though you know it’s harming their health? Would you like to know about a plan that really works, that makes sense, but also encompasses lifestyle changes?

Well, it’s time for you to lose weight, but don’t you dare ask me how, rather let me recommend a very good book that I think you should read by a very popular self-help diet author, who knows. a little on the subject of weight loss, dieting, nutrition and exercise, all the topics you need to know to create the changes in your life to achieve your goals and become a slimmer, thinner and thinner person . So, without further ado, this is the book I would like to recommend to you:

“Lean for Life: A Six Week Program”, by Cynthia Stamper Graff, Lean for Life Publishing (self-publishing), Costa Mesa, CA, 2001, 262 pages, ISBN: 0-9777253-0-8.

As it turns out, the author is also the CEO of one of the largest weight loss centers in the country, and this book begins with over a dozen testimonials from people who had lost over 50 pounds each, wow. This book is about going on a personal journey, making a lifestyle change, and living a fuller, but leaner life because of it. This book is not for anyone who is not serious, or who refuses to make those changes, all of which will be for the better. It’s not for the lazy crowd or the uncommitted soul who wants to pop diet pills and call it a day, or try the latest Hollywood crash diet fad. This is real and for really serious people. That being said, it’s also fun, and the results make readers believe.

It’s basically a two phase approach encompassing 6 vital weight loss ingredients. The reader will learn about ketosis as it is an important part of this diet plan. After educating the reader, the book explains day by day and step by step the need for protein, the adequate intake of calories, carbohydrates, fluids, electrolytes and the reality behind the tables and graphs of the body mass index, as well as the Genetic components of a healthy diet. It’s all there, and you’ll learn a lot about how he became overweight and how to stay lean and trim without ruining his style or ruining the fun in his life.

Every day there is more to know, more to learn, and you read as you go. It’s no wonder this book and plan worked so well for so many people. In fact, that is why I would like to recommend this work to you, if your previous diets have failed and left you disappointed with yourself and the results. Please consider all this and think about it.

Traditional cardio approaches to fat loss have focused solely on exercising in the “Fat Burning Zone” (FBZ), also known as the aerobic zone, by performing slow and steady exercise of low to moderate intensity for prolonged periods. However, aerobic exercise alone has not only FAILED to produce significant fat loss, it can actually cause you to store fat (think problem areas) and lose muscle. Not too sexy!

So what is the alternative? Exercising in the “Carb Burning Zone” (CBZ), also known as the anaerobic zone, to make your workouts dramatically shorter AND more effective. This is accomplished through interval training in which you alternate between bouts of high intensity sprints and periods of low to moderate intensity active recovery. The sprint portion of the interval quickly depletes your body’s glycogen tank (the stored form of carbohydrate, or sugar, in muscle) so that your body begins using fat (both dietary and stored body fat) as its main source of fuel. energy at all other times of the day. More specifically, sprints that last between 30 and 60 seconds have been scientifically shown to burn the most sugar in your body so you can quickly tap into unwanted fat stores.

For maximum fat loss, we recommend intervals consisting of a sprint followed by an active recovery period of greater or equal duration based on your current level of conditioning, with the exception of some elite level interval protocols where the recovery period is actually less than the sprint period (eg Tabatas). For example, if you’re using a 30-second sprint, here’s how you would select the appropriate active recovery period for your current fitness level to better customize your interval training workouts:

Level I – Beginner: Use a 1:3 work to rest ratio (30 s on, 90 s off)

Level II- Intermediate: Use a 1:2 work to rest ratio (30 seconds on, 60 seconds off)

Level III- Advanced: Use a 1:1 work to rest ratio (30 seconds on, 30 seconds off)

Plus, this form of training not only burns a ton of calories during the workout itself, but it also has a serious AFTERBURN effect that will have you burning more calories for hours on end after the workout is complete (some studies suggest anywhere from 12 to 24 years or more). hours). This phenomenon is known as excessive post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC) and describes the energy expended by your body in returning your metabolic rate to pre-exercise levels. The best part about EPOC is that you control it, which means the harder you work during your workout, the more calories your body will burn BOTH during your workout AND for up to 24-48 hours after completing your workout!

So, what are you waiting for?

Start running to look better naked TODAY!

Pregnancy Without Pounds is a very popular book on the internet these days.

In this Lose Weight Pregnancy review, we’ll take a look at this book, learn what exactly it is, and talk about some of the pros and cons of this product.

Pregnancy Without Pounds Check – What Exactly Is It?

Created and written by Michelle Moss, a nutritionist, health coach, and renowned pregnancy fitness expert, Lose the Pounds Pregnancy is a step-by-step fitness program designed to teach pregnant women how to maintain a healthy body weight during their period. of pregnancy and make sure they don’t end up significantly overweight after the pregnancy.

To achieve this goal, Michelle Moss’s book offers a detailed program with exact instructions on what to do and what not to do every day, and according to Michelle Moss, her pregnancy fitness program can help any woman feel beautiful during pregnancy and teach you exactly how to avoid unnecessary weight gain during this period and how to lose weight quickly after birth in just a few minutes a day.

To find out if this is true and to better understand if Pregnancy Without Pounds is really for you, let’s talk about the pros and cons of Michelle Moss’s fitness program.

Pregnancy without pound check: the pros and cons

The professionals

Created by a true pregnancy fitness expert

Michelle Moss, the author of Pregnancy Without Pounds, has been in the women’s fitness industry for over 15 years and has a master’s degree in nutrition and holistic psychology as well as a personal training certification, so there’s no doubt she knows what she’s talking about when it comes to women’s health and fitness.

Furthermore, all the information provided within his book is the result of intense research findings combined with proven methods provided by various fitness experts, which is very important.

Complete and easy to follow program

The Pregnancy Without Pounds program consists of different guides and components that provide step by step instructions on how you should handle your pregnancy, and with this program you will learn exactly what are the things to do and what are the things to avoid in order to be healthy during and after pregnancy.

Some of the highlights of this program are the three different exercise routines that Michelle Moss offers for different fitness levels and her helpful advice on how to deal with the most common problems during pregnancy, including stretch marks, dry skin and sagging breasts.

Comes with useful bonuses and in two different kits

Another plus of Michelle Moss’s product is the fact that the Pregnancy Without Pounds book comes with some very useful bonuses and in two different “pregnancy kits”, so you can choose the kit that’s best for you, depending on your budget. and fitness goals.

The cons

Not a complete solution for cellulite

Within Michelle Moss’s book there are different tips and tricks that would supposedly help stop the invasion of cellulite.

It is true that some of these tips can really help you to reduce cellulite, however, it is not a permanent solution and it may not help you get rid of cellulite completely.

take some work

While the Weight Loss Pregnancy book is easy to follow and easy to use, it is important to understand that this pregnancy fitness program is not a “24 hour fix” and will require some effort on your part.

Additionally, you may need to make some lifestyle adjustments, such as dietary changes, to get the best results from this fitness program.

Pregnancy Without Pounds Review – The Bottom Line

Overall, Pregnancy Without Pounds is a very popular pregnancy fitness program for a very good reason and just about any woman who wants to learn how to avoid gaining too much weight and stay beautiful during and after pregnancy can benefit from the Michelle Moss pregnancy kit. .

Keep in mind, however, that this program is not a “magic pill” and you will need to follow Michelle Moss’s step-by-step instructions and make some lifestyle adjustments to achieve the desired results.

I hope you found this Pregnancy Without Pounds review useful, all the best!

The number of people diagnosed with type 2 diabetes has really skyrocketed in the last twenty years. Add to that the number of pre-diabetics and those who are out there and have no idea they will be diagnosed in the next few years. At least 50% remain undiagnosed! Research shows that one in four have a disturbance in the way their body metabolizes sugar.

While we are aware that genetics and obesity play a role in the rise of diabetes, some medications, including prescription drugs, can induce this condition in otherwise normal people.

Known offenders include:

  • steroids
  • morning after pill
  • diuretics
  • beta blockers

It is not unusual for impaired glucose tolerance to develop during treatment for high blood pressure, and the condition does not go away when treatment is stopped. Other medicines can raise or lower blood sugar levels. The main offenders that diabetes should avoid include:

Drugs that lower blood sugar:

  • Salicylates (aspirin) and acetaminophen (paracetamol) or Panadol can lower your levels, especially if taken in large doses.
  • Phenylbutazone (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory)
  • Ethanol (in alcoholic beverages) especially when taken without food
  • Sulfonamide antibiotics
  • anticoagulant coumarin
  • trimethoprim (used for urinary tract infections)

Medications that increase blood sugar levels:

  • Caffeine in large amounts
  • Corticosteroids, such as prednisone, are used to block autoimmune diseases. Even when applied topically it increases its levels
  • ephedrine
  • Estrogen when the dose is high, modern oral contraceptives are usually not a problem
  • Frusemide and thiazide diuretics often raise glucose causing a loss of potassium
  • Lithium
  • Nicotinic acid in large doses. Used to lower cholesterol can cause a hyperglycemic reaction
  • Phenytoin or Dilantin, a medication used for seizures, blocks the release of insulin
  • Rifampicin (used in the treatment of tuberculosis)
  • Medications that contain sugar
  • Thyroid hormone at high levels, increases blood glucose by reducing insulin from the pancreas

If you find a sudden change in your blood sugar levels and have started a new medication, don’t hesitate to consult with your health care provider.

Taking care of yourself and your type 2 diabetes is your show, so learn which medications affect your blood sugar levels, find a diet that works for you, lose weight, and increase your physical activity. You are the CEO of your body!

Collagen is a type of protein and works with keratin to provide skin with strength, smoothness, elasticity and resilience. It is produced by the skin and other parts of the body. When you’re young, you have a lot of collagen in your body, which is why little boys have such beautiful, shiny hair and smooth skin. It is known as the cement that holds everything together. As you age, collagen production slows and your skin weakens, this is when your skin becomes wrinkled and sagging.

The skin is made up of three layers, epidermis, dermis and hypodermis. The second layer of the skin (dermis) is where the collagen protein is found. Collagen molecules are grouped throughout the dermis.

There are ways to help you increase the collagen in your skin, so you should know what nutrients your body really needs to do this.

Soy products like soybeans and cheese contain an element known as genistein. The presence of genistein gives soy products collagen-building qualities, as well as helping to block enzymes that tend to break down and age skin. Almost any soy product contains enough genistein to be useful, including soy products that have been developed as substitutes for meat products. Personally, I can’t eat edamame or any soy product unless it’s fermented, like miso. Two one week periods were a problem, after eating tofu every day for two weeks. Other plant foods that have been shown to contain genistein include alfalfa and clover sprouts, barley flour, broccoli, cauliflower, and sunflower, caraway, and clover seeds. Barley, cauliflower, and sunflower are all blood types specific for blood type A.

Dark green vegetables are also excellent examples of foods that contain collagen-producing agents. Add dark green leafy vegetables like spinach, kale, and kale. Cabbage (which is great for blood type B) and mustard greens and turnip greens are blood type specific, try to include a little in your diet every day. They are packed with an antioxidant called lutein. You need 10 mg to get results, which is about 4 oz. of spinach or 2oz. of kale Recent French research suggests this will increase skin hydration and elasticity, fighting wrinkles. Rich in vitamin C, regular consumption of kale, spinach, collards, and asparagus helps strengthen the body’s ability to make collagen and utilize protein effectively.

Beans help your body produce a vital anti-aging substance called hyaluronic acid. Try to eat at least two tablespoons of beans each day. Find your best beans in Healthy Holiday Bean Treats for each of the different blood type recipe dropdown menus.

Red fruits and vegetables are also excellent sources to increase the collagen content of food in the diet. The presence of lycopene in these types of foods helps to act as antioxidants, which in turn increases collagen production. Try adding red bell peppers and beets, great for B blood types, and fresh or stewed tomatoes, great for O blood types. For others, watermelon is a great source of lycopene. Also include sweet potatoes (good for everyone except blood type A), carrots, and more. Research by Dr. Ronald Watson of the University of Arizona found that antioxidants in red, yellow and orange foods accumulate under the skin creating additional protection against UV rays. “The effect is so strong that eating six servings a day for about two months will create a natural barrier equivalent to a factor four sunscreen.”

Fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin C are natural sources of collagen production. You should try to include citrus fruits like grapefruit, lemons, pineapple, and strawberries in your daily diet.

One of the main causes of skin aging is the attack of substances called free radicals, which degrade healthy skin tissue. Antioxidants help neutralize these free radicals before they can do any damage. Blueberries are a close second. Eat five to six plums, or a small basket of blueberries, every day for a big health boost. Prunes also help if you have osteopenia, to prevent long bone fractures.

Omega acids also help create an ideal environment for collagen production. Fish like salmon and tuna are excellent sources of omega fatty acids. Nuts like walnuts, almonds for all bodies, and Brazil nuts for blood type B and AB also contain healthy amounts.

Flaxseed, chia seeds, and walnuts (in addition to cold-water fish) are important sources of healthy omega-3 fats. Skin cells are surrounded by a layer of fat made from this and other fats, so the higher your omega-3 intake, the stronger that layer and the plumper your skin cells will be, which helps to hide lines and wrinkles. Mix it into smoothies or add it to balsamic vinegar and use as a salad dressing, but try to have a tablespoon each day. In Facebook posts, a man says that flaxseeds are estrogenic. If you’re concerned about cancers of the breast and uterus, it’s a good idea to stay away from estrogenic compounds. Chia seeds are great.

Sulfur-rich foods are also important for collagen production. Among these are green and black olives, (limit or avoid) fresh cucumbers, and fresh stalks of celery. Working in conjunction with sulfur, vitamin A-rich vegetables also help keep collagen levels high. Try adding raw carrots, fresh cantaloupe, and baked sweet potatoes (for everyone except blood type A) to the diet for an extra boost.

Turkey contains a vital skin protein called carnosine that slows down a process in the skin called cross-linking. When this happens, the fibers grow into the collagen in the skin, making it stiff and inelastic. The inelasticity prevents the skin from receding when you do things like smile, laugh, or frown, and this is what causes expression lines or crow’s feet. Eat turkey two to three times a week.

Chocolate is really good for the skin. In studies conducted in Germany, it was found that after drinking a beverage packaged with cocoa, blood flow to the skin was boosted (meaning you get higher levels of nutrients and moisture). It also seemed to be more protected against UV damage. However, only dark chocolate contains enough antioxidants to have an effect. Healthy Holiday Bean Delights contain cocoa with dark chocolate.

Manuka Honey is a special honey from New Zealand with unique healing properties. It has been used in skin care for centuries by the Maori of New Zealand and it is easy to understand why. When used topically, Active Manuka Honey can restore and rejuvenate your skin. It supports the skin cell renewal process and helps in the formation of stronger collagen proteins. As a bonus, active manuka honey is rich in antioxidants and helps reduce blemishes.

Rose hips are one of the plant extracts that can present a rich source of collagen. They contain a high level of vitamin C, which is good for collagen production.

Avocado Oil If you want to know how to produce collagen naturally, you need to use face masks or creams that contain avocado oil. Avocado Oil is deeply moisturizing and highly compatible with the skin’s natural oils. Avocado oil is high in plant steroids, which help reduce blemishes and age spots. It also helps regenerate and rejuvenate skin damaged by free radicals. Avocado oil is important because it is scientifically proven to stimulate collagen production and increase the proportion of soluble collagen in the skin’s dermis. And don’t forget to include fresh avocados in your favorite salad and soup recipes. I added a great guacamole recipe.

One of the key points to keep in mind is that it is possible to provide everything your body needs to produce collagen with a balanced diet. By including some of the foods mentioned here, you will soon start to see a difference in the quality of your skin tone.

Going on a diet can be hard on the body, so you want to make sure you choose a program that will keep you healthy while you lose those pounds. Fortunately, the best foods for weight loss are also foods that are good for you, so eating them can help you lose weight, gain energy, and improve your health and mood.

Whole grains – One of the biggest culprits for weight gain is white flour. It is also one of the least healthy foods you can eat. If you’re looking to lose weight, you should eliminate any foods made with white flour from your diet immediately. This includes white bread, pasta, and most baked goods. But that doesn’t mean you have to stop eating these foods. What you should do is switch to whole grain breads, pastas, and baked goods. Replace your white bread with whole wheat bread, eat whole wheat pasta or quinoa instead of spaghetti, and ditch white rice in favor of brown rice. Foods made with whole grains have nutrients that foods made with white flour don’t, and they’ll also make you feel fuller and more satisfied.

vegetables – It goes without saying that vegetables are probably the healthiest foods you can eat – they are loaded with fiber, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, so it stands to reason that a diet rich in vegetables is healthy for you and since they are low in in calories, they are also one of the best foods for weight loss. Adding more vegetables to your diet will help you be able to eat a larger volume of food while still losing weight. One strategy I like is to increase the amount of vegetables in the dishes you make. Sticking with stir-fries, vegetable rice dishes, or simply adding more vegetables on the sides to your plate can help you in your weight loss efforts.

fruits – Like vegetables, fruits are low in calories and if you are trying to lose weight, it is a good strategy to replace desserts in your diet with fruits. There are many delicious recipes that use fruit and you can also replace some of the fat and sugar in your baked goods recipes with fruit like mashed bananas and applesauce to create healthy, low-calorie, low-fat desserts. You can even add fruit to your stir-fries and salads to add bulk and flavor.

Beans – Beans are incredibly healthy and have a variety of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, and they’re also loaded with fiber, which can help you feel full. Beans are a great substitute for meat in your diet because meat is so high in fat and calories. Switching some of your meals to “meatless” can be a great way to help you in your weight loss efforts. Eating things like chili, rice, and beans, as well as stews and soups that contain beans can be just as satisfying as a full plate of meat, but have far fewer calories.

When it comes down to it, the best foods for weight loss are those that are low in fat and calories and high in fiber. Choose foods that have a low glycemic index because these foods will help you feel fuller and help you keep that feeling of satiety longer. The fuller you feel, the less you’ll eat and the more successful your weight loss efforts will be.

There are some elements that I feel many don’t realize. I have received many letters from people asking why they are not burning as much fat as fast as they would like. Well guys and gals, there are some small changes you can make to your lifestyle that would burn off that stubborn fat a lot faster.

1. First, you should exercise first thing in the morning. After brushing your teeth and such, you should do it right away. Why do you ask? There are a couple of reasons. One is that exercising in the morning before eating means that instead of your body burning the carbohydrates from the meals you’ve eaten, it looks to burn something else. Burn fat fast. During the night, to maintain other bodily functions such as digestion, blood flow, breathing, etc. In the morning, if you exercise before consuming any type of food, your body will not burn calories and carbohydrates, since it will not have anything to burn. It will burn something else again, and that is burning body fat instead.

2. You should exercise for about 45 minutes to an hour. Don’t panic, this is not a straight forward exercise all the time, this includes warm up and cool down! You should slowly increase your heart rate and methodically lower it. Do not use start and stop methods as this could be dangerous.

3. Choose a medium but constant intensity during your workouts. Fat burns faster when you have enough oxygen in your body while you exercise. Some intense workouts take away the oxygen needed to burn that fat quickly. High-power yoga, a steady pace on the elliptical, and even “Blast Away the Fat” DVDs are all good methods to use, as opposed to steady sprinting or high-impact workouts. I have discovered it by experience, believe me!

4. EAT BREAKFAST. Don’t skip it. Skipping meals and not providing the body with enough fuel that it needs will put the body back into starvation mode, which actually helps STORE fat. And we don’t want that, do we? This is very important if you want to burn fat fast.

5. Eat fewer carbohydrates. You will see very clearly how you can balance this in life. I’m not saying eliminate them completely and never have a nice fresh piece of French bread again. But if your body has fewer carbohydrates to burn, it will look for something else to burn. Yes! Like the body fat you want to burn quickly and get rid of it. The book has great meal plans and recipes for those “good girl” days and those “bad girl” days as well. You have to read it. You will learn how to lose weight fast and you will love to see how fasting will see results.

Well, I hope that helps. I am looking forward to hearing from you and please feel free to write to me at any time. You can have fun and still look crafty!

What if you were told you could lose weight fast, tone up, sculpt, feel healthier and stronger in 90 days or less? What if the xp 90 training system was the secret to success? Would you question this latest revolutionary secret and trade it for another fad or diet?

Losing weight and toning up our bodies is something we all struggle with, especially if we want to get fit, healthy and look good!

Perhaps you’ve tried to keep up with all the hype about the latest fitness craze and fitness secrets from the stars, but just never quite got it? If you’re still looking for a breakthrough in extreme fitness, check this out!


Reasons why you are not successful in your weight loss process

• Skinny Fat – This is the ultimate fitness update, most people exercise, but never build, tone, or lose body fat, so it may seem like we lose weight, but we’re still fat.

• Motivation: Most people give up, lose interest, and don’t stick with any diet or exercise routine.

• Diet pills and drinks: Many try the latest diet pills or drinks on the market, they are fast and will help you lose weight quickly. Wrong, this is a myth, most diet pills and drinks have been found to be unhealthy. In the long run, crash diet pills will destroy your metabolism, your heart, and keep you fat.

Innovative tips for extreme fitness

The xp 90 training system is all the rage, but why does it work? These are the tips that will bring you physical success for life.

• Muscle Confusion: The latest breakthrough in true fitness and weight loss. This is a unique combination of extreme muscle burning in different parts of your body. It revolves around never doing the same routine or the same reps. Your muscles are confused and you will sculpt your body like never before and then lose weight.

• Motivation – Motivation is key to losing weight and building and toning your body. It is proven that most people need motivation and personal training. Physical success is 95% motivation. Motivation is usually through personal training, which is expensive, or through the help and support of family or friends. If we lack motivation, we generally fail at weight loss.

• Fat Loss Diet Plan: Diet is another important aspect of losing fat and building our muscles. Most diets are not geared towards your fitness goals. If you do not follow the correct diet plan, your fitness goals will not be achieved.