Category Archive : Health Fitness

The basics –

We meet some people who do not gain weight even though they eat whatever they want. At the other extreme are people who seem to gain weight no matter how little they eat. As a result, some stay slim effortlessly, while others fight hard to keep from gaining weight.

Essentially, our weight depends on the number of calories we consume: how many of those calories we store and how many we burn. But each of these is influenced by a combination of genetic and environmental factors. The interaction between all these factors begins at the moment of our conception and continues throughout our lives.

If we consume more energy (calories) than we expend, we will gain weight. Excess calories are stored throughout our bodies as fat. Our body stores fat inside specialized fat cells (adipose tissue), which are always present in the body, either enlarging them or creating more of them.

To lose weight, one would have to create a calorie deficit. A good weekly goal is to lose ½ to 2 pounds per week or about 1% body fat every two weeks. The number of calories one eats to achieve this should be about 250 to 1,000 calories less than the daily calorie burn. We can do this by increasing daily activities with more daily steps or other non-exercise activities. Standing and walking burn at least 2 to 3 times more calories than sitting for the same length of time. A deficit of 250 to 1,000 calories can also be created by increasing training time or intensity and decreasing food intake by about 200 to 300 calories per day.

Despite our sincere efforts to lose weight, sometimes we fail due to specific reasons that get in our way without us realizing it.

Reasons not to lose weight

Lack of sleep – Lack of sleep can contribute to weight gain. Experts speculate that lack of sleep may affect the secretion of cortisol, one of the hormones that regulate appetite. When we are tired due to lack of sleep, we may skip exercise or simply move less, which means we burn fewer calories.

Chronic stress – Stress and weight gain go hand in hand, although some of us are not aware of this fact. Chronic stress increases cortisol production, which not only increases appetite, but can also cause additional fat storage around the abdomen. It causes cravings for foods, which are high in sugar and fat. So-called comfort foods make us feel better. Also, we skip workouts because we feel too stressed to exercise.

Eat excessively Researchers have found that most of us underestimate how much we eat, especially when eating out. Careful scrutiny of our diet is the only way to know how much we’re really eating. We need to space out our meals in such a way that we don’t stay hungry for too long. Or we may overeat at our next meal. We should try to eat smaller portions and eat more frequently.

Exercise – Exercise is another crucial element of weight loss, along with our daily activity levels. If we’re not losing weight, we need to either increase the time and intensity of our training to match our weight loss goals or change our weight loss goals to match what we’re actually doing. To lose weight, we need to build lean muscle by doing some form of strength training in addition to our cardio. The more muscles our body has, the more fat we will burn.

sedentary clothes – Any prolonged sitting, such as at a desk, behind a wheel, or in front of a screen, can be detrimental. In addition to exercising, we should try to be as active as possible. We should also limit our screen time. Therefore, we should take a break from sitting every 30 minutes. If we spend more than 8 hours sitting, it could be one more reason why we have a hard time losing weight.

weekend treats – Eating a few treats once in a while is fine, but mindlessly indulging in treats on the weekends will hurt our weight loss goals. The trick is to plan our indulgences so we can have fun while staying on track toward our weight loss goals.

Unrealistic goals – There are many factors that affect weight loss that, again, cannot always be measured or accounted for with the tools that we have. Our body may be undergoing changes that cannot yet be measured with a scale or tape measure. Experts agree that a realistic weight loss goal is to focus on losing about 0.5 to 2 pounds per week. As much as that, we would have to cut our calories so low that it may not be sustainable. Rather, we may be losing inches even if we are not losing weight. If we’re not getting the results we expect, it’s crucial to find out if it’s because we’re expecting something from our body that it simply can’t deliver.

Trays – Almost everyone hits a weight loss plateau at some point. As our body adapts to our workouts, it becomes more efficient and therefore doesn’t expend as many calories doing it. Some common reasons for this include doing the same workouts every day, not eating enough calories, and overtraining. We can avoid plateaus by trying something completely different at least once a week and changing our frequency, intensity, duration, and type of training.

In medical condition – This is especially important if you’re doing everything right and haven’t seen any changes on the scale or in your body after several months. There may be a health issue or some common medications that require our weight loss efforts. One should consult their doctor to rule out such a possibility.

The bottom line –

There are endless diets, supplements, and meal replacement plans that claim to guarantee rapid weight loss that we come across in the media. But most of them lack scientific evidence. In fact, many gullible people fall prey to them and some also have to deal with their harmful side effects. However, a good understanding of the reasons why our efforts would later positively impact our weight loss program.

To lose weight successfully it is necessary to rely on the natural disposition of each person, each different natural disposition will have a different method of weight loss. You can apply some effective methods like the following:

Calculate your order

If you plan to lose weight by fasting, it is absolutely not recommended to do it all the time. Because scientific weight loss is the method you have to provide your body with enough essential nutrients. For healthy weight loss, you need to calculate the amount of calories and nutrients for the body to lose weight in a safe and healthy way by calculating the percentage of body fat to know how much fat to burn.

scientific diet

With a person who wants to lose weight then eating problems are very important, because eating is one of the causes of obesity. Therefore, to reduce weight and ensure health, you need to plan your own diet.
– Do not eat after 6pm. This will be difficult for some people, but it is very good if you want to lose weight.
– Adequate diet, without fasting; if you choose the fasting method, it only makes the situation worse, because when hungry, by survival instinct, the human being will always think about eating and eating more, gaining weight faster.
– Choose smart foods, no matter how much you eat, the important thing is what you eat, with people who want to lose weight, foods with high fiber content are the best option, green vegetables, fruits are your companion during the slimming process.
– Do not skip breakfast and do not eat after 8 at night.
– Say no to fried foods and fast foods such as soft drinks, cakes, snacks,…

Maintain the principle of movement.

– Movement is an immutable principle in the weight loss process, exercise anywhere and anytime, wake up in the morning with light exercises, do housework, climb stairs,… to burn energy.
– Choose your favorite sports like swimming, jumping rope, jogging, aerobics, walking,…
– Walk continuously one hour a day: You don’t need to walk fast, just walk normally. Walking outdoors is the best.

8 glasses of water each day

Many people underestimate the water weight loss method, but this method is easy to implement and highly effective, because drinking water not only helps lose weight but also helps purify the skin, water helps fill the stomach and control hunger.
You should drink water immediately after waking up and drink water throughout the day.


Being strict with yourself is the best way to lose weight effectively, at the beginning of the process you must establish the weight loss plan, which clearly establishes the purpose and the number of pounds that you need to lose, the daily tasks that you need to do , specific times, adequate meals,… and force yourself to put it into practice seriously.

With so much that can go wrong when it comes to food, it’s best to focus on the foods that help things go right. Fortunately, there are several tasty snacks ready to do just that. Let’s see some:


The vitamin K and folate found in avocados work hard to protect your brain. They help prevent blood clots, which means you are better protected against strokes. They also help in areas like memory, cognitive skills, and concentration.


There is a lot to love about beets. Renowned as one of those anti-inflammatory vegetables, they do everything from flush toxins out of your body to providing better blood flow to the brain, helping you get that much-needed mental ‘edge’.


To protect against natural brain deterioration, blueberries are the best! They improve memory over time, and recent research shows they can actually reverse memory loss!


Another vegetable for memory acuity, broccoli has a lot to offer, specifically two crucial nutrients for improving brain function: vitamin K and choline. Vitamin K strengthens cognitive abilities while choline improves memory. Let’s not forget folic acid, which helps prevent Alzheimer’s disease and depression.

Coconut oil

There has been so much talk about coconut oil, it’s hard to believe that it does so many good things and still protects your brain from memory loss due to aging. This is another great anti-inflammatory that helps in the growth of neurons.

dark chocolate

To get the best benefits of chocolate, opt for something with 70% cocoa or higher. This is another food to improve blood flow to the brain. Cocoa has been found to improve verbal fluency and cognitive function in the elderly.


The choline in eggs helps your brain chemistry stay on track. Studies have shown that eggs help you feel happy and are not only necessary for the healthy growth of developing brains.

extra virgin olive oil

There’s a lot to love about this one, from the way it protects your brain from damage, but it can also reverse damage done to the brain due to illness or age. Extra virgin olive oil facilitates learning, improves memory and even works to prevent dementia. The good? It is very easy to add to your diet.

green leafy vegetables

Every time you eat something that’s leafy green, you’re adding good things to your diet in terms of iron and vitamin C. But did you know that these greens slow down the effects of aging on your brain? 1-2 servings a day is all you need to see a positive change!


Do you have memory problems or just can’t seem to think lately? Try salmon for a quick fix, courtesy of all the omega-3s so necessary for good brain health. If you think something so simple can’t help that significantly, consider this: Studies have shown that kids with ADHD who eat salmon have much better focus.


Everyone has been talking about how great turmeric is as an anti-inflammatory, but it’s also wonderful for increasing oxygen intake to the brain, which means a boost in cognitive abilities. You’ll also feel more alert with this simple addition to your diet.


It doesn’t take a lot of nuts to think better. That’s because they have a high concentration of the Omega-3 fatty acid, DHA. DHA is powerful brain food and has been shown to improve cognitive performance and prevent age-related cognitive decline.

Exercise to reduce female abdominal fat at home: the Russian twist

If the dog in your belly is the pain in your mirror, then it’s time to act once and for all. Exercise to reduce abdominal fat for a woman at home and a healthy diet is the key. However, knowledge about how her body works is also essential. For example, keep in mind that a primary cause of body fat is your genetic makeup. Therefore, if she has an excessive amount of body fat, hereditary traits may be part of the reason. Also, women tend to experience abdominal weight gain as they go through menopause. Normal changes in cellular activity within your body can change the way you distribute fat. As a result, body fat is redistributed from other parts to the belly region. These natural changes in your body become more noticeable as you age. Therefore, compensate for these bodily factors and reduce fat with regular exercise. If you don’t, your waistline will likely remain large or even increase in size.

The danger of belly fat

Let’s examine the structure of our abdominal region in more depth to understand how it affects us. First of all, visceral fat is the deep abdominal fat that we carry and that poses a serious threat to our health. Women must fight this fat to avoid cardiovascular disease, diabetes and other types of cancer. Also, follow a nutritious, calorie-controlled diet to prevent excess body fat from accumulating. But keep in mind that consuming more calories than you expend results in the accumulation of abdominal fat. Therefore, exercise regularly and properly to burn off the calories that cause fat gain. Rule of thumb: You must burn more calories than you take in to lose and maintain your weight.

How to perform Russian twists

Sit up and roll over for a flat tummy with this cool ab exercise! This exercise consists of a seated posture and a side-to-side rotation of the upper body. Feel free to hold a basketball while spinning, or just keep your hands together.

  1. Sit on an exercise mat with your knees bent and your upper body leaning back at a 130-degree obtuse angle. Put your heels on the ground and support your body with your butt.

  2. From this position, clasp your hands in front of you with your arms extended toward your knees.

  3. While holding the position, rotate only your upper body (waist and above) from side to side. During each turn, lead your body with your arms pointing toward the ground on either side. Allow your shoulders to point at an angle perpendicular to your lower body for optimal core rotation tension.

  4. Repeat each twist for 10 reps.

Eat healthy, keep exercising

Change your unhealthy eating habits and eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean protein, and healthy fats. Also, don’t skip meals and drink plenty of calorie-free fluids, like water. Finally, eat 6 small meals instead of the usual 3 large meals per day. Restricting portion sizes and calculating daily calorie intake will help you lose weight. Calorie-burning cardio activity is one of the best ways to combat stubborn belly fat. Workouts that target your abs effectively burn calories and reduce your body fat percentage. As you shed belly fat cells through activity, the chiseled waistline you desire will appear.

Control belly fat, menopause and cellulite

All the exercise in the world can’t reduce belly fat, you also need to eat right and manage stress. First of all, stress is one of the main contributors to excessive bulging of the stomach in women. Stress causes an imbalance within the sufferer, increasing their stress hormones, insulin and cortisol. As a result, women gain more weight around the waist. Another thing that can cause a hormonal imbalance is menopause. This hormonal state is the result of poor diet, ingestion of toxins in the air, and household products. In addition, inadequate daily hydration plus vitamin and mineral deficiencies cause a deterioration of health. To reduce the stress hormones cortisol and insulin and rebalance your body, balance your progesterone and estrogen.

Fight your craving for junk food

Avoid processed foods, fast foods, and junk food at all costs. As you eat, your body will reject these artificial “foods”, regardless of how good they taste. Artificial preservatives and flavors are a disguise to hide the unhealthy status of junk food. Bottom line, stay away from anything that is packaged and has weird-sounding ingredients listed. Twinkies, Ho Hos, and other bagged foods put unnecessary stress on your body. Your body shouldn’t have to suffer from the food you give it. Instead, eat healthy, organic foods that are free of additives, artificial flavors, and preservatives. As a result, your body will be happy and function as it is supposed to.


In conclusion, slow down, meditate, let your body rest and recharge to prepare for each new day. Between your physical activity and your diet, focus on mental and emotional nutrition. For example, turn off your electronic devices and leave social networks from time to time. The more distractions you have, the harder it will be to stay focused. Also, avoid negative people. Emotionally, it will help keep your stress hormones in balance, and in turn reduce belly fat. In terms of exercise, don’t overexert yourself in pursuit of a smaller waist. Strenuous exercise is not necessary to reduce abdominal fat and can be counterproductive to weight loss. Finally, combine your workouts with cardio exercises, yoga, or Tai Chi. These two low-intensity exercises are good for burning abdominal fat and are not as stressful on the body as other high-intensity exercises. That said, you should be well on your way to conditioning your waistline as long as you take massive action.

These 6-pack tips will help you develop chiseled abs. Now, it takes a bit of time to get ripped, but these tips will greatly minimize that time.

So, try them. I think you’ll be surprised how much they help!

1. Eat less

OK, if you want to have ‘ripped’ abs then you need to lose body fat. No one will be able to see your abs, no matter how big they are, if you have fat covering them.

And the only way to lose body fat is to eat less. That’s as simple as it gets. Nobody likes to diet, but there it is.

Once you’ve reduced your body fat enough, your muscles (especially your abs) will start to shine. You will look more muscular and sexy, even if you just lost weight.

2. Lose 1 to 1.5 pounds per week

Lose just a little bit of fat each week. Don’t go on a crazy crash diet and try to lose a ton of weight fast; you will only be harming your progress.

Why? Well, if you lose weight faster than 1 or 1.5 pounds a week, you’ll lose about half fat and half muscle after that. Which is not a good ratio; Muscle is precious like gold, and you must protect it at all costs!

Of course, this does not mean that it will take you longer to reach your goal. You will be taking the most efficient path to be marked.

3. Lift weights

Lifting weight is vitally important to getting a ripped 6 pack. Lifting weights will not only build your muscles, but it will also help you retain muscle mass when dieting and burning calories.

Now your weight training program doesn’t need to be incredibly complicated. Lift weights once or twice a week, if you work hard, that’s fine.

Oh, and for your routine, keep it simple. Don’t overdo small lifts like bicep curls and calf extensions. Break a sweat and work hard with some big lifts like squats, deadlifts, bench press, standing press, clean and press, and chin-ups.

Abdominal exercises are helpful, but only after you’ve lost most of the body fat you need to lose. That’s the time to start worrying about making your abdominal muscle bigger.

4. Tea and espresso

Green tea and coffee (especially espresso) will help you lose weight. And not for the reasons you might think.

First of all, none of these have calories. Okay, maybe if you have five shots of espresso it will be two or three, but it’s essentially zero. Which makes them so much better to drink than orange juice, milk, or triple-mocha-frapa-latte-whatever-with-three-shots-of-vanilla.

Both tea and coffee also contain caffeine, which helps mobilize fatty acids (so you can more easily burn fat for fuel) and keep you active. Again, this won’t make up for a poor diet, but it will help when combined with good eating habits.

5. Being cold

Going cold will help you lose fat. Not a ton, but some.

See, your body burns a lot of energy each day to keep you at a constant body temperature. If you’re cold, whether it’s turning down the thermostat, taking cold showers, wearing fewer layers, or drinking tons of cold water, you’ll lose weight faster.

It’s no secret that most women struggle to gain extra pounds as they approach “change.” This problem drives desperate women to figure out how to lose weight during perimenopause.

Weight gain is probably one of the most bothersome problems faced by premenopausal women. Besides not being able to fit into your old clothes, you have all that extra padding where you didn’t have it before. With everything you’re going through, the last thing you need is to have to go out and buy a whole new wardrobe…

But fear not, today I have a super simple diet hack guaranteed to help you shed pounds.

Not only that, but do this, and not only will you lose weight, but you’ll also help get those fluctuating hormones back on track.

It’s a win-win!

How to lose weight during perimenopause

However, you should provide a disclaimer. If you have thyroid problems, then your condition is a bit more serious and this trick may not be enough…

Don’t worry, I’m not going to tell you to join an expensive and hard-to-follow diet program like Jenny Craig’s. And I certainly don’t want you to go out and buy a bunch of bland, processed low-fat foods.

Do this and you’ll still be able to enjoy a wide range of delicious, rich-tasting foods. You won’t feel deprived and you’ll still be able to shed some of that extra weight.

So you want to hear what my trick is?

Don’t eat sugar.

That is all. do not do it

Eliminate sugar from your diet and you’ll see the weight just slide off. More than that, cutting out sugar will go a long way toward balancing those unstable hormones.

How is that?

Because sugar is one of the main contributors to hormonal imbalance, specifically hormonal imbalance due to estrogen dominance.

Estrogen dominance refers to the condition where you have a lot of estrogen and not enough progesterone. It is one of the main causes of severe premenopausal symptoms and can make life hell for some women. A number of factors contribute to estrogen dominance, including stress and exposure to toxins. But one of the worst culprits is our modern Western diet. And one of the worst foods that aggravates estrogen dominance? You guessed it: sugar.

Eating sugar causes cortisol levels to rise, which in turn causes estrogen levels to rise. Once estrogen levels increase, progesterone levels decrease.

So not only does sugar help you gain weight, it also messes with your hormones in a big way.

If you want to know how to lose weight during perimenopause, just give up sugar. It really couldn’t get any simpler than that.

I realize that giving up sugar is not that easy. It is highly addictive after all.

And it’s hidden in a TON of our food.

But if you can, eliminate or at least reduce sugar from your diet and you will see a noticeable change in your health.

Aerobic training is exercise that involves or improves the body’s oxygen consumption. The word aerobic means with oxygen. In addition to utilizing and improving the body’s oxygen consumption, aerobic training also increases the body’s ability to burn fatty acids during an exercise session. An example of an aerobic exercise session would be one that consists of a warm-up, then a moderate level of exercise for an extended period of time that engages large muscle groups, and is then followed by a cool-down. No matter what the type of exercise, it’s important to know that aerobic exercise is highly beneficial from fat burning to cardiovascular health and wellness.

Anaerobic training involves exercise intense enough to trigger anaerobic metabolism. Greatly increases the body’s functional capacity for explosive force development and maximization of short-term energy systems. An example would be non-endurance sports such as bodybuilders who use anaerobic training to promote speed, strength, power and muscle mass. This leads to increased performance in activities of high intensity and short duration.

Several physiological responses the body will go through with aerobic training. The aerobic capacity of a person will be higher. There will be an increase in trained muscle capacity which is due to the ability to utilize and mobilize fat resulting from high amounts of fat metabolizing enzymes as well as increased blood flow. The body also experiences increased development of slow-twitch muscle fibers, increased content of myoglobin, which is essentially an iron protein compound within the muscle that acts to store and transport oxygen to the muscle. Aerobic exercise improves the body’s use of oxygen, thereby increasing its ability to store and transport it, resulting in slower muscle fibers.

There are also a number of physiological changes with anaerobic training, and will show the vast difference between the two and the benefit of each. Anaerobic training increases the size of fast-twitch versus slow-twitch muscle fibers. It creates a greater tolerance to higher blood lactate levels and increases the enzymes involved in the anaerobic phase of glucose breakdown. Anaerobic training also results in increased resting levels of ATP, CP, creatine, and glycogen content. High-intensity weight training in sessions of 45 to 75 minutes will increase growth hormone and testosterone levels.

Because aerobic and anaerobic training focus on very different outcomes in the body, it is easy to assume that there are many different adaptations the body must make if one chooses to train exclusively aerobic or anaerobic.

If one were to choose to do only aerobic training for more than a year, they would see better overall cardiovascular health. The body would adapt to using fatty acids for energy and target the development of slow-twitch muscle fibers. Those who choose to train aerobically are typical 5k, 10k and marathon runners. Aerobic training will build endurance and those who train aerobically will be able to maintain exercise at a certain level for a longer period of time. What the body will not experience is a gain in overall strength. Aerobic training will not give a person gains in general strength, power, or explosive strength abilities. The body after a year has conditioned itself to use oxygen, burn fatty acids and be an endurance machine. After a year, it would be difficult for the person to attempt anaerobic training such as weight lifting. However, it can be done with changing fitness and training goals.

If someone decided to do anaerobic training for more than a year, the body would adapt to using glycogen for fuel instead of the fatty acids used in aerobic training. The body will use training to build fast-twitch rather than slow-twitch muscle fibers, as well as build muscle mass, explosive strength, and overall power. Choosing to use anaerobic training would allow for muscle growth and fitness, but not overall cardiovascular health or endurance. Bodybuilders are your typical anaerobic training clientele. They have tremendous explosive strength and their bodies have adapted to a large amount of force for a short period of time versus resisting force for a long period of time. Many bodybuilders use anaerobic training and not aerobic training and therefore it is not uncommon to see an extremely fit bodybuilder who cannot run/walk/jog even ¼ mile as he has not had any aerobic training to build his health cardiovascular and endurance skills.

Have you ever been sitting in a restaurant and wondered how many calories or grams of fat were in the food in front of you? Nope? Okay, you’re not as weird as me, but I wonder all the time, and after reading this maybe you should too.

Some have the information available upon request, but most do not make it available. Well my aunt sent me an email that had the worst restaurant meals and their calorie content and nutritional breakdown.

These are just some examples.

McDonald’s 5-Piece Chicken Selects with Ranch Sauce has over 800 calories with 55g of fat. 55 grams of fat! That’s crazy. Especially when you consider that they were advertised under the guise of health food because they were supposed to be chicken breast, but even chicken breast is unhealthy when soaked in batter and fried.

However, my favorite was the Jamba Juice smoothie. When you hear milkshake you probably think it’s healthy, right? This is how they are marketed after all. But this Jamba Juice smoothie had 900 calories, with 160g of sugar! That is incredible!

By the way, those two I just gave you are “the best of the worst.” There were many with more than 1,500 and 2,000 calories. That’s the number of calories many people should consume in a full day if they want to lose fat, and these entrees (or some appetizers) have them all in one sitting.

Hearing numbers like that, it shouldn’t surprise anyone that we have an obesity epidemic in this country. We just eat too much, or don’t pay attention to what’s going on in our mouths, and don’t realize it until it turns into sticky fat that settles on our stomach, butt, or thighs.

You need to be careful with any food when dining out. I’m not saying you shouldn’t go out to eat. Quite the contrary. I think we need to get out of the house and go to restaurants. I would go crazy and claustrophobic if I didn’t leave the house and eat in restaurants. What I am saying is that you must understand that many foods and drinks are not prepared with the idea that they will keep your waistline in check.

They are made to taste as good and as cheap as possible because restaurants need to make money, after all. So, to make many foods taste better, they are fried, sautéed, or otherwise prepared to increase the fat, because fat makes foods taste better, or covered in creams and sauces loaded with sugar and fat.

So here are a couple of tips to keep in mind when dining out.

First of all, avoid the appetizer. Appetizers are often loaded with fat, and this includes vegetable dishes because they come with some kind of dipping sauce.

Next, avoid anything fried, sautéed, or cooked in any type of sauce. It may sound healthy because it’s salmon, chicken, or vegetarian, but if it’s fried, sautéed, or cooked in a sauce, it’s high in fat and high in calories.

Finally, if you have decided that you are going to eat poorly when you are eating in a restaurant, at least order half a meal. The full order ratios are so out of control that they could feed an entire village in some starving country. So do yourself a favor and order a half order, or split it with whoever you’re having dinner with.

Another easy thing to do is have a drink of water between each bite. The water will fill you up a little faster, which means you won’t be able to eat as much, which means you won’t store as much fat.

I hope I have enlightened you a bit and start eating a little more consciously when you are away from home.

Today I am cooking one of my favorite recipes, a beautiful prawn stir fry.

The ingredients for the dish are 1kg of raw peeled and tailed green prawns, 1 head of garlic peeled and finely chopped, 4 red chillies laminated with seeds, 5 peeled and chopped golden onions, 2 peeled and chopped red onions, 5 large roma tomatoes thinly sliced ​​lengthwise, 250g baby Roma tomatoes also thinly sliced ​​lengthwise, a little extra virgin olive oil to coat the bottom of a large saucepan and peanut oil to lightly coat the pan for the prawns.

Now take a large saucepan and place it over medium heat. Add enough oil to cover the bottom of the pan. Now add the minced garlic first and stir to coat the garlic for about 1 minute. Next, add the browned onions and stir for 2 to 3 minutes. The red onions and chillies are added at this point of agitation for another 2 minutes. Then layer the tomatoes on top and combine. Put the lid on the saucepan, turn the heat down to low and simmer for about 15 minutes.

To prepare the prawns, fry the prawns in batches in a hot, dry wok until they curl and change colour. As batches cook, add to a bowl lightly greased with peanut oil. When all the shrimp are cooked, return them to the wok to heat through, then add them to the tomato sauce. Simmer for a few minutes and then serve.

You may want to watch the Shrimp Stir Fry video to learn more about this recipe.

Note that I used Roma and Baby Roma tomatoes. You can use one or the other depending on what is available at your grocery store, just try to make them as red as possible as they are more ripe.

Getting a fight club body like Brad Pitt really isn’t that hard.

Yes, you may not have the same genetics, however you can get your best body. In this article we will discuss your diet and exercise routine. When you first look at Brad Pitt, what do you see?

Well, here’s what you don’t see: You don’t see a bloated body on steroids like many of today’s professional bodybuilders. What you see is more of a slim fitness model body. The type of body you might see in an MMA fighter or a special forces soldier.

What I mean by that is that “Brad Pitt’s body” is not oversized but rather muscular… but defined.

Now, before I go any further, let me make one point clear: You can build a fight club body like Brad Pitt’s without going to the gym. The reason I bring this up is because about 78% of the population don’t have time to go to a gym.

All you’ll need to do this workout is a set of resistance bands, adjustable dumbbells, or an isometric/isotonic exerciser.

Brad Pitt’s training schedule

Brad’s training schedule was as follows:

Monday: chest muscles

Tuesday: back muscles

Wednesday: shoulder muscles

Thursday: biceps and triceps muscles

Friday: one hour on the treadmill

Saturday: one hour on the treadmill

Sunday: rest day

Exercises for a fight club body

Here is an example of the exercises you can use for your Monday chest workout:

Incline Chest Press: Pre-fatigue your chest with this great exercise. Also, building your upper pectoral muscles will give your chest a fuller, higher appearance.

Bench Press – You want to perform this exercise with a shoulder grip if you are using a barbell. I prefer to use resistance bands because it gives you “dynamic resistance”. Dynamic resistance means that as the exercise begins the level of tension or resistance increases.

Pec Deck/Dumbbell Flyes/Resistance Band Flyes: This exercise will target the outer pectoral muscles. (It’s best if you have a set of resistance bands that comes with a door hook, this will make all of these exercises much easier to perform.)

Push-ups: You will finish your training by doing three sets of as many push-ups as you can. This will break down the chest muscle and cause it to “burn.”

Try this “Fight Club Workout” and you’ll find your chest…within 30 days…easily adding an extra inch of lean, defined muscle.